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The Subtle Body Practice Manual: A Comprehensive Guide To Energy Healing

by Cyndi Dale

Cyndi Dale's The Subtle Body has become the go-to reference guide for anyone who wants to learn about the many varieties of energy healing. With The Subtle Body Practice Manual, she offers an equally valuable resource: a practical instruction manual for putting energy healing into action. Filled with lucid information, step-by-step guidance, diagrams, and key insights, here is an expansive how-to manual that covers practices from a vast range of holistic healing and energy medicine traditions, including: The six core energy techniques that every healer should know • Energetic diagnosis practices to determine which kind of modality will be most effective for specific health issues • Setting strong and flexible energetic boundaries, with special guidance for those in the healing professions • Techniques for working with the subtle aspects of the body, emotions, and the subconscious mind • Dozens of practices for healing through the chakras, the meridians, chi, breathwork, auric fields, sacred geometry, acupressure, music, and much more As Cyndi Dale writes, all medicine is energy medicine—which is why subtle energy practices can be used to complement and enhance any approach to healing or self-care. Presented with Cyndi Dale's thorough scholarship and clear writing style, The Subtle Body Practice Manual provides professionals and laypersons alike with an indispensible resource on the many varieties and applications of energetic care—so you can begin using these powerful practices in your own life.

How To Meditate: A Practical Guide to Making Friends with Your Mind

by Pema Chödrön

***How to Meditate Has Been Named One of Library Journal’s Best Books of 2013*** <p> <p> Pema Chodron is treasured around the world for her unique ability to transmit teachings and practices that bring peace, understanding, and compassion into our lives. With How to Meditate, the American-born Tibetan nun presents her first book exploring in depth what she considers the essentials for a lifelong practice. <p> When we look for a meditation teacher, we want someone who has an intimate knowledge of the path. That's why so many have turned to Pema Chödrön, whose gentle yet straightforward guidance has been a lifesaver for both first-time and experienced meditators. With How to Meditate, the American-born Tibetan Buddhist nun presents her first book that explores in-depth what she considers the essentials for an evolving practice that helps you live in a wholehearted way. <p> More and more people are beginning to recognize a profound inner longing for authenticity, connection, compassion, and aliveness. Meditation, Pema explains, gives us a golden key to address this yearning. This comprehensive guide shows readers how to honestly meet and openly relate with the mind to embrace the fullness of our experience as we discover: <p> &#8226The basics of meditation, from getting settled and the six points of posture to working with your breath and cultivating an attitude of unconditional friendliness<br> &#8226The Seven Delights-how moments of diffi culty can become doorways to awakening and love<br> &#8226Shamatha (or calm abiding), the art of stabilizing the mind to remain present with whatever arises<br> &#8226Thoughts and emotions as "sheer delight"-instead of obstacles-in meditation <p> Here is in indispensable book from the meditation teacher who remains a first choice for students the world over. <p> “Pema is one of our most beloved and helpful teachers—practical, compassionate, and wise. How to Meditate is a great way to take her teachings to heart and develop a meditation practice.” —Jack Kornfield, author of A Path with Heart and A Lamp in the Darkness <p> “This new book is a great compilation of meditation instruction which she has personal given to many of her students over the years. These instructions have brought so much help to others that it has made her one of the most loved and revered Buddhist teacher in this modern world. With a brilliant mind and an absolutely cheerful attitude toward life, she practices what she teaches. She is a great support and friend to thousands of readers, and I am very sure that this book will help many in their everyday lives, as she makes this genuine attempt to reach us all.” —Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche

Heal Your Mind, Rewire Your Brain: Applying the Exciting New Science of Brain Synchrony for Creativity, Peace and Presence

by Patt Lind-Kyle

Breakthroughs in the scientific understanding of how the brain works have shown us that our brains are constantly rewiring themselves in response to events in our lives. This handbook applies this new science in practical ways, by giving us a training program to re-pattern our behavior and thereby change the ways our brain is wired. It interrupts our suffering, sharpens our mental abilities and corrects our cognitive imbalances. As we learn these mental skills, the neural patterns of our brains begin to change and we literally reprogram the neural networks through which information and energy flows. If you've heard about neuroplasticity, epigenetics, psychoneuroimmunology and other scientific advances, but didn't know how you could apply these breakthroughs to improve your life, you will find Heal Your Mind, Rewire Your Brain a treasure trove of resources. It provides a clear, step-by-step program that shows you how to correct the imbalances of the stressed-out brain, and install a peaceful state of mind.

