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French Symbolist Poetry and the Idea of Music

by Joseph Acquisto

What role did music play in the creation of a new aesthetics of poetry in French from the 1860s to the 1930s? How did music serve as an unassimilable 'other' against which the French symbolist poets crafted a new poetics? And why did music gradually disappear from early twentieth-century poetic discourse? These are among the questions Joseph Acquisto poses in his lively study of the ways in which Baudelaire, Mallarmé, Ghil, and Royère question the nature and function of the lyric through an ever-shifting set of intertextual and cultural contexts. Rather than focusing on 'musicality' in verse, the author addresses the consequences of choosing music as a site of dialogue with poetry. Acquisto argues that memory plays an under acknowledged yet vital role in these poets' rewriting of symbolist poetics. His reading of their interactions, and his focus on both major and neglected poets, exposes the myth of a small handful of 'great authors' shaping symbolism while a host of disciples propagated the tradition. Rather, Acquisto proposes, the multiplicity of authors writing and rewriting symbolism invites a dialogic approach to the poetics of the period. Moreover, music, as theorized rather than performed or heard, serves as a privileged mobile space of poetic creation and dialogue for these poet-critics; it is through engagement with music, supposedly the purest or most abstract of the arts, that one can retrace the textual and cultural transformations accomplished by the symbolist tradition. By extension, these poets' rethinking of poetics is an occasion for present-day critics to re-examine assumptions, not only about the intersections of music and poetry and our understanding of symbolist poetics but also about the role that the aesthetic implicitly plays in the creation, preservation, or reshaping of cultural memory.

Living Well with Pessimism in Nineteenth-Century France (Palgrave Studies in Nineteenth-Century Writing and Culture)

by Joseph Acquisto

This book traces the emergence of modern pessimism in nineteenth-century France and examines its aesthetic, epistemological, ethical, and political implications. It explores how, since pessimism as a worldview is not empirically verifiable, writers on pessimism shift the discussion to verisimilitude, opening up rich territory for cross-fertilization between philosophy and literature. The book traces debates on pessimism in the nineteenth century among French nonfiction writers who either lauded its promotion of compassion or condemned it for being a sick and unliveable attempt at renunciation. It then examines the way novelists and poets take up and transform these questions by portraying characters in lived situations that serve as testing grounds for the merits or limitations of pessimism. The debate on pessimism that emerged in the nineteenth century is still very much with us, and this book offers an interhistorical argument for embracing pessimism as a way of living well in the world, aesthetically, ethically, and politically.

Proust, Music, and Meaning

by Joseph Acquisto

This book is about reading Proust's novel via philosophical and musicological approaches to "modern" listening. It articulates how insights into the way we listen to and understand classical music inform the creation of literary meaning. It asks: are we to take at face value the ideas about art that the novel contains, or are those part of the fiction? Is there a difference between what the novel says and what it does, and how can music provide a key to answering that question? According to this study, Proust asks us to temporalize our interpretation by recognizing the distance between initial and final experiences of the novel, and by being open to the ways in which it challenges attempts at interpretive closure. Proust's novel responds to the kind of attentive and eternally changing perspectives that can be generated from music and our attempts to make sense of it.

Thinking Poetry: Philosophical Approaches to Nineteenth-Century French Poetry

by Joseph Acquisto

This volume of essays seeks to establish a dialogue between poetry and philosophy where each could be said to read the other and announces important new paths for a reinvigorated study of lyric poetry in the decades to come.

Decodable Reader

by Action Learning Systems Inc. Robin Scarcella Isabel L. Beck Margaret Mckeown

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Practice Book, Volume 1, Units 1-2 [Level 1B] California

by Action Learning Systems Inc. Robin Scarcella Isabel L. Beck Margaret Mckeown

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Cómo no fracasar en el mundo editorial: Consejos irresponsables de Actualidad Panamericana

by Actualidad panamericana

Los lectores descubrirán cómo en cuatro años Actualidad Panamericana logró posicionarse como una marca digital a punta de afecto y bacanería. ¿Tuvieron que venderle el alma al demonio (o a Facebook) para triunfar en Internet? ¿Es posible llevar gente a un sitio web sin usar titulares engañosos? ¿Cómo han mantenido la motivación mientras consiguen que su audiencia crezca? ¿Cómo logran expresar lo que quieren decir y que la gente lo entienda? ¿Cómo eligen el mejor contenido y los canales por donde llegará más lejos? ¿Cómo superan el miedo al fracaso y a ofender a otros? En este libro, los creadores de Actualidad Panamericana responden a estas preguntas, entre muchas otras, y revelan todo lo que sus lectores siempre han querido saber sobre ellos. Cada día, miles de nuevos medios digitales se lanzan a las turbulentas aguas de Internet a perseguir ese monstruo mitológico llamado éxito. Son muchos los peligros y errores que pueden llevar al naufragio los sueños de fama y fortuna. Actualidad Panamericana a diario inventa noticias en tono de sátira para criticar los males de nuestra sociedad y, curiosamente, se ha consolidado como uno de los portales independientes con mayor credibilidad del país. Acá se comparten todos los secretos -muchas veces en contravía de lo que los gurús de Internet recomiendan- que lo han llevado a ser uno de los medios con más seguidores en Colombia.

