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The Phantom of the Opera

by Gaston Leroux

A classic ghost story, inspired by true events. Christine is an up-and-coming talent at the Paris Opera, so talented and beautiful that she attracts the attention of the opera house's mysterious phantom, in reality a deformed man named Erik. Overcome by love, the Phantom kidnaps her in a bid to make her his bride. It was famously adapted for the stage by Andrew Lloyd Webber in 1986 and to the screen in 1925, with Lon Cheney in the leading role. Penguin Random House Canada is proud to bring you classic works of literature in e-book form, with the highest quality production values. Find more today and rediscover books you never knew you loved.

The Phantom of the Opera: In English Translation (Haunted Library Horror Classics)

by Gaston Leroux

The first in the Haunted Library Horror Classics series presented by the Horror Writers Association. An unabridged edition of the novel that inspired the famous Andrew Lloyd Weber musical. Deep beneath the Paris Opera House, a masked man lives in silence...Every night at the Palais Garnier, hundreds of guests sit on the edge of velvet-covered seats, waiting for prima donna La Carlotta to take the stage. But when her voice fails her, La Carlotta is replaced with unknown understudy Christine Daaé, a young soprano whose vibrant singing fills every corner of the house and wins her a slew of admirers, including an old childhood friend who soon professes his love for her. But unknown to Christine is another man, who lurks out of sight behind the heavy curtains of the opera, who can move about the building undetected, who will do anything to make sure Christine will keep singing just for him...This curated edition of The Phantom of the Opera, based on the original 1911 English translation by Alexander Teixeira de Mattos, brings an iconic story of love and obsession to today's readers and illuminates the timeless appeal of Leroux's masterpiece.

The Phantom of the Opera: Large Print (Dover Thrift Editions: Gothic/Horror)

by Gaston Leroux

This thrilling novel and its many adaptations have captured the imaginations of countless audiences throughout the 20th century. The mystery classic featuring the "ghost" of the famed Paris landmark tells a gripping tale of human desire, fear, and violence before it resolves itself in a shocking and tragic confrontation.

The Phantom of the Opera (First Avenue Classics ™)

by Gaston Leroux

Amidst rumors that the Paris opera house is haunted, Christine Daaé, a young Swedish girl, performs at a gala and attracts attention from both her childhood sweetheart, Raoul, and the Phantom, who is living underground. Suddenly, mysterious circumstances abound at the opera house: a stagehand is found dead, managers receive letters demanding that Christine sing the lead role, and a chandelier crashes down into the audience. When Christine reunites with Raoul, the phantom grows dangerously jealous. Will Christine stay on the stage or disappear into the opera house's dark cellars and grim secrets? Gaston Leroux's Gothic novel was first published in French in 1911. This is an unabridged version of the translation by Alexander Teixeira de Mattos, published the same year.

The Phantom of the Opera

by Gaston Leroux

Discover the classic Gothic horror novel of haunted cellars, opera, murder and unrequited love that inspired Andrew Lloyd Webber's long-running west end hit.Christine is a beautiful young singer at the Paris Opera. She is watched by the Opera's 'phantom' - a mysterious masked figure who terrorises the Opera's management and players. With the Phantom's help, Christine rises to become the Opera's star performer, but when the Phantom demands her heart in return, Christine is torn between gratitude and pity for her strange benefactor, and love for her childhood sweetheart, Raoul.

The Phantom of the Opera

by Gaston Leroux

Rumours that a ghost stalks the dark passages and cellars of the Paris Opera House, wreaking havoc, have long been rife among staff and performers. This Phantom also haunts the imagination of the beautiful and talented singer Christine Daaé, appearing to her as the 'Angel of Music' - a disembodied voice, coaching her to sing as she never could before. When Christine is courted by a handsome young Viscount, the mysterious spectre, who resides in the murky depths of the building, is consumed by jealousy and seeks revenge. With its pervading atmosphere of menace, tinged with dark humour, The Phantom of the Opera (1910) offers a unique mix of Gothic horror and tragic romance that has inspired film, stage and literature since its publication.

