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Mousy Cats and Sheepish Coyotes: The Science of Animal Personalities

by John Shivik

A wildlife expert explores what science tells us about animals as unique individuals and why animal personality matters for the human-animal bond and for adaptation in nature.Why are some cats cuddly and others standoffish? Why are some dogs adventuresome, others homebodies? As any pet owner can attest, we feel that the animals we’ve formed bonds with are unique, as particular (and peculiar) as any human friend or loved one.Recent years have brought an increased understanding of animal intelligence and emotion. But is there a scientific basis for animal personality and individuality, or is this notion purely sentimental? It turns out that science has been reluctant to even broach the subject of individuality until recently. But now, a fundamental shift in scientific understanding is underway, as mainstream scientists begin to accept the idea that animals of all kinds—from beloved beasts like apes and birds to decidedly less cuddly creatures like crabs and spiders—do indeed have individual personalities.In Mousy Cats and Sheepish Coyotes, veteran wildlife expert Dr. John A. Shivik brings us stories from the front lines of this exciting new discipline. Drawing on his scientific training, as well as his storytelling gifts, Shivik serves as an accessible, humorous guide to the emerging body of research on animal personalities. Shivik accompanies researchers who are discovering that each wolf, bear, and coyote has an inherent tendency to favor either its aggressive nature or to shyly avoid conflicts. Some bluebirds are lovers, others are fighters. And some spiders prefer to be loners, while others are sociable. Unique personalities can be discovered in every corner of the animal kingdom—even among microscopic organisms. The array of personality types among all species is only beginning to be described and understood.As Shivik argues, animals’ unique personalities are important not only because they determine which animals we bond with. Individual animal traits are also fundamental but still inadequately understood drivers of evolution, adaptation, and species diversity. Ultimately, Mousy Cats and Sheepish Coyotes offers insight into the similarities humans share with animals and presents evidence of an unbroken biological connection from the smallest organisms to Homo sapiens.

Multi-Party and Multi-Contract Arbitration in the Construction Industry

by Dimitar Kondev

Multi-Party and Multi-Contract Arbitration in the Construction Industry provides the first detailed review of multi-party arbitration in the international construction sector. Highly practical in approach, the detailed interpretation and assessment of the arbitration of multi-party disputes will facilitate understanding and decision making by arbitrators, clients and construction contractors.

Multimethod Research, Causal Mechanisms, and Case Studies: An Integrated Approach

by Gary Goertz

An innovative and accessible textbook on multimethod and case-study researchMultimethod research has become indispensable to doing social science, and is essential to anyone who conducts large-scale research projects in political science, sociology, education, comparative law, or business. This authoritative and accessible book offers the first truly comprehensive approach to multimethod and case-study research, and is particularly aimed at students of qualitative methods in the social sciences.Walking step-by-step through these cutting-edge tools and techniques, Gary Goertz introduces a new integrated approach that unites three corners of a powerful research triad—causal mechanisms, cross-case causal inference, and within-case causal inference. He explains how the investigation of causal mechanisms and the making of within-case causal inference are the central goals of multimethod and case study research, and provides a logic for connecting case studies and causal mechanism analysis with cross-case analysis, whether they are statistical analyses, experiments, or QCA. In addition, Goertz analyzes how one can generalize using case studies, as well as systematically test game-theoretic and other models using multiple case studies.Provides a fully integrated approach to multimethod and case-study researchAn essential resource for students and researchers in political science, sociology, education, law, and businessCovers constraint causal mechanism, game theory and case studies, QCA, and the use of case studies to systematically test and generalize theoriesAn ideal textbook for a first-year graduate course in methods or research design

Munchausen by Proxy and Other Factitious Abuse: Practical and Forensic Investigative Techniques (Practical Aspects of Criminal and Forensic Investigations #64)

by Kathryn Artingstall

This book covers Munchausen and Munchausen by Proxy (MBP) though the terms have recently changed. The 2013 DSM-V—the update to the American Psychiatric Association's (APA) diagnostic and classification tool—has classified both Munchausen and MBP as "Factitious Systematic Abuse." While thought to have occurred primarily with children and their caregivers, recent research shows a more widespread problem: such medical abuse to spouses, the disabled, the elderly—even pets. Many involve repeat and long-term instances of hospital and medical fraud. This book covers the syndrome itself, interviewing and investigative aspects, victimology, as well indicators in the event of homicide and death.

