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Francis Drake: Patriot or Pirate? (Discovery Education: Sensational True Stories)

by Robert Sheehan

Francis Drake was a man some considered a hero, while others thought he was nothing more than a criminal. Readers will decide for themselves in this fact-filled volume. Easy-to-follow text and colorful illustrations will keep any young readers interest.

The Franco-German War Of 1870-71 [Illustrated Edition]

by Field-Marshal Helmuth Graf Von Moltke

Illustrated with over 30 maps and diagrams of the War.There are few military strategists that can be mentioned in the same breath as Field-Marshal Helmuth Graf Von Moltke, a towering military figure who helped define the Federal German state with his military brilliance. Although born into a Danish family and trained for the Danish Army, he transferred to the Prussian army and by 1822 he was enrolled at the famous Prussian Kriegsakadamie, studying under the revered Clausewitz. He fully digested the organic theories of warfare expounded by Clausewitz, and enhanced his already brilliant prospects by studying languages and devouring literature and history with equal gusto. He was one of the first to realize the military potential of the new railway networks that were being built across Europe around this time, a factor that would shape the Prussian/German war planning for years to come.Having gained the pinnacle of his profession as the Chief of the General Staff in 1857; the next fourteen years would place a heavy burden on him at the head of the German Land Forces that would be the cutting edge of Teutonic expansion. He tested his theories of war first in the war of 1866 against the Austrians pulling off the astonishing victory of Königgratz by a combination of brilliant planning, superior fighting ability, swift marching and trust in his subordinates. His greatest successes would be against the much vaunted French army in 1870-71. he realized that although numbers would be against them the German military machine was much more effective at mobilization, manoeuvre and above all drive and determination. The story of his successes during the war are recounted in this volume with reticence, modesty and honesty; he is very careful not point out too many of the errors of the German Generals but spares none of the French commanders.An excellent war memoir from a renowned general widely regarded as one of the foremost military strategists of the 19th century.

Franco y el Imperio Japonés

by Florentino Rodao García

Insólito estudio sobre la relaciones entre España y Japón durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. El interés que la historiografía ha mostrado hacia las relaciones de la España franquista con la Alemania nazi y la Italia fascista ha provocado que se olvidaran las existentes con el régimen japonés, que también formaba parte del Eje. Y tales relaciones, a pesar de la lejanía y las dificultades de comunicación, tenían que ser relevantes en la estrategia de Japón que, ya enfrascado en una guerra de conquista en China, había abierto nuevos frentes de batalla en el sudeste asiático y el Pacífico en el marco de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Las posibilidades de cooperación entre ambos regímenes tuvieran nuevas dimensiones con la expansión continental de los años 1940-41 y, posteriormente, con las actividades que asumió Madrid por cuenta de Tokio después de Pearl Harbor: el espionaje y la protección de las numerosas colonias de emigrantes japoneses en elcontinente americano, las más importantes que realizó un país neutral. El distanciamiento español de Japón cuando terminó el ciclo de victorias militares del imperio -Franco incluso llegó a especular con una declaración de guerra en marzo de 1945, que rechazaron los aliados- sirvió de ensayo al régimen para la previsible ruptura con Alemania e Italia y el acercamiento a los Aliados. La característica fundamental de los contactos es que, a diferencia de los que mantenía el régimen con Alemania e Italia, nunca se desarrollaron bajo el signo de la afinidad cultural e ideológica, sino sólo como alianza utilitaria. Por eso para Franco -que creía que la derrota de Japón era consecuencia de la incapacidad de los orientales para acceder a la civilización- la ruptura no fue difícil.

François Truffaut: The Lost Secret

by Anne Gillain Alistair Fox

For François Truffaut, the lost secret of cinematic art is in the ability to generate emotion and reveal repressed fantasies through cinematic representation. Available in English for the first time, Anne Gillain's François Truffaut: The Lost Secret is considered by many to be the best book on the interpretation of Truffaut's films. Taking a psycho-biographical approach, Gillain shows how Truffaut's creative impulse was anchored in his personal experience of a traumatic childhood that left him lonely and emotionally deprived. In a series of brilliant, nuanced readings of each of his films, she demonstrates how involuntary memories arising from Truffaut's childhood not only furnish a succession of motifs that are repeated from film to film, but also govern every aspect of his mise en scène and cinematic technique.

