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Old-Time Farm and Garden Devices and How to Make Them

by Rolfe Cobleigh

A splendid bit of rural Americana, Cobleigh's book shows how anyone with a little time and money can add a touch of authentic charm to their farm, house, or garden. First published nearly a century ago, this practical guide features dozens of projects, accompanied by some 200 illustrations. A simply written text not only tells how to mount an anvil, make a cheese press, and build hog houses, but also provides handy advice on splitting wood, testing seed corn, tying practical knots, sharpening scissors, and papering a room.From building a rose trellis to creating a bicycle-powered washing machine, readers will delight in this book’s abundance of enjoyable and useful projects. It’s perfect for novice craftworkers and die-hard fans of Yankee ingenuity.

A Gardener's Handbook of Plant Names: Their Meanings and Origins

by A. W. Smith

First compact dictionary to combine definitions of botanical names in general usage with information on their derivation and guides to pronunciation. A monumental index provides a cross-reference from some 1,800 common plant names to corresponding botanical ones. Combines thoroughness, botanical rigor, and interesting facts and lore — all leavened with touches of humor.

Garden Practices and Their Science

by Geoff Dixon

Written in a clear and accessible style, Garden Practices and Their Science guides gardeners in the practical arts of plant husbandry and in their understanding of its underpinning principles. The author, Professor Geoff Dixon, is an acknowledged and internationally respected horticulturist and microbiologist; he intertwines these arts and principles carefully, expertly leading readers from one to the other. Achieving the manipulation of plant life is described in eight full-colour, well-illustrated chapters covering the growing of potatoes, bulb onions, legumes, small-seeded vegetables, soft fruit, bulbs and herbaceous ornamentals in great detail. Environmental factors controlling the successful husbandry of these crops is described in simple, non-technical language, increasing gardeners’ enjoyment and competence. Gardeners are also informed of the tools and equipment they require and their safe use. Also provided are a series of simple, straightforward tests identifying the aerial and soil environments beneficial for plant growth using readily accessible domestic tools. Discussions of very straightforward techniques for vegetative propagation conclude this book. Each chapter ends with a list of the gardening knowledge that has been gained by readers. The structure of this book fulfils a longstanding need for descriptions of practical skills integrated with the corresponding biological reactions of plants. Emphasis is placed on gardeners’ development of healthy soils, which encourage vigorous, active root systems capable of withstanding stresses—an aspect of gardening that rarely receives sufficient attention. Tailored for readers requiring clear and concise directions, this very practical book is an instruction manual directed at early-stage gardening learners. These include people of all ages and requirements such as new garden owners, allotment-holders, apprentices and students of basic levels in the Royal Horticultural Society’s or City & Guilds qualifications, career changers, community gardeners and those needing applied biological knowledge for GCSE examinations.

The Minimalist Home: A Room-by-Room Guide to a Decluttered, Refocused Life

by Joshua Becker

A popular minimalist blogger and author of The More of Less shows you how to methodically turn your home into a place of peace, contentment, and purposeful living.One of today's most influential minimalist advocates takes us on a decluttering tour of our own houses and apartments, showing us how to decide what to get rid of and what to keep. He both offers practical guidelines for simplifying our lifestyle at home and addresses underlying issues that contribute to over-accumulation in the first place. The purpose is not just to create a more inviting living space. It's also to turn our life's HQ--our home--into a launching pad for a more fulfilling and productive life in the world.

