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Illustrated Encyclopedia of Ancient Slavic Gods and Spirits

by Elena Kryuchkova Olga Kryuchkovа

In ancient times the man was very dependent on the nature and natural phenomena. The world in the conception of people of that period was divided into three parts–the sky, the earth, and the underworld. This image of the world was depicted as the World Tree which united these three worlds into a single entity. The World Tree was a symbol of the three worlds–its crown represented the sky, its trunk was the symbol of the earth, the roots were the symbol of the underworld. The world of the ancient Slavs consisted of three parts: Prav–the world of gods, Yav–the ­­­world of people, and Nav–the underworld. The beliefs of the Slavic tribes, both western and eastern, were connected with worshipping different tribal deities and spirits. The Slavs who were living on the vast territory of Europe in ancient timed had some common gods with similar names as the ancestors of the Slavs used to be united. Besides, the Slavs worshipped the powers of nature–they deified the sun, the moon, natural phenomena, theologizing them, and believed that natural phenomena depended on the will of gods. Therefore, to gain gods’ good grace people tried to blandish them in different ways. Special sacred rituals were held for this purpose at a particular time of the year, they made sacrifices to gods, asked the gods for help in prayers and thanked for success. Svarog and Damp Mother Earth were some of the most ancient gods. The book is written in a simple and clear language and is intended for a wide circle of readers interested in mythology, ancient history and culture. The book contains a lot of ethnographic, historic and occulted information as well as stylized pictures of ancient Slavic gods and spirits.

The Demon of Montsegur

by Olga Kryuchkova

Count Raymond IV of Toulouse, leader of the kingdom of Languedoc, brings from the crusades a certain statuette depicting Baphomet. He unites all the new lands with Languedoc, the kingdom gets richer, summoning the envy of France, weakened by constant wars with England. Five years after the return from the crusades, Count Raymond is overtaken by a secret death in Montsegur. His son Alphonse leaves the kingdom of Languedoc for good, leaving for the Holy Land where he meets Hugues de Payens, first grand master of the Order of Knights Templar. After that the Templars begin to worship Baphomet… A hundred years later, the statuette falls into the hands of the chevalier Clermont of Montsegur, the great grandson of Count of Toulouse. His life is full of unpredictable turns, but his death becomes a riddle for his descendants. The next owner of Baphomet, Auguste of Cavaillon, a Templar and personal secretary to the grand master Jacques de Molay, sends the order’s gold to Scotland where it survives thunderous adventures and then becomes the Preceptor of the castle of Inverness, in which the spiritual and magical knowledge of Europe and the Near East are concentrated. He tries to solve the riddle of the secret deaths of his ancestors in order to deliver the ancient race of Montsegur-Cavaillon from the power of Baphomet.

Inquisitor. Blood and the Cross

by Olga Kryuchkova

Italy, 13th century. Inquisition is in full swing, cleansing fires are burning on town squares. A young and ambitions man named Conrad accidentally meets a famous alchemist Albert of Savoy and decides to try his luck by becoming his apprentice. However, when his hopes are not justified, Conrad turns into an ardent persecutor of dissidents, warlocks and witches. After becoming a fanatical defender of faith, an inquisitor, Conrad cannot even imagine what a cruel joke capricious fate will play on him!

Lucifer's Servant

by Olga Kryuchkova

Demon Asmodeus, Lucifer’s son, plays a sophisticated game of time travel. In medieval Italy, he finds the young cardinal Rodrigo de Borgia and his beloved Vannozza dei Cattanei. He decides that this couple is quite suitable for the implementation of his plans. De Borgia’s name becomes a synonym for debauchery, incest and cruelty. During the war in 1945, the demon gives his favourite toy, a magical crystal, to Dmitry Malyshev. And all Malyshev’s wishes come true. He returns home, marries a beautiful lady and creates an impetuous career for himself. Neither the Borgia family nor the Malyshevs suspect that not only they, but also their descendants, will have to pay a high price for all the pleasures and material benefits.

