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Um gosto de medo

by Andrew Lennon José

Uma série de contos de ótimo terror psicológico, com finais imprevisíveis e surpreendentes. Os apreciadores do gênero com certeza irão apreciar a presente coletânea de short stories.

Une vie gâchée

by Andrew Lennon Poup'

Dave est un bon à rien de quarante ans. Ses journées oscillent entre alcool, drogue et vol dans le portefeuille de sa mère. Mais une nuit, son quotidien est bouleversé par des cris et tout change. Le mal rôde et arrache les gens du doux confort de leurs maisons. La voisine de Dave, sa famille, ses amis disparaissent soudainement. Personne n’est en sécurité. Malheureusement pour Dave, c’est à lui d’y mettre un terme. Même s’il doit en mourir.

Corti Perversi

by Andrew Lennon Carmelo Massimo Tidona

Perverso - L'ombrosa malignità nascosta nel più traumatizzato dei cervelli. Uno stretto e solido nodo che estrae l'ultimo respiro dal condannato impiccato. Una parola usata per descrivere il lato più oscuro, più squallido della società. Il suono della risata maniacale di un losco estraneo che manda brividi lungo la spina dorsale. Da Andrew Lennon nasce Corti Perversi. Con la prefazione scritta dal futuro dell'horror, Michael Bray, questa raccolta di dieci storie brevi sprofonda nel lato più oscuro della società. Con quattro storie inedite, incluse Divoratore, Ammazzazombie e Le lacrime di un clown, le parole che contiene vi faranno venire gli incubi. Perciò cosa c'è qui dentro? Un marito che vede uno scorcio del suo sinistro futuro; un uomo ossessionato dai suoi vividi incubi; maniaci omicidi; creature degli abissi oceanici e un ragazzo vittima di bullismo che si ribella. Visitiamo anche un revisore dei conti alle soglie della follia; una ragazza tormentata dalla morte della sua migliore amica; un chirurgo con una sanguinosa missione di vendetta; una storia di non morti e un clown vendicativo. Sembra familiare? Dovrebbe, dopo tutto queste persone potrebbero essere i vostri vicini, i vostri amici, vostra madre, l'insegnante dei vostri figli, il vostro postino, il vostro ginecologo o perfino voi, date tempo al tempo... Corti Perversi - la durata è breve ma il ricordo vivrà a lungo.

Soul Trapper

by F. J. Lennon

Kane Pryce knows that ghosts are real . . . and that sometimes they have unfinished business. Shortly after death, a soul will see a door of light leading to the afterlife. But sometimes, when there's something or someone still pulling at them, souls turn their back to this door. Instead, they haunt the living . . . Hollywood native Kane Pryce isn't your average twenty-something dabbling musician. Yes, he's an occasional substance abuser with a distrustful nature and self-destructive streak. And yes, most people might take him for a down-on-his-luck slacker. But to those in a very small circle, he's also known as a ghost-hunting legend. Delving deep into the supernatural isn't a lifestyle that Kane chose for himself, however; it was thrust upon him when his father vanished under mysterious circumstances. Unbeknownst to anyone besides Kane, his father left instructions to his son that led Kane to the Soul Trap, a powerful supernatural treasure that allows him to hunt down, capture, and send ghosts from the earthly realm to the afterlife. For Kane, power over the supernatural has come with a price. Despite his attempts to do good with this power, his efforts often leave a path of destruction. So when his paranormal side-job attracts the attention of Eva Kells, a crack reporter intent on breaking his story, Kane is reluctant can he trust her? Soon, though, risking his heart on a snooping journalist is the least of Kane's worries. He receives a call from a terrified priest whose church is haunted by the soul of a deceased little boy. Kane takes on the case, but as he begins to learn the strange details surrounding the boy's death, he realizes that there's much more at stake than he ever could have imagined. And to complicate things even further, he falls hard for the boy's mother. The only problem is, she's been dead for almost fifty years . . . Nail-biting and darkly humorous, SoulTrapper takes readers on a thrilling ride through the ghostly realm.

The Eve That Finally Happened

by Diane Lennox

After seven years in Canada, Korean native Jae-ho Kim still hasn't had the special Christmas Eve date night that he would have enjoyed back home--a fact that has his sister, Soon-kyu, very upset during their yearly phone conversation. This year, Jae's lack of effort concerning his love life comes back to haunt him in the form of Christmas Eve ghosts, showing him very vividly what will become of him if he refuses to take a chance and find a date for Christmas Eve.A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2014 Advent Calendar package "Celebrate!".


