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Showing 25,901 through 25,925 of 39,831 results

Loving-Kindness in Plain English: The Practice of Metta

by Bhante Henepola Gunaratana

The bestselling author of Mindfulness in Plain English invites us to explore the joyful benefits of living with loving-kindness.With his signature clarity and warmth, Bhante Gunaratana shares with us how we can cultivate loving-kindness to live a life of joyful harmony with others. Through personal anecdotes, step-by-step meditations, conversational renderings of the Buddha’s words in the suttas, and transformative insights into how we live in and relate to the world, we learn that peace here and now is possible—within ourselves and in all our relationships. Bhante G speaks directly to how we can cultivate loving-kindness to find emotional clarity, overcome anger, and become more peaceful—both on and off the meditation cushion.

Low Carb: Leckere Low-Carb-Rezepte

by Translated by Zoe Cross Jason Thawne

Wie Sie wahrscheinlich bereits wissen, funktionieren viele Diäten nicht. Warum nicht? Dies kommt daher, dass viele Diäten einfach die Menge der Nahrungszufuhr beschränken. Mit einfachen Worten, unserem Gehirn gefällt dies nicht. Es ist einfach zu schwierig, Tag für Tag, Woche für Woche Hunger zu leiden. Viele von uns geben dann auf, Diät zu halten, denn ständig hungrig zu sein scheint für uns keine befriedigende Lösung darzustellen. Mit der Low-Carb-Methode gibt es einen einfachen Weg, das Leben zu genießen und dabei nach Lust und Laune essen zu können. Doch Low-Carb bietet darüber hinaus noch eine Reihe von Faktoren, die sich gesundheitlich positiv auf unser Leben auswirken können. Heutzutage enthält unser Essen so viele Kohlenhydrate, dass es kein Wunder ist, wenn so viele von uns unter Wohlstandskrankheiten wie Diabetes, Bluthochdruck, Herz-Kreislaufkrankheiten etc. leiden. Auch wenn Kohlenhydrate eine wichtige Energiequelle für unseren Körper darstellen - die übergroße Aufnahme von Kohlenhydraten als Teil unseres jetzigen Lebensstils ist alles andere als gut für uns. Wenn Sie also Ihren Körper neu programmieren und dabei auch einige Pfunde abnehmen wollen, empfehlen wir Ihnen eine Low-Carb-Diät. Dieses Buch sollten Sie lesen: => Wenn Sie einen leichten Einstieg in die Low-Carb-Methode brauchen => Wenn Sie schnell abnehmen und keine weitere Zeit verlieren wollen => Wenn Sie einfache und geprüfte Rezepte haben wollen, um damit sofort mit der Gewichtsreduktion anfangen zu können. Es gibt viele Vorteile einer Low-Carb-Diät: •Weniger Fette im Körper: Die Diät enthält viel Protein und lässt nicht zu, dass sich Fette im Körper absetzen. •Gesündere Darmflora: Die Low-Carb-Diät, regelmäßig angewendet, stärkt Ihren Darm. •Vitamine und Mineralien: Die Low-Carb-Diät ist voller Vitamine u

