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Mexican Indian Folk Designs: 252 Motifs from Textiles (Dover Pictorial Archive)

by Irmgard Weitlaner-Johnson

This fascinating book is the product of intensive scholarly research, its exacting illustrations based on choice examples of Mexican Indian textiles in many different museums and private collections. Incorporating abstract and geometric forms as well as highly stylized images of flowers, plants, animals, birds, and humans, the patterns represent more than 20 major Mexican Indian cultures.Among the designs are a two-faced feathered serpent from the Huichol culture, an allover pattern dominated by horizontal zigzags woven by the Otomí, and a flower and leaf design from the Tepehua. The Huasteco people are represented by a bold motif featuring prancing animals with bushy tails; a Nahuatl design depicts a lion with a flower in his mouth; while an elegant curvilinear Mazatec motif features flowers, vines, and birds. Other peoples whose art is represented include the Tarahumara, Tepecano, Mestizo, Zapotec, Mixteco, and Cuicatec. In the bold, startling designs originated by these cultures are primal links to the imagery of other cultures and traditions, centuries old and worldwide.Artists, designers, and craftspeople will value this modestly priced collection as a source of striking and unusual royalty-free designs for inspiration and practical use; anyone interested in Mexican Indian culture will find it an important reference as well.

Mi primer jardín (My First Series)

by Livi Gosling

Un primer libro de jardinería para niños, con divertidos proyectos y actividades, para que los más pequeños aprendan a cuidar el medioambiente jugando y disfruten de su pasión por las flores y las plantas.Los niños descubrirán cómo preparar la tierra antes de sembrar, qué y cuándo plantar, dónde conseguir semillas, cómo trasplantar, podar y hacer compost, qué verduras y hierbas cultivar. ¡Todo lo necesario para crear increíbles espacios verdes y llenar de color y aromas tu casa, balcón o jardín!Perfecto para aprender cómo crecen las plantas y tener un primer contacto con el huerto o el jardín.Con texto sencillo, instrucciones paso a paso y divertidas ilustraciones.Ideal para fomentar el respeto por la naturaleza y el medioambiente.¡Enseña a tus hijos a sembrar, plantar, regar y cuidar de las plantas y observa como ser convierten en auténticos jardineros!----------------------This is the perfect gardening book for kids who want to plant fruit and vegetables, create mini-farms from plants, and go on wildflower missions.No matter how tiny your space, you can be a gardener. Livi Gosling has advice on creating places for plants to live in your home, scavenging from the recycling to create a vegetable kingdom, and adding a splash of color to grey city streets with your own wildflower seed mix.This great gardening book for children features: Livi&’s striking illustrations that make this book a keepsake as well as a practical guide.Kid-friendly text makes the topic fun and encourages a sense of wonder at nature.A strong eco message.With clear step-by-step instructions on how to get seeds, plant them, and help them grow, and plenty of inspiration andhelpful tips, this nature book teaches children the basics for growing different plants, from gorgeous flowers to delicious fruit and vegetables.