Francona: The Red Sox Years

by Terry Francona Dan Shaughnessy

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER. "Eloquent and dazzling," the story of Terry Francona's tenure as manager of the Boston Red Sox (Philadelphia Daily News). When Terry Francona took over as manager of the Boston Red Sox in 2004, the storied franchise hadn’t won a World Series championship in eighty-six years. Led by Francona, the team won two over the course of four years. During the full eight years of Francona’s tenure, the Red Sox were transformed from “cursed” into one of the most successful and profitable teams in baseball history—only to fall back to last place as soon as Francona was gone.Francona: The Red Sox Years lets readers in on the inner workings of the Red Sox clubhouse like no book has ever done before. From the highs of the World Series to the lows of the final months of the 2011 season—the most epic collapse of a team in baseball history—this book features the never-before-told stories about Sox fans’ favorite players, moments, wins, and losses.“A scorched-earth memoir . . . [that] touches fleetingly on steroid use, sabermetrics, and Michael Jordan’s stint in the minor leagues . . . but saves its heaviest artillery for the owners . . . [and] Theo Epstein backs him up.”—New York Times Book Review"It’s not often that baseball aficionados and gossip gluttons can plunk down on a shared portion of outfield grass with the same book for an afternoon of readerly delight, but Francona can bridge those kinds of differences.”—Boston Globe


by Kieran Larwood

Weirdest. Crime Fighters. Ever. Sheba, the fur-faced Wolfgirl, can sniff out a threat from miles away. Monkeyboy clambers up buildings in the blink of an eye -- then drops deadly stink bombs of his own making (yes, THAT kind)! Sister Moon sees in the dark, and moves at the speed of light. Born with weird abnormalities that make them misfits, these FREAKS spend their nights on public display, trapped in a traveling Victorian sideshow. But during the day, they put their strange talents to use: They solve the most sinister crimes. And in a dank, desperate world of crooks and child-snatchers, they're determined to defend London's most innocent victims: the street urchins disappearing from the city's streets.

Fred and Ethel Noyes of Smithville, New Jersey: The Artist and the Entrepreneur

by Judy Courter

Thousands of visitors each year flock to the Historic Smithville Inn and Village to enjoy restaurants, shops and festivals. The story behind Smithville--the remarkable efforts of its founders, Fred and Ethel Noyes--is as colorful as the village itself. Fred was a World War II veteran and artist with a rambunctious personality. Ethel was an unstoppable visionary and self-made businesswoman. Together, they restored the Smithville Inn and, over the years, added the historic village. Ethel ran the enterprise with a notoriously tight grip, while the garrulous Fred painted, collected decoys and was the mainstay. They went on to build the Ram's Head Inn and the Noyes Museum of Art. Fred and Ethel left a lasting legacy for the people of New Jersey. Author Judy Courter tells the story of this fascinating couple through the memories of family, friends and employees.

Frederica (The Georgette Heyer Signature Collection #0)

by Georgette Heyer

I have Georgette Heyer's books in every room of my house."—#1 New York Times bestselling author Nora RobertsGeorgette Heyer is known as the "Queen of Regency Romance". Determined to secure a brilliant marriage for her beautiful sister, Frederica seeks out their distant cousin the Marquis of Alverstoke. Lovely, competent, and refreshingly straightforward, Frederica makes such a strong impression on him that to his own amazement, the Marquis agrees to help launch them all into society. Normally Lord Alverstoke keeps his distance from his family, which includes two overbearing sisters and innumerable favor-seekers. But with his enterprising — and altogether entertaining —country cousins getting into one scrape after another right on his doorstep, before he knows it the Marquis finds himself dangerously embroiled.The Georgette Heyer Signature Collection is a fresh celebration of an author who has charmed tens of millions of readers with her delightful sense of humor and unique take on Regency romance. Includes fun and fascinating bonus content—a glossary of Regency slang, a Reading Group Guide, and an Afterword by official biographer Jennifer Kloester sharing insights into what Georgette herself thought of Frederica and what was going on in her life as she was writing.

