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Medieval English in a Multilingual Context: Current Methodologies and Approaches (New Approaches to English Historical Linguistics)

by Sara M. Pons-Sanz Louise Sylvester

This edited book examines the multilingual culture of medieval England, exploring its impact on the development of English and its textual manifestations from a multi-disciplinary perspective. The book offers overviews of the state of the art of research and case studies on this subject in (sub)disciplines of linguistics including historical linguistics, onomastics, lexicology and lexicography, sociolinguistics, code-switching and language contact, and also includes contributions from literary and socio-cultural studies, material culture, and palaeography. The authors focus on the variety of languages in use in medieval Britain, including English, Old Norse, Norn, Dutch, Welsh, French, and Latin, making the argument that understanding the impact of medieval multilingualism on the development of English requires multidisiplinarity and the bringing together of different frameworks in linguistics and cultural studies to achieve more nuanced answers. This book will be of interest to academics and students of historical linguistics and medieval textual culture.

Shadows in the City of Light: Paris in Postwar French Jewish Writing (SUNY series in Contemporary Jewish Literature and Culture)

by Sara R. Horowitz; Amira Bojadzija-Dan; Julia Creet

The essays in Shadows in the City of Light explore the significance of Paris in the writing of five influential French writers—Sarah Kofman, Patrick Modiano, George Perec, Henri Raczymow, and Irene Nemirovsky—whose novels and memoirs capture and probe the absences of deported Paris Jews. These writers move their readers through wartime and postwar cityscapes of Paris, walking them through streets and arrondissments where Jews once resided, looking for traces of the disappeared. The city functions as more than a backdrop or setting. Its streets and buildings and monuments remind us of the exhilarating promise of the French Revolution and what it meant for Jews dreaming of equality. But the dynamic space of Paris also reminds us of the Holocaust and its aftermath. The shadowed paths traced by these writers raise complicated questions about ambivalence, absence, memory, secularity, and citizenship. In their writing, the urban landscape itself bears witness to the absent Jews, and what happened to them.For the writers treated in this volume, neither their Frenchness nor their Jewishness is a fixed point. Focusing on Paris's dual role as both a cultural hub and a powerful symbol of hope and conflict in Jewish memory, the contributors address intersections and departures among these writers. Their complexity of thought, artistry, and depth of vision shape a new understanding of the impact of the Holocaust on Jewish and French identity, on literature and literary forms, and on the development of Jewish secular culture in Western Europe.

Rape Culture and Female Resistance in Late Medieval Literature: With an Edition of Middle English and Middle Scots Pastourelles

by Sarah Baechle, Carissa M. Harris and Elizaveta Strakhov

Centering on the difficult and important subject of medieval rape culture, this book brings Middle English and Scots texts into conversation with contemporary discourses on sexual assault and the #MeToo movement. The book explores the topic in the late medieval lyric genre known as the pastourelle and in related literary works, including chivalric romance, devotional lyric, saints’ lives, and the works of major authors such as Margery Kempe and William Dunbar. By engaging issues that are important to feminist activism today—the gray areas of sexual consent, the enduring myth of false rape allegations, and the emancipatory potential of writing about survival—this volume demonstrates how the radical terms of the pastourelle might reshape our own thinking about consent, agency, and survivors’ speech and help uncover cultural scripts for talking about sexual violence today.In addition to embodying the possibilities of medievalist feminist criticism after #MeToo, Rape Culture and Female Resistance in Late Medieval Literature includes an edition of sixteen Middle English and Middle Scots pastourelles. The poems are presented in a critical framework specifically tailored to the undergraduate classroom.Along with the editors, the contributors to this volume include Lucy M. Allen-Goss, Suzanne M. Edwards, Mary C. Flannery, Katharine W. Jager, Scott David Miller, Elizabeth Robertson, Courtney E. Rydel, and Amy N. Vines.

