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The Ethics of Choosing Children

by Simon Reader

This book takes the contentious issue of designer babies and argues against the liberal eugenic current of bioethics that commends the logic and choice regimes of selective reproduction. Against conceptions of Procreative Beneficence that trade on a disregard for the gifts of maternal bodies, it seeks to recover a thought of maternal giving and a more hospitable ethic of generational beneficence. Exploring themes of responsibility, gift and natality, the book refigures the experience of reproduction as the site of an ethical response to future generations, where refusal to choose one's children is one virtuous response. The book will appeal to anyone with an interest in reproductive ethics, feminist thought and those seeking principled grounds for resisting the technologies of choosing children.

The Ethics of Citizenship in the 21st Century

by David Thunder

This collection of essays offers thoughtful discussions of major challenges confronting the theory and practice of citizenship in a globalized, socially fragmented, and multicultural world. The traditional concept of citizenship as a shared ethnic, religious, and/or cultural identity has limited relevance in a multicultural world, and even the connection between citizenship and national belonging has been put in jeopardy by increasing levels of international migration and mobility, not to mention the pervasive influence of a global economy and mass media, whose symbols and values cut across national boundaries. Issues addressed include the ethical and practical value of patriotism in a globalized world, the standing of conscience claims in a morally diverse society, the problem of citizen complicity in national and global injustice, and the prospects for a principled acceptance by practising Muslims of a liberal constitutional order. In spite of the impressive diversity of philosophical traditions represented in this collection, including liberalism, pragmatism, Confucianism, Platonism, Thomism, and Islam, all of the volume’s contributors would agree that the crisis of modern citizenship is a crisis of the ethical values that give shape, form, and meaning to modern social life. This is one of the few edited volumes of its kind to combine penetrating ethical discussion with an impressive breadth of philosophical traditions and approaches.Chapters “What is the use of an Ethical Theory of Citizenship?” and “An Ethical Defense of Citizenship” are available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via

The Ethics of Climate Engineering: Solar Radiation Management and Non-Ideal Justice (Routledge Research in Applied Ethics)

by Toby Svoboda

This book analyzes major ethical issues surrounding the use of climate engineering, particularly solar radiation management (SRM) techniques, which have the potential to reduce some risks of anthropogenic climate change but also carry their own risks of harm and injustice. The book argues that we should approach the ethics of climate engineering via "non-ideal theory," which investigates what justice requires given the fact that many parties have failed to comply with their duty to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. Specifically, it argues that climate justice should be approached comparatively, evaluating the relative justice or injustice of feasible policies under conditions that are likely to hold within relevant timeframes. Likely near-future conditions include "pessimistic scenarios," in which no available option avoids serious ethical problems. The book contends that certain uses of SRM can be ethically defensible in some pessimistic scenarios. This is the first book devoted to the many ethical issues surrounding climate engineering.

Ethics of Hospitality (Law and Politics)

by Daniel Innerarity

The source of hospitality lies in the fundamental ethical experiences that make up the fabric of the social lives of people. Therein lies a primary form of humanity. Whether we are guests or hosts, this reveals our situation in a world made up of receiving and meeting, leaving room for the liberty to give and receive beyond the imperatives of reciprocity. This book proposes an ethic that promotes the possibility of stirring emotion before that of protecting ourselves from unexpected encounters. Fundamental ethical competence consists of opening up to the wholly other and to others, to be accessible to the world’s solicitations. There is moral superiority of vulnerable love over control and moderation, of generous passion over rational prudence and of excess over exchange. Constructing an ethic of hospitality is essential at a time when we are torn between the imperatives of modernization and growth and the demands of concern and protection. The experience we all have today, that of the fragility of the world, is giving rise to a powerful tendency toward solicitude. From such a perspective, the duty of individuals no longer consists of protecting themselves from society, but of defending it, taking care of a social fabric outside of which no identity can be formed.

The Ethics of Information Technologies (The\library Of Essays On The Ethics Of Emerging Technologies Ser.)

by Keith Miller

This volume collects key influential papers that have animated the debate about information computer ethics over the past three decades, covering issues such as privacy, online trust, anonymity, values sensitive design, machine ethics, professional conduct and moral responsibility of software developers. These previously published articles have set the tone of the discussion and bringing them together here in one volume provides lecturers and students with a one-stop resource with which to navigate the debate.