Music Law in the Digital Age: Learn Copyright Essentials in Order to Succeed in Today's Music Industry

by Allen Bargfrede

With the free-form exchange of music files and musical ideas online, understanding copyright laws has become essential to career success in the new music marketplace. This cutting-edge, plain-language guide shows you how copyright law drives the contemporary music industry. By looking at the law and its recent history, you will understand the new issues introduced by the digital age, as well as continuing issues of traditional copyright law. <p><p> Whether you are an artist, lawyer, entertainment Web site administrator, record label executive, student, or other participant in the music industry, this book will help you understand how copyright law affects you, helping you use the law to your benefit.

A Muslim Reformist in Communist Yugoslavia: The Life and Thought of Husein Đozo (Contemporary Thought in the Islamic World)

by Sejad Mekić

A Muslim Reformist in Communist Yugoslavia examines the Islamic modernist thought of Husein Đozo, a prominent Balkan scholar. Born at a time when the external challenges to the Muslim world were many, and its internal problems both complex and overwhelming, Đozo made it his goal to reinterpret the teachings of the Qur’an and hadīth (prophetic tradition) to a generation for whom the truths and realities of Islam had fallen into disuse. As a Muslim scholar who lived and worked in a European, communist, multi-cultural and multi-religious society, Husein Đozo and his work present us with a particularly exciting account through which to examine the innovative interpretations of Islam. <p><P>For example, through a critical analysis of Đozo’s most significant fatwās and other relevant materials, this book examines the extent of the inherent flexibility of the Islamic law and its ability to respond to Muslim interests in different socio-political conditions. Since Đozo’s writings in general and his fatwās in particular have continued to be published in the Balkan lands up to the present, this monograph should help shed some light on certain assumptions underlying modern Islamic thought and consciousness found in the region.

Mutual Recognition of Judicial Decisions in European Criminal Law

by Libor Klimek

This book examines the mutual recognition of judicial decisions in European criminal law as a cornerstone of judicial co-operation in criminal matters in the European Union. Providing comprehensive content and combining theoretical and practical aspects, it covers all of the major issues surrounding mutual recognition. The book analyses its definition, genesis, principles, case law, implementation and evaluation. Special attention is given to mutual recognition measures, namely European arrest warrant (i. e. surrender procedure), mutual recognition of custodial sentences, and measures involving deprivation of liberty, mutual recognition of probation measures and alternative sanctions, mutual recognition of financial penalties, mutual recognition of confiscation orders, the European supervision order in pre-trial procedures (i. e. mutual recognition of supervision measures as an alternative to provisional detention), the European investigation order (i. e. free movement of evidence), and the European protection order (i. e. mutual recognition of protection orders). Instead of focusing solely on a criminal law approach, the book also considers the subject from the perspectives of European Union law and International criminal law.

The Myth of Equality: Uncovering the Roots of Injustice and Privilege

by Ken Wytsma

2017 Foreword INDIES Book Award Honorable MentionPublishers Weekly'sIs privilege real or imagined?

The Myths of Liberal Zionism

by Yitzhak Laor

Yitzhak Laor is one of Israel's most prominent dissidents and poets, a latter-day Spinoza who helps keep alive the critical tradition within Jewish culture. In this work he fearlessly dissects the complex attitudes of Western European liberal Left intellectuals toward Israel, Zionism and the "Israeli peace camp." He argues that through a prism of famous writers like Amos Oz, David Grossman and A.B. Yehoshua, the peace camp has now adopted the European vision of "new Zionism," promoting the fierce Israeli desire to be accepted as part of the West and taking advantage of growing Islamophobia across Europe.The backdrop to this uneasy relationship is the ever-present shadow of the Holocaust. Laor is merciless as he strips bare the hypocrisies and unarticulated fantasies that lie beneath the love-affair between "liberal Zionists" and their European supporters.

