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The Little Book of Tidying: Declutter your home and your life (The Little Books)

by Beth Penn

A beautifully colour-illustrated pocket guide to decluttering your home and life by using specific tools and strategies

The Little Book of Tidying: Declutter Your Home And Your Life (Mbs Little Book Of... Ser.)

by Beth Penn

In this age of mass consumerism, we are "stuffocating"; becoming slaves to our possessions. By freeing ourselves from physical and mental clutter, and better managing our schedules, we can focus on what is truly important and discover more time, space and joy. Grounded in solid science and bursting with invaluable tools, activities and strategies, this little book will empower you to discard what you no longer need, regain control of your surroundings and create a happier and more fulfilling life.

Diary Of A Body

by Daniel Pennac

From a particularly humiliating accident at scout camp, to the final stages of terminal illness, Daniel Pennac's warm, witty and heart-breaking novel shows the rise and fall of an ordinary man, told through his observations of his own body.It is with damp eyes (not to mention underpants) that our narrator begins his diary, seeking through it to come to terms with the demoralising quirks of his fleshy confines. Through the joys and horrors of puberty to the triumphs of adolescence, we grow to love him through every growth, leak and wound, as he finds himself developing muscles, falling in love, and then leaving school to join the French Resistance.Yet, as ever, this is only half the story. As years pass and hairs grey, everything he took for granted begins to turn against him. Tackling taboo topics with honesty and charm, Pennac's wit remains sharp even as everything else begins to sag. This is a hugely original story of the most relatable of unlikely love stories: a human, and the body that defines him.Translated from the French by Alyson Waters

The Consciousness Network: How the Brain Creates our Reality

by Cyriel Pennartz

What is the relationship between consciousness and our brain? Are they one and the same? Who are we really? The Consciousness Network presents a novel account of one of the greatest scientific challenges of the twenty-first century: understanding the connection between brain and mind.The book explores remarkable cases of patients who demonstrate how our impression of reality is created by the brain. Age-old questions about dreams, colour perception, phantom sensations and hallucinations are illuminated by surprising discoveries from the latest brain research. How does consciousness differ from memory, emotions and behaviour? How did it develop during the evolution of life on earth, and does it serve a purpose? Does the brain leave room for free will? In this unique blend of philosophy, history, psychology and neuroscience, Cyriel Pennartz breaks new ground by presenting an original theory of brain and mind, substantiated by brain research in patients and healthy people. This theory, inspired by the seventeenth-century philosopher Spinoza, goes significantly deeper than current thinking based on computer models or artificial intelligence.The Consciousness Network is essential reading for students working at the interface of neuroscience, cognitive psychology, philosophy of mind and cognitive science, as well as anyone interested in consciousness and the brain.

Opening Up: The Healing Power of Expressing Emotions

by James W. Pennebaker

Using original research, Dr. James Pennebaker presents astounding evidence for the health benefits of personal self-disclosure, offering sound advice on how each of us can confront and conquer buried turmoil and get on the road to good health.

Writing to Heal: A Guided Journal for Recovering from Trauma and Emotional Upheaval

by James W. Pennebaker

This book takes readers through a series of guided writing exercises that help them explore their feelings about difficult experiences. Each chapter begins with an introduction that explains how to proceed with journal exercises and what they are structured to help accomplish. The exercises leave readers with a strong sense of their value in the world.

Dieta Vegana: Piano alimentare per dimagrire

by Green Pennella

Se state entrando in cucina per la prima volta, dovete prima capire le basi. Questo libro di cucina vi guiderà attraverso ogni singolo passo per diventare cuochi esperti. Per far salire il livello di competenza, dovete iniziare dal primo passo. Questo libro vi guiderà passo dopo passo su come essere dei buoni cuochi, perché se le vostre basi sono forti, nessuno può impedirvi di diventare degli esperti. Questo libro è una guida completa per i principianti per comprendere il concetto di dieta vegana. Potreste voler conoscere la dieta vegana semplicemente per acquisire qualche conoscenza a riguardo o perché volete passare ad essa a causa di problemi di salute ecc. Questo libro segue uno schema completo della dieta vegana per la perdita di peso; i suoi diversi tipi, i motivi per cui le persone lo seguono, i suoi benefici, gli svantaggi, ecc. Per comodità, è stato suddiviso in intestazioni e sottotitoli per facilitare la lettura. Sarebbe la nostra massima gioia avervi insegnato qualcosa di utile dopo aver letto questa guida completa !!

