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Vigilantes beyond Borders: NGOs as Enforcers of International Law

by Mette Eilstrup-Sangiovanni J C Sharman

How and why NGOs are increasingly taking independent and direct action in global law enforcement, from human rights to the environment Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) have generally served as advocates and service providers, leaving enforcement to states. Now, NGOs are increasingly acting as private police, prosecutors, and intelligence agencies in enforcing international law. NGOs today can be found investigating and gathering evidence; suing and prosecuting governments, companies, and individuals; and even catching lawbreakers red-handed. Examining this trend, Vigilantes beyond Borders considers why some transnational groups have opted to become enforcers of international law regarding such issues as human rights, the environment, and corruption, while others have not.Three factors explain the rise of vigilante enforcement: demand, supply, and competition. Governments commit to more international laws, but do a poor job of policing them, leaving a gap and creating demand. Legal and technological changes make it easier for nonstate actors to supply enforcement, as in the instances of NGOs that have standing to use domestic and international courts, or smaller NGOs that employ satellite imagery, big data analysis, and forensic computing. As the growing number of NGOs vie for limited funding and media attention, smaller, more marginal, groups often adopt radical strategies like enforcement.Looking at the workings of major organizations, including Amnesty International, Greenpeace, and Transparency International, as well as smaller players, such as Global Witness, the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, and Bellingcat, Vigilantes beyond Borders explores the causes and consequences of a novel, provocative approach to global governance.

Villain, Vermin, Icon, Kin: Wolves and the Making of Canada

by Stephanie Rutherford

A wolf’s howl is felt in the body. Frightening and compelling, incomprehensible or entirely knowable, it is a sound that may be heard as threat or invitation but leaves no listener unaffected.Toothsome fiends, interfering pests, or creatures wild and free, wolves have been at the heart of Canada’s national story since long before Confederation. Villain, Vermin, Icon, Kin contends that the role in which wolves have been cast – monster or hero – has changed dramatically through time. Exploring the social history of wolves in Canada, Stephanie Rutherford weaves an innovative tapestry from the varied threads of historical and contemporary texts, ideas, and practices in human-wolf relations, from provincial bounties to Farley Mowat’s iconic Never Cry Wolf. These examples reveal that Canada was made, in part, through relationships with nonhuman animals. Wolves have always captured the human imagination. In sketching out the connections people have had with wolves at different times, Villain, Vermin, Icon, Kin offers a model for more ethical ways of interacting with animals in the face of a global biodiversity crisis.

Vindicatory Justice: Beyond Law and Revenge (Ius Gentium: Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice #93)

by Raúl Márquez Porras Riccardo Mazzola Ignasi Terradas Saborit

This volume offers a new theoretical approach to the analysis of the law/revenge binary, and attempts to dismantle the common idea of revenge as lacking any legal, moral or rational dimension. In contrast, the book puts forward a model of a complex system of justice—which it terms 'vindicatory'—wherein vendetta constitutes an authorized action, the core of which does not (just) lie in vengeance but also in settlement procedures for peace—or 'composition.' The first part of the book ("Vindicatory Justice: Conceptual Analyses and Forerunners") seeks to identify the nature of vindicatory justice and to shed light on the structure of so-called vindicatory systems. In turn, the second part ("Mapping Vindicatory Justice") illustrates, using examples gathered from a range of sociolegal contexts, the dynamic relationship between composition and authorized revenge in vindicatory systems. Taken as a whole, the volume shows that applying a longue durée historical perspective to the study of revenge systems allows us to clearly recognize composition and authorized revenge as features of the same legal system, even though one of them may seem predominant (or more eye-catching) than the other in certain cultural settings.