Frederick & Anna Douglass in Rochester New York: Their Home Was Open to All

by Rose O'Keefe

The story of the upstate New York home where the orator and former slave lived with family, houseguests, and fugitives on the Underground Railroad. Despite living through one of our nation&’s most bitter and terrifying times, Frederick Douglass and his wife, Anna, raised five children in a loving home with flower, fruit, and vegetable gardens in Rochester, New York for twenty-five years beginning in 1848. While Frederick traveled widely, fighting for the freedom and rights of his brethren, Anna cared for their home, family, and extended circle. Their house was open to fugitives on the Underground Railroad, visiting abolitionists, and houseguests who stayed for weeks, months, and years at a time. In this book, local history expert Rose O&’Keefe weaves together the story of the Douglasses&’ experience in Rochester and the indelible mark they left on the Flower City. Includes illustrations

Frederick County Characters: Innovators, Pioneers and Patriots of Western Maryland

by Christopher Haugh John W. Ashbury

Since its founding in 1748, Frederick County has been home to some of the nation's most celebrated and dynamic historical figures. The quaint towns and farmlands with their serene mountain vistas of the Catoctin Ridge have played host to the likes of the famed Francis Scott Key and Thomas Stone, one of Maryland's signers of the Declaration of Independence. Later, Dr. John Tyler--Frederick's pioneering oculist--established his practice on the town's West Church Street and performed the first cataract operation in the region. Burkittsville's Outerbridge Horsey gained fame by producing over ten thousand barrels a year of America's finest rye whiskey from his warehouse distillery. In the twentieth century, beloved local educator Emily Johnson helped cultivate generations of young minds. With this collection of the best of his articles from "Frederick Magazine," local author John W. Ashbury profiles the most remarkable and fascinating figures in the history of Frederick County.

Frederick Douglass: Reformer and Statesman (Routledge Historical Americans)

by L. Diane Barnes

Frederick Douglass was born a slave in Talbot County, Maryland, in February, 1818. From these humble beginnings, Douglass went on to become a world-famous orator, newspaper editor, and champion of the rights of women and African Americans. He was the most prominent African American activist of the 19th century. He remains important in American history because he moved beyond relief at his own personal freedom to dedicating his life to the progress of his race and his country. This volume offers a short biographical exploration of Douglass' life in the broader context of the 19th century world, and pulls together some of his most important writings on slavery, civil rights, and political issues. Bolstered by the series website, which provides instructors with more images and documents, as well as targeted links to further research, Frederick Douglass: Reformer and Statesman gives the student of American history a fully-rounded glimpse into the world inhabited by this great figure.

Frederick Douglass: A Life in Documents (A Nation Divided)

by Frederick Douglass

Frederick Douglass was born enslaved in February 1818, but from this most humble of beginnings, he rose to become a world-famous orator, newspaper editor, and champion of the rights of women and African Americans. He not only survived slavery to live in freedom but also became an outspoken critic of the institution and an active participant in the U.S. political system. Douglass advised presidents of the United States and formally represented his country in the diplomatic corps. He was the most prominent African American activist of the nineteenth century, and he left a treasure trove of documentary evidence detailing his life in slavery and achievements in freedom. This volume gathers and interprets valuable selections from a variety of Douglass’s writings, including speeches, editorials, correspondence, and autobiographies.

Frederick's Orders: Frederick the Great's Orders to His Generals and His Way of War

by Frederick Hohenzollern Vincent W Rospond

At various times in his military career Frederick the Great seemed on the cusp of a major defeat, yet always to find ways to extricate himself a secure a victory for himself and his lands. Frederick has long been considered in the pantheon of military leaders for his strategic and tactical prowess. His instructions to his generals have long been considered a starting point to understand the military mind of this leader. We present an annotated and illustrated version of Frederick the Great's 1754 Instructions to his infantry and cavalry. Included in this volume are maps that provide a background to his battles, a biography of Frederick and some of his generals, and an explanation of 18th century warfare as well as illustrations of his troops.

