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Choosing The Right Pet for Ben class 1 - MIE

by Dr Pascal Nadal

"Choosing The Right Pet for Ben" is a charming children's book centered around Ben's desire for a birthday pet. Faced with Ben's imaginative choices like a protective gorilla or a fast horse, his parents gently guide him toward more feasible options like a cat, dog, or fish. Through a delightful dialogue, the book navigates Ben's initial outlandish requests, offering a glimpse into his innocent aspirations and parental guidance. It cleverly discusses various animals, their habitats, and appropriateness as pets, culminating in Ben's decision to adopt a hamster, fostering a heartwarming resolution. The book not only captivates young readers with its engaging narrative but also imparts subtle lessons about responsible pet ownership, animal habitats, and the importance of making practical choices. With its colorful illustrations, simple language, and relatable characters, this story is tailored to resonate with Grade 1 pupils, serving as a valuable educational tool in developing literacy skills and sparking curiosity about pets and their environments.

Notre Premier Pique-Nique class 1 - MIE

by Par Isabelle Louise

"Notre Premier Pique-Nique" présente une histoire captivante centrée autour d'une expérience de pique-nique pour les jeunes élèves. Lors de cette aventure, les enfants se dirigent vers un parc voisin de leur école, accompagnés de leur enseignante, Miss Dina. Installés pour le goûter, ils partagent leurs provisions et découvrent ce que chacun a apporté. Miss Dina montre ses achats, soulignant ainsi l'aspect convivial du moment. Après le goûter, les enfants sont laissés libres pour jouer. Cependant, le temps passe vite et le retour en classe est annoncé avec l'arrivée du van. Ce livre engage les élèves dans une exploration interactive du vocabulaire et des activités associées aux pique-niques, tout en incitant à partager leurs expériences personnelles. Il vise à développer leur compréhension du récit tout en suscitant leur intérêt pour les moments de partage en plein air.

En Chemin class 1 - MIE

by Par Jaymantee Lugun

Le livre "En chemin", destiné aux jeunes lecteurs, raconte l'histoire de Kevin qui rentre chez lui après l'école. Accompagné de sa mère, il observe les événements qui se déroulent le long du chemin. Ils rencontrent divers obstacles, notamment un camion en panne qui bloque la route. Malgré cela, Kevin se réjouit de retrouver son fidèle chien une fois arrivé chez lui. Ce livre géant, conçu pour stimuler la littératie chez les enfants, présente des illustrations réalistes pour aider à la compréhension du vocabulaire et encourage la participation des élèves en les engageant dans une série d'activités interactives. Tout au long de l'histoire, les moyens de transport et les expériences de Kevin sont utilisés comme points d'ancrage pour susciter la discussion et développer la compréhension linguistique des jeunes lecteurs.

Kevin S`Occupe Des Animaux class 1 - MIE

by Par Jennifer Bonne

"Kevin s'occupe des animaux" est un livre géant conçu pour faciliter l'éveil à la littératie chez les jeunes apprenants. L'histoire suit Kevin, qui, en jouant avec son chien Pixie, découvre que celui-ci s'est blessé à la patte. Avec l'aide de sa maman, il soigne le chien et apprend l'importance de prendre soin des animaux. En explorant son environnement, Kevin observe les changements chez les perruches et découvre différents animaux chez sa voisine, suscitant son désir d'avoir sa propre ferme à l'avenir, tandis qu'Ashley exprime son aspiration à devenir vétérinaire. Le livre encourage l'interaction avec les élèves en les incitant à partager leurs expériences personnelles avec les animaux, tout en visant à développer leur compréhension du vocabulaire et à stimuler leur imagination à travers des activités interactives liées au thème des soins aux animaux.