Mrs. Beeton's Book of Household Management: The 1861 Classic with Advice on Cooking, Cleaning, Childrearing, Entertaining, and More (Cassell Value Ser.)

by Sarah A. Chrisman Isabella Beeton

Originally published as twenty-four newspaper columns from 1859 to 1861, Mrs. Beeton’s Book of Household Management is many things, but it is first and foremost a guide to managing a household during the nineteenth century. Beeton wrote, "As with the commander of an army, or the leader of any enterprise, so is it with the mistress of a house. ” Running an extravagant household was a monumental task and a responsibility not to be taken lightly. It meant supervising every employee, from the butler to the laundry-maid to the footman and the wet nurse. It meant managing the safety, happiness, comfort, and well-being of the family. In addition to offering advice on a wide range of domestic topics, this abridged edition of Mrs. Beeton’s Book of Household Management contains hundreds of original recipes. A compendium of practical information about everything from animal husbandry to child care, this Victorian classic is both fascinating and still useful. Sarah A. Chrisman, author of Victorian Secrets and This Victorian Life provides the foreword, reflecting on how she uses Mrs. Beeton’s advice on a daily basis.

Growing Berries and Fruit Trees in the Pacific Northwest: How to Grow Abundant, Organic Fruit in Your Backyard

by Tara Austen Weaver

A beautiful guide to growing delicious fruit in Pacific Northwest climates, complete with selection, planting, and organic care for more than 75 cultivars of berries and fruit trees, as well as 10+ master recipes with variations for preserving your bountiful harvest.This complete guide to backyard fruit growing covers recommended varieties and climate info for the Pacific Northwest both west and east of the Cascades, ideal climates for growing berries and fruit trees. Also includes sidebars showcasing historical orchards, fruit enthusiast societies, gleaning organizations, and more. Includes several recommended cultivars of each of the following types of fruit: -Berries: strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, kiwi berries, plus less common berries such as lingonberries, elderberries, currants, gooseberries, jostaberries, and a section on wild berries. -Fruit trees: apples, pears, Asian pears, cherries, peaches, nectarines, apricots, plums, plus less common fruit trees such as figs, persimmons, and quince.

Representing Landscapes: Analogue (Representing Landscapes)

by Nadia Amoroso

The fourth book in Nadia Amoroso‘s Representing Landscapes series, this text focuses on traditional methods of visual representation in landscape architectural education. Building on from the previous titles in the series, which look at digital and hybrid techniques, Representing Landscapes: Analogue is a return to the basic foundations of landscape architecture’s original medium of visual communication. Each of the 20 chapters includes contributions from leading professors teaching studio and visual communication courses from landscape architecture programs across the globe, showcasing the best student examples of analog techniques. It demonstrates the process from graphics as a form of research, design development, and analysis, to the final presentation through drawings, models and descriptive captions of the methods, styles and techniques used. It features critical and descriptive essays from expert professors and lecturers in the field, who emphasise the importance of the traditional medium as an intrinsic part of the research, design and presentation process. Over 220 full colour images explore the range of visual approaches students and practitioners of landscape architecture can implement in their designs. With worked examples in the chapters and downloadable images suitable for class use, this is an essential book for visual communication and design studios.

miniteelt: een handleiding voor beginners voor mini-landbouw

by Nancy Ross

Wil je de basis van mini-landbouw leren? Of je nu mini-landbouw wilt leren voor tuinieren, vee of zelfvoorziening, dit boek zal helpen! Hier is een voorbeeld van wat u zult leren ... Simpele trucs om je ruimte te maximaliseren Beste planten voor Mini Farming De juiste grond kiezen Ongediertebestrijding Het verzorgen van onkruid Vee dat het goed doet met minifarming? Tips om mini-farming gemakkelijker te maken Veel, veel meer!

De alchemie van etherische oliën: een compleet boek over essentiële oliën en aromatherapie

by Adidas Wilson

Essentiële oliën bestaan in verschillende kwaliteiten. Of je nu een aromatherapeut of een consument bent, het beoordelen van de kwaliteit van essentiële oliën (EO's) is niet eenvoudig. Ze zijn afkomstig uit de hele wereld en bedrijven of leveranciers betrekken ze van groothandels of boeren wier integriteit en praktijken ze hebben leren vertrouwen. De eindconsument heeft geen idee en kan deze praktijken en relaties niet beoordelen.

