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Connecting Content and Academic Language for English Learners and Struggling Students, Grades 2–6

by Ruth Swinney Patricia Velasco

Create unit plans that will empower your EL students Award-winning teacher Ruth Swinney and Harvard graduate Patricia Velasco focus on the careful planning needed to develop the academic language of all students. For English learners especially, it is critically important to integrate language development with content. What makes this book unlike any other is the detailed guidance it provides in: Encouraging verbal expression in the classroom Planning units that link language with content Using shared reading and writing, read alouds, and conversation

Read and Respond: A Text/Anthology (Fourth Edition)

by Janet R. Swinton William J. Agopsowicz

Read and Respond gives the students a step-by-step method to improve their skills in reading, summarizing, and responding in writing.

All Roads Lead to the American City

by Peter Swirski

All Roads Lead to the American City provides an original view of the urban culture in America seen through its irrevocable ties with the cities and roads. Examining the history, cinema, literature, cultural myths and social geography of the United States

American Crime Fiction: A Cultural History of Nobrow Literature as Art

by Peter Swirski

Peter Swirski looks at American crime fiction as an artform that expresses and reflects the social and aesthetic values of its authors and readers. As such he documents the manifold ways in which such authorship and readership are a matter of informed literary choice and not of cultural brainwashing or declining literary standards. Asking, in effect, a series of questions about the nature of genre fiction as art, successive chapters look at American crime writers whose careers throw light on the hazards and rewards of nobrow traffic between popular forms and highbrow aesthetics: Dashiell Hammett, John Grisham, William Faulkner, Ernest Hemingway, Raymond Chandler, Ed McBain, Nelson DeMille, and F. Scott Fitzgerald.

American Political Fictions

by Peter Swirski

American Political Fictions rewrites the book on American political art in a myth-busting study that ranges from historical 'faction' and apocalyptic thrillers to satirical fiction, rap poetry, TV'sThe West Wing, and not least the make-believe that streams out of the White House. It critically, not to say skeptically, sieves out historical facts from a sea of partisan and bipartisan disinformation in order to forge a more accurate picture of contemporary American culture and, through it, of America itself. In the process, it elucidates the ideological underpinnings, cultural manifestations, and democratic essence of contemporary political art - and of the partisan politics on which it feeds.

American Utopia: Literature, Society, and the Human Use of Human Beings

by Peter Swirski

From Black Tuesday to the White House, from Plato to Robert Nozick, from Eugene Debs to Richard Nixon, from Peter Cornelis Plockhoy to the hippie communes of the Sixties, from universal basic income to utopian basic income, from proverbial wisdom to multilevel selection, from Big Data to paleomorality, from Prisoner’s Dilemma to social-engineering Israeli kindergartens, from time travel to gene engineering, from the pretzel logic of meritocracy to deaggressing humanity, American Utopia maps the pitfalls and windfalls of social reform in the name of the human use of human beings. Interrogating the assumptions behind four outré utopias by Thomas M. Disch, Bernard Malamud, Kurt Vonnegut, and Margaret Atwood, the book interrogates the assumptions that have historically been central to the utopian project. Whence the seeds of social discontent? Whence our taste for egoism and altruism? For waging war and waging peace? Can we bioengineer human nature to specifications? Should we? Who makes better guardians: humans or machines? And who will guard the guardians?

American Utopia and Social Engineering in Literature, Social Thought, and Political History (Routledge Transnational Perspectives on American Literature)