O Demônio de Montségur

by Olga Kryuchkova

O conde Raimundo IV de Toulouse, governante do reino de Languedoc, traz de uma cruzada uma pequena estátua de Baphomet. Com ela, ele consegue anexar muitos novos territórios ao Languedoc e o reino torna-se rico, causando inveja na coroa francesa, enfraquecida por constantes conflitos militares contra a Inglaterra. Cinco anos depois de voltar da campanha, o conde Raimundo encontra a misteriosa morte em Montségur. Seu filho, Afonso, deixa para sempre o seu Languedoc natal, partindo à Terra Santa, onde se encontra com Hugo de Payens, o primeiro mestre da Ordem dos Templários. E então os Templários começam a venerar Baphomet… Um século depois, a estatueta cai nas mãos do chevalier Clermont de Montségur, bisneto do conde de Toulouse. Sua vida é cheia de reviravoltas imprevisíveis, e sua morte acaba tornando-se um mistério para seus descendentes. O próximo possuidor de Baphomet, Auguste de Cavaillon, templário e secretário pessoal do mestre De Molay, encaminha o ouro da Ordem dos Templários para a Escócia, onde ele passa por violentas aventuras e então torna-se o preceptor do castelo de Inverness, no qual concentram-se os conhecimentos espirituais e mágicos da Europa e do Oriente Médio. Ele tenta desvendar as misteriosas mortes de seus ancestrais, a fim de livrar o antigo clã de Montségur-Cavaillon do poder de Baphomet.

The Prelate

by Olga Kryuchkova

Isabella de Monte, a mistress of King Francis I, is accused of witchcraft and of conspiring against her royal lover. She is handed over to inquisitors, even though the marchioness is with child and ready to give birth. The executioner delivers the baby. Inquisitor Henri Dengon orders the executioner to care for the newborn... Years pass. René Chaperon, the executioner's adopted son, becomes a young man and begins to display unusual abilities: He has the ability to sense evil spirits. Henri Dengon becomes the chief inquisitor of the kingdom. The new Prelate has no idea what forbidding tests await him...

Sangre y cruz

by Olga Kryuchkova Marina Cozearschi

Italia, siglo XIII. La juerga de la Inquisición, los incendios del purgatorio arden en las plazas. Un hombre joven y ambicioso llamado Conrado accidentalmente conoce al famoso alquimista Alberto de Saboya y decide probar suerte convirtiéndose en su discípulo. Sin embargo, sus esperanzas no se justifican, y luego Conrado se convierte en un ardiente perseguidor de disidentes, magos y brujas. Sin embargo, ¡convirtiéndose en un fanático defensor de la fe, el inquisidor, el padre Conrado no podía ni imaginarse qué broma tan cruel le jugaría el caprichoso destino!

La damisela de la señora de giada

by Olga Kryuchkova Elena Kryuchkova

La joven Ono-no Komachi entra en servicio en el palacio imperial y se convirtió en la dama de compañía de una de las concubinas del emperador. Muy pronto tiene que ver con un hecho inexplicable: en los suburbios de Heian-kyo aparece un misterioso palanquín de oro flotante. La joven dama de la corte se casa con un guardia extraordinario. Sin embargo, es asesinado durante la represión de una revuelta en una de las provincias más remotas. Para intentar aplacar el dolor, la joven damisela se dedica desenfrenadamente a la poesía. La emperatriz, la señora de Giada, paga muy bien a Ono-no Komachi y su trabajo. Y muy pronto la chica se convierte en su dama de compañía personal. Dependerá de ella revelar el secreto del pabellón de la Ciruela, desenmarañar una serie de eventos misteriosos que suceden en la capital Heian-kyo y frustrar un atentado a la vida del emperador.

