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Showing 57,101 through 57,125 of 57,136 results

Yeats, Revival, and the Temporalities of Irish Modernism

by null Gregory Castle

Yeats, Revivalism, and the Temporalities of Irish Modernism offers a new understanding of a writer whose revivalist commitments are often regarded in terms of nostalgic yearning and dreamy romanticism. It counters such conventions by arguing that Yeats's revivalism is an inextricable part of his modernism. Gregory Castle provides a new reading of Yeats that is informed by the latest research on the Irish Revival and guided by the phenomenological idea of worldmaking, a way of looking at literature as an aesthetic space with its own temporal and spatial norms, its own atmosphere generated by language, narrative, and literary form. The dialectical relation between the various worlds created in the work of art generate new ways of accounting for time beyond the limits of historical thinking. It is just this worldmaking power that links Yeats's revivalism to his modernism and constructs new grounds for recognizing his life and work.

You Can Publish Your Journal Article: Advice From Editors to Help You Succeed

by Gilbert C. Gee

You’ve completed your research and want to publish it in a peer-reviewed journal. Author Gilbert C. Gee is here to help, sharing what he learned as a writer, reviewer, and Editor-in-Chief, and calling on other journal editors to offer their advice. You Can Publish Your Journal Article! will not only help you write your paper, but more importantly, be more likely to succeed in peer review. The book has four main premises: that writing involves a relationship between you and your readers, and that your research joins an ongoing conversation in the field; that good writing is rewriting, and revision is critical; that people who write daily are more productive than those who binge write; and finally, that persistency wins, so don’t give up when you get a rejection. With chapters offering practical advice on selecting the right journal, peer review, the methods section, displaying your data, writing the results and discussion sections, the book concludes with short essays from invited journal editors about how to avoid common mistakes and ensure success.

You Can Publish Your Journal Article: Advice From Editors to Help You Succeed

by Gilbert C. Gee

You’ve completed your research and want to publish it in a peer-reviewed journal. Author Gilbert C. Gee is here to help, sharing what he learned as a writer, reviewer, and Editor-in-Chief, and calling on other journal editors to offer their advice. You Can Publish Your Journal Article! will not only help you write your paper, but more importantly, be more likely to succeed in peer review. The book has four main premises: that writing involves a relationship between you and your readers, and that your research joins an ongoing conversation in the field; that good writing is rewriting, and revision is critical; that people who write daily are more productive than those who binge write; and finally, that persistency wins, so don’t give up when you get a rejection. With chapters offering practical advice on selecting the right journal, peer review, the methods section, displaying your data, writing the results and discussion sections, the book concludes with short essays from invited journal editors about how to avoid common mistakes and ensure success.

Your Story Matters: A Surprisingly Practical Guide to Writing

by Richard Scrimger

A hilarious how-to on creative writing that makes the writing process fun for aspiring middle-school authors. For fans of Writing Radar by Jack Gantos.Interested in writing but don't know how to get started?Love reading and want to know more about how stories are created?Like ridiculous tales about troublesome sisters, peanut butter and steamrollers?Look no further!Esteemed writer Richard Scrimger is here to answer all your burning questions about writing: whether about plot, character, structure, story hooks or commas. (Actually, don't ask him about commas, it's not that kind of book.)Using clever (so he thinks) analogies, (sort of) brilliant examples and funny (well . . .) anecdotes, he will give you (truly) useful tools to start you on your way as a writer. And if that's not enough, comic illustrations by D. McFadzean are the pepperoni on the writing pizza! (That will make sense once you read the book.)So come, read this book and start your writing journey!

Zeitlichkeitskonzepte von Latenz als Gender-Figurationen der Romantik (Bettine von Arnim, Clemens Brentano, Karoline von Günderrode)

