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La Luz Nocturna: Cuidado con lo que deseas

by Alex Zuchi

Mi nombre es Antônio Pereira, pero todos me conocen como Arthur Black. Soy un escritor. He sido rico, influyente y codiciado, gracias a mis historias infantiles. He perdido casi todo, ya saben cómo es... lo que viene fácil, fácil se va... Ya que estoy abriendo mi corazón, debo confesar que mentí sobre mi libro más famoso. Aquel libro que se convirtió en un gran éxito en el cine. Siempre pensé que jamás hablarían sobre el asunto, pero yo estaba equivocado. Me contactó el hombre que conoce mi secreto y me hizo una oferta que no pude rechazar. Le prometí que escribiría un nuevo cuento infantil y que seguiría todas sus reglas. Comienzo a darme cuenta de que hay algo muy extraño en este lugar al que me trajo y en el que luego me dejó solo. Mis noches son atormentadas por situaciones que escapan a mi comprensión. ¿Alucinaciones? ¿Realidad? No sé decirlo. Hay puertas en este mundo que se abren en lugares desconocidos. Tal vez ellas son las responsables del surgimiento de las siluetas, las voces y la luz blanca e intensa que irrumpe desde la oscuridad del campo. Cada día que permanezco aquí, más nebulosa se vuelve mi percepción. La única certeza que tengo es que el libro que escribo todos los días se vuelve completamente diferente justo después de irme a dormir.

The Night Light: Be Careful What You Wish For

by Alex Zuchi

My name is Antônio Pereira, but everyone knows me as Arthur Black. I am a writer. In the past, I was rich, influential, and coveted because of my children's stories. But I lost almost everything. You know how it is ... what comes easy, goes easy ... Since I'm opening my heart, I need to confess that I lied about my most famous book, the book that became a great success in cinema. I always thought they would never talk about it, but I was wrong. I was approached by the man who knows my secret, and he made me a proposal that I could not refuse. I promised that I would write a new children's story, and I will follow all his rules. So, I'm beginning to realize that there is something much strange about this place that he brought me and then left me alone. My nights are plagued by situations that are beyond my comprehension. Hallucinations? Reality? I don't know. There are doors in this world that open in unknown places. Maybe they are responsible for the appearance of the silhouettes, the voices, and the intense white light erupted from the darkness of the countryside. Each day I stay here, my perception becomes more nebulous. The only certainty that I have is the book that I write every day becomes completely different right after I go to sleep.

La Trascendencia de la Carne

by Alex Zuchi

Bartolomeo Schultz es un hombre solitario. Divide su vida entre trabajar en una fábrica de cajas, reclusión en su pequeño departamento y su deporte favorito: observar la vida de los demás. Bartolomeo se dedica a la observación, porque tiene miedo de tener una vida propia, tiene miedo de arriesgarse. Además de su clara debilidad por poder integrarse con otras personas, ya no puede recordar quién es realmente. Su pasado es desconocido. Sus familiares son desconocidos. Vive en un mundo de incertidumbre y angustia. Un día, Bartolomeo regresa a casa después de otro día de trabajo cuando siente que lo están observando en una calle de Porto Alegre. Mira a su alrededor, pero no identifica nada, pero la sensación permanece latente. Mirando instintivamente al cielo, ve una especie de vórtice amarillo y azul que aparentemente nadie más puede ver. A partir de ese momento, un torbellino de sentimientos emerge de la mente y el cuerpo del hombre, mientras voces desconocidas buscan hacer contacto. Y te inducen a dormir. A través del sueño, se le presenta una nueva dimensión entre el cielo y el infierno. Una dimensión oscura e inhóspita. Una legión de voces les promete la codiciada fuerza, una vida de logros hasta ahora inimaginables, la oportunidad de amar y ser amados. Bartolomeo comienza a moverse a través de esta dimensión y aprender sus antiguos secretos. Allí, descubre que es elegido por el Dios del Vacío que reside en los confines del universo para una gran misión. Una misión que implica la liberación de una Trinidad de individuos empoderados. Pero, ¿cómo se pondría un hombre común en una posición tan única? ¿Fue solo una ironía del destino o un plan meticulosamente diseñado? El mismo Dios del Vacío busca el paso por los mundos. ¿Pero cuáles serían tus intenciones? Octavio Gouveia, un emprendedor fotográfico, también visualiza el vórtice. Como Christian Albuquerque, un detective de policía que lucha contra lo

Haunted Animals: True Ghost Stories

by Allan Zullo

Nine stories of the spirits of pets and other animals haunting various humans from beyond the graves in the pet cemetary.

Haunted Athletes: True Ghost Stories

by Allan Zullo

There's something strange about the old baseball glove at a garage sale. A girls' soccer team practice field is built on the site of an old burial ground. A basketball player who receives advice from a mysterious school janitor. Chilling, true tales based on actual, reported events.