Violar desde el poder: Abuso Sexual, acoso y pederastia de politicos mexicanos

by Yohali Reséndiz

La verdad trágica que produce rabia e indignación sobre algunos servidores públicos, magistrados, senadores o diputados, encargados de construir un México mejor, denunciados por cometer delitos sexuales. Violar desde el poder es una investigación que revela los abusos sexuales de políticos siniestros como Félix Salgado Macedonio, Benjamín Saúl Huerta, Juan Bustos, Manuel Horacio Cavazos, José Elías Medel Galindo, Juan Antonio Vera Carrizal, Cuauhtémoc Gutiérrez de la Torre y más, encubiertos por otros funcionarios, cómplices que desde sus cargos públicos se burlan del dolor mortal de las víctimas. Yohali Reséndiz entrevista a los múltiples afectados y revela las horrendas secuelas que estos actos de salvajismo y desvergüenza dejaron en mujeres, muchachos de 15 o 16 años y niñas violadas por sus propios familiares. La periodista remueve las aguas negras de la impunidad y da rostro a esos seres indefensos atacados con crueldad para sembrar en sus vidas traumas, dolor físico y emocional, impotencia y miedo. En estas páginas sin precedentes, el lector encontrará motivos para reflexionar y denunciar estos delitos que cometen funcionarios del gobierno que prometen una vida mejor, pero que actúan como depredadores amparados en el poder político. El libro se completa con una guía para denunciar ante ministerios públicos delitos de violación y abuso sexual. Hoy más que nunca México debe expresar surechazo a los feminicidios, a la violencia sexual y al abuso sexual infantil, este libro es una potente iniciativa para ello. abuso sexual ;acoso ;violacion ;abuso sexual infantil ;delitos sexuales ;pornografia ;pederastas ;impunidad ;denuncia ;violencia contra la mujer ;equidad de genero ;inclusion ;maltrato infantil ;feminicida ;delito ;impunidad ;víctimas de delitos sexuales;corrupcion ;trata de personas;trata de blancas;feminicidios;muertas de juares;escandalos sexuales;verdad mexicana;gobierno mexicano;narco gobierno;mexico feminicida;se va a caer;[Críticas/Reseñas]

Violence Against Women and Criminal Justice in Africa: Sexual Violence and Vulnerability (Sustainable Development Goals Series)

by Ashwanee Budoo-Scholtz Emma Charlene Lubaale

This book examines violence against women in Africa and criminal justice from the perspective of African scholars, practitioners and experts. As a global and long-standing issue, violence against women is gaining public visibility across the African continent with some states announcing a national crisis warranting immediate redress. At the global level, the elimination of all forms of violence against all women and girls forms a key part of United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 5: Gender Equality. Split across two volumes, these books present a comprehensive analysis of the latest research and theories, principles and practices of criminal justice systems, criminal justice accountability mechanisms, and the key challenges women face in their quest for justice on the African continent. This volume (II) focusses on sexual violence and vulnerable women’s access to justice in Africa. Volume I focusses on legislation and its impact, the limitations of criminal justice responses, and the cultural and social norms regarding access to justice. Together, they adopt a comparative approach that highlight gaps and good practices to provide a rich source of authoritative information for promoting an intra-African dialogue and cross-fertilization of ideas across the different criminal justice traditions in Africa. Both volumes seek to advance discussions on eliminating violence against women in Africa and speak to those interested in criminal justice, violence, gender studies and African legal studies.

Violence Against Women and Criminal Justice in Africa: Legislation, Limitations and Culture (Sustainable Development Goals Series)

by Emma Charlene Lubaale Ashwanee Budoo-Scholtz

This book examines violence against women in Africa and criminal justice from the perspective of African scholars, practitioners and experts. As a global and long-standing issue, violence against women is gaining public visibility across the African continent with some states announcing a national crisis warranting immediate redress. At the global level, the elimination of all forms of violence against all women and girls forms a key part of United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 5: Gender Equality. Split across two volumes, these books present a comprehensive analysis of the latest research and theories, principles and practices of criminal justice systems, criminal justice accountability mechanisms, and the key challenges women face in their quest for justice on the African continent. Volume I focusses on legislation and its impact, the limitations of criminal justice responses, and the cultural and social norms regarding access to justice. Volume II examines sexual violence and vulnerable women’s access to justice in Africa. They adopt a comparative approach that highlight gaps and good practices to provide a rich source of authoritative information for promoting an intra-African dialogue and cross-fertilization of ideas across the different criminal justice traditions in Africa. Both volumes seek to advance discussions on eliminating violence against women in Africa and speak to those interested in criminal justice, violence, gender studies and African legal studies.