C’est la fête, les amis! class 2 - MIE

by Kaviraj. S. Peedoly

Le livre "C’est la fête, les amis!" rédigé par Kaviraj. S. Peedoly et illustré par William Rasoanaivo, est un récit captivant qui relate la joyeuse célébration de l'anniversaire d'Aaliya et de la Journée de l'Indépendance de l'île Maurice. L'histoire se déroule alors qu'Aaliya invite avec enthousiasme ses camarades de classe à se joindre à sa célébration, débutant par l'hymne national dans le jardin, en commémoration de l'indépendance du pays. Le récit capte l'excitation de couper le gâteau d'anniversaire, de recevoir des cadeaux et de savourer de délicieuses gourmandises. Conçu comme un livre géant interactif, les sessions sont structurées de manière réfléchie, encourageant les discussions pré-lecture sur les thèmes de l'indépendance et des anniversaires. Les sessions engageantes du livre permettent aux élèves d'explorer la compréhension linguistique à travers des discussions de groupe, de se remémorer des expériences personnelles liées aux thèmes, et de favoriser des activités créatives telles que le coloriage. À travers des illustrations vibrantes et une narration accessible, le livre vise à promouvoir la littératie et la compréhension culturelle parmi les jeunes apprenants à Maurice, offrant une plateforme interactive pour renforcer les compétences linguistiques tout en célébrant des événements précieux.

Mon Premier Voyage class 2 - MIE

by Kaviraj S. Peedoly

"Mon Premier Voyage," écrit par Kaviraj S. Peedoly et illustré par William Rasoanaivo, est un livre géant captivant destiné aux élèves de deuxième année à l'île Maurice. L'histoire suit Jamel alors qu'il se prépare pour son tout premier voyage en avion vers Rodrigues pour les vacances, accompagné de ses parents. La narration met en lumière les émotions de Jamel lors de son voyage aérien, mélangeant excitation et appréhension, avant de rejoindre la famille de son cousin Kenzo. Le récit explore également la découverte du jardin potager de Kenzo, offrant une immersion enrichissante dans le plaisir du jardinage. Structuré en trois sessions, le livre encourage l'interaction en classe, incitant les élèves à partager leurs expériences personnelles sur les voyages, la vie en famille à l'étranger et le jardinage. En combinant lecture, discussions et activités créatives, cet ouvrage vise à renforcer la compréhension linguistique et les compétences d'expression des jeunes apprenants, tout en élargissant leur univers par le biais de récits accessibles et engageants.

Les Saisons class 2 - MIE

by Kaviraj S. Peedoly

"Les Saisons", écrit par Kaviraj S. Peedoly et illustré par William Rasoanaivo, est une ressource éducative dynamique conçue pour les élèves de deuxième année à Maurice. Ce livre géant interactif vise à favoriser le développement de la littératie à travers des activités de classe engageantes. L'histoire suit Jamel et Aaliya alors qu'ils naviguent à travers les saisons contrastées, exprimant leurs préférences et expériences respectives. En discutant de leurs points de vue sur l'hiver et l'été, le récit suscite des discussions sur les expériences personnelles liées aux saisons parmi les élèves. Le livre encourage la participation active, incitant les élèves à partager leurs rencontres saisonnières, renforçant la compréhension à travers la narration et des exercices stimulants. Avec une approche structurée en trois sessions, ce livre favorise l'acquisition linguistique et les compétences de réflexion tout en soulignant l'importance des différentes littératies, à la fois en classe et au-delà, pour faciliter la progression scolaire fluide des jeunes apprenants à Maurice.

English Language: A Fun Learning Experience class 9 - MIE

by Mauritius Institute of Education

The Grade 9 English Textbook is aligned with the National Curriculum Framework (2016) and the English Teaching and Learning Syllabus (2017), adhering to the Nine-Year Continuous Education policy. It builds on competencies from primary levels and Grades 7-8, aiming to enhance English language proficiency. The textbook encompasses communication skills, reading comprehension with diverse text types, enjoyable reading segments, writing activities emphasizing text variation, vocabulary development, and grammar instruction for effective communication. Teaching tips are included, providing flexibility for educators. Emphasizing student autonomy, the textbook encourages pleasure reading, offers post-reading activities, and aims to enrich the learning experience for both educators and students.