Free and French in the Caribbean: Toussaint Louverture, Aimé Césaire, and Narratives of Loyal Opposition (Blacks in the Diaspora)

by John Patrick Walsh

In Free and French in the Caribbean, John Patrick Walsh studies the writings of Toussaint Louverture and Aimé Césaire to examine how they conceived of and narrated two defining events in the decolonializing of the French Caribbean: the revolution that freed the French colony of Saint-Domingue in 1803 and the departmentalization of Martinique and other French colonies in 1946. Walsh emphasizes the connections between these events and the distinct legacies of emancipation in the narratives of revolution and nationhood passed on to successive generations. By reexamining Louverture and Césaire in light of their multilayered narratives, the book offers a deeper understanding of the historical and contemporary phenomenon of "free and French" in the Caribbean.

The Free Animal

by Lee Maclean

Free will is a key but contested concept in the work of Jean-Jacques Rousseau: while the famed philosopher is known to have asserted that free will distinguishes human beings from animals, several interpreters have argued that he merely pretends to have this belief for the sake of healthy politics and to avoid persecution by religious authorities. Through careful readings of key texts and letters, The Free Animal offers a new and original exploration of Rousseau's views on free will.Lee MacLean shows that Rousseau needs and uses the idea of human consciousness of free will to explain the development of morality, convention, and vice. MacLean bases her argument on a broad range of texts, from canonical works to Rousseau's untranslated letters and drafts. Featuring careful analyses and an extensive engagement with the secondary literature, The Free Animal offers a novel interpretation of the changing nature and complexity of Rousseau's intention.

Free Market Fairness

by John Tomasi

A provocative new vision of free market capitalism that achieves liberal ends by libertarian meansCan libertarians care about social justice? In Free Market Fairness, John Tomasi argues that they can and should. Drawing simultaneously on moral insights from defenders of economic liberty such as F. A. Hayek and advocates of social justice such as John Rawls, Tomasi presents a new theory of liberal justice. This theory, free market fairness, is committed to both limited government and the material betterment of the poor. Unlike traditional libertarians, Tomasi argues that property rights are best defended not in terms of self-ownership or economic efficiency but as requirements of democratic legitimacy. At the same time, he encourages egalitarians concerned about social justice to listen more sympathetically to the claims ordinary citizens make about the importance of private economic liberty in their daily lives. In place of the familiar social democratic interpretations of social justice, Tomasi offers a "market democratic" conception of social justice: free market fairness. Tomasi argues that free market fairness, with its twin commitment to economic liberty and a fair distribution of goods and opportunities, is a morally superior account of liberal justice. Free market fairness is also a distinctively American ideal. It extends the notion, prominent in America's founding period, that protection of property and promotion of real opportunity are indivisible goals. Indeed, according to Tomasi, free market fairness is social justice, American style.Provocative and vigorously argued, Free Market Fairness offers a bold new way of thinking about politics, economics, and justice—one that will challenge readers on both the left and right.

Free Trade and Sailors' Rights in the War of 1812

by Paul A. Gilje

On July 2, 1812, Captain David Porter raised a banner on the USS Essex proclaiming "A free trade and sailors rights," thus creating a political slogan that explained the War of 1812. Free trade demanded the protection of American commerce, while sailors' rights insisted that the British end the impressment of seamen from American ships. Repeated for decades in Congress and in taverns, the slogan reminds us today that our second war with Great Britain was not a mistake. It was a contest for the ideals of the American Revolution bringing together both the high culture of the Enlightenment to establish a new political economy and the low culture of the common folk to assert the equality of humankind. Understanding the War of 1812 and the motto that came to explain it - free trade and sailors' rights - allows us to better comprehend the origins of the American nation.