by Katrina Leno

From the author of You Must Not Miss comes a haunting contemporary horror novel that explores themes of mental illness, rage, and grief, twisted with spine-chilling elements of Stephen King and Agatha Christie.Following her father's death, Jane North-Robinson and her mom move from sunny California to the dreary, dilapidated old house in Maine where her mother grew up. All they want is a fresh start, but behind North Manor's doors lurks a history that leaves them feeling more alone . . . and more tormented.As the cold New England autumn arrives, and Jane settles in to her new home, she finds solace in old books and memories of her dad. She steadily begins making new friends, but also faces bullying from the resident "bad seed," struggling to tamp down her own worst nature in response. Jane's mom also seems to be spiraling with the return of her childhood home, but she won't reveal why. Then Jane discovers that the "storage room" her mom has kept locked isn't for storage at all -- it's a little girl's bedroom, left untouched for years and not quite as empty of inhabitants as it appears . . .Is it grief? Mental illness? Or something more . . . horrid?

You Must Not Miss

by Katrina Leno

One of Us Is Lying meets Carrie in this suspenseful story of friendship, family, and revenge. <P><P> Magpie Lewis started writing in her yellow notebook the day after her family self-destructed. The day her father ruined her mother's life. The day Eryn, Magpie's sister, skipped town and left her to fend for herself. The day of Brandon Phipp's party.Now Magpie is called a slut in the hallways of her high school, her former best friend won't speak to her, and she spends her lunch period with a group of misfits who've all been as socially exiled as she has. And so, feeling trapped and forgotten, Magpie retreats to her notebook, dreaming up a magical place called Near.Near is perfect - a place where her father never cheated, her mother never drank, and Magpie's own life never derailed so suddenly. She imagines Near so completely, so fully, that she writes it into existence, right in her own backyard. At first, Near is a peaceful escape, but soon it becomes something darker, somewhere nightmares lurk and hidden truths come to light. Soon it becomes a place where Magpie can do anything she wants...even get her revenge. <P><P> You Must Not Miss is an intoxicating, twisted tale of magic, menace, and the monsters that live inside us all.

Distant Voices

by Barry Lenson

In Paris in 1944 Niccolo Carini, the greatest operatic tenor of his age, begins to lose his voice after receiving a miraculous automaton from Madame Flora, the greatest maker of mechanical devices of her age. And in 2013 in New York, a failing opera singer named Larry Schiavo watches while his twin brother Joe develops extraordinary singing abilities. In this new supernatural thriller, author Barry Lenson explores the artistic connections that can sometimes resonate between voice and voice, and age and age, through the corridors of time. Distant Voices is the first novel in the Distant Voices trilogy.

Ore Contate

by Denis Lenzi

Il polacco James Kramme ha una strana visione della città distrutta dall'esplosione di una bomba nucleare. In un primo momento, pensalo come un'allucinazione causata dai farmaci che stai assumendo a causa di un esaurimento nervoso subito qualche tempo fa. Tuttavia, la Morte ritorna per mostrarti visioni diverse e mostrarti che sono reali. Consiglia a James Krammer di fare qualcosa di buono nelle sue ultime ore di vita e così, può riscattare gli errori commessi in passato. James Kramme pensa che non abbia senso scappare dalla città che è destinata a scomparire. Quindi la vita di James diventa una corsa contro il tempo. Ha le ORE CONTATE Il polacco James Kramme ha una strana visione della città distrutta dall'esplosione di una bomba nucleare. In un primo momento, pensalo come un'allucinazione causata dai farmaci che stai assumendo a causa di un esaurimento nervoso subito qualche tempo fa. Tuttavia, la Morte ritorna per mostrarti visioni diverse e mostrarti che sono reali. Consiglia a James Krammer di fare qualcosa di buono nelle sue ultime ore di vita e così, può riscattare gli errori commessi in passato. James Kramme pensa che non abbia senso scappare dalla città che è destinata a scomparire. Quindi la vita di James diventa una corsa contro il tempo. Ha le ORE CONTATE

Ghosts Go Haunting

by Sorche Nic Leodhas

Ten Scottish ghost stories of ghastly ghouls and Gaelic superstitions Those who don't believe in ghosts simply have yet to see one for themselves. Once doubters meet a spirit, they will never return to their previous state of disbelief. Ghost stories are everywhere if one is willing to listen.In these eerie accounts, Sorche Nic Leodhas presents a compilation of Gaelic ghost stories she has collected throughout her life. With tales such as those of the lads who were robbed by a dead man, the crofter who helped carry a coffin, and the mother who came back from the dead to care for her baby, Ghosts Go Haunting is sure to thrill even the firmest of nonbelievers.

Twelve Great Black Cats: And Other Eerie Scottish Tales

by Sorche Nic Leodhas

Ten Scottish yarns of ghosts, demons, and magic spells are sure to spook and delightThroughout the ages, supernatural stories about curses and superstitions have been a popular topic for gossip among the Scottish people. The odds are good that every Scottish family you talk to knows at least one eerie tale that will keep you up at night.In Twelve Great Black Cats, Sorche Nic Leodhas captures strange stories of monsters, magic, and even a little bit of humor. With stories including &“The Honest Ghost,&” &“The Weeping Lass at the Dancing Place,&” and &“The Shepherd Who Fought the March Wind,&” this collection is an eclectic mix of horror and fun.