Hidroponia: O Melhor Guia Sobre Hidroponia Para Ganhar Tempo e Dinheiro

by Adidas Wilson

A palavra hidroponia originou-se do latim que significa nada a mais, nada a menos do que a água trabalhando. Em termos leigos, a hidroponia é a arte de cultivo de plantas sem a utilização do solo. Quando nós pensamos na arte da hidroponia, imediatamente imaginamos plantas crescendo com as raízes suspendidas em água, fora de um meio próprio. Bem, isso é verdade, já que se trata de uma técnica de jardinagem hidropônica conhecida como Técnica de Fluxo Laminar ou, pela sigla em inglês, NFT. Assim como qualquer atividade que você começa, o primeiro objetivo a ser alcançado é ter um plano. Você precisa considerar o espaço que você tem disponível em casa para o cultivo. Se você planeja ter sua área de jardinagem em um espaço apertado, certifique-se de que há espaço suficiente para realizar uma manutenção de rotina.

Comment élever des Poules de Basse-Cour

by Isaac Miller

L’élevage de poules de basse-cour est bien plus facile que vous ne le pensez, et elles sont plus dociles que d’autres animaux domestiques. Il vous suffit de contrôler chaque jour que vos poules vont bien, le temps de quelques minutes, et vous devriez pouvoir ramasser des œufs frais très rapidement. Dans ce livre, nous nous pencherons sur les étapes nécessaires, depuis le moment où vous vous procurez des poussins et où vous vous en occupez, jusqu’au moment où vous déplacez vos poules de basse-cour dans un poulailler extérieur, sans oublier toutes les étapes intermédiaires. Servez-vous un verre, prenez un morceau à manger, trouvez un endroit confortable pour vous asseoir et nous découvrirons ensemble les joies de l’élevage des poules de basse-cour. Dans ce livre nous évoquerons les étapes suivantes : L’espace requis et la taille du poulailler Le choix de la race des poules Prendre soin des poussins Le moment opportun pour les déplacer dans le poulailler L’entretien et le nettoyage du poulailler L’alimentation des poules Amusez-vous avec vos nouvelles amies grâce à ce livre.

Dieta Vegana: Deliciosas Recetas Que Te Mantendrán Sano Y En Forma

by Mary Moore

Si quieres saber cómo desarrollar músculos y quemas grasas comiendo deliciosos platos vegetarianos y veganos que son fáciles y baratos de hacer, este es tu libro. ¿Te preocupa que desarrollar músculos o quemar grasas sea demasiado difícil siendo vegetariano o vegano? ¿No estás seguro de saber preparar comidas que, además de deliciosas y sanas, sean también efectivas para desarrollar músculos y quemar grasas? El veganismo es una ideología basada en la premisa de que todas las criaturas vivas, incluidos los animales, deben ser respetadas, por lo que el asesinato y consumo de animales o de ingredientes de origen animal contradice esta premisa. Existen algunos mitos que pueden hacerte escéptico a la hora de adoptar una dieta vegana. Sin embargo, no tienes de qué preocuparte, ya que en este libro se desmontan algunos de esos mitos, especialmente el de que una dieta vegana no proporciona las proteínas necesarias. Además, aprenderás qué comidas veganas son ricas en proteína y tendrás acceso a numerosas recetas veganas ricas en proteínas. ¡Si estás listo para pasar a la acción y cambiar tu vida a mejor, este libro te guiará en la dirección adecuada!