The Phantom of the Opera: In English Translation (Wordsworth Classics)

by Gaston Leroux Alexander Teixeira de Mattos

The classic story of a dangerous love triangle set in an 1890s Paris opera house.Rumored to be haunted, the Palais Garnier opera house in nineteenth-century Paris is the setting for this story of a dangerous love triangle involving a young Swedish soprano, her mysterious “Phantom” tutor, and her childhood friend. When Carlotta, the lead soprano, takes ill and Christine Daaé’s understudy performance is a rousing success, Vicomte Raoul de Chagny falls in love with Christine. Meanwhile, her tutor, “the Angel of Music,” whom she believes has been sent by her deceased father, is also coveting Christine’s affections. But the Angel is no phantom as everyone believes, and his fears of Christine’s rejection due to his masked disfigurement prompts him to abduct her and extract a promise of marriage born of wild jealousy. This latest addition to the Word Cloud Classic series will have you burning the candles low to reach the dark, gothic ending.

Nuit d'horreur sur Zoom: Une petite histoire d'horreur

by Les Histoires du grenier

« Quelle est la capitale de la Colombie ? » demanda Travis, qui prenait son rôle d’animateur très à cœur lors de leur soirée quiz hebdomadaire. Ils étaient tous amis depuis leur plus tendre enfance, et l’université n’allait rien y changer, malgré la distance qui les séparait de leurs facultés respectives. Travis avait déménagé à New York tandis que Stefan et Ryan étaient restés dans leur ville natale de Mansfield, dans le Massachusetts, mais c’était à Boston qu’ils avaient choisi d’entreprendre leurs études. Sean s’était installé sur le campus de l’Université Brown, à seulement trente minutes de Stefan et de Ryan. Ils faisaient leur possible pour se voir autant que faire se peut, mais lorsqu’il s’agissait de convenir d’une date et d’un endroit où se retrouver, c’était un vrai casse-tête. Chaque semaine, ils attendaient leur soirée quiz avec impatience. La bande de copains avait grandi ensemble dans la même ville et leurs parents étaient tous bons amis. Ainsi, leur enfance avait été rythmée par d’innombrables après-midis jeux et soirées pyjama. Au fil des années, leur groupe avait connu la venue et le départ d’autres membres, mais leur amitié était la seule constante. Solide, immuable. « Bogota », s’exclama Ryan. « Correct, confirma Travis. Encore un point pour Ryan. » Doté d’une incroyable culture générale, Ryan sortait habituellement grand vainqueur de ces soirées quiz.

Lector Activo: Y otros cuentos preventivos del mundo de la literatura

by Mark Leslie

Tres historias que exploran el lado oscuro del mundo de la literatura. En un estilo que recuerda al antiguo programa de televisión "The Twilight Zone", estos tres cuentos llevarán al lector amante de los libros a un lugar un tanto familiar, pero a la vez terroríficamente surrealista y perturbador. Lector Activo Los programas de lealtad que rastrean las preferencias de un lector son prácticos, ahorran tiempo y ofrecen grandes descuentos, al menos hasta que los datos de sus clientes lleguen a las manos equivocadas. Navegadores Un apasionado amante de los libros es atraído a una misteriosa y escalofriante librería de la misma manera que una polilla es atraída por una llama. Distracciones ¿Hasta dónde puede llegar un escritor desesperado si sigue ciegamente los consejos de un popular libro de autoayuda para eliminar las distracciones que le impiden completar su próxima novela?

Una mano che urla

by Mark Leslie Carmelo M. Tidona

Una libreria che conserva più che tomi polverosi sui suoi scaffali, un arto fantasma che può raggiungere l'aldilà, un fumetto che colora le vite della gente col terrore, tombe incapaci di trattenere il loro contenuto, un collezionista di artefatti infestati che ottiene più di ciò che desiderava, un'autostrada del nord deserta che riporta a un uomo le sue peggiori paure infantili, un incontro col babau e altro ancora. Questa raccolta di raggelanti racconti e inquietanti poesie dalla mente oscura di Mark Leslie include opere edite nominate per vari premi assieme a lavori inediti.

