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Showing 39,651 through 39,675 of 39,810 results

Relaxercise: The Easy New Way to Health and Fitness

by David Zemach-Bersin Kaethe Zemach-Bersin Mark Reese

The Extraordinary Exercise Program based on the Revolutionary Body-Improvement System developed by Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais. With these brief (ten to thirty minutes) exercises, anyone can learn to improve their posture, flexibility, and physical comfort, and end the energy drain caused by muscular tension. This popular application of techniques -- never before available in such an easy-to-use form -- targets such key areas as the lower back, shoulders, neck, spine, eyes, feet, and jaw. Enhanced vitality and elimination of pain and stress will be yours through these thoroughly researched and patient-tested techniques that actually reprogram the neuromuscular system.

Consciousness: A User's Guide

by Adam Zeman

This engaging and readable book provides an introduction to consciousness that does justice both to the science and to the philosophy of consciousness, that is, the mechanics of the mind and the experience of awareness. The book opens with a general discussion of the brain and of consciousness itself. Then, exploring the areas of brain science most likely to illuminate the basis of awareness, Zeman focuses on the science of sleep and waking and on the science of vision. He describes healthy states and disorders--epilepsy, narcolepsy, blindsight and hallucinations after stroke--that provide insights into the capacity for consciousness and into its contents. And he tracks the evolution of the brain, the human species, and human culture and surveys the main current scientific theories of awareness, pioneering attempts to explain how the brain gives rise to experience. Zeman concludes by examining philosophical arguments about the nature of consciousness. A practicing neurologist, he animates his text with examples from the behavioral and neurological disorders of his patients and from the expanding mental worlds of young children, including his own. His book is an accessible and enlightening explanation of why we are conscious.

Rebuild: Five Proven Steps to Move from Diagnosis to Recovery and Be Healthier Than Before

by Robert Zembroski

A diagnosis should not be your destiny.In this manifesto for taking charge of your own health, a cancer victor and specialist in functional medicine provides a unique program that gets to the root of your chronic health issues.After conquering a life-threatening disease, Dr. Robert Zembroski—“Dr. Z,” as his patients call him—challenged himself to thrive in the wake of devastating illness. Now, in Rebuild, he offers a comprehensive plan developed from years of both personal and professional experience. As Dr. Z says, “What I did for myself and my patients, this book can do for you.”Rebuild provides simple yet proven guidelines to ensure that what you eat, how you exercise, and how you manage other aspects of your lifestyle contribute to your personal recovery and to the level of health you want to achieve. Dr. Z’s advice is radically practical: no fads and no extremes; just sound, actionable strategies rooted in real science. Leveraging cutting-edge research in epigenetics and the root causes of chronic illness, Rebuild can help you prevent disease and aid your recovery from cancer, heart disease, diabetes, autoimmune disease, and other chronic health issues. Dr. Z gives you expert advice to look beyond confusing medical opinions and diagnostic errors in order to take full control of your own health. Rebuild is a must-read for those who know there is more they can do—if they can find the right tools—to get from diagnosis back to optimal health.

Ansia: Ansia: Mettete fine all'Ansia Sociale, allo Stress e alla Depressione e Fuggite Oggi

by Tao Zen

Ciò che ho scoperto durante il mio viaggio è che la semplicità è la chiave. C'è una tendenza a credee che dal momento che i nostri problemi sono rimasti con noi così a lungo, la soluzione ad essi deve essere complessa e/o difficile da applicare. In base alla mia esperienza, posso dire con sicurezza che la vera ragione per cui non siamo in grado di trovare una soluzione ai nostri problemi è che le soluzioni sono così semplici da essere da noi completamente sottovalutate. Solo perchè qualcosa suona semplice non significa che non sia efficace. Tieni questo a mente quando leggi il resto di questa guida. Cara Ansia è un resoconto in prima persona dello straordinario viaggio di guarigione di John da una crisi esistenziale così profonda lasciata da molti terapeuti incapaci da dove era iniziata. Dopo molti anni di tentativi infruttuosi di risolvere l'ansia debilitante e la depressione che è seguita, John finalmente incontrò un terapeuta di talento che desiderò e fu capace di andare con lui nelle profondità complesse del recupero necessario per la guarigione, ed egli condivide quel viaggio con noi in dettagli a volte rivelatori e altre volte inquietanti.