¡Miau!: Una guía para entender a tu gato

by Ricardo Bruno

Una guía para saber por qué los gatos hacen lo que hacen y para aprender a comportarnos con ellos. Entender a ese animal fascinante es la llave para disfrutar de su compañía. Por qué se dice que los perros y los gatos tienen patrones de conducta diametralmente opuestos. Cómo es un gato "normal". Su comportamiento social. Su vida cotidiana. El cachorro, el adulto y el anciano. Gatos outdoor y gatos indoor. Machos y hembras. Qué le pasa a un gato que se muestra agresivo. Espacio y territorio gatunos. Sonidos, posturas, gestos y olores: el sistema de comunicación de nuestro gato y cómo descifrarlo. Qué nos está diciendo cuando nos acerca sus presas muertas. La cola. Las orejas. Por qué marca objetos y superficies con su pis, entierra sus excrementos o invierte horas en acicalarse. El cuerpo del gato: una máquina perfecta. Huesos, músculos, circulación, aparato digestivo, el pelo. Su increíble olfato y su potente visión nocturna. ¿Dulce o salado?: el gusto gatuno. Bigotes de equilibrista. Por qué le fascinan las alturas (dentro de nuestra casa). Acomodándose en el aire: la belleza y la perfección de su cuerpo cuando salta desde lo alto. Por qué es inútil invertir tiempo y esfuerzo en acostumbrar a un gato a que salga a caminar, gaste energía y lleve una vida más entretenida. El mejor método a la hora de educarlo. Por qué ama masticar nuestra ropa, arruinar nuestros muebles, hacer mil piruetas para intentar atrapar una gota de agua de la canilla o dormir de día y molestar a la noche. Los gatos que viven en hogares pequeños sin acceso al exterior o tienen dueños que no les permiten salir libremente. Los gatos que se van a otras casas y vagabundean de noche cuando tienen acceso al exterior. Cuáles son los signos de vejez en un gato doméstico. ¿Adoptar un gato bebé o un gato adulto? Ideas falsas (y no tanto) sobre los gatos. Cómo hacerlos felices. Incluye hermosas fotos, una guía felina de estilo y buenos modales, primeros auxilios y una lista con los Diez Mandamientos gatunos.

Michael LaFosse's Origami Butterflies

by Michael G. Lafosse Richard L. Alexander

Whimsical, exquisite and fragile, butterflies and moths have enchanted and inspired people for centuries. Origami artist Michael G. LaFosse is no exception. His original butterfly paper-folding techniques are a dramatic new development in origami-which some have hailed as the most important advance in origami since the first paper cranes appeared centuries ago. Hundreds of LaFosse butterflies have been featured in exhibitions around the world and his iconic designs are now eagerly sought and widely imitated by folding enthusiasts everywhere.Michael LaFosse's Origami Butterflies presents 26 original projects from LaFosse's extensive butterfly and moth repertoire, including all his personal favorites. This collection has many rarely-seen designs, and several of the models illustrate new technical and design achievements made possible by the ingenious "LaFosse Origami Butterfly Folding System."These elegant forms-each created from a single square sheet of paper without cutting or glue-showcase the versatility of the folding system. All are deceptively simple, yet provide a solid foundation for creative flights of fancy in the hands of an experienced folder. Clear step-by-step instructions show you how to make literally hundreds of different variations by making small adjustments to a few key folds! Whether dry-folded from recycled candy wrappers or wet-folded from expensive handmade papers, these designs exemplify the best aspects of the paper folder's art today.This exciting new book with accompanying DVD represents the culmination of a lifetime of designing and perfecting the art of origami butterflies. It contains everything you need to create your own unique collection!Butterflies include:A Butterfly for Vanessa GouldThe Butterfly for Robert LangA Butterfly for Eric JoiselA Swallowtail for Guy KawasakiThe Boston ButterflyThe Mudarri Luna Moth

Michigan Family Farms and Farm Buildings: Landscapes of the Heart and Mind

by Hemalata C. Dandekar

"Thoughtfully documenting the voice and emotions of many who might otherwise remain unheard, Hemalata Dandekar provides in-depth accounts and insights, underpinned by quietly rigorous analysis, about family interactions and the perceptions, understandings, and memories of family members . . . a tribute to the indomitability of the human spirit as an enduring force in sustaining farm life on the Michigan farms. " ---Anatole Senkevitch, Jr. , Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Michigan Michigan's family farms form the backbone of the state. One need only see the Centennial Farm signs that dot the sides of the state's country roads to understand that. Hemalata Dandekar shows in her new book just how connected those family farm buildings are to the families that inhabit them. Fifteen family-farm case studies display farm buildings' relationship to the land they sit on, their function on the farm, the materials they're made with, the farm enterprises themselves, and the families who own them. Photographs, plans, elevations, and sections of typical, exemplary traditional farm buildings show the aesthetic and architectural qualities of those types of buildings across the state. The ways in which the buildings serve the productive activities of the farm, shelter and nourish the people and livestock, yield a living, and enable the aspirations of farm people are shown in the words and photographs of the farmers themselves. The buildings form a window into the lives of Michigan's family farms and into the hearts and minds of the people who have lived and worked in them their entire lives. Hemalata C. Dandekar is Department Head of City and Regional Planning at California Polytechnic State University. She specializes in urbanization, urban-rural linkages, rural development, and gender and housing. She developed her love of Michigan farmers and farm architecture during her years as a student and professor at the Urban Planning program of the A. Alfred Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning at the University of Michigan. She was Director for the Center for South and Southeast Asian Studies and Associate Vice President for Research at the University of Michigan.