The Between

by Ryan Leslie

"I found The Between dark, super creepy, and pushing the limits of my limited amounts of courage to explore—but I couldn’t stop myself from coming back for more because it’s propulsive, addictive, and scary good fun." - Sean Gibson, author of The Stuff About the Dragon Was (Mostly) TrueWhile landscaping his backyard, ever-conscientious Paul Prentice discovers an iron door buried in the soil. His childhood friend and perpetual source of mischief, Jay Lightsey, pushes them to explore what's beneath. When the door slams shut above them, Paul and Jay are trapped in a between-worlds place of Escher-like rooms and horror story monsters, all with a mysterious connection to a command-line, dungeon explorer computer game from the early '80s called The Between. Unlike their childhood gaming, these men are facing life-and-death challenges; tensions rise between Jay and Paul as they encounter stranger things in each room, and their experience in arcade games and role-playing aren't enough to keep their partnership intact.Paul and Jay find themselves filling roles in a story that seems to play out over and over again. But in this world, where their roles warp their minds, the biggest threat to survival may not be the legendary monster Koŝmaro, risen from the Between's depths to hunt them; the biggest danger may be each other. Fans of The Goonies, Stranger Things, The Last Starfighter and Ready, Player One will thrill at the horror, adventure and humor that await them in The Between."The book draws you in from the word "go" and you will feel as sucked into the world Ryan Leslie created as the characters do. A thrilling, psychological ride from start to finish." – Author Lindsay Leslie "While in the first third of this book, I mentioned that the atmosphere reminded me of one of my favorite horror novels, SL Grey's The Mall. There's a surreal, not-right quality to that book that touched off a nerve in me that I just adored....I don't at all mean this as an insult, as that's a damn fun book- and so is this one! ....It's almost like a grown up, more gory and violent horror version of Heir Apparent." – Alexandra, Goodreads"This debut novel by author Ryan Leslie combines elements of science fiction and horror that at times reminded me of The Hike by Drew Magary and Off To Be The Wizard by Scott Meyer, all while being something distinctly different." – Matt, Goodreads “It was a great mix of horror, sci-fi and adventure gaming!” – Stephanie, Goodreads

The Depths

by Nicole Lesperance

A tropical island full of secrets. Two Victorian ghosts, trapped for eternity. And a seventeen-year-old girl determined not to be next.Eulalie Island should be a paradise, but to Addie Spencer, it&’s more like a prison.Forced to tag along to the remote island on her mother&’s honeymoon, Addie isn&’t thrilled about being trapped there for two weeks. The island is stunning, with its secluded beaches and forests full of white flowers. But there's something eerie and unsettling about the place.After Addie meets an enigmatic boy on the beach, all the flowers start turning pink. The island loves you, he tells her. But she can&’t stop sleepwalking at night, the birds keep calling her name, and there&’s a strange little girl in the woods who wants to play hide-and-seek. When Addie learns about two sisters who died on the island centuries ago, she wonders if there&’s more to this place, things only she can see.Beneath its gorgeous surface, Eulalie Island is hiding dark, tangled secrets. And if Addie doesn't unravel them soon, the island might never let her go.

La Enredadera

by Mark L'Estrange

Algo malo acecha en el bosque, en las afueras de la ciudad. Vive en las sombras y ataca sin previo aviso, siempre con el mismo objetivo: mutilar, matar y devorar a su muerte. Es un monstruo con un anhelo caníbal por la carne humana y un apetito sexual que aparentemente no puede ser saciado. Ninguna víctima queda viva, y los restos dispersos divulgan muy poco al patólogo policial. A medida que aumenta el recuento de cadáveres, el superintendente a cargo de la investigación recurre a medidas desesperadas. Pero pronto, se hace evidente que la policía ha subestimado lamentablemente a su sospechoso. Un error que les costará caro.