Ethics Handbook For Energy Healing Practitioners

by David Feinstein

Ethical principles are far more than mere rules or regulations - they are maps for bringing out your best as a caregiver and healer. Responding to a lack of articulated or standardized ethical guidelines for energy healing practitioners, David Feinstein, PhD, and Donna Eden developed a professional curriculum that has become one of the country's most successful and effective energy medicine certification programs. Now, this comprehensive, case-oriented guide allows veterans of the field and newcomers alike to work through a wide range of ethical dilemmas before they arise, helping you to prevent professional errors that could hurt you, your clients, and your practice.

Clinical EFT Handbook Volume 1: A Definitive Resource For Practitioners, Scholars, Clinicians And Researchers (Clinical Eft Handbook Ser.)

by Dawson Church Stephanie Marohn

EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques or "tapping") is used by an estimated 10 million people worldwide. Yet a lack of standardization has led to a field in which dozens of forms of EFT, with varying degrees of fidelity to the original, can be found. This led to the establishment of Clinical EFT, the form of EFT taught in the original EFT Manual and associated materials, and validated in over 20 clinical trials. In this volume, the most noted scholars, researchers and clinicians in the field compile a definitive outline of the EFT protocol, as it is applied in medicine, psychiatry, psychotherapy, and life coaching. This first volume covers • Biomedical and Physics Principles • Psychological Trauma • Fundamental Techniques of Clinical EFT. This series of handbooks is essential reading for anyone wishing to understand EFT as validated in research, science, and best clinical practice.

EFT for Weight Loss

by Dawson Church

Weight loss is one of the most frustrating problems imaginable. People trying to lose weight usually fail, and most wind up weighing more than before. Not with EFT! Several studies show that by using the method in this book, called "Clinical EFT" because it's the only version of EFT validated in dozens of clinical trials, you can lose weight, and keep it off permanently. One study found that people lost an average of 11 lb. in the year after a Clinical EFT weight loss program. In this book you'll hear from dozens of people who lost weight successfully with EFT. Their deeply moving stories tell how many other parts of their lives improved too, from skin tone to marriage, from self-confidence to financial abundance. That's because EFT, also called Tapping, eliminates stress. Author Dawson Church has conducted many scientific studies of EFT. These show that Clinical EFT reduces cortisol, your main stress hormone, while lowering anxiety, depression, and pain, leading to long-term weight loss. Clinical EFT has been used successfully by thousands of people to lose those unwanted pounds without expensive drugs or risky surgery, and is your proven solution to keeping weight off permanently. When you experience the simple, powerful, science-based solutions in these pages, you'll understand why tens of thousands of people like you have made EFT for Weight Loss the best-selling book on the subject ever published.