Violence Against Women, Hate and Law: Perspectives from Contemporary Scotland (Palgrave Hate Studies)

by Kim Barker Olga Jurasz

This book presents the first academic study offering a holistic assessment of violence against women (VAW) in Scotland, both online and offline. In particular, it focuses on VAW, hate crime, and online forms of violence against women (OVAW). It critically assesses the gaps in the hate crime protections in Scots Law, focusing specifically on the absence of legal protections for VAW, OVAW, hate crime, and gender-based violence, and it includes international comparisons throughout. Given the current upsurge in the abuse of women, this book offers a holistic assessment of the phenomenon of VAW and makes the case for pressing law reform in Scotland, specifically for legal protections against VAW and OVAW to be included within Scots Law. The book contains not only research findings but also makes practical recommendations for law and policy reform in the areas of hate crime, VAW and OVAW. As such, it contributes to Scotland’s progressive and leading approach to tackling violence against women and girls.

The Viral Politics of Covid-19: Nature, Home, and Planetary Health (Biolegalities)

by Vanessa Lemm Miguel Vatter

This book ​ critically examines the COVID-19 pandemic and its legal and biological governance using a multidisciplinary approach. The perspectives reflected in this volume investigate the imbrications between technosphere and biosphere at social, economic, and political levels. The biolegal dimensions of our evolving understanding of “home” are analysed as the common thread linking the problem of zoonotic diseases and planetary health with that of geopolitics, biosecurity, bioeconomics and biophilosophies of the plant-animal-human interface. In doing so, the contributions collectively highlight the complexities, challenges, and opportunities for humanity, opening new perspectives on how to inhabit our shared planet. This volume will broadly appeal to scholars and students in anthropology, cultural and media studies, history, philosophy, political science and public health, sociology and science and technology studies.

Virtual Searches: Regulating the Covert World of Technological Policing

by Christopher Slobogin

A close look at innovations in policing and the law that should govern themA host of technologies—among them digital cameras, drones, facial recognition devices, night-vision binoculars, automated license plate readers, GPS, geofencing, DNA matching, datamining, and artificial intelligence—have enabled police to carry out much of their work without leaving the office or squad car, in ways that do not easily fit the traditional physical search and seizure model envisioned by the framers of the Constitution. Virtual Searches develops a useful typology for sorting through this bewildering array of old, new, and soon-to-arrive policing techniques. It then lays out a framework for regulating their use that expands the Fourth Amendment’s privacy protections without blindly imposing its warrant requirement, and that prioritizes democratic over judicial policymaking. The coherent regulatory regime developed in Virtual Searches ensures that police are held accountable for their use of technology without denying them the increased efficiency it provides in their efforts to protect the public. Whether policing agencies are pursuing an identified suspect, constructing profiles of likely perpetrators, trying to find matches with crime scene evidence, collecting data to help with these tasks, or using private companies to do so, Virtual Searches provides a template for ensuring their actions are constitutionally legitimate and responsive to the polity.

Virtue in Global Governance: Judgment and Discretion (Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law)

by Jan Klabbers

Since rules - legal, ethical or otherwise - cannot determine their own application, they require persons of flesh and blood to interpret and apply them in concrete cases. Presidents and prime ministers, judges, prosecutors, mediators, leaders of international organizations, and even religious leaders and public intellectuals make decisions on how best to understand rules and how best to apply them. It stands to reason that their character traits influence the sort of decisions they take. This book provides the first systematic framework for discussing global governance in terms of the virtues, and illustrates it with a number of detailed examples of concrete decision-making in specific situations. Virtue in Global Governance combines insights from law, ethics, and global governance studies in developing a unique approach to global governance and international law.

Virtues from Hell: Survivors of Conflicts and the Reconstruction-Reconciliation Processes (Philosophy and Politics - Critical Explorations #20)

by Fidèle Ingiyimbere

This book offers a critical examination of certain ideas and values—such as remembering, forgiveness, story-telling through Truth and Reconciliation Commissions, etc.—that under-gird the transitional practices and mechanisms of societies emerging from conflicts. It does so by making the survivors’ experience the supreme and ultimate judge of the legitimacy of such practices. While many scholars have dealt with these topics, this book provides a unique perspective on them by using personal stories, narratives and memoirs of the survivors as a checking point of the theoretical elaboration of these ideas and values. By means of an existential phenomenological analysis of the situation of survivors of gross human rights violations, the book assesses how many resources are still available to them, so that they can contribute to the processes of reconstruction and reconciliation of their societies. This analysis constitutes the background for reading the rest of the book, which challenges some assumptions and presumptions of transitional practices such as healing through truth-telling, or providing justice through reparations. It does so by presenting nuanced suggestions on the ways survivors can participate in the reconstruction-reconciliation processes, without jeopardizing their own well-being.

