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Protection of Fundamental Rights in Europe: The Challenge of Integration

by Sonia Morano-Foadi Stelios Andreadakis

This monograph offers a longitudinal analysis of the developments in the European fundamental rights arena during the last decade. Decisions of critical importance on the future of the EU need to be taken by the EU institutions and the Member States' governments. The ‘existential’ crisis affecting Europe is essentially a crisis of values revealing a lack of shared vision. Based on this premise, this monograph contributes to the debate on how to overcome the current impasse. By situating the analysis of the EU in the context of a wider Europe, which includes the ECHR (and its interpretation by the ECtHR), this work challenges the idea that the project of European integration should be abandoned. Instead it proposes a re-orientation of this process, conceptualised as a dynamic interaction of different actors, sources and laws on fundamental rights within the wider Europe. Following an evaluation of the current fundamental rights’ regimes, the monograph proposes a model of effective governance of fundamental rights in Europe based on the doctrines of dialogical constitutionalism and agency. This original and innovative contribution is enriched by findings from British Academy funded research on the European architecture of fundamental rights post-Lisbon Treaty.

Fairness in Criminal Appeal: A Critical and Interdisciplinary Analysis of the ECtHR Case-Law

by Helena Morão Ricardo Tavares da Silva

This book addresses the European Court of Human Rights’ fairness standards in criminal appeal, filling a gap in this less researched area of studies. Based on a fair trial immediacy requirement, the Court has found several violations of Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights at the appellate level by at least eighteen States of the Council of Europe in a vast array of cases, particularly in contexts of first instance acquittals overturning and of sentences increasing on appeal.On the one hand, the book critically engages this case-law with the law revisions it has recently inspired in European countries, as well as with the critiques and difficulties that it continues to raise. On the other hand, it interweaves insight from criminal procedure theory with new discoveries in the field of cognitive sciences (neuroscience of memory, philosophy of knowledge, AI), shedding an interdisciplinary light on the (in)adequacy and limits of the Strasbourg Court’s jurisprudence.

In a Box: Gender-Responsive Reform, Mass Community Supervision, and Neoliberal Policies

by Merry Morash

In a Box draws on the experiences of more than one hundred Michigan women on probation or parole to analyze how court, state, and federal policies hamper the state’s efforts at gender-responsive reforms in community supervision. Closely narrating the stories of six of these women, Merry Morash shows how countervailing influences keep reform-oriented probation and parole agents and the women they supervise "in a box." Supervisory approaches that attempt to move away from punitive frameworks are limited or blocked by neoliberal social policies. Inspired by the interviewees’ reflections on their own experiences, the book offers recommendations for truly effective reforms within and outside the justice system.

Party Politics in Russia and Ukraine: Electoral System Change in Diverging Regimes

by Bryon Moraski

Examines how political parties navigate major election reforms by comparing electoral system changes in Russia and Ukraine at the same time, under different regimes In Party Politics in Russia and Ukraine, Bryon Moraski provides a window into the political landscapes of Russia and Ukraine, two countries that have clashed with each other—and struggled with their own popular revolts—in recent years. Drawing on election outcomes, party nominations, parliamentary voting, and other data, Moraski highlights how ruling parties, incumbent legislators, and others have adapted to major electoral system changes in both countries.Moraski sheds light on how authoritarian regimes—and the ruling parties that support them—have used changing conditions in their countries to consolidate their power, with varying success. Exploring the swiftly changing political arena of Eastern Europe, Party Politics in Russia and Ukraine offers timely insight into the impact of elections in the twenty-first century.

Our Plastic Problem and How to Solve It

by Sarah J. Morath

Plastic pollution is a global problem that defies a singular solution. Our Plastic Problem and How to Solve It considers plastic's harm to the environment, from its production to its disposal, and offers a spectrum of solutions that require action by local and federal governments, businesses and non-profits, and individuals. Using specific examples and case studies, the book describes the history and chemistry of plastic, illustrates its harms, and points toward specific legislation and policies to offer concrete solutions. Plastic pollution is ubiquitous and has impacts on soil, food, air, and water. To solve our plastic problem, collaboration across disciplines will be critical; innovations in science, law, and design will be essential. The book demonstrates the need to approach environmental problems from an interdisciplinary lens, and will benefit anyone interested in learning more about the harms and solutions associated with plastic pollution.

