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Cider Vinegar

by Margaret Hills

Fully updated in a new, contemporary edition - the bestselling guide to cider vinegar, and its role in reducing pain and improving mobility. Hundreds of thousands of people with arthritis have been helped by the Margaret Hills Clinic and by Margaret's bestselling book, Treating Arthritis: The Drug-free Way. Cider vinegar is a cornerstone of the treatment protocol, and this companion title has been completely updated with all-new recipes featuring this amazing natural product, in addition to suggesting a wide variety of other uses, all of which can help to reduce arthritic pain and joint stiffness. Embracing the simple principles that make this drug-free protocol so effective, this book will help you to make cider vinegar a regular part of your daily diet, and offer insight into just why it is so effective. In addition to reducing inflammation and improving mobility, cider vinegar can aid with weight loss - it can also replace many of the chemically-derived products in your home, or in your personal care routine, making your environment a healthier and potentially much less toxic one. The very many recipes in this book all feature the wonder ingredient that is cider vinegar, and they all cater for vegetarians and vegans. There are recommendations for those managing auto-immune conditions such as coeliac disease, or food allergies, and the emphasis throughout is on fresh, raw, local ingredients.Cider Vinegar complements Margaret Hills' renowned Treating Arthritis programme to offer gentle, natural and manageable steps to reduce pain and improve mobility.

Cinemastrology: The Movie Lover's Guide to the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars

by Stella Wonderly

Picking your perfect flick can be an overwhelming experience. But fear not! Cinemastrology answers a question that has stumped even the most avid film buff for over a century: "What movie should I watch?"From contemporary comedies to Hollywood classics, from date movies to adrenaline fests, Cinemastrology is your guide to the art of selecting viewing based on your astrological sign. It includes profiles of all the sun signs and offers an extensive list of movie recommendations for each, complete with descriptions, behind-the-scenes stories, and insights into the unique qualities of each sign, from Aries to Pisces. Sections covering the stars that light up the screen and sign-compatible suggestions based on the sign of your partner or film-viewing friend round out Cinemastrology.Getting started is easy! All you need is a birthday and a passion for movies.

Circling the Elephant: A Comparative Theology of Religious Diversity (Comparative Theology: Thinking Across Traditions #8)

by John J. Thatamanil

Christian theologians have for some decades affirmed that they have no monopoly on encounters with God or ultimate reality and that other religions also have access to religious truth and transformation. If that is the case, the time has come for Christians not only to learn about but also from their religious neighbors. Circling the Elephant affirms that the best way to be truly open to the mystery of the infinite is to move away from defensive postures of religious isolationism and self-sufficiency and to move, in vulnerability and openness, toward the mystery of the neighbor.Employing the ancient Indian allegory of the elephant and blind(folded) men, John J. Thatamanil argues for the integration of three often-separated theological projects: theologies of religious diversity (the work of accounting for why there are so many different understandings of the elephant), comparative theology (the venture of walking over to a different side of the elephant), and constructive theology (the endeavor of re-describing the elephant in light of the other two tasks).Circling the Elephant also offers an analysis of why we have fallen short in the past. Interreligious learning has been obstructed by problematic ideas about “religion” and “religions,” Thatamanil argues, while also pointing out the troubling resonances between reified notions of “religion” and “race.” He contests these notions and offers a new theory of the religious that makes interreligious learning both possible and desirable.Christians have much to learn from their religious neighbors, even about such central features of Christian theology as Christ and the Trinity. This book envisions religious diversity as a promise, not a problem, and proposes a new theology of religious diversity that opens the door to robust interreligious learning and Christian transformation through encountering the other.