Language Policy Processes and Consequences

by Sarah Catherine K. Moore

This book accessibly and comprehensively outlines the highly complex case of the English-only movement and educational language policy in Arizona. It ranges from early Proposition 203 implementation to an investigation of what Structured English Immersion (SEI) policy looks like in today's classrooms, and concludes with a discussion on what the various cases mean for the education of English learners in the state.

Handbook of Heritage, Community, and Native American Languages in the United States: Research, Policy, and Educational Practice

by Sarah Catherine K. Moore Donna Christian Joy Kreeft Peyton Terrence G. Wiley Na Liu

Co-published by the Center for Applied Linguistics Timely and comprehensive, this state-of-the-art overview of major issues related to heritage, community, and Native American languages in the United States, based on the work of noted authorities, draws from a variety of perspectives—the speakers; use of the languages in the home, community, and wider society; patterns of acquisition, retention, loss, and revitalization of the languages; and specific education efforts devoted to developing stronger connections with and proficiency in them. Contributions on language use, programs and instruction, and policy focus on issues that are applicable to many heritage language contexts. Offering a foundational perspective for serious students of heritage, community, and Native American languages as they are learned in the classroom, transmitted across generations in families, and used in communities, the volume provides background on the history and current status of many languages in the linguistic mosaic of U.S. society and stresses the importance of drawing on these languages as societal, community, and individual resources, while also noting their strategic importance within the context of globalization.

The Politics of Form

by Sarah Copland and Greta Olson

This volume enacts a project we term ‘a politics of form’, working to politicise the formal analysis of narrative in novels, life narratives, documentaries, dramas, short prose works and multimodal texts while retaining the form specificity that is distinctive of narratology. The introduction offers an overview of how to perform narrative analysis in conjunction with ideological critique, while the chapters unite the formal analysis of texts with readings that uncover how structures of social power are expressed in, as well as challenged by, aesthetic forms. The contributors address the need to develop sustained political analysis of aesthetic and narrative forms, and they articulate methods for performing such analysis while reflecting on the politics of the work they undertake. By establishing criteria to describe the politicised use of narrative forms, and by historicising narratological concepts, the volume bridges theoretical gaps between narratology, critical theory and cultural analysis, resulting in the refinement of existing narratological models. This book was originally published as a special issue of the European Journal of English Studies.

Online Communication in a Second Language

by Sarah E. Pasfield-Neofitou

Online Communication in a Second Language examines the use of social computer mediated communication (CMC) with speakers of Japanese via longitudinal case studies of up to four years. Through the analysis of over 2000 blogs, emails, videos, messages, games, and websites, in addition to interviews with learners and their online contacts, the book explores language use and acquisition via contextual resources, repair, and peer feedback. The book provides insight into relationships online, and the influence of perceived 'ownership' of online spaces by specific cultural or linguistic groups. It not only increases our understanding of online interaction in a second language, but CMC in general. Based on empirical evidence, the study challenges traditional categorisations of CMC mediums, and provides important insights relating to turn-taking, code-switching, and language management online.

Harry Potter and the Other: Race, Justice, and Difference in the Wizarding World (Children's Literature Association Series)

