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Yogasana: The Encyclopedia of Yoga Poses

by Yogrishi Ph.D. Vishvketu

Filled with chakra activation charts, images and descriptions of over eight hundred poses, and Sanskrit translation guides, this comprehensive encyclopedia makes the spirituality, practice, and language of yoga more accessible than ever before.Packed with over eight hundred individual poses performed by renowned practitioner Yogrishi Vishvketu, Yogasana: The Encyclopedia of Yoga Poses is the most comprehensive yoga asana guide to date. With poses adapted to every skill level, the encyclopedia is an invaluable resource for both the yoga novice and the studio owner. Nearly a millennium ago, the hatha yoga tradition included over seven hundred thousand yoga poses. Today, only a fraction of those are known. Yogi Vishvketu, a lifelong yoga devotee, bridges that gap by connecting modern poses to their ancient roots with an intuitive naming system that fuses past with present. Thorough translation charts—which provide pose names in Sanskrit script along with transliterations in Sanskrit and English—help practitioners gain an understanding of the relationship between the name and the spiritual significance of each pose. The energetic essence of each asana is unveiled through a detailed chakra chart and graphic indicators depicting the chakras activated by that pose. With poses organized into a logical sequence with roots in the traditional Himalayan system and enhanced by Yogi Vishvketu&’s decades of practice, this yoga compendium showcases the asanas, the language, and the spiritual path of yoga together in a single, all-inclusive volume.

Ayurveda: A Holistic Approach to Health

by Reenita Malhotra Hora

Ayurveda: A Holistic Approach to Health outlines the basic principles and practices of this ancient secret to a long and happy life.The ancient Indian &“science (veda) of life (ayur),&” Ayurveda dates back more than five thousand years. It provides a holistic approach to healthy living, guiding us on how to enhance our physical, mental, social, and spiritual harmony. Ayurveda: A Holistic Approach to Health is an accessible guide to this traditional system of medicine, breaking down age-old techniques to give readers the tools to apply the practice to modern life. The book covers diagnosis, preventative medicine, and methods to cure oneself from different ailments. This book is part of the Mandala Wisdom Series, an introductory collection on Eastern wisdom and spirituality, providing readers with the tools to enhance their health and well-being.

Contact Yoga: The Seven Points of Connection & Relationship

by Tara Lynda Guber

A Simon & Schuster eBook. Simon & Schuster has a great book for every reader.

Yogini: The Power of Women in Yoga

by Janice Gates

A Simon & Schuster eBook. Simon & Schuster has a great book for every reader.

The Secret Code on Your Hands: An Illustrated Guide to Palmistry

by Vernon Mahabal

When properly understood, the human hand is an unsurpassed tool for character and emotional analysis. The Secret Code on Your Hands is a captivating instruction guide to understanding how to read your own destiny in your hands, as well as your friends. Fully illustrated, with quick pointers and distinct section dividers, it is a great reference book for any aspiring palmist; a quick and accurate method to assess talents, abilities, psychology, and emotional personality in both business and romance.

Crisis and Chaos: Lessons from the Front Lines of the War Against COVID-19

by Jerome M. Adams

Hard truths and surprising insights about our COVID-19 response from America&’s former top doctor.When COVID-19 began spreading rapidly, the world was taken by surprise. As the ensuing pandemic raged, we faced one constant—a lack of consistent, scientifically sound, and trusted information about dangers, risks, and mitigation strategies that the average person could understand and put into practice to keep themselves and their families safe. Politicians, opportunists, and agenda-driven media personalities spread misinformation for an array of purposes, leaving most of the public scratching their heads, wondering what was true and what wasn&’t. Now, the former Surgeon General of the United States—freed from the many constraints he worked under in public office—reveals critical lessons learned from both mistakes and successes overlooked during the pandemic. He explains what we need to know to create a safer environment for individuals, families, and communities, how we can respond better to the next threat, why we keep making the same mistakes, and why we must promote health equity for all. As Dr. Adams explains, the best public health policies are the ones that begin at home and come about as people in local communities work together to find solutions that fit their specific priorities and needs. Only through this bottom-up, community-driven approach will we be able to turn down the volume on the distracting noise, finally make our way out of and recover from a once-in-a-century pandemic, and prepare ourselves for inevitable future health crises.