Nachbarrecht im Bauwesen: Schnelleinstieg für Architekten und Bauingenieure (essentials)

by Cornelius Pfisterer

Cornelius Pfisterer erkl#65533;rt die Grundbegriffe zum Grundst#65533;cks- und Nachbarrecht und zeigt auf, was der Nachbar bei einem Bauvorhaben dulden muss und was er abwehren kann. In diesem essential erfahren Sie, wie das Hammerschlags- und Leiterrecht zugunsten des Bauherrn auch formal richtig geltend zu machen ist. Wichtige Unterschiede zwischen #65533;ffentlichem und privatem Recht werden erl#65533;utert. Praktische Hinweise zur Gestaltung einer Nachbarvereinbarung erg#65533;nzen die Darstellung der Rechtsgrundlagen. Wer sich hier nicht auskennt, riskiert gerade bei innerst#65533;dtischen Bauvorhaben aufgrund nachbarlicher Einwendungen erhebliche Bauverz#65533;gerungen, Planungs#65533;nderungen und Mehrkosten. Hier finden Sie die rechtlich-formalen L#65533;sungen, wenn bspw. eine Unterfangung des Nachbargeb#65533;udes erforderlich wird, W#65533;rmed#65533;mmma#65533;nahmen im Bestand geplant sind oder ein Baukran das Nachbargrundst#65533;ck #65533;berschwenken muss.

Nanotechnology and Scientific Communication: Ways of Talking about Emerging Technologies and Their Impact on Society (2004-2008)

by Deborah R. Bassett

This study examines findings from a 4-year-long ethnography of communication among a research university’s community of scientists and engineers working in nanoscience and nanotechnology. It includes analysis of 20 in-depth interviews with scientists and engineers from 18 different disciplines self-identified as working in nanoscale science and engineering. Using multiple methods of inquiry, including fieldwork, interviews, and textual analysis, elements of a shared speech code are presented, each of which indicate culturally distinctive understandings of psychology, sociology and rhetoric. In particular, the interview data addresses questions such as “What kind of person is a scientist?” “What is the role of science in society?” and “What is the role of communication in science?” This book will appeal to readers interested in science and society, scientific communication, and ethnography of communication.

Não digas nada

by Brad Parks

Pactuar com o Mal pode significar perder-se para sempre. Um romance intenso que explora o lado mais obscuro do Mal, pondo a nu as fragilidades da natureza humana perante a ameaça da perda mais dolorosa. Um juiz vive um pesadelo e um terrível dilema moral quando os seus gémeos de seis anos são raptados. Para manter os filhos vivos, terá de obedecer cegamente às ordens dos raptores, que lhe exigem uma série de decisões controversas na sua sala de tribunal. Numa quarta-feira como qualquer outra, o juiz Scott Sampson prepara-se para ir buscar os filhos gémeos de seis anos para os levar à aula de natação. A sua mulher, Alison, envia-lhe uma mensagem: mudança de planos, ela tem de os levar ao médico. Assim sendo, Scott regressa a casa mais cedo. Mas quando, mais tarde, Alison chega, está sozinha - sem Sam, sem Emma - e nega ter conhecimento da mensagem# O telefone toca: uma voz anónima diz-lhes que o juiz deve fazer exacta-mente o que lhe é dito num caso de tráfico de droga que está prestesa ser julgado. Se recusar, as consequências para as crianças serão terríveis. Para Scott e Alison, a chamada do sequestrador é apenas o começo de uma tentativa tortuosa de chantagem, engano e terror. Não haverá nada que os detenha para recuperarem os filhos, não importa a que custo... Sobre Não digas nada: «Complicações e reviravoltas conduzem trepidantemente a trama para um clímax inesperado que é perfeito e comovente.»Library Journal «Prende o leitor desde a primeira página e não o deixa até o twist final.»Associated Press «As páginas finais são emocionantes, surpreendentes e profundamente emocionantes. Um novo nível no thriller.»The Washington Post «Não digas nada começa chocando a mente e acaba por destruir o coração. O trabalho de um autor que continua a refinar seu imenso talento. Os leitores vão adorar este thriller fascinante e perturbador.»The Richmond Times-Dispatch «O excelente thriller de Parks, premiado com o prémio Shamus, retrata de forma credível uma família sob stress severo. Os leitores não conseguirão parar de ler até terem todas as revelações.»Publishers Weekly «Um livro excecional. Realmente fantástico.»Sue Grafton «Excelente... começa com um estrondo e fica mais tenso e tenso. Não digas nada demonstra que Parks é um escritor de qualidade no seu melhor.»Lee Child «Alarmantemente plausível e consistentemente admirável.»Sunday Times - THRILLER DO MÊS «Inteligente, com ritmo, com uma série de reviravoltas à medida que a tensão aumenta até um clímax emocionalmente imprevisível.»Chris Pavone