Dieta Vegana: Plan De Comidas Para Adelgazar

by Green Pennella

Si entras en la cocina por primera vez, primero debe comprender los conceptos básicos. Este libro de cocina lo guiará a través de cada paso que conduce a la fase de un cocinero experto. Para subir a las escaleras de la experiencia, debe comenzar desde el primer paso. Este libro lo guiará paso a paso sobre cómo ser un buen cocinero porque si sus conceptos básicos son sólidos, nadie puede impedir que se convierta en un experto. Este libro es una guía completa para que los principiantes entiendan el concepto de dieta vegana. Es posible que desee aprender sobre la dieta vegana simplemente para obtener algún conocimiento al respecto o porque desea cambiar a ella debido a problemas de salud, etc. Este libro sigue un resumen completo de la dieta vegana para bajar de peso; sus diferentes tipos, las razones por las cuales las personas lo siguen, sus beneficios, inconvenientes, etc. Para su comodidad, se ha dividido en títulos y subtítulos para facilitar su lectura. ¡Nos encantaría que aprendas algo productivo después de leer esta guía completa!

Dieta Vegana: Plano De Refeição Para Ficar Esbelto

by Green Pennella

Se você está entrando na cozinha pela primeira vez, então você deve entender o básico primeiro. Este livro de receitas irá guiá-lo através de cada passo que conduz à fase de um cozinheiro especialista. Para subir às escadas da perícia, você tem que começar com o primeiro passo. Este livro irá guiá-lo passo a passo como ser um bom cozinheiro, porque se o seu básico é forte, então ninguém pode impedi-lo de se tornar um especialista. Este livro é um guia completo para o iniciante entender o conceito de dieta vegana. Você pode querer aprender sobre a dieta vegana simplesmente para obter algum conhecimento sobre isso ou porque você quer mudar para ela devido a problemas de saúde, etc. Este livro segue um resumo completo da dieta vegana para perda de peso; seus diferentes tipos, as razões pelas quais as pessoas a seguem, seus benefícios, inconvenientes, etc. Para sua conveniência, foi dividido em títulos e subtítulos para facilitar sua leitura. Seria o nosso maior prazer ter você aprendendo algo produtivo depois de passar por este Guia Completo!! Pegue sua cópia hoje clicando no botão no topo desta página!

Sex 101: A Guide to Intimacy for Newlywed Couples

by Clifford Penner

In Sex 101, renowned sexual counselors and best-selling authors Clifford and Joyce Penner guide you through an encouraging process that begins by dispelling sexual myths and then guides you in getting to know yourself and each other emotionally and physically. Through creative step-by-step exercises and easy-to-understand examples, you'll learn how to: Design a successful honeymoon Prepare for your first sexual time together Create a mutually enjoyable wedding night Get past disappointments Keep the spark alive

Timothy Leary: Early Writings on LSD and Psilocybin with Richard Alpert, Huston Smith, Ralph Metzner, and others

by James Penner

The first collection of Leary’s writings devoted entirely to the research phase of his career, 1960 to 1965 • Presents Leary’s early scientific articles and scholarly essays, including those on the Harvard Psilocybin Project, the Concord Prison Project, and the Good Friday Experiment • With an editor’s introduction that examines the Harvard Drug Scandal in detail as well as a critical preface for each essay On May 27, 1963, Dr. Timothy Leary and Dr. Richard Alpert were dismissed from Harvard University’s Psychology Department--a watershed event marking the moment when psychedelic drugs were publicly demonized and driven underground. Today, little is known about the period in the early 1960s when LSD and psilocybin were not only legal but also actively researched at universities. Presenting the first collection of Leary’s writings devoted entirely to the research phase of his career, 1960 to 1965, this book offers rare articles from Leary’s time as a professor in Harvard’s Psychology Department, including writings from the Harvard Psilocybin Project, the Concord Prison Project, and the Good Friday Experiment. These essays--coauthored with Richard Alpert, Huston Smith, Ralph Metzner, and other psychedelic research visionaries--explore the nature of creativity and the therapeutic, spiritual, and religious aspects of psilocybin and LSD. Featuring Leary’s scientific articles and a rare account of his therapeutic approach, “On Existential Transaction Theory,” the book also includes Leary’s final essay from his time at Harvard, “The Politics of Consciousness,” as well as controversial articles published shortly after his dismissal. With an editor’s introduction examining the Harvard Drug Scandal and a critical preface to each essay, this book of seminal early writings by Leary--appearing in unabridged form--shows why he quickly became an articulate spokesperson for consciousness expansion and an iconic figure for the generation that came of age in the 1960s.