by Peter Swirski

The United States today is afflicted with political alienation, militarized violence, institutionalized poverty, and social agony. Worst of all, perhaps, it is afflicted with chronic and acute ahistoricism. America insist on ignoring the context of its present dilemmas. It insists on forgetting what preceded the headlines of today and on denying continuity with history. It insists, in short, on its exceptionalism. American Utopia and Social Engineering sets out to correct this amnesia. It misses no opportunity to flesh out both the historical premises and the political promises behind the social policies and political events of the period. These interdisciplinary concerns provide, in turn, the framework for the analyses of works of American literature that mirror their times and mores. Novels considered include: B.F. Skinner and Walden Two (1948), easily the most scandalous utopia of the century, if not of all times; Ken Kesey’s One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1962), an anatomy of political disfranchisement American-style; Bernard Malamud’s God’s Grace (1982), a neo-Darwinian beast fable about morality in the thermonuclear age; Walker Percy’s The Thanatos Syndrome (1986), a diagnostic novel about engineering violence out of America’s streets and minds; and Philip Roth’s The Plot Against America (2004), an alternative history of homegrown ‘soft’ fascism. With the help of the five novels and the social models outlined therein, Peter Swirski interrogates key aspects of sociobiology and behavioural psychology, voting and referenda procedures, morality and altruism, multilevel selection and proverbial wisdom, violence and chip-implant technology, and the adaptive role of emotions in our private and public lives.

The Art and Science of Stanislaw Lem

by Peter Swirski

Rather than analyzing Lem solely as a science fiction writer, the contributors examine the larger themes in his work, such as social engineering and human violence, agency and consciousness, Freudianism and the creative process, evolution and the philosophy of the future, virtual reality and epistemological illusion, and science fiction and socio-cultural policy.

The Art and Science of Stanislaw Lem

by Peter Swirski

The Polish science fiction writer Stanislaw Lem, whose works include Return from the Stars, The Cyberiad, A Perfect Vacuum, and Solaris, has been hailed as a "literary Einstein" and a science-fiction Bach. The Art and Science of Stanislaw Lem provides an inter-disciplinary analysis of his influence on Western culture and the creative partnering of art and science in his fiction and futorology by American and European scholars who have defined Lem scholarship. Rather than analyzing Lem solely as a science fiction writer, the contributors examine the larger themes in his work, such as social engineering and human violence, agency and consciousness, Freudianism and the creative process, evolution and the philosophy of the future, virtual reality and epistemological illusion, and science fiction and socio-cultural policy. This unique collection also includes "Smart Robots," a previously unpublished essay by Lem. Contributors include Peter Butko (Southern Mississippi), Istvan Csicsery-Ronay Jr (DePauw), Katherine Hayles (California at Los Angeles), Jerzy Jarzebski (Jagiellonian, University Cracow), Michael Kandel (Modern Language Association), Stanislaw Lem, Paisley Livingston (Lingnan University, Hong Kong), Krzysztof Loska (Jagiellonian University), and Peter Swirski (Hong Kong).

From Literature to Biterature

by Peter Swirski

From Literature to Biterature is based on the premise that in the foreseeable future computers will become capable of creating works of literature. Among hundreds of other questions, it considers: Under which conditions would machines become capable of creative writing? Given that computer evolution will exceed the pace of natural evolution a million-fold, what will such a state of affairs entail in terms of art, culture, social life, and even nonhuman rights? Drawing a map of impending literary, cultural, social, and technological revolutions, Peter Swirski boldly assumes that computers will leap from mere syntax-driven processing to semantically rich understanding. He argues that acknowledging biterature as a species of literature will involve adopting the same range of attitudes to computer authors (computhors) as to human ones and that it will be necessary to approach them as agents with internal states and creative intentions. Ranging from the metafiction of Stanislaw Lem to the "Turing test" (familiar to scientists working in Artificial Intelligence and the philosophers of mind) to the evolutionary trends of culture and machines, Swirski's scenarios lay the groundwork for a new area of study on the cusp of literary futurology, evolutionary cognition, and philosophy of the future.

From Literature to Biterature: Lem, Turing, Darwin, and Explorations in Computer Literature, Philosophy of Mind, and Cultural Evolution

by Peter Swirski

From Literature to Biterature is based on the premise that in the foreseeable future computers will become capable of creating works of literature. Among hundreds of other questions, it considers: Under which conditions would machines become capable of creative writing? Given that computer evolution will exceed the pace of natural evolution a million-fold, what will such a state of affairs entail in terms of art, culture, social life, and even nonhuman rights? Drawing a map of impending literary, cultural, social, and technological revolutions, Peter Swirski boldly assumes that computers will leap from mere syntax-driven processing to semantically rich understanding. He argues that acknowledging biterature as a species of literature will involve adopting the same range of attitudes to computer authors (computhors) as to human ones and that it will be necessary to approach them as agents with internal states and creative intentions. Ranging from the metafiction of Stanislaw Lem to the "Turing test" (familiar to scientists working in Artificial Intelligence and the philosophers of mind) to the evolutionary trends of culture and machines, Swirski's scenarios lay the groundwork for a new area of study on the cusp of literary futurology, evolutionary cognition, and philosophy of the future.