Natural Resource Policy

by Frederick Cubbage Jay O'Laughlin M. Nils Peterson

Natural resource policies provide the foundation for sustainable resource use, management, and protection. Natural Resource Policy blends policy processes, history, institutions, and current events to analyze sustainable development of natural resources. The book's detailed coverage explores the market and political allocation and management of natural resources for human benefits, as well as their contributions for environmental services. Wise natural resource policies that promote sustainable development, not senseless exploitation, promise to improve our quality of life and the environment. Public or private policies may be used to manage natural resources. When private markets are inadequate due to public goods or market failure, many policy options, including regulations, education, incentives, government ownership, and hybrid public/private policy instruments may be crafted by policy makers. Whether a policy is intended to promote intensive management of natural resources to enhance sustained yield or to restore degraded conditions to a more socially desirable state, this comprehensive guide outlines the ways in which natural resource managers can use their technical skills within existing administrative and legal frameworks to implement or influence policy.

The Nature of Legal Interpretation: What Jurists Can Learn about Legal Interpretation from Linguistics and Philosophy

by Brian G. Slocum

Language shapes and reflects how we think about the world. It engages and intrigues us. Our everyday use of language is quite effortless—we are all experts on our native tongues. Despite this, issues of language and meaning have long flummoxed the judges on whom we depend for the interpretation of our most fundamental legal texts. Should a judge feel confident in defining common words in the texts without the aid of a linguist? How is the meaning communicated by the text determined? Should the communicative meaning of texts be decisive, or at least influential? To fully engage and probe these questions of interpretation, this volume draws upon a variety of experts from several fields, who collectively examine the interpretation of legal texts. In The Nature of Legal Interpretation, the contributors argue that the meaning of language is crucial to the interpretation of legal texts, such as statutes, constitutions, and contracts. Accordingly, expert analysis of language from linguists, philosophers, and legal scholars should influence how courts interpret legal texts. Offering insightful new interdisciplinary perspectives on originalism and legal interpretation, these essays put forth a significant and provocative discussion of how best to characterize the nature of language in legal texts.

The Nature of Peace and the Morality of Armed Conflict

by Florian Demont-Biaggi

This book explores topical issues in military ethics by according peace a central role within an interdisciplinary framework. Whilst war and peace have traditionally been viewed through the lens of philosophical enquiry, political issues and theological ideas - as well as common sense - have also influenced people's understanding of armed conflicts with regards to both the moral issues they raise and the policies and actions they require. Comprised of fourteen essays on the role and application of peace, the book places emphasis on it's philosophical, moral, theological, technological, and practical implications. Starting with an overview of Kantian perspectives on peace, it moves to discussions of the Just War debates, religious conceptualizations of peace, and the role of peace in modern war technology and cyber-security. Finally concluding with discussions of the psychological and medical impacts of war and peace on both the individual and the larger society, this collection offers a contribution to the field and will be of interest to a wide audience. Chapters 4, 6 and 10 of this book are available open access under a CC BY 4. 0 license.

Nazi Collaborators on Trial during the Cold War

by Richards Plavnieks

This book is a study of the legal reckoning with the crimes of the Latvian Auxiliary Security Police and its political dimensions in the Soviet Union, West and East Germany, and the United States in the context of the Cold War. Decades of work by prosecutors have established the facts of Latvian collaboration with the Nazis during the Holocaust. No group made a deeper mark in the annals of atrocity than the men of the so-called 'Arajs Kommando' and their leader, Viktors Arājs, who killed tens of thousands of Jews on Latvian soil and participated in every aspect of the 'Holocaust by Bullets. ' This study also has significance for coming to terms with Latvia's encounter with Nazism - a process that was stunted and distorted by Latvia's domination by the USSR until 1991. Examining the country's most notorious killers, their fates on both sides of the Iron Curtain, and contemporary Latvians' responses in different political contexts, this volume is a record of the earliest phases of this process, which must now continue and to which this book contributes.