Navidad Malvada

by Mark L'Estrange

Cada Nochebuena tiene su ritual. En nuestra casa, la regla era que mis hijos podían disfrutar de un banquete de medianoche, si aún estaban despiertos a la hora de las brujas. Revisé mi reloj mientras me secaba las manos en la toalla de baño; Eran las 11.55 p.m. cuando vi a mis dos mayores arrastrarse por el rellano hacia mí. Caminé hacia el rellano y me agaché frente a ellos. Adam, mi primogénito ahora tenía ocho años, alto y delgado, ya estaba formando los anchos hombros de un nadador. Charlotte, su hermana, acababa de cumplir seis años y, como la mujer mayor de la casa, se tomó muy en serio sus deberes al cuidarnos a todos. "¿Qué están haciendo ustedes dos ya?" Pregunté, revolviendo el cabello de Adam y apretando la nariz de Charlotte entre mis dedos. Charlotte se echó hacia atrás, riendo. "Tenemos hambre papi", dijo, apenas por encima de un susurro. A mis hijos se les había enseñado desde una edad temprana a mantener siempre la voz baja cuando su papá tenía un invitado. "Hambriento", enfatizó Adam, casi lloriqueando. Me reí. "Morir de hambre, ¿verdad?" Los empujé a los dos juguetonamente en el vientre. ¿Como si nunca te hubieran alimentado antes, muerto de hambre? Ambos me miraron suplicantes. Justo en ese momento, vi a mi hijo más pequeño detrás de ellos. Melody tenía casi dos años y caminaba tambaleándose. Ella esquivó a sus hermanos, usándolos para estabilizarse antes de tratar de pasarme. La agarré por la cintura y levanté su pequeño cuerpo en brazos, levantándome mientras lo hacía. ¡Un padre no puede tener un favorito! Esa es una norma que me niego a comprometer. Amo a todos mis hijos de la misma manera y, sin embargo, había algo especial en mi pequeña Melody. Desde la primera vez que abrió sus penetrantes ojos azules y me miró sonriendo, sentí el dolor punzante de anticipación que todos los padres deben sufrir la primera vez que su hija aba

O Mal de Natal

by Mark L'Estrange

É Véspera de Natal: um tempo de maravilha, magia, antecipação… e terror! Um pai que está disposto a qualquer coisa para alimentar seus filhos famintos. Uma mulher inocente que herda uma casa remota com um segredo mortal. Uma viúva assassina que divide um vagão de trem com Jack, o Estripador. Dois ladrões que mordem mais do que podem mastigar durante uma invasão noturna. Uma babá que descobre,tarde demais, que um serial killer fugitivo.

Haunted by the Earl's Touch (Mills & Boon Largeprint Historical Ser. #Vol. 630)

by Ann Lethbridge

No man has ever wanted her for herselfWhen she arrives at Beresford Abbey, orphan Mary Wilder's hopes of finding a place to belong are dashed when she meets Bane Beresford, the enigmatic earl. He is as remote as the ghosts that supposedly haunt the Abbey...and, like its crumbling walls, her dreams fall apart.Occasionally she sees a different, more caring man behind the facade, so is she foolish to long for a happy home...and a family? His proposal is for a marriage of convenience, but his touch has awakened within her a fervent and forbidden longing....

Señora Sombra

by Ymir A. Lethe

Lady Milla Shade es una consumada cazadora de hombres lobo con un historial impresionante. Hermosa y astuta, su llegada al pueblo marca el comienzo de un tiempo oscuro para los ciudadanos de Bronzeglade. En busca de un hombre lobo conocido como Green-Eyes, Milla pronto se da cuenta de que su objetivo no solo es excepcionalmente fuerte, sino que no es el único en la aldea. Cuando cualquiera puede ser un monstruo, la guerra entre el hombre y la bestia corre el riesgo de desgarrar a la gente del pueblo, literalmente. Superados en número y superados, Milla necesita confiar en su ingenio y decidirse a sobrevivir. Pero al final, ¿quién es la bestia más terrible de todas?


by Robert Lettrick

14-year-old Heath Lambert is spending his summer at Camp Harmony in the picturesque Cascade Mountain Valley. It's the perfect place to enjoy the soothing calm of nature as he weighs a heavy decision. The camp offers distractions: his friends, Cricket and Dunbar, always up for trouble; his reluctant crush on Emily, one half of the beautiful Em & Em Twins; and hulking bullies Thumper and Floaties, who are determined to make him their punching bag for the summer. But no one rattles Heath like his creepy cabin mate, Will Stringer. Brilliant, cold and calculating, Will views the world as one big chess game, and he's always three moves ahead of everyone else. Heath soon learns there's a much bigger threat to contend with. Something's wrong with the animals in the surrounding forest. A darkness is spreading, driving them mad with rage. Wolves, bears, mountain lions???even the chipmunks are infected, spurred on in droves by one horrific goal: hunt and kill every human they find. Heath and a ragtag band of campers are faced with a choice: follow Will's lead and possibly survive, or follow the camp staff and die. But how do you trust a leader when you suspect he's more dangerous than the animals you're running from? Heath came to Camp Harmony to be surrounded by nature. He's about to get his wish.