The Genie in Your Genes: Epigenetic Medicine And The New Biology Of Intention

by Dawson Church

Author Dawson Church applies the insights of the new field of Epigenetics (epi=above, i.e. control above the level of the gene) to healing. Citing hundreds of scientific studies, he shows how beliefs and emotions can trigger the expression of DNA strands. He focuses on a class of genes called Immediate Early Genes or IEGs. These genes turn on within a few seconds of a stimulus. They can be triggered by thoughts or emotions ("I loved that unexpected gift of roses Bill gave me" or "I'm so mad about what Uncle John said at the Christmas party"). Many IEGs are regulatory genes turn on other genes that affect specific aspects of our immune system, such as the production of white blood cells that destroy attacking bacteria and viruses. Epigenetics thus influences our health every day. <P><P> He coins the new term "Epigenetic Medicine" to describe healing techniques with epigenetic effects. He also summarizes the science behind the infant fields of Energy Psychology and Energy Medicine, both of which offer promising epigenetic medical therapies, and describes a few of the thousands of powerful personal breakthroughs that are being achieved by therapists, doctors and lay people praticing these techniques. The Genie in Your Genes shows that there is a sound theoretical framework, based on credible experiments, for understanding these astonishing results, and predicts that the insights of Epigenetic Medicine will dramatically advance the fields of both medicine and psychology in the coming decade. <P><P> Best of all, The Genie in Your Genes demonstrates that, by taking control of our consciousness and using it to influence our genetic expression, we can sometimes bypass years of therapy, as well as harmful drugs and invasive surgeries, to, in effect, do continuous genetic engineering on our own bodies. This can produce both immediate relief from long-standing anxieties and neuroses, as well as "miraculous" healing of persistent physical conditions, especially autoimmune diseases. <P><P> Among a new crop of books that chart the way to a positive health future, The Genie in Your Genes stands out as a solidly grounded and exciting pointer to the future possibilities of a medicine that links soul to body and mind.

Soul Medicine: Awakening Your Inner Blueprint For Abundant Health And Energy

by Dawson Church

The cutting edge of medicine today is not to be found in invasive therapies like drugs and surgeries. It is in the disciplines that used to be regarded as "soft" medicine: prayer, intention, energy healing, acupressure, and similar therapies. Overwhelming evidence from hundreds of scientific studies are showing that these safe, non-invasive approaches are often more effective, sometimes many times more effective, than conventional medicine.Two of the pioneers in the field, Dr. Norman Shealy, founder of the American Holistic Medical Association and world-famous neurosurgeon, and Dr. Dawson Church, one of the foremost writers and researchers in vibrational healing, and the editor or author of many books on the subject, explain the fundamentals of energy medicine, its many applications to common ailments, and the latest scientific research.

EFT for Meditation

by Charles B. Crenshaw Carol E. Crenshaw

EFT for Meditation, by lifelong meditators and certified EFT practitioners Carol E. Crenshaw and Charles B. Crenshaw Jr., combines EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) tapping with meditation for the enhancement of both modalities. Those who meditate know that many obstacles to calming the mind and relaxing the body arise during meditation. EFT can help clear those obstacles by releasing doubts, fears, and emotional disturbances, enabling the meditator to gain the full body-mind-spirit benefits of meditation. Likewise, meditation facilitates the EFT process by bringing the contents of the unconscious to the surface, exposing the limiting beliefs and disturbing memories that are hindering one’s living to one’s full potential. Identifying such obstacles to full potential is integral to EFT, and meditation can speed the process. EFT for Meditation, unique among books on meditation or on EFT, has equal value for advanced meditators, beginning meditators, those with advanced EFT skills, and those learning or new to EFT. Hundreds of studies show the healing benefits of meditation and EFT when practiced alone. Combining both produces a powerfully transformative effect.

EFT for Cancer

by Deborah D. Miller Stephanie Marohn

EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is a self-help tool to alleviate the emotional, mental, and physical struggles that come with cancer. EFT will support you every step of the way on your cancer journey, from diagnosis and decision-making through treatment and recovery.EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), commonly called tapping, is an invaluable tool for anyone who is dealing with cancer. Research has shown that it is an effective method for alleviating emotional and psychological upsets as well as physical pain. With all of these factoring into the cancer experience, adding EFT to your healing program is a form of self-care you can implement today. EFT will support you every step of the way on your cancer journey.EFT combines acupressure (tapping on the points) and psychology's exposure therapy and cognitive behavior therapy (focusing on whatever is distressing you). It is easy to learn and apply. EFT for Cancer gives you everything you need to start using EFT now, providing simple instructions, tapping scripts for the myriad issues that arise with cancer, case histories throughout the book showing you how other people have used EFT to deal with their cancer, plus information on the science of EFT as an evidence-based practice.The 14 chapters in the book detail how you can use EFT to address the gamut of cancer experiences: diagnosis shock, common emotions such as fear and anger, physical pain, dealing with medical decisions and treatment, relating to loved ones, asking for and accepting support, clearing regrets, improving body image and self-esteem, talking about your condition, clearing obstacles to healing, special issues women and men with cancer face, death and dying, and self-care for supporters and caretakers, as well as how to use EFT with children.