Literature, Analytically Speaking: Explorations in the Theory of Interpretation, Analytic Aesthetics, and Evolution

by Peter Swirski

In a new approach to interdisciplinary literary theory, Literature, Analytically Speaking integrates literary studies with analytic aesthetics, girded by neo-Darwinian evolution. Scrutinizing narrative fiction through a lens provided by analytic philosophy, revered literary theorist Peter Swirski puts new life into literary theory while fashioning a set of practical guidelines for critics in the interpretive trenches. Dismissing critical inquirers who deny intention its key role in the study of literary reception, Swirski extends the defence of intentionality to art and to human behaviour in general. In the process, Swirski takes stock of the recent work in evolutionary theory, arguing that the analysis of narrative truth may be grounded in the neo-Darwinian paradigm which forms the empirical backbone behind his analytic approach. Literature, Analytically Speaking provides a series of revolutionary precepts designed to capture the ways in which we do interpret (and ought to interpret) works of literature. Reflecting a resounding shift from the poststructuralist paradigm, Swirski's lively and colourful presentation, backed up by a dazzling variety of examples and case studies, re-conceptualizes the aesthetics of literature and literary studies.

Of Literature and Knowledge: Explorations in Narrative Thought Experiments, Evolution and Game Theory

by Peter Swirski

"Of Literature and Knowledge looks ... like an important advance in this new and very important subject... literature is about to become even more interesting." – Edward O. Wilson, Pellegrino University Professor, Harvard University. Framed by the theory of evolution, this colourful and engaging volume presents a new understanding of the mechanisms by which we transfer information from narrative make-believe to real life. Ranging across game theory and philosophy of science, as well as poetics and aesthetics, Peter Swirski explains how literary fictions perform as a systematic tool of enquiry, driven by thought experiments. Crucially, he argues for a continuum between the cognitive tools employed by scientists, philosophers and scholars or writers of fiction. The result is a provocative study of our talent and propensity for creating imaginary worlds, different from the world we know yet invaluable to our understanding of it. Of Literature and Knowledge is a noteworthy challenge to contemporary critical theory, arguing that by bridging the gap between literature and science we might not only reinvigorate literary studies but, above all, further our understanding of literature.

Air & Light & Time & Space: How Successful Academics Write

by Helen Sword

From the author of Stylish Academic Writing comes an essential new guide for writers aspiring to become more productive and take greater pleasure in their craft. Helen Sword interviewed 100 academics worldwide about their writing background and practices and shows how they find or create the conditions to get their writing done.

Stylish Academic Writing

by Helen Sword

Elegant data and ideas deserve elegant expression, argues Helen Sword in this lively guide to academic writing. For scholars frustrated with disciplinary conventions, and for specialists who want to write for a larger audience but are unsure where to begin, here are imaginative, practical, witty pointers that show how to make articles and books a pleasure to read—and to write.Dispelling the myth that you cannot get published without writing wordy, impersonal prose, Sword shows how much journal editors and readers welcome work that avoids excessive jargon and abstraction. Sword’s analysis of more than a thousand peer-reviewed articles across a wide range of fields documents a startling gap between how academics typically describe good writing and the turgid prose they regularly produce.Stylish Academic Writing showcases a range of scholars from the sciences, humanities, and social sciences who write with vividness and panache. Individual chapters take up specific elements of style, such as titles and headings, chapter openings, and structure, and close with examples of transferable techniques that any writer can master.