Freedom: A History of the US

by Joy Hakim

Master storyteller Joy Hakim has excited millions of young minds with the great drama of American history in her award-winning series A History of US. Hailed by historians, educators, and parents for its exciting, thought-provoking narrative, the books have been recognized as a break-through tool in teaching history and critical reading skills to young people. And the kids themselves agree: Hakim has piles of fan letters as testimony. Beginning in January, PBS, in association with Thirteen/WNET, General Electric and Kunhardt Productions, will present Freedom: A History of US, an innovative television mini-series based on Joy Hakim's award-winning books. Katie Couric will host the series, George and Laura Bush will introduce the first episode, and celebrated actors such as Paul Newman, Glenn Close, Robin Williams, Matthew Broderick, Angela Bassett, Jeremy Irons, John Lithgow, and Morgan Freeman will participate as narrators. The program will focus on the history of the United States through the inspiring story of our fight to uphold the ideal of freedom, beginning with the Declaration of Independence in 1776, culminating in the Civil Rights movement, and concluding with the challenges posed by the September 11th attacks. In 8 one-hour episodes appearing nationally on public television, the story of America will unfold through Joy Hakim's vision: her belief that freedom survives again and again, despite all the mistakes and tragic setbacks, and that in order to succeed in upholding this great ideal we must examine the past. The Freedom: A History of US companion book to the PBS series will capture both the visual energy of the programs and Hakim's rare gift for telling history through the lives of its makers. The book will follow the thread of the programs and also expand on them, providing a more complete picture of the people and events that shaped a defiant band of thirteen colonies into a great nation of 50 states. More than 400 illustrations, sidebars, and historical documents enhance this stunning look at American history for families to share, discuss, and treasure. Freedom: A History of US is an essential book for every household in America, and reminds us that great storytelling and a passion for freedom will always have a place at the table.

Freedom and the Construction of Europe: Volume 2, Free Persons and Free States

by Quentin Skinner Martin Van Gelderen

Freedom, today perceived simply as a human right, was a continually contested idea in the early modern period. In Freedom and the Construction of Europe an international group of scholars explore the richness, diversity and complexity of thinking about freedom in the shaping of modernity. Volume 1 examines debates about religious and constitutional liberties, as well as exploring the tensions between free will and divine omnipotence across a continent of proliferating religious denominations. Volume 2 considers free persons and free states, examining differing views about freedom of thought and action and their relations to conceptions of citizenship. Debates about freedom have been fundamental to the construction of modern Europe, but represent a part of our intellectual heritage that is rarely examined in depth. These volumes provide materials for thinking in fresh ways not merely about the concept of freedom, but how it has come to be understood in our own time.

Freedom and the Construction of Europe: Volume 1, Religious Freedom and Civil Liberty

by Quentin Skinner Martin Van Gelderen

Freedom, today perceived simply as a human right, was a continually contested idea in the early modern period. In Freedom and the Construction of Europe an international group of scholars explore the richness, diversity and complexity of thinking about freedom in the shaping of modernity. Volume 1 examines debates about religious and constitutional liberties, as well as exploring the tensions between free will and divine omnipotence across a continent of proliferating religious denominations. Volume 2 considers free persons and free states, examining differing views about freedom of thought and action and their relations to conceptions of citizenship. Debates about freedom have been fundamental to the construction of modern Europe, but represent a part of our intellectual heritage that is rarely examined in depth. These volumes provide materials for thinking in fresh ways not merely about the concept of freedom, but how it has come to be understood in our own time.

A Freedom Budget for All Americans: Recapturing the Promise of the Civil Rights Movement in the Struggle for Economic Justice Today

by Paul Le Blanc Michael D. Yates

While the Civil Rights Movement is remembered for efforts to end segregation and secure the rights of African Americans, the larger economic vision that animated much of the movement is often overlooked today. That vision sought economic justice for every person in the United States, regardless of race. It favored production for social use instead of profit; social ownership; and democratic control over major economic decisions. The document that best captured this vision was the Freedom Budget for All Americans: Budgeting Our Resources, 1966-1975, To Achieve Freedom from Want published by the A. Philip Randolph Institute and endorsed by a virtual ‘who’s who’ of U.S. left liberalism and radicalism. Now, two of today’s leading socialist thinkers return to the Freedom Budget and its program for economic justice. Paul Le Blanc and Michael D. Yates explain the origins of the Freedom Budget, how it sought to achieve “freedom from want” for all people, and how it might be reimagined for our current moment. Combining historical perspective with clear-sighted economic proposals, the authors make a concrete case for reviving the spirit of the Civil Rights Movement and building the society of economic security and democratic control envisioned by the movement’s leaders—a struggle that continues to this day.