The Ethics of Military Privatization: The US Armed Contractor Phenomenon (Military and Defence Ethics)

by David M. Barnes

This book explores the ethical implications of using armed contractors, taking a consequentialist approach to this multidisciplinary debate. While privatization is not a new concept for the US military, the public debate on military privatization is limited to legal, financial, and pragmatic concerns. A critical assessment of the ethical dimensions of military privatization in general is missing. More specifically, in light of the increased reliance upon armed contractors, it must be asked whether it is morally permissible for governments to employ them at all. To this end, this book explores four areas that highlight the ethical implications of using armed contractors: how armed contractors are distinct from soldiers and mercenaries; the commodification of force; the belligerent equality of combatants; and the impact of armed contractors on the professional military. While some take an absolutist position, wanting to bar the use of private military altogether, this book reveals how these absolutist arguments are problematic and highlights that there are circumstances where turning to private force may be the only option. Recognising that outsourcing force will continue, this book thus proposes some changes to account for the problems of commodification, belligerent equality, and the challenge to the military profession. This book will be of interest to students of private security, military studies, ethics, security studies, and IR in general.

The Ethics of Neoliberalism: The Business of Making Capitalism Moral (Routledge Studies in Business Ethics)

by Peter Bloom

The 21st century is the age of "neo-liberalism" – a time when the free market is spreading to all areas of economic, political and social life. Yet how is this changing our individual and collective ethics? Is capitalism also becoming our new morality? From the growing popular demand for corporate social responsibility to personal desire for "work-life balance" it would appear that non-market ideals are not only surviving but also thriving. Why then does it seem that capitalism remains as strong as ever? The Ethics of Neoliberalism boldly proposes that neoliberalism strategically co-opts traditional ethics to ideologically and structurally strengthen capitalism. It produces "the ethical capitalist subject" who is personally responsible for making their society, workplace and even their lives "more ethical" in the face of an immoral but seemingly permanent free market. Rather than altering our morality, neoliberalism "individualizes" ethics, making us personally responsible for dealing with and resolving its moral failings. In doing so, individuals end up perpetuating the very market system that they morally oppose and feel powerless to ultimately change. This analysis reveals the complex and paradoxical way capitalism is currently shaping us as "ethical subjects". People are increasingly asked to ethically "save" capitalism both collectively and personally. This can range from the "moral responsibility" to politically accept austerity following the financial crisis to the willingness of employees to sacrifice their time and energy to make their neoliberal organizations more "humane" to the efforts by individuals to contribute to their family and communities despite the pressures of a franetic global business environment. Neoliberalism, thus, uses our ethics against us, relying on our "good nature" and sense of personal responsibility to reduce its human cost in practice. Ironically

The Ethics of Opting Out: Queer Theory's Defiant Subjects

by Mari Ruti

In The Ethics of Opting Out, Mari Ruti provides an accessible yet theoretically rigorous account of the ideological divisions that have animated queer theory during the last decade, paying particular attention to the field's rejection of dominant neoliberal narratives of success, cheerfulness, and self-actualization. More specifically, she focuses on queer negativity in the work of Lee Edelman, Jack Halberstam, and Lynne Huffer, and on the rhetoric of bad feelings found in the work of Sara Ahmed, Lauren Berlant, David Eng, Heather Love, and José Muñoz. Ruti highlights the ways in which queer theory's desire to opt out of normative society rewrites ethical theory and practice in genuinely innovative ways at the same time as she resists turning antinormativity into a new norm. This wide-ranging and thoughtful book maps the parameters of contemporary queer theory in order to rethink the foundational assumptions of the field.

Ethiek van praktijkgericht onderzoek: Zonder Ethiek Is Het Al Moeilijk Genoeg

by Eveline Wouters Sil Aarts

Dit boek heeft als doel onderzoekers in de praktijk, en met name begeleiders van onderzoek in de praktijk op het hbo en daarbuiten, een handreiking te bieden om ethische dilemma’s waar te nemen en bespreekbaar te maken. Onderzoek in de praktijk is al lastig op zich, het goed herkennen, omgaan met en begeleiden van situaties die ethische vragen oproepen, die gaan over wat goed, wenselijk en verantwoord onderzoek is, maken het onderzoek nog lastiger. Aan de hand van verschillende fases van het onderzoek (vanaf het eerste idee tot en met de rapportage) worden verschillende ethische vraagstukken besproken. Deze vraagstukken gaan vaak over de afweging hoe het belang van de (individuele) deelnemer opweegt tegen het belang van de kennisontwikkeling door middel va het onderzoek of het belang van de onderzoeker. Maar ook: wat te doen met vertrouwelijke informatie, of de wensen van de opdrachtgever, hoe de resultaten eerlijk gepresenteerd kunnen worden en vele andere vraagstukken. Deze worden alle geïllustreerd met voorbeelden uit de praktijk. Daarnaast wordt specifiek ingegaan op dilemma’s rondom beoordelen van (afstudeer)werk, de nieuwe technologische mogelijkheden van dataverzameling (big data), en de wet- en regelgeving.