ISO 26000: The Business Guide to the New Standard on Social Responsibility (Csr, Sustainability, Ethics And Governance Ser.)

by Lars Moratis Timo Cochius

Over the last ten years, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has grown from being criticised as a management fad to being endorsed as good business practice by the majority of the world's leading companies. It has also become ever more complex; and the majority of companies are now in need of clarity and guidance to actively engage with CSR in practice, to develop strategies that reflect the unique context in which each company operates and to embed CSR within their values. ISO, the International Organization for Standardization, began developing an International Standard providing guidelines for social responsibility (SR) in 2005. This long-awaited guidance standard was finally published in November, 2010 as ISO 26000. Developed by stakeholders from industry, government, labour, consumers, non-governmental organizations and others, ISO 26000 will almost certainly become the single most authoritative worldwide standard for SR. In only a few years' time, many thousands of organizations around the world are likely to be using ISO 26000 as a foundation for their SR policies. ISO 26000 is voluntary, and includes no specific requirements; therefore it is not a certification standard. Nonetheless, business users in particular are anxious to measure against the new ISO guideline their current efforts at implementing SR issues within their overall business strategy. Furthermore, many organizations have indicated that they may reformulate current strategies or develop new initiatives based on the content of ISO 26000. This book, written by international experts who have closely followed the development of ISO 26000, is the first to provide potential users with a comprehensive roadmap to the new standard and a compass to identify where they stand in relation to it now. ISO 26000 defines all of the key terminology of SR, provides advice about the ways in which organizations can identify their social responsibilities and how SR can be integrated not only into companies, but into all types of organizations. It is not another code or norm, but an overarching blueprint for social responsibility. This book covers all the key content of ISO 26000, examining the development of the standard, the topics covered and how key themes such as stakeholders are dealt with. It is rich in tools and benchmarking exercises, illustrative material, case examples, and help for companies looking to base their CSR policy on ISO 26000. It also contains an overview of the actions and expectations of organizations that wish to work in accordance with ISO 26000. Timely, detailed and practical, ISO 26000: The Business Guide to the New Standard on Social Responsibility will be an essential resource for the thousands of organizations that need an expert view on how the new standard works, where they stand in relation to it, and how they can work towards developing their CSR efforts in line with its content.

Business Schools, Leadership and Sustainable Development Goals: The Future of Responsible Management Education (Citizenship and Sustainability in Organizations)

by Lars Moratis Frans Melissen

Business Schools, Leadership and Sustainable Development Goals: The Future of Responsible Management Education is the second book in the series Citizenship and Sustainability in Organizations: Exploring and Spanning the Boundaries. It contains chapters from various scholars and practitioners in the field of responsible management education (RME). Through introspection, through celebrating successes and learning from failures (retrospection) and through looking forward (prospection), it aims to inspire a future of management education and leadership development that demonstrates its relevance to sustainable development. In doing so, it touches upon the grand societal challenges of our time, as illustrated by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and discusses how business schools, and other providers of management education, could and should contribute to overcoming these challenges. It argues that management education needs to educate future leaders in a way that no longer hampers but truly accelerates the process of sustainable development. This book offers a collection of thought-provoking ideas, vivid stories (including personal accounts and experiences), and appealing and engaged forecasts, visions and ideas about management education and leadership development for sustainability. Hence, it is a must-read for anyone interested in or involved in RME.

Constitutional Evolution in Central and Eastern Europe: Expansion and Integration in the EU (Studies in Modern Law and Policy)

by Alexander H.E. Morawa

This book examines EU enlargement by studying how domestic constitutional evolution in the new member states contributes to European integration. In contrast to the usual top-down analytical pattern, it reverses the paradigm by looking at constitutional developments and dynamics from the bottom-up, studying how domestic constitutional evolution contributes to European integration. The authors analyze constitutional trends from the perspective of 'new Member States' as policy-makers and not strictly as policy-takers. The issue of conditionality is also explored in a discussion of the extent to which pre-2004 and 2007 conditionality has had lasting effects at the level of constitutionalization of different areas and norms and if so, of what kind. The exploration of Europeanization effects in recent Member States substantiates and demonstrates how enlargement has been an important driving-force for the effective export of EU legal rules in this region. The book utilizes a comparative approach to highlight the merits and obstacles created by the growing diversity in the constitutional rules and patterns of the new Member States. It also contains a section that places the CEE constitutionalizing map in a broader comparative European and global context, establishing links with similar transitional regimes in the continent and elsewhere.

