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La luna del cacciatore (Serie Sollevando il Velo #2)

by Susan Laine Eledh Armata

Seguito di Il desiderio del genioSerie Sollevando il Velo. Libro 3Dieci anni fa, la Grande Rivelazione ha mostrato la presenza sulla Terra di creature sovrannaturali, ma non sono in tanti a sapere molto su di loro o a dare loro molta importanza, a parte quando si tratta di ricevere uno stipendio. Kieran Knight è un mercenario che dà la caccia alle creature mitologiche per denaro. La sua missione è rapire un certo Gabriel King per portarlo dal suo cliente. Ma il suo obiettivo non è un semplice cowboy: è un potente licantropo e il beta del suo branco e, come scopriranno presto, Gabriel e Kieran sono compagni. Kieran non sa praticamente nulla di come funzioni un accoppiamento, e non è neppure gay, ma ciò non vuol dire che non senta l'attrazione bollente che c'è tra lui e l'altro uomo. Per salvare Gabriel, mette in atto un piano di fuga, ma i suoi clienti non lasceranno andare il loro licantropo senza lottare.

La voie du loup (Le Grand Dévoilement #1)

by Susan Laine Bénédicte Girault

Le Grand Dévoilement, tome 1 Kris Ellis pensait que le temps des mariages arrangés appartenait au passé - mais c'était avant le Grand Dévoilement qui révéla que des créatures mythiques vivaient parmi les humains. Maintenant, un simple test médical de routine a pu déterminer que Kris avait un compagnon, un loup-garou nommé Rafael King. Kris est fraîchement diplômé de l'université et a des projets bien établis pour sa vie future. Aucun d'entre eux n'inclut d'être lié pour toujours à quelqu'un qu'il n'a jamais rencontré. Mais lorsque Rafe l'appelle, Kris est prêt à reconsidérer sa position. Après tout, qu'est-ce qui est pire que d'avoir attendu son âme sœur pendant près de deux cents ans ? Rafe est patient, fort et gentil, sans oublier qu'il est très attirant. Exactement comme ce que Kris avait entendu dire à propos des compagnons prédestinés, des étincelles éclatent à la seconde où ils se rencontrent. Mais Kris et Rafe sont très différents et la vie avec un loup-garou peut s'avérer dangereuse. Un combat pour l'amour en vaut-il vraiment la peine ?

Nach Art der Wölfe (Den Schleier heben #1)

by Susan Laine Claudia Richert

Buch 1 in der Serie - Den Schleier hebenKris Ellis dachte, die Zeit arrangierter Ehen wäre lange vorbei – aber das war, bevor die Große Enthüllung bewies, dass mythische Wesen unter den Menschen leben. Nun hat ein medizinischer Routintest gezeigt, dass Kris einen Gefährten hat, einen Werwolf namens Rafael King. Kris hat gerade seinen Collegeabschluss gemacht und hat Pläne für sein zukünftiges Leben. Für immer an jemanden gebunden zu sein, den er nie getroffen hat, gehört nicht dazu. Dann erhält er einen Anruf von Rafe und beginnt, seine Meinung zu ändern. Wie muss es sein, zweihundert Jahre auf seinen wahren Gefährten zu warten? Rafe ist geduldig, stark und freundlich, und nicht zu vergessen - verdammt attraktiv. Alles, was Kris über wahre Gefährten gehört hat, bewahrheitet sich. In dem Moment, als sie sich treffen, fliegen die Funken. Aber Kris und Rafe sind sehr verschieden, und nach Art der Wölfe zu leben, ist gefährlich. Ist ihre Liebe es wert, um sie zu kämpfen?

Unmarked Vampire

by Belinda Laj Jacqueline Skewes

Julian Laurent is not like other vampires. He is yet to receive his racial mark from the Lord of Immortals and as a result, his time studying at the Damned Academy will not be easy. Not only will he have to deal with the scorn of the other vampires, angels, demons and half-bloods at the university, but he will also have to work things out with Mia, an ex-girlfriend he can't even remember. Julian thinks he knows the full extent of his problems but he soon realizes that there is much more at stake. The subverts are hunting him and want to kill him, and there is a dangerous power growing inside him -- the likes of which no one should have. Thanks to another vampire, Ray, he will soon discover what the racial mark really is: a tool used by the Immortal Lord Blake Night to keep the rest of the immortals under his power. Freeing the other students from the influence of the mark will not be at all easy, particularly since Julian feels that he is linked to Blake by some kind of invisible thread. The reality is worse than he could possibly imagine.