Intocable: La saga dell'Intoccabile

by Federica Leone

SOLO SU SANGRE PODRÁ SALVARLES DE UNA ETERNIDAD RODEADA DE TINIEBLAS ... Daphne Norwich è una chica de dieciocho años. Está cursando su último año en el instituto y piensa que es como cualquier chica, sin ninguna dote particolare ... pero sus conviciones se hacen añicos en el instante en que se cruza con Adam, una misteriosa criatura de la noche que despierta en su sangre la sombra di una antigua maldición. El destino de Daphne cambia de rumbo, y la catapulta a un'oscura aventura poblada por entidades sobrenaturales. El veneno inmortal que la está convenzio in un leggendario quiere arrêtar su humanidad y reclama la atención de todos los vampiros que claman por su poder. En vez de salvarle, el amor que siente por Adam podría ser su condena, pero ya se sabe que no podemos mandar en el corazón.

Crow and Crown (Crow and Firefly and Crow and Crown)

by Sam C. Leonhard

Sequel to Crow and FireflyFour years after Ari and Dagur's forced marriage, not many know the man at the future king's side. Dagur, the king's nephew, is convinced secrecy is necessary for Ari's safety. Ari, on the other hand, doesn't mind that not many know of his existence, let alone what he looks like. But one day, everything changes. The king dies and Dagur is called to court--alone. When he's attacked on the way, it's up to Ari to find out who the enemy is. And if that's not enough, he also has to figure out who wants the king dead, deal with a wayward healer, and find a missing fiancé.

Crow and Firefly (Crow and Firefly and Crow and Crown)

by Sam C. Leonhard

The laws of man and nature are harsh and decisive: Unwed mothers are not allowed to raise their children, and shapehifters must wed and consummate the marriage to satisfy the magic that would otherwise render them beasts forever upon the morning of their twenty-third birthday. With the life of his sister and newborn nephew at stake, shapeshifter Ari is trapped in a castle and compelled to accept a situation he'd dreaded: he is forced to marry Lord Dagur, a man he's never met. A man called "The Cruel." A man he fears, and not just because he fancies someone else. Winner in the 2013 Rainbow Awards.Fourth (tie): Best LGBT Cover - Illustration

Tainted Soul (Tainted Blood and Tainted Soul)

by Sam C. Leonhard

Sequel to Tainted BloodGabriel Jordan, part-time werewolf and full-time private investigator, should be living a happy life. Three years ago, he was a homeless thief; now he's got a loving partner and a job he enjoys, he lives in a nice house, and he doesn't have to worry about tomorrow. So why the sudden urge to cheat on Aleksei, the handsome and occasionally deceptive fae he loves? Why does Gabriel feel compelled to flee the life he's built for himself? Someone's calling him. Someone's looking for him. Someone holds his destiny in her hands. The portals to the hidden worlds have become unstable, even dangerous. Fear and madness linger in the dark. Panic and nightmares chase him, but Gabriel can't fight an enemy he can't see, and even turning into his wolf form may not be enough to save him.

Descent into Dust (Emma Andrews series #1)

by Jacqueline Lepore

“Descent into Dust is an atmospheric, gothic tale that immediately grabs readers with the startling sincerity of being trusted with a very, very dark secret….An unforgettable read.”—Kathryn Smith, USA Today bestselling authorA young widow with an uncertain inheritance; a mysterious guest with unclear motives; a child in peril; and the dark, rain-lashed moors—Descent into Dust begins the Extraordinary Adventures of Emma Andrews, Victorian Lady and Vampire Hunter. The first in a spellbinding historical gothic series, Descent into Dust is ideal for readers of The Historian and Jane Austen fans alike.

Mandie and the Ghost Bandits (Mandie, Book #3)

by Lois Gladys Leppard

Mandie and her friends attempt to unravel the mystery which includes missing gold, a train wreck, and a gang of robbers disguised as "ghosts." Book 3 in the Mandie series. Reading Level 5.4. Interest level grades 5-8. Also part of the Accelerated Reader test program

Boo! Ghosts in the School! (Abracadabra Series #2)

by Peter Lerangis

Boo! Jessica's little brother Noah is terrified of ghosts. He has started hearing funny ghost noises all over the school - in the bathroom, in the halls, even in the stinky janitor's closet. At first, everyone thinks he's just trying to get attention (Noah loves attention...for anything, no matter how big or small). But soon Quincy, Max, Selena, and even Jessica start to hear ghosts,too.The Abracadabra Club's first big magic show is coming up. But it looks like it might be canceled because of a chatty ghost. They have to stop the spooky sounds before their performance is ROOOOined!