by Sarah Park Dahlen and Ebony Elizabeth Thomas

Named a 2023 Honour Book by the International Research Society for Children's LiteratureContributions by Christina M. Chica, Kathryn Coto, Sarah Park Dahlen, Preethi Gorecki, Tolonda Henderson, Marcia Hernandez, Jackie C. Horne, Susan E. Howard, Peter C. Kunze, Florence Maätita, Sridevi Rao, Kallie Schell, Jennifer Patrice Sims, Paul Spickard, Lily Anne Welty Tamai, Ebony Elizabeth Thomas, Jasmine Wade, Karin E. Westman, and Charles D. Wilson Race matters in the fictional Wizarding World of the Harry Potter series as much as it does in the real world. As J. K. Rowling continues to reveal details about the world she created, a growing number of fans, scholars, readers, and publics are conflicted and concerned about how the original Wizarding World—quintessentially white and British—depicts diverse and multicultural identities, social subjectivities, and communities. Harry Potter and the Other: Race, Justice, and Difference in the Wizarding World is a timely anthology that examines, interrogates, and critiques representations of race and difference across various Harry Potter media, including books, films, and official websites, as well as online forums and the classroom. As the contributors to this volume demonstrate, a deeper reading of the series reveals multiple ruptures in popular understandings of the liberatory potential of the Potter series. Young people who are progressive, liberal, and empowered to question authority may have believed they were reading something radical as children and young teens, but increasingly they have raised alarms about the series’ depiction of peoples of color, cultural appropriation in worldbuilding, and the author’s antitrans statements in the media. Included essays examine the failed wizarding justice system, the counterproductive portrayal of Nagini as an Asian woman, the liberation of Dobby the elf, and more, adding meaningful contributions to existing scholarship on the Harry Potter series. As we approach the twenty-fifth anniversary of the publication of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, Harry Potter and the Other provides a smorgasbord of insights into the way that race and difference have shaped this story, its world, its author, and the generations who have come of age during the era of the Wizarding World.

Little Eurekas

by Robyn Sarah

A reader-friendly miscellany of essays, appreciations, reviews, and conversations, published in newspapers and literary magazines over the past ten years, these are pieces that will resonate equally with the lay poetry lover and the specialist. This collection explores all aspects of a life in poetry: reading it, writing it, teaching it, editing it, publishing it, reviewing it.

La balsa de piedra

by José Saramago

Una grieta abierta espontáneamente a lo largo de los Pirineos provoca la separación física de la península ibérica, que se aleja de Europa flotando en el Atlántico. La balsa de piedra es, en palabras del propio autor «una novela profundamente ibérica», relativa a «Portugal y al conjunto de los pueblos españoles, que siento que comparten una cultura común, una cultura que no es rigurosamente europea: es otro mundo, un mundo con un carácter tan fuerte, tan propio, que los pueblos de la Península deberían hacer un gran esfuerzo de entendimiento mutuo para resistir a las presiones de la cultura europea, que no es sino la cultura de los tres países dominantes, Francia, Alemania e Inglaterra.» La maestría expresiva de José Saramago sirve aquí a un audaz planteamiento narrativo que, en la mejor tradición de Swift o de H.G. Wells, apunta al centro mismo de una verdadera «cuestión palpitante»: las relaciones de los pueblos ibéricos con Europa.

De este mundo y del otro / Las maletas del viajero

by José Saramago

Un volumen que reúne dos libros de artículos de José Saramago, escritos entre 1968 y 1972 para el diario A Capital y el semanario Jornal do Fundão. Los dos libros agrupados en este volumen contienen artículos escritos con un lenguaje claro y directo, en los que se conjuga la reflexión, la observación y la crítica de temas muy diversos. De este mundo y del otro es una serie de crónicas breves acerca de la vida cotidiana y sus misterios. En Las maletas del viajero, Saramago habla de su niñez, su familia, sus vivencias y los engaños de la política, así como de la vida de las ciudades, el arte y los museos. En los dos casos, su prosa demuestra un fino humor y una ironía que invita a su lectura. El conjunto nos permite entrever a un escritor directo y cercano, que parece dialogar con sus lectores de viva voz.

