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Clinician's Thesaurus (Seventh Edition)

by Edward L. Zuckerman

With over 350,000 in print, the Clinician's Thesaurus is an indispensable practitioner resource and course text. It presents thousands of standard words, phrases, clinical tips, and interview questions to help practitioners conduct thorough assessments, accurately describe nearly any clinical situation, and shape clinical observations into effective reports. Finding exactly the right terminology can save hours of paperwork time and improve the quality of documentation. Structured to follow the sequence of a mental health evaluation, the book includes report formats, treatment planning pointers, all DSM-IV-TR and ICD-9-CM diagnostic codes, and much more--all in a large-size format with convenient lay-flat binding. New to This Edition *References, resources, and diagnostic and treatment information are thoroughly updated. *Additional clinical problems: reactive attachment disorder, body dysmorphic disorder, and varieties of violent behaviors. *Sections on strengths assessment and ethical considerations in report writing. *More online resources, including where to obtain free assessment measures and scales. See also The Paper Office for the Digital Age, Fifth Edition, by Edward L. Zuckerman and Keely Kolmes, which provides the essential recordkeeping and risk-reduction tools that every psychotherapy practice needs.

Soul Stories

by Gary Zukav

True Stories That Transform Lives Writing with profound psychological and spiritual insight, prize-winning author Gary Zukav has had a major impact on the consciousness of millions. In his New York Times number-one bestseller, The Seat of the Soul, he explained how the expansion of human perception beyond the five senses leads to a new understanding of power -- the alignment of the personality with the soul -- which in turn leads to an awareness of our extraordinary creative abilities. Now, in one of the most important and useful books you will ever read, Soul Stories, Zukav shows how this new understanding of power -- authentic power -- transforms lives in countless ways. Soul Stories is filled with marvelous stories that show how concepts such as intuition, harmony, cooperation, sharing, and reverence for life actually express themselves in people's lives. Best of all, the stories lead to practical advice on how you can discover your own Soul Stories and the truths they reveal about the deepest sources of your being. Wonderfully readable, Soul Stories is a wise and inspirational book.

Spiritual Partnership: The Journey to Authentic Power

by Gary Zukav

In his first major book since the legendary bestseller The Seat of the Soul, Gary Zukav reveals a revolutionary new path for spiritual growth. What began with an introduction to a major paradigm shift in The Dancing Wu Li Masters turned into a discussion of aligning our personalities with our soul in The Seat of the Soul; finally, in Spiritual Partnership, Zukav guides the reader on this practical path to authentic power.

Lavender, Parsley, Peppermint, and Sage: Herbal Solutions for Every Household

by Shea Zukowski

Tap into the antibacterial and antiviral properties of herbs to keep your family healthy and your home clean—from stress relievers to room fresheners.Herbs offer powerful, natural, earth-friendly solutions for all sorts of home, garden, and personal needs. This invaluable guide gathers hundreds of simple recipes for herb-based formulas that are safe and effective for use in every home. Herbs have been used for practical purposes for thousands of years—natural and proven, they are a welcome alternative to man-made, often toxic chemicals.Plus, they are easy and enjoyable to work with: herbs can be crushed, boiled, layered, and/or mixed with oil or water or other handy household ingredients to make hundreds of useful home products, for everything from cleaning to personal care.Organized by use, this convenient volume presents a wealth of helpful herbal solutions. For each entry, readers will find an introduction describing the best uses for this product, a full ingredient list, step-by-step instructions for preparing the formula, information on storage, and advice on how to use it.A wonderful gift book and useful reference combined, Lavender, Parsley, Peppermint, and Sage is an indispensable guide for a greener, healthier lifestyle.

Salt, Lemons, Vinegar, and Baking Soda: A Reduce/Reuse/Recycle Handbook

by Shea Zukowski

Learn how these four natural, everyday items can accomplish hundreds of household tasks—from personal to pet care, kitchen to outdoor uses.Salt, lemons, vinegar, and baking soda are the all-you-need all-stars of the home. From personal hygiene and grooming to household cleaning and gardening, this powerful quartet has a long and storied history of usefulness that is also utterly modern and of-the-moment: green, cheap, and effective.Beginning with a brief introduction to each of these amazing substances, this comprehensive book of household hints (useful indoors and out, for people and for pets) offers hundreds of smart solutions for better living. Combining one part science with one part practicality, and a dash of fun, this indispensable, earth-friendly reference is a must-have in any home.