Nazi-Looted Art and the Law

by Bruce L. Hay

This book offers a clear, accessible account of the American litigation over the restitution of works of art taken from Jewish families during the Holocaust. For the past two decades, the courts of the United States have been an arena of conflict over this issue that has recently captured widespread public attention. In a series of cases, survivors and heirs have come forward to claim artworks in public and private collections around the world, asserting that they were seized by the Nazis or were sold under duress by owners desperate to escape occupied countries. Spanning two continents and three-quarters of a century, the cases confront the courts with complex problems of domestic and international law, clashes among the laws of different jurisdictions, factual uncertainties about the movements of art during and after the war, and the persistent question whether restitution claims have been extinguished by the passage of time.Through individual case studies, the book examines the legal questions these conflicts have raised and the answers the courts have given. From the internationally celebrated “Woman in Gold” lawsuit against Austria to lesser-known claims against Germany, Hungary, Spain, and museums and private collections in the United States, the book synthesizes the legal and evidentiary materials and judicial rulings in each case, creating a coherent narrative of proceedings that are often labyrinthine in complexity. Written by a leading authority on litigation and procedure, the book will be of interest to readers in various fields of the humanities and social sciences as well as law, and to anyone interested in the fate of artworks that have been called the “last prisoners” of the Second World War.

Necessary Conversations: Between Families and Their Aging Parents

by Gerald Kaufman L. Marlene Kaufman

In this timely book, long-time family counselors, Gerald and Marlene Kaufman, urge aging people, their adult children, family members, and other caretakers to talk directly with each other about the decisions that lie ahead as they age. "Do it before a crisis hits," say the Kaufmans. "A good time to start is when the parents retire."Necessary Conversations focuses on four primary areas:Parents' finances Parents' medical care Parents' living arrangements When to stop driving This honest and resourceful guide for aging adults and their family members includes helpful suggestions for starting these conversations and overcoming confrontation.

Negotiating Childhoods: Applying A Moral Filter To Children S Everyday Lives (Studies In Childhood And Youth Series)

by Sam Frankel

This book investigates how constructed representations of the child have and continue to restrict children's opportunities to engage in moral discourses, and the implications this has on children's everyday experiences. By considering a moral dimension to both structure and agency, the author focuses on the nature of the images that are used to represent the child and how these sit in contrast to the active and meaning-driven way in which children negotiate their everyday lives. The book therefore argues that 'morality' provides a filter to understand the backdrop for interaction, as well as offering a focus for engaging with the individual as a social agent, acting and reacting in the world around them. Negotiating Childhoods will be of interest to students and scholars of sociology, childhood studies, criminology, social work, culture and media studies and philosophy.

Negotiating Genocide in Rwanda

by Erin Jessee

This book is an oral history-based study of the politics of history in the aftermath of the 1994 genocide in Rwanda. Using life history and thematic interviews, the author brings the narratives of officials, survivors, returnees, perpetrators, and others whose lives have been intimately affected by genocide into conversation with scholarly studies of the Rwandan genocide, and Rwandan history more generally. In doing so, she explores the following questions: How do Rwandans use history to make sense of their experiences of genocide and related mass atrocities? And to what end? In the aftermath of such violence, how do people's interpretations of the varied forms of suffering they endured then influence their ability to envision and support a peaceful future for their nation that includes multi-ethnic cooperation?

Negotiating Pharmaceutical Uncertainty: Women's Agency in a South African HIV Prevention Trial

by Eirik Saethre Jonathan Stadler

Telling the story of a clinical trial testing an innovative gel designed to prevent women from contracting HIV, Negotiating Pharmaceutical Uncertainty provides new insight into the complex and contradictory relationship between medical researchers and their subjects. Although clinical trials attempt to control and monitor participants' bodies, Saethre and Stadler argue that the inherent uncertainty of medical testing can create unanticipated opportunities for women to exercise control over their health, sexuality, and social relationships. Combining a critical analysis of the social production of biomedical knowledge and technologies with a detailed ethnography of the lives of female South African trial participants, this book brings to light issues of economic exclusion, racial disparity, and spiritual insecurity in Johannesburg's townships. Built on a series of tales ranging from strategy sessions at the National Institutes of Health to witchcraft accusations against the trial, Negotiating Pharmaceutical Uncertainty illuminates the everyday social lives of clinical trials.As embedded anthropologists, Saethre and Stadler provide a unique and nuanced perspective of the reality of a clinical trial that is often hidden from view.