La estatua y la piedra

by José Saramago

Flash recupera este ensayo para celebrar el centenario de José Saramago, un texto sobre el oficio de escribir narrado por el Nobel de Literatura. «Saramago vuelve comprensible una realidad huidiza, con parábolas sostenidas por la imaginación, la compasión y la ironía». Comité Nobel «Con alguna sorpresa por parte de quien me escucha, desde hace cierto tiempo vengo diciendo que cada vez me interesa menos hablar de literatura». A partir de esta frase arranca La estatua y la piedra, una retrospectiva de José Saramago hacia su trayectoria como escritor. En este texto, que revisa el propósito y el impacto de sus obras, el Nobel de Literatura traslada al lector las cuestiones que le han acompañado a lo largo de su carrera. Catalogado en ocasiones como «novelista histórico», Saramago reflexiona sobre esta etiqueta a través de los títulos que marcaron su vida, entre los que se encuentran los imprescindibles Manual de pintura y caligrafía, Memorial del convento, El evangelio según Jesucristo o Ensayo sobre la ceguera. Este recuento biográfico sirve de trampolín hacia otras preguntas sobre el oficio de escribir: ¿cuánto tiempo debe transcurrir para que un hecho se considere histórico? ¿Escriben los autores pensando en la posteridad? ¿Cómo son retratadas las mujeres en sus obras? El autor, incapaz de huir de su pasión por la literatura, pero consciente de la condición inefable de cualquier arte, hilvana las respuestas a estas cuestiones con la trama y el contexto de sus obras. En su habitual discurso comprometido y mordaz, este ensayo le recordará al lector por qué es uno de los mejores escritores del siglo XX. Sobre el autor: «Saramago vuelve comprensible una realidad huidiza, con parábolas sostenidas por la imaginación, la compasión y la ironía». Comité Nobel «Un hombre con una sensibilidad y una capacidad de ver y de entender que están muy por encima de lo que en general vemos y entendemos los comunes mortales». Héctor Abad Faciolince «Saramago es un ejemplo, un estilo dignísimo de vida y literatura, que demuestra la posibilidad de navegar a contracorriente [...]. Su palabra tiene el valor de un anticongelante, de un remedio personal contra los vendavales de cinismo que nos envuelven». Luis García Montero «Yo no sé, ni quiero saberlo, de dónde ha sacado Saramago ese diabólico tono narrativo, duro y piadoso a un tiempo, [...] que le permite contar tan cerca del corazón y a la vez tan cerca de la historia». Luis Landero «Saramago escribe novelas sobre los mitos para desmitificarlos, [...] siempre para abordar la realidad que le rodea, para tratar de los problemas actuales que son de todos, y para que todo quede claro desde el principio». Rafael Conte, Babelia «Como Günter Grass o Cees Nooteboom, Saramago aspira a enlazar con un público que desborde límites nacionales». El País

Discourse and Social Life

by Srikant Sarangi Malcolm Coulthard

This collection brings together for the first time in a single volume many of the major figures in contemporary discourse studies. Each chapter is an original contribution which has been specifically commissioned for this book, and together they document the wide range of concerns and techniques which characterise the discipline at the turn of the century.Discourse and Social Life is concerned with a variety of different types of data - talk, text and interaction - and covers research sites which range from the home setting through the health care setting and the courtroom to the public sphere. The book not only provides a critical, historical overview of different traditions of discourse analysis, but also projects to some extent the possible developments of this field of study, as other allied disciplines (Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology, Rhetoric and Communication Studies) are taking a discursive turn. Readers are invited to draw parallels between these different approaches to studying discourse in its social context. The contributors are- Sally Candlin, Malcolm Coulthard, Justine Coupland, Nikolas Coupland, Norman Fairclough, Ruqaiya Hasan, Robert Kaplan, Geoff Leech, Yon Maley, Greg Myers, Celia Roberts, Srikant Sarangi, Ron Scollon, Theo van Leeuwen, Henry Widdowson and Ruth Wodak.

Language, Bureaucracy and Social Control (Real Language Series)

by Srikant Sarangi Stefan Slembrouck

Language, Bureaucracy and Social Control explores the varying inter-relationships between language, forms of bureaucratic organisation and social control. The text provides a detailed examination of the discursive dimensions of some of the key techniques of modern power: the 'productive' surveillance practices of administrative and public service institutions. Special attention is paid to recent developments within the state domain and the private economy such as the introduction of consumerism and promotional practices in welfare institutions, and the spread of bureaucratisation in contexts such as banking and education.