Hartman's Nursing Assistant Care: Long-Term Care (2nd edition)

by Hartman Publishing

Welcome to the world of health care. Health care is a growing field. The healthcare system refers to all the different kinds of providers, facilities, and payers involved in delivering medical care. Providers are people or organizations that provide health care, including doctors, nurses, clinics, and agencies.

Workbook for Hartman's Nursing Assistant Care: Long-Term Care (2nd edition)

by Hartman Publishing

Welcome to the Workbook for Nursing Assistant Care: Long-Term Care This workbook is designed to help you review what you have learned from reading your textbook. For this reason, the workbook is organized around learning objectives, just like the textbook and even your instructor's teaching material. These learning objectives work as a built-in study guide. After completing the exercises for each learning objective in the workbook, ask yourself if you can DO what that learning objective describes. If you can, move on to the next learning objective. If you cannot, just go back to the textbook, reread that learning objective, and try again. The answers to the work¬book exercises are in your instructor's teaching guide.

Hartman's Nursing Assistant Care: The Basics (3rd edition)

by Hartman Publishing

Welcome to the world of health care. Health care happens in many places. Nursing assistants work in many of these settings. In each setting similar tasks will be performed. However, each setting is also unique. This textbook will focus on long-term care

Workbook for Hartman's Nursing Assistant Care: The Basics

by Hartman Publishing Staff

Designed to help students review what they have learned from reading the textbook, the workbook is organized around Learning Objectives, which work like a built-in study guide. Multiple choice, true/false, crosswords, word searches, critical thinking scenarios, and other activities test the students knowledge of each chapter.

Hartman's Nursing Assistant Care: Long-term Care and Home Care (Second Edition)

by Hartman Publishing

The second edition of Hartman Publishing's most comprehensive nursing assistant training textbook includes information on long-term care, as well as multiple chapters on home health care, and some material on subacute and acute care. This edition of the textbook contains: - In-depth information on resident and client rights and special boxes throughout that teach ways to promote independence and prevent abuse and neglect - New information on person-centered care and culture change - Up-to-date, comprehensive material on infection prevention - Many new photos and more website resources - Material on anatomy and physiology with an emphasis on normal changes of aging and observing and reporting - Updated nutrition information on MyPlate, special diets, and feeding techniques - Current information on legal issues, such as HIPAA, the Patient Self-Determination Act, and the Elder Justice Act - 7 chapters on home health care, including information on medications, safety, infection prevention, mothers & newborns, and meal planning and preparation - 1 chapter containing subacute and acute care information, including pre- and post-operative care, as well as mechanical ventilation, chest tubes, and artificial airways - Chapter-ending material which develops critical thinking, as well as tests the chapter - Significantly expanded testing section available to instructors, including 31 chapters exams, two final exams, and a critical thinking exam, along with a practice exam for students taking the certification test - A table of procedures, common abbreviations list, a special appendix with a math review, and a glossary

Hartman's Nursing Assistant Care: Long-Term Care

by Susan Alyare Hedman Jetta Fuzy Suzanne Rymer

A comprehensive nursing assistant training textbook which includes information on long-term care, multiple chapters on home health care, and material on subacute and acute care. In addition it includes in-depth information on resident and client rights with sidebars that teach ways to promote independence and prevent abuse and neglect; a discussion of culture change; infection prevention; anatomy and physiology with an emphasis on normal changes of aging; updated nutrition information on MyPyramid, special diets, and feeding techniques; current information on legal issues, such as HIPAA and the Patient Self-Determination Act; 7 chapters on home health care, including information on medications, safety, infection prevention, mothers & newborns, and meal planning and preparation; a chapter containing subacute and acute care information, including pre- and post-operative care, as well as mechanical ventilation, chest tubes, and artificial airways.