Clean: The New Science of Skin

by James Hamblin

A preventative medicine physician and staff writer for The Atlantic explains the surprising and unintended effects of our hygiene practices in this informative and entertaining introduction to the new science of skin microbes and probiotics. Keeping skin healthy is a booming industry, and yet it seems like almost no one agrees on what actually works. Confusing messages from health authorities and ineffective treatments have left many people desperate for reliable solutions. An enormous alternative industry is filling the void, selling products that are often of questionable safety and totally unknown effectiveness. In Clean, doctor and journalist James Hamblin explores how we got here, examining the science and culture of how we care for our skin today. He talks to dermatologists, microbiologists, allergists, immunologists, aestheticians, bar-soap enthusiasts, venture capitalists, Amish people, theologians, and straight-up scam artists, trying to figure out what it really means to be clean. He even experiments with giving up showers entirely, and discovers that he is not alone. Along the way he realizes that most of our standards of cleanliness are less related to health than most people think. A major part of the picture has been missing: a little-known ecosystem known as the skin microbiome—the trillions of microbes that live on our skin and in our pores. These microbes are not dangerous; they&’re more like an outer layer of skin that no one knew we had, and they influence everything from acne, eczema, and dry skin to how we smell. The new goal of skin care will be to cultivate a healthy biome—and to embrace the meaning of &“clean&” in the natural sense. This can mean doing much less, saving time, money, energy, water, and plastic bottles in the process.Lucid, accessible, and deeply researched, Clean explores the ongoing, radical change in the way we think about our skin, introducing readers to the emerging science that will be at the forefront of health and wellness conversations in coming years.

CLEAN 7 \ El Metodo Clean 7 (Spanish edition): Detoxifica y rejuvenece tu cuerpo en tan sólo siete días

by Alejandro Junger

El autor superventas según el New York Times, Dr. Alejandro Junger, nos regala en esta secuela de su programa oficial de desintoxicación un sistema detallado, personalizado y científicamente aprobado para deshacernos de las toxinas de nuestro cuerpo en una semana. Sin importar dónde vive, qué edad tiene o de qué padece: en tan solo siete días podrá cambiar el curso de su salud para siempre. Este revolucionario programa de desintoxicación de siete días es la culminación de treinta años de investigación, educación y práctica por parte del Dr. Alejandro Junger. Está basado en los principios básicos de la medicina funcional, la medicina Ayurvédica y los ayunos intermitentes. Cada una de estas prácticas por sí misma puede ayudarnos a conseguir positivos y duraderos resultados, pero, al practicarlas todas juntas, ayudan a que nuestros cuerpos se pongan saludables, pierdan peso, se libren de síntomas y se restauren.El aire que respiramos, el agua que bebemos y en el que nos bañamos, los productos de belleza que utilizamos, los detergentes con los que limpiamos, los medicamentos que tomamos, pero, sobre todo, los alimentos que consumimos están llenos de sustancias tóxicas que causan todo tipo de disfunciones. Esto ya lo sabemos, pero nos sentimos impotentes ante sus efectos: el estreñimiento, los dolores corporales, las alergias, las migrañas, las subidas de peso, el insomnio, la depresión y la ansiedad son alguno de ellos. Dejados al azar, estos síntomas pueden transformarse en auténticas enfermedades; algunas podrían, incluso, cambiarle la vida a uno, pero en hasta en los mejores casos, nos dejan sintiéndonos incómodos e indispuestos. EL MÉTODO CLEAN 7 es una solución viable y científicamente aprobada para combatir este exceso. Este programa de siete días le guiará en su día a día, e incluso por hora, gracias al plan de comidas y las deliciosas recetas que le ofrece para garantizar su éxito.«Todo lo que necesita saber está en estas páginas y dentro de una semana se sentirá no solo increíble, sino que lucirá mejor físicamente, tendrá la mente más nítida y entenderá cuales alimentados trabajan para usted y cuales no. Podrá descubrir esto por sí mismo sin acudir a costosas y, a menudo, inexactas pruebas de alegría. EL MÉTODO CLEAN 7 es la inspiración saludable que ha estado esperando.» Alejandro Junger, MDSi ha estado buscando un libro o un programa para llevarlo al próximo nivel con su salud a nivel general, EL MÉTODO CLEAN 7 es la solución. ¡Descubre lo que es estar realmente saludable!ALEJANDRO JUNGER, M.D. nació y se graduó de la escuela de medicina en Uruguay. Es el autor superventas de Clean y Clean Gut elogiado por el New York Times. Terminó su entrenamiento en medicina interna en el hospital New York University Downtown junto con su beca de investigación en cardiología en el hospital Lenox Hill. Después de su entrenamiento médico, estudió medicina oriental en India. El Dr. Junger es el fundador de Clean, una compañía de bienestar que ayuda a las personas a vivir más sanamente al orientarlos a través de programas focalizados. Vive en Los Ángeles con su esposa y tres hijos. Puede leer más acerca de él en:

The Clean-Eating Kid: Grocery Store Food Swaps for an Anti-Inflammatory Diet

by Jenny Carr

For those with children who suffer from chronic health conditions like sensory conditions, ADD or ADHD, depression, anxiety, asthma, autoimmune disorders, diabetes, arthritis, respiratory conditions, poor digestion, food allergies, obesity, or developmental learning disorders, The Clean-Eating Kid reveals how all of those conditions may share the same root: inflammatory eating. Jenny Carr, health coach and international best-selling author of Peace of Cake: The Secret To An Anti-Inflammatory Diet shows parents, grandparents, and pediatricians how replacing inflammatory foods with alternatives that kids (or kids at heart) love is the single most effective way to begin reversing chronic symptoms. Jenny has designed a streamlined approach to anti-inflammatory eating for children by focusing on one simple food group: processed sugar. In The Clean-Eating Kid, Jenny outlines the steps to allow children to experience natural, health-based fat loss, stop cravings in their tracks, help children find their own motivation for eating an anti-inflammatory diet, and navigate events like holidays and birthday parties. The Clean-Eating Kid also includes over 30 grocery store food swaps for cake mixes, cookies, breads, pizza, and more and guides readers to making anti-inflammatory eating a movement for the whole family.

Clean Mind, Clean Body: A 28-Day Plan for Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Self-Care

by Tara Stiles

"An easy reset for feeling and living better." — DEEPAK CHOPRA"Tara makes purposeful self-care easy and enjoyable!" — DAPHNE OZA life-changing detox for body and mind that will transform your daily routine and your habits, from wellness expert and Strala Yoga founder Tara Stiles.Most of us are constantly plugged in and stressed out—tethered to our phones and e-mail, overworked and inactive at our desk jobs, and out of touch with what our bodies and our brains really need. Clean Mind, Clean Body is the ultimate reset button, an immersive experience in mental and physical self-care that will transform your daily routine and your habits. In Clean Mind, Clean Body, Tara leads readers on a 4-week detox for body, mind, and spirit that can be done easily at home, and that covers:WEEK 1 - MENTAL CLEANSE – Eliminate toxic relationships, create a home sanctuary, and unplug from devices.WEEK 2 – SPIRITUAL CLEANSE – Establish a meditation practice, slow down, and live with intention.WEEK 3 – CHANGE THE WAY YOU EAT – Embrace an East Meets West diet, eat clean, and love your body.WEEK 4 – CHANGE THE WAY YOU MOVE – Redefine exercise, get outside, and embrace the power of rest.Packed with ancient healing practices adapted for modern living and clean living rules for life, Clean Mind, Clean Body is your personal blueprint for physical and spiritual realignment.

Cleanse Your Body, Reveal Your Soul: Sustainable Well-Being Through the Ancient Power of Ayurveda Panchakarma Therapy

by Judith E. Pentz

Discover how to heal emotional wounds on the cellular level and become more spiritually aware in this mix of spiritual guide and travel memoir.Psychiatrist Judith E. Pentz, MD, travels to Nagpur, India, to study 5,000-year-old Ayurvedic Panchakarma detoxification and rejuvenation therapy in a quest to provide enhanced holistic wellness treatment for her patients.Part travel memoir and part spiritual guide, Cleanse Your Body and Reveal Your Soul is one woman’s transformative quest with Ayurvedic Panchakarma (a fivefold detoxification treatment involving massage, herbal therapy and other procedures) and the profound shifts that led to some sustainable, substantial life changes.Dissatisfied with a mainstream psychiatric practice, Dr Pentz heads to India, where she undergoes an ancient, rejuvenating cleanse. Dr Pentz’s narrative offers a compassionate and compelling path for Western audiences and the Ayurveda-curious. Complete with healing oils, Ayurvedic daily rituals and yoga poses, she supplements her journey with tips about preventive lifestyle changes that promote sustainable wellbeing.Inside, find definitions, quizzes and wisdom, as well as chapters like:Cellular Shift: the science behind Panchakarma and cellular changeFood As Medicine: tips about one of the central tenets of Ayurveda, food is healing, and maintaining an Ayurvedic dietThe Dish on Doshas: facts that illuminate concepts around the three doshas?vata, pitta, kapha?your constitutional and functional intelligencePraise for Cleanse Your Body, Reveal Your Soul“Combining ancient wisdom with stories form her own deeply person journey toward healing, Dr. Pentz skillfully guides the reader through an immersive eight-day program of cleansing, meditation, and massage that will enhance physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Strongly recommended.” —James Lake, MD, integrative psychiatrist, author“Judith is a wise and kindred spirit who will take you on a journey to your most ground, most spiritually aware self. This book has all the science and all the soul you’ll need to restore a sustainable sense of self-care in your life.” —Joan Borysenko, PhD, New York Times–bestselling author of Minding the Body, Mending the Mind