The Self-Health Revolution

by J. Michael Zenn

Newly revised and updated, this electrifying guide has been praised by doctors, health experts, and readers who have taken their own self-health challenge. Describing himself as “an ordinary guy who discovered an extraordinary secret,” which he now feels compelled to share with everyone, J. Michael Zenn completely changed his own life when he began a quest to get healthy. With some simple but profound improvements to his diet and everyday habits, Zenn lost fifty pounds and six inches off his waist and—within just a few months—felt and looked younger than he had in two decades. So he quit his job and spent a year reading 200 books and interviewing experts in order to write about the powerful message he calls “the self-health revolution.” In this inspiring book, Zenn reveals: • The hidden ingredient in our food that makes us fat • The Tsunami of Diabesity (obesity + diabetes) that threatens our health, our health-care system, and our economy • Three simple things you can do to get fit and stay thin • A forgotten remedy that can get rid of your aches and pains • One thing you can do now to help extend your life • The little-known reason most people feel tired and run down • How unhappiness and stress can take years off your life • The Number 3 killer that nobody wants to talk about • A cure that your doctor may not know about or can’t tell youNow you can join the revolution of self-health throughout America. Take the 10-day challenge. You’ll lose weight, keep it off, feel better, and have more energy than you thought possible.

Teoría de todo, de Jed McKenna--La perspectiva iluminada

by Maria-Teresa Zenteno Jed Mckenna

Los libros de Jed McKenna son lectura obligada para cualquier persona que no tenga miedo de ir donde la investigación honesta le conduzca, y nadie que sea serio acerca de su espiritualidad puede permitirse no leerlos. El lema de Wisefool Press es "La búsqueda ha terminado". Hay buenas razones para decir eso. Algunos lectores se han referido a los últimos libros de Jed como "los últimos libros espirituales que una persona necesitará leer", y también hay buenas razones para ello. La conclusión es que la espiritualidad tiene una cuestión fundamental que responder y Jed nos muestra dónde se encuentra.

Change Your Mind, Heal Your Body

by Benjamin Zephaniah Anna Parkinson

Your body is trying to tell you what's wrong! A successful journalist-turned healer describes her innovative system of healing through the lens of her own self-healing journey. Parkinson was a busy workaholic reporter who yearned to leave her stressful job when she was diagnosed with a mysterious tumor behind her carotid artery. At first she pursued the traditional medical route, but after a series of frustrating mishaps with the medical system, she began to investigate alternative healing. Her search brought her into contact with such venerable healing philosophies as the ancient Hindu chakra and the simpler Hawaiian system. She eventually met Martin Brofman, founder of Body Mirror Healing, who taught her how to delve into her emotional blockages underpinning the illness. The breakthrough came when she realized that her body was communicating to her through the message of cancer. She ultimately developed a series of simple exercises, shared in the book, that help people better listen to their bodies and bring the energy needed to wipe away disease.

Sumo for Mixed Martial Arts: Winning Clinches, Takedowns, & Tactics

by Andrew Zerling

CATCH YOUR OPPONENT OFF GUARD WITH WINNING CLINCHES, TAKEDOWNS, AND TACTICS This innovative book demonstrates how the study of sumo wrestling techniques can benefit practitioners of modern mixed martial arts (MMA), as well as other grappling arts. Sumo, Japan's ancient martial art, has its own particular variations of MMA-style body locks, throws, and trips, among other techniques. MMA competitors know their sport grew with the evolution of jujitsu, but many do not realize sumo can be seen as the root of jujitsu. Sumo uses distraction, angles, and leverage to steal an opponent's balance and take him down. Sumo for Mixed Martial Arts focuses on kimarite, or winning moves. Knowledge of these techniques can allow competitors to catch their opponents off guard with unorthodox clinches, takedowns, and tactics. The author places special emphasis on how smaller players can defeat larger adversaries. This book features * In-depth demonstrations of 48 sumo kimarite (winning moves) with step-by-step instructions * Over 300 photos * Case studies of famous rikishi (sumo wrestlers) * Discussion of sumo's development, rules, and training, as well as recent changes in sumo techniques The author Andrew Zerling, provides analysis of the three basic types of fighters in MMA and how sumo techniques and tactics can enhance their skills. He examines the fighting style of former UFC light heavyweight champion Lyoto Machida, who made highly effective use of sumo wrestling in MMA competition. In Sumo for Mixed Martial Arts Andrew Zerling casts an ancient martial art in new light. He combines his decades of training with a passion for research. MMA competitors, grapplers, wrestlers, and fans of sumo will appreciate the author's analysis and attention to detail. They will also come away with a wealth of new techniques.