God and Nature in the Thought of Margaret Cavendish

by Lisa T. Sarasohn Brandie R. Siegfried

Only recently have scholars begun to note Margaret Cavendish’s references to 'God,' 'spirits,' and the 'rational soul,' and little has been published in this regard. This volume addresses that scarcity by taking up the theological threads woven into Cavendish’s ideas about nature, matter, magic, governance, and social relations, with special attention given to Cavendish’s literary and philosophical works. Reflecting the lively state of Cavendish studies, God and Nature in the Thought of Margaret Cavendish allows for disagreements among the contributing authors, whose readings of Cavendish sometimes vary in significant ways; and it encourages further exploration of the theological elements evident in her literary and philosophical works. Despite the diversity of thought developed here, several significant points of convergence establish a foundation for future work on Cavendish’s vision of nature, philosophy, and God. The chapters collected here enhance our understanding of the intriguing-and sometimes brilliant-contributions Cavendish made to debates about God’s place in the scientific cosmos.

Theoretical and Practical Developments in English Speech Assessment, Research, and Training: Studies in Honour of Ewa Waniek-Klimczak (Second Language Learning and Teaching)

by Veronica G. Sardegna Anna Jarosz

This edited book presents and discusses theoretical, practical, and research developments in English pronunciation in order to establish evidence-based directions and recommendations for best practices in English speech assessment, research, and training. It features leading pronunciation experts from diverse contexts who share cutting-edge research and valuable insights. The collection consists of six parts. Part 1 introduces the aims, focus, and structure of the book, and describes its intended audience. Part 2 reviews, provides empirical evidence, and offers critical analyses guiding different aspects of English speech assessment. Parts 3 and 4 report empirical findings and research perspectives on the perception and production of English speech. Part 5 shares current practices in phonetic training and their effect on learners and listeners. Part 6 presents theoretical perspectives on the acquisition of phonology in multilinguals.

The Description of Egypt from Napoleon to Champollion (War, Culture and Society, 1750–1850)

by Tamar Sarfatti

This book is the first study in English of the multi-volume set of texts and engravings of the Description of Egypt, a work produced following the three-year-long Egyptian campaign led by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1798. The book challenges the conventional and rather reductive interpretation of the Description that followed Edward Said's Orientalism, as a summation of an orientalist colonial project. It re-centres the Description in the much more complex and dynamic political and intellectual world of France of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century and its colonial aspirations. It follows closely the notes, texts, and illustrations of the contributors to the work, the majority of whom were graduates of the first years of the Polytechnic school in Paris, and the well-documented editing process that continued for almost thirty years, in which France moved from Revolution to Empire and Restoration. It shows the ways in which scholarly traditions and newly acquired skills interplay with Enlightenment texts, contemporary politics, and received ideas about antiquity, and how these were reinterpreted and modified – in texts and illustrations – through the encounter with the physical and social worlds of Ottoman Egypt. Using the rich repository of the Description of Egypt the book demonstrates the contribution of antiquarian methods of research to the emerging disciplines of the social sciences.

Screen Hustles, Grifts and Stings: Stings, Grifts, Hustles and the Long Con

by A. Sargeant

Screen Hustles, Grifts and Stings identifies recurrent themes and techniques of the con film, suggests precedents in literature and discusses the perennial appeal of the con man for readers and viewers alike. Core studies span from film (Catch Me If You Can, Paper Moon, House of Games) to television (Hustle), from Noir (The Grifters) to Romantic Comedy (Gambit). Frequently, the execution of the con is only finely distinguishable from the conduct of a legitimate profession and, challengingly, a mark is often shown to be culpable in his or her undoing. The best con films, it is suggested, invite re-watching and reward the viewer accordingly: who is complicit and when? How and where is the con achieved? When is the viewer party to the con? And what, if any, moral is to be drawn?