Voicing Identity: Cultural Appropriation and Indigenous Issues

by John Borrows Kent McNeil

Written by leading Indigenous and non-Indigenous scholars, Voicing Identity examines the issue of cultural appropriation in the contexts of researching, writing, and teaching about Indigenous peoples. This book grapples with the questions of who is qualified to engage in these activities and how this can be done appropriately and respectfully. The authors address these questions from their individual perspectives and experiences, often revealing their personal struggles and their ongoing attempts to resolve them. There is diversity in perspectives and approaches, but also a common goal: to conduct research and teach in respectful ways that enhance understanding of Indigenous histories, cultures, and rights, and promote reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples. Bringing together contributors with diverse backgrounds and unique experiences, Voicing Identity will be of interest to students and scholars studying Indigenous issues as well as anyone seeking to engage in the work of making Canada a model for just relations between the original peoples and newcomers.

Vom „Theater des Schreckens“ zum „peinlichen Rechte nach der Vernunft“: Literatur und Strafrecht im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert (Literatur und Recht #5)

by Eric Achermann Gideon Stiening

Das Strafrecht der frühen Neuzeit erfährt zwischen dem beginnenden 17. und dem späten 18. Jahrhundert in Theorie und Praxis grundstürzende Veränderungen. Vor allem im Zuge der Aufklärung wird es entschärft, rationalisiert und teilweise humanisiert. Diese Prozesse werden von der europäischen Literatur kritisch reflektiert und kommentiert, womit es ihr häufig gelingt, in die Strafpraxis einzugreifen. Der Band klärt die moralphilosophischen Grundlagen dieser Entwicklung und untersucht das Wechselverhältnis von Literatur und Recht in Einzelstudien zu bedeutenden Werken der Zeit.

Vorschlagswesen zur Innovation in der Öffentlichen Verwaltung: Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter treiben die Veränderung (essentials)

by Gottfried Richenhagen Hans-Dieter Schat

Die öffentliche Verwaltung unterliegt einem großen Veränderungsdruck durch die Digitalisierung (Onlinezugangsgesetz!) und die Demografie (Fachkräftemangel und Generation Y in den Verwaltungen, "Digital Natives" und anspruchsvolle ältere Seniorinnen und Senioren als Bürger). Dadurch ist der Kostendruck schon fast zur Gewohnheit geworden. Öffentliche Verwaltungen bestehen aus Menschen. Wenn die Mitarbeitenden in den Verwaltungen nicht mitgenommen werden, dann wird ein Wandel nicht gelingen. Mit dem Vorschlagswesen wird ein bewährtes Konzept vorgestellt. Hier können die Mitarbeitenden selbst aktiv werden und ihre Sicht einbringen. Dies führt zu einer neuen Kultur in der Verwaltung.

Vorstandsvergütung 2020: Ein Beitrag zur Entwicklung der Vergütung nach Umsetzung der ARUG II-Richtlinie und der DCGK Reform 2020 (Juridicum - Schriften zum Unternehmens- und Wirtschaftsrecht)

by Florian Timmer

Ausufernde Vergütungen für Vorstände von börsennotierten Aktiengesellschaften entsprechen einem öffentlichen Vorurteil. Das gilt gerade dann, wenn die Gesellschaften selbst zuvor keine ebenso hohen Gewinne erwirtschafteten oder die Börsenkurse ins Wanken gerieten. Auch sonst sorgten millionenhohe Vergütungen oft für öffentliches Unverständnis. Aus diesem Grund hat der europäische Gesetzgeber mit Erlass der zweiten Aktionärsrechterichtlinie (2. ARRL) einen weiteren Regulierungsversuch unternommen, um diesem Phänomen einen Riegel vorzuschieben. In Deutschland wurde die Richtlinie durch das zweite Aktionärsrechterichtlinien-Umsetzungsgesetz (ARUG II) in nationales Recht überführt. In unmittelbarem Zusammenhang damit wurde auch der Deutsche Corporate Governance Kodex in seiner ab 2020 geltenden Fassung (DCGK 2020) deutlich überarbeitet. Auf der Basis dieser Neuerungen wertet dieses Werk aus, ob bekannte Probleme der Vergütung gelöst wurden. Zudem wird die neue Gesetzeslage kritisch gewürdigt. Abschließend wird auf die impliziten Auswirkungen eingegangen.