The Taxation of Energy-Sector Assets: Polish Tax Legislation on the Eve of Energy Transformation (SpringerBriefs in Energy)

by Wojciech Morawski Adam Kałążny

This book answers the question: is Polish property tax legislation ready for the upcoming energy transformation?In Poland, real estate tax (property tax) is a material cost for property owners in energy because of the high value assets used by the sector. At the same time, unclear provisions of Polish tax law and variable jurisprudence can make it challenging for entrepreneurs to predict their tax bills. The current provisions of Polish tax law are often not well adjusted to the reality of modern economy, particularly in the case of assets used in the renewable energy sector. The book describes the problems that face taxpayers, tax authorities, and the administrative courts trying to apply current real estate tax provisions to renewable energy assets. The authors also examine the question of whether Polish legislators treat traditional and renewable sources of energy fairly.The readers of this book will be practitioners and researchers who are interested in issues of renewable energy taxation.

Die Dritte Welt Bankrott machen

by James Morcan Lance Morcan Fm

Die dritte Welt Bankrott machen ist den Verarmten an vergessenen Orten dieser Welt gewidmet. Es hinterfragt, ob die Weltbank, der Internationale Währungsfonds, die Behörde der Vereinigten Staaten für internationale Entwicklung, ihresgleichen sowie andere große internationale Hilfsorganisationen den ärmsten Menschen der Welt helfen oder sie behindern. Dieses Buch hinterfragt auch, ob Hilfspakete echt oder Betrügereien sind, um Dritte-Welt Länder zu unterwerfen. Es belichtet die Korruptionskultur innerhalb der oben genannten Hilfsorganisationen und die Arroganz, mit der sie ihre ‚Kunden‘ aus der Dritten Welt behandeln. Die Morcans enthüllen eine ruchlose geheime Agenda, wobei die ‚Großzügigkeit‘ der internationalen Hilfsorganisationen, mit der sie die Entwicklung der Dritten Welt unterstützen sowie im Falle von Naturkatastrophen helfen, mit Bedingungen verbunden ist. Bedingungen, die dazu da sind, verletzliche Länder zu schröpfen. Der Leser wird daran erinnert, dass wirtschaftliche Auftragskiller, die in John Perkins Bestseller Confessions of an Economic Hit Man von 2004 noch aktiv sind – vor allem in Afrika. Beim Schreiben dieses Buches wurden die Autoren von einer kranken Statistik motiviert: 21.000 Menschen sterben jeden Tag durch Hunger. Das ist eine Person alle vier Sekunden! Noch krankhafter ist die Tatsache, dass solche Todesfälle unnötig sind, angesichts dessen, dass es auf der ganzen Welt genügend Wohlstand gibt, um jedem zumindest die Grundbedürfnisse im Leben zu erfüllen und mehr als genug in der Dritten Welt selbst, sodass diese sich selbst finanzieren könnte. Wenn Sie an das Ende des Buches gelangen, werden Sie sehen, dass man in der Dritten Welt genauso viel Vermögen finden kann, wie in der Ersten Welt. Tatsächlich sind Ausdrücke wie ‚Dritte Welt‘ und ‚verarmte Länder‘ Fehlbezeichnungen, da sie andeuten, dass das Vermögen und die Ressourcen dort begrenzt sind.

Complesso Industriale Medico

by James Morcan Lance Morcan A. Ingenito

Questa è una ricerca, articolata e fedele, della verità sul sistema che collega servizi sanitari, industrie farmaceutiche, ambienti medici universitari, assicurazioni e ricerche mediche innovative, in cui i Morcan propongono un esauriente compendio sulle logiche sociali e di mercato che guidano la medicina moderna, citando alcuni importanti esperti dei diversi settori. Così i capitoli si susseguono, facendo eco sia ai sostenitori che ai detrattori della ricchissima industria della salute, cercando di comunicare al lettore l'unica cosa veramente importante, ossia che le giuste informazioni possono aiutarci sul serio a capire come curarci e a guarire. Farmaci tradizionali o alternativi, di sintesi o naturali, tutti hanno i loro pro e contro ma, qualora se ne conosca il vero potenziale, costituiscono un potenziamento del nostro armamentario terapeutico. Seppure molti di noi, soprattutto in occidente, sono il riflesso di un'umanità che subisce passivamente cure inefficaci e trattamenti pericolosi solo in nome del denaro, la verità è che risulta molto più sano e gratificante conoscere se stessi, mente e corpo, e scegliere quale strada seguire per arrivare alla guarigione.