The Clear Light: Spiritual Reflections and Meditations (An Eckhart Tolle Edition)

by Steve Taylor

As Eckhart Tolle has written, poetry &“has been recognized since ancient times as a highly appropriate medium for the expression and transmission of spiritual truth.&” The Clear Light is Steve Taylor&’s latest contribution to this poetic tradition, offering short and powerful reflections as a guide to spiritual awakening and as experiential glimpses of the state of enlightenment itself. Taylor ranges widely, through subjects including &“Making the Human Race Whole,&” &“Freedom from the Past,&” and &“The Reality of Connection,&” always in clear and simple language. Best of all, he reminds us of the choices we always have when life feels chaotic and overwhelming: empathy, acceptance, and love. Soothing but also challenging, Taylor&’s words continually affirm the profound bedrock of peace and even joy in the present that is always available. The book&’s eponymous reflection says it best: There is nothing that can&’t be undone — no past injury that can&’t be healed no past mistake that can&’t be corrected — in the clear light of the present. Reading this book is a transformational spiritual experience in itself.

Clinical Oncology: Basic Principles and Practice

by Peter Hoskin

This popular textbook provides a clear and comprehensive introduction to the principles and practice of clinical oncology. Ideal for medical undergraduates, clinicians and other health professionals who want to increase their understanding of the challenges of managing patients with cancer, the book enables readers to learn and then test themselves on all aspects of cancer medicine, from epidemiology, aetiology, pathogenesis and presentation, through to diagnosis, staging, management and prognosis.

Close Your Eyes, Lose Weight: Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind in 12 Weeks to Eat Healthy, Feel Great, and Lov e Your Body with the Groundbreaking Power of Self-Hypnosis

by Grace Smith

Wall Street Journal bestseller If dieting always seems to fail . . .If you can't stick to a workout routine . . .If you lose weight just to gain it back immediately . . .Your subconscious might be the problem. Forget everything you think you know about hypnosis based on party tricks and television silliness. Genuine hypnotherapy is a serious, scientifically proven method of influencing our hard-to-reach subconscious. Many people are skeptical at first, but if nothing you've tried has worked, you owe it to yourself to try an approach that has helped thousands around the world.Close Your Eyes, Lose Weight uses the scientifically proven process of hypnotherapy to empower you to lose weight for healthful reasons. Guided exercises recondition your mind to let you effortlessly: • Eat mindfully • Overcome addictions to sugar and carbs • Stop binge eating • Heal body dysmorphia • Release emotional weight Rather than simply aiming for a number on the scale, Close Your Eyes, Lose Weight helps you achieve the self-confidence to love yourself enough to appreciate your incredible body and the conviction to live your life with pride. World-renowned hypnotherapist Grace Smith will give you the tools you need to train your subconscious mind to eat only the foods that nourish your body, mind, and life.

Close Your Eyes, Sleep: Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind in 6 Weeks to Fall Asleep Naturally and Wake Up Energized with the Groundbreaking Power of Self-Hypnosis

by Grace Smith

The number one cause of insomnia is fear of insomnia. You toss and turn at night, trying to quiet your thoughts enough to fall asleep. Or you wake up hours before your alarm and stare at the ceiling, hoping that this time you'll manage just a little bit more rest before sunrise. Either way, it's actually your fear of not getting enough sleep that's keeping you awake. The only way to finally get a good night's sleep is to retrain your subconscious mind and eliminate that fear. Grace Smith, world-renowned hypnotherapist and author of Close Your Eyes, Get Free, has helped hundreds of people do exactly that. Using the phenomenally successful power of hypnosis, Close Your Eyes, Sleep teaches you to access your subconscious and get your long-needed rest. The first step is learning the tools to block out your anxieties to fall asleep quickly and easily at any time of night. But hypnotherapy can take you farther than that: you'll discover how to proactively attack the causes of sleepless nights, ridding yourself of restlessness altogether and achieving the deep, restorative sleep you deserve.