Votos, drogas y violencia

by Guillermo Trejo

¿POR QUÉ A MEDIDA QUE LA DEMOCRACIA SE HA CONSOLIDADO EN MÉXICO LA VIOLENCIA A GRAN ESCALA SE HA MULTIPLICADO?. Guillermo Trejo y Sandra Ley ofrecen en este libro una teoría novedosa y necesaria sobre la violencia criminal, que enfatiza la influencia crucial de la política. A partir de estudios de caso en profundidad y análisis estadísticos que abarcan más de dos décadas y distintos niveles de gobierno, muestran que los procesos de transición democrática, aunados a la fragmentación del poder político, pudieron ser la causa principal del estallido e intensificación de las guerras en México, así como su expansión a las esferas de la política local y la sociedad civil. A diferencia de estudios previos, que ven a los grupos de crimen organizado como empresas económicas libres que operan en oposición a las autoridades estatales, Trejo y Ley los conciben como grupos ilegales íntimamente relacionados con el Estado. Por tanto, estos grupos responden al cambio político: el crimen organizado no puede existir ni operar con éxito si no cuenta con algún grado de protección estatal. Los autores denominan a esa intersección colaborativa zona gris, un espacio donde los grupos criminales pueden respirar, crecer, reproducirse y triunfar. Sin embargo, cuando la esfera del poder estatal cambia, el equilibrio de la zona gris también lo hace y eso genera violencia. Votos, drogas y violencia propone un nuevo enfoque político que amplía nuestra comprensión del crimen organizado y de las condiciones que propician la guerra y la paz en el inframundo criminal.

Voyage Charters (Lloyd's Shipping Law Library)

by Julian Cooke Tim Young Michael Ashcroft Andrew Taylor John Kimball David Martowski LeRoy Lambert Michael Sturley

Widely regarded as the leading authority on voyage charters, this book is the most comprehensive and intellectually-rigorous analysis of the area, is regularly cited in court and by arbitrators, and is the go-to guide for drafting and disputing charterparty contracts. Voyage Charters provides the reader with a clause-by-clause analysis of the two major charterparty forms: the Gencon standard charterparty contract and the Asbatankvoy form. It also delivers thorough treatment of COGSA and the Hague and Hague-Visby Rules, a comparative analysis of English and United States law, and a detailed section on arbitration awards. This book is an indispensable, practical guide for both contentious and non-contentious shipping law practitioners, and postgraduate students studying this area of law.

Wahlrecht – auch für Kinder? (#philosophieorientiert)

by Johannes Giesinger

Ein Mensch, eine Stimme: Das Wahlrecht ist die Grundlage der Demokratie. Jedes politische System, das nicht allen dieses Recht zugesteht, erscheint als undemokratisch. Folgt man dieser Auffassung, so ist es nicht hinnehmbar, eine große Bevölkerungsgruppe – Personen unter 18 Jahren – vom Wahlrecht auszuschließen. Das Bemühen um ein Wahlrecht für Kinder und Jugendliche hat in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten verstärkte Aufmerksamkeit erhalten. Johannes Giesinger argumentiert gegen ein Kinderwahlrecht, zeigt aber auf, dass die Frage des politischen Status von Kindern philosophisch neu diskutiert werden muss. Die Forderung nach einem politischen Mitbestimmungsrecht für jüngere Personen wirft ein Schlaglicht auf ungelöste Probleme heutiger Demokratien: Wie kann sichergestellt werden, dass die Interessen Heranwachsender im demokratischen Prozess angemessen repräsentiert werden? Wie ist es zu rechtfertigen, dass gewisse Personen staatlichem Zwang unterworfen sind, ohne die Möglichkeit zu haben, mit demokratischen Mitteln dagegen vorzugehen? Wie kann verhindert werden, dass Personen, die politisch nichts zu sagen haben, gesellschaftlich ausgegrenzt werden?