EU Criminal Law and Policy: Values, Principles and Methods (Routledge Research in EU Law)

by Joanna Beata Banach-Gutierrez Christopher Harding

The EU now possesses a clear legal basis for taking action on criminal law matters and steering the policy and practice of Member States in relation to crime and criminal law. However, for what is now an important area of law, there remains a striking absence or uncertainty regarding its theoretical basis, its legitimacy and its conceptual vocabulary. This book offers a review of the significance of EU criminal law and crime policy as a rapidly emerging phenomenon in European law and governance. Bringing together an international set of contributors, the book questions the nature, role and objectives of such 'criminal law', its relationship with other areas of EU policy and law, and the established rules of criminal law and criminal justice at the Member State level. Taking up such subjects as the application of criminal law across national boundaries and in the broader European context, effective enforcement, and the working out of a new European policy, the book helps to structure an increasingly significant subject in law which is still finding its direction. The book will be of great use and interest to researchers and students of EU law, criminal justice, and criminology.

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

by Paul Voigt Axel von dem Bussche

This book provides expert advice on the practical implementation of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and systematically analyses its various provisions. Examples, tables, a checklist etc. showcase the practical consequences of the new legislation. The handbook examines the GDPR’s scope of application, the organizational and material requirements for data protection, the rights of data subjects, the role of the Supervisory Authorities, enforcement and fines under the GDPR, and national particularities. In addition, it supplies a brief outlook on the legal consequences for seminal data processing areas, such as Cloud Computing, Big Data and the Internet of Things.Adopted in 2016, the General Data Protection Regulation will come into force in May 2018. It provides for numerous new and intensified data protection obligations, as well as a significant increase in fines (up to 20 million euros). As a result, not only companies located within the European Union will have to change their approach to data security; due to the GDPR’s broad, transnational scope of application, it will affect numerous companies worldwide.

EU Health Systems and Distributive Justice: Towards New Paradigms for the Provision of Health Care Services? (Routledge Research in EU Law)

by Danielle Da Costa Leite Borges

EU Health Systems and Distributive Justice uses theories of distributive justice to examine tensions created by the application of the Internal Market rules to the provision of health care services within the European Union. Using the concepts and principles embedded in the theories of egalitarianism and libertarianism, this book analyses the impact of the Internal Market rules on common values and principles shared by European health systems, such as universality, accessibility, equity and solidarity. This analysis is conducted using the specific issue of cross-border health care. This book makes innovative contributions to the study of the relationship between EU health systems and the Internal Market – it encompasses the analysis of all principles recognised by EU institutions as guiding principles of European health systems; it integrates human rights law and practice into the discussion of the EU Court of Justice’s approach to patient mobility cases; and it assesses the potential impact of the Internal Market over EU health systems through the lens of distributive justice, looking at the underlying principles of these systems that are mostly concerned with social justice. Ultimately, this is not a book on EU law and health care, but it is a book on distributive justice, health care and the principles and policies guiding European health systems.

EU Internet Law

by Tatiana-Eleni Synodinou Philippe Jougleux Christiana Markou Thalia Prastitou

This book provides an overview of recent and future legal developments concerning the digital era, to examine the extent to which law has or will further evolve in order to adapt to its new digitalized context. More specifically it focuses on some of the most important legal issues found in areas directly connected with the Internet, such as intellectual property, data protection, consumer law, criminal law and cybercrime, media law and, lastly, the enforcement and application of law. By adopting this horizontal approach, it highlights - on the basis of analysis and commentary of recent and future EU legislation as well as of the latest CJEU and ECtHR case law - the numerous challenges faced by law in this new digital era. This book is of great interest to academics, students, researchers, practitioners and policymakers specializing in Internet law, data protection, intellectual property, consumer law, media law and cybercrime as well as to judges dealing with the application and enforcement of Internet law in practice.