Hartman's Nursing Assistant Care: The Basics

by Hartman Publishing

The fifth edition of Hartman Publishing's briefest nursing assistant training textbook just 10 chapters contains essential information for working in long-term care. Information is explained in everyday language, with a focus on helping students pass the certification exam. Many new full-color photographs and illustrations reinforce the content. This textbook contains the following: Material organized by body system this includes each system's structure and function, normal changes of aging, how the nursing assistant can help with normal aging changes, observing and reporting, and common diseases and care guidelines Issues relating to Residents' Rights and person-centered care emphasized throughout in special boxes Up-to-date, comprehensive material about infection prevention New information about electronic documentation More information regarding mental health disorders Updated information about hypertension and new material about obtaining an electronic blood pressure reading New icon to indicate the skills that have a corresponding video Comprehensive nutrition information, including MyPlate material, updated special diets section, and feeding techniques Current information about legal issues, such as HIPAA and advance directives Many new website resources throughout and a comprehensive community resources box Significant testing section for instructors, including 10 chapters exams, two final exams, and a critical thinking exam, along with a practice exam for students taking the certification test A table of procedures, common abbreviations list, and a glossary

Gluten-Free Slow Cooking: Over 250 Recipes of Wheat-Free Wonders for The Electric Slow Cooker

by Ellen Brown

The only gluten-free slow cooker cookbook available, from acclaimed author Ellen Brown, featuring 150 original recipes. Celiac disease shouldnt hold you back from the diversity of cooking Whether you are strictly wheat-free, or just watching your diet, this book is the first of its kind, specializing in gluten-free slow cooking. Ellen Brown, the author of the highly acclaimed "Complete Idiots Guide to Slow Cooker Cooking" and "Gluten Free Christmas Cookies," has created more than 150 new and original recipes for the first book to meet the needs of anyone suffering from gluten intolerance.

Gluten-Free Christmas Cookies

by Ellen Brown

Eating during the holidays is tough enough without having to watch your wheat intake. Gluten-Free Christmas Cookies takes the worry out of indulging in the season's favorite snack! Who knew gluten free could be so yummy? Whether you're one of the 3 million Americans with celiac disease or just looking for more healthful food choices during the holidays, Gluten Free Christmas Cookies fits the bill! Along with 125 delicious recipes, including chocolate chip, butter cookies, classic peanut butter, this book gives information on gluten-free basics, creating a gluten-free kitchen, information on gluten-free flours, and more. Celiac disease, which occurs when sufferers eat products containing wheat, rye, or barley, is one of the most common chronic health disorders in western countries. In most cases, treatment with a gluten-free diet leads to a full recovery from celiac disease. The recipes are simple, quick, and made with readily available ingredients found in all grocery stores.

Healthy Detox Slow Cooking

by Dominique Devito

Combining nutrient-rich, whole food cleansing with convenience, this collection of low-calorie recipes for the electric slow cooker enables a healthy way of detoxing, that is, without fasting, skipping meals, or relying on supplements.Rid your body of toxins, lose weight, and satisfy your taste buds with the help of Healthy Detox Slow Cooking. This cookbook contains over 120 delicious and nutritious recipes to help you detox while still nourishing your body, and giving you more time do things outside of the kitchen. A common misconception about detoxing is that it requires taking to extremes, such as fasting, liquid dieting, and buying expensive vitamins, supplements and other so-called "miracle drugs." However, they key to a healthy detox can actually be found in lean protein, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains- rich in essential vitamins and antioxidants. When prepared in a slow cooker, the dishes will be so tasty that you'll forget they are free of extra dressings, sauces and preservatives.

The Boys Body Book: Everything You Need to Know for Growing Up! (Boys and Girls Body Books)

by Kelli Dunham Steve Bjorkman Robert Anastas

Everything is changing! How will you survive this crazy time in your life? This #1 bestselling book made just for boys contains all of the guy stuff you need to know about growing up, even the embarrassing stuff. Author and nurse Kelli Dunham covers everything from body changes to planning for college, giving pre-teen boys the answers they need to prepare for puberty and beyond. <p><p> Kelli Dunham, RN, BSN, is a nurse, stand-up comic, and author of How to Survive and Maybe Even Love Nursing School, How to Survive and Maybe Even Love Your Life as a Nurse, and The Boy’s Body Book: Everything You Need to Know for Growing Up You, also published by Applesauce Press. She has worked as a primary care and home visiting nurse with first-time new moms. She has lived in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Ohio, Oklahoma, Florida, Portland, Oregon, New York, and on a houseboat in Philadelphia. In her spare time she likes to read, skateboard, and she would really, really like to learn to play the banjo. <p><p> Steve Bjorkman has illustrated over 100 picture books for children, as well as doing advertising, editorial and packaging illustration. He works with his brother doing greeting cards for Recycled Paper Greetings. To date, well over one hundred million cards with his art have sold around the world.