Wahrhaftigkeit - eine gesellschaftliche Herausforderung

by Sven Van Meegen

Jeder Mensch lügt. Würden wir dies leugnen, würden wir uns selbst belügen. Gefährlich wird dies, wenn die Lüge sich als Normalität in unser Leben einschleicht und zum Automatismus wird. Wenn sie sich so überzeugend darstellt, dass wir nicht mehr in der Lage sind, zu erkennen, was Wahrheit und Lüge ist. Dann braucht es Wahrhaftigkeit! Wahrhaftigkeit stört den Automatismus der Lüge und bricht ihn auf. In diesem Buch beschreiben 26 Autorinnen und Autoren aus den Bereichen der Politik, der kommunalen und öffentlichen Arbeit, der Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften, der Religion, der Wirtschaft und der Begleitung von Menschen ihre Perspektive auf die Wahrhaftigkeit aus ihren jeweiligen Kontexten heraus. Die Auseinandersetzungen in den verschiedenen Bereichen verweisen auf die vielfältigen Chancen und Herausforderungen für das Mensch-Sein und die Gesellschaft, die die Wahrhaftigkeit mit sich bringt.

The War in Court: Inside the Long Fight against Torture

by Lisa Hajjar

How hundreds of lawyers mobilized to challenge the illegal treatment of prisoners captured in the war on terror and helped force an end to the US government's most odious policies. In The War in Court, sociologist Lisa Hajjar traces the fight against US torture policy by lawyers who brought the "war on terror" into courts. Their victories, though few and far between, forced the government to change the way prisoners were treated and focused attention on state crimes perpetrated in the shadows. If not for these lawyers and their allies, US torture would have gone unchallenged because elected officials and the American public, with a few exceptions, did nothing to oppose it. This war in court has been fought to defend the principle that there is no legal right to torture. Told as a suspenseful, high-stakes story, The War in Court clearly outlines why challenges to the torture policy had to be waged on the legal terrain and why hundreds of lawyers joined the fight. Drawing on extensive interviews with key participants, her own experiences reporting from Guantánamo, and her deep knowledge of international law and human rights, Hajjar reveals how the ongoing fight against torture has had transformative effects on the legal landscape in the United States and on a global scale.

War, Peace, and Violence: Four Christian Views (Spectrum Multiview Book Series)

by Paul Copan

In a world of war, terrorism, and other geopolitical threats to global stability, how should committed Christians honor Jesus Christ and his Word?In this volume in IVP Academic's Spectrum series, four contributors—experts in Christian ethics, political philosophy, and international affairs—offer the best of current Christian thinking on issues of war and peace. They present four distinct views:Eric Patterson, just war viewMyles Werntz, nonviolence viewA. J. Nolte, Christian realist viewMeic Pearse, church historical viewEach contributor makes a case for his own view and responds to the others, highlighting complexities and real-world implications of the various perspectives. Edited and with an introduction and conclusion by the philosopher Paul Copan, this book provides a helpful orientation to the key positions today.Spectrum Multiview Books offer a range of viewpoints on contested topics within Christianity, giving contributors the opportunity to present their position and also respond to others in this dynamic publishing format.

Ways of Being Bound: Perspectives from post-Kantian Philosophy and Relational Sociology (Library of Ethics and Applied Philosophy #39)

by Patricio A. Fernández Alejandro Néstor García Martínez José M. Torralba

This book addresses the topic of 'being bound' from a philosophical and a sociological perspective. It examines several ways in which we are bound. We are bound to acknowledge the truth and to follow laws; we are bound to others and to the world. Who we are is partly defined by those bonds, regardless of whether we live up to them – or even of whether we acknowledge them. Puzzling questions arise from the fact that we are bound, such as: How are those bonds binding? Wherein lies their normative character? A venerable philosophical tradition, particularly since Kant, has provided an account of normativity that crucially appeals to such notions as “self-legislation.” But can our normative bonds be properly understood in these essentially first-personal terms? Many argue that our social condition resists any account of those bonds that fails to acknowledge the perspectives of the second and the third person. The first part of the book explores these themes from a historical perspective in the tradition of transcendental philosophy (Kant, Fichte, Hegel, Husserl and Heidegger); it examines the phenomenon of “being bound”, i.e., why and how we are bound. The second part of the book offers a sociological analysis of social bonds that is both historical and systematic. Based on sociological approaches to “solidarity” and “reflexivity”, it explores the way in which the phenomenon of “being bound” manifests through the concept of a “social relation”.