The Ancestral Power of Amulets, Talismans, and Mascots: Folk Magic in Witchcraft and Religion

by Nigel Pennick

• Looks at the age-old spiritual principles, folklore, and esoteric traditions behind the creation of magical objects as well as the use of numbers, colors, sigils, geometric emblems, knots, crosses, pentagrams, and other symbols • Explores hundreds of artifacts, such as hagstones, Norse directional amulets, car hood mascots, objects made from bones and teeth, those connected with plants and animals, charms associated with gambling, and religious relics • Includes photos of artifacts from the author&’s extensive collection Offering an illustrated exploration of the origins and history of amulets, lucky charms, talismans, and mascots, including photos of unique and original artifacts from his extensive collection, Nigel Pennick examines these objects from a magical perspective, from ancient Egypt to the present. He looks at the age-old spiritual principles, folklore, and esoteric traditions behind their creation as well as the use of numbers, colors, sigils, geometric emblems, knots, crosses, pentagrams, and other symbols. Pennick explores magical charms and objects manufactured from bones, teeth, claws, and horns and those that include symbols of the human body. He also discusses religious relics as well as the combining of charms to make more powerful objects, from the bind runes of the Norse and the crowns of ancient Egypt to the Mojo hand and the medicine pouch. Revealing the lasting power of amulets, talismans, charms, and mascots, Pennick shows that these objects and symbols have retained their magic across the centuries.

The Book of Primal Signs: The High Magic of Symbols

by Nigel Pennick

An in-depth study of the sacred meanings behind ancient and enduring symbols • Explains the multiple forms and uses of symbols from ancient times to the present day, reflecting their roots in folk magic and the Western Mystery tradition • Examines more than 40 glyphs, such as the cross, fleur de lis, and pentagram, as well as several families of symbols, such as craftsmen’s marks and runes • Includes more than 300 unique woodcuts, drawings, calligraphy, and photographs--many never before reproduced From ancient rock and cave art to the contemporary brand logos of politics and business, human beings have always created symbols to denote specific ideas, groups, or important objects as well as to convey deeper information than can be communicated in words. Many glyphs have retained their meanings over millennia whereas some have modern meanings vastly different from the original connotation. In this study of symbols, Nigel Pennick explores glyphs as agents of higher consciousness and ports of access to the collective unconscious, acknowledging the continuity of tradition, both deliberate and not, as well as how interpretations of some symbols, such as the swastika, have changed dramatically. With more than 300 unique woodcuts, drawings, calligraphy, and photographs--many never before reproduced--Pennick examines ancient and enduring glyphs in detail, such as the circle, cross, eye, pentagram, fleur de lis, tree of life, and horseshoe, as well as several families of symbols, such as craftsmen’s marks, runes, symbolic beasts, human heads and skulls, and the sigils of Mammon. The author explains the multiple forms and uses of each from ancient times to the present day, reflecting their roots in the Western Mystery tradition. He explores the symbols of high magic such as the glyph of John Dee’s monad, those of folk magic such as the traditional cock on the weather vane, and the creation of modern glyphs such as the peace sign and the anarchy symbol. Contrasting the hi-jacked use of power symbols in modern advertising with the vital role of symbols in traditional arts and crafts, Pennick reveals how symbols link the cosmic with the terrestrial and allow us to infuse the mundane with the numinous.

Creating Places of Power: Geomancy, Builders' Rites, and Electional Astrology in the Hermetic Tradition