The 5 Skinny Habits: How Ancient Wisdom Can Help You Lose Weight and Change Your Life FOREVER

by David Zulberg

<p>In his own personal weight-loss struggle, David Zulberg turned to the forgotten wisdom of the ancients—Maimonides, Aristotle, Hippocrates, Galen, and even Benjamin Franklin—to find consensus on ideal nutrition for optimum physical and emotional health. <p>After 10 years of studying volume upon volume, Zulberg distilled the teachings of humanity's greatest doctors and philosophers—what he calls the Master Physicians—and discovered something amazing: Ancient doctors already knew what today's medical findings are rediscovering about what's best for human health, weight loss, disease prevention, and psychological well-being. <p>On The 5 Skinny Habits diet plan, you'll harness the best of both worlds—the ancient and the modern—for long-term success.The 5 Skinny Habits explains the ancient understanding of health and its application to our lives in the 21st century with its supersize proportions. <p>There are no forbidden foods or food groups, and you can even enjoy a glass of wine with dinner. Through a close study of ancient sources written by the Master Physicians, Zulberg integrates the spiritual, emotional, and physical components of health and weight loss. <p>Habit changes are at the core of the program. <p>With an easy five-step plan, Zulberg tells readers how to incorporate one habit each week for 5 weeks to achieve a healthier life. <p>His five steps streamline and simplify the process of becoming fit, ensuring that change is made for good. <p>A simple diet diary with positive affirmations and mindfulness makes self-monitoring an effective and enjoyable part of the discovery. <p>By the end of the journey, readers have incorporated the habits into their routines so completely that they are no longer "dieting" but simply living a healthier life.

The Haunted Graveyard and Other True Ghost Stories

by Allan Zullo

Ten stories, taken from the files of noted ghost hunters, describing hauntings of everything from caves to big city apartments.

1917. Traición y revolución

by Juan Miguel Zunzunegui

Una historia del amor separado por las ideologías y la única revolución que nunca ha triunfado. Europa se desangra en la Primera Guerra Mundial, millones de cadáveres rusos y alemanes yacen en el frente oriental, mientras los poderosos se reparten el mundo. Desde Londres hasta Constantinopla, y de San Petersburgo a Berlín, los ejércitos, espías, revolucionarios y agentes secretos destruyen los antiguos imperios y forjan los cimientos de un nuevo mundo. En medio de la guerra de Europa y de la revolución soviética, el misterioso agente norteamericano John Mann investiga la trama de toda una conspiración que involucra la muerte del misterioso Rasputín, la caída del Zar, las maquinaciones de Stalin y las estrategias de Trotsky, el reparto de Medio Oriente, a los árabes y turcos, a los bolcheviques y alemanes, y al arma más poderosa del Kaiser en su guerra contra el Imperio Ruso: Vladimir Lenin. La historia quecomienza en 1917 termina el 9 de noviembre de 1989 con la caída del Muro de Berlín. Anastasia y Konstantin, dos sobrevivientes de la revolución soviética, separados por el muro, narran su versión de los hechos mientras buscan reencontrarse. Una historia del amor separado por las ideologías, de los eternos sueños frustrados de la humanidad, y de la única revolución que nunca ha triunfado.

From Anxiety to Love: A Radical New Approach for Letting Go of Fear and Finding Lasting Peace

by Corinne Zupko

Get Ready for Unstoppable Inner Peace Author Corinne Zupko undertook her study of psychology out of necessity when debilitating anxiety threatened to derail her life. Seeking ways to do more than temporarily alleviate her symptoms, Corinne began to study A Course in Miracles (ACIM), mindfulness meditation, and the latest therapeutic approaches for treating anxiety. In From Anxiety to Love, she shares what she learned and gently guides you through the process, helping you undo anxiety-based thinking and fostering mindful shifts in your thoughts and actions. Whether struggling with everyday stress or near-crippling discomfort, you will find that Corinne’s approach offers a new way of healing from — rather than just coping with — fear and anxiety.