Do-It-Yourself Garden Projects and Crafts: 60 Planters, Bird Houses, Lotion Bars, Garlands, and More

by Debbie Wolfe

Improve Your Garden and Home with Easy DIY Projects and Beautiful Botanical Crafts Create your dream garden with simple bird baths, herb drying racks, and unique planters. And bring the outdoors indoors with natural fabric dyes, pressed flower paper, and herbal bouquets. <P><P>DIY Garden Projects and Crafts book relies on home grown and foraged materials that will inspire creativity and capture the bounty of the seasons. The sixty practical and decorative projects for use in the garden and home include: <br>Gardener's Tool Apron <br>Metal garden charms <br>Veggie Market Tote <br>Macrame produce bag <br>Gourd bird feeder <br>Kirigami leather hanging planter <br>Tomato cage plant stand <br>Shibori Dyed Fabric <br>Herbal lotion bars <br>Gardener hand scrub <br>All-purpose thyme cleaner <br>And more! <P><P>Do-It-Yourself Garden Projects and Crafts features detailed, step-by-step instructions as well as simple crafting and gardening tips that will make your projects successful.

Raising Happy Rabbits: Housing, Feeding, and Care Instructions for Your Rabbit's First Year

by Penny Ausley Brittany May

A practical and information-packed guide for purchasing and raising pet rabbits So, you’re thinking about buying or adopting a pet rabbit. Wonderful! Or maybe you’ve already brought a fuzzy bundle of joy home and you’re realizing you could use a little guidance. <P><P>Rabbits are adorable and soft and fun, but they also require a fair amount of work and knowledge to make sure they’re living a happy, healthy life. With the right approach, you will soon discover that your new pet rabbit can become your best pet ever. With time, attention, and patience, a deep bond can develop and you will be friends “furever.” <P><P>Raising Happy Rabbits will help you choose the right kind of rabbit for your home (if you haven’t already picked one), and answer your questions about housing, litter training, proper feeding, exercise, freedom, grooming, potential illnesses, playtime activities, what is normal/abnormal behavior, and much more. <P><P>Learn all about: Finding a vet Choosing an appropriate cage Pellets, hay, and fresh foods Growing herbs and lettuces for your bunny Toys to keep your rabbit engaged Illnesses to watch for And more! Make your first year with your bunny a fun and fulfilling experience that will bond you and your new rabbit for life.

A Monk's Guide to a Clean House and Mind: Housekeeping Secrets From The World's Tidiest Monks

by Shoukei Matsumoto

Little known fact: Buddhist Monks are amazing at cleaning and tidying. In this one-of-a-kind guide to cleaning your home, Buddhist monk Shoukei Matsumoto reveals how to make your home as spotless as it is tranquil and peaceful. For Buddhist monks cleaning well is a cardinal skill and, in A Monk's Guide to a Clean House and Mind, readers will discover their never-before-shared cleaning pro tips. In the Zen Buddhist tradition, true enlightenment is impossible if your home has even a speck of dust and, as such, Buddhist monks have much to teach us lay people about achieving a truly Zen clean. A Monk's Guide to a Clean House and Mind features charming illustrations and step-by-step instructions on such essential household cleansing tips as: * First, Air It Out: Before cleaning anything Monk's first open the temple windows to purify the air and let the crisp morning breeze in. * Don't Procrastinate: 'Zengosaidan ' is a Zen expression meaning that one should put all their efforts into each day so they have no regrets. In the context of cleaning, this means don't put off cleaning those dishes you've left in the sink. * Remember to Put On Your Samue: Samue robes are worn by Japanese monks when they perform their daily duties of cleaning and looking after the temple. Easy to move in and to wash and care for, they are the perfect cleaning attire.From cleaning up everything from your kitchen sink, toilet, and that pile of unidentified stuff in the corner of your garage to your mind, body, and spirit, this book will guide you in creating a home environment that will calm your thoughts and nourish your soul.

Dieta Vegana - Receitas Deliciosas Que Te Farão Saudável E Em Forma

by Mary Moore

Se você quer saber como construir músculos e queimar gordura comendo deliciosas refeições vegetarianas e veganas que são fáceis de cozinhar e fáceis de comprar, então você quer ler este livro. Você se preocupa que construir músculos ou perder gordura seja muito difícil como vegetariano ou vegano? Você não tem certeza de como preparar alimentos que não sejam apenas deliciosos e saudáveis, mas também eficazes para ajudar você a construir músculos e perder gordura.