Freedom National: The Destruction of Slavery in the United States, 1861-1865

by James Oakes

Winner of the Lincoln Prize. "Oakes brilliantly succeeds in [clarifying] the aims of the war with a wholly new perspective."--David Brion Davis, New York Review of Books Freedom National is a groundbreaking history of emancipation that joins the political initiatives of Lincoln and the Republicans in Congress with the courageous actions of Union soldiers and runaway slaves in the South. It shatters the widespread conviction that the Civil War was first and foremost a war to restore the Union and only gradually, when it became a military necessity, a war to end slavery. These two aims--"Liberty and Union, one and inseparable"--were intertwined in Republican policy from the very start of the war. By summer 1861 the federal government invoked military authority to begin freeing slaves, immediately and without slaveholder compensation, as they fled to Union lines in the disloyal South. In the loyal Border States the Republicans tried coaxing officials into gradual abolition with promises of compensation and the colonization abroad of freed blacks. James Oakes shows that Lincoln's landmark 1863 proclamation marked neither the beginning nor the end of emancipation: it triggered a more aggressive phase of military emancipation, sending Union soldiers onto plantations to entice slaves away and enlist the men in the army. But slavery proved deeply entrenched, with slaveholders determined to re-enslave freedmen left behind the shifting Union lines. Lincoln feared that the war could end in Union victory with slavery still intact. The Thirteenth Amendment that so succinctly abolished slavery was no formality: it was the final act in a saga of immense war, social upheaval, and determined political leadership. Fresh and compelling, this magisterial history offers a new understanding of the death of slavery and the rebirth of a nation.

Freedom to Serve: Truman, Civil Rights, and Executive Order 9981 (Critical Moments in American History)

by Jon E. Taylor

On the eve of America’s entry into World War II, African American leaders pushed for inclusion in the war effort and, after the war, they mounted a concerted effort to integrate the armed services. Harry S. Truman’s decision to issue Executive Order 9981 in 1948, which resulted in the integration of the armed forces, was an important event in twentieth century American history. In Freedom to Serve, Jon E. Taylor gives an account of the presidential order as an event which forever changed the U.S. armed forces, and set a political precedent for the burgeoning civil rights movement. Including press releases, newspaper articles, presidential speeches, and biographical sidebars, Freedom to Serve introduces students to an under-examined event while illuminating the period in a new way. For additional documents, images, and resources please visit the Freedom to Serve companion website at

Freedom without Permission: Bodies and Space in the Arab Revolutions

by Zakia Salime Frances S. Hasso

As the 2011 uprisings in North Africa reverberated across the Middle East, a diverse cross section of women and girls publicly disputed gender and sexual norms in novel, unauthorized, and often shocking ways. In a series of case studies ranging from Tunisia's 14 January Revolution to the Taksim Gezi Park protests in Istanbul, the contributors to Freedom without Permission reveal the centrality of the intersections between body, gender, sexuality, and space to these groundbreaking events. Essays include discussions of the blogs written by young women in Egypt, the Women2Drive campaign in Saudi Arabia, the reintegration of women into the public sphere in Yemen, the sexualization of female protesters encamped at Bahrain's Pearl Roundabout, and the embodied, performative, and artistic spaces of Morocco's 20 February Movement. Conceiving of revolution as affective, embodied, spatialized, and aesthetic forms of upheaval and transgression, the contributors show how women activists imagined, inhabited, and deployed new spatial arrangements that undermined the public-private divisions of spaces, bodies, and social relations, continuously transforming them through symbolic and embodied transgressions. Contributors. Lamia Benyoussef, Susanne Dahlgren, Karina Eileraas, Susana Galan, Banu Gökariksel, Frances S. Hasso, Sonali Pahwa, Zakia Salime

Freedom's Debt

by William A. Pettigrew

In the years following the Glorious Revolution, independent slave traders challenged the charter of the Royal African Company by asserting their natural rights as Britons to trade freely in enslaved Africans. In this comprehensive history of the rise and fall of the RAC, William A. Pettigrew grounds the transatlantic slave trade in politics, not economic forces, analyzing the ideological arguments of the RAC and its opponents in Parliament and in public debate. Ultimately, Pettigrew powerfully reasons that freedom became the rallying cry for those who wished to participate in the slave trade and therefore bolstered the expansion of the largest intercontinental forced migration in history. Unlike previous histories of the RAC, Pettigrew's study pursues the Company's story beyond the trade's complete deregulation in 1712 to its demise in 1752. Opening the trade led to its escalation, which provided a reliable supply of enslaved Africans to the mainland American colonies, thus playing a critical part in entrenching African slavery as the colonies' preferred solution to the American problem of labor supply.

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