Sun Sign Secrets: The Complete Astrology Guide to Love, Work & Your Future

by Amy Zerner Monte Farber

The bestselling husband and wife team, artist Amy Zerner and author Monte Farber, bring fresh revelations and original psychological perceptions about each astrological sun sign in this beautifully illustrated guide. Their easy-to-understand descriptions of the distinctive attributes of the twelve zodiac signs will provide clear, penetrating and useful insights into your personality and those you care about. Farber offers an ancient history of astrology and its uses, setting the stage for an in-depth description of each sign. This book is packed with practical, compelling, and incisive information, including: •Positive Traits, Negative Traits•Likes, Dislikes & Secret Life•Attitudes Towards Money•Occupations, Leisure Interests•Romantic Pairings & Love Life•Behaviors/Abilities at Work and at Home•Personalities of Children•Parenting a Sun Sign

Diagnostic Classification of Mental Health and Developmental Disorders of Infancy and Early Childhood (Revised)

by Zero To Three Staff

ZERO TO THREE'S Diagnostic Classification of Mental Health and Developmental Disorders of Infancy and Early Childhood (DC:0-3), published in 1994, was designed to address the need for a systematic, developmentally based approach to the classification of mental health and developmental difficulties in the first 4 years of life.

Señales en el cielo: Lo que nunca se contó. Ovnis, telepatía, mundos subterráneos y profecías

by Fabio Zerpa

Fabio Zerpa cuenta sus inicios, y condensa sesenta años de investigación recorriendo el mundo y entrevistando a personas que aseguran haber visto objetos voladores. Profecías, teorías, vidas paralelas y mundos subterráneos. 17 de noviembre de 1959. Fabio Zerpa, un joven actor que ocupaba un sitio incipiente pero importante en el teatro y la televisión, estaba grabando escenas en una base aérea. Durante el descanso, el piloto que hacía de su doble de riesgo lo invitó a dar un paseo en avioneta. Ascendieron a ochocientos metros de altura. Volaban señalándose curiosidades del paisaje, bromeando, cuando de pronto el piloto se puso serio y le indicó a Fabio que mirara a su izquierda y detrás. "Yo giré la cabeza para ver más allá de la cola del avión y vi algo así como un bolígrafo metálico plateado de unos ciento cincuenta metros de largo volando, siguiéndonos -recuerda Zerpa-. Increíblemente, se detuvo un instante frente a la cabina de nuestro avión. Y, de pronto, realizó un movimiento de sesenta grados y se perdió en el cielo a gran velocidad, hacia el norte. Todo en silencio. Estaba muy impresionado. Busqué en ese cielo clarísimo una nueva señal, pero nada. Así como había aparecido, había dejado su ausencia, tan enorme como mi asombro." La visión de ese objeto marcaría su destino para siempre. Como al mejor de los artistas o de los sabios, a Fabio Zerpa lo fascinó un misterio y le dedicó su vida. Durante sesenta años investigó, se entrevistó con personas de todo el mundo, y fue detrás de pistas y datos que documentó con fervor y precisión. Este libro es una historia de vida, la de un hombre que convirtió sus días en una película de ciencia ficción; pero también la búsqueda incansable y monumental de respondernos: "¿Qué hay más allá?". «Conocí a Fabio Zerpa en los años setenta. Ya era un gran investigador. Su trabajo ha sido titánico. Solo los que investigamos por las carreteras lo sabemos. La historia, algún día, le hará justicia.» Juan José Benítez

The Anatomy of Fate: Astrology and Kabbalah

by Z'ev ben Shimon Halevi

The author explores the intertwining of astrology and Kabbalah in a person's life, the life of a nation, and the history and destiny of human beings. How can these tools be used to evolve as individuals and as souls? The Kabbalah is the secret doctrine underpinning the esoteric tradition of the West, and Z'ev ben Shimon Halevi, who has spent over thirty years studying and writing about this mystical path for the modern pilgrim, unveils its astrological dimension and encyclopaedic survey of celestial influences upon the fate, free will and destiny of us all; a journey through time charting a coherent, divine purpose in the universe. The Anatomy of Fate, a book about spiritual roots and reasons, is one of the wisest and most learned books on astrology you are likely to read - a classic, already, since its first publication in 1978.

Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac

by Gabrielle Zevin

After a nasty fall, Naomi realizes that she has no memory of the last four years and finds herself reassessing every aspect of her life.

A Russian Herbal: Traditional Remedies for Health and Healing

by Igor Vilevich Zevin Lilia Vasilevna Zevin Nathaniel Altman

The first guide to the ancient traditions of Russian herbal medicine and their extensive medicinal applications today. Drawing on a wealth of oral and written traditions, the authors examine the best-known Russian herbs (all of which are widely available in North America and Western Europe) and explain their folkways, properties, and uses. Offering time-tested advice for using herbs to maintain general well-being, they also give clear and simple recipes for treating specific health problems from asthma and migraines to influenza and high blood pressure. Blessed with a wide variety of climates, geography, and flora, early Russians developed a rich folk tradition of herbal healing that ranks among the most sophisticated in the world. Nearly every Russian medical school offers courses of study on the knowledge and application of herbs, and many maintain a special research department that investigates the properties and practical modern applications of herbal medicine. This is the first book to examine the traditions of Russian herbal medicine.

Care That Works: A Relationship Approach to Persons with Dementia

by Jitka M. Zgola

In her widely acclaimed Doing Things, Jitka M. Zgola offered practical and much-needed advice for those caring for persons with Alzheimer disease. Now, in Care That Works, Zgola shows how caregivers can better meet the demanding challenges of their job by building and improving their personal relationships with those in their care. Instead of simply prescribing approaches, Care That Works gives caregivers the information with which they can develop their own approaches, evaluate their effectiveness, and continue to grow in skill and insight.Zgola explains that optimal dementia care involves three elements: a good relationship between the caregiver and the person who has dementia, a safe and nurturing environment, and meaningful activities. Evident throughout the book is Zgola's gift for compassionately portraying the difficulties faced by people with dementia and then suggesting ways to act in a manner that accords such people the respect and dignity they deserve. Topics that receive special attention include communicating with persons who have language deficits and coping with problem behaviors—two critical problems in dementia care.

Doing Things: A Guide to Programing Activities for Persons with Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders

by Jitka M. Zgola

Doing Things shows how to provide a positive environment for persons with Alzheimer's disease by offering opportunities for social interaction and constructive, enjoyable activities. Zgola outlines the ways in which a patient's functional impairment can be assessed; the strengths, weaknesses, and needs most commonly encountered among persons with Alzheimer's disease; and ways activities can be tailored to accommodate them. She offers step-by-step instructions for selecting and presenting appropriate activities and includes cooking and crafts projects, a sample exercise routine, and a sample daily schedule. The techniques she describes are designed to promote a sense of security and self-esteem, by avoiding possible sources of confusion or confrontation.Based on the highly successful program developed at one day-care facility for persons with dementia, Doing Things offers an invaluable guide for professionals and volunteers supervising activities at day-care centers and extended-care facilities—as well as for individuals who are caring for patients at home. Throughout, Zgola's emphasis is on treating persons who have Alzheimer's disease with empathy, courtesy, and dignity.

Computer Models for Facial Beauty Analysis

by David Zhang Fangmei Chen Yong Xu

This book covers the key advances in computerized facial beauty analysis, with an emphasis on data-driven research and the results of quantitative experiments. It takes a big step toward practical facial beauty analysis, proposes more reliable and stable facial features for beauty analysis and designs new models, methods, algorithms and schemes while implementing a facial beauty analysis and beautification system. This book also tests some previous putative rules and models for facial beauty analysis by using computationally efficient mathematical models and algorithms, especially large scale database-based and repeatable experiments. The first section of this book provides an overview of facial beauty analysis. The base of facial beauty analysis, i. e. , facial beauty features, is presented in part two. Part three describes hypotheses on facial beauty, while part four defines data-driven facial beauty analysis models. This book concludes with the authors explaining how to implement their new facial beauty analysis system. This book is designed for researchers, professionals and post graduate students working in the field of facial beauty analysis, computer vision, human-machine interface, pattern recognition and biometrics. Those involved in interdisciplinary fields with also find the contents useful. The ideas, means and conclusions for beauty analysis are valuable for researchers and the system design and implementation can be used as models for practitioners and engineers.