Bankster$ Internacionais

by James Morcan Lance Morcan Wesley Lindquist

Bankster$ Internacionais identifica quem são os responsáveis pelos gigantescos golpes financeiros que separam os 1% superiores da população, quanto à renda, das pessoas comuns, ou os 99%. Os Barões do Dinheiro focalizados neste livro incluem os administradores dos mais altos níveis nos bancos de Wall Street, nos bancos centrais europeus, na Reserva Federal dos EUA e no Banco do Vaticano, bem como os membros das dinastias bancárias de elite, por exemplo as famílias Rothschild e Rockefeller. Bankster$ Internacionais revela os verdadeiros motivos da série de crises financeiras recentes. Esses motivos incluem: o mundo secreto do "black money" e do dinheiro do Velho Mundo onde a maioria dos ativos e renda permanece não declarada; o sistema dos bancos centrais e a verdadeira natureza da Reserva Federal, dos EUA; as atividades financeiras menos do que santas do Vaticano; as relações nem sempre benevolentes do FMI e do Banco Mundial com os países do Terceiro Mundo; as medidas de austeridade atualmente infligidas a nações vulneráveis ​​como a Grécia; bem como a teoria de que o suprimento de dinheiro do mundo está essencialmente sendo criado do nada. Além de identificar problemas e expor a corrupção, Bankster$ Internacionais propõe ideias para criar um sistema econômico mais justo. Essas idéias incluem: criar bancos públicos; utilizar certos aspectos da banca islâmica que podem ser compatíveis com os sistemas bancários ocidentais; estudar se o capitalismo e o socialismo podem realmente funcionar em conjunto; discutir o caso de manter, mas reestruturar o capitalismo; considerar os méritos de uma renda universal; e prever a influência do ciber-dinheiro, ou criptomoedas, na economia mundial nos próximos anos. Embora os assuntos abordados possam ser problemas monetários, isso está na superfície ...

Equality, Diversity and Opportunity Management: Costs, Strategies and Leadership

by Tony Morden

Equality, Diversity and Opportunity Management presents a comprehensive analysis of the processes of governance, leadership, policy and strategy formulation, decision-making, practical and financial management, and real-world implementation of the Equality, Diversity, Opportunity, and Discrimination (or anti-Discrimination) Agenda. The leadership, cost, and management of the Agenda for Equality, Diversity, Opportunity, and Discrimination (or anti-Discrimination) is discussed in three mandatory areas: ¢ Employment and the Workplace ¢ Service Provision and customer service ¢ Neighbourhood and Community Management The necessary choice of these three key areas of application reflects a typical focus of government policy, legislation, and case law for the UK, Europe, North America, Australia, New Zealand, and in many other countries that implement active Human Rights Agendas. You will find the book strongly orientated towards issues of corporate governance, personal and vicarious responsibility, leadership, cost management, implementation, and delivery. It deals directly, professionally, and in a non-opinionated manner with challenging (and sometimes unpopular or unwanted) issues of equality and inequality, diversity, a lack of opportunity or social mobility, and the widespread incidence of discrimination. The work suggests practical and realistic means to deal with such issues, whether at the level of corporate governance, leadership, policy and strategy, the incurring of unnecessary cost, or at the level of operational and departmental management procedure and process. Equality, Diversity and Opportunity Management is written at the same time from scholarly, objective, applied, proportionate, ’hands-on’, and practitioner based perspectives.

A Short Guide to Equality Risk (Short Guides to Business Risk)

by Tony Morden

A Short Guide to Equality Risk analyses the concepts, theories, and issues associated with the implementation in organisations and the service environment of an Equality, Diversity, and Discrimination (EDD) Agenda. Whether from a business, political, social, legal or medical view, the risks of failure of EDD compliance are escalating, be it in terms of cost, the possibility of damage to reputation, or the potential for loss of government or public sector contracts. Using the insights and specialised medico-legal knowledge he has acquired in the course of successfully defending his own rights, Tony Morden examines the subject from leadership, governance, management, opportunity, and performance-oriented perspectives. By using case studies and drawing on a growing body of international experience, the author analyses components of an EDD Agenda: equality, diversity, opportunity, and discrimination; and examines issues and dilemmas associated with implementing such an agenda. He offers a strategic and performance-oriented overview of the issues of leadership, prioritisation, management process, managing architectures, and the application of performance and risk management concepts. Written from a scholarly perspective, but in a practitioner-oriented and reader-friendly manner, this addition to the series of short guides to business risk provides a credible, strategic, and implementation-based overview of what is becoming a critically important, politically sensitive, and high risk subject.