Low Carb: Deliziose Ricette a Basso Contenuto di Carboidrati

by Daniela Barbagallo Sam Allan

Ecco a voi il nostro Libro di Ricette a Basso Contenuto di Carboidrati. Cos’è la Dieta a Basso Contenuto di Carboidrati? La Dieta con pochi carboidrati e molte proteine è un modo semplice e salutare per perdere peso e sentirsi meglio. Ti aiuterà a stare bene come mai prima e a perdere peso riducendo il rischio di diabete, ipertensione, malattie cardiache, cancro, osteoporosi e altre malattie. La Dieta a Basso Contenuto di Carboidrati è una dieta sana o dovrò soffrire la fame per dimagrire? Questa dieta ha l’obiettivo di farti perdere peso e tono muscolare con cibi sani e porzioni normali. In questo libro, l’autore propone ricette sane per persone che aspirano ad una vita più sana. In passato le persone non avevano farmaci a disposizione e utilizzavano la dieta per avere un corpo sano. La tua vita sta per ricevere una spinta. Mangiare bene è il modo migliore per difendere il proprio corpo dalle malattie. Questo ricettario sta per arrivare sul tuo tavolo da pranzo e rivoluzionare la tua salute e il tuo benessere! I benefici derivanti da una dieta a basso contenuto di carboidrati sono molti: •Riduzione della massa grassa: la Dieta a Basso Contenuto di Carboidrati è ricca di proteine e fa in modo che la massa grassa non aumenti. •Intestino più sano: seguendo costantemente questa dieta, il tuo intestino sarà più forte. •Vitamine e Minerali: la Dieta a Basso Contenuto di Carboidrati è ricca di vitamine e minerali che ti faranno sembrare più giovane! •Salute cellulare: ogni cellula del tuo corpo è composta da grassi saturi e insaturi. La Dieta a Basso Contenuto di Carboidrati ti aiuterà a bilanciare i grassi rendendo le cellule più sane. •Migliora il tuo cervello: la Dieta a Basso Contenuto di Carboidrati proviene dalla natura. •Digestione e assorbimento migliori: riuscirai a digerire meglio il cibo.

Low Carb: Livro de Receitas Pobres em Hidratos de Carbono (Livro de receitas)

by Leonard Pierce

Livro de Receitas Pobres em Hidratos de Carbono O Livro de Receitas Pobres em Hidratos de Carbono vem com um PRESENTE DESCARREGÁVEL durante um PERÍODO DE TEMPO LIMITADO APENAS! INCLUI mais de 25 Receitas que TEM de experimentar, e que deixarão as suas papilas gustativas a formigar de EXCITAÇÃO!! Procura receitas deliciosas pobres em hidratos de carbono para perder peso? Este livro de receitas simples e fácil tem receitas passo-a-passo pobres em hidratos de carbono que lhe permitirão comer comida saborosa e perder peso! Impressionará os seus amigos e família com estes pratos deliciosos. Os seus problemas foram resolvidos ==> RECEITAS FÁCEIS, PASSO-A-PASSO! Este é o derradeiro livro de receitas pobres em hidratos de carbono. Não tardará para que todos lhe estejam a pedir mais. Com uma boa variedade de receitas pobres em hidratos de carbono, poderá agradar a todos! (Inclui receitas para qualquer ocasião) Este livro expõe a dieta pobre em hidratos de carbono e apresenta vários segredos para a perda de peso, bem como estratégias e dicas para implementar na sua vida com sucesso a dieta pobre em hidratos de carbono. A probabilidade de já ter experimentado uma tonelada de diferentes dietas e estratégias de perda de peso que não resultaram na perda de peso desejada, ou que levou à perda de peso e sua consequente recuperação rápida é elevada. É provável que tenha dado o seu melhor, mas as técnicas simplesmente não funcionaram. Se for este o caso, não tem que se preocupar. Este livro não só fornecerá a informação que necessita sobre a dieta pobre em hidratos de carbono e os seus fantásticos benefícios, como também lhe dará algumas estratégias fáceis e dicas para se livrar sem esforço dos quilos a mais. Ficará contente por saber que a dieta pobre em hidratos de carbono é muito diferente das outras dietas. Foi provado por várias fontes cien