The Writer's Diet: A Guide to Fit Prose (Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing, and Publishing)

by Helen Sword

Do your sentences sag? Could your paragraphs use a pick-me-up? If so, The Writer's Diet is for you! It's a short, sharp introduction to great writing that will help you energize your prose and boost your verbal fitness. Helen Sword dispenses with excessive explanations and overwrought analysis. Instead, she offers an easy-to-follow set of writing principles: use active verbs whenever possible; favor concrete language over vague abstractions; avoid long strings of prepositional phrases; employ adjectives and adverbs only when they contribute something new to the meaning of a sentence; and reduce your dependence on four pernicious "waste words": it, this, that, and there. Sword then shows the rules in action through examples from William Shakespeare, Emily Dickinson, Martin Luther King Jr. , John McPhee, A. S. Byatt, Richard Dawkins, Alison Gopnik, and many more. A writing fitness test encourages you to assess your own writing and get immediate advice on addressing problem areas. While The Writer's Diet is as sleek and concise as the writing ideals contained within, this slim volume packs a powerful punch. With Sword's coaching writers of all levels can strengthen and tone their sentences with the stroke of a pen or the click of a mouse. As with any fitness routine, adhering to the rules requires energy and vigilance. The results, however, will speak for themselves.

Writing with Pleasure (Skills for Scholars)

by Helen Sword

An essential guide to cultivating joy in your professional and personal writingWriting should be a pleasurable challenge, not a painful chore. Writing with Pleasure empowers academic, professional, and creative writers to reframe their negative emotions about writing and reclaim their positive ones. By learning how to cast light on the shadows, you will soon find yourself bringing passion and pleasure to everything you write.Acclaimed international writing expert Helen Sword invites you to step into your “WriteSPACE”—a space of pleasurable writing that is socially balanced, physically engaged, aesthetically nourishing, creatively challenging, and emotionally uplifting. Sword weaves together cutting-edge findings in the sciences and social sciences with compelling narratives gathered from nearly six hundred faculty members and graduate students from across the disciplines and around the world. She provides research-based principles, hands-on strategies, and creative “pleasure prompts” designed to help you ramp up your productivity and enhance the personal rewards of your writing practice. Whether you’re writing a scholarly article, an administrative email, or a love letter, this book will inspire you to find delight in even the most mundane writing tasks and a richer, deeper pleasure in those you already enjoy.Exuberantly illustrated by prizewinning graphic memoirist Selina Tusitala Marsh, Writing with Pleasure is an indispensable resource for academics, students, professionals, and anyone for whom writing has come to feel like a burden rather than a joy.

CliffsNotes AP English Language and Composition, 4th Edition

by Barbara V. Swovelin

A new edition of the bestselling AP English Language from CliffsNotes includes introductory chapters on the different question types you'll encounter on the exam. Features four full-length practice exams with detailed answer explanations and model essay responses.

Anita and Me

by Meera Syal

This is the story of Meena the nine-year-old, daughter of the only Punjabi family in the mining village of Tollington. A vision of British childhood in the 1960s, caught between two cultures, each on the edge of enormous change is portrayed here.

Dialogue in the Language Classroom: Theory and Practice from a Classroom Discourse Analysis (Routledge Research in Language Education)

by Roehl Sybing

By providing a contemporary understanding of theories on classroom dialogue through a sociocultural lens, Sybing offers innovative ways to observe and foster more engaged interaction between teacher and student, particularly in language learning contexts. How teachers interact with students has a profound impact on learning outcomes and learner development yet remains a topic that requires more attention in language education. As research and practice in all education domains shift toward more dialogic approaches to the co-construction of knowledge, language education can also benefit from a more comprehensive approach to classroom dialogue that is relevant to interaction with language learners. This book provides a foundational understanding of theories of classroom dialogue relevant to language classroom contexts, which will guide an analysis of teacher–student interactions taken from observations of a language classroom in order to propose a framework for language classroom dialogue for theory and practice. Researchers and practitioners in language education will benefit from a comprehensive overview of discussion of and contemporary research in classroom interaction, sociocultural theory, and intercultural communication. This book offers useful guidance to scholars where such discussions are especially useful for addressing issues of native-speakerism and language ownership.