EU Law Stories: Contextual and Critical Histories of European Jurisprudence (Law in Context)

by Bill Davies Fernanda Nicola

Through an interdisciplinary analysis of the rulings of the Court of Justice of the European Union, this book offers 'thick' descriptions, contextual histories and critical narratives engaging with leading or minor personalities involved behind the scenes of each case. The contributions depart from the notion that EU law and its history should be narrated in a linear and incremental way to show instead that law evolves in a contingent and not determinate manner. The book shows that the effects of judge-made law remain relatively indeterminate and each case can be retold through different contextual narratives, and shows the commitment of the European legal elites to the experience of legal reasoning. The idea to cluster the stories around prominent cases is not to be fully comprehensive, but to re-focus the scholarship and teaching of EU law by moving beyond the black letter and unravel the lawyering techniques to achieve policy results. Revealing context and stories behind leading European Court of Justice rulings, the book will appeal to students interested in understanding the making and the functioning of EU law through the eyes of many interlocutors of the Court, including winners and losers in each case. Retells stories by leading scholars or participants in the cases from a different perspective, and so the book reveals new insights, including lawyering techniques together with social and political contexts, into the established canon of EU law. By bringing together lawyers, historians, political scientists and political economists, the volume achieves original cross-disciplinary insights into the field of EU law.

EU Rule of Law Promotion: Judiciary Reform in the Western Balkans (Southeast European Studies)

by Marko Kmezic

Do EU institutions have an influence on the implementation of the rule of law in potential candidate countries and, if so, of what kind? During the compliance monitoring process related to the effective rule of law and democracy the EU Commission tests and criticizes the effectiveness of the judiciary and strengthens the rule of law in preparation for accession. In the Western Balkans this was a process fraught with difficulties. Despite the fact that academic scholarship and democratic politics agree on rule of law as a legitimizing principle for the exercise of state authority, there is no uniform European standard for institution-building or monitoring activities by the EU in this area. With focus on the reform of the judiciary in five case study countries of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia, this empirical research investigates the EU's transformative power with regard to the effectiveness of rule of law and judicial sector reform in its infancy. It analyses the depth and limitations of EU rule of law promotion in the Western Balkans and presents policy recommendations intended to address the shortcomings in judiciary reform. This book aims to fill the gap in the existing academic scholarship of EU politics, law and Western Balkans literature.

Europe in Prisons

by Tom Daems Luc Robert

This volume explores the role that European institutions have come to play in regulating national prisons systems. The authors introduce and contribute to advancing a new research agenda in international penology ('Europe in prisons') which complements the conventional comparative approach ('prisons in Europe'). The chapters examine the impact - if any - that institutions such as the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment and the European Court of Human Rights have had on prison policy throughout Europe. With contributions from a wide range of countries such as Albania, Austria, Belgium, Ireland, Norway and Spain, this edited collection offers a wide-ranging and authoritative guide to the effects of European institutions on prison policy.

European and International Media Law

by Jan Oster

This book is the first to incorporate current academic literature and case law on European, transnational, and international media law into a comprehensive overview intended primarily for students. It introduces the legal framework for globalised communication via mass media, and considers the transformative effect globalisation has had on domestic media law. Engaging case examples at the beginning of each chapter, and questions at the end, give students a clearer idea of legal problems and encourage them to think critically. A wide variety of topics - including media economics, media technology, and social norms concerning media publications - are discussed in relation to media law, and numerous references to case law and suggestions for further reading allow students to conduct independent research easily.

European Company Law

by De Luca Nicola

Taking a text, cases and materials approach, this is the first and only student textbook on European company law, providing an insight into the subject and shedding light on its future development. Textboxes for explanatory commentary, cases and materials - such as EU legislation, official documents and excerpts from scholarly papers - are clearly differentiated from the text, allowing the student to quickly identify sources. Each chapter also includes suggestions for further reading. Structured in seven parts, the book explores a diversity of topics, from what European company law is, the common rules for establishing, financing and accounting a company, and corporate governance, to the structure of the Societas Europaeca Statute, EU company law directives, capital markets and takeover law, and insolvency. An essential resource for the growing number of graduate courses on European company law, European business law, and comparative corporate law.

European Company Law: Text, Cases And Materials

by Nicola de Luca

Taking a text, cases and materials approach, de Luca's successful textbook remains the only offering for students of European company law, and has been thoroughly updated in this new edition. Chapters have been expanded to cover the latest legislation and directives on cross-border mergers, the use of digital tools, and cross-border insolvency, while figures and graphs have been introduced to help illustrate complex processes and relationships. Clearly differentiated explanatory textboxes from the first edition have been revised, and allow students to quickly identify sources such as EU legislation, official documents and excerpts from scholarly papers. The book explores a diverse range of topics, from what European company law is, to the structure of the Societas Europaea Statute, capital markets and takeover law. It continues to be an essential resource for the growing number of graduate courses in European company law, European business law, and comparative corporate law.