Malaria in Colonial South Asia: Uncoupling Disease and Destitution

by Sheila Zurbrigg

This book highlights the role of acute hunger in malaria lethality in colonial South Asia and investigates how this understanding came to be lost in modern medical, epidemic, and historiographic thought. Using the case studies of colonial Punjab, Sri Lanka, and Bengal, it traces the loss of fundamental concepts and language of hunger in the inter-war period with the reductive application of the new specialisms of nutritional science and immunology, and a parallel loss of the distinction between infection (transmission) and morbid disease. The study locates the final demise of the ‘Human Factor’ (hunger) in malaria history within pre- and early post-WW2 international health institutions – the International Health Division of the Rockefeller Foundation and the nascent WHO’s Expert Committee on Malaria. It examines the implications of this epistemic shift for interpreting South Asian health history, and reclaims a broader understanding of common endemic infection (endemiology) as a prime driver, in the context of subsistence precarity, of epidemic mortality history and demographic change. This book will be useful to scholars and researchers of public health, social medicine and social epidemiology, imperial history, epidemic and demographic history, history of medicine, medical sociology, and sociology.

Curious Minds: The Power of Connection

by Perry Zurn Dani S. Bassett

An exhilarating, genre-bending exploration of curiosity&’s powerful capacity to connect ideas and people.Curious about something? Google it. Look at it. Ask a question. But is curiosity simply information seeking? According to this exhilarating, genre-bending book, what&’s left out of the conventional understanding of curiosity are the wandering tracks, the weaving concepts, the knitting of ideas, and the thatching of knowledge systems—the networks, the relations between ideas and between people. Curiosity, say Perry Zurn and Dani Bassett, is a practice of connection: it connects ideas into networks of knowledge, and it connects knowers themselves, both to the knowledge they seek and to each other. Zurn and Bassett—identical twins who write that their book &“represents the thought of one mind and two bodies&”—harness their respective expertise in the humanities and the sciences to get irrepressibly curious about curiosity. Traipsing across literatures of antiquity and medieval science, Victorian poetry and nature essays, as well as work by writers from a variety of marginalized communities, they trace a multitudinous curiosity. They identify three styles of curiosity—the busybody, who collects stories, creating loose knowledge networks; the hunter, who hunts down secrets or discoveries, creating tight networks; and the dancer, who takes leaps of creative imagination, creating loopy ones. Investigating what happens in a curious brain, they offer an accessible account of the network neuroscience of curiosity. And they sketch out a new kind of curiosity-centric and inclusive education that embraces everyone&’s curiosity. The book performs the very curiosity that it describes, inviting readers to participate—to be curious with the book and not simply about it.

I’ll Never Have Sex With You Again!: Tales from the Delivery Room

by Irene Zutell

FORGET EVERYTHING YOU THINK YOU KNOW ABOUT CHILDBIRTH. THIS IS REALITY, WITH BELLY LAUGHS. "I'll Never Have Sex with You Again!" chronicles birthin' babies like nothing ever before. Told by moms, dads, OB/GYNS, labor nurses and the people next door, its stories give new meaning to the phrase "up close and personal." And many celebrities -- from Nikki Sixx to Faith Hill, Lucy Lawless to Phyllis Diller, Erin Brockovich to Peggy Noonan -- let down their guard and prove that the delivery room is definitely a no-spin zone. Read all about the birthing mom who watches helplessly as a sexy labor nurse tries to seduce her husband. The mother-in-law/M. D. wanna-be who seizes the forceps and orders the doctor to get the show on the road! The new dad who suffers a concussion during a crib-assembly mishap and first glimpses his infant as he's being wheeled into the emergency room. The woman who had to be knocked out cold by a baseball to discover she was pregnant. The dad who misses his daughter's birth when he runs home to change into a suit and tie. The woman in labor who discovers an old flame will administer her epidural, and opts to tough it out -- sans anesthesia! Heartwarming and hilarious, these 100-plus stories will thrill moms, mothers-to-be or anyone even thinking about having a baby.

A dieta para o câncer de cólon

by Gisele Zuvanov Dr Christopher Maloney N. D.