by Jessica Fischer

„Doch alles ist ganz anders nun geworden“. Dieses Zitat aus Günderrodes romantischem Gedicht „Vorzeit, und neue Zeit“ spiegelt die Veränderungen der und um die Zeit wider. Im Gedicht erlebt das lyrische Ich ein „Nun“, die Gegenwart, die sich von der Vergangenheit abgespalten hat und eine Zukunft ermöglicht, die die Gegenwart noch nicht zulässt. Die Zeit verändert sich. Doch was ist das - Zeit? Und wie wird Zeit und Zeitlichkeit in der Lyrik um 1800 wahrgenommen? Das sind Fragestellungen, die in den Gedichten offensichtlich selbst thematisiert und reflektiert werden. Und weiterhin: Was ist denn im „Nun“ anders geworden? Was ist es, das sich verändert hat? Dieses Etwas ist nicht sichtbar. Es ist verborgen. Die präsentische Zeit, die hier angesprochen wird, ist die „Latenz“. Im aktuellen literaturwissenschaftlichen Diskurs nimmt die Latenz einen besonderen Stellenwert ein. Bislang wurde untersucht, wie „Latenz“ in der Gegenwartsliteratur dargestellt wird. Sie ist jedoch kein Begriff der Gegenwartsliteratur, sondern findet sich in dem oben veranschaulichten Sinne bereits in der Romantik, genauer in der Zeit um 1800. In der aktuellen Forschung wurde noch nicht geklärt, wie „Latenz“ in der Romantik dargestellt wird. Diese Forschungslücke soll anhand der Lyrik von Clemens Brentano, Bettine von Arnim und Karoline von Günderrode in diesem Buch geschlossen werden.

Zwischen Information und Sensation: Zur Darstellung von Suizid und Suizidalität in deutschen Tageszeitungen

by Antonia Markiewitz

In diesem Buch befasst sich Antonia Markiewitz mit der Thematisierung von Suizid(alität) in den Medien, möglichen Einflüssen auf die journalistische Ausgestaltung der Berichterstattung sowie mit der potenziellen Wirkung, die sie aus der Forschung zum Werther- und Papageno-Effekt ableitet. Dazu untersucht die Autorin, inwiefern die Darstellung von Suizid und Suizidalität in deutschen Tageszeitungen den Richtlinien zur verantwortungsvollen Suizidberichterstattung entspricht, die ihrerseits an der Maxime der Suizidprävention ausgerichtet sind. Aufbauend auf einer redaktionellen Intervention zur Verbesserung der Suizid(alitäts)darstellung mit anschließender Inhaltsanalyse der Beiträge, rückt sie auch die Rolle der Journalist*innen in den Fokus.

Conflict and Colonialism in 21st Century Romantic Historical Fiction: Repairing the Past, Repurposing History (Routledge Research in Women's Literature)

by Hsu-Ming Teo and Paloma Fresno-Calleja

This book explores how postmillennial Anglophone women writers use romantic narrativisations of history to explore, revise, repurpose and challenge the past in their novels, exposing the extent to which past societies were damaging to women by instead imagining alternative histories. The novelists discussed employ the generic conventions of romance to narrate their understanding of historical and contemporary injustice and to reflect upon women’s achievements and the price they paid for autonomy and a life of public purpose. The volume seeks, firstly, to discuss the work of revision or reparation being performed by romantic historical fiction and, secondly, to analyse how the past is being repurposed for use in the present. It contends that the discourses and genre of romance work to provide a reparative reading of the past, but there are limitations and entrenched problems in such readings.

Digital Culture and the Hermeneutic Tradition: Suspicion, Trust, and Dialogue (Routledge Focus on Literature)

by Inge van de Ven Lucie Chateau

In our information age, deciding what sources and voices to trust is a pressing matter. There seems to be a surplus of both trust and distrust in and on platforms, both of which often amount to having your mindset remain the same. Can we move beyond this dichotomy toward new forms of intersubjective dialogue? This book revaluates the hermeneutic tradition for the digital context. Today, hermeneutics has migrated from a range of academic approaches into a plethora of practices in digital culture at large. We propose a ‘scaled reading’ of such practices: a reconfiguration of the hermeneutic circle, using different tools and techniques of reading. We demonstrate our digital-hermeneutic approach through case studies including toxic depression memes, the Johnny Depp/Amber Heard trial, and r/changemyview. We cover three dimensions of hermeneutic practice: suspicion, trust, and dialogue. This book is essential reading for (under)graduate students in digital humanities and literary studies.