Micro Living: 40 Innovative Tiny Houses Equipped for Full-Time Living, in 400 Square Feet or Less

by Derek “Deek” Diedricksen

For everyone who’s ever dreamed of simplifying their life and downsizing their home, Micro Living offers an insider’s look at what tiny house living is really like. Best-selling author and tiny house enthusiast Derek “Deek” Diedricksen profiles 40 tiny — but practical — houses that are equipped for full-time living, all in 400 square feet or less. Detailed photography and a floor plan for each structure highlight inventive space-saving design features along with the nuts-and-bolts details of heating, cooling, electric, and plumbing systems. The real-life stories of residents impart the pleasures, as well as the challenges, of day-to-day living. With tips on what to consider before you build, along with framing plans for a prototype small cabin, Micro Living is the perfect starter handbook for both dreamers and doers. This publication conforms to the EPUB Accessibility specification at WCAG 2.0 Level AA.

Microcasas: Una guía para vivir en viviendas pequeñas

by Hugo Tordoni Nancy Ross

Microcasas: Una guía para vivir en viviendas pequeñas, de Nancy Ross ¿Quiere descubrir la forma fácil de diseñar su microcasa para vivir de una forma más simple? Ya sea que desee saber cómo construir o diseñar una microcasa, o decidir si esa es la decisión correcta para usted, este libro le será de ayuda. Esta es una vista previa de lo que usted aprenderá Los beneficios de las microcasas Maneras de financiar su microcasa Encontrar la ubicación perfecta Consejos simples para ahorrar espacio y vivir en una vivienda pequeña Ideas para la cocina Diseño de la estancia, baño, habitaciones Consejos para comprender la vida en las casas pequeñas ¡Y mucho, mucho más!

Microfarming for Profit

by Dave Dewitt

"This useful, entertaining guide gives prospective microfarmers the dirt on realistic essentials for turning a garden into a money-making enterprise...The author advises on such basics as business plans and sales techniques; profiles a range of actual working microfarms, from flowers to killer bees; and relates hilarious stories from his own microfarming."-PUBLISHERS WEEKLYWith wit, expertise, and common sense, Dave DeWitt shows you how to establish a successful microfarm by choosing the most profitable plants and animals to raise and learning to market and sell what you produce. His informative yet conversational style makes you feel you're talking with an expert you already know.Declared the "pope of peppers" by the New York Times, Dave DeWitt is one of the foremost authorities on chile peppers and spicy foods. A food historian and prolific writer, he is the author of over fifty books including gardening guides, food histories, and cookbooks. DeWitt is an associate professor in the College of Agriculture, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences at New Mexico State University, and co-producer of the National Fiery Foods and Barbecue Show, now in its twenty-sixth year. Dave lives with his wife in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Microgreens: A Guide to Growing Nutrient-Packed Greens

by Eric Franks Jasmine Richardson

MICROGREENS A Guide to Growing Nutrient-Packed Greens DUBBED A CULINARY BUZZWORD by National Public Radio, microgreens-vegetables harvested soon after sprouting-are expected to be one of 2009's hottest food trends. With simple instruction, Microgreens teaches how to plant, grow, and harvest microgreens from one's own garden. The small amount of space needed to grow microgreens-a porch, patio, deck, or balcony will do-allows anyone to easily incorporate them into their daily meals, and the greens' nutritional potency make them a must-eat in a healthy diet. INCLUDES THESE MICROGREENS: Amaranth Arugula Basil Beet Broccoli Celery Chard Cilantro Cress Endive Mustard Pac Choi Pea Purple Cabbage Radish Tokyo Bekana