by Nigel Pennick

• Explains the ceremonial beginnings and Hermetic principles in the laying out of foundations not only for sacred buildings like temples but also for homes and barns• Examines the principles and ceremonies of electional astrology and details how to compute natural time, as opposed to clock time• Shares examples from ancient Egypt, Iran, India, and Europe that range from the Stone Age to the Renaissance and include secret societiesWhen we make things--whether a building, a sacred space, or a magical object--there is a precise moment when the artifact comes into being as a separate entity. That moment in time possesses its own unique quality, and because of this, there is a right time to do something and a wrong time. And, as Nigel Pennick reveals, we have the power to select favorable moments for our creations, just as our ancestors did. Illustrating ancient principles of divination, chronomancy, and electional astrology, Pennick examines all the factors behind the ancestral art of geomancy: the auspicious creation and alignment of sacred buildings as places of power. Sharing examples from ancient Egypt, Iran, India, and Europe that range from the Stone Age to the modern day, including secret societies like the Rosicrucians and the Freemasons, he explains how many cities were constructed on specially selected sites and founded ritually at precise, predetermined moments. Looking at the traditional rites of creating places of power, Pennick explains the ceremonial beginnings and Hermetic principles in the laying out of foundations as well as the use of sacrifice in the building of many notable structures. Examining the role of sacred geometry in geomancy, Pennick explains the Hermetic meaning assigned to each direction in traditional European cultures as well as the principles of natural measures and the science of understanding lucky and unlucky days. Revealing how geomantic principles are rooted in the structure of the world and the cosmic patterns of space and time, the author shows how they transcend the ages and are just as meaningful today as they were to our ancestors.

Elemental Magic: Traditional Practices for Working with the Energies of the Natural World

by Nigel Pennick

Learn how to use the principles and practices of natural magic for personal development and spiritual empowerment • Offers detailed descriptions of the magical properties of minerals, animals, plants, and the earth&’s cycles and how to use them in your own practice • Explores the magical laws of nature and how to guide your inner energy to work in concert with cosmic energies • Details how to design your own ceremonies, practice elemental meditations, and craft your own magical talismans, wands, and divining rods An expert on European rural folk magic traditions, author Nigel Pennick presents a comprehensive introduction to the principles, rituals, practices, and magical tools required to draw on the magic inherent in the natural world. He explains how people throughout the centuries have built a relationship with the elemental energies around them using simple, everyday practices in order to attune themselves to nature, the seasons, and the cosmos for magical purposes. The author explores earth, mineral, and plant magic as well as the magical properties of the earth&’s cycles and concentrated places of power within the landscape. He examines magical workings with animals, drawing on authentic traditions such as the Toadsmen or Toadswomen, whose power is given by toads, and the Berserker qualities conferred by magical bondings with wild animals like bears and wolves. He explains how to craft your own magical talismans, wands, and divining rods; design your own ceremonies; practice elemental meditations; fortify your health with herbs and crystals; and set an altar with the right food and drink for your intention. Pennick also describes how the practical techniques of natural elemental magic work through interactions between the inner world of the mind and spirit, the outer world, and the otherworldly. He shows that having a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all things and the inner power of these magical elements strengthens the practitioner&’s harmony with nature, and thus their power. By harnessing the elemental energies around us, we can work with nature for personal development, spiritual empowerment, and the successful achievement of our desires

Fortuna: The Sacred and Profane Faces of Luck

by Nigel Pennick

Traces the history of good fortune traditions from sacred divination to modern gambling• Reveals how dice were originally considered sacred objects of divination and details the techniques and meanings of a dice oracle• Looks at medieval grimoires for fortune-telling and other divination traditions, including those using cowrie shells, bones, coins, cards, sticks, and stones• Examines how dice became a means of gaming and gambling and how gambling gave rise to specialized lucky charmsSome believe that our future is predetermined, while others assert that we have free will and our future can take many different courses depending on our actions. In ancient times, it was believed that the will of the gods determined people&’s lives, and divination or sacrifices to the gods could change or improve one&’s future. Of the deities devoted to luck and the future, the Roman goddess Fortuna is most famous, having two shrines in Italy where divination was conducted under her guardianship.Tracing the history of the culture of good fortune from sacred divination to profane gambling, Nigel Pennick explores the many ways people through the centuries have sought to divine the future, ensure protection, and draw the full benefits from days of good omen. He shows how dice were originally considered sacred objects of divination and reveals the divinatory geomancy techniques and meanings of a dice oracle. In addition to dice, he looks at how cowrie shells, bones, coins, cards, sticks, and stones can be used to form meaningful patterns for interpretation and how these cultural divination practices were often accompanied by texts or oral traditions that explained the meanings of the patterns, such as the Chinese I Ching and the West African verses of the Sixteen Cowries. He also looks at medieval grimoires for fortune-telling, lottery books, and dice books.Exploring how dice became a means of gaming and gambling, the author details the forms of trickery and &“crooked dice&” used in games of craps by cheating gamblers and the Dream Books or Policy Books that served as oracles for those who played the &“Numbers Racket.&” He examines how gambling gave rise to specialized lucky charms, luck-ensuring rituals, and even mascots. He also explores the emergence of ideas of randomness as they relate to divination and magic.Revealing how divination and gambling are two sides of the same coin, the author shows how, whether you are a gambler relying on Lady Luck or a diviner querying the gods, we&’re all looking to Fortuna in the quest for a better, richer life.