Mothership: A Memoir of Wonder and Crisis

by Greg Wrenn

A dazzling, evidence-based account of one man&’s quest to heal from complex PTSD by turning to endangered coral reefs and psychedelic plants after traditional therapies failed—and his awakening to the need for us to heal the planet as well.Professor Greg Wrenn likes to tell his nature-writing students, &“The ecological is personal, and the personal is ecological.&” What he&’s never told them is how he&’s lived out those correspondences to heal from childhood abuse at the hands of his mother. Weaving together memoir and cutting-edge science, Mothership is not just a queer coming-of-age story. It&’s a deeply researched account of how coral reefs and a psychedelic tea called ayahuasca helped Greg heal from complex PTSD—a disorder of trust, which makes the very act of bonding with someone else panic-inducing. From the tide pools in Florida where he grew up, to Indonesia&’s Raja Ampat archipelago and the Amazon rainforest, this is his search for wholeness when talk therapy and pharmaceuticals did little to help. Along the way, as his ecological conscience wakes up, he takes readers underwater to the last pristine reefs on earth, and into the psyche.Written with prophetic urgency, Mothership ultimately asks if doses of nature will be enough to save us before it&’s too late.

Sintoniza el biocampo humano: Sanación con terapia de sonido vibracional

by Eileen Day McKusick

Una guía de los conceptos básicos para sintonizar el biocampo mediante diapasones para eliminar el trauma almacenado en el campo de energía humano• Proporciona un mapa preciso del biocampo energético que rodea el cuerpo • Muestra dónde se almacenan las emociones, los recuerdos, los traumas y el dolor • Detalla cómo limpiar un trauma almacenado en el biocampo con diapasón Apenas Eileen McKusick comenzó a ofrecer terapia de sonido en su práctica descubrió que podía usar diapasones para localizar perturbaciones en el campo de energía que rodeaba a cada uno de sus clientes. Pasar los diapasones por estas áreas corrigió los sonidos vibratorios distorsionados y ofreció un alivio constante, predecible e inmediato del dolor, ansiedad, insomnio, migrañas, depresión, fibromialgia, trastornos digestivos y multitud de otros padecimientos. Más de 20 años después, McKusick ha desarrollado su método de curación con sonido, al que llama Biofield Tuning, y un mapa del biocampo con las ubicaciones precisas donde se almacenan emociones, recuerdos, dolencias y traumas específicos. En este libro, McKusick explica los conceptos básicos de la práctica de Biofield Tuning con ilustraciones de su mapa de anatomía de biocampos. Ella detalla cómo usar los diapasones para encontrar y eliminar el dolor o trauma almacenados en el biocampo y revela cómo los principios tradicionales y las ubicaciones de los chakras corresponden con sus descubrimientos. Al explorar la ciencia detrás de la sintonización del biocampo, McKusick examina la naturaleza del sonido y la energía y explica cómo las experiencias de trauma producen &“oscilaciones patológicas&” en el biocampo, lo que causa una ruptura del orden, estructura y función en el cuerpo. Gracias a una perspectiva revolucionaria sobre la mente, la energía, la memoria y el trauma, esta guía de McKusick ofrece nuevas vías de curación para trabajadores de la energía, terapeutas de masaje, sanadores de sonido y para los que buscan superar enfermedades crónicas y liberarse de los traumas de su pasado.