Microhydro: Clean Power from Water

by Scott Davis Corrie Laschuk

Hydroelectricity is the world's largest--and cleanest--source of renewable -energy. But despite lively interest in renewables generally, there is an information vacuum about the smallest version of the technology dubbed "the simplest, most reliable and least expensive way to generate power off grid."Highly illustrated and practical, Microhydro is the first complete book on the topic in a decade. Covering both AC and DC systems, it covers principles, design and site considerations, equipment options, and legal, environmental, and economic factors.Scott Davis has decades of experience operating, installing, designing, selling, and teaching about microhydro technology. An award-winner in the field, he currently works as a system designer and retailer with an alternative energy company for whom he has authored an on-line microhydro course.

Microshelters: 59 Creative Cabins, Tiny Houses, Tree Houses, and Other Small Structures

by Derek “Deek” Diedricksen

If you dream of living in a tiny house, or creating a getaway in the backwoods or your backyard, you’ll love this gorgeous collection of creative and inspiring ideas for tiny houses, cabins, forts, studios, and other microshelters. Created by a wide array of builders and designers around the United States and beyond, these 59 unique and innovative structures show you the limits of what is possible. Each is displayed in full-color photographs accompanied by commentary by the author. In addition, Diedricksen includes six sets of building plans by leading designers to help you get started on a microshelter of your own. You’ll also find guidelines on building with recycled and salvaged materials, plus techniques for making your small space comfortable and easy to inhabit.

Mid-Century Modern Living: The Mini Modern's Guide to Pattern and Style

by Keith Stephenson Mark Hampshire

Bursting with beautiful ideas for bringing a signature mid-century look into your own space, as well as practical advice on what will work where, this is an essential guide for any lover of interior design and mid-century style. In this beautifully photographed book, Mark and Keith of Mini Moderns show you how to create a timeless mid-century look in your own homeKnown for their striking use of pattern and colour, Mark and Keith's designs are inspired by everything from childhood memories to commentaries on popular culture, and through this lens they explore how different influences and designers have created key mid-century looks. They delve into the cornerstones of mid-century style, from colour and pattern to materials and curation, and share their secrets on how to bring together the things you love to create your own look. They also include inspirational case studies to demonstrate particular looks, from Beatnik Beach House to Scandi Rustic, Seaside Modern to Studio Townhouse.

Midcentury Christmas Stocking Stuffer Edition (Stocking Stuffer Edition)

by Sarah Archer

A celebration of (vintage) Christmas past Midcentury America was a wonderland of department stores, suburban cul-de-sacs, and Tupperware parties. At Christmastime, postwar America’s dreams and desires were on full display, from shopping mall Santas to shiny aluminum Christmas trees, from the Grinch to Charlie Brown’s beloved spindly Christmas tree. With more than 100 colorful illustrations and iconic designs, Sarah Archer celebrates the turning point of Christmas in America, when new technologies and unprecedented prosperity made anything seem possible. Midcentury Christmas is sure to be on everyone’s wish lists.