Magic in the Landscape: Earth Mysteries and Geomancy

by Nigel Pennick

Learn to cultivate a traditional, beneficial relationship with the land by embracing the forgotten practices of our ancestors • Details the ancient art of geomancy and Earth magic, including how to work with ley lines, astrology, and the four directions to honor a space and make it a place of power • Explores the magic of the land around us and how our ancestors interacted with Earth energies and the forces of Nature • Discusses the power of boundaries and magic circles, the proper &“feng shui&” of graveyards and cemeteries, and magically powerful places such as crossroads, fairgrounds, and the mystic triangles found in &“no-man&’s lands&” Our ancestors were deeply aware of the magical power of their local landscape, no matter where they lived. Every interaction with their environment--from building to farming to the layout of ancient cities--took into account terrestrial energies, ancestral memory, and the many seen and unseen presences in Nature. They developed sophisticated procedures for orienting their living spaces and respectfully working with the magic of the landscape. Yet, much of the art of geomancy and of working with the forces of Nature has been forgotten by modern builders, architects, foresters, gardeners, and homeowners. The treatment of land as mere property has led to a loss of its meaning for those who dwell upon it. Our landscape has become disenchanted. In this book, geomancy expert and scholar Nigel Pennick details the ancient and sacred practices of geomancy and Earth magic and reveals how we can reenchant and reconnect to the sacred landscape that surrounds us, whether you live rurally, in the suburbs, or in cities. Pennick begins with a vivid look at our modern &“wasteland&” and what he calls &“the ensouled world,&” with specific examples from Britain and Iceland of our ancestors&’ way of perceiving the world they lived in. Exploring the art of geomancy, he examines how its techniques work with ley lines, astrology, and the old understanding of the four directions and the eight winds to honor a space and make it a place of power. He looks at the power of boundaries and magic circles, including laying ghosts and dismissing spirits, as well as the proper &“feng shui&” for cemeteries and graveyards. The author then takes the reader back into the traditional landscape to discuss magically powerful places, such as crossroads, the occult nature of the &“fairground,&” and the mystic triangles found in what are popularly known as &“no-man&’s lands.&” Revealing how the landscape can be reenchanted, Pennick shows how the magic of place is a living system that each of us can interact with.

Operative Witchcraft: Spellwork and Herbcraft in the British Isles

by Nigel Pennick

A comprehensive look at the history and practices of rural English witchcraft • Explores witch’s familiars and fetches, animal magic, and the forms of witchcraft practiced by rural tradespeople, such as blacksmiths, herbalists, and artisans • Offers practical insight into spells, charms, folk incantations, herbal medicine practices, amulets, sigils, and tools of the craft • Details the evolution of public perception of witchcraft throughout England’s history, including the laws against witchcraft in place until the 1950s and witchcraft’s contentious relationship with the Christian church In this practical guide, Nigel Pennick takes the reader on a journey through the practice of operative witchcraft in the British Isles from the Middle Ages and the Elizabethan era to the decriminalization of witchcraft in the 1950s and its practice today. Highlighting uniquely English traditions, Pennick explores fetches and witch’s familiars, animal magic, and the forms of witchcraft practiced by rural tradespeople, such as blacksmiths, herbalists, and artisans, to enhance their professional work and compel others to do their bidding, both man and beast. He provides actual spells, charms, and folk incantations, along with details about the magical use of a variety of herbs, including nightshades, the creation of amulets and sigils, protection against the Evil Eye, and the use of aromatic oils. Pennick explains the best times of day for different types of magic, how to identify places of power, and the use of the paraphernalia of operative witchcraft, such as the broom, the witches’ dial, and pins, nails and thorns. He explores the belief in three different types of witches: white witches, who offer help and healing for a fee; black witches, who harm others; and gray witches, who practice both white and black magic. Examining witchcraft’s contentious relationship with the Christian church, he investigates the persecution of witches throughout the UK and the British West Indies up until the mid-20th century. He offers a look into the changing public perceptions of witchcraft and the treatment of its followers as well as revealing how English churchmen would offer magical solutions to the perceived threat of black witchcraft. Painting an in-depth picture of English witchcraft, including how it relates to and differs from modern Wicca, Pennick reveals the foundation from which modern witchcraft arose. He shows how this context is necessary to effectively use these ancient skills and techniques and how the evolution of witchcraft will continue harmonizing the old ways with the new.