The Heavenly Empress

by Olga Kryuchkova Elena Kryuchkova

The governor Li Yuan has secret plans to overthrow the ruling dynasty. One day he goes on a pilgrimage to a distant temple to pray to the ancient gods. There, the governor meets a mysterious old man in brilliant white robes and receives from him a piece of jade in the form of a drop, supposedly endowed with divine power. A few years later, Li Yuan comes to power and establishes a new Tang dynasty, which is destined to rule the Middle Kingdom. At the court of Tang, there is a clan of fortune tellers by the name of Bei that serves to the whole royal line. The fortune tellers experience ups and downs, and sometimes oblivion as not always emperors and members of the ruling family appreciate the service of the foretellers and pay tribute to them for their devotion. Nevertheless, the foretellers do not leave their post and carefully guard the intimate secrets of the imperial court. After the death of the emperor, the old fortuneteller passes away, and young Bei comes into the light. The young Bei is as like as to peas to his predecessor. The history of the Tang dynasty and the Bei clan are connected by an invisible mystical thread. However, there are circumstances that can break the seemingly constant, strong bond...

The Jasper Lady’s Maid of Honour

by Olga Kryuchkova Elena Kryuchkova

A mystical-historical novel guiding the reader back into the medieval Japan, into the cobweb of suspense, plot, revenge, superstition, tales and adventures laced abundantly with genuine literary references and figures of the times. Apart from that one also gains admission to a better understanding of everyday life, traditions, culture and the complexity of social relations prevalent in the Japanese society back in those days. Japan, the Heian era. Young Ono no Komachi commits to serving the imperial court as the maid of honour of one of the concubines. She soon is confronted with some inexplicable phenomenon: a mysterious golden flying palanquin appearing in the outskirts of the capital. The young maid of honour marries a most outstanding officer. However he dies in a campaign designed to quell an uprising in a remote province. In an effort to subdue her anguish over the loss the maid of honour indulges in the making of poetry. The empress, Lady Jade holds Ono no Komachi’s work of art in high esteem and before late the girls joins her as her maid of honour. Unbeknownst to her she is yet to disclose the secret of the Plum pavilion, disentangle a row of mysteries in the capital furthermore botch an attempt against the empress.

La damigella della Signora di Giada

by Olga Kryuchkova Elena Kryuchkova

La giovane Ono-no Komachi entra in servizio presso il palazzo imperiale e diventa la dama di compagnia di una delle concubine dell'imperatore. Ben presto ha a che fare con un fatto inspiegabile: nei sobborghi di Heian-kyo appare una misteriosa portantina d'oro svolazzante. La giovane dama di corte si sposa con una straordinaria guardia. Ciò nonostante, egli viene ucciso durante la repressione di una rivolta in una delle province più remote. Per cercare di placare il dolore, la giovane damigella si dedica sfrenatamente alla poesia. L'imperatrice, la signora di Giada, ripaga immensamente Ono-no Komachi e la sua opera. E ben presto la ragazza diventa la sua personale dama di compagnia. Starà a lei svelare il segreto del padiglione del Susino, districare una serie di eventi misteriosi che accadono nella capitale Heian-kyo, sventare un attentato alla vita dell'imperatore.

Three Symbols of Power: Full Version

by Olga Kryuchkova Elena Kryuchkova

II century A. D. Young Himiko – the Golden-faced lady (a golden mask hides her face) who inherited three sacred symbols of power of the Great Goddess of the Sun governs the country of Yamatai. She intends to strengthen the state borders in order to counteract the attacks of wild tribes. For this, she goes incognito overseas, in the country of Han. Himiko leaves her double, a woman from the legendary Heavenly clan, instead of herself on the throne. Himiko intends to acquire “the fire powder”. Having boarded a trading ship, the Golden-faced governess could not even imagine that her journey, at first sight innocent, would be full of dangers, and her life would be subject to risk. II century A. D. Young Himiko – the Golden-faced lady (a golden mask hides her face) who inherited three sacred symbols of power of the Great Goddess of the Sun governs the country of Yamatai. She intends to strengthen the state borders in order to counteract the attacks of wild tribes. For this, she goes incognito overseas, in the country of Han. Himiko leaves her double, a woman from the legendary Heavenly clan, instead of herself on the throne. Himiko intends to acquire “the fire powder”. Having boarded a trading ship, the Golden-faced governess could not even imagine that her journey, at first sight innocent, would be full of dangers, and her life would be subject to risk.