The Low Carb Cookbook & Weight Loss Plan: 21 Days to Cut Carbs and Burn Fat with a Ketogenic Diet

by Pamela Ellgen

Lower carbs and weight with this delicious plan. In The Low Carb Cookbook & Weight Loss Plan, you'll learn how to lose weight on a scientifically-proven low carb, high fat diet. Sounds impossible, but it works (and you get to have bacon!). Discover 120+ recipes specifically designed for the ketogenic diet to help you reach your weight goals—while still loving what you eat. This low carb cookbook and meal plan lays out your first three weeks alongside shopping lists, refrigerator stocking tips, and more. Already on a keto kick? Banish meal boredom with new recipes, complete with macronutrient info. The Low Carb Cookbook & Weight Loss Plan includes: Burn fat the ketogenic way—Learn how to complement your low carbohydrate intake with a boost of high fat foods for optimal weight loss. A clear 3-week meal plan—The 21-day plan in this low carb cookbook includes options for paleo, diabetes-friendly, and low-sodium diets. Over 120 tasty recipes—Enjoy Ricotta-Stuffed Crepes, Curried Chicken Salad, Mint-Marinated Artichoke Hearts, Beef Mushroom Stroganoff, and (yes) Chocolate Chip Cookies. Re-energize your low carb lifestyle with a keto twist. The Low Carb Cookbook & Weight Loss Plan makes it easy and delicious.

Low-Carb Slow Cooker: Quick, Delicious and Sugar-Free Slow Cooker Recipes for All the Family

by Sarah Flower

This beautifully illustrated book contains a wide range of low-carb meals that are particularly suitable for slow cookers. This fuss-free way of cooking enables you to eat well without spending hours in the kitchen, and to come home to a nourishing and healthy meal from a busy day out. The book offers a wide range of recipes, from soups to coq au vin to tomato ketchup.· Quick and easy, but healthy family recipes · Delicious low-carb and sugar-free meals for dieters · Tasty pantry recipes, including sauces, chutneys and conserves.A low-carb and sugar-free diet has been proven to help with weight loss and stop or even reverse many health problems, including Type 2 Diabetes, which can in turn reduce your chances of developing Alzheimer's disease and cancer. This book is suitable for those following a low-carb lifestyle, as well as those following sugar-free, Paleo, LCHF and high-protein ways of eating. Sarah Flower is the author of Slow Cook, Fast Food and The Healthy Slow Cooker Cookbook. As a leading nutritionist and author of The Sugar-Free Family Cookbook, she is a passionate advocate of sugar-free and low-carb eating.

Low-Carb Slow Cooker: Quick, Delicious and Sugar-Free Slow Cooker Recipes for All the Family

by Sarah Flower

This beautifully illustrated book contains a wide range of low-carb meals that are particularly suitable for slow cookers. This fuss-free way of cooking enables you to eat well without spending hours in the kitchen, and to come home to a nourishing and healthy meal from a busy day out. The book offers a wide range of recipes, from soups to coq au vin to tomato ketchup.· Quick and easy, but healthy family recipes · Delicious low-carb and sugar-free meals for dieters · Tasty pantry recipes, including sauces, chutneys and conserves.A low-carb and sugar-free diet has been proven to help with weight loss and stop or even reverse many health problems, including Type 2 Diabetes, which can in turn reduce your chances of developing Alzheimer's disease and cancer. This book is suitable for those following a low-carb lifestyle, as well as those following sugar-free, Paleo, LCHF and high-protein ways of eating. Sarah Flower is the author of Slow Cook, Fast Food and The Healthy Slow Cooker Cookbook. As a leading nutritionist and author of The Sugar-Free Family Cookbook, she is a passionate advocate of sugar-free and low-carb eating.

The Low-FODMAP Diet Step by Step: A Personalized Plan to Relieve the Symptoms of IBS and Other Digestive Disorders--with More Than 130 Deliciously Satisfying Recipes

by Dede Wilson Kate Scarlata

A cookbook dedicated to easy, delicious, everyday recipes for the many sufferers of IBS and other digestive disorders, by a New York Times bestselling author and former Bon Appétit contributing editorDo you suffer from IBS or a chronically sensitive stomach? The culprit may be your diet: many everyday foods contain FODMAPs--a group of carbohydrates that can wreak havoc on your digestive system. Digestive health specialist Kate Scarlata and expert recipe developer Dédé Wilson share their clear, accessible, three-step low-FODMAP diet. Backed by the most up-to-date, sound medical advice, The Low-FODMAP Diet Step by Step walks you through:Identifying FODMAPs and what foods contain themCustomizing your own gut-friendly plan to alleviate painful symptomsUsing an elimination diet to help determine your food triggersStocking your low-FODMAP pantry, with food lists and moreEasy, delicious recipes for every meal, with specific food reintegration tips

