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Showing 176 through 200 of 57,136 results

The Haunted Castle: A Study of the Elements of English Romanticism (Routledge Revivals)

by Eino Railo

Published in 1927: The purpose of the present work is consequently to serve as a guide to English horror-romanticism and by presenting the chief materials used by it and grouping them according to the various themes employed, to show how the main romantic movement that began at the turn of the century and is represented in all shorter expositions of the subject as a suddenly bursting wave, as a kid of spontaneous revolution, is in all essentials the outcome of an organic development with widely spread roots that penetrate deep into the past.

Agatha Christie. Los planes del crimen: Y un relato inédito de la señorita Marple

by John Curran

La vida y la obra de Agatha Christie a lo largo de las décadas, desde el final inédito de su primer libro hasta las ideas que no llegó a emplear en el último, junto a nuevas obras y documentos nunca publicados hasta ahora, entre ellos un relato perdido de la señorita Marple. En esta continuación del aclamado Agatha Christie. Los cuadernos secretos, John Curran, archivista y experto en Christie, conduce al lector a través de las seis décadas de la carrera de Agatha Christie, desvelando las claves más notables de su éxito, además de una serie de extractos y relatos de sus archivos, inéditos hasta el momento. La obra cuenta con un prologo de David Suchet quien, para la mayoría de aficionados a Agatha Christie, es Hércules Poirot, tras veinte años interpretando de manera impecable al famoso detective belga en la televisión. La crítica ha dicho...«Esta edición es un lujo inexcusable para todos los amantes de la literatura de detectives en general y de la de Agatha Christie en particular».El Cultural de El Mundo «El reciente rescate de esta colección de cuadernos [...] nos abre una ventana al proceso creativo, caótico y fascinante, de la novelista más publicada de todos los tiempos».El País «Nos brinda la oportunidad de ver entre bambalinas a una escritora que poseyó dos dones excepcionales: la legibilidad y la confección de tramas endiabladamente encajadas».Qué leer «Christie siempre tendrá un lugar de honor entre los iconos de la escritura contemporánea».ABC de las Artes y las Letras

Buried Treasures of Chinese Turkestan: An Account of the Activities and Adventures of the Second and Third German Turfan Expeditions (Routledge Revivals)

by Albert von Le Coq

First published in 1928, this volume constituted the results of expeditions by the famous archaeologist and explorer of Central Asia, Albert von Le Coq. Funded by the last German emperor, Wilhelm II, and von Le Coq’s own brewing and winery empire, the second and third German expeditions ventured to Turfan in the Xinjiang region of China. Travelling East expecting to find Greek influences, the expedition in fact uncovered extensive networks of Buddhist and Manichaean cave temples in the Northwest China. This volume includes extensive images in addition to a record of the expedition’s journeys and discoveries.

History and Historical Research (Routledge Library Editions: Historiography #11)

by C. G. Crump

Aimed at students of history, this volume, originally published in 1928, examines the issues of impartiality and objectivity in the study of history. It also discusses the skills necessary for any would-be historian including the knowledge of foreign languages, the use of sources and note-taking.

Human Organizations and Social Theory: Pragmatism, Pluralism, and Adaptation

by Murray J. Leaf

In the 1930s, George Herbert Mead and other leading social scientists established the modern empirical analysis of social interaction and communication, enabling theories of cognitive development, language acquisition, interaction, government, law and legal processes, and the social construction of the self. However, they could not provide a comparably empirical analysis of human organization. The theory in this book fills in the missing analysis of organizations and specifies more precisely the pragmatic analysis of communication with an adaptation of information theory to ordinary unmediated communications. The study also provides the theoretical basis for understanding the success of pragmatically grounded public policies, from the New Deal through the postwar reconstruction of Europe and Japan to the ongoing development of the European Union, in contrast to the persistent failure of positivistic and Marxist policies and programs.