by Jim LaMarche

Daniel was tired of being little. "Mouse!" They'd been calling him that since he was born. He hadn't used to mind it, even liked it once, but not anymore. He poked at some crackers on the table. "Someday I'll be so strong," he mumbled. "Someday . . ."And then it happened. Something so strange, Daniel wasn't sure he could believe his eyes. One little cracker trembled for a second, then lifted up off the table. Not much. Not even an inch. Then, just as suddenly, it dropped right back down. Daniel blinked. Had that really happened? How? Had he done it?Up is the story of an ordinary boy with an extraordinary talent, a talent no one knows about but him. Can Mouse really lift things off the ground? Or is it enough that he believes he can? Once again Jim LaMarche has mixed the magical with the everyday to create a book that stretches our imaginations and our dreams. Plus, this is the fixed format version, which will look almost identical to the print version.


by Jim Lamarche

Daniel was tired of being little. Mouse! They'd been calling him that since he was born. He hadn't used to mind it, even liked it once, but not anymore. He poked at some crackers on the table. "Someday I'll be so strong," he mumbled. "Someday . . ."And then it happened. Something so strange, Daniel wasn't sure he could believe his eyes. One little cracker trembled for a second, then lifted up off the table. Not much. Not even an inch. Then, just as suddenly, it dropped right back down. Daniel blinked. Had that really happened? How? Had he done it?Up is the story of an ordinary boy with an extraordinary talent, a talent no one knows about but him. Can Mouse really lift things off the ground? Or is it enough that he believes he can? Once again Jim LaMarche has mixed the magical with the everyday to create a book that stretches our imaginations and our dreams.

Gaslit Horror: Stories by Robert W. Chambers, Lafcadio Hearn, Bernard Capes and Others

by Hugh Lamb

Prepare yourself for a spine-tingling journey into the heart of darkness. In this bone-chilling collection, you'll encounter thirteen long-lost tales of terror by famed authors. Whether the setting is an English village, the Brazilian countryside, or the Barbados coast, the madness lurking beneath the beauty of each location will haunt your imagination long after the last page is turned. In Dick Donovan's "The Mystic Spell," a young man finds the love of his life in Rio, but the deadly curse of an old crone could destroy their dreams if they marry. "The Black Reaper" by Bernard Capes, takes place in 1665 during The Great Plague, a time of wild fear and confusion. When the residents of an English village come face-to-face with the deadly scythe of the Black Reaper, only one daring act of courage can save their lives. In "A Tropical Horror" by William Hope Hodgson, the crew of a ship undergoes a series of attacks by a giant, eel-like sea monster. Will the young apprentice who relates this story survive? Filled with a mix of the macabre, the mysterious, the supernatural, and the sinister, this anthology is Victorian suspense at its finest.

Tales from a Gas-Lit Graveyard

by Hugh Lamb

Assembled by an authority on vintage thrillers, these 17 Victorian-era stories of the macabre include works from around the world by both popular and lesser-known authors. Ambrose Bierce, Robert Barr, R. Murray Gilchrist, Mrs. H. H. Riddell, Richard Marsh, and Guy Boothby are among the more celebrated contributors to this collection — and the excellence of their tales is rivaled by rediscovered works by several long-neglected Gothic masters.<P><P> Hume Nisbet’s “The Haunted Station” unfolds amid an eerie setting in the Australian outback, while Bernard Capes’ stories center on a haunted prison cell and a green bottle with a soul trapped inside. Lady Dilke cautions against the hazards of seeking the solutions to life’s riddles, and Robert Barr’s “The Hour and the Man” demonstrates that revenge is not what it seems.<P> Discerning lovers of horror and suspense will take particular pleasure in the rarity of these tales, none of which have been reprinted since their original publication.

Black Creek

by Gregory Lamberson

In 1979, the US government relocated more than eight hundred families from Love Canal, New York, after decades of toxic contamination. Not all of the residents left: some remained in their homes on the outskirts of the disaster area. Others went underground. Hiding. Changing. Breeding. Almost four decades later, Love Canal has been renamed Black Creek Village and restored for inhabitation. The residents there and on neighboring Cayuga Island remember the tragedy of Love Canal but have no knowledge of the monsters living below the surface. When the worst snowstorm in forty years isolates all of western New York, the forgotten inhabitants of Love Canal emerge from hiding to reclaim what once belonged to them. And they are hungry.