The Low-FODMAP Recipe Book: Relieve Symptoms of IBS, Crohn's Disease & Other Gut Disorders in 4–6 Weeks

by Lucy Whigham

This book demystifies the low-FODMAP diet and provides 125 tasty and delicious recipes for a happy gut. Written by a specialist gut dietitian, Lucy Whigham, M Nutr Diet SRD, The Low-FODMAP Recipe Book can help you to take control of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), functional bowel disorder and digestive distress, and can also help those suffering from Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Coeliac Disease and functional symptoms following gastrointestinal surgery. An expert in the low-FODMAP diet and gut disorders, Lucy will help you to understand more about the way your gut functions and what is contributing to your symptoms. FODMAPs (Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Di-saccharides, Mono-saccharides and Polyols) are naturally occurring sugars that are found in a wide range of everyday foods. They are difficult to digest and cannot be completely absorbed by the body - instead they are fermented by bacteria in our gut, causing excessive wind, bloating, pain, abdominal distension, cramping, stomach gurglings, diarrhoea and frequent bowel motions. The low-FODMAP diet: Is the most successful diet for bringing relief to sufferers of IBS. Has been medically proven in rigorous clinical trials to help identify food intolerances and improve symptoms in up to 75 per cent of people with IBS. Is quickly becoming an essential treatment for people with a sensitive gut. Can help in the management of a wide range of stomach troubles and gastrointestinal discomfort. This book is an easy guide to why and how the low-FODMAP diet can help, and includes tables of what foods need to be avoided for the elimination phase and beyond. Empower yourself with the knowledge of exactly which foods cause you problems, putting you in the driving seat and letting you control your symptoms rather than have them control you.

The Low-FODMAP Recipe Book: Relieve Symptoms Of Ibs, Crohn's Disease And Other Digestive Disorders In 8 Weeks

by Lucy Whigham

This book demystifies the low-FODMAP diet and provides 125 tasty and delicious recipes for a happy gut. Written by a specialist gut dietitian, The Low-FODMAP Recipe Book can help you to take control of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), functional bowel disorder and digestive distress. Dietary management is key to managing IBS and other gut disorders. The most successful diet for bringing relief for symptoms such as bloating, abdominal distension, excessive wind, diarrhoea and other digestive issues is the low-FODMAP diet, which has been medically proven in rigorous clinical trials to improve symptoms in up to 75 per cent of people with IBS. Because of the diet's success it is quickly becoming an essential treatment for people with a sensitive gut and can help in the management of a wide range of stomach troubles and gastrointestinal discomfort. The low-FODMAP diet will help you to identify food intolerances, including intolerance of lactose and fructose, and may also be used to help those who are suffering from Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), Coeliac Disease and functional symptoms following gastrointestinal surgery. An expert in the low-FODMAP diet and gut disorders, author Lucy Whigham will help you to understand more about the way your gut functions and what is contributing to your symptoms. This book is an easy guide to why and how the low-FODMAP diet can help, and includes tables of what foods need to be avoided for the elimination phase and beyond. FODMAPs (Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Di-saccharides, Mono-saccharides and Polyols) are naturally occurring sugars that are found in a wide range of everyday foods. They are not fully broken down during digestion and therefore cannot be completely absorbed by the body. Instead they travel through the gut where they are fermented by the bacteria that live in our gastrointestinal tract. In susceptible people (those with a sensitive gut) this fermentation can lead to excessive wind, bloating, pain, cramping and stomach gurglings. FODMAPs also draw water into the gut, which can lead to diarrhoea and frequent bowel motions. Cutting out foods that are high in these fermentable carbohydrates and following a low-FODMAP diet can help you to regain control over your digestive symptoms and thereby improve your quality of life. Once your symptoms are under control you can start to re-introduce FODMAPs to help you identify your individual intolerances and threshold levels. In this way you are empowered with the knowledge of exactly which foods cause you problems, putting you in the driving seat and letting you control your symptoms rather than have them control you.