Plotto: The Master Book of All Plots

by William Cook

A classic how-to manual, William Wallace Cook's Plotto is one writer's personal theory--"Purpose, opposed by Obstacle, yields Conflict"--painstakingly diagrammed through hundreds of situations and scenarios A classic how-to manual, William Wallace Cook's Plotto is one writer's personal method, painstakingly diagrammed for the benefit of others. The theory itself may be simple--"Purpose, opposed by Obstacle, yields Conflict"--but Cook takes his "Plottoist" through hundreds of situations and scenarios, guiding the reader's hand through a dizzying array of "purposes" and "obstacles." The method is broken down into three stages: 1. The Master Plot 2. The Conflict Situation 3. Character Combinations In the first stage, Cook demonstrates that "a character with particular traits . . . finds himself in a situation . . . and this is how it turns out." Following this, each Master Plot leads the reader to a list of circumstances, distributed among twenty different Conflict Groups (these range from "Love's Beginning," to "Personal Limitations," to "Transgression"). Finally, in Character Combinations, Cook offers an extensive index of protagonists for what serves as an inexhaustible reservoir of suggestions and inspiration.

Plotto: The Master Book of All Plots

by William Cook

A classic how-to manual, William Wallace Cook's Plotto is one writer's personal theory--"Purpose, opposed by Obstacle, yields Conflict"--painstakingly diagrammed through hundreds of situations and scenarios A classic how-to manual, William Wallace Cook's Plotto is one writer's personal method, painstakingly diagrammed for the benefit of others. The theory itself may be simple--"Purpose, opposed by Obstacle, yields Conflict"--but Cook takes his "Plottoist" through hundreds of situations and scenarios, guiding the reader's hand through a dizzying array of "purposes" and "obstacles." The method is broken down into three stages: 1. The Master Plot 2. The Conflict Situation 3. Character Combinations In the first stage, Cook demonstrates that "a character with particular traits . . . finds himself in a situation . . . and this is how it turns out." Following this, each Master Plot leads the reader to a list of circumstances, distributed among twenty different Conflict Groups (these range from "Love's Beginning," to "Personal Limitations," to "Transgression"). Finally, in Character Combinations, Cook offers an extensive index of protagonists for what serves as an inexhaustible reservoir of suggestions and inspiration.


by William Wallace Cook

A classic how-to manual, William Wallace Cook's Plotto is one writer's personal method, painstakingly diagrammed for the benefit of others. The theory itself may be simple - "Purpose opposed by Obstacle yields Conflict" - but Cook takes his "Plottoist" through hundreds of situations and scenarios, guiding the reader's hand as a dizzying array of purposes and obstacles come to a head. Cook's method is broken down into three stages: First, the master plot. This four-page chart distills the most basic plot points into a three-line sentence. Next, the conflict situation. Each master plot leads the reader to a list of circumstances, distributed among 20 different conflict groups (these range from "Love's Beginning" to "Personal Limitations" to "Transgression"). There are over 2,000 unique conflict situations in the book, and each is cross-referenced with designs for how the situation might have started, or where it might go. Finally, there are character combinations - Cook offers an extensive index of protagonists, each cross-referenced with various supporting players - themselves tied to various conflict situations, for what appears to be an inexhaustible reservoir of suggestions and inspiration.

Plotto: The Master Book of All Plots

by William Cook

A classic how-to manual, William Wallace Cook's Plotto is one writer's personal theory--"Purpose, opposed by Obstacle, yields Conflict"--painstakingly diagrammed through hundreds of situations and scenarios A classic how-to manual, William Wallace Cook's Plotto is one writer's personal method, painstakingly diagrammed for the benefit of others. The theory itself may be simple--"Purpose, opposed by Obstacle, yields Conflict"--but Cook takes his "Plottoist" through hundreds of situations and scenarios, guiding the reader's hand through a dizzying array of "purposes" and "obstacles." The method is broken down into three stages: 1. The Master Plot 2. The Conflict Situation 3. Character Combinations In the first stage, Cook demonstrates that "a character with particular traits . . . finds himself in a situation . . . and this is how it turns out." Following this, each Master Plot leads the reader to a list of circumstances, distributed among twenty different Conflict Groups (these range from "Love's Beginning," to "Personal Limitations," to "Transgression"). Finally, in Character Combinations, Cook offers an extensive index of protagonists for what serves as an inexhaustible reservoir of suggestions and inspiration.

The Strange Necessity: Essays and Reviews (Virago Modern Classics Ser. #2313)

by Rebecca West

In this intellectually challenging collection of literary criticism, Rebecca West undertakes the question of art&’s value, examining the works of her contemporaries and their places in history &“The Strange Necessity,&” one of the twelve essays collected here and first published in 1928, anchors West&’s quest to understand why art matters and how aesthetics of every caliber can not only inspire but reveal the author&’s inner world. Whether juxtaposing Ulysses&’s prose with Pavlov&’s research, or comparing Sinclair Lewis with actress and pianist Yvonne Printemps, West finds that a satisfying emotion overrides an artistic work&’s form. Her intricately crafted essays reveal her experience in the literary circles of the twenties and thirties and the important role this question played in her own writing. West&’s keenly observed criticism offers invaluable insight not only into her work but into her impressions of early twentieth century literature.