A Comprehensive and Comparative Grammar of English Creoles

by Anand Syea

A Comprehensive and Comparative Grammar of English Creoles provides a detailed, comprehensive description of the morphology, grammar, and syntax of a selected number of English creoles, including those spoken on both sides of the Atlantic and the Pacific. This book: • Focuses on a number of traditional grammatical categories to provide a comprehensive description and discussion of these languages; • Identifies not only how creoles differ from their lexifier, but also how they differ from one another; • Provides effective comparative descriptions to enable an insightful understanding of language evolution. This book will be ideal supplementary reading for students and researchers of linguistics, and will particularly appeal to those with an interest in descriptive linguistics, historical linguistics, World Englishes, contact and creole linguistics, and language policy and planning.

Complete Creative Writing Course: Your complete companion for writing creative fiction

by Chris Sykes

LEARN HOW TO WRITE CREATIVELY WITH THIS COMPREHENSIVE AND PRACTICAL COURSE.The only comprehensive Creative Writing title on the market that goes beyond introducing the basic genres to offering a complete journey along the writing path, including material on editing, redrafting and polishing a piece of work. Featuring the unique Workshop exercises to encourage readers to hone their work rather than just progressing through a number of exercises.Takes the reader from complete beginner or committed amateur to the point you've completed, edited and redrafted your work and are ready for publication.ABOUT THE SERIESThe Teach Yourself Creative Writing series helps aspiring authors tell their story. Covering a range of genres from science fiction and romantic novels, to illustrated children's books and comedy, this series is packed with advice, exercises and tips for unlocking creativity and improving your writing. And because we know how daunting the blank page can be, we set up the Just Write online community at tyjustwrite, for budding authors and successful writers to connect and share.

Complete Creative Writing Course: Teach Yourself

by Chris Sykes

The only comprehensive Creative Writing title on the market that goes beyond introducing the basic genres to offering a complete journey along the writing path, including material on editing, redrafting and polishing a piece of work. Featuring the unique Workshop exercises to encourage readers to hone their work rather than just progressing through a number of exercises. Takes the reader from complete beginner or committed amateur to the point you've completed, edited and redrafted your work and are ready for publication.

Complete Creative Writing Course: Your complete companion for writing creative fiction

by Chris Sykes

LEARN HOW TO WRITE CREATIVELY WITH THIS COMPREHENSIVE AND PRACTICAL COURSE.The only comprehensive Creative Writing title on the market that goes beyond introducing the basic genres to offering a complete journey along the writing path, including material on editing, redrafting and polishing a piece of work. Featuring the unique Workshop exercises to encourage readers to hone their work rather than just progressing through a number of exercises.Takes the reader from complete beginner or committed amateur to the point you've completed, edited and redrafted your work and are ready for publication.ABOUT THE SERIESThe Teach Yourself Creative Writing series helps aspiring authors tell their story. Covering a range of genres from science fiction and romantic novels, to illustrated children's books and comedy, this series is packed with advice, exercises and tips for unlocking creativity and improving your writing. And because we know how daunting the blank page can be, we set up the Just Write online community at tyjustwrite, for budding authors and successful writers to connect and share.

Complete Creative Writing Course: Your complete companion for writing creative fiction

by Chris Sykes

LEARN HOW TO WRITE CREATIVELY WITH THIS COMPREHENSIVE AND PRACTICAL COURSE.The only comprehensive Creative Writing title on the market that goes beyond introducing the basic genres to offering a complete journey along the writing path, including material on editing, redrafting and polishing a piece of work. Featuring the unique Workshop exercises to encourage readers to hone their work rather than just progressing through a number of exercises.Takes the reader from complete beginner or committed amateur to the point you've completed, edited and redrafted your work and are ready for publication.ABOUT THE SERIESThe Teach Yourself Creative Writing series helps aspiring authors tell their story. Covering a range of genres from science fiction and romantic novels, to illustrated children's books and comedy, this series is packed with advice, exercises and tips for unlocking creativity and improving your writing. And because we know how daunting the blank page can be, we set up the Just Write online community at tyjustwrite, for budding authors and successful writers to connect and share.

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