Discovering Public Relations: An Introduction to Creative and Strategic Practices

by Karen Freberg

Discovering Public Relations introduces students to the field of PR in a practical, applied, and hands-on way that prepares them for the modern workplace. Author Karen Freberg highlights modern and contemporary PR practices, emphasizing social media, digital communication, and creative innovation. Understanding that creativity alone can’t create success, Freberg shows students how to choose and implement evidence-based practices to guide their strategic campaigns. The Second Edition transforms students into successful PR professionals by giving them the tools to think creatively, innovate effectively, and deploy research-backed tactics for successful campaigns. This title is accompanied by a complete teaching and learning package. Contact your Sage representative to request a demo. Learning Platform / Courseware Sage Vantage is an intuitive learning platform that integrates quality Sage textbook content with assignable multimedia activities and auto-graded assessments to drive student engagement and ensure accountability. Unparalleled in its ease of use and built for dynamic teaching and learning, Vantage offers customizable LMS integration and best-in-class support. It’s a learning platform you, and your students, will actually love. Learn more. Assignable Video with Assessment Assignable video (available in Sage Vantage) is tied to learning objectives and curated exclusively for this text to bring concepts to life. Watch a sample video now. LMS Cartridge: Import this title’s instructor resources into your school’s learning management system (LMS) and save time. Don’t use an LMS? You can still access all of the same online resources for this title via the password-protected Instructor Resource Site. Learn more.

Discovering Public Relations: An Introduction to Creative and Strategic Practices

by Karen Freberg

Discovering Public Relations introduces students to the field of PR in a practical, applied, and hands-on way that prepares them for the modern workplace. Author Karen Freberg highlights modern and contemporary PR practices, emphasizing social media, digital communication, and creative innovation. Understanding that creativity alone can’t create success, Freberg shows students how to choose and implement evidence-based practices to guide their strategic campaigns. The Second Edition transforms students into successful PR professionals by giving them the tools to think creatively, innovate effectively, and deploy research-backed tactics for successful campaigns. This title is accompanied by a complete teaching and learning package. Contact your Sage representative to request a demo. Learning Platform / Courseware Sage Vantage is an intuitive learning platform that integrates quality Sage textbook content with assignable multimedia activities and auto-graded assessments to drive student engagement and ensure accountability. Unparalleled in its ease of use and built for dynamic teaching and learning, Vantage offers customizable LMS integration and best-in-class support. It’s a learning platform you, and your students, will actually love. Learn more. Assignable Video with Assessment Assignable video (available in Sage Vantage) is tied to learning objectives and curated exclusively for this text to bring concepts to life. Watch a sample video now. LMS Cartridge: Import this title’s instructor resources into your school’s learning management system (LMS) and save time. Don’t use an LMS? You can still access all of the same online resources for this title via the password-protected Instructor Resource Site. Learn more.

Dreams in Chinese Fiction: Spiritism, Aestheticism, and Nationalism (Routledge Focus on Literature)

by Johannes D. Kaminski

This book considers the contemporary political formula of the “Chinese Dream” in the light of the treatment of dreams in Chinese literary history since antiquity. Sinic literary and philosophical texts document an extensive spectrum of dream possibilities: starting with Zhuangzi’s eminent butterfly dream, an early example of the inversion of the dreamer’s reality, through to confusing visions of the spiritual realm. In classical dramas, novels, and ghost stories, dreams see the earthly realm enter into conflict with higher realms of existence. They indulge the dreamer’s quest for sensual pleasures, but then spiritual beings relentlessly harvest the dreamers’ life energy. Dreams promise spiritual enlightenment – only to abandon the dreamer in a state of utter confusion. In the early twentieth century, traditional dream knowledge is abandoned in favour or Freudian episodes of sexual repression. In this context, the collective national dream emerges as an unexpected vehicle of the pained individual’s hope for national rejuvenation.