Cosmic Forces

by Gregory Lamberson

Private investigator Jake Helman has battled a demon, his minions, the walking dead, and beings from the dimensions of the Sphere of Light and the Dark Realm, but now he faces the greatest evil the world has ever known in the third installment of this loosely knit trilogy. Jake is hired by the wife of New York City mayor Myron Madigan to prove his infidelity. Meanwhile, the ex-girlfriend of his old partner Edgar needs Jake's help when her son joins a cult that worships space aliens. And Jake's late wife, Sheryl, now an "agent of Light," asks him to locate a monster called the Destroyer of Souls-who may be responsible for the disappearance of the Biblical entity known as Abel. The investigation of Madigan leads to Karlin Reichard, a wealthy industrialist and political kingmaker-head of a cabal that has secretly manipulated world affairs for generations. In order to bring these men down, Jake must join them. With earthly and otherworldly forces marshaled against him, Jake battles human assassins and supernatural creatures in his quest to uncover the mystery behind the Order of Avademe and a monster willing to destroy heaven and hell to rule the earth.

Desperate Souls

by Gregory Lamberson

In this action-packed novel, Jake Helman-the ex-cop and zombie killer-has set up shop as a private investigator in lower Manhattan. When a woman hires Jake to prove that her dead grandson is dealing a deadly new drug called "Black Magic" on a Brooklyn street corner, Jake uncovers a plot by a vicious drug lord to use voodoo to seize the streets of New York City. Gun-wielding zombie assassins, hallucinations, and betrayal confront Jake at every corner, but voodoo creates more terror than zombies, and Jake finds himself poised on the edge of insanity as he fights to restore the soul of the one person he trusts. A combination of hard-core horror and hard-boiled crime fiction, this thriller is gripping and suspenseful.

The Frenzy War

by Gregory Lamberson

Two years have passed since NYPD Captain Tony Mace hunted down and slew Janus Farel, the rogue werewolf who terrorized New York City. Mace now pushes paper in the K-9 unit as he waits to retire, aware that a species of peaceful Wolves lives among city residents. The Brotherhood of Torquemada, hell-bent on the Wolves' extinction, dispatches a team of assassins to wipe out the Wolves residing in NYC. Each assassin has been trained since childhood to fulfill this destiny, and each possesses a revered silver sword, the Blade of Salvation. When the NYPD and the FBI determine that the Wolves and Torquemadans are engaged in a secret battle, they choose Mace to lead a covert, joint task force charged with preventing a citywide panic-at any cost. But Mace's wife, Cheryl, is a journalist who threatens to uncover the ancient war that has found its way to our shores. Battle lines are drawn, loyalties are tested, bonds are broken, and blood is shed in a war unlike any seen by modern man.

The Frenzy Wolves

by Gregory Lamberson

With the aid of his elite squad of super cops, NYPC captain Tony Mace has defeated the werewolf slayers known as the Brotherhood of Torquemada. But now a new enemy has risen to persecute the peaceful Wolves, and Tony’s loyalty to Gabriel Domini, leader of the pack, places him at odds with his department. Gabriel’s brother Raphael objects to Gabriel’s efforts to integrate the Wolves into human society, and seeks to start a war against mankind. When Rodrigo Gomez, the Full Moon Killer, escapes from prison, his quest for vengeance draws Tony into a battle for supremacy among the Wolves which could lead to a far greater war for both species.

Human Monsters

by Gregory Lamberson

The epic conclusion of The Jake Helman Files! For two years, private investigator Jake Helman has battled powerful supernatural forces at great physical and emotional cost to himself. He’s stopped a serial killer who collected the souls of his victims, destroyed a mutant octopus god, battled zonbies on a Caribbean island, and stood toe to toe with angels and demons. If Jake has learned one thing, it’s that he can’t run from his past. New York City lies in ruins in the wake of Jake’s battle with Lilith, the storm demon. Jake wants nothing more than to lead a normal life with NYPD detective Maria Vasquez, but that is not yet possible: one of his closest allies has betrayed him, and he must locate her before she uses his secret files to unleash unholy hell on earth. In his most pulse-pounding life-or-death adventure yet, Jake tackles adversaries who have aligned to destroy him. He must solve a mystery, destroy a hive of monsters, and confront the most diabolical minds he has ever encountered-to save his own soul.