The Transhumanist Reader: Classical and Contemporary Essays on the Science, Technology, and Philosophy of the Human Future

by Max More Natasha Vita-More

The first authoritative and comprehensive survey of the origins and current state of transhumanist thinking The rapid pace of emerging technologies is playing an increasingly important role in overcoming fundamental human limitations. Featuring core writings by seminal thinkers in the speculative possibilities of the posthuman condition, essays address key philosophical arguments for and against human enhancement, explore the inevitability of life extension, and consider possible solutions to the growing issues of social and ethical implications and concerns. Edited by the internationally acclaimed founders of the philosophy and social movement of transhumanism, The Transhumanist Reader is an indispensable guide to our current state of knowledge of the quest to expand the frontiers of human nature.

Aristocracy and Justice

by Paul Elmer More

This is a pre-1923 historical reproduction that was curated for quality. Quality assurance was conducted on each of these books in an attempt to remove books with imperfections introduced by the digitization process.


by Thomas More

Designedly fantastic in suggestion of details, “Utopia” is the work of a scholar who had read Plato’s “Republic,” and had his fancy quickened after reading Plutarch’s account of Spartan life under Lycurgus. Beneath the veil of an ideal communism, into which there has been worked some witty extravagance, there lies a noble English argument.

Voluntary Environmental Management: The Inevitable Future

by John Morelli

A shift from government oversight to private sector self-regulation appears to be the future of environmental management. This will be a complex and complicated transition, as individual companies attempt to balance their needs against that of the surrounding communities - and world.Voluntary Environmental Management: The Inevitable Future explores how business and industry are preparing for this dramatic shift in responsibility and accountability.John Morelli pinpoints companies that have already adopted environmental auditing and management tools; examines the deficiencies of government-imposed environmental regulations; and shows how businesses can become more proactive in monitoring and managing their environmentally affective activities.The role of global marketplace forces receives substantial emphasis in Voluntary Environmental Management: The Inevitable Future, especially in light of the widespread international acceptance of new ISO 14000 standards.

Bartlett: el impune

by Martín Moreno

Bartlett, el impune, está armado con entrevistas, documentos reveladores, datos duros amargos, testimonios de personalidades cercanas a Bartlett y confidencias periodísticas. El libro muestra el autoritarismo, complicidades y corruptelas de este político ultranacionalista que, con AMLO, quien lo escucha sumiso y lo obedece, son actores principales de la ruina política y económica que soporta México. Con Bartlett, el impune, Martín Moreno-Durán confirma que es el periodista más punzante del sistema político mexicano: ha señalado, con nombres y hechos, los abusos, el desfalco y la insolencia de los gobiernos corruptos del PRI, del PAN y de Morena. Por primera vez se ofrece en un libro el perfil más amplio de uno de los políticos más siniestros y poderosos del México contemporáneo: Manuel Bartlett Díaz. Priista de línea dura, implicado en el asesinato del agente de la DEA, Enrique Kiki Camarena; verdugo en la penumbra del crimen del célebre periodista Manuel Buendía; hombre clave que impidió el triunfo legítimo de Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas en las oscuras elecciones de 1988 y actualmente el hombre más poderoso del gobierno de AMLO, quizá, aún más potente que el presidente.

How the Court Became Supreme: The Origins of American Juristocracy

by Paul D. Moreno

Over the course of its history, the United States Supreme Court has emerged as the most powerful judiciary unit the world has ever seen. Paul D. Moreno’s How the Court Became Supreme offers a deep dive into its transformation from an institution paid little notice by the American public to one whose decisions are analyzed and broadcast by major media outlets across the nation. The Court is supreme today not just within the judicial branch of the federal government but also over the legislative and executive branches, effectively possessing the ability to police elections and choose presidents. Before 1987, nearly all nominees to the Court sailed through confirmation hearings, often with little fanfare, but these nominations have now become pivotal moments in the minds of voters. Complaints of judicial primacy range across the modern political spectrum, but little attention is given to what precisely that means or how it happened. What led to the ascendancy of America’s highest court? Moreno seeks to answer this question, tracing the long history of the Court’s expansion of influence and examining how the Court envisioned by the country’s Founders has evolved into an imperial judiciary. The US Constitution contains a multitude of safeguards to prevent judicial overreach, but while those measures remain in place today, most have fallen into disuse. Many observers maintain that the Court exercises legislative or executive power under the guise of judicial review, harming rather than bolstering constitutional democracy. How the Court Became Supreme tells the story of the origin and development of this problem, proposing solutions that might compel the Court to embrace its more traditional role in our constitutional republic.