Lower Your Blood Pressure: A 21-Day DASH Diet Meal Plan to Decrease Blood Pressure Naturally

by Nana Twumasi Jennifer Koslo

Make your healthy heart a habit with the diet and meal plan in Lower Your Blood Pressure. <p><p> As 54% of the 75 million Americans who suffer from hypertension know, leading a heart-healthy lifestyle is easier said than done. Recognizing both the rewards and challenges of dieting to lower your blood pressure, Jennifer Koslo, PhD, RD, CSSD, lays out an effective and easy to follow 21-day DASH diet meal plan to help you start and stick to healthy habits. Featuring over 75 low-sodium, high-potassium, and magnesium-filled recipes, Lower Your Blood Pressure is your kick-start guide to get your heart beating right. <p> Take the pressure out of keeping your sodium levels in check with Lower Your Blood Pressure.

Lucky Broken Girl

by Ruth Behar

In this unforgettable multicultural coming-of-age narrative—based on the author’s childhood in the 1960s—a young Cuban-Jewish immigrant girl is adjusting to her new life in New York City when her American dream is suddenly derailed. <P><P>Ruthie’s plight will intrigue readers, and her powerful story of strength and resilience, full of color, light, and poignancy, will stay with them for a long time. <P><P>Ruthie Mizrahi and her family recently emigrated from Castro’s Cuba to New York City. Just when she’s finally beginning to gain confidence in her mastery of English—and enjoying her reign as her neighborhood’s hopscotch queen—a horrific car accident leaves her in a body cast and confined her to her bed for a long recovery. <P><P>As Ruthie’s world shrinks because of her inability to move, her powers of observation and her heart grow larger and she comes to understand how fragile life is, how vulnerable we all are as human beings, and how friends, neighbors, and the power of the arts can sweeten even the worst of times. <P><P><br><b>Winner of the 2018 Belpre Award</b>

Lunching with Leeches

by Lela Stanley

Most people wouldn't want to be bitten by a leech. But can they be used for good? This article discusses leeches and their history of helping doctors and scientists.

Lung Cancer: A Guide to Diagnosis and Treatment

by Walter J. Scott

What is my prognosis? What are my treatment options? Which therapies would be the most effective for my stage of lung cancer? These and other frequently asked questions are addressed in this crucial reference designed to help patients educate themselves and obtain the best possible treatments. The completely revised second edition has been updated to include a discussion of the movement towards customized chemotherapy; treatment options for early-stage lung cancer including minimally invasive surgery; and the most promising treatments, among them multimodality therapy—a combination of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. Dr. Scott also surveys tests for early detection of lung cancer, talks about the importance of cancer staging, examines alternative treatments, and offers advice on coping with emotions such as "smoker's guilt."

Lung Cancer: From Diagnosis to Treatment

by Walter Scott

According to the American Cancer Society, nearly 220,000 Americans are diagnosed with lung cancer annually. It accounts for nearly 15 percent of all newly diagnosed cancers. If you've been diagnosed, you probably have many questions about the nature of the disease and your treatment options.Walter J. Scott, M.D., has treated thousands of lung cancer patients who have navigated this overwhelming maze of medical tests and procedures. In Lung Cancer: From Diagnosis to Treatment, Dr. Scott helps you understand the process—from getting a diagnosis to going through treatment. He explains topics such as: symptoms of lung cancer, diagnostic tests, types and stages of lung cancer, surgical procedures, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, clinical trials, coping with "smoker's guilt" and more. A book to help you become an informed patient!