The Jake Helman Files Personal Demons

by Gregory Lamberson

In Personal Demons, Jake Helman, an elite member of the New York Special Homicide Task Force, faces what every cop dreads-an elusive serial killer. While investigating a series of bloodletting sacrifice rituals executed by an ominous perpetrator known as the Cipher, Jake refuses to submit to a drug test and resigns from the police department. While battling a cocaine addiction, Jake starts a high-pressure position as the director of security at Tower International, a controversial genetic-engineering company. Beneath the polished exterior of the corporate identity and the CEO-who has a reputation as the frontiersman on the cutting edge of science-is a deranged mind. As Jake delves deeper into this frightening laboratory, he discovers much more than unethical practices performed in the name of human progress. Sequestered in rooms veiled in secrecy is the worst crime the world will ever see-the theft of the human soul. Horrifying and gruesome, this is a gripping, suspense-filled novel that offers intense arguments about science, ethics, and human life. In Monster Behind the Wheel, As a child, Jeremy Carmichael fell from a Ferris wheel at a carnival. When he landed on a beautiful young woman, his fall was broken. Unfortunately, so was the woman’s spine. Years later, while delivering pizzas, Jeremy is injured in a car accident . . . that opens the gates between the worlds of the living and the dead, awakening the spirit of cruel Frank Edmondson. Frank, the policeman who arrived at the scene of that carnival accident long ago, was that woman’s lover. Now, ready for revenge, Frank devises a cunning plan. Soon Jeremy finds himself visiting the realm of the dead in dreams and visions. Is this Frank’s doing, or is there another explanation? Using a sleek muscle car called Monster, Frank gains control over Jeremy’s life. But what Frank doesn't know is that he’s tampering with the fate of the entire universe . . . because Jeremy isn't your average pizza delivery boy, and all hell is about to break loose-literally. In Floating Staircase, Following the success of his latest novel, Travis Glasgow and his wife Jodie buy their first house in the seemingly idyllic western Maryland town of Westlake. At first, everything is picture perfect-from the beautiful lake behind the house to the rebirth of the friendship between Travis and his brother, Adam, who lives nearby. Travis also begins to overcome the darkness of his childhood and the guilt he’s harbored since his younger brother’s death-a tragic drowning veiled in mystery that has plagued Travis since he was 13. Soon, though, the new house begins to lose its allure. Strange noises wake Travis at night, and his dreams are plagued by ghosts. Barely glimpsed shapes flit through the darkened hallways, but strangest of all is the bizarre set of wooden stairs that rises cryptically out of the lake behind the house. Travis becomes drawn to the structure, but the more he investigates, the more he uncovers the house’s violent and tragic past, and the more he learns that some secrets cannot be buried forever.

Johnny Gruesome

by Gregory Lamberson

Johnny Grissom-nicknamed "Johnny Gruesome" by his high school classmates-is a heavy metal hellion who loves to party, watch horror movies, and get into fights. One winter night, Johnny's car, The Death Mobile, is discovered submerged beneath the icy surface of Willow Creek, with Johnny's waterlogged corpse inside. The townspeople believe that his death was accidental. But soon the murders begin-horrible acts of violent vengeance that hint at a deepening mystery and terror yet to come. A headless body is discovered at the high school, a priest is forced to confront his own misdeeds, and a mortician encounters the impossible. The sound of a car engine and maniacal laughter fill the night, and one by one, Johnny's enemies meet a grisly demise. The students at Red Hill High School begin to fear for their lives-especially Johnny's closest friends, who all harbor a dark secret.

The Julian Year

by Gregory Lamberson

Julian Weizak, an obituary writer in New York, celebrates his birthday alone in a bar on New Year’s Eve. At the stroke of midnight, scores of homicides break out on the East Coast. In all, twenty thousand murders are committed that night in New York alone, with the epidemic spreading across the country and the world, time zone by time zone. Julian makes a startling discovery: the crisis day was every single murderer’s birthday. At midnight each day thereafter, nearly twenty million people around the world become homicidal maniacs, contributing to the biggest killing spree in history. It looks as if the chaos can lead to only one end: the extinction of humankind.

Personal Demons

by Gregory Lamberson

While battling a cocaine addiction, Jake Helman starts a high-pressure position as the director of security at a controversial genetic-engineering company. As Jake delves deeper into this frightening laboratory, he unveils much more than unethical practices performed in the name of human progress. Original.