Français class 9 - MIE

by Mauritius Institute of Education

Le manuel de français de 9e année, élaboré par l'Institut d'Éducation de Maurice en 2021, est une ressource complète conçue pour améliorer la maîtrise de la langue en accord avec le Cadre National du Curriculum. Les contributeurs, dont le Professeur Vassen Naëck et le Dr. Vèle Putchay, ont élaboré une approche pédagogique qui s'appuie sur les compétences fondamentales acquises en 7e et 8e année. Le manuel met l'accent sur le développement des compétences linguistiques et de communication essentielles pour une expression et une compréhension efficaces. À travers des unités dédiées à la correspondance écrite, aux textes argumentatifs et au reportage, les élèves sont guidés à travers des exercices qui favorisent un apprentissage progressif et une préparation à l'examen national de 9e année. Avec son programme structuré et son contenu captivant, le manuel constitue un outil précieux pour les élèves désireux de maîtriser la langue française et d'exceller dans leurs études.

Crónicas Negras. Desde una región que no cuenta

by Sala Negra de El Faro

Aquí están las protagonistas de la violencia; vemos sus caras, sus gestos, escuchamos sus voces, suenan los tiros y caen los muertos casi a nuestros pies... Centroamérica es una región que poco conoce la palabra paz. Tras las guerras civiles de finales del siglo pasado, sus países recibieron una oleada de deportados, muchos de ellos pandilleros que inauguraron una nueva guerra en las calles. Eso, sumado a unos Estados débiles y corruptos, un crimen organizado que ve en estos lares una suculenta plaza y unas víctimas que apenas son escuchadas compone una de las regiones más violentas del mundo, y una de las menos contadas. Los valientes reporteros de El Faro, Carlos Martínez, Roberto Valencia, Daniel Valencia Caravantes, José Luis Sanz, Óscar Martínez y Juan Martínez, llevan más de tres años inmerso en ese charco oscuro de la violencia y, nos adentran con deslumbrante intimidad en historias de horror real,contadas con toda la terrible fuerza y complejidad de la vida actual.

Phonics for Adults: Adult Phonics Reading Program

by Christopher Hintsala

Master the art of phonics and learn to pronounce English like a native with this ultimate adult learning guide. <p><p>Are you struggling to develop your English pronunciation skills? Do you want to discover how you can learn to speak like a native in a fast, efficient, and fun way? Or are you looking for an all-in-one phonics guide that’s geared towards adults? Then this book is for you! <p><p>Specially crafted with a comprehensive overview of English phonics for adults, this brilliant educational workbook combines practical, easy-to-understand lessons with a professional-quality phonics video course that’s designed to help you master your pronunciation and develop an authentic, convincing American English accent with ease. Perfect for learners of all backgrounds and skill levels, you’ll join author and phonics teacher Christopher Hintsala—founder of the popular Youtube channel Listen and Learn English—as you discover essential skills including accent training, correct pronunciation, and writing with tons of simple stories and sentences. With a breakdown of 5 levels that covers both common and challenging vowels and consonant pairs, Phonics For Adults provides you with an intuitive and step-by-step guide to rapidly increasing your confidence with English.

Chaucer for Children: A Golden Key

by H. Haweis

Illustrated with pictures and woodcuts by the authorA beautifully laid out—and perfectly accurate to the original—copy of one of the most famous books on how to teach Chaucer to children ever issued. Despite its name, this work is directed at explaining and teaching Chaucer—and is equally presentable to both youngsters and adults.This book, and its author, Mary Eliza Haweis (who wrote using her married name), are widely credited with reviving Chaucer’s poetry in the modern world.These stories from The Canterbury Tales, along with some of Chaucer’s shorter poems, were the first to be presented in their original Middle English format alongside contemporary English.