Runas nórdicas: Interpretación del antiguo oráculo vikingo

by Paul Rhys Mountfort

• Revela el simbolismo y el significado adivinatorio de los 24 &“pentagramas&” rúnicos • Proporciona instrucciones claras sobre cómo fabricar tus propias piedras rúnicas • Explica el papel de las runas en la tradición de la sabiduría nórdica y su influencia en obras como El señor de los anillos de Tolkien Las runas nórdicas son un sistema mágico potente y profundamente transformador que brinda a los lectores contemporáneos acceso a la antigua tradición de las culturas del norte de Europa. Las runas tienen profundas resonancias dentro del mundo nórdico pagano, de diosas y dioses, gigantes, enanos, guerreros y magos, que han influido mucho en el trabajo de J. R. R. Tolkien, entre otros. La tradición nórdica atribuye el descubrimiento de las runas al &“padre de todo&”, Odín, un dios de la inspiración y la sabiduría secreta, además de prototipo mítico de los magos rúnicos, quienes establecieron el patrón para obtener su conocimiento.Runas nórdicas aborda tres áreas principales: su tradición, la historia de este oráculo nórdico de 2.000 años de antigüedad; sus pentagramas, el significado de cada runa del antiguo alfabeto futhark y sus poderosas lecciones mitológicas, mágicas y prácticas para la vida diaria; y su tirada, una guía completa para la aplicación oracular de las antiguas runas, incluida su elaboración, adivinación y autodesarrollo. Como muestra este libro, las runas, más que reflejar el camino del destino, ayudan a desarrollar y mejorar nuestra intuición. Mientras aprende a lanzar e interpretar las runas, el lector se volverá receptivo a las corrientes de energía en la realidad material y se fortalecerá en las artes de su transformación.

A Shamanic Herbal: Plant Teachers and Animal Medicines

by Matthew Wood

• Explores the alphabet of Nature personified in animals and the spiritual lessons of animal medicines—animals personified in plants—including Turtle, Bear, Deer, Wolf, Alligator, and Horse Medicine teachings• Shares profound experiences from the author&’s long career as an herbalist and his first years growing up on a remote Seminole reservation in the Everglades• Offers shamanic adventures interwoven with comparisons to the psychology of Freud and Jung, the visions of Castaneda, and the occult teachings of Steiner and GurdjieffSharing profound experiences from his long career as well as his first years growing up on a remote Seminole reservation in the Everglades, renowned herbalist Matthew Wood interweaves practical herbalism and the spiritual potency of Nature to deeply explore the plant teachers, animal medicines, and foundational principles of shamanism as a spiritual path.Wood describes a universal &“language of the shamans,&” based on direct, sometimes supernatural experiences as well as case studies from his practice. He examines the alphabet of Nature and spiritual lessons personified in animals and plants, especially &“animal medicines&”—when the plant looks like an animal. He shares accounts of Turtle Medicine plants for self-examination, Bear Medicine plants to open the imagination, and Wolf Medicine plants for wholeness and magic. He explores the plants of Alligator Medicine for healthful prosperity, Horse Medicine plants to bring the conscious self in harmony with the animal self, Badger Medicine plants to strengthen gut instincts, and many other herb and animal teachers. He also looks at plants associated with journeying to the spirit world through the medicine of Crane, Dragon, and Bat.Revealing the shamanic roots of his herbal teachings, Matthew Wood provides not only an inside view of his lifelong spiritual path but also an immersive and experiential guide to the shamanic wisdom of countless plant and animal teachers.