We Don't Need Permission: How black business can change our world

by Eric Collins

Highly Commended for the Diversity, Inclusion and Equality Award at the Business Book AwardsA powerful 10 step guide to transformative entrepreneurship for under-represented people from Eric Collins, host of the award-winning Channel 4 reality business show The Money Maker.'Eric Collins is one of the most powerful business people in Britain.' The Times__________Step 1: Embrace the unexpectedStep 2: Engage in consistent and continuous acts of disruptionStep 3: Let go of small - think bigger, think global and prepare for pitfallsStep 4: Take risks using data to mitigate the downsideStep 5: Put your money where your mouth is, make your resources matterStep 6: Leverage what you knowStep 7: Become a convener by making your mission bigger than yourselfStep 8: Invest in women to create AlphaStep 9: Sell your vision, make time-appropriate asks and don't forget to recruit alliesStep 10: Always bet on Black________________________At a time when half of Black households in the UK live in persistent poverty - over twice as many as their white counterparts - We Don't Need Permission argues that investing in Black and under-represented entrepreneurs in order to create successful businesses is the surest, fastest socio-economic game-changer there is.Long-lasting economic empowerment - from education to health outcomes - is key to solving the multiple problems that result from systemic racism and sexism. And it is the best way to close the inequality gaps that have hampered and continue to hinder Black people and all women too. To address this problem head on, Eric Collins co-founded venture capital firm Impact X Capital to invest in under-represented entrepreneurs in the UK and Europe.In We Don't Need Permission, Collins identifies ten key principles of successful entrepreneurship, and reveals how it's possible to change a system that has helped some, while holding others back. The book not only aims to inspire and motivate under-represented people to take their future and economic destiny into their own hands, but will demand of current business leaders and organizations that they do business better.It's time to stop waiting for someone else to give permission and start boldly making the world we want to see.__________

We the Miners: Self-Government in the California Gold Rush

by Andrea G. McDowell

A surprising account of frontier law that challenges the image of the Wild West. In the absence of state authority, Gold Rush miners crafted effective government by the people—but not for all the people.Gold Rush California was a frontier on steroids: 1,500 miles from the nearest state, it had a constantly fluctuating population and no formal government. A hundred thousand single men came to the new territory from every corner of the nation with the sole aim of striking it rich and then returning home. The circumstances were ripe for chaos, but as Andrea McDowell shows, this new frontier was not nearly as wild as one would presume. Miners turned out to be experts at self-government, bringing about a flowering of American-style democracy—with all its promises and deficiencies.The Americans in California organized and ran meetings with an efficiency and attention to detail that amazed foreign observers. Hundreds of strangers met to adopt mining codes, decide claim disputes, run large-scale mining projects, and resist the dominance of companies financed by outside capital. Most notably, they held criminal trials on their own authority. But, mirroring the societies back east from which they came, frontiersmen drew the boundaries of their legal regime in racial terms. The ruling majority expelled foreign miners from the diggings and allowed their countrymen to massacre the local Native Americans. And as the new state of California consolidated, miners refused to surrender their self-endowed authority to make rules and execute criminals, presaging the don’t-tread-on-me attitudes of much of the contemporary American west.In We the Miners, Gold Rush California offers a well-documented test case of democratic self-government, illustrating how frontiersmen used meetings and the rules of parliamentary procedure to take the place of the state.

Wealth Management and Investment in Islamic Settings: Opportunities and Challenges

by Toseef Azid Murniati Mukhlisin Othman Altwijry

This book addresses the theory, practices, challenges, key issues and potential future policies concerning investment and wealth management in connection with Islamic finance. There is a noted scarcity of literature on Islamic approaches towards wealth management from a jurisprudential perspective, and so this book aims to address this lacuna in available literature. It demonstrates strategies for wealth management in keeping with the Qur’an and Sunn’ah, posing questions relating to interest and investment, and proposing financial models for benefiting the poorer segments of society while simultaneously satisfying economic necessities in keeping with Islamic law. Given its breadth of scope, combining perspectives from scholars and practitioners with extensive experience in the banking and finance sector from different Islamic settings including Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Brunei and Indonesia, this edited volume will benefit practitioners, researchers, and graduate students studying finance, economics and business management in an Islamic context.

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