Multiliteracy and Language Arts for Multicultural Classrooms

by Howard Leslie Smith Kalpana Mukunda Iyengar

As schools receive increasing numbers of children from diverse backgrounds, teachers are challenged to offer meaningful instruction to scaffold their reading and writing development. The chapters in this volume feature asset-based approaches to literacy instruction. Readers will discover chapters informed by critical frameworks: The Community Cultural Wealth model (Yosso, 2005), the findings from the Funds of Knowledge (Moll, et al., 1992), and the contributions of Multicultural Children's Literature (Iwai, 2019) for culturally efficacious instruction and cultural preservation (Iyengar & Smith, 2016). Irrespective of content area, all educators contribute to the literacy development of all students. However, not all teachers are equally skilled in appropriate (i.e., asset-based) instructional delivery for linguistically and culturally diverse classrooms. Literacy instruction that embraces multiple perspectives should not be limited to the Language Arts curriculum. Culturally efficacious literacy practices (Flores, et al., 2018) benefit all students in all subject areas. Whether a mainstream, multilingual, bilingual, Dual Language, or ESL classroom, opportunities for literacy explorations from divergent perspectives can be embedded throughout the curriculum if the teacher actively embraces diversity.

The Author Estate Handbook: How to Organize Your Affairs and Leave a Legacy (Author Level Up #17)

by M.L. Ronn

The definitive guide to estate planning for authors—now available in audiobook and large print! If you died tomorrow, would your books survive you? It's so easy to focus on writing and marketing. You’re so busy building a writing business, but you know that if you don’t plan on what will happen after your death, everything you’re building won’t matter. Yet, you probably don’t know where to start. This book will help you get your affairs in order, understand estate planning basics, and make a plan so that you can create a legacy that will continue making money for your family long after you're gone. Get organized once and for all--quickly and painlessly Avoid the top 10 estate-ending mistakes Learn how to gather all your affairs in one place Discover key talking points to bring up with your estate planning attorney that no one else will tell you about From passwords to bank accounts to book retailer accounts, this book will hold your hand through the process of getting your ducks in a row. This book will help you get more organized and help your heirs make more money from your books. It'll give you a fighting chance at preserving the amazing legacy you're already building. V2.0

Indie Author Confidential Vol. 8: Secrets No One Will Tell You About Being a Writer (Indie Author Confidential #8)

by M.L. Ronn

The ground-breaking, behind-the-scenes look at a working writer continues with Vol. 8! Prolific writer M.L. Ronn (Michael La Ronn) shares his lessons learned on his journey to become a successful writer. You’ll discover writing, marketing, business, and other miscellaneous tips that you don’t hear every day. Covered in this volume: A mindblowing lesson Michael learned from studying Dean Koontz How Michael became supremely organized in all areas of his writing business Learning the basics of cryptocurrencies and how they will apply to authors Lessons in estate planning for authors The information in this book is what writers discuss over beers at writing conferences. You may find it useful on your journey to becoming a successful writer. It just might make you more money and help you satisfy your readers, too. Are you ready to dive into the world of Indie Author Confidential? V1.0

The Author Heir Handbook: How to Manage an Author Estate (Author Level Up #18)

by M.L. Ronn

An author has died. You're responsible for managing their estate, and it's a mess. Are you overwhelmed? Frustrated? You might be feeling that this responsibility the author gave you is more of a burden than a gift. You know that managing the author's books will make money and provide for you and the author's heirs, but you probably have no idea where to start. The Author Heir Handbook is a concise guide for heirs written in PLAIN ENGLISH that will help you understand an author's publishing business, the different components that the deceased author used to create books and income, and how to manage those components. It will save you countless hours by helping you figure out where to spend your time and effort.This book will help you: Avoid making mistakes that could cripple the estate Locate the author's manuscripts Take an inventory of all the author's works (with an easy template to save time) Determine which online accounts the author used (and how to access them) * Manage the money Get hired help when you need it (and how to avoid scams) Keep the author's books relevant for new generations Create income for you and your family, the way the author intended Managing an author estate is hard work, but this book will help simplify the process. You just might even be able to do more with the estate than the author ever could in their lifetime. Purchase your copy today, and don’t do things the hard way! V1.0

Indie Author Confidential Vol. 9: Secrets No One Will Tell You About Being a Writer (Indie Author Confidential #9)

by M.L. Ronn

The ground-breaking, behind-the-scenes look at a working writer continues with Vol. 9! Prolific writer M.L. Ronn (Michael La Ronn) shares his lessons learned on his journey to become a successful writer. You’ll discover writing, marketing, business, and other miscellaneous tips that you don’t hear every day. Covered in this volume: How Michael exploded his word counts even further with a voice recorder Michael’s thoughts around the problematic one-third mark of novels Experiments with book pricing Analyzing future trends that are surely coming to the indie author space The information in this book is what writers discuss over beers at writing conferences. You may find it useful on your journey to becoming a successful writer. It just might make you more money and help you satisfy your readers, too. Are you ready to dive into the world of Indie Author Confidential? V1.0