Exploring Mass Communication: Connecting with the World of Media

by Vincent F. Filak

Exploring Mass Communication examines the many paths that led to our digital media world and how digital media both connects and disconnects us. While providing the need-to-know concepts, history, and theories, Vincent F. Filak urges students to critically think about how media affects them, and how they can best engage with media to improve their everyday lives. Through Filak′s conversational and personable style, the text interweaves inclusivity and diversity throughout, presenting a modern and fresh approach that today’s students will connect with. This title is accompanied by a complete teaching and learning package. Contact your Sage representative to request a demo. Learning Platform / Courseware Sage Vantage is an intuitive learning platform that integrates quality Sage textbook content with assignable multimedia activities and auto-graded assessments to drive student engagement and ensure accountability. Unparalleled in its ease of use and built for dynamic teaching and learning, Vantage offers customizable LMS integration and best-in-class support. It’s a learning platform you, and your students, will actually love. Learn more. Assignable Video with Assessment Assignable video (available in Sage Vantage) is tied to learning objectives and curated exclusively for this text to bring concepts to life. Watch a sample video now. LMS Cartridge: Import this title’s instructor resources into your school’s learning management system (LMS) and save time. Don’t use an LMS? You can still access all of the same online resources for this title via the password-protected Instructor Resource Site. Learn more.

Exploring Mass Communication: Connecting with the World of Media

by Vincent F. Filak

Exploring Mass Communication examines the many paths that led to our digital media world and how digital media both connects and disconnects us. While providing the need-to-know concepts, history, and theories, Vincent F. Filak urges students to critically think about how media affects them, and how they can best engage with media to improve their everyday lives. Through Filak′s conversational and personable style, the text interweaves inclusivity and diversity throughout, presenting a modern and fresh approach that today’s students will connect with. This title is accompanied by a complete teaching and learning package. Contact your Sage representative to request a demo. Learning Platform / Courseware Sage Vantage is an intuitive learning platform that integrates quality Sage textbook content with assignable multimedia activities and auto-graded assessments to drive student engagement and ensure accountability. Unparalleled in its ease of use and built for dynamic teaching and learning, Vantage offers customizable LMS integration and best-in-class support. It’s a learning platform you, and your students, will actually love. Learn more. Assignable Video with Assessment Assignable video (available in Sage Vantage) is tied to learning objectives and curated exclusively for this text to bring concepts to life. Watch a sample video now. LMS Cartridge: Import this title’s instructor resources into your school’s learning management system (LMS) and save time. Don’t use an LMS? You can still access all of the same online resources for this title via the password-protected Instructor Resource Site. Learn more.

Garth Boomer, English Teaching and Curriculum Leadership (Key Thinkers in English in Education and the Language Arts)

by Bill Green

This book provides a broad introduction to the critical work of leading Australian educator Garth Boomer, widely recognised as a significant figure in English teaching. This insightful text provides an accessible introduction to his work, with particular reference to English curriculum and pedagogy, and provides a fascinating account of his journey as a scholar-practitioner, from classroom teaching to the highest levels of the educational bureaucracy.Bill Green explores Boomer’s huge influence on literacy education, teacher development, curriculum inquiry, and educational policy, and critically asks why Boomer’s insights and arguments about English teaching from the last century have such importance for the field now. This text also focuses on the nature and significance of his curriculum thinking, specifically his arguments and provocations regarding English teaching, the English classroom, and the contexts that infuse and shape them. It constitutes a rich resource for rethinking English teaching in the present day and provides an important contribution to the historical imagination.With all due consideration of the larger context of social life and educational thought, this text will help any student of English in Education and Language Arts obtain a deeper understanding of Boomer’s vital contribution to the field of education.

The Idea of Education in Golden Age Detective Fiction (Literature and Education)

by Andrew Green Roger Dalrymple

This book presents an exploration of how Golden Age detective fiction encounters educational ideas, particularly those forged by the transformative educational policymaking of the interwar period.Charting the educational policy and provision of the era, and referring to works by Agatha Christie, Dorothy L. Sayers, Edmund Crispin and others, this book explores the educational capacity and agency of literary detectives, the learning spaces of the genre and the kinds of knowledge that are made available to inquirers both inside and outside the text. It is argued that the genre explores a range of contemporaneous propositions on the balance between academic curriculum and practicum, length of school life and the value of lifelong learning. This book’s closing chapter considers the continuing pedagogic value for contemporary classrooms of engaging with the genre as a rich discursive and imaginative space for exploring educational ideas.Framing Golden Age detective fiction as a genre profoundly concerned with learning, this book will be highly relevant reading for academics, postgraduate students and scholars involved in the fields of English language arts, twentieth-century literature and the theories of learning more broadly. Those interested in detective fiction and interdisciplinary literary studies will also find the volume of interest.