International Language

by Otto Jespersen

This book was first published in 1929, International Language is a valuable contribution to the field of English Language and Linguistics.

Plato's Dialectic at Play: Argument, Structure, and Myth in the Symposium

by Kevin Corrigan Elena Glazov-Corrigan

The Symposium is one of Plato’s most accessible dialogues, an engrossing historical document as well as an entertaining literary masterpiece. By uncovering the structural design of the dialogue, Plato’s Dialectic at Play aims at revealing a Plato for whom the dialogical form was not merely ornamentation or philosophical methodology but the essence of philosophical exploration. His dialectic is not only argument; it is also play. Careful analysis of each layer of the text leads cumulatively to a picture of the dialogue’s underlying structure, related to both argument and myth, and shows that a dynamic link exists between Diotima’s higher mysteries and the organization of the dialogue as a whole. On this basis the authors argue that the Symposium, with its positive theory of art contained in the ascent to the Beautiful, may be viewed as a companion piece to the Republic, with its negative critique of the role of art in the context of the Good. Following Nietzsche’s suggestion and applying criteria developed by Mikhail Bakhtin, they further argue for seeing the Symposium as the first novel. The book concludes with a comprehensive reevaluation of the significance of the Symposium and its place in Plato’s thought generally, touching on major issues in Platonic scholarship: the nature of art, the body-soul connection, the problem of identity, the relationship between mythos and logos, Platonic love, and the question of authorial writing and the vanishing signature of the absent Plato himself.


by Patrick Hamilton

The brilliantly tense play that became Hitchcock's masterpiece, starring James Stewart.Believing themselves to be intellectually superior to their contemporaries, flatmates Brandon and Philip murder their friend David Kentley purely to see if they can get away with it. They then throw a cocktail party, serving food from the top of the trunk where they have hidden David's body. Their guests include both David's father and fiancée, as well as college lecturer Rupert Cadell, who becomes increasingly suspicious as the evening wears on.

A Second Book of Broadsheets: With an Introduction by Geoffrey Dawson (Routledge Revivals: A Book of Broadsheets)

by Various

This book, together with A Book of Broadsheets makes up an anthology of the 1915 broadsheets distributed by The Times to members of H.M. Forces serving in the trenches of World War I. The volume contains a wide variety of rich literature from before the war and was designed to give soldiers entertainment. It includes extracts from the works of Francis Bacon, Rudyard Kipling, Sir Walter Raleigh, William Wordsworth and Charles Dickens.

The Victorian Romantics 1850-70: The Early Work of Dante Gabriel Rossetti, William Morris, Burne-Jones, Swinburne, Simeon Solomon and their Associates (Routledge Library Editions: Romanticism #26)

by T. Earle Welby

First published in 1929. This title explores the early work of five Victorian Romantics; Dante Gabriel Rossetti, William Morris, Edward Burne Jones, Algernon Charles Swinburne, and Simeon Solomon, and exhibits them at or soon after the moment of entry into the movement. This title will be of interest to students of literature and art history.

La decadencia de la mentira

by Oscar Wilde

Una defensa del arte por el arte clave para descubrir el pensamiento y la estética de Oscar Wilde. El arte ha caído en la cárcel del realismo y ha perdido toda la libertad creativa. Y, para huir de este culto a los hechos, es necesario reivindicar el papel de la mentira y el artificio en las obras. Mediante un diálogo repleto de paradojas y de la ironía característica del autor, Oscar Wilde evidencia la necesidad de escapar de toda intención moralizadora en la obra artística. Puesto que no hay nada más real que el arte, este debe existir por sí mismo y evitar ser un reflejo de una realidad que no haría más que corromperlo. «Oscar Wilde tiene el poder de transformar el ensayo en ficción.» Luis Antonio De Villen

The Nazi Machtergreifung (Routledge Library Editions: Nazi Germany and the Holocaust)

by Peter D. Stachura

This book analyses some of the fundamental reasons for the triumph of National Socialism in 1933. Written in 1983 by historians at Canadian, American and British universities, it provides a clear and balanced historiographical perspective of the dynamics of socio-political mobilization which helped make the Machtergreifung possible. The relationship during the Weimar republic between the Nazi Party and various social groups constitutes a major element in the book, as do the attitudes towards Hitler displayed by a number of influential institutions. The Nazis’ successful mobilization of popular support before 1933 is illustrated through the impact of foreign policy and ideology/propaganda on the Germans.