Tantric Sex for Lovers

by Diana Richardson Michael Richardson

A complete guide to tantric sex in a 3-volume set• Contains Tantric Orgasm for Women, Tantric Sex for Men, and Slow Sex• Explores Tantra from the female perspective and the male perspective and looks at how couples can make sex more fulfilling and use their love-making to strengthen their relationship• Shares foreplay practices, breathing exercises, position sequences, tantric meditations for increased sensitivity, and techniques to awaken the body&’s innate mechanism for ecstasyIn this three-volume boxed set, tantric sex teachers Diana and Michael Richardson present practices to help couples enrich their sex life with the spiritual, healing power of sex.In Tantric Orgasm for Women, Diana explores Tantra from the female perspective, sharing her more than 20 years of research and revealing how relaxation is the key to achieving deep orgasmic states. She looks at how receptive feminine energy influences the male-female exchange, provides ancient tantric meditations and breathing exercises for increased sensitivity and awareness, and explores the role of the clitoris, breasts, and vagina in achieving orgasm. In Tantric Sex for Men, Diana and Michael show men how to move beyond goal-oriented sex and relax into sex as a meditative union of complementary energies. They include foreplay approaches and diagrams of sexual position sequences, explore the relationship-strengthening benefits of deep sustained penetration, and explain how to perform soft penetration and avoid premature ejaculation.In Slow Sex, Diana provides a step-by-step guide for committed couples to explore the healing, spiritual power of slow sex and awaken the body&’s innate mechanism for ecstasy and pleasure. She explains how slow sex increases sensitivity and sexual vitality as well as creating and restoring love. Providing illustrations of different positions for eye contact, deep sustained penetration, and soft penetration, she shows how the practice of slow sex provides couples a way to reach a shared meditative state and use it as a vehicle to achieve higher consciousness.Enabling committed couples to develop a personal tantric sex practice, the authors reveal how to keep your sex life sustainable, fulfilling, and enjoyable for many decades to come as well as how to harness the power of sex to access extraordinary realms of sensitivity, sensuality, and higher consciousness.

Healing through Sound: Awakening Your Audible Body

by Vickie Dodd

• Shows how sound, even humming, can change the body&’s tissues, rearrange posture, and release long-held emotional trauma and stress • Explains how to listen deeply to the body and discover the rhythms of the areas to be treated as well as how to intuit the sounds required for healing • Offers practices to help you immediately release tension and explains how to use your voice to release emotional conflicts so your body can naturally heal You are made of sound. By listening deeply, you can hear the rhythms and stories of the audible body. With the power of the voice, you can heal the body layer by layer, awakening your cells while releasing long-held tensions, stress, and emotional trauma. In this guide to sound as bodywork, sound healer Vickie Dodd shares her system for addressing trauma locked in the physical body with the healing power of sound. Touching on the function of the nervous system and the parasympathetic breath, she reveals how sound travels the inner pathways of the body, eliciting responses from the body memory of tissues and muscles while bypassing the mind. Sharing examples from sessions with her clients across five decades, she explains how sound can change the body&’s tissues, rearrange posture, and release undigested emotional experiences. She teaches how to prepare the body for the work of sounding and releasing and explains the vocabulary of healing sounds, in particular the power of vowels to start the healing process. Presenting experiential exercises, the author explores how to listen deeply and precisely to the body&’s stories and discover the rhythms of the areas to be treated as well as how to intuit the sounds required for healing—your unique soundprint. She offers practices to help you immediately experience a release of tension and stress and explains how to use your voice to release emotional conflicts so your body can naturally heal. She explores how to sing love songs to your shadow, transform negative patterns into harmonious ones, and discover the grace and peace that arise as your body&’s stories and tissues come to rest. Revealing the vast potential of sound to heal and transform, Vickie Dodd shows how each of us can dialogue with our own body for release, restoration, and vitality.

The Easy Way to Learn Astrology: How to Read Your Birth Chart

by Alison Chester-Lambert

• Explains key astrological terms and concepts in an uncomplicated and easy-to-understand way, from the 4 Elements to the 12 Zodiac Signs to the Houses• Shows how to read a birth chart step-by-step with the methods of psychological astrology, allowing you to quickly identify personality traits• Includes sample charts and interpretations to help you get startedLearning to read a birth chart—to understand the patterns and interactions of the planets at the moment we were born—can be daunting, especially when studying astrology through traditional systems.Presenting a simple way to learn astrology, professional astrologer and astropsychologist Alison Chester-Lambert breaks down the complexities of a birth chart into easy-to-understand pieces, revealing how to quickly decode a person&’s strengths, weaknesses, challenges, and opportunities with psychological astrology. Simply noting the Masculine–Feminine balance of Zodiac Signs in a chart can already reveal much about a person. Focusing on Zodiac Signs and Houses, Alison explains how to interpret the Ascendant, or Rising Sign, in a birth chart as well as the meaning of each House and which Element it is ruled by. In addition, with each of the four Elements of Fire, Earth, Air, and Water ruling over specific Zodiac Signs, we can get insight into individual personality traits based on the Elements present in a birth chart. Personality keywords for each Element help shed light on the motivation behind a person&’s actions and choices.With psychological astrology not only revealing the spiritual structure of the Cosmos but also the intricacies of human behavior, this guide will enable you to begin reading charts right away.