European Environmental Law (Routledge Research In European Union Law Ser.)

by Suzanne Kingston Veerle Heyvaert Aleksandra Čavoški

EU Environmental Law is a critical, comprehensive and engaging account of the essential and emerging issues in European environmental law and regulation today. Suitable for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students, the book delivers a thematic and contextual treatment of the subject for those taking courses in environmental law, environmental studies, regulation and public policy, and government and international relations. Placing the key issues in context, EU Environmental Law takes an interdisciplinary and thematic approach to help students to better understand the implementation and enforcement of environmental law and policy across Europe. It offers an accessible overview, and links theory with practical applications that will allow students to contextualise the outcomes of legal rules and their impact on public and private behaviours. It provides a definitive account of the subject, examining traditional topics such as nature conservation law, waste law and water law, alongside increasingly important fields such as the law of climate change, environmental human rights law, and regulation of GMOs and nanotechnology.

European Sexual Citizenship: Human Rights, Bodies and Identities

by Francesca Romana Ammaturo

This book is an innovative and critical contribution to the study of the human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ) people in the context of Europe. Combining legal and Foucauldian approaches, it investigates the ways in which current discourses about LGBTIQ rights in Europe are tightly bound to contemporary debates about national and trans-national citizenship. The author defines and analyzes the concept of 'multisexual citizenship' to illustrate new, flexible forms of sexual and gendered citizenship that could radically transform practices of citizenship and the current human rights framework in Europe. She does this by combining critical deconstructions of the case law of the European Court of Human Rights with ethnographic observations and sociological analysis. This interdisciplinary work will appeal to sociologists, lawyers and researchers of gender and LGBTIQ rights.

European Social Policy and the Nordic Countries

by Alan C. Neal

This title was first published in 2000: The contributions to this volume have been brought together and edited from presentations made to a two-day seminar held in Brussels with the financial and organisational support of the social affairs directorate of the European Commission on 15th and 16th May 1995. That seminar provided an important first opportunity, following accession to membership of the European Community by Finland and Sweden, for representatives of the Commission to discuss with delegates from all of the significant labour market organisations throughout the Nordic countries some of the challenges and fears raised by the superimposition of a European-level framework upon the fabled social structures of those Nordic countries.

European Union Policy-Making

by Nicole Herweg

This book furthers the ongoing theoretical development of the multiple streams framework, assessing its applicability to European Union (EU) policy-making processes. It systematically defines and identifies functional equivalents for all of the framework's core concepts at the EU level and extends the framework in order to explain agenda-setting and decision-making. Furthermore, the book derives a set of explicit hypotheses to empirically assess the extent to which the (modified) framework is able to explain timing, agenda prominence, and policy change (or a lack thereof) for the EU natural gas directives passed in 1998, 2003, and 2009. The analysis documents that the framework is well-suited to explain the EU policy process in general and reveals where additional theoretical refinements are required.

Every Landlord's Guide to Finding Great Tenants

by Janet Portman

Searching for the perfect tenant? Get the only book devoted to the most important decision a landlord can make! Landlords face many challenges, but choosing new tenants has the greatest potential to affect your bottom line. Fortunately, Every Landlord's Guide to Finding Great Tenants can help you find the right tenant for your rental property! Let this book guide you through the process of attracting, screening and selecting the best renters available. Get timely advice on: effective advertising phone screening presenting the unit evaluating applications examining credit reports checking references discrimination basics making a rental offer, and rejecting applicants. Every Landlord's Guide to Finding Great Tenants provides dozens of forms and checklists for every step, with easy instructions to fill them out. This edition has been fully updated to reflect the latest changes in the law in your state, including rules about checking a potential tenant's immigration status. Plus, get all the legal forms you need, as well as invaluable audio dialogues that show you how to conduct interviews and get essential information without running afoul of the law.

Every Landlord's Guide to Managing Property: Best Practices, From Move-In to Move-Out

by Michael Boyer

The ultimate property management guide for the do-it-yourself landlord! Written for the millions of landlords who own a single-family home, condo, or small (less than four unit) multiplex, Every Landlord’s Guide to Managing Property helps them learn how to keep their day job and manage their properties (and tenants) on the side. It provides the best practical and legal compliance advice for small-time landlords who want to manage and grow a successful rental property business with a personalized approach and minimal hassle and cost. Every Landlord’s Guide to Managing Property focuses on everyday skills the do-it-yourself landlord needs, including property oversight and maintenance, effective communication with tenants, and general management. It covers a wide range of topics, such as how to: market and differentiate your rental units from the competition handle nitty-gritty maintenance—from snow removal to toilet clogs to painting screen and deal with tenant issues like late rent payments, pet problems, clutter, unauthorized occupants, and other conflicts track income and expenses for filing taxes and completing Schedule E hire and work with outside contractors, lawyers, and other help, and much more.

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