Introduction to Integrative Engineering: A Computational Approach to Biomedical Problems

by Guigen Zhang

This textbook is designed for an introductory course at undergraduate and graduate levels for bioengineering students. It provides a systematic way of examining bioengineering problems in a multidisciplinary computational approach. The book introduces basic concepts of multidiscipline-based computational modeling methods, provides detailed step-by-step techniques to build a model with consideration of underlying multiphysics, and discusses many important aspects of a modeling approach including results interpretation, validation, and assessment.

Inner Beauty: Looking, Feeling and Being Your Best Through Traditional Chinese Healing

by Xiaolan Zhao

The charismatic author of Reflections of the Moon on Water brings her years of experience in the healing wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine to show how Western women can achieve lifelong health, beauty and wellness. From the moment we first become self-conscious about our looks, most of us want to appear young and beautiful. For some, the pursuit of beauty extends to lotions, potions and the surgeon's scalpel. But Xiaolan Zhao believes the ultimate source of beauty is health and well-being.In this wise and important book, Dr. Zhao talks about inner and outer beauty, using personal stories, anecdotes and case studies from her TCM practice. She also covers the fundamentals of beauty, preventing and treating skin damage, caring for sensitive skin, the benefits of acupuncture, helpful non-surgical procedures, and nutrition. With a special emphasis on women's health and beauty issues, the book covers a plethora of relevant topics, such as baby skin problems, acne in adolescence and beyond, rosacea, eczema, allergies and rashes, skin cancer, wrinkles. Providing a foreword, as well as thoughtful commentary and information on Western medical views, is dermatologist Dr. Sandy Skotnicki. Dr. Skotnicki first met Xiaolan as a patient, and the two doctors discovered they had many common interests and concerns regarding lifelong health and beauty.What's more, there is an invaluable reference section featuring TCM and traditional treatments for a wide variety of conditions, including recipes for salves and infusions that you can make at home using ingredients purchased at a Chinese apothecary or from a TCM practitioner.

Analysis of Genetic Association Studies (Statistics for Biology and Health)

by Gang Zheng Xiaofeng Zhu Yaning Yang Robert C. Elston

Analysis of Genetic Association Studies is both a graduate level textbook in statistical genetics and genetic epidemiology, and a reference book for the analysis of genetic association studies. Students, researchers, and professionals will find the topics introduced in Analysis of Genetic Association Studies particularly relevant. The book is applicable to the study of statistics, biostatistics, genetics and genetic epidemiology. In addition to providing derivations, the book uses real examples and simulations to illustrate step-by-step applications. Introductory chapters on probability and genetic epidemiology terminology provide the reader with necessary background knowledge. The organization of this work allows for both casual reference and close study.

Divine Soul Mind Body Healing and Transmission Sys

by Zhi Gang Sha Dr.

Heal the soul first; then healing of the mind and body will follow.Dr. Sha's #1 New York Times bestselling Soul Power Series has benefited hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. Now, he shares the soul secrets, wisdom, knowledge, and practical techniques of the divine soul healing system. In this remarkable and uplifting guide to physical health, emotional wellness, and spiritual fulfillment, Dr. Sha reveals practical techniques to heal you, your loved ones, pets, relationships, finances, organizations, Mother Earth, and humanity.This divine soul healing system will teach you how to:* Remove soul, mind, and body blockages.* Receive Divine Soul Mind Body Transplants.* Invoke and practice with Divine Soul Mind Body Transplants.In addition, Dr. Sha shares deep secrets of traditional Chinese medicine and ancient philosophies and offers step-by-step exercises and easy tips for healing and rejuvenation. This book offers you the most powerful soul healing available at this time; it is truly a breakthrough divine gift and treasure for humanity.

Tao Song and Tao Dance: Sacred Sound, Movement, and Power from the Source for Healing, Rejuvenation, Longevity, and Transformation of All Life

by Zhi Gang Sha Dr.