Você ou um ente querido tem o diagnóstico de câncer de cólon? Você sabia que mudar a sua alimentação, diminuiu o risco de morrer mesmo depois de ter sido diagnosticado? Quando você terminar de ler este livro, quero que seja capaz de me dizer em um minuto ou menos, o como deve comer, como se exercitar e como tomar suplementos para diminuir sua chance de morrer de câncer de cólon depois de diagnosticado. Se puder fazer isso, por favor o faça por escrito nos comentários do livro e na minha página da internet para que eu e todo mundo leia. Quando eu recebi o diagnóstico de câncer de cólon, pesquisei o que poderia fazer e não encontrei as respostas que queria. Encontrei as melhores respostas disponíveis na literatura médica. O fato de ser um médico naturopata me ajudou nisso. Eu tenho muito conhecimento sobre os tratamentos convencionais e os alternativos. Além disso consigo ler em "medicalês" e passar para o leitor em uma linguagem mais clara. É terrível ter que encarar nossa situação atual, mas temos opções e este livro é a minha maneira de te dar direção e esperença.

Global Marketplace for Private Health Insurance: Strength in Numbers

by Peter Zweifel Onno P. Schellekens Alexander S. Preker

Financial protection against the cost of illness and inclusion of vulnerable groups - will require better mobilization and use of private means. Private voluntary health insurance already plays an important role in mobilizing additional resources to the health sector and protecting against the catastrophic cost of illness in some countries. This review explores the context under which private voluntary health insurance could contribute to an improvement in the sustainability of the health sector and financial protection in other countries.

Sensory Neuroscience: Four Laws of Psychophysics

by Jozef J. Zwislocki

Sensory Neuroscience: Four Laws of Psychophysics organizes part of psychophysics -- a science of quantitative relationships between human sensations and the stimuli that evoke them. Although psychophysics belongs to sensory neuroscience, and is coupled to neurophysiology, it has also branched out to various specialized disciplines, including the disciplines of vision and hearing, ophthalmology, optometry, otology, and audiology. Due to this diversification and fragmentation, psychophysics has had an ad-hoc, phenomenological orientation. Besides Weber's law of differential sensitivity, and the still-controversial Stevens' power law, it has lacked a systematic grid of scientific laws. Sensory Neuroscience: Four Laws of Psychophysics provides valid unifying principles and systematic applications for this otherwise fragmented precursor of experimental psychology, and defines four multisensory relationships of substantial generality between sensations and the underlying stimulus variables. This book will be particularly useful to auditory researchers, experimental psychologists, and behavioral neuroscientists.

Medical Ethics in Clinical Practice

by Matjaž Zwitter

This book discusses medicine from an ethical perspective, whereas books on medical ethics more commonly present ethics from a bio-medical standpoint. The book is divided into 23 chapters. The introductory chapters present some basic concepts of medical ethics, such as the relation between the legal system and ethics, ethical documents, ethical theories, and ethical analysis. The following chapters address issues of importance in all fields of medicine: respecting autonomy, communication, relations within a healthcare team, professional malpractice, limited resources, and the portrait of a physician. In turn, the third part of the book focuses on ethical aspects in a broad range of medical activities – preventive medicine, human reproduction, genetics, pediatrics, intensive care, palliative medicine, clinical research, unproven methods in diagnostics and treatment, and the role of physicians who aren’t directly responsible for patient care. The last part presents students’ seminars with case stories. The book offers a valuable resource for physicians of all specialties, students of medicine, professionals, and students from other fields devoted to human health, journalists, and general readers with an interest in medicine.

The Sagan Conspiracy: NASA's Untold Plot to Suppress the People's Scientist's Theory of Ancient Aliens

by Donald L. Zygutis

Mainstream SETI scientists and ancient alien theorists don’t agree on much, but one opinion they share is that the undisputed authority on the possibility of alien existence was the late Carl Sagan (1934—1996), whose voluminous writings on the subject have had a profound influence on ETI research.But how many Carl Sagan fans know that while the renowned scientist was at Stanford University, he produced a controversial paper, funded by a NASA research grant, that concludes ancient alien intervention may have sparked human civilization? Author Donald Zygutis lays out a compelling case that points to a cover-up by the Pentagon and NASA, who may have buried it soon after it was written. How significant is the Stanford Paper? The answer may lie in another question: How would a science-backed theory and search strategy to guide the discovery of alien artifacts among our own ancient civilizations impact the worldwide institutions of government, religion, and culture?Recently rediscovered by the author, Sagan’s lost Stanford paper is the central theme of The Sagan Conspiracy. Groundbreaking research and paradigm-changing material challenges conventional thinking about the People’s Scientist—and maybe even the origins of human society. Sagan even conceived of the likelihood that the ancient Sumerian civilization had been visited and influenced by beings from other worlds as evidenced by ancient manuscripts, among other artifacts.As we celebrate the 20-year anniversary of Carl’s death, The Sagan Conspiracy is sure to fundamentally alter how the world thinks about extraterrestrials.