Pagan Magic of the Northern Tradition: Customs, Rites, and Ceremonies

by Nigel Pennick

A practical guide to the magical history, customs, and practices of pre-Christian Northern Europe • Details the everyday magic of the Northern Tradition, including household magic, protection spells, and the significance of the days of the week • Explores direct natural magic, such as shapeshifting and soul travel, and talismanic or sigil magic, including runes and rituals to unlock the power of crafted objects • Explains how many of these customs continue to the present day In the pre-Christian societies of Northern Europe, magic was embedded in the practical skills of everyday life. Everything in Nature was ensouled with an inner spirit, as was anything made by hand. People believed in magic because it worked and because it was part of the functionality of their day-to-day lives. Many of these practical observances and customs continue to the present day as rural traditions, folk customs, household magic, and celebrations of the high and holy days of the calendar. Exploring the magical pagan traditions of the people now called Celtic, Germanic, Scandinavian, Slavonic, and Baltic, Nigel Pennick examines the underlying principle of the Northern Tradition--the concept of Wyrd--and how it empowers the arts of operative magic, such as direct natural magic and talismanic or sigil magic. Through direct natural magic, individuals can shape shift, journey out of the body, or send one of their three souls (fylgia or “fetch”) ahead of them. Sigil magic involves the powers contained in objects, which can be channeled after the appropriate ritual. Runes are the most powerful sigils in the Northern Tradition and were used to ward off illness, danger, hostile magic, and malevolent spirits. Emphasizing the importance of the cycles of Nature to the tradition, Pennick explores the eightfold sun dials and the four ways the solar year is defined. He looks at the days of the week and their symbolic association with different deities as well as why particular acts are performed on certain days and what the customary lucky and unlucky days are. He also examines sacred spaces, household magic, protection spells, and the role of music in the Northern Tradition. Explaining all the traditional holidays and activities necessary to honor them, Pennick shows how anyone can participate authentically in the magic of the Northern Tradition if they take care to do things properly, with respect, and on the right day.

Runes and Astrology: Symbol and Starcraft in the Northern Tradition

by Nigel Pennick

Explores how runes relate to the cycles of time• Looks at the meanings and temporal qualities of the 24 runes of the Elder Futhark and their rapport with ancient timekeeping and star-reading methods• Examines the runes&’ relationships with the planets, the stars, the seasons, and the precessional year• Provides charts and calculations to discern which rune is the primary influence on a particular day, week, month, season, or year, as well as methods for calculating runic birth charts and runic horoscopesDetailing the significance of natural time cycles in the Northern Tradition, Nigel Pennick explores how the stars, planets, seasons, months, and the precessional year relate to the runes.The author explains how the runes are more than just an ancient European alphabet—they encapsulate particular spiritual and symbolic meanings to individually and collectively express deep eternal truths. Discussing the pagan wheel of the year, whose eightfold path later served the Church as the basis for the eight holy celebrations of its religious calendar, he looks at the meanings and temporal qualities of the 24 runes of the Elder Futhark and their rapport with ancient timekeeping and star-reading methods. He offers charts and calculations to discern which rune is the primary influence on a particular day, week, month, season, or year. He also examines runic elemental and color associations and their esoteric spatial roles, where they represent the four directions, the eight airts, and other cycles critical to understanding the sacred nature of the material world. Exploring runic astrology, Pennick looks at the runes as they relate to the planets and their cycles. He then presents ways to use this knowledge for calculating runic birth charts and runic horoscopes. Revealing the importance of the patterns and cycles of time operating in our world, the author provides a means for reconnecting with these primal principles—which underlie our existence as beings in time—through the ancient wisdom of runes.