Driver's Dead

by Peter Lerangis

A troubled ghost begs the new girl in town to help him rest in peaceNobody knows exactly what happened the night Nguyen Trang drove off the cliff. When Kirsten Wilkes moves to Port Lincoln, she hears all kinds of rumors about the strange Vietnamese boy's death. Was it suicide? An accident? Was there anybody else in the car? Even though her family has just moved into Nguyen's new house, Kirsten doesn't have time for rumors. She's too busy trying to make it through driver's ed alive. Kirsten is one of the worst drivers Port Lincoln has ever seen. The only thing that makes the class bearable is Rob Maxson and his dreamy green eyes. But when Nguyen's ghost appears in Kirsten's bedroom, begging her to bring his murderers to justice, she begins to fear that driver's ed isn't the only thing that could get her killed. This ebook features an illustrated biography of Peter Lerangis including rare photos and never-before-seen documents from the author's personal collection.

M. Night Shyamalan's The Sixth Sense: A Novelization

by Peter Lerangis

Malcom Crowe is a child psychologist who takes on the task of curing a young boy with the same ills as an ex-patient. This boy "sees dead people".

Return to X-Isle (Point Horror)

by Peter Lerangis

Check in and die... The hooded figure wielding a scythe is still at large on the glamorous east coast resort of Essex Island, but will he claim another victim? Erica, Anna, Martin and Carter are walking a knife edge, not knowing when or where the killer will strike next...

The Yearbook

by Peter Lerangis

A high school yearbook editor stumbles on a body—and his school&’s evil secretAccording to his IQ test, David Kallas is a genius, even if his teachers think he&’s a slacker. His sole extracurricular activity is the yearbook, and he only became editor as an excuse to get close to Ariana Maas. On his way to the printer&’s to check on the book, he takes a shortcut to spy on Ariana and her boyfriend—the impossibly perfect Stephen Taylor—and ends up finding something even nastier than two students making out: a butchered corpse floating in the creek. The body leads David to a disturbing secret about his school&’s past. When members of the senior class start dying, David is determined to solve the mystery and save the school—even if he has to destroy himself to do it. This ebook features an illustrated biography of Peter Lerangis including rare photos and never-before-seen documents from the author&’s personal collection.

Z Plan: Homecoming (Z Plan Trilogy #3)

by Mikhail Lerma

After surviving an odyssey through zombie hordes, an American soldier faces the ultimate trial as he returns home in this apocalyptic series finale. Facing death and fighting the undead, Cale has made a seemingly impossible journey through the Iraqi desert and across dangerous oceans. All the while, he dreamed of reaching his home in America. Now, as that dream finally comes true, Cale discovers a nightmarish reality.In the thrilling conclusion of the Z Plan Trilogy, Cale’s limits are put to the final test as he pushes his way through the undead. But something even more sinister follows his every move. In a world where the weak die and every glimmer of hope seems extinguished, Cale’s toughest challenge will be to overcome his inner demons.

Call Me Ishtar: A Novel (Library Of Modern Jewish Literature Ser.)

by Rhoda Lerman

From the award-winning author of God’s Ear: A “wildly funny, achingly spiritual, profoundly Jewish and feminist” satire of religion and gender politics (The New York Times Book Review). Call Me Ishtar is the outrageous manifesto of a goddess determined to right the wrongs of the three-thousand-year-old patriarchy. She is Ishtar: Mother Goddess, Queen of Heaven, Angel of Death, and Whore of Babylon, and, returning to earth in this most recent incarnation, suburban housewife and sexual subversive. Gallivanting through upstate New York, Ishtar breaks into a Hostess factory to taint its products, catapults a rock band to stardom via satanic rituals, and rises from the coffin at her own funeral—all to overthrow the worship of phallic gods and resume her former glory in this “bouncy, tongue-in-cheek mythmash of The White Goddess and The Feminine Mystique” (Kirkus Reviews). “[Lerman’s] is a unique voice—wildly funny, achingly spiritual, profoundly Jewish and feminist at the same time.” —The New York Times Book Review

El fantasma de la Ópera

by Gastón Leroux

Los clasicos más escalofriantes en una edición actualizada y adaptada.Con ilustraciones de Antonio Navas. Un fantasma enmascarado recorre las galerías secretas de la lujosa Ópera Garnier de París aterrorizando a los empleados. ¿Quéhorror se oculta tras la máscara? ¿Un malvado ser de ultratumba? ¿O solo un hombre obsesionado con vengarse de quienes lo rechazaronpor su aspecto repulsivo? Sea cual sea la respuesta, nadie está a salvo del fantasma.

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