The Midcentury Kitchen: America's Favorite Room, From Workspace To Dreamscape, 1940s-1970s

by Sarah Archer

An illustrated pop history from aqua to avocado, Westinghouse to Wonder Bread Nearly everyone alive today has experienced cozy, welcoming kitchens packed with conveniences that we now take for granted. Sarah Archer, in this delightful romp through a simpler time, shows us how the prosperity of the 1950s kicked off the technological and design ideals of today’s kitchen. In fact, while contemporary appliances might look a little different and work a little better than those of the 1950s, the midcentury kitchen has yet to be improved upon. During the optimistic consumerism of midcentury America when families were ready to put their newfound prosperity on display, companies from General Electric to Pyrex to Betty Crocker were there to usher them into a new era. Counter heights were standardized, appliances were designed in fashionable colors, and convenience foods took over families’ plates. With archival photographs, advertisements, magazine pages, and movie stills, The Midcentury Kitchen captures the spirit of an era—and a room—where anything seemed possible.


by Stephen Bann Ian Hamilton Finlay

Ian Hamilton Finlay (1925-2006) was one of Scotland's leading twentieth-century public intellectuals, and famously one of its most brilliant and combative correspondents. His letters raise issues of particular and widespread interest both within Scotland and further afield. His correspondence with Stephen Bann, the English poet and academic, have a very special place in this context. These letters present in a clear and commensurable form the development of his ideas about poetry and art, and increasingly about sculpture and gardening, over this critical five-year period of his creative life.The letters begin when Bann was still a student at Cambridge, and Finlay was living in considerable hardship in Edinburgh, though he already had a significant international reputation as a poet. They reveal in fascinating and intimate detail the poet's developing creative process, and also record his often turbulent relationship to the worlds of literature, art, and critical journalism. When he settles in Lanarkshire, he begins to develop the ideas that will result in the creation of the world-famous sculpture garden known as Little Sparta.This book, edited, introduced, and annotated by Bann himself, is a unique and compelling self-portrait of the man who is now recognized not only as a great poet, but also as a major artist and one of the most original garden designers of modern times.Stephen Bann is a poet, historian, and cultural critic. He is an emeritus professor of the history of art at Bristol University, and the author of numerous books and articles.

The Midwest Native Plant Primer: 225 Plants for an Earth-Friendly Garden

by Alan Branhagen

Bring Your Garden to Life—and Life to Your Garden! Do you want a garden that makes a real difference? Choose plants native to our Midwest region. The rewards will benefit you, your yard, and the environment—from reducing maintenance tasks to attracting earth-friendly pollinators such as native birds, butterflies, and bees. Native plant expert Alan Branhagen makes adding these superstar plants easier than ever before, with proven advice that every home gardener can follow. This incomparable sourcebook includes 225 recommended native ferns, grasses, wildflowers, perennials, vines, shrubs, and trees. It&’s everything you need to know to create a beautiful and beneficial garden. This must-have handbook is for gardeners in Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.

Migrant Homelessness and the Crimmigration Control System (Explorations in Housing Studies)

by Regina Serpa

Migrant Homelessness and the Crimmigration Control System offers new insights into the drivers of homelessness following migration by unpacking the housing consequences of ‘crimmigration’ control systems in the US and the UK. The book advances ‘housing sacrifice’ as a concept to understand journeys in and out of homelessness and the coping strategies migrants employ. Undergirded by persuasive empirical research, it offers a compelling case for a ‘social citizenship’ right to housing guaranteed across social, political and civil realms of society. The book is structured around the 30 life stories of people who have migrated to the capital cities of Boston and Edinburgh from Central America and Eastern Europe. The narratives are complemented by interviews with a range of stakeholders (including frontline caseworkers, activists and policymakers). Guided by the tenets of critical realist theory, this book offers a biographical inquiry into the intersections of race, class and gender and provides insight into the everyday precarity homeless migrants face, by listening to them directly. It will be of interest to students, scholars, and policymakers across a range of fields including housing, immigration, criminology, sociology, and human geography.