Mourning the Nation: Indian Cinema in the Wake of Partition

by Bhaskar Sarkar

What remains of the "national" when the nation unravels at the birth of the independent state? The political truncation of India at the end of British colonial rule in 1947 led to a social cataclysm in which roughly one million people died and ten to twelve million were displaced. Combining film studies, trauma theory, and South Asian cultural history, Bhaskar Sarkar follows the shifting traces of this event in Indian cinema over the next six decades. He argues that Partition remains a wound in the collective psyche of South Asia and that its representation on screen enables forms of historical engagement that are largely opaque to standard historiography. Sarkar tracks the initial reticence to engage with the trauma of 1947 and the subsequent emergence of a strong Partition discourse, revealing both the silence and the eventual "return of the repressed" as strands of one complex process. Connecting the relative silence of the early decades after Partition to a project of postcolonial nation-building and to trauma's disjunctive temporal structure, Sarkar develops an allegorical reading of the silence as a form of mourning. He relates the proliferation of explicit Partition narratives in films made since the mid-1980s to disillusionment with post-independence achievements, and he discusses how current cinematic memorializations of 1947 are influenced by economic liberalization and the rise of a Hindu-chauvinist nationalism. Traversing Hindi and Bengali commercial cinema, art cinema, and television, Sarkar provides a history of Indian cinema that interrogates the national (a central category organizing cinema studies) and participates in a wider process of mourning the modernist promises of the nation form.

Possible Knowledge: The Literary Forms of Early Modern Science

by Debapriya Sarkar

The Renaissance, scholars have long argued, was a period beset by the loss of philosophical certainty. In Possible Knowledge, Debapriya Sarkar argues for the pivotal role of literature—what early moderns termed poesie—in the dynamic intellectual culture of this era of profound incertitude. Revealing how problems of epistemology are inextricable from questions of literary form, Sarkar offers a defense of poiesis, or literary making, as a vital philosophical endeavor.Working across a range of genres, Sarkar theorizes “possible knowledge” as an intellectual paradigm crafted in and through literary form. Sixteenth- and seventeenth-century writers such as Spenser, Bacon, Shakespeare, Cavendish, and Milton marshalled the capacious concept of the “possible,” defined by Philip Sidney as what “may be and should be,” to construct new theories of physical and metaphysical reality. These early modern thinkers mobilized the imaginative habits of thought constitutive to major genres of literary writing—including epic, tragedy, romance, lyric, and utopia—in order to produce knowledge divorced from historical truth and empirical fact by envisioning states of being untethered from “nature” or reality.Approaching imaginative modes such as hypothesis, conjecture, prediction, and counterfactuals as instruments of possible knowledge, Sarkar exposes how the speculative allure of the “possible” lurks within scientific experiment, induction, and theories of probability. In showing how early modern literary writing sought to grapple with the challenge of forging knowledge in an uncertain, perhaps even incomprehensible world, Possible Knowledge also highlights its most audacious intellectual ambition: its claim that while natural philosophy, or what we today term science, might explain the physical world, literature could remake reality. Enacting a history of ideas that centers literary studies, Possible Knowledge suggests that what we have termed a history of science might ultimately be a history of the imagination.

Partition Literature and Cinema: A Critical Introduction

by Jaydip Sarkar

This book studies literary and cinematic representations of the Partition of India. It discusses Partition as not just an immediate historical catastrophe but as a lingering cultural presence and consequently a potent trope in literary and visual representations. The volume features essays on key texts – written and visual – including Train to Pakistan, "Toba Tek Singh", Basti, Garm Hava, Pinjar, among others. Partition Literature and Cinema will be indispensable introductory reading for students and researchers of modern Indian history, Partition studies, literature, film studies, media and cultural studies, popular culture and performance, postcolonial studies, and South Asian studies. It will also be of interest to enthusiasts of Indian cinematic history.