Indie Author Confidential Vol. 10: Secrets No One Will Tell You About Being a Writer (Indie Author Confidential #10)

by M.L. Ronn

The ground-breaking, behind-the-scenes look at a working writer continues with Vol. 10! Prolific writer M.L. Ronn (Michael La Ronn) shares his lessons learned on his journey to become a successful writer. You’ll discover writing, marketing, business, and other miscellaneous tips that you don’t hear every day. Covered in this volume: How Michael doubled his daily word counts…again What it feels like to achieve new levels of productivity and the problems that come with it Why AI audiobooks are having a watershed moment How he used Facebook ads to have his best sales month ever The information in this book is what writers discuss over beers at writing conferences. You may find it useful on your journey to becoming a successful writer. It just might make you more money and help you satisfy your readers, too. Are you ready to dive into the world of Indie Author Confidential? V1.0

Be a Writing Machine 2: Write Faster and Smarter, Beat Writer's Block, and Be Prolific (Author Level Up #19)

by M.L. Ronn

The sequel to the bestselling productivity book for writers—available in ebook, paperback, large print, and audiobook! OK, so you're ready to write faster and smarter, beat writer's block, and be prolific. Now, the real struggle begins. Since writing the first Be a Writing Machine, bestselling author and YouTuber M.L. Ronn has traveled across the world, teaching writers how to unlock new levels of creativity. Many books and many questions later, he gathered his new learnings into a sequel. He uses this advice daily to boost his word counts—and it has made him an even FASTER writer since the original Be a Writing Machine. Write 1 million words per year (or more) Discover 3 ways to write on your phone and reclaim wasted time Turbocharge your writing sessions with dictation and other cutting-edge technology Harmonize writing with your family and work Harness the power of writing quotas—the most underrated writing tool Why you should never start your writing sessions with the two sworn enemies of productivity Balance writing, business, and marketing Learn how to STOP writing sloppy Use procrastination to your advantage This book is your last obstacle to finally getting all those ideas out of your head. It will help you "die empty." Ready to capture your new prolific future with more readers, book sales, and connections? Click the buy button now to grab your copy of Be a Writing Machine 2 today! V1.0

Indie Author Confidential Vol. 11: Secrets No One Will Tell You About Being an Author (Indie Author Confidential #11)

by M.L. Ronn

The ground-breaking, behind-the-scenes look at a working writer continues with Vol. 11! Prolific writer M.L. Ronn (Michael La Ronn) shares his lessons learned on his journey to become a successful writer. You’ll discover writing, marketing, business, and other miscellaneous tips that you don’t hear every day. Covered in this volume: How Michael is integrating AI into his processes as a writer. Michael's goal of writing 1 million words per year. How and why Michael is getting back into short fiction. The information in this book is what writers discuss over beers at writing conferences. You may find it useful on your journey to becoming a successful writer. It just might make you more money and help you satisfy your readers, too. Are you ready to dive into the world of Indie Author Confidential? V1.0

Indie Author Confidential Vol. 8-11: Secrets No One Will Tell You About Being a Writer (Indie Author Confidential Anthology #3)

by M.L. Ronn

This collection contains Volumes 8-11 of the groundbreaking, behind-the-scenes series of a working writer’s journey!Ever wondered what bestselling authors think about on a daily basis?M.L. Ronn is the author of many books of fiction and nonfiction. This book series is a diary of all the lessons he’s learning as he navigates how to master the craft of writing, marketing, and running a profitable publishing business.Most writers don’t talk about the everyday lessons they learn because they might seem mundane, boring, or obvious.Many only start talking about their success once they’ve achieved it.This book is the exact opposite: it’s about a writer learning how to be successful and documenting the process.The ideas in this book are what writers discuss over beers at writing conferences. They’re insider ideas—you may find them interesting and useful on your journey to becoming a successful writer.V1.0