Luzca más joven, viva más / Look Younger, Live Longer: Duez pasos para revertir el envejecimiento y vivir una vida plena

by Francisco Contreras

Revierta el envejecimiento y viva una vida vibrante. ¿Es usted una persona nacida durante la explosión demográfica que enfrenta los hechos difíciles del envejecimiento en su propia vida? ¿O es alguien joven y está decidido permanecer así durante el mayor tiempo posible? Génesis 6:3 señala que Dios estableció la duración de la vida humana en ciento veinte años. La investigación científica avanzada ha descubierto muchos de los secretos del envejecimiento, demostrando qu el límite bíblico en cuanto a la edad es correcto. El Dr. Francisco Contreras ofrece investigaciones probadas que mejorarán su salud y tal vez revertirán cualquier enfermedad o dolencia de una vez por todas. Según el Dr. Contreras, usted tiene ahora el poder adecuado para aumentar significativamente la duración de su vida, sentirse mejor y lucir más joven a través de estudios comprobados en temas tales como:EnvejecimientoDieta y pérdida de pesoEstilo de vidaIntervención médica Actitud EspiritualidadNutrición Are you a baby boomer facing the hard facts of aging in your own life? Or are you young and determined to stay that way for as long as possible? Genesis 6:3 suggests that God set the human life span at one hundred twenty years. Breakthrough scientific research has unlocked many of the secrets of aging, proving the biblical age limitation to be correct. Dr. Francisco Contreras offers proven research that will improve your health—and perhaps reverse any illness or disease once and for all. According to Dr. Contreras, you have the power right now to greatly increase your life span and to feel better and look younger.

Mad Diet: Easy steps to lose weight and cure depression

by Suzanne Lockhart

Science reveals the truth about how our food is making us mad and fat. Are you depressed or struggling to lose weight? You are not alone. 1 in 4 people are taking antidepressants and two thirds of us are obese or overweight. Something is clearly very wrong. Mad Diet lifts the lid on what is really going on with our food and provides an easy guide to restoring your mind and waistline.Mad Diet provides a fresh new approach to healthy eating, in a market full of 'gurus' who don't have the scientific knowledge to back up their claims, Suzanne Lockhart provides an accessible, scientific and empowering approach to healthy eating. By detailing how harmful processed foods are, and showing your how to eat better for your body and your mind, Mad Diet enables you to change your outlook on food with positive outcomes for your mental health. As Suzanne says: 'We really are what we eat. If we change what we eat we can change ourselves. And if we do that we might just change the world!'

Mad Diet: Easy steps to lose weight and cure depression

by Suzanne Lockhart

Science reveals the truth about how our food is making us mad and fat. Are you depressed or struggling to lose weight? You are not alone. 1 in 4 people are taking antidepressants and two thirds of us are obese or overweight. Something is clearly very wrong. Mad Diet lifts the lid on what is really going on with our food and provides an easy guide to restoring your mind and waistline.Mad Diet provides a fresh new approach to healthy eating, in a market full of 'gurus' who don't have the scientific knowledge to back up their claims, Suzanne Lockhart provides an accessible, scientific and empowering approach to healthy eating. By detailing how harmful processed foods are, and showing your how to eat better for your body and your mind, Mad Diet enables you to change your outlook on food with positive outcomes for your mental health. As Suzanne says: 'We really are what we eat. If we change what we eat we can change ourselves. And if we do that we might just change the world!'