Coaching e guarigione: 5 strumenti chiave per la crescita personale

by Eva Lekunberri Goienetxe

Un viaggio attraverso il coaching olistico e la natura che ci offre strumenti chiave per la crescita personale. Basato sull'esperienza dell'autrice, ci coinvolge nel mondo dell'autocoscienza, della connesione con la natura e del raggiungimento del benessere per vivere la vita in modo più completo.

Code Red: Know Your Flow, Unlock Your Superpowers, and Create a Bloody Amazing Life. Period.

by Lisa Lister

Your period has power. Embrace your natural cycle, work with your hormones and connect to the innate feminine wisdom of your menstrual cycle.Your period is way more than PMS, carb cravings and lady rage - it's actually a 4-part lady code that, once cracked, will uncover a series of monthly superpowers that can be used to enhance your relationships with others, build a better business, have incredible sex and create a 'bloody' amazing life.Code Red, from the Creatrix of, Lisa Lister, is a call to action. A rallying cry that dares you to explore, navigate and most importantly, love your lady landscape.You'll learn how to live and work in complete alignment with the rhythms of nature, the moon and your menstrual cycle, be inspired by insights from Wise + Wild Women like Meggan Watterson, Alexandra Pope and Uma Dinsmore Tuli, and gain access to easy-to-follow strategies and SHE Flow yoga practices. You'll be invited to connect with your true nature as a woman, tap into the transformational power of your innate feminine wisdom and use your menstrual cycle as an ever-unfolding map to crack your lady code.

CÓDIGO DE AYUNO INTERMITENTE Y CONCISO La auto-curación con el ayuno intermitente

by Laura Jason

Este libro contiene información destinada a ayudar tanto a los lectores como a los consumidores para que estén mejor informados acerca la curación y la pérdida de peso usando los principios del Ayuno Intermitente y Extendido.

Coeliac Disease: What You Need To Know

by Alex Gazzola

'A must-have for sufferers, medics, caterers and restaurant staff' - Ian MarberThis authoritative, accessible and supportive book will help you to find out if you or child need to avoid gluten, and how to set about getting a diagnosis. If you do need to avoid gluten - or if you already know you or a family member are coeliac - it will help you to understand labelling, to shop safely (and affordably), to eat out without fear, and to make the best healthy, wheat-free choices for your diet. There is plenty of psychological and emotional support, and insight into managing everyday challenges, from safe travel to personal care and other non-food exposures. The book also gives some insight into the latest research into coeliac disease, and possible future developments for managing the condition, giving continued hope that the newest, groundbreaking therapies may transform the lives of coeliacs ten years hence. Practical, readable and formally endorsed by Coeliac UK, this book is indispensable for anyone seeking the very latest information and advice on how to live the best possible gluten-free life.

Cognition in 3E: Multidisciplinary Perspectives (Studies in Applied Philosophy, Epistemology and Rational Ethics #56)

by Tommaso Bertolotti

This book originated at a workshop by the same name held in May 2018 at the University of Pavia. The aim was to encourage a cross-disciplinary discussion on the limits of cognition. When venturing into cognitive science, notwithstanding the approach, one of the first riddles to be solved is the definition of cognition. Any definition immediately sparks the ascription debate: who/what cognizes? Definitions may appear either too loose, or too demanding. Are bacteria included? What about plants? Is it a human prerogative? We engage in the quest for artificial intelligence, but is artificial cognition already the case? And if it was a human prerogative, are we doing it all the time? Is cognition a process, or the sum of countless sub processes? Is it in the brain, or also in the body? Or does it go beyond the body? Where does it start? Where does it end? We tried answering these questions each from our own perspectives, as philosophers, ethnographers, psychologists and rhetoricians, handing each other our peculiar insight.