Migrant Homelessness and the Crimmigration Control System (ISSN)

by Regina Serpa

Migrant Homelessness and the Crimmigration Control System offers new insights into the drivers of homelessness following migration by unpacking the housing consequences of ‘crimmigration’ control systems in the US and the UK. The book advances ‘housing sacrifice’ as a concept to understand journeys in and out of homelessness and the coping strategies migrants employ. Undergirded by persuasive empirical research, it offers a compelling case for a ‘social citizenship’ right to housing guaranteed across social, political and civil realms of society. The book is structured around the 30 life stories of people who have migrated to the capital cities of Boston and Edinburgh from Central America and Eastern Europe. The narratives are complemented by interviews with a range of stakeholders (including frontline caseworkers, activists and policymakers). Guided by the tenets of critical realist theory, this book offers a biographical inquiry into the intersections of race, class and gender and provides insight into the everyday precarity homeless migrants face, by listening to them directly. It will be of interest to students, scholars, and policymakers across a range of fields including housing, immigration, criminology, sociology, and human geography.

Migrant Housing: Architecture, Dwelling, Migration (Routledge Research in Architecture)

by Mirjana Lozanovska

Migrant Housing, the latest book by author Mirjana Lozanovska, examines the house as the architectural construct in the processes of migration. Housing is pivotal to any migration story, with studies showing that migrant participation in the adaptation or building of houses provides symbolic materiality of belonging and the platform for agency and productivity in the broader context of the immigrant city. Migration also disrupts the cohesion of everyday dwelling and homeland integral to housing, and the book examines this displacement of dwelling and its effect on migrant housing. This timely volume investigates the poetic and political resonance between migration and architecture, challenging the idea of the ‘house’ as a singular theoretical construct. Divided into three parts, Histories and theories of post-war migrant housing, House/home and Mapping migrant spaces of home, it draws on data studies from Australia and Macedonia, with literature from Canada, Sweden and Germany, to uncover the effects of unprivileged post-war migration in the late twentieth century on the house as architectural and normative model, and from this perspective negotiates the disciplinary boundaries of architecture.

Migrants of Identity: Perceptions of 'Home' in a World of Movement (Ethnicity And Identity Ser.)

by Nigel Rapport

Global movement is commonly characterized as one of the quintessential experiences of our age. Market forces, territorial conflicts and environmental changes uproot an increasing number of people, while mass communication, travel, tourism, and a global market of commodities, texts, tastes, fashions and ideologies place individuals more than ever in a global arena. As traditional conceptions of individuals as members of stationary, fixed and separate societies and cultures no longer convince, to what extent does movement become central to individuals' self-conceptions? How do people cultivate, negotiate, nurture and maintain an identity? To what extent do individuals become ‘migrants of identity' whose home is movement?Defining ‘home' as ‘where one best knows oneself', this pioneering book explores the various ways in which people perceive themselves to be ‘at home' in today's world. Through a series of case studies, authors show that for a world of travellers, labour migrants, exiles and commuters, ‘home' comes to be found in behavioural routines and techniques, in styles of dress and address, in memories, myths and stories, in jokes and opinions. In short, people who live their lives in movement make sense of their lives as movement.

Milan: Productions, Spatial Patterns and Urban Change (Built Environment City Studies)

by Simonetta Armondi Stefano Di Vita

As a main urban centre of one of the most dynamic European regions, Milan is a key location from which to study narratives of innovations and contemporary productions – old and new manufacturing, tertiary and consumptive sectors, creative and cultural economy – and investigate their influence both on spatial patterns and urban policy agenda. Accordingly, this book explores the contentious geographies of innovation, productions and working spaces, both empirically and theoretically in a city that, since the beginning of the 2000s, has been involved in a process of urban change, with relevant spatial and socio-economic effects, within an increasingly turbulent world economy. Through this analysis, the book provides an insight into the complexity of contemporary urban phenomena beyond a traditional metropolitan lens, highlighting issues such as rescaling, urban decentralization and recentralization, extensive urban transformation and shrinkage and molecular urban regeneration. This book is a valuable resource for academics, researchers and scholars focusing on Urban Studies such as Urban Policy, Urban Planning, Urban Geography, Urban Economy and Urban Sociology.