Raise Your Frequency, Transform Your Life: How to Respond with Love to Life's Difficulties

by Selina Maitreya

• Shows you how to recognize and transform daily difficulties into opportunities, empowering you to use every challenge as a tool to find deeper peace• Offers a variety of practices, including exercises and action steps, to enable you to more fully integrate your spiritual beliefs into daily life• Emphasizes working with energy frequencies, rather than thoughts, as a means to reach inner healing, transformation, and self-empowermentIn this powerful guide, spiritual teacher Selina Maitreya shares a radical process of self-transformation that allows you to discover your highest potential. Drawing on her 25 years of experience as a spiritual teacher, Maitreya explores how to recognize and transform the challenges you experience into tools to raise your consciousness, thus empowering you to use each difficult life experience as a tool to create peace and build the foundation for a truly abundant life.Maitreya shares her own journey, when all her plans for her future ended in the blink of an eye, leading to the creation of this book. Pulled from her car with the Jaws of Life following a collision, she was diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury that left her unable to live anything close to a normal life. Her physical and intellectual disabilities were huge and went on for the next four years. Yet she experienced a connection to Oneness during this time that she had never experienced before. In Oneness was the respite she had always sought, and all she had to do was close her eyes and breathe.Through simple, practical exercises, as well as inspiring transformational goals and action steps, the author emphasizes the importance of accessing and raising your inner vibration. She introduces you to your energetic systems and teaches how to respond to any life difficulty—from a small irritation to a major life tragedy—using the energy of love rather than the energy of fear. By focusing on energy frequencies, rather than thoughts or emotions, she demonstrates how working with the heart frequency can provide ways to understand, work through, and transform challenges that arise—better connecting you to the higher frequency state of your intuition. As your personal vibration rises, you attract the people, situations, and events that align with your unique path toward creating and living an extraordinary life.

Dragons and Serpents: Earth Mysteries and the Time of Change

by Stefan Broennle

• Explains how dragons and serpents are bearers of the elemental and archetypal energies of the Earth • Examines myths, legends, and symbols of dragons and serpents in many cultures, including their positive associations in Asia and their often misinterpreted negative meanings in Christianity • Reveals the geomantic meaning of dragon energy and how to reconnect to it for supporting the Earth in these times of change Revealing how dragons and serpents are deeply embedded in the story of humankind and the Earth itself, from prehistory to the present, Stefan Broennle takes us on a journey through the myths, legends, symbols, and geomantic powers of dragons in different cultures around the world. He shows how the ancient image of the dragon and the serpent are closely connected with each other. He explains how dragons are archetypes of the elemental force of the Earth, while the serpent, which can change its skin and regenerate, carries the elemental force of rebirth and is also connected to the Earth through its relationship with the feminine. Looking at lore from Europe and Asia, he shows how in Christian cultures, dragons and serpents were often connected to dark and evil forces whereas in Asia the dragon is considered the bearer of culture, the founder of countries, or even the primal father of the people. The author examines ancient pictorial representations of dragons on buildings and in paintings, interpreting their different forms and unveiling their hidden meanings. Illuminating the meanings of dragons in geomantic symbolism, he explains the differences between dragon paths, soul paths, and ley lines, which form an energetic network all over the globe. He shows how our ancestors recognized the dragon-earth energies of these energetic lines and identified them with dragon place names or sculptures at precise geographical points. He explains how dragon portals can be opened through geomantic work and includes a powerful exercise to awaken the dragon energies within you and connect more deeply to the Earth. Presenting a gateway into the ancient power of dragons, this book reveals how reconnecting with the archetypal Earth energies of dragons and serpents is crucial not only for our individual growth and transformation but also for the fate of humanity and the Earth during our present times of great change.