Handbook of Missing Persons

by Stephen J. Morewitz Caroline Sturdy Colls

This ambitious multidisciplinary volume surveys the science, forensics, politics, and ethics involved in responding to missing persons cases. International experts across the physical and social sciences offer data, case examples, and insights on best practices, new methods, and emerging specialties that may be employed in investigations. Topics such as secondary victimization, privacy issues, DNA identification, and the challenges of finding victims of war and genocide highlight the uncertainties and complexities surrounding these cases as well as possibilities for location and recovery. This diverse presentation will assist professionals in accessing new ideas, collaborating with colleagues, and handling missing persons cases with greater efficiency--and potentially greater certainty. Among the Handbook's topics: #65533;A profile of missing persons: some key findings for police officers. #65533;Missing persons investigations and identification: issues of scale, infrastructure, and political will. #65533;Pregnancy and parenting among runaway and homeless young women. #65533;Estimating the appearance of the missing: forensic age progression in the search for missing persons. #65533;The use of trace evidence in missing persons investigations. #65533;The Investigation of historic missing persons cases: genocide and "conflict time" human rights abuses. The depth and scope of its expertise make the Handbook of Missing Persons useful for criminal justice and forensic professionals, health care and mental health professionals, social scientists, legal professionals, policy leaders, community leaders, and military personnel, as well as for the general public.

Continental Philosophy of Psychiatry: The Lure of Madness

by Alastair Morgan

This book explores how the continental philosophical tradition in the 20th century attempted to understand madness as madness. It traces the paradoxical endeavour of reason attempting to understand madness without dissolving the inherent strangeness and otherness of madness. It provides a comprehensive overview of the contributions of phenomenology, critical theory, psychoanalysis, post-structuralism and anti-psychiatry to continental philosophy and psychiatry. The book outlines an intellectual tradition of psychiatry that is both fascinated by and withdraws from madness. Madness is a lure for philosophy in two senses; as both trap and provocation. It is a trap because this philosophical tradition constructs an otherness of madness so profound, that it condemns madness to silence. However, the idea of madness as another world is also a fertile provocation because it respects the non-identity of madness to reason. The book concludes with some critical reflections on the role of madness in contemporary philosophical thought.

Incredible Captures

by Bill Morgan

Here is all the excitement, action, and riveting detective work of five famous "foolproof" crimes being cracked--without the sensationalism and violence of adult true-crime books. Cases include the Brinks armored truck job, the largest hotel robbery in America's history, the dramatic rescue of a kidnapped little girl, and more.

The Intersection of Rights and Regulation: New Directions in Sociolegal Scholarship (Markets And The Law Ser.)

by Bronwen Morgan

Policy makers and social actors increasingly face inter-related and inter-penetrated levels and realms of governance. The effect is that some of the intuitive contrasts between rights and regulation are no longer tenable. As the essays collected in this volume show, different combinations of rights and regulatory claims serve as barometers of current changes in political economy. These are not only restructuring political space, but also changing the assumed relevance of rights and regulation. Bringing together a range of fresh perspectives on socio-legal scholarship from a variety of disciplines, The Intersection of Rights and Regulations will have worldwide interdisciplinary appeal.

Social Citizenship in the Shadow of Competition: The Bureaucratic Politics of Regulatory Justification (Law, Justice and Power)

by Bronwen Morgan

Social Citizenship in the Shadow of Competition explores how economic concepts and tools are reshaping regulatory law. Building on studies that link law - both institutionally and discursively - to the legitimation of economic neo-liberalism, the book charts lawmakers' attempts to justify social welfare regulation in the language imposed by economic theory. It presents new qualitative findings from an ambitious regulatory reform programme targeting over 1,700 pieces of legislation. Bronwen Morgan argues that the interplay between economic discourse and lawmaking does not destroy the possibility of social citizenship; however, the subsequent regulatory conversations frequently silence or weaken the claims of vulnerable groups. Thus, even when vulnerable groups secure instrumental success, economic conceptions of bureaucratic rationality impoverish their capacity to express certain kinds of intangible values and aspirations. To expand or retain social citizenship requires that we learn to conceive of what matters in political economy without relying on the logic of utility or other instrumental rationalities.

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