Inclusive, Sustainable, and Transformational Education in Arts and Literature: Proceedings of the 7th International Seminar on Language, Education, and Culture, (ISoLEC, 2023), July 07—08, 2023, Malang, Indonesia

by Sari Karmina Kusubakti Andajani Lidya Amalia Rahmania

This book contains the proceedings of The International Seminar on Language, Education, and Culture (ISoLEC) 2023, an annual conference hosted by the Faculty of Letters, Universitas Negeri Malang. With the theme, Inclusive, Sustainable, and Transformational Education in Arts and Literature, ISoLEC aims to address key issues such as inclusive education in language, arts, and culture, sustainable education in language, arts, and culture, post-pandemic teaching and learning practices, corpus-based language, teaching and research, language in media, gender and identity, pop contemporary and digital culture, culture and spirituality, multilingualism and translanguaging, visual and performing arts, oral tradition and local culture, and digital literacy and information science. This book is a collection of selected articles that were presented at the conference covering issues of arts, language, and cultures. This conference addressed a range of relevant topics including:· Inclusive Education in Language, Arts, & Culture· Sustainable Education in Language, Arts, & Culture· Post Pandemic Teaching and Learning Practices· Corpus-Based Language, Teaching and Research· Language in Media· Gender and Identity· Pop, Contemporary and Digital Culture· Culture and Spirituality· Multilingualism and Translanguaging· Visual and Performing Arts· Oral Tradition & Local Culture· Digital Literacy and Information ScienceThis proceeding will be of interest to students, lecturers, teachers, and academics who are interested in developing their knowledge in the field of language, education, and culture. Specifically, this book will be an interesting read for those who want to reimagine the inclusive and sustainable education.

The Intercultural Communication Playbook

by Teri Kwal Gamble Michael W. Gamble Xiaowen Guan

Featuring a three-prong approach on culture, communication, and creative problem solving, The Intercultural Communication Playbook, with its unique, user-friendly layout and presentation, highlights how active, imaginative, and productive problem-solving methods can transform the way students understand intercultural communication. This framework from authors Teri Kwal Gamble, Michael W. Gamble, and Xiaowen Guan guides learners to understand their intercultural identity, broaden their worldview, and successfully improve their communication in real-world settings. Each chapter features exercises that encourage students to diversify their everyday thinking, individually examine their personal preferences, eliminate mental barriers, and discover innovative solutions to intercultural communication challenges. This title is accompanied by a complete teaching and learning package. Contact your Sage representative to request a demo. Learning Platform / Courseware Sage Vantage is an intuitive learning platform that integrates quality Sage textbook content with assignable multimedia activities and auto-graded assessments to drive student engagement and ensure accountability. Unparalleled in its ease of use and built for dynamic teaching and learning, Vantage offers customizable LMS integration and best-in-class support. It′s a learning platform you, and your students, will actually love. Learn more. Assignable Video with Assessment Assignable video (available in Sage Vantage) is tied to learning objectives and curated exclusively for this text to bring concepts to life. LMS Cartridge: Import this title’s instructor resources into your school’s learning management system (LMS) and save time. Don′t use an LMS? You can still access all of the same online resources for this title via the password-protected Instructor Resource Site. Learn more.

The Intercultural Communication Playbook

by Teri Kwal Gamble Michael W. Gamble Xiaowen Guan

Featuring a three-prong approach on culture, communication, and creative problem solving, The Intercultural Communication Playbook, with its unique, user-friendly layout and presentation, highlights how active, imaginative, and productive problem-solving methods can transform the way students understand intercultural communication. This framework from authors Teri Kwal Gamble, Michael W. Gamble, and Xiaowen Guan guides learners to understand their intercultural identity, broaden their worldview, and successfully improve their communication in real-world settings. Each chapter features exercises that encourage students to diversify their everyday thinking, individually examine their personal preferences, eliminate mental barriers, and discover innovative solutions to intercultural communication challenges. This title is accompanied by a complete teaching and learning package. Contact your Sage representative to request a demo. Learning Platform / Courseware Sage Vantage is an intuitive learning platform that integrates quality Sage textbook content with assignable multimedia activities and auto-graded assessments to drive student engagement and ensure accountability. Unparalleled in its ease of use and built for dynamic teaching and learning, Vantage offers customizable LMS integration and best-in-class support. It′s a learning platform you, and your students, will actually love. Learn more. Assignable Video with Assessment Assignable video (available in Sage Vantage) is tied to learning objectives and curated exclusively for this text to bring concepts to life. LMS Cartridge: Import this title’s instructor resources into your school’s learning management system (LMS) and save time. Don′t use an LMS? You can still access all of the same online resources for this title via the password-protected Instructor Resource Site. Learn more.