Taste of Home Mediterranean Favorites: Savor the Good Life with Hundreds of Popular Dishes (Taste of Home Mediterranean)

by Taste Of Home

Take your taste buds on a mouthwatering trip with Greek, Tuscan, Moroccan and other vibrant flavors inspired by the sun-kissed coastal region of the Mediterranean Sea. This follow-up to Taste of Home&’s top-selling Mediterranean cookbook offers even more tantalizing recipes that are light, fresh and loaded with flavor.Take your taste buds on a mouthwatering trip with Greek, Tuscan, Moroccan and other vibrant flavors inspired by the sun-kissed coastal region of the Mediterranean Sea. This follow-up to Taste of Home&’s top-selling Mediterranean cookbook offers even more tantalizing recipes that are light, fresh and loaded with flavor. Easy-to-find ingredients, familiar cooking methods and step-by-step instructions makes quick work of getting a delicious meal on the table in no time flat. It&’s a snap with this sensational collection of tried-and-true favorites. That&’s right! These 320 recipes are shared by today&’s family cooks who have happily adopted this light and lively Mediterranean cuisine in their own homes.

Surviving Modern Yoga: Cult Dynamics, Charismatic Leaders, and What Survivors Can Teach Us

by Matthew Remski

Grounded in investigative research and real survivor stories, Surviving Modern Yoga uncovers the physical and sexual abuse perpetrated by Ashtanga yoga leader Pattabhi Jois—and reckons with the culture, structures, and mythos that enabled it.The revised edition of Practice and All is Coming from Conspirituality co-host Matthew RemskiYoga culture sells well-meaning westerners the full package: physical health, good vibes, and spiritual growth. Here, investigative journalist Matthew Remski explores how cultic dynamics, institutional self-interest, and spiritualized indifference collude to obscure the truth: Harm happens in plain sight.Through in-depth interviews, insider analysis, and Remski&’s own history with high-demand groups, Surviving Modern Yoga brings to light how we&’re each susceptible to cult abuse and exploitation. He shows how, with the right kind of situational vulnerability and the wrong kind of guru, the ideas we hold close about ourselves—like It wouldn&’t happen to me or I&’d speak up for victims—fail to protect us.Remski reckons with his own complicity in spiritual power dynamics, and shares how a process of disillusionment allowed him to recognize harm. He does the same for readers, peeling back the veneer of yoga marketing to reveal the abuse, assault, and silencing perpetrated against seekers who trusted Jois as a mentor, their guruji—even a father figure. Each survivor speaks in their own words, on their own terms, reclaiming agency against an insular, in-group culture that enabled a charismatic leader&’s devastating harm—and positioned him as its only remedy.Surviving Modern Yoga also includes practical tools to help readers:Understand how high-demand groups trap would-be targetsEvaluate their own situational vulnerabilitiesLearn to listen for loaded, red-flag languageCultivate their literacy of cult tactics

Conscious Moving: An Embodied Guide for Healing, Learning, Contemplating, and Creating

by Christine Caldwell

Conscious Moving extends from one transformative belief: we feel more human, more empowered, and more ourselves when we live from that place within us—and all around us—that simply moves. And when we examine and trust in the emerging and evolving movement of our minds and bodies, we can better harness the tools needed to expand our creativity, wellbeing, and learning.Body-based psychotherapist, movement specialist, and renowned author-educator Christine Caldwell (Oppression and the Body) offers a radically ambitious mode of somatic awareness and inquiry—and shows how designing our own conscious movement practices can improve not only our own lives, but our relationships, communities, and culture.This anthology explores how movement practices can help us be more present; more grounded and intentional in responding to and working with experiences in the moment; and claim our own bodily autonomy. Caldwell and contributors explore these key benefits and applications in four critical areas:CreativityContemplationHealingLearningRooted in both ancient and modern scientific ways of knowing, Conscious Moving imparts fundamental principles and tools applicable to a broad spectrum of fields and professions. Topics explored in partnership with conscious movement practice include: Trauma and Oppression, Isolation and Loneliness, Addiction, Group Therapy, Sexuality, Creative Arts, and Grief.Encouraging each reader to pay attention to—and honor—their own embodied intuition, Conscious Moving is a non-prescriptive guide to accessing body-based wisdom for personal growth, community impact, and widespread social change.