Sustainable Communities for a Healthy Planet

by Katharine Zywert

Sustainable Communities for a Healthy Planet presents an unconventional collection of ideas, practices, and ways of living together with the potential to enable long-term human and planetary health. Grounded in first-hand accounts from researchers, health practitioners, and social innovators across diverse fields, Katharine Zywert’s book argues that the most promising approaches often depart substantially from the incentive structures, goals, and mindsets that define the status quo and do not necessarily align with mainstream sustainability discourses. The book instead presents promising approaches that disrupt dominant ideas about mental health, ageing, and chronic illness; circumvent exploitative markets for medications, medical technologies, and professionalized care; attend not only to the health of individual human bodies, but to the health of internal ecologies, human populations, nonhuman species, and the planet as a whole; and embody alternative, more inclusive ways of practicing medicine within communities and ecosystems. The stories assembled in this book illustrate how human beings might live healthy lives, supported by health systems that are not dependent on perpetual economic growth. Sustainable Communities for a Healthy Planet challenges conventional ways of thinking about the future of health systems and asks hard questions about what it takes to cultivate human and planetary health in a time of rapid ecological, economic, and social change.

How to Win Your Personal Injury Claim (6th edition)

The attorney author provides tips on both claims that consumers can handle themselves and those requiring working with a lawyer. Matthews discusses how fault is legally determined and covers all phases of the claim process. Helpful features include insurance contact information by state, sample documentation, and an accident claim worksheet. Annotation ©2004 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

The Little Book Of Oral Sex For Her

The authors have probed the deepest passages of history, lapped at the lake of human knowledge and plumbed the depths of our shared experience to bring you the truth about oral sex. Why not suck it and see...? Here are two little nuggets of oral wisdom:'I tripped', said Walter Taylor of Elsmere, Cincinnatti, defending himself against a charge of performing unlawful oral sex on a naked, sleeping woman. (Thanks to The National Enquirer for that one.)OR'If that's not sex, then the number of times I've had sex has dramatically decreased. From a mountain to a valley, baby!' said an anonymous teenage girl answering a US schools survey following Bill Clinton's definition of sexual relations. And after all that, if you're lucky, we'll give you advice on how to give and receive give oral sex too...

The Little Book Of Oral Sex For Him

The authors have probed the deepest passages of history, lapped at the lake of human knowledge and plumbed the depths of our shared experience to bring you the truth about oral sex. Why not suck it and see...? Here are two little nuggets of oral wisdom: ‘I tripped', said Walter Taylor of Elsmere, Cincinnatti, defending himself against a charge of performing unlawful oral sex on a naked, sleeping woman. (Thanks to The National Enquirer for that one.)OR Why is climbing Everest like receiving oral sex from Anne Widdecombe? You should never look down. We'll give you terrible gaffs like that, and if you're lucky, advice on how to give and receive give oral sex too...

Musings on Perimenopause and Menopause: Identity, Experience, Transition.

A woman muses about buying lovely new panties; another sets out on the trip of a lifetime; a blogger offers information, support, and community to perimenopausal women; researchers uncover myths and misconceptions about migrant and refugee women's experiences of menopause; a gerontology scholar extrapolates for menopause the meanings of cultural representations of childbirth; a sociologist and intersex advocate challenges her medically constructed menopause; young women's stories inform an inquiry into the health and social repercussions of primary ovarian insufficiency—all in a collection of research papers and personal narratives that moves far beyond the idea of menopause as a mere biological marker. While biomedical and feminist researchers agree that menopause is a time of transition and border crossing, they offer diverse viewpoints about whether perimenopause and menopause signal deficiency and burden, or growth and freedom, or both. So too, contributors to this collection—influenced by factors of age, cultural background, societal context, and physical and psychological experience—vary significantly in their perspectives of this process. Research, analysis, narrative, poetry, and art intermingle to create a multi-textured montage that challenges stereotypes, probes relationships, and defies categorization. Musings on Perimenopause and Menopause: Identity, Experience, Transition provides insight into how women think about and experience the transition to menopause in contemporary times.

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