Introducing Communication Research: Paths of Inquiry

by Donald Treadwell

Introducing Communication Research: Paths of Inquiry teaches students the basics of communication research in an accessible manner by using student-focused real-world examples, engaging application exercises, and up-to-date resources. Donald Treadwell guides readers through the process of conducting communication research and presenting findings for a diversity of audiences, and the book emphasizes the Internet and social media as both topics of, and tools for, communication research. The Fifth Edition adds new pedagogical features, a new social media and big data section in each method chapter, coverage throughout of the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) and particularly in relation to reporting and presenting research; and references the latest research and data sources related to changes in communication brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. Included with this title: LMS Cartridge: Import this title’s instructor resources into your school’s learning management system (LMS) and save time. Don′t use an LMS? You can still access all of the same online resources for this title via the password-protected Instructor Resource Site. Learn more.

Introducing Communication Research: Paths of Inquiry

by Donald Treadwell

Introducing Communication Research: Paths of Inquiry teaches students the basics of communication research in an accessible manner by using student-focused real-world examples, engaging application exercises, and up-to-date resources. Donald Treadwell guides readers through the process of conducting communication research and presenting findings for a diversity of audiences, and the book emphasizes the Internet and social media as both topics of, and tools for, communication research. The Fifth Edition adds new pedagogical features, a new social media and big data section in each method chapter, coverage throughout of the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) and particularly in relation to reporting and presenting research; and references the latest research and data sources related to changes in communication brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. Included with this title: LMS Cartridge: Import this title’s instructor resources into your school’s learning management system (LMS) and save time. Don′t use an LMS? You can still access all of the same online resources for this title via the password-protected Instructor Resource Site. Learn more.

Introduction to Human Communication: Perception, Meaning, and Identity

by Susan R. Beauchamp Stanley J. Baran

Now published by Sage Introduction to Human Communication, Third Edition, offers a comprehensive and balanced survey of the discipline. Susan R. Beauchamp and Stanley J. Baran show students how central successful communication is to gaining effective control over perception, meaning making, and identity. After walking students through the basics of communication theory and research, they provide tools to help students become more competent, confident, employable, and ethical communicators. A diverse array of real-world examples and practical pedagogical tools help students apply what they′ve learned to a wide variety of communication contexts, including mass and digital communication, media literacy, health communication, interpersonal communication, organizational communication, and intercultural communication. This title is accompanied by a complete teaching and learning package. Contact your Sage representative to request a demo. Learning Platform / Courseware Sage Vantage is an intuitive learning platform that integrates quality Sage textbook content with assignable multimedia activities and auto-graded assessments to drive student engagement and ensure accountability. Unparalleled in its ease of use and built for dynamic teaching and learning, Vantage offers customizable LMS integration and best-in-class support. It’s a learning platform you, and your students, will actually love. Learn more. Assignable Video with Assessment Assignable video (available in Sage Vantage) is tied to learning objectives and curated exclusively for this text to bring concepts to life. Watch a sample video now. LMS Cartridge: Import this title’s instructor resources into your school’s learning management system (LMS) and save time. Don’t use an LMS? You can still access all of the same online resources for this title via the password-protected Instructor Resource Site. Learn more.