The Magdalene: Volume II of the O Manucript

by Lars Muhl

‘A story that, for too long, has been crying out to be told’ Henry Lincoln, author of Holy Blood, Holy Grail ‘The heights that the climb may lead you to are in proportion to the depths to which you are willing to delve’ Mary Magdalene is arguably one of Jesus’ best-known disciples and yet we know very little about her. From the writing of the New Testament to the filming of The Da Vinci Code, her image has been repeatedly conscripted, contorted and contradicted. Mary is considered by many as an outcast, underserving of Jesus’s love. In this follow up book to The Seer, we join Lars Muhl as he seeks to find out more about the intimate relationship between Jesus (Yeshua) and Mary Magdalene. This is the story of a forgotten feminine power recounted in parallel to the author’s journey. The Magdalene is the second book in the Grail Trilogy, otherwise known as The O Manuscript

La Magia del Cuarzo Rosa: Conjuros Simples Con Solo Una Piedra

by María Inés Rivas Cynthia Conway

La Magia del Cuarzo Rosa contiene hechizos accesibles que cualquiera puede realizar usando una sola herramienta: una piedra de cuarzo rosa. Ten en cuenta que simplemente tener un cuarzo rosa y decir las palabras no serán suficiente para llevar tus deseos a la fruición. Sigue las instrucciones con cuidado y pasa todo el tiempo que necesites para perfeccionar tu visualización. El cuarzo rosa es simplemente una herramienta - el verdadero poder del hechizo viene de tus intenciones y de tu poder personal.

La Magia del LEREGO

by Víctor Florencio

¡Estoy verdaderamente emocionado! Finalmente te ofrezco mi primer libro. El cual será tan tuyo como mío, y cuando abras sus páginas sabrás el por qué.Este libro lo vamos a escribir tú y yo, capítulo a capítulo, y juntos descubriremos el poder mágico de mi famoso LEREGO. A través de anécdotas de mi vida, recetas y rituales para toda fe y creencia, te voy a contar por qué me llaman El Niño Prodigio, y te voy a ayudar a LEvantarte, REnovarte y GOzar. Con estos tres sencillos pasos y mis experiencias místicas, te diré cómo dirigir tus energías y cómo cambiar aquello que no te gusta o no te sirve. En la vida hay dificultades que no podemos evitar. Sin embargo, te puedo ayudar a sobrellevarlas gracias a una magia que me transmitieron mis seres de luz: la magia del LEREGO. Ahora mismo, ármate de valor y lee cada página con fe y confianza, sin miedo a lo que puedas descubrir dentro de ti. Resguarda este libro en un lugar especial. Lo podrás consultar cada vez que necesites inspiración y una luz en tu camino. La Magia del LEREGO es la fórmula para aquel que necesite una guía espiritual en la vida. Y tú, ¿estás preparado para progresar? Porque estás a punto de comenzar una aventura que te va a cambiar para siempre… ¡Bienvenido a La Magia del LEREGO!

Magia del Quarzo Rosa: Fai Semplici Incantesimi di Magia dei Cristalli con Una Sola Pietra

by Elettra Delle Radici Cynthia Conway

Siete interessati alla magia, ma vi scoraggia la complessità degli incantesimi e una lunga lista di strumenti difficili da trovare? Volete usare la magia per migliorare la vostra vita, trovare l'amore o crescere come persona? Se è così, Magia del quarzo rosa è il libro che fa per voi. Magia del quarzo rosa si concentra su semplici incantesimi che possono essere fatti in modo efficace anche da principianti. Ciascuno di essi usa una pietra di quarzo rosa, uno strumento potente per gli incantesimi d'amore, per il cuore spezzato, le rotture, la bellezza e molto altro. Con una semplice pietra, che ha un costo limitato, e questo libro di stregoneria, potrete fare incantesimi che cambieranno la vostra vita in meglio. Questi incantesimi sono progettati per essere potenti e rivoluzionari, senza che siano necessari rituali complessi, l'esecuzione in determinate fasi della luna o altri elementi che possano mettere in difficoltà i principianti. Questo libro vi darà dei suggerimenti su come scegliere la pietra, come pulirla e caricarla, come preparare il quarzo per un incantesimo e come fare l'incantesimo stesso. Se cercate un modo di iniziare con gli incantesimi di magia, questo libro è un ottimo punto di partenza.