Milk-Based Soaps: Making Natural, Skin-Nourishing Soap

by Casey Makela

Craft beautiful, sweet-smelling milk-based soaps safely and easily. In this fun and informative guide, Casey Makela shares her specialized techniques for producing lusciously creamy soaps. With straightforward instructions and thorough explanations, Makela teaches you how to fashion your own soaps from vegetable oils and tallow bases, giving dozens of suggestions for relaxing scents and specialty colors that will let your product shine. You’ll soon be creating enticingly unique soaps that will keep your glowing skin smelling and feeling good all day.

Milk Soaps: 35 Skin-Nourishing Recipes for Making Milk-Enriched Soaps, from Goat to Almond

by Anne-Marie Faiola

Handmade soap is made extra-special with the addition of milk! Soaps enriched with milk are creamier than those made with water, and milk’s natural oils provide skin-renewing moisture and nourishment. In Milk Soaps, expert soapmaker Anne-Marie Faiola demystifies the process with step-by-step techniques and 35 recipes for making soaps that are both beautiful and useful. She explains the keys to success in using a wide range of milk types, including cow, goat, and even camel milk, along with nut and grain milks such as almond, coconut, hemp, rice, and more. Photographs show soapmakers of all levels how to achieve a variety of distinctive color and shape effects, including funnels, swirls, layers, and insets. For beginners and experts alike, this focused guide to making milk-enriched soaps offers an opportunity to expand their soapmaking skills in new and exciting ways. This publication conforms to the EPUB Accessibility specification at WCAG 2.0 Level AA.

The Milkweed Lands: An Epic Story of One Plant: Its Nature and Ecology

by Eric Lee-Mäder

Delve into this fascinating appreciation of milkweed, an often-overlooked plant, and discover an amazing range of insects and organisms that depend on it as the seasons unfold, with this collaboration between a noted ecologist and an award-winning botanical illustrator. Ecologist Eric Lee-Mäder and noted botanical artist Beverly Duncan have teamed up to create this unique exploration of the complex ecosystem that is supported by the remarkable milkweed plant, often over-looked or dismissed as a roadside weed. With stunning, up-close illustrations and engaging text, they trace every stage of the plant's changes and evolutions throughout the seasons, including germination, growth, flowering, and seed development. Simultaneously, they chronicle the lives of the many creatures whose lives are intertwined with the milkweed: monarch butterflies; soldier and queen butterflies; milkweed tussock moths; large and small milkweed bugs; milkweed weevils; bumble bees; goldfinches; and more. The delightful illustrations and illuminating text give the reader the feeling of browsing an avid naturalist's sketchbook, while also learning about different milkweed species, how to propagate milkweed in the garden, the industrial uses of milkweed, interesting milkweed relatives, and more. This publication conforms to the EPUB Accessibility specification at WCAG 2.0 Level AA.

Milton Keynes in British Culture: Imagining England (Routledge Studies in Modern British History)

by Lauren Pikó

The new town of Milton Keynes was designated in 1967 with a bold, flexible social vision to impose "no fixed conception of how people ought to live." Despite this progressive social vision, and its low density, flexible, green urban design, the town has been consistently represented in British media, political rhetoric and popular culture negatively. as a fundamentally sterile, paternalistic, concrete imposition on the landscape, as a "joke", and even as "Los Angeles in Buckinghamshire". How did these meanings develop at such odds from residents' and planners' experiences? Why have these meanings proved so resilient? Milton Keynes in British Culture traces the representations of Milton Keynes in British national media, political rhetoric and popular culture in detail from 1967 to 1992, demonstrating how the town's founding principles came to be understood as symbolic of the worst excesses of a postwar state planning system which was falling from favour. Combining approaches from urban planning history, cultural history and cultural studies, political economy and heritage studies, the book maps the ways in which Milton Keynes' newness formed an existential challenge to ideals of English landscapes as receptacles of tradition and closed, fixed national identities. Far from being a marginal, "foreign" and atypical town, the book demonstrates how the changing political fortunes of state urban planned spaces were a key site of conflict around ideas of how the British state should function, how its landscapes should look, and who they should be for.

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