Runic Lore and Legend: Wyrdstaves of Old Northumbria

by Nigel Pennick

A practical guide to the Anglo-Saxon Futhark and how runes were used in Old England • Examines the 33 Northumbrian runes of the Anglo-Saxon Futhark, providing the meanings, historical uses, symbolism, and related tree and plant spirits for each • Explores geomancy divination practices, the role of sacred numbers, and the power of the eight airts, or directions • Provides a magical history of Northumbria, as well as a look at the otherworldly beings who call these lands home, including boggarts, brownies, and dragons • Shows how traditional spirituality is intimately tied to the landscape and the cycle of the seasons In the early Anglo-Saxon period, the region of Great Britain known as Northumbria was a kingdom in its own right. These lands, in what is now northern England and southeast Scotland, were the targets of the first Viking raids on Britain. This violent influx, followed by the establishment of trade routes with the Norse, brought the runes to the region, where they intermingled with local magical traditions and legends, resulting in the development of a practical runic wisdom entirely unique to Northumbria. In this guide to the Wyrdstaves, or runic practices, of Old Northumbria, Nigel Pennick examines the thirty-three runes of the Anglo-Saxon Futhark and how they were used in Old England for weaving the web of Wyrd. Sharing runic lore and legends from the area, he explains how the Northumbrian runes are unique because they contain elements from all the cultures of the region, including the Picts, Britons, Romans, Angles, Scots, and Norse. He illustrates how each rune in this tradition is a storehouse of ancient knowledge, detailing the meanings, historical uses, symbolism, and related tree and plant spirits for each of the thirty-three runes. The author describes the Northumbrian use of runes in magic and encryption and explores geomancy divination practices, the role of sacred numbers, and the power of the eight airts, or directions. He also shows how the Northumbrian runes have a close relationship with Ogam, the tree alphabet of the ancient Celts. Providing a magical history of Northumbria, as well as a look at the otherworldly beings who call these lands home, including boggarts, brownies, and dragons, Pennick explains how traditional spirituality is intimately tied to the landscape and the cycle of the seasons. He reveals how the runic tradition is still vibrantly alive in this area and ready for us to reawaken to it.

The Spiritual Power of Masks: Doorways to Realms Unseen

by Nigel Pennick

• Reveals how mask rituals are akin to shamanic journeying and allow the mask wearer to personify an ancestral presence, spirit, deity, or power • Examines animal guising and shows how mask customs are tied to creation myths and the ancestral founders of a people, tribe, city, or nation • Looks at morris dancers and mummers in the UK, Krampuslauf and Perchtenlauf in Germanic areas, the Gorgon myths of Greece, Norse Berserker rituals, and the annual Black Forest rite to awaken ensouled masks every spring There is a spiritual power in masks that transports one into realms unseen and gives voice to things unspoken. Within the context of ritual, putting on a mask places the wearer at the intersection between the present and the past, the living and the dead, this world and the Otherworld. Masks make it possible to activate ancient archetypes, with the mask wearer reanimating or personifying an ancestral presence or spirit, a deity or power, an animal or a being of the eldritch world. In this illustrated study, Nigel Pennick explores the magical and spiritual aspects of mask wearing from ancient times to the present. He examines the many mask traditions around Europe and shows how mask rituals are similar to shamanic journeying and near-death experiences and can induce ecstatic states that allow the power signified by the mask to take possession of the individual wearing it. He also looks at the practice of dressing up as sacred animals and mask wearing as it relates to ostenta, events that occur suddenly and without warning that are considered a token or sign from the Otherworld. Unveiling the sacred power of masks, the author shows how masks allow us to transport into realms unseen, embody ancestors and otherworldly entities, and connect with traditions that stretch back to time immemorial.

Witchcraft and Secret Societies of Rural England: The Magic of Toadmen, Plough Witches, Mummers, and Bonesmen

by Nigel Pennick

A comprehensive account of the rich folk culture preserved in the rural secret societies of the British Isles • Describes the secret rites, ceremonies, and initiation rituals of guilds and rural fraternities such as the Shoemakers, Horsemen, Toadmen, Mummers, and Bonesmen • Explains their use of masks, black face, and other disguises to avoid persecution • Draws not only on scholarly research but also the author’s personal contacts within these still living traditions Centuries ago the remote, marshy plains of eastern England--the Fens--were drained to create agricultural land. The Fens remained isolated up until the nineteenth century, and it was this very isolation that helped preserve the ancient traditions of this area, traditions ruthlessly eradicated elsewhere in the British Isles. These magical folk traditions also owe their survival to secret rural societies, from craft guilds and trade unions to Morris dancers and village bands. Exploring the folk customs and magical traditions of guilds and rural fraternities such as the Shoemakers and Horsemen and the secrets guarded by the Free Gardeners, Witches, Toadmen, and Bonesmen, Nigel Pennick shows how the common working people of the Fens belonged to secret societies based on their specific trade. He details the hidden aspects of rural life that most historians ignore--the magical current that flowed through the lives of working people--and describes the secret rites, ceremonies, oaths, and initiation rituals of the guilds and fraternities to which the folk belonged. Drawing not only on scholarly research but also his personal contacts within these still living traditions, Pennick explains their use of masks, black face, and other disguises to avoid persecution and describes how wise woman healers and witches in rural villages were sought-after for their remedies. He shares the secrets of the toad-bone rite, which gave the Toadman control over animals and members of the opposite sex, and explores the guardian spirits thought to inhabit the Fens, including those of the Wild Hunt. Providing insight into a world that has largely disappeared, one whose magic still echoes in lore and legend, Pennick shows that the rites, customs, and ceremonies of guilds and rural fraternities connect individuals to a wider community and, through collective action, to the power of Nature and the Cosmos.