Negotiating Pharmaceutical Uncertainty: Women's Agency in a South African HIV Prevention Trial

by Eirik Saethre Jonathan Stadler

Telling the story of a clinical trial testing an innovative gel designed to prevent women from contracting HIV, Negotiating Pharmaceutical Uncertainty provides new insight into the complex and contradictory relationship between medical researchers and their subjects. Although clinical trials attempt to control and monitor participants' bodies, Saethre and Stadler argue that the inherent uncertainty of medical testing can create unanticipated opportunities for women to exercise control over their health, sexuality, and social relationships. Combining a critical analysis of the social production of biomedical knowledge and technologies with a detailed ethnography of the lives of female South African trial participants, this book brings to light issues of economic exclusion, racial disparity, and spiritual insecurity in Johannesburg's townships. Built on a series of tales ranging from strategy sessions at the National Institutes of Health to witchcraft accusations against the trial, Negotiating Pharmaceutical Uncertainty illuminates the everyday social lives of clinical trials. As embedded anthropologists, Saethre and Stadler provide a unique and nuanced perspective of the reality of a clinical trial that is often hidden from view.

Negotiating Religion: Cross-disciplinary perspectives

by Cécile Laborde François Guesnet Lois Lee

Negotiating religious diversity, as well as negotiating different forms and degrees of commitment to religious belief and identity, constitutes a major challenge for all societies. Recent developments such as the ‘de-secularisation’ of the world, the transformation and globalisation of religion and the attacks of September 11 have made religious claims and religious actors much more visible in the public sphere. This volume provides multiple perspectives on the processes through which religious communities create or defend their place in a given society, both in history and in our world today. Offering a critical, cross-disciplinary investigation into processes of negotiating religion and religious diversity, the contributors present new insights on the meaning and substance of negotiation itself. This volume draws on diverse historical, sociological, geographic, legal and political theoretical approaches to take a close look at the religious and political agents involved in such processes as well as the political, social and cultural context in which they take place. Its focus on the European experiences that have shaped not only the history of ‘negotiating religion’ in this region but also around the world, provides new perspectives for critical inquiries into the way in which contemporary societies engage with religion. This study will be of interest to academics, lawyers and scholars in law and religion, sociology, politics and religious history.

Neighbor Law: Fences, Trees, Boundaries & Noise

by Emily Doskow Attorney Lina Guillen Attorney

Is the noise from next door keeping you up at night? Is the view from your backyard being obstructed? Is a neighborhood business driving you crazy? Learn your rights and responsibilities with Neighbor Law, Nolo's clear-cut, comprehensive guide to the laws concerning common neighbor disputes. This popular bestseller covers: fences trees animal issues boundaries blocked views noise water issues neighborhood businesses dangers to children ("attractive nuisances") secondhand smoke and other pollutants, and drones. In plain English, Neighbor Law explains how to find applicable laws and resolve disputes without going to court. It tells you when the law is on your side and how to deal with your neighbors without creating enemies. If you must go to small claims court, you will also find all the facts you need here.

Neoliberal Legality: Understanding the Role of Law in the Neoliberal Project

by Honor Brabazon

Neoliberalism has been studied as a political ideology, an historical moment, an economic programme, an institutional model, and a totalising political project. Yet the role of law in the neoliberal story has been relatively neglected, and the idea of neoliberalism as a juridical project has yet to be considered. That is: neoliberal law and its interrelations with neoliberal politics and economics has remained almost entirely neglected as a subject of research and debate. This book provides a systematic attempt to develop a holistic and coherent understanding of the relationship between law and neoliberalism. It does not, however, examine law and neoliberalism as fixed entities or as philosophical categories. And neither is its objective to uncover or devise a ‘law of neoliberalism’. Instead, it uses empirical evidence to explore and theorise the relationship between law and neoliberalism as dynamic and complex social phenomena. Developing a nuanced concept of ‘neoliberal legality’, neoliberalism, it is argued here, is as much a juridical project as a political and economic one. And it is only in understanding the juridical thrust of neoliberalism that we can hope to fully comprehend the specificities, and continuities, of the neoliberal period as a whole.

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