Haunted Baby-Sitters: True Ghost Stories

by Allan Zullo

DO GHOSTS HAUNT BABY-SITTERS? If you've ever baby-sat, you know how scary it can be when the kids act like spirited little demons. But some sitters have actually encountered real spirits and demons from the world of the supernatural. Many experts were called in to investigate these so-called hauntings. Sometimes the experts walked away convinced that a haunting actually took place. Other times, they left believing something weird had happened that couldn't be fully explained. This book is a collection of creepy stories about baby-sitters who took on a job that turned into the most frightening or bizarre experience of their lives. These eerie tales are inspired, in part, by real cases taken from the files of noted ghost hunters. The names and places in the stories are not real. Could you wind up facing a ghost the next time you baby-sit? You might think so after reading the startling stories in this book! Haunted Baby-Sitters While baby-sitting, Sara heard strange fiddle music in an empty attic. She later learned who had lived?and died?in the house years before. Emily was baby-sitting for two little boys whose beds began to shake on their own. The police were baffled. Then a noted investigator discovered the real cause of the ghostly disturbance. Another baby-sitter noticed that a four-year-old boy's scribbles on a notepad were actually a form of shorthand writing. The boy's message revealed a family mystery. These and other true ghost stories have all been reported by real kids while baby-sitting.

Haunted Campers: True Ghost Stories

by Allan Zullo

These eerie tales are inspired, in part, by real-life cases taken from the files of noted ghost hunters. Will a ghost haunt your tent the next time you go camping? You might think so after reading the spooky stories in this book!

Haunted Schools: True Ghost Stories

by Allan Zullo

Nine stories about ghosts and phantoms found haunting schools.

Haunted Schools: True Ghost Stories

by Allan Zullo

Is Your School Haunted? A strange girl who shows up at a school is not what she appears to be . . . students find a shocking secret in their school's theater, an empty school vibrates with the laughter of unseen children; In this spine tingling book, these and other true ghost stories that happen in schools just like yours.

The Haunted Short Stop: True Ghostly Sports Stories

by Allan Zullo

This is a creepy collection of stories about athletes who have been haunted by ghosts on the baseball diamond, football gridiron, basketball court and the soccer field.

Haunted Teachers: True Ghost Stories

by Allan Zullo

"Haunted Teachers" is a creepy collection of stories about phantoms -- especially ghostly teachers -- who have haunted teachers and students in the classroom, on the playground, and at home. These eerie tales are inspired, in part, by real-life cases taken from the files of noted ghost hunters. Does the spirit of a teacher haunt your classroom? Is your teacher spooked by a ghost? You might think so after reading the startling stories in this book!

More Haunted Kids True Ghost Stories

by Allan Zullo

These amazing true stories are about real kids who have saved lives, discovered missing persons, predicted disasters, and more through dreams and extrasensory powers.

The Ten Creepiest Creatures in America

by Allan Zullo

Ten 'true' stories about strange and mysterious creatures. Do creepy creatures really exist in America? After reading in this book the accounts of such monsters as Lizard Man, Champ, Momo, and Whitey, you can make up your own mind...

Crushed (Happily Ever Afterlife #2)

by Orli Zuravicky

Lucy is ready for her next challenge at Limbo Central Middle School: joining a club. Or actually, forming one. Lucy and her best friend Cecily were awesome ballet dancers in life, so obviously they can start a Dance Club in the afterlife! Not according to Georgia Sinclaire. The head of the Cheerleading squad wants to forbid cheerleaders from even trying out for Lucy and Cecily's club. Who knew starting a Dance Club would be all about drama?

Ghostcoming! (Happily Ever Afterlife #1)

by Orli Zuravicky

Lucy has just joined the afterlife, and as a brand-new ghost she's mostly see-through, not able to stand or sit normally, stuck in the ballet clothes she was wearing before she crossed over...and stuck in middle school. Can't a ghost get a break? But then the cutest (ghost) boy she's ever seen turns out to be her very own guide to school, and things start looking brighter. Maybe she's not quite solid yet, but Lucy is definitely going to make this the best afterlife ever!

Körpermagie (Triade #2)

by Stefanie Zurek Poppy Dennison

Die Fortsetzung zu Magie der GedankenBuch 2 in der Serie - Triade Ein Rudel ist nur so stark wie sein schwächstes Mitglied. Rocky Harris weiß, wie das System funktioniert. Er hat sein ganzes Leben am untersten Ende der Hierarchie verbracht. Doch als sein Alpha ihn damit betraut, das Sicherheitssystem des High Moon Rudels auf den neuesten Stand zu bringen, gerät Rockys Weltbild gefährlich ins Wanken. Seit die Welpen während seines Wachdienstes entführt wurden, hat Cade Montgomerys Selbstbewusstsein arg gelitten. Er würde alles tun, um seine Familie zu beschützen, selbst wenn das bedeutet, mit Rocky zusammenzuarbeiten. Cade traut Rocky nicht, aber er weiß auch, dass die kontroverse Entscheidung des Rudelalphas, einen Magier zum Gefährten zu wählen, noch für Ärger sorgen wird. Dann erklärt jemand den Gestaltenwandlern den Krieg und plötzlich ist das gesamte Rudel in Gefahr. Cade und Rocky werden die Stärke des anderen brauchen, wenn sie die drohende Schlacht--und ihre wachsenden Gefühle für einander--überleben wollen.

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