The Murk

by Robert Lettrick

<p>In the Okefenokee Swamp grows a rare and beautiful flower with a power unlike any other. Many have tried to claim it-no one has come out alive. But fourteen-year-old Piper Canfield is desperate, and this flower may be her only chance to keep a promise she made a long time ago. <p>Accompanied by her little brother, Creeper, her friend Tad, and two local guides, Piper embarks on the quest of a lifetime. But there's a deadly predator lurking unseen in the black water, one nearly as old as the Oke itself. Some say it's a monster. Others say an evil spirit. The truth is far more terrifying. <p>Piper's task is simple: find the flower . . . or die trying.</p>

The Murk

by Robert Lettrick

In the Okefenokee Swamp grows a rare and beautiful flower with a power unlike any other. Many have tried to claim it???no one has come out alive. But fourteen-year-old Piper Canfield is desperate, and this flower may be her only chance to keep a promise she made a long time ago. Accompanied by her little brother, Creeper, her friend Tad, and two local guides, Piper embarks on the quest of a lifetime. But there's a deadly predator lurking unseen in the black water, one nearly as old as the Oke itself. Some say it's a monster. Others say an evil spirit. The truth is far more terrifying. Piper's task is simple: find the flower . . . or die trying.

Cara. Las chicas fantasma son verdes

by Ralph Leuther

¡MI MEJOR AMIGA ES UN FANTASMA! Jonathan se acaba de mudar de casa. Al principio la idea no le hace mucha gracia, pero es que no se imagina la sorpresa que le espera allí# ¡En los sótanos de su nuevo edificio vive un fantasma! Al principio Cara (la chica fantasma) le asusta un poco, luego le parece un incordio, pero cuando se hacen amigos# ¡resulta ser la mejor amiga del mundo! Es divertida, tiene unos poderes geniales y se lo hace pasar fatal a las vecinas entrometidas. Pero algo terrible sucede y Cara correrá grave peligro, así que Jonathan tendrá que dar lo mejor de sí mismo para salvar a su amiga y poder seguir viviendo asombrosas aventuras junto a ella.

The Sun's Devices: Book 3 of The Hollow Gods (The Hollow Gods)

by Rebecca Levene

Book 3 of the outstanding The Hollow Gods seriesIn the aftermath of the shattering of Mirror Town, Krish has taken has rightful place as heir to the kingdom of Ashanesland, with his friends and allies ruling by his side. He's turned his back on his divine birthright and set out to bring unity to the warring tribes and nations as no more than a man.The mysterious land once known as the Eternal Empire has opened its borders at last, and invited Krish to take his place as part of its ruling Triumvirate. But there are plots within plots in the country that once worshipped his sister, the sun, and now hates all gods.Because the sun goddess been made flesh once again and is determined to end the ancient conflict with her brother's final defeat. And there are strange and new gods stirring in the lands - while some search for a weapon that could destroy them all.

The Sun's Devices: Book 3 of The Hollow Gods

by Rebecca Levene

Book 3 of the outstanding The Hollow Gods seriesIn the aftermath of the shattering of Mirror Town, Krish has taken has rightful place as heir to the kingdom of Ashanesland, with his friends and allies ruling by his side. He's turned his back on his divine birthright and set out to bring unity to the warring tribes and nations as no more than a man.The mysterious land once known as the Eternal Empire has opened its borders at last, and invited Krish to take his place as part of its ruling Triumvirate. But there are plots within plots in the country that once worshipped his sister, the sun, and now hates all gods.Because the sun goddess been made flesh once again and is determined to end the ancient conflict with her brother's final defeat. And there are strange and new gods stirring in the lands - while some search for a weapon that could destroy them all.

Island Bound

by Betty Levin

Chris Fossett can't resist a dare to spend a week alone on rocky, isolated Fowlers Island off the coast of Maine. He expects to spend his time hunting for food--not ghosts. But there's no denying an eerie presence in the fog, and Chris recalls his grandfather's tales of a girl who was left behind on the island. A fierce girl...who may still be there. Joellen Roth, who comes to the island's bird cliffs with her scientist father and his new girlfriend, wants nothing to do with Chris--nor he with her. But when the two stumble upon a hidden journal, the pages reveal a story strikingly similar to one that Joellen is writing.

Rosemary's Baby

by Ira Levin

Rosemary and Guy Woodhouse move into an ancient Manhattan apartment building and are immediately befriended by a pushy older couple, Minnie and Roman Castavet. When Rosemary becomes pregnant, she begins to suspect that the people in her building are satanists and that she may be carrying a demon's baby.

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