Black Earth Wisdom: Soulful Conversations with Black Environmentalists

by Leah Penniman

A soulful collection of illuminating essays and interviews that explore Black people’s spiritual and scientific connection to the land, waters, and climate, curated by the acclaimed author of Farming While BlackAuthor of Farming While Black and co-founder of Soul Fire Farm, Leah Penniman reminds us that ecological humility is an intrinsic part of Black cultural heritage. While racial capitalism has attempted to sever our connection to the sacred earth for 400 years, Black people have long seen the land and water as family and understood the intrinsic value of nature.This thought-provoking anthology brings together today’s most respected and influential Black environmentalist voices —leaders who have cultivated the skill of listening to the Earth —to share the lessons they have learned. These varied and distinguished experts include Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award-winning author Alice Walker; the first Queen Mother and official spokesperson for the Gullah/Geechee Nation, Queen Quet; marine biologist, policy expert, and founder and president of Ocean Collectiv, Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson; and the Executive Director of the North Carolina Association of Black Lawyers, Land Loss Prevention Project, Savi Horne. In Black Earth Wisdom, they address the essential connection between nature and our survival and how runaway consumption and corporate insatiability are harming the earth and every facet of American society, engendering racial violence, food apartheid, and climate injustice.Those whose skin is the color of soil are reviving their ancestral and ancient practice of listening to the earth for guidance. Penniman makes clear that the fight for racial and environmental justice demands that people put our planet first and defer to nature as our ultimate teacher.Contributors include:Alice Walker • adrienne maree brown • Dr. Ross Gay • Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson • Rue Mapp • Dr. Carolyn Finney • Audrey Peterman • Awise Agbaye Wande Abimbola • Ibrahim Abdul-Matin • Kendra Pierre-Louis • Latria Graham • Dr. Lauret Savoy •Ira Wallace • Savi Horne • Dr. Claudia Ford • Dr. J. Drew Lanham • Dr. Leni Sorensen • Queen Quet • Toshi Reagon • Yeye Luisah Teish • Yonnette Fleming • Naima Penniman • Angelou Ezeilo • James Edward Mills • Teresa Baker • Pandora Thomas • Toi Scott • Aleya Fraser • Chris Bolden-Newsome • Dr. Joshua Bennett • B. Anderson • Chris Hill • Greg Watson • T. Morgan Dixon • Dr. Dorceta Taylor • Colette Pichon Battle • Dillon Bernard • Sharon Lavigne • Steve Curwood • and Babalawo Enroue Halfkenny

COVID-19: The Postgenomic Pandemic

by Hugh Pennington

Within days of the first reports of patients suffering from a mysterious pneumonia in Wuhan, scientists in China had produced a complete genetic sequence of the virus and confirmed that it was a novel SARS-like coronavirus. The genetic sequence was deposited in a public database, making the genetic code available to scientists anywhere in the world. The result was that weeks before the WHO declared the outbreak a global public health emergency and months before COVID-19 was formally designated a pandemic, virologists around the world were already studying the protein spikes on the virus and designing vaccines, which were developed much more quickly, and turned out to be much more effective, than even the most optimistic had predicted. All of this was possible because a biological revolution had taken place a decade earlier: the world had moved into the postgenomic era. In this book, the distinguished microbiologist Hugh Pennington argues that COVID-19 is the first &‘postgenomic pandemic&’ – that is, the first pandemic to sweep the world after the postgenomic era was initiated in 2008. Pennington explains the science behind this crucial development and shows how it has revolutionized our ways of understanding and dealing with pandemics, including the pandemic that brought our world to its knees.

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