Babel: Or the Necessity of Violence: An Arcane History of the Oxford Translators' Revolution

by R. F Kuang

From award-winning author R. F. Kuang comes Babel, a thematic response to The Secret History and a tonal retort to Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell that grapples with student revolutions, colonial resistance, and the use of language and translation as the dominating tool of the British empire. <p><p>Traduttore, traditore: An act of translation is always an act of betrayal. <p>1828. Robin Swift, orphaned by cholera in Canton, is brought to London by the mysterious Professor Lovell. There, he trains for years in Latin, Ancient Greek, and Chinese, all in preparation for the day he’ll enroll in Oxford University’s prestigious Royal Institute of Translation—also known as Babel. <p><p>Babel is the world's center for translation and, more importantly, magic. Silver working—the art of manifesting the meaning lost in translation using enchanted silver bars—has made the British unparalleled in power, as its knowledge serves the Empire’s quest for colonization. <p><p>For Robin, Oxford is a utopia dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge. But knowledge obeys power, and as a Chinese boy raised in Britain, Robin realizes serving Babel means betraying his motherland. As his studies progress, Robin finds himself caught between Babel and the shadowy Hermes Society, an organization dedicated to stopping imperial expansion. When Britain pursues an unjust war with China over silver and opium, Robin must decide…Can powerful institutions be changed from within, or does revolution always require violence? <p> <b>New York Times Bestseller</b>

Halloween: A Festival of Lost Meanings

by Alvin Boyd Kuhn

Alvin Boyd Kuhn, the author of the popular New Lectures on the Ancient Wisdom series, offers up an essay on the origins of Halloween and its traditions, including the candle in the pumpkin, broomstick riding witches, apple in a tub of water and the wearing of masks. Kuhn searches to find a meaning behind Halloween that goes beyond the sheer fun and deviltry of it, as it has been practised in the past and present.A fascinating read!

Among Thieves (Tales of Thamorr #1)

by M. J. Kuhn

A thrilling fantasy debut—a high-stakes heist novel set in a gritty world of magic and malice, and perfect for fans of Six of Crows! <p><p> In just over a year’s time, Ryia Cautella has already earned herself a reputation as the quickest, deadliest blade in the dockside city of Carrowwick—not to mention the sharpest tongue. But Ryia Cautella is not her real name. For the past six years, a deadly secret has kept her in hiding, running from town to town, doing whatever it takes to stay one step ahead of the formidable Guildmaster—the sovereign ruler of the five kingdoms of Thamorr. <p><p> No matter how far or fast she travels, his servants never fail to track her down...but even the most powerful men can be defeated. Ryia’s path now leads directly into the heart of the Guildmaster’s stronghold, and against every instinct she has, it’s not a path she can walk alone. Forced to team up with a crew of assorted miscreants, smugglers, and thieves, Ryia must plan her next moves very carefully. If she succeeds, her freedom is won once and for all…but unfortunately for Ryia, her new allies are nearly as selfish as she is, and they all have plans of their own.

Thick as Thieves (Tales of Thamorr #2)

by M. J. Kuhn

M. J. Kuhn returns to the gritty world of heists, magic, and deception in this high-stakes fantasy follow-up to internationally bestselling Among Thieves perfect for fans of Leigh Bardugo and V.E. Schwab.Ryia Cautella, a.k.a. the Butcher of Carrowwick, and her motley crew have succeeded in the ultimate heist...with the most dire possible consequences. A terrifyingly powerful tool has fallen into the hands of Callum Clem, the criminal leader of the Saints, who was already one of the most dangerous men alive. With the newfound ability to force magic-wielding Adepts to his will, he is unstoppable. With their group scattered throughout the five kingdoms of Thamorr—and not all on the same side of the fight—things seem hopeless. But can Ryia get the gang back together for one last job? Or will chess-worthy power plays and shifting loyalties change Thamorr as they know it?