Magic and Witchcraft

by Anonymous

This book of the worthy Church-Counsellor is rather a singular one: it is not a history of Magic, but a sort of spiritual periodical, or magazine of infernal science, supported in a great measure by contributions from persons of a ghostly turn of mind, who, although they affect occasionally to write in a Sadducee vein, are many of them half-believers at heart, and would not walk through a churchyard at night, except for a consideration larger than we should like to pay. The field over which it travels is too extensive, for us to attempt to follow the author throughout his elaborate subdivisions. Dante divided hell, like Germany, into circles; and Mr. Horst, adopting something of a similar arrangement, has parcelled out the territory of the Prince of the Air into sundry regular divisions, by which its whole bearings and distances are made plain enough for the use of infant schools. It is only at one of the provinces of the Inferno, however, that we can at present afford to glance; though for those who are inclined to make the grand tour, the Counsellor may be taken as an intelligent travelling companion, well acquainted with the road. In fact his work is so methodical and distinct, and the geography of the infernal regions so clearly laid down, according to the best authorities, from Jamblichus and Porphyry down to Glanvil and the Abbé Fiard, that the whole district is now about as well known as the course of the Niger; and it must be the traveller’s own fault if he does not find his exit from Avernus as easy as its entrance has proverbially been since the days of Virgil...

Magic in the Modern World: Strategies of Repression and Legitimization (Magic in History)

by Edward Bever Randall Styers

This collection of essays considers the place of magic in the modern world, first by exploring the ways in which modernity has been defined in explicit opposition to magic and superstition, and then by illuminating how modern proponents of magic have worked to legitimize their practices through an overt embrace of evolving forms such as esotericism and supernaturalism.Taking a two-track approach, this book explores the complex dynamics of the construction of the modern self and its relation to the modern preoccupation with magic. Essays examine how modern “rational” consciousness is generated and maintained and how proponents of both magical and scientific traditions rationalize evidence to fit accepted orthodoxy. This book also describes how people unsatisfied with the norms of modern subjectivity embrace various forms of magic—and the methods these modern practitioners use to legitimate magic in the modern world. A compelling assessment of magic from the early modern period to today, Magic in the Modern World shows how, despite the dominant culture’s emphatic denial of their validity, older forms of magic persist and develop while new forms of magic continue to emerge.In addition to the editors, contributors include Egil Asprem, Erik Davis, Megan Goodwin, Dan Harms, Adam Jortner, and Benedek Láng.

The Magic of Food: Live Longer and Healthier--and Lose Weight--with the Synergetic Diet

by Michael T. Murray

The world’s most renowned doctor of natural medicine, co-author of the Encyclopedia of Healing Foods and The Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine (Third Edition), Dr. Michael Murray draws on his extensive knowledge of food as medicine to promote optimum health.Food affects our body, mind, and health in many remarkable ways. And certain foods work together in ways that are almost magical. In this groundbreaking new eating plan, Dr. Michael Murray identifies foods that act together to produce a total effect or force that is greater than the sum of the individual foods—what is known as a synergetic effect. Research shows there’s a tremendous synergetic effect that the healing force of nature exerts through each food and each food component. As the foods work together, they improve your energy and your physical and mental health. Michael Murray’s years of research and clinical experience have led to a definitive understanding of how specific foods affect us. He presents his findings on phytochemicals and other nutrients and why they’re the new “vitamins”; discusses specific healing foods and how to combine them; and explains the principles to follow for eating the most synergetic foods every day. Here also are practical and prescriptive recipes and helpful guidelines for better and delicious eating. All this is in a usable, accessible, entertaining guide that you will turn to again and again as you develop your own personalized program for using food as medicine.

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