Crash Course: A Self-Healing Guide to Auto Accident Trauma and Recovery

by Diane Poole Heller Laurence S. Heller

Trauma following automobile accidents can persist for weeks, months, or longer. Symptoms include nervousness, sleep disorders, loss of appetite, and sexual dysfunction. In Crash Course, Diane Poole Heller and Laurence Heller take readers through a series of case histories and exercises to explain and treat the health problems and trauma brought on by car accidents.

Immaculate Conception: Sophia Light Codes for Modern Sacredness

by Thalia Amma Sophia

Miracles and phenomena of mystery between black magic, miracles and phenomena and religion. The first and last parts of Immaculate Conception tell the story of how a girl of the light becomes a real woman and let her wings unfurl. Through trials and tribulations, the reader is invited to reflect on testimonials of an initiate in a patriarchal society of dogma.At its core, this is a tale of a young woman in search of a life filled with love, spirituality, and the simple joys of existence, all while embracing her soul&’s destiny. Her story unfolds amidst the backdrop of stress, drama, &‘a-ha!&’ moments, and deep-rooted family traditions, guided by the steadfast presence of God&’s apostles.The second part is packed with rituals, channelled prayers, affirmations, and angelic protection invocations, to call on for a while or at various times. Special Key phrases have Sophia Codes that are lately coming to humanity for co-creating, healing, and expanding. With the support of Mother Mary and Archangels, Thalia Amma Sophia opens you to receive grace, brings you alignment and activation of your Higher Self; to neutralize the magnets pulling you into dysfunctional behaviour and past Life overlays!Prepare to awaken your innate ability to manifest desires and nurture creative ideas. Immaculate Conception extends an invitation to embark on a transformative journey where miracles, faith, and the boundless power of the human spirit intersect, promising the potential for grace, fulfilment, and profound transformation.

Knee Ability Zero

by Ben Patrick

Knee Ability Zero is not a medical book, rather: it is a step-by-step manual which allows you to find and improve your pain-free ability, and this has resulted in over 2000 knee success stories for people of all ages and walks of life.Over 8 steps we build "from the ground up" - from your ankles to lower legs to knees to thighs to hips, improving the strength, control, and freedom you have over your body, with explanation of why each step helps your knees. The 8 steps take 15-20 minutes in total, and I suggest doing them up to 3 times per week.You do not need any weights, equipment, or special abilities for this program, and you can start applying Step 1 from the moment you open up the book!

Pain & Performance: The Revolutionary New Way to Use Training as Treatment for Pain and Injury

by Ryan Whited Matt Fitzgerald

Discover how to move through pain and injury, overcome perceived limits, and be in control of your athletic performance. Pain is universal. Athletes in pursuit of performance are not strangers to pain—in fact they embrace it. But nothing derails training faster than nagging athletic pain and injury, which all too often land athletes in an endless cycle of physical therapy or leave them sidelined from sport altogether, awaiting surgery. Pain & Performance is a tour de force that explores compelling advances in pain science to reveal the shocking lack of evidence to support modern medicine&’s approach to injury management. Author Ryan Whited shares how his own journey, as both an elite climber and a professional trainer, inspired his revolutionary Training as Treatment method for helping athletes bounce back from broken to achieve breakthrough performances. This powerful new approach to musculoskeletal health will empower athletes to move through pain with confidence and control as they continue to chase big goals.

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