Come sopra, così sotto: La mia vita come adepto

by Seila Orienta

Autobiografia di un ermetico: Questa autobiografia mostra un resoconto della vita dell'adepto. Seila Orienta parla apertamente di importanti e interessanti traguardi della sua vita come gli incontri con l'ordine magico, le visite alle sfere, ai domini di geni negativi, gli studenti di Orienta e la Bardon League che fondò negli anni '80 e alcune precedenti incarnazioni dell'autore. La prima parte del libro è puramente autobiografica mentre la seconda parte descrive le intuizioni che l'autore ha raccolto durante la sua vita ermetica. Nella seconda parte del libro, i capitoli includono e trattano di demonologia, degli elementi, di Cristo, Shiva, dell'amore, del credo, dello spirito custode e di molti altri argomenti interessanti. Questo libro completa notevolmente tutti gli altri libri di questo autore. Nel corso della sua vita, Seila Orienta ha sempre posto i bisogni degli altri prima dei suoi. Il lettore capirà quanto l'autore ha dovuto subire a causa di malattie e disgrazie finanziarie. Eppure non si è mai lamentato o ha chiesto assistenza finanziaria. Tutta la sua conoscenza e il suo aiuto lo hanno distribuito liberamente senza esitazione agli studenti bisognosi.

Comfort Touch® Nurturing Acupressure

by Mary Kathleen Rose

This comprehensive textbook is designed to inform the caregiver who is interested in bringing the benefits of touch to a broad range of people in need. It will give the reader the confidence to practice this nurturing form of acupressure in a variety of settings, including hospices, hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, and home care.<P><P> The practitioner can learn techniques that are safe and appropriate for the population for whom conventional massage may cause discomfort or even injury. It will give the reader an understanding of the physical and emotional needs of the elderly and those suffering from chronic illness and/or injury. The book is ideal for massage practitioners and students as well as nursing and allied health professionals.

Coming Home to Yourself: A Meditator's Guide to Blissful Living

by Osho

A beautifully illustrated collection of mindfulness exercises for grounding, relaxation, and finding inner peace, from legendary spiritual guru OshoAll of us have experienced moments of "coming home"--feeling relaxed, grounded, free of the restlessness that characterizes so much of our everyday lives. These moments can arise in nature or in the depths of an activity we enjoy, alone or together with people we love. They show us that we are exactly where we are supposed to be.The meditations in Coming Home to Yourself were selected from Osho's hundreds of public talks and intimate conversations. These passages are designed to be a companion on the journey toward transforming our rare moments of "at-home-ness" into an undercurrent that permeates all aspects of our lives. They offer guidance about meditation and specific techniques to try, insights into the habits that keep us tense and conflicted, and what life might look like if we recognize those habits and let them go. Exercises include activating your awareness, opening the heart, learning to relax and concentrate in order to reap the benefits of meditation, and freeing the brain from mental blocks. Featuring whimsical full color illustrations throughout, Coming Home to Yourself invites the reader to dip into the meditations at any point or read the book in sequence for a true homecoming experience.

Coming Up for Air

by Nicole B. Tyndall

For fans of Nina LaCour and The Spectacular Now, a powerful coming-of-age story about a girl with creative aspirations and the boy who charms his way into her life, centering on themes of addiction, loss, and the tumultuousness of first love--and how to find strength when everything falls apart.Ever since her mom's cancer scare, Hadley hasn't been one for taking risks. And after seeing her sister go through one too many heartbreaks, she definitely has no interest in dating. Hadley just wants to keep her head down and enjoy the rest of high school with her friends, focusing on her photography and getting into the art school of her dreams. Then enters Braden, star of the swim team and precisely the kind of person Hadley avoids, all bravado and charm and impulsivity. From their first moment together, they are perfect sparring partners, equally matched. And it's intoxicating. Braden sees her, really sees her, and Hadley decides it might be time to break all her rules. Braden shows Hadley how to live again, and soon Hadley is happier than she'll ever admit out loud. But that's before her family is faced with devastating news, and Braden starts hiding a growing, dark secret. As it threatens to shatter everything they've built, Hadley must confront her own actions and determine if she has the strength to walk away.