The Indie Author Bestiary II: An Epic Quest Against the Beasts of the Writing World (Author Level Up #20)

by M.L. Ronn

YOUR GUIDE TO SLAYING THE BEASTS OF THE WRITING WORLD, PART 2! When we think we’ve won the battle against the "beasts" of the writing world, more appear. The Indie Author Bestiary I taught you how to win the war against yourself. Part 2 will teach you how to thrive in a world that doesn’t always understand or appreciate writers. Banish uncertainty from your life Avoid bad advice Defeat the stigma of being a writer (especially an indie) And more! If you struggle with the "emotional" part of being a writer, The Indie Author Bestiary II will be your armor as you climb the ladder of success. This unique series continues the tradition of taking the emotional challenges of writing, converting them into monsters, and teaching you how to defeat them. Are you ready to conquer the beasts of the writing world? V1.0

Author Marketing Magic: Sell Like a Pro and Build Long-Term Success (Author Level Up #21)

by M.L. Ronn

Your roadmap to selling books without selling your soul. Do you find marketing exhausting? Do you feel like you have to do a bunch of things that don't suit your personality to sell books? Frustrating, isn't it? You're not alone. Author Marketing Magic paves a path that turns marketing from a daunting hurdle into an enjoyable process. Learn many marketing tactics and find the best ones that suit your personality. Unleash the power of: Strategic Writing: Learn to embed marketing into your book from the very first word. Copywriting Mastery: Gain insights into crafting compelling copy that resonates with your target readers. Book Description Artistry: Understand the nuances of creating tantalizing book descriptions that leave readers eager for more. Innovative Tactics: Dive into unique strategies like leveraging Kickstarter for maximum impact. Learn from M.L. Ronn (Michael La Ronn), a prolific author of over 100 books of fiction & nonfiction. He shares his failures, his successes, and best practices for building a solid marketing foundation. This book will lead you to effortless self-promotion, greater reader engagement, heightened visibility, and ultimately--more sales. You'll uncover a newfound confidence in marketing, and feel like a genius doing it. It's time to step into your marketing magic. Begin your journey to literary success with Author Marketing Magic today. V1.0

Indie Author Confidential 14: Secrets No One Will Tell You About Being a Writer (Indie Author Confidential #14)

by M.L. Ronn

The ground-breaking, behind-the-scenes look at a working writer continues with Vol. 14!Prolific writer M.L. Ronn (Michael La Ronn) shares his lessons learned on his journey to become a successful writer. You’ll discover writing, marketing, business, and other miscellaneous tips that you don’t hear every day.Covered in this volume: How focusing on mindset was critical to Michael’s success this quarter. How Michael improved his vocabulary and improved the depth of his writing. An important contingency plan Michael built. More thoughts on AI. and more! The information in this book is what writers discuss over beers at writing conferences. You may find it useful on your journey to becoming a successful writer. It just might make you more money and help you satisfy your readers, too.Are you ready to dive into the world of Indie Author Confidential? V1.0

Be a Writing Machine: Write Faster and Smarter, Beat Writer's Block, and Be Prolific (Author Level Up #3)

by M.L. Ronn

The no-nonsense, no BS guide to becoming a prolific author--available in ebook, paperback, and audiobook! Do you want to write a lot of novels, but can't improve your writing speed? Writing fast is the most important skill you can develop as a writer. While it seems hard to hit high word counts, the secrets are easier than you think.In this writer's guide, prolific author M.L. Ronn pulls back the curtain on the process that he uses to write 6-8 novels a year. He has kept this pace while juggling responsibilities as a husband, father, manager at a Fortune 100 company, and a law school student. The result is a catalogue of over 40 books and counting. Create a writing habit that suits your lifestyle Use writing apps on your phone to double your word count Learn strategies to beat writer's block forever Discover how to write smarter by using unorthodox strategies used by the masters This book is the only thing standing between you and your writing dreams. Write faster, write smarter, beat writer's block, and be the prolific author you've always wanted to be! V1.0

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