Darkling One-Shot (Archie Horror Presents #1)

by Sarah Kuhn

From the outside, Darla Lang looks like a normal college student—save for the peculiar voluminous black cloak she wears everywhere. Her peers and professors chalk this up to Darla’s eccentric, introverted, slightly creepy persona, but Darla is a young woman with a secret… and a mission. Darla’s cloak is actually a mystical artifact that she can use as a melee weapon, trapping her enemies inside and teleporting them away. Darla’s power and connection to the supernatural world have always been a curse, and now she’s enrolled in Ivy Hollow University which harbors some dark secrets of its own. Will Darla find within its hallowed halls the answers to the questions about herself and her powers that she’s been seeking?

El escéptico

by Prasenjeet Kumar

El escéptico al que le encantaba cazar fantasmas... Sus amigos le llamaban el Escéptico Eterno, con «E» mayúscula. A los 31 años, Rajveer se encontraba en la más rara de las profesiones. Trabajando en un programa de Discovery Channel llamado "El Investigador Escéptico", su principal trabajo era desmentir historias de fantasmas. Hasta que un día, recibe un misterioso correo electrónico de una tal Sara Williams, propietaria de un pintoresco hotel de la época británica llamado Casa Osborne en Landour, Mussoorie, India. Sara menciona que ningún turista quiere visitar su hotel porque algunos clientes se quejaban de haber experimentado actividades paranormales allí, por lo que le pide a Rajveer que viaje a Landour para acabar con esas historias de fantasmas mal intencionadas. Por alguna extraña razón, Rajveer acepta felizmente la invitación, desencadenando una extraña serie de acontecimientos. Y adivina qué descubre esta vez. Acompaña a Rajveer en su aventura, mientras intenta averiguar qué es la vida, qué es el más allá, qué es real, qué es misterioso, qué es lógico y qué es imposible de explicar y, sobre todo, qué es el amor. Si te fascinan Ruskin Bond y Nicholas Sparks, también te enamorará El escéptico.

O Cético

by Prasenjeet Kumar

O Cético que adorava derrotar fantasmas.... Seus amigos o chamavam de Eterno Cético – com C maiúsculo. Aos 31 anos, Rajveer encontrou-se na mais esquisita das profissões. Trabalhando em um programa da Discovery Channel chamado “O Investigador Cético”, sua função principal era desmascarar histórias sobre fantasmas. Até que, um dia, recebeu um e-mail bastante misterioso de uma certa Sara Williams, dona de um hotel da era britânica chamado Osborne House, em Landour, Mussoorie, Índia. Sara contava que nenhum turista queria visitar seu hotel porque alguns hóspedes haviam reclamado de experiências paranormais lá. Ela pedia que Rajveer fosse até Landour para dar fim àquelas histórias maliciosas sobre fantasmas. Por algum motivo estranho, Rajveer fica feliz em aceitar o convite, dando início a uma estranha série de eventos. E imagine o que ele descobre desta vez? Acompanhe a jornada do Cético enquanto Rajveer tenta descobrir o que é a vida, o que é a vida após a morte, o que é real, o que é misterioso, o que é lógico e o que não tem explicação e, acima de tudo, o que é o amor. Se você adora Ruskin Bond e Nicholas Sparks, vai se apaixonar por “O Cético” também.