Practical Orthography of African Languages: Bound with: Orthographe Pratique des Langues Africaines; The Distribution of the Semitic and Cushitic Languages of Africa; The Distribution of the Nilotic and Nilo-Hamitic Languages of Africa; and Linguistic Analyses (Linguistic Surveys of Africa #12)

by International African Institute

The first edition of the Practical Orthography of African Languages was a best-seller and this and the following volume re-issues the second edition, in English and French. Originally published in 1930, it provided an invaluable solution to the problem of finding a practical and uniform method of writing African languages. The volume is bound with a small pamphlet which analyses the information on the Semitic and cushitic languages of Eritrea, Ethiopia and the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. Related languages are grouped together into larger sections which have some linguistic significance. A further pamphlet, the Distribution of the Nilotic and Nilo-Hamitic Languages of Africa, describes the relationship between languages and dialects. For each language, data are given on locality, number of speakers, use for educational and religious purposes and the extent of vernacular literature. The linguistic material is set out in phonetic script with tone marks, though reference is made to current standard orthoraphies where these exist.

The English Bible as Literature (Routledge Revivals)

by Charles Allen Dinsmore

The religious associations surrounding the Bible make it difficult for the general reader to appreciate, in its full purity, the value which the Scriptures bear as literature, and as an epic in no way inferior, in cultural worth, to the greatest works of Greece and Rome. Dealing as it does with elementary passions and principles, the English Bible is, in the author’s view, the greatest book of all the ages. This book, first published in 1931, will be of interest to students of literature and religious studies.

The Epyllion: From Theocritus to Ovid (Routledge Revivals)

by M. Marjorie Crump

Published in 1931: The Epyllion From Theocritus to Ovid discusses Greek Epics along with extracts of Poems.

Greek Comedy (Routledge Library Editions: Comedy)

by Gilbert Norwood

Originally published in 1931, this book surveys the origin and development of Greek Comic Drama, with full discussion not only of Aristophanes and Menander but also of other important playwrights whose work had usually received scant notice because only fragments of it have survived. The important papyrus-finds of the previous forty years have been expounded and used. The final chapter is an introduction to comic metre and rhythm.

The Greek View of Poetry (Routledge Revivals)

by E.E. Sikes

The Greek View of Poetry details critical theories and the appreciation of poetry by the ancient Greeks. Originally published in 1931, this text deals with a whole range of Greek critics from very early criticism to Longinus and his views on Homer in an attempt to provide a historical view of the importance of poetry to Greek society. This title will be of interest to students of Classics.

Image and Imagination

by C. S. Lewis

Image and Imagination presents some of C.S. Lewis's finest literary criticism and religious exposition. This selection gathers together forty book reviews--never before reprinted--as well as four major essays which have been unavailable for many decades, and a fifth essay, "Image and Imagination," published for the first time. The essays and reviews substantiate Lewis's reputation as an eloquent and authoritative critic across a wide range of literature, and as a keen judge of contemporary scholarship, while his reviews of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings will be of additional interest to scholars and students of fantasy.

Image and Imagination

by C. S. Lewis

Image and Imagination presents some of C.S. Lewis's finest literary criticism and religious exposition. This selection gathers together forty book reviews--never before reprinted--as well as four major essays which have been unavailable for many decades, and a fifth essay, "Image and Imagination," published for the first time. The essays and reviews substantiate Lewis's reputation as an eloquent and authoritative critic across a wide range of literature, and as a keen judge of contemporary scholarship, while his reviews of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings will be of additional interest to scholars and students of fantasy.

Image and Imagination

by C. S. Lewis

Image and Imagination presents some of C.S. Lewis's finest literary criticism and religious exposition. This selection gathers together forty book reviews--never before reprinted--as well as four major essays which have been unavailable for many decades, and a fifth essay, "Image and Imagination," published for the first time. The essays and reviews substantiate Lewis's reputation as an eloquent and authoritative critic across a wide range of literature, and as a keen judge of contemporary scholarship, while his reviews of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings will be of additional interest to scholars and students of fantasy.

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