Comment j'ai guéri ma tension artérielle ?

by Sudhir Dixit

Comment j'ai guéri ma tension artérielle ? de SUDHIR DIXIT Combattre avec la nourriture, le yoga et le pranayama ! Un livre qui vous motive à retrouver votre santé ! Si vous souffrez d'hypertension, vous n'êtes certainement pas le seul. Dans le monde, des milliers et même des millions en souffrent. Selon les statistiques de 2017, 1,1 milliard de personnes souffrent d'hypertension ou d'hypertension artérielle. Les hommes ont tendance à faire face au danger d'hypertension artérielle plus que les femmes, ainsi que les problèmes cardiaques. Que Dieu bénisse les hommes ! Et s'il vous plaît, faites quelque chose pour que les femmes soient plus gentilles, car elles sont responsables de plus de la moitié de nos chagrins d'amour ! Chez 90% des patients, les raisons d'hypertension ne sont pas connues. Il n’est donc pas du tout étonnant que votre médecin ne soit pas à 100% sûr du traitement à vous prescrire. Comment voulez-vous qu’il arrive à vous donner le bon remède s’il n’est pas sûr de la cause de votre problème. Le médicament contre l'hypertension devient alors votre compagnon à vie. N’en voulez à votre médecin, il ou elle essaie de prolonger votre vie. Soyez reconnaissant, mais ne vous attendez pas à ce qu'il/elle vous dise : « Maintenant, vous n’avez plus besoin de prendre votre médicament pour la PA. » Bienvenue dans le monde de l'hypertension artérielle ! De plus, l'hypertension artérielle n'a pas de symptômes visibles, d'où le surnom de « tueur silencieux ». Selon l'Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS), l'hypertension artérielle est la cause de 7,5 millions de décès, soit environ 12,8% du total des décès dans le monde. En 2016, l'hypertension a tué 1,6 million de personnes en Inde. Oups ! Oh, mon Dieu, un tiers de ces personnes ne savaient même pas qu'elles souffraient d'hypertension et qu’elles ont mourraient. Leur ignorance leur a fait payer le prix. Socrate a dit : « Apprends à te connaitre ! »

Common Sense Metaphysics: Essays in Honor of Lynne Rudder Baker (Routledge Festschrifts in Philosophy)

by Luis R.G. Oliveira; and Kevin J. Corcoran

This book celebrates the research career of Lynne Rudder Baker by presenting sixteen new and critical essays from admiring students, colleagues, interlocutors, and friends. Baker was a trenchant critic of physicalist conceptions of the universe. She was a staunch defender of a kind of practical realism, what she sometimes called a metaphysics of everyday life. It was this general "common sense" philosophical outlook that underwrote her famous constitution view of reality. Whereas most of her contemporaries were in general given to metaphysical reductionism and eliminativism, Baker was unapologetic and philosophically deft in her defense of ontological pluralism. The essays in this book engage with all aspects of her unique and influential work: practical realism about the mind; the constitution view of human persons; the first-person perspective; and God, Christianity and naturalism. Common Sense Metaphysics will be of interest to scholars of Baker’s work, as well as scholars and advanced students engaged in research on various topics in metaphysics, philosophy of mind, philosophy of language, and philosophy of religion.

Communicable Diseases: A Global Perspective (Modular Texts)

by Roger Webber

Completely updated and revised, and now published in its sixth edition, this best-selling text has provided an essential overview of the subject for almost 25 years. A comprehensive yet synoptic account of communicable diseases, it covers theory, epidemiology and control, then systematically groups diseases by their main means of transmission. There are special chapters on infections in pregnancy and the concern of new and emerging diseases, and an annex lists all 353 diseases in an easy reference table. This edition includes updates to all chapters and a new section on melioidosis. It: - Provides information concisely so it can be found at a glance. - Includes numerous clear diagrams, bullet points and tables for rapid review and learning. - Contains a new full-colour internal design and online lecture slides to facilitate teaching. Communicable Diseases continues to provide an essential resource for doctors, medical students and all those in public health, and for healthcare workers needing a comprehensive yet concise practical text.

Communication Skills for the Health Care Professional: Context, Concepts, Practice, and Evidence

by Gwen van Servellen

Communication Skills for the Health Care Professional addresses the connection between communication practices and quality patient care outcomes. It provides future and practicing patient caregivers in all specialties and services with basic communication knowledge and skills and is an invaluable resource for those in administrative functions as well. The Third Edition is a thorough revision that features many new chapters while also combining other chapters for a text that can be used in a single semester course.

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