My War

by Peter Kuper Szegedi Szuts

"In their passionate intensity these drawings are as emotionally poignant as the very best war work that Paul Nash or Nevinson ever produced, while technically the broad lines and heavy blacks of Mr. Szüts have a sledge-hammer mastery which is more akin to the work of Forain and Steinlen."-The Sunday Times (London).The pen, ink, and wash images of this graphic novel speak louder than words in relating a soldier's experiences during World War I. My War, a dramatic narrative by Hungarian veteran Szegedi Szüts, portrays the tragedy of wartime life on the battlefield as well as on the home front. With pathos and grim humor, more than 200 images trace a young recruit's progress from initial enthusiasm to ultimate disillusionment. Includes new Foreword by Peter Kuper. <P><P> <i>Advisory: Bookshare has learned that this book offers only partial accessibility. We have kept it in the collection because it is useful for some of our members. Benetech is actively working on projects to improve accessibility issues such as these.</i>

The Frangipani Hotel: Fiction

by Violet Kupersmith

An extraordinarily compelling debut--ghost stories that grapple with the legacy of the Vietnam War A beautiful young woman appears fully dressed in an overflowing bathtub at the Frangipani Hotel in Hanoi. A jaded teenage girl in Houston befriends an older Vietnamese gentleman she discovers naked behind a dumpster. A trucker in Saigon is asked to drive a dying young man home to his village. A plump Vietnamese-American teenager is sent to her elderly grandmother in Ho Chi Minh City to lose weight, only to be lured out of the house by the wafting aroma of freshly baked bread. In these evocative and always surprising stories, the supernatural coexists with the mundane lives of characters who struggle against the burdens of the past. Based on traditional Vietnamese folk tales told to Kupersmith by her grandmother, these fantastical, chilling, and thoroughly contemporary stories are a boldly original exploration of Vietnamese culture, addressing both the immigrant experience and the lives of those who remained behind. Lurking in the background of them all is a larger ghost--that of the Vietnam War, whose legacy continues to haunt us. Violet Kupersmith's voice is an exciting addition to the landscape of American fiction. With tremendous depth and range, her stories transcend their genre to make a wholly original statement about the postwar experience. Praise for The Frangipani Hotel "In this auspicious volume, Kupersmith has reshaped and womanhandled traditional Vietnamese folktales that her grandmother told her into a wildly energetic, present-tense fusillade of short stories. . . . In perhaps the most pungent story here, a young woman who works the graveyard shift stocking shelves at Kwon's World Grocery in suburban Houston befriends an old man she finds standing naked beside a Dumpster. His problem: He occasionally turns into a fourteen-foot python. 'I am just a very old man who is sometimes a python,' the man tells the woman. 'But you, my child, are a creature far more complex.' One might suspect that Kupersmith, who is working on her first novel, is that creature."--Ben Dickinson, Elle"Violet Kupersmith has woven together culture, tradition, family, and ghosts to create a series of short stories that are as fresh as they are mesmerizing. These stories will haunt you long after the last words have drifted off the page."--Lisa See "Surgically precise and feverishly imaginative."--Téa Obreht, author of The Tiger's Wife "This first collection introduces a writer to watch and belongs in any library serving a short story readership."--Booklist"What is most haunting in Kupersmith's nine multilayered pieces are not the specters, whose tales are revealed as stories within stories, but the lingering loss and disconnect endured by the still living. . . . [A] mature-beyond-her-years debut."--Library Journal (starred review) "These polished stories mark Kupersmith, who is in her early twenties, as one to watch."--Publishers Weekly (starred review) "In this impressive debut, Violet Kupersmith displays a remarkable gift for voice and setting. Using history and horror, mystery and imagination, she has created this vivid collection of haunted and haunting stories."--Karen Joy Fowler, author of We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves and The Jane Austen Book ClubFrom the Hardcover edition.