Agricultural Landscapes: Seeing Rural Through Design

by Dewey Thorbeck

Agricultural Landscapes: Seeing Rural Through Design follows on from the author’s previous books, Rural Design and Architecture and Agriculture, to encourage using design thinking to provide greater meaning and understanding of places where humans live and work with the rural landscape. Rural areas around the world are often viewed as special places with cultural, historical and natural significance for people. Dewey Thorbeck emphasizes the importance of these rural sites and their connections to urban areas through full-color case studies of these places with particular emphasis on Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS), as identified by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, to document and explore personal experiences, lessons learned, and implications for the future. Rural landscapes are part of everyone’s heritage, and the book shows these connections and the unique GIAHS land use systems and landscapes as models for a more sustainable and prosperous rural and urban future. It includes practical examples of working places where growing food, raising animals, or harvesting from the sea has been the primary economy for centuries to exhibit a clear and sustainable local relationship between humans, animals, buildings, climate and place. Aimed at students, teachers and professionals, this book investigates how design thinking can be used to integrate rural and urban sites to shape land use for more sustainable futures.

Possum Living: How to Live Well Without a Job and with (Almost) No Money (Revised Edition)

by Dolly Freed David Gates

After being out of print for decades, Possum Living: How to Live Well Without a Job and (Almost) No Money is being reissued with an afterword by an older and wiser Dolly Freed. In the late seventies, at the age of eighteen and with a seventh-grade education, Dolly Freed wrote Possum Livingabout the five years she and her father lived off the land on a half-acre lot outside of Philadelphia. At the time of its publication in 1978, Possum Living became an instant classic, known for its plucky narration and no-nonsense practical advice on how to quit the rat race and live frugally. In her delightful, straightforward, and irreverent style, Freed guides readers on how to buy and maintain a home, dress well, cope with the law, stay healthy, save money, and be lazy, proud, miserly, and honest, all while enjoying leisure and keeping up a middle-class façade. Thirty years later, Freed's philosophy is world-renowned andPossum Living remains as fascinating, inspirational, and pertinent as it was upon its original publication. This updated edition includes new reflections, insights, and life lessons from an older and wiser Dolly Freed, whose knowledge of how to live like a possum has given her financial security and the confidence to try new ventures.

Interior Design

by John F. Pile

A comprehensive, applications-oriented introduction to the evolving field of interior design, with a focus on the challenges facing designers in the 21st century.

Historia de las hierbas mágicas y medicinales (Investigación Abierta)

by Mar Rey Bueno

Descubre las virtudes, propiedades medicinales y terapéuticas que convirtieron a las plantas en malditas, prohibidas o sagradas. Una apasionante aventura que recorre los misteriosos mundos ocultos donde florecieron y germinaron plantas secretas cuyo verdadero significado fue conocido sólo por unos cuantos iniciados.

Year-Round Gardening: Growing Vegetables and Herbs, Inside or Outside, in Every Season

by Lena Israelsson

Want to get home-grown spices in the middle of winter? Eat fresh vegetables in the spring? Sow in the summer to harvest in the fall? Lena Israelsson's book, Year-Round Gardening, is a practical guide for those who want to extend their growing season. And double, perhaps triple, their harvest. Growing year round is possible, and this book can teach you the best methods to do it the right way.Year-Round Gardening includes inspiring and expert tips on which vegetables, herbs, and spices suit the different seasons. Certain plants can even be harvested in the middle of winter if handled correctly. Others, like microgreens, herbs, and hydroculture, can create the perfect indoor gardens. This book will teach readers to know the difference between cold and hot weather plants, which growing methods are best suited for different plants, and when to plant and harvest. They’ll learn about sowing; coverage with plastic, glass, or fiber weaves; and fertilization—creating a fruitful and fertile soil is the linchpin of all cultivation and one of the book's most important parts.