Storm Demon

by Gregory Lamberson

In the fifth book in the Jake Helman Files series, private investigator Jake Helman returns to New York City after fighting the battle of his life on Pavot Island to save his best friend, Edgar. He's anxious to start a new life with NYPD homicide detective Maria Vasquez, but first he must search for psychic healer Laurel Doniger who disappeared while he was away. As Jake investigates Laurel's secret past, he's drawn into a conflict with a being who has existed since the dawn of mankind. This creature is known by many names-Lilith, succubus, witch, storm demon-but Jake and his allies will come to know her as the Storm Demon, and she'll destroy New York City to take revenge on those who interfere with her plans.

Storm Demon

by Gregory Lamberson

In the fifth book in the Jake Helman Files series, private investigator Jake Helman returns to New York City after fighting the battle of his life on Pavot Island to save his best friend, Edgar. He's anxious to start a new life with NYPD homicide detective Maria Vasquez, but first he must search for psychic healer Laurel Doniger who disappeared while he was away. As Jake investigates Laurel's secret past, he's drawn into a conflict with a being who has existed since the dawn of mankind. This creature is known by many names-Lilith, succubus, witch, storm demon-but Jake and his allies will come to know her as the Storm Demon, and she'll destroy New York City to take revenge on those who interfere with her plans.

Storm Demon

by Gregory Lamberson

In the fifth book in the Jake Helman Files series, private investigator Jake Helman returns to New York City after fighting the battle of his life on Pavot Island to save his best friend, Edgar. He's anxious to start a new life with NYPD homicide detective Maria Vasquez, but first he must search for psychic healer Laurel Doniger who disappeared while he was away. As Jake investigates Laurel's secret past, he's drawn into a conflict with a being who has existed since the dawn of mankind. This creature is known by many names-Lilith, succubus, witch, storm demon-but Jake and his allies will come to know her as the Storm Demon, and she'll destroy New York City to take revenge on those who interfere with her plans.

Tortured Spirits

by Gregory Lamberson

"Facing the demons is the least of Jake Helman's worries"--Cover.

La masacre de Kruguer

by Luciano Lamberti

En un formato que mezcla entrevistas documentales con recreación ficcional, Lamberti presenta la historia de una pesadilla que se aproxima lentamente para mostrarse al fin con todo su horror y su locura. En el pequeño pueblo de montaña de Kruguer cada 26 de junio se realiza la Fiesta de la Nieve: ante la atenta mirada de los turistas, la comunidad se reúne en la plaza a disfrutar bailes típicos, asado de cordero, muestras gratis de chocolate y ríos de cerveza alemana. Los negocios se llenan y la recaudación sirve para aguardar la llegada del verano. Pero en la celebración del año 1987 algo sucede, algo que venían sospechando desde los pueblos vecinos: el asesinato de casi la totalidad de la población. La crítica ha dicho... «No solo es inteligente para armar una historia, Luciano Lamberti también es sensible y salvaje, como la literatura que nos gusta leer y vivir. O bueno, tal vez no tanto vivir».Mariano Quirós «La -por ahora- trilogía de El asesino, El loro y La casa de los eucaliptus condensa, con sus diferencias de estilo y recursos, un cúmulo de historias tan nacionales como a Borges le gustaría, es decir, historias universales».Sebastián Rodríguez Mora, revista Crisis «Luciano Lamberti es un escritor sorprendente: puede ser aterrador, como en La casa de los eucaliptos, o encarnar el espíritu de una época y una generación en El asesino de chanchos o inquietar con una novela anómala en la literatura contemporánea argentina como La maestra rural. Cada uno de sus libros es, para mí, un acontecimiento».Mariana Enriquez

Behind the Door

by Frank Lambirth

From the back cover: Drive carefully on those remote mountain roads. Because you don't want an accident that can put you inside Skystone Hospital. Where ambulances pull in, but not out. Where the greedy, the lustful, the violent run the wards just like they run the rest of the world. Only with more pain, and a lot more terror. Where no one ever leaves sane or alive, or in one, unbloodied piece. Adult content.

Lulu Poole's School for Ghouls

by Joanne Lamond

Culpepper is a little ghost who isn’t very scary. He takes his friend’s advice and decides to go to Lulu Poole’s School for Ghouls for lessons! Will Culpepper be ready for Halloween?

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