The Journal of Professor Abraham Van Helsing

by Allen C. Kupfer

Professor Abraham Van Helsing was the fictional creation of Bram Stoker for his dark work of fantasy Dracula …or was he?Fragments of a recently discovered journal suggest otherwise.For the first time, in his own words, the legendary vampire hunter tells his own story- his background and early years- his research in Rumania and the Mideast- his medical work…and most importantly his discovery of perhaps the greatest threat to man's dominion on earth, vampires.Filled with data to inform, and tips to educate, the journal is more than a study of vampirism. It is also the story of a man's obsession with eradicating the world of its greatest scourge, a dark evil that claimed his wife in its thrall. Working with the textural fragments he inherited from his grandfather, Professor Allen Conrad Kupfer, has managed to piece together the story behind the story that did not begin and end with Bram Stoker's Dracula.At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

Geschichten von P.A.W.S.

by Debbie Manber Kupfer Wiebke Klein

Katzen, Wölfe und Tegs – unglaublich! Triff Alistair, Ramora und Griddlebone in drei Geschichten aus der Welt von P.A.W.S. Alistair ist ein gealterter und dennoch jung aussehender Werwolf, der den neuen Werwolf Josh unter seine Fittiche nimmt. Eines Nachts erzählt er Josh von seinem grausamen, mordlustigen Vater, der Alistairs Mutter und Geschwister zum Spaß ermordete, während dieser zusehen musste. Während Alistairs erstem Vollmond vor so vielen Jahren, musste er sein Schicksal mit einem würdigen Mord besiegeln, was er begierig und mit Stolz tat. Ramora soll mit nur zwölf Jahren mit einem Ende dreißig jährigen Mann verheiratet werden. Doch dann trifft sie auf die verschlagene grüne Fee, oder Teg, Morgana, die Ramora Reichtum und Unsterblichkeit verspricht. Als Ramora auf dem Gipfel des Berges Manus Wu auf die Fee wartet, befürchtet sie, Morgana wolle sie hereinlegen. In einem winzigen Augenblick entscheidet sich Ramoras Schicksal. Griddlebone ist das Ergebnis von Gestapoexperimenten an den jüdischen Gefangenen in Wien während des Krieges. Die Gestapo kombiniert Katzen DNA mit menschlicher, um die perfekte Tötungsmaschine zu erschaffen. Als Griddlebone Zeuge davon wird, wie jüdische Gefangene von Nazis gewaltsam auf LKWs geladen werden, schlagen andere versteckte Werkatzen zu und zerreißen einige der Nazis systematisch. Die Überlebenden fliehen rasch auf dem LKW mit den Gefangenen. Doch eine Gefangene, Esther, wird gerettet. Nach ihrer Wandlung statten Esther und Griddlebone einem der Konzentrationslager einen Besuch ab, um zu sehen, ob die Wachen sich auf ihr Spiel einlassen.

Bedding the Lamia: Tropical Horrors

by David Kuraria

"David Kuraria is your guide as you push through drenched tropical foliage in the torrential downpour. In these tales we see a Melanesian farmer seeking land rights from a dominant tribe. Bearing gifts of persuasion, the farmer find that the tribes gods might first need appeasing. An artist experimenting with narcotics and obscure occult methods inadvertently solicits an unwelcome muse. A group of holidaymakers travel up a Northern Australian River on a converted war barge. Here brutal colonial past reaches out to ensnare them on a journey into horror."

A Step Past Darkness: A Novel

by Vera Kurian

SIX CLASSMATES. ONE TERRIFYING NIGHT. A MURDER TWENTY YEARS IN THE MAKING…There&’s something sinister under the surface of the idyllic, suburban town of Wesley Falls, and it&’s not just the abandoned coal mine that lies beneath it. The summer of 1995 kicks off with a party in the mine where six high school students witness a horrifying crime that changes the course of their lives.The six couldn&’t be more different. Maddy, a devout member of the local megachurch Kelly, the bookworm next door James, a cynical burnout Casey, a loveable football player Padma, the shy straight-A student Jia, who&’s starting to see visions she can&’t explainWhen they realize that they can&’t trust anyone but each other, they begin to investigate what happened on their own. As tensions escalate in town to a breaking point, the six make a vow of silence, bury all their evidence, and promise to never contact each other again. Their plan works – almost.Twenty years later, Jia calls them all back to Wesley Falls—Maddy has been murdered, and they are the only ones who can uncover why. But to end things, they have to return to the mine one last time.

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