New York Times bestselling author Master Zhi Gang Sha reveals the significance and power of Tao Song, the highest and most profound Soul Song that can transform every aspect of life, and Tao Dance, movement guided by the Source.Tao is the Source and Creator. Tao is The Way of all life. Tao is the universal principles and laws. Tao Song is sound from the Source. Tao Dance is movement from the Source. Tao Song and Tao Dance carry Tao power and ability from the Source. In the ninth book of his revolutionary Soul Power Series, and his third book on Tao, Master Sha reveals new sacred Tao Song mantras that carry Tao frequency and vibration, which can transform the frequency and vibration of all life. Sacred Tao Song mantras and Tao Dance carry Tao love, which melts all blockages; Tao forgiveness, which brings inner joy and inner peace; Tao compassion, which boosts energy, stamina, vitality, and immunity; and Tao light, which heals, prevents sickness, purifies and rejuvenates soul, heart, mind, and body, and transforms relationships, finances, and every aspect of life. Tao Oneness Practice is created and released. Step into the Tao with Master Sha.

The Coronavirus Prevention Handbook: 101 Science-Based Tips That Could Save Your Life

by Wang Zhou

From Dr. Wang Zhou and his colleagues at the Wuhan Center for Disease Control and Prevention comes a must-have guide for preparing for an outbreak of the coronavirus virus (OCID-19). The Center for Disease Control and Prevention in the US and the World Health Organization have declared the coronavirus and worldwide health emergency. The coronavirus was first identified in Wuhan, China. From the medical experts there comes the first authoritative, comprehensive guide to preparing for the ongoing epidemic (COVID-19). Written in plain language, here is information that will help readers and professionals understand the virus and protect themselves in the face of a possible outbreak. As COVID-19 continues to spread around the world—China, South Korea, Iran, Italy, Germany, the United Kingdom, Canada, and the United States—preventative measures such as controlling the source of infection, early detection of patients, and cutting off transmission are imperative. With 101 tips for individuals to prevent the spread of the virus, the information in this handbook could be lifesaving. The prevention tips include: Precautions for individuals and public places (handwashing, face masks, etc.)Strategies for detection and treatment of the diseaseAn overview of the coronavirus and how it&’s spreadBasics about contagious diseases With the number of reported cases of COVID-19 growing daily, the information in this book will help you protect yourself and your loved ones!

Oncoplastic surgery

by Xiao Zhou Yilin Cao Wei Wang

This book introduces oncoplastic surgery as an interdisciplinary branch of oncological surgery that integrates theories and technologies in oncological surgery, plastic surgery and microsurgery with characteristics of planned radical resection of tumors and one-stage repair and reconstruction of surgical defects on the basis of multidisciplinary treatment (MDT) of tumors. Consisting of 23 chapters, the book covers a range of surgical topics related to oncoplastic surgery in clinical disciplines, with a focus on oncology surgery, plastic surgery, microsurgery, vascular surgery, otolaryngology-head and neck surgery, neurosurgery, oral and maxillofacial surgery, breast surgery, urinary surgery, gynecologic oncology, bone surgery, thoracic surgery and abdominal surgery. In most of the surgical cases oncology surgery is combined with plastic surgery. The book summarizes the basic theories and clinical experiences in oncoplastic surgery, focusing on repair and aesthetic reconstruction after tumor removal, which increases patients' survival rate and significantly improves their quality of life. It is a valuable reference resource for tumor surgeons, plastic surgeons, head and neck surgeons, breast surgeons as well as surgeons in other relevant fields.

The Original Meaning of the Yijing: Commentary on the Scripture of Change (Translations from the Asian Classics)

by Xi Zhu

The Yijing (I Ching), or Scripture of Change, is traditionally considered the first and most profound of the Chinese classics. Originally a divination manual based on trigrams and hexagrams, by the beginning of the first millennium it had acquired written explanations and a series of appendices attributed to Confucius, which transformed it into a work of wisdom literature as well as divination. Over the centuries, hundreds of commentaries were written on it, but for the past thousand years, one of the most influential has been that of Zhu Xi (1130–1200), who synthesized the major interpretive approaches to the text and integrated it into his system of moral self-cultivation.Joseph A. Adler’s translation of the Yijing includes for the first time in English Zhu Xi’s commentary in full. Adler explores Zhu Xi’s interpretation of the text and situates it in the context of his overall theoretical system. Zhu Xi held that the Yijing was originally composed for the purpose of divination by the mythic sage Fuxi, who intended to create a system to aid decision making. The text’s meaning, therefore, could not be captured by a single commentator; it would emerge for each person through the process of divination. This translation makes available to the English-language audience a crucial text in the history of Chinese religion and philosophy, with an introduction and translator’s notes that explain its intellectual and historical context.

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