The Girls Body Book: Everything Girls Need To Know For Growing Up!

by Kelli Dunham Laura Tallardy Robert Anastas

"What is happening to my body?" "How do I fit in?" "Why is everything different?" <P><P> These questions, along with others, leave pre-teen girls feeling confused and parents wondering what to do next. From periods to peer pressure, puberty is hard! The newly updated fifth edition of The Girl’s Body Book helps prepare girls and their parents for the ups and downs of puberty, middle school, and everything in between, This guide for pre-teen girls addresses issues like changing bodies, personal hygiene, self-confidence, leadership, school safety and #MeToo. This updated fifth edition book for girls is expanded to include topics like: - Cyberbullying and internet safety - Emotional health and self-esteem - Stress management - Personal boundaries and communication - Sports and leadership - and MORE <P><P> The Girl’s Body Book helps prepare girls for puberty and beyond. Kelli Dunham, RN, BSN is a nurse, a comedian, and author of three other books: How to Survive and Maybe Even Love Nursing School, How to Survive and Maybe Even Love Your Life as a Nurse, and The Boy’s Body Book: Everything You Need to Know for Growing Up You, also published by Applesauce Press. In her spare time, she likes to read, skateboard, and embarrass her niece Viola when the whole family goes to the supermarket.

Clara Barton: Civil War Hero and American Red Cross Founder

by Susan E. Hamen

Teen biography of Clara Barton.

Gardening for a Lifetime: How to Garden Wiser as You Grow Older

by Sydney Eddison

From the winner of the National Garden Club's Award of Excellence Although the garden may beckon as strongly as ever, the tasks involved—pulling weeds, pushing wheelbarrows, digging holes, moving heavy pots—become increasingly difficult, or even impossible, with advancing age. But the idea of giving it up is unthinkable for most gardeners. So what’s the alternative? In Gardening for a Lifetime, Sydney Eddison draws on her own forty years of gardening to provide a practical and encouraging roadmap for scaling back while keeping up with the gardening activities that each gardener loves most. Like replacing demanding plants like delphiniums with sturdy, relatively carefree perennials like sedums, rudbeckias, and daylilies. Or taking the leap and hiring help—another pair of hands, even for a few hours a week, goes a long way toward getting a big job done. This new edition features an additional chapter describing how Sydney’s struggles with hip and back problems forced her to walk the walk. As a friend of hers says, “Last summer you wrote the book. Now, I’m happy to see that you’ve read it.” Gentle, personable, and practical, Gardening for a Lifetime will be welcomed by all gardeners looking to transform gardening from a list of daunting chores into the gratifying, joyful activity it was meant to be.

The Herbal Apothecary: 100 Medicinal Herbs and How to Use Them

by Jj Pursell

“A brilliant addition to any library.” —Rosemary Gladstar, herbalist and bestselling author More and more people are exploring the healing possibilities of plant-based medicines, and health shops across the country now stock their shelves with natural remedies, but treatments can easily be made at home. The Herbal Apothecary profiles 100 of the most important medicinal plants with striking photographs and step-by-step instructions for making herbal teas, tinctures, compresses, and salves to treat everything from muscle strain to the common cold or anxiety. This holistic guide also includes advice for the home gardener on growing and foraging for medicinal plants. Incorporating traditional wisdom and scientific information, The Herbal Apothecary provides an accessible and comprehensive introduction to plant-based medicine. With the guidance of naturopath JJ Pursell, herb enthusiasts can learn how to safely create their own remedies using plants they know and love.

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