Introduction to Human Communication: Perception, Meaning, and Identity

by Susan R. Beauchamp Stanley J. Baran

Now published by Sage Introduction to Human Communication, Third Edition, offers a comprehensive and balanced survey of the discipline. Susan R. Beauchamp and Stanley J. Baran show students how central successful communication is to gaining effective control over perception, meaning making, and identity. After walking students through the basics of communication theory and research, they provide tools to help students become more competent, confident, employable, and ethical communicators. A diverse array of real-world examples and practical pedagogical tools help students apply what they′ve learned to a wide variety of communication contexts, including mass and digital communication, media literacy, health communication, interpersonal communication, organizational communication, and intercultural communication. This title is accompanied by a complete teaching and learning package. Contact your Sage representative to request a demo. Learning Platform / Courseware Sage Vantage is an intuitive learning platform that integrates quality Sage textbook content with assignable multimedia activities and auto-graded assessments to drive student engagement and ensure accountability. Unparalleled in its ease of use and built for dynamic teaching and learning, Vantage offers customizable LMS integration and best-in-class support. It’s a learning platform you, and your students, will actually love. Learn more. Assignable Video with Assessment Assignable video (available in Sage Vantage) is tied to learning objectives and curated exclusively for this text to bring concepts to life. Watch a sample video now. LMS Cartridge: Import this title’s instructor resources into your school’s learning management system (LMS) and save time. Don’t use an LMS? You can still access all of the same online resources for this title via the password-protected Instructor Resource Site. Learn more.

Law, Literature, and Violence Against Women: Ending the Victim Blame Game

by Erin L. Kelley

This book engages legal and literary texts in order to examine acquaintance crimes, such as rape, sexual harassment, stalking, and domestic abuse, and to challenge how the victim’s physical or psychological "freeze response" is commonly and inaccurately mistaken for her consent.Following increased interest in the #MeToo movement and the discoveries of sexual abuse by numerous public figures, this book analyzes themes in law and literature that discredit victims and protect wrongdoers. Interpreting a present-day novel alongside legislation and written court cases, each chapter pairs a fictional text with a nonfictional counterpart. In these pairings, the themes, events, and arguments of each are carefully unpacked and compared against one another. As the cross-readings unfold, we learn that a victim does not "ask for it," and she should not arouse suspicions just because she does not fight, run away, or report the crime. Instead, and as this book demonstrates, the more common and most practical response is to become physically and mentally paralyzed by fear; the victim dissociates, shuts down, and remains stuck in the fright and captivity of abuse.This book will interest scholars and students working in, and especially at the intersection of, law, literature, gender studies, and criminology.

Media, Dissidence and the War in Ukraine (Routledge Studies in Media, Communication, and Politics)

by Tabe Bergman Hearns-Branaman, Jesse Owen

This volume examines the global media coverage of the armed conflict in Ukraine, focusing on the marginalization of dissident perspectives in the West and the information quality and diversity on social media.Along with presenting original, empirical studies on how mainstream media in countries as diverse as Israel, the Czech Republic, Ghana, and the Netherlands have covered the conflict between NATO and Russia since 2022, this book sheds light on the role of the state and the media in policing the boundaries of permissible thought on the conflict in the West, as well as in Russia and Ukraine. It also delves into the war’s representation on prominent social media platforms.Written by a diverse group of international researchers, this multifaceted volume offers new perspectives and insights on the reporting of the ongoing conflict. It will interest scholars of international communication and media, foreign policy and international politics, war and conflict, content analysis, and journalism.

Multi-Stakeholder Contribution in Asian Environmental Communication (Routledge Studies in Environmental Communication and Media)

by Huang Miao Mohamad Saifudin Mohamad Saleh Shaidatul Akma Adi Kasuma

Multi-Stakeholder Contribution in Asian Environmental Communication focuses on how diverse actors can come together to promote sustainable environmental practices.Bringing together 25 environmental communication scholars and practitioners across 15 innovative chapters, this book explores the dynamic roles of stakeholders – ranging from governmental bodies and non-profit organisations to local communities and industry players – involved in advancing environmental communication across the Asian continent. Drawing on a rich tapestry of case studies and interdisciplinary perspectives, the book sheds light on the interplay of religious, cultural, political, and economic factors that shape environmental communication strategies and public perception in Malaysia, Indonesia, Bangladesh, China, Thailand, Iran, Japan, and Pakistan. It probes into contemporary issues such as Islamic environmental communication, gender roles, social media, political communication, the role of games and gaming companies, as well as the portrayal of ecological messages in film. Overall, this book aims to bridge the gap between theory and practice and will make a significant contribution to the growing literature on multi-stakeholder contribution in environmental communication, particularly in the Asian context.This volume will be of great interest to practitioners, policymakers, and researchers working in the field of environmental communication.

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