The Good Living Guide to Keeping Sheep and Other Fiber Animals: Housing, Feeding, Shearing, Spinning, Dyeing, and More

by Janet Garman

A comprehensive and inspiring guide small-scale fiber farming and wool crafting. Fiber crafts—such as knitting, weaving, and crocheting—continue to surge in popularity, with sites like Ravelry (a social media community for the wool obsessed) gaining more than six million members. Artists are seeking quality raw materials in greater numbers. The cottage industry of supplying not only raw fleece, but handcrafted yarns, is strong. Janet Garman has a small fiber flock (including Pygora fiber goats) and shares her expertise, as well as interviews, tips, and advice from fiber farmers and craftspeople across the country. In these pages, readers will learn the basics of properly raising sheep, goats, llamas, alpacas, and rabbits, with tips on selecting animals, feeding, housing, breeding, and healthcare. From there, instructions are provided for shearing, sorting, skirting, washing, picking, carding, combing, and spinning the wool. Enthusiasts will also find recipes and instructions for natural, plant-based dyes and advice for selling your finished yarn. The proper care of fiber animals leads to a superior yarn product. Lapses in good care can show up in the fleece. As the demand for quality yarn and fiber grows, more people are becoming concerned with the animals’ treatment and care. Give your animals a good home and a happy life and enjoy superior fleece and yarn products for your own homestead or to sell.

You Can Grow African Violets: The Official Guide Authorized by the African Violet Society of America, Inc.

by Joyce Stork Kent Stork

Have you ever killed an African violet? Kent and Joyce Stork killed their first violet too! They soon mastered the skills for growing the plant and eventually wrote for the African Violet Magazine, the official publication of the African Violet Society of America, Inc. for over ten years. Their column For Beginners explained the basic elements of growing violets in an entertaining and straightforward way that anyone could understand. Now these columns have been adapted and edited to provide even the most novice grower with a step-by-step guide, whether the goal is simply to keep violets alive or to exhibit the plants in competitive shows.

The Wildlife Gardener: Creating A Haven For Birds, Bees And Butterflies

by Kate Bradbury Julie Watson

Create wildlife habitats and attract birds, bees, and other creatures to your very own garden: “A must-have for any gardening library.” —Gardeners World Filled with beautiful photos, this book is a practical guide for anyone who wants to make a home for wildlife in their garden—even if they don’t have a lot of space. Divided into sections on shelter, food, and water, it includes: *advice on the best nectar and pollen plants to grow *dos and don’ts of bird feeding *information on organic methods of pest control *ten projects—with step-by-step pictures—that will help encourage wildlife, such as creating a bumblebee nester, making a green roof, and building a hedgehog box Also included is a mini field guide, which will help you identify the birds and other creatures you’re likely to spot in your garden. The Wildlife Gardener gives tips on particular species, explaining what to look out for and how to cater for specific birds, mammals, bees, butterflies, moths, and pond life. “A joyous book.” —Alan Titchmarsh, author of My Secret Garden

Green Enough: Eat Better, Live Cleaner, Be Happier--All Without Driving Your Family Crazy!

by Leah Segedie

A real, no-holds-barred take on making smart, healthy choices for you and your family.In Green Enough, Mamavation blogger Leah Segedie uncovers the truth behind the food and household products that are misleadingly labeled "all-natural" and healthy but are actually filled with chemicals and toxins. From furniture to packaged food, Leah guides you through detoxifying your home, diet, and lifestyle, showing you how to make the best choices possible. She exposes the brands and products that contain toxic and hormone-disrupting ingredients and gives guidelines on choosing safer products and organic produce that are free from toxic and persistent pesticides. She instructs you on making the move to meat, dairy, and eggs that are free of antibiotics, GMOs, growth hormones, and dangerous pathogens. She explains at what phases of childhood children are the most vulnerable and need more protection. And she includes delicious and kid-approved recipes to help you detoxify your cooking routine. It’s not about being perfect or 100% clean—none of us are—it’s about being green enough.

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