Cosmos And Character In Paradise Lost

by Malabika Sarkar

This book offers a fresh contextual reading of Paradise Lost that suggests that a recovery of the vital intellectual ferment of the new science, magic, and alchemy of the seventeenth century reveals new and unexpected aspects of Milton's cosmos and chaos, and the characters of the angels and Adam and Eve. After examining the contextual references to cabalism, hermeticism, and science in the invocations and in the presentation of chaos and Night, the book focuses on the central stage of the epic action, Milton's unique cosmos, at once finite and infinite, with its re-orientation of compass points. While Milton relies on the new astronomy, optics and mechanics in configuring his cosmos, he draws upon alchemy to suggest that the imagined prelapsarian cosmos is the crucible within which vital re-orientations of authority could have taken place.

Information and Communications Technology in Primary School Education

by Subrata Sarkar Sanjay Mohapatra J. Sundarakrishnan

The main focus of this monograph is to discuss the role of technology in education in emerging markets considering that many countries have attempted to reform their educational systems using large scale interventions in the last two decades. Educational change can be prompted by two exact opposites in two different settings; for example, Western countries are faced with the problem of falling enrollments whereas developing countries have to adjust to rapid acceleration in enrollments. Based on the need to bring about change, these reforms subscribe to a large diversity including attempts at restructuring school systems, curriculum revisions, pedagogical change, technological change, assessment- related changes, work condition changes, and so on. Although there have been reforms in schools over the last century, they have been only first order classroom reforms; a 'deep-seated continuity' still persists in both schooling and teaching. Educational reforms are therefore plagued with different kinds of problems: the problem of successful initial change taking place, the problem of replicating successful change in varying contexts, and the problem of institutionalization or durability of the change. Readers will also discover that American India Foundation, having worked in the educational sphere for more than a decade, intends to transform the school ecosystem through its 'Digital Equalizer' Program (DE). The program strives to foster an environment of collaborative learning by effectively empowering teachers to use technology as a pedagogic tool leading to better learning outcomes among students of under-resourced schools across India. The author sheds new light on how the DE program is affecting change in the state of Odisha's education system and the adoption of new pedagogic teaching techniques.

You Need Your Nose: Learning the N Sound (PowerPhonics)

by Kevin Sarkisian

This book teaches facts while incorporating the fundamentals of phonemic patterns and usage

Angelic Echoes: Hervé Guibert and Company

by Ralph Sarkonak

In 1990 Hervé Guibert gained wide recognition and notoriety with the publication of "À l'ami qui ne m'a pas sauvé la vie (To the Friend Who Did Not Save My Life)". This novel, one of the most famous AIDS fictions in French or any language, recounts the battle of the first-person narrator not only with AIDS but also with the medical establishment on both sides of the Atlantic. Photography critic for Le Monde from 1977-1985, Guibert was also the co-author (with Patrice Chéreau) of a film script, L'Homme Blessé, which won a César in 1984, and author of more than twenty-five books, eight of which have been translated into English. In this vibrant and unusual study, Ralph Sarkonak examines many intriguing aspects of Guibert's life and production: the connection between his books and his photography, his complex relationship with Roland Barthes and with his friend and mentor Michel Foucault (relationships that were at once literary, intellectual, and personal in each case); the ties between his writing and that of his contemporaries, including Renaud Camus, France's most prolific gay writer; and his development of an AIDS aesthetic. Using close textual analysis, Sarkonak tracks the convolutions of Guibert's particular form of life-writing, in which fact and fiction are woven into a corpus that evolves from and revolves around his preoccupations, obsessions, and relationships, including his problematic relationship with his own body, both before and after his HIV-positive diagnosis. Guibert's work is a brilliant example of the emphasis on disclosure that marks recent queer writing – in contrast to the denial and cryptic allusion that characterized much of the work by gay writers of previous generations. Yet, as Sarkonak concludes, Guibert treats the notions of falsehood and truth with a postmodern hand: as overlapping constructs rather than mutually exclusive ones – or, to use Foucault's expression, as "games with truth."

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