Mitos y verdades de las AFP

by Alejandra Matus Acuña

Una indagación que destapa los mitos en torno al polémico sistema previsional chileno Alejandra Matus describe de modo ameno, didáctico, claro e irrebatible cómo es, fue y podría llegar a ser el sistema previsional chileno actual. A través de la revisión de documentos y entrevistas a expertos, usuarios y actores del sistema, irá desvelando los secretos del modelo que hoy tiene a los chilenos marchando en las calles. El libro quiere dilucidar múltiples preguntas que inquietan a los chilenos. ¿Por qué y en qué momento se crearon las AFP? Cómo era el antiguo sistema y si es verdad que estaba quebrado. Las transferencias del Estado a las AFP en el momento inicial. La oposición de Pinochet y el por qué los civiles envidiamos a los uniformados. El rol de José Piñera y cómo logró salirse con la suya. Las reformas, como se han fortalecido y las redes de poder que han sostenido el sistema. "Su investigación aborda temas cruciales, desde las críticas más duras hasta las posibles soluciones para mejorar las pensiones de los chilenos."

Syntactic Processing: An Overview

by Carlos Acuña-Fariña

This book provides an overview of the structures, topics and main theories of syntactic processing. It covers the last 40 years of sentence-level psycholinguistic research and debates and makes it accessible to both theoretical linguists and experimental psychologists. Tying linguistically relevant issues to psycholinguistic theory, this book: Covers the processing of the grammatical phenomena adjunction, agreement and gap filling and discusses the relationship between grammars and parsers Discusses experimental work and theories, demonstrating how psychologists have made real strides in understanding language and how studying the processing of syntactic structure is the same as studying the nature of language Explores the key theories of psycholinguistics, including recent developments Explains the different methodologies of sentence processing, such as eye-tracking and electroencephalography Bridging the gap between psycholinguistic research and the study of language, this book is essential reading for advanced students and scholars of linguistics and experimental psycholinguistics as well as cognitive science and psychology.

Samuel Johnson and the Powers of Friendship (Routledge Studies in Eighteenth-Century Literature)

by A.D. Cousins, Daniel Derrin, and Dani Napton

This book is the first to assess Johnson’s diverse insights into friendship—that is to say, his profound as well as widely ranging appreciation of it—over the course of his long literary career. It examines his engagements with ancient philosophies of friendship and with subsequent reformulations of or departures from that diverse inheritance. The volume explores and illuminates Johnson’s understanding of friendship in the private and public spheres—in particular, friendship’s therapeutic amelioration of personal experience and transformative impact upon civil life. Doing so, it considers both his portrayals of interaction with his friends and his more overtly fictional representations of friendship across the many genres in which he wrote. It presents at once an original re-assessment of Johnson’s writings and new interpretations of friendship as an element of civility in mid-eighteenth-century British culture.

Superlibro de rimas [Grado 1] (¡Arriba la Lectura!)

by Alma Ada F. Campoy

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Under the Royal Palms: A Childhood in Cuba

by Alma Flor Ada

The author recalls her life and impressions growing up in Cuba.<P><P> Winner of the Pura Belpre Medal

Into Reading™ [Grade 2] MyBook 1 (Into Reading)

by Alma Flor Ada Kylene Beers F. Isabel Campoy

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Into Reading™ [Grade 2] MyBook 2 (Into Reading)

by Alma Flor Ada Kylene Beers F. Isabel Campoy

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Into Reading™ [Grade 2] MyBook 3 (Into Reading)

by Alma Flor Ada Kylene Beers F. Isabel Campoy

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Into Reading™ [Grade 2] MyBook 4 (Into Reading)

by Alma Flor Ada Kylene Beers F. Isabel Campoy

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Into Reading™ [Grade 2] MyBook 5 (Into Reading)

by Alma Flor Ada Kylene Beers F. Isabel Campoy

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Into Reading™, Grade 2, myBook, Modules 1–3

by Alma Flor Ada Kylene Beers F. Isabel Campoy

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Into Reading™, Grade 2, MyBook, Modules 4–6

by Alma Flor Ada Kylene Beers F. Isabel Campoy

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Into Reading™, Grade 2, MyBook, Modules 7–10

by Alma Flor Ada Kylene Beers F. Isabel Campoy

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Into Reading™, Grade 4, myBook, Modules 1–5

by Alma Flor Ada Kylene Beers F. Isabel Campoy

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Into Reading™, Grade 4, myBook, Modules 6–10

by Alma Flor Ada Kylene Beers F. Isabel Campoy

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Into Reading™, Grade 5, MyBook, Modules 1–5

by Alma Flor Ada Kylene Beers F. Isabel Campoy

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Into Reading™, Grade 5, MyBook, Modules 6–10

by Alma Flor Ada Kylene Beers F. Isabel Campoy

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Into Reading™ MyBook 1 (Into Reading Series)

by Alma Flor Ada Kylene Beers F. Isabel Campoy

NIMAC-sourced textbook <p>Grade 6

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