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Showing 30,476 through 30,500 of 33,595 results

Capital Controls and International Economic Law (Cambridge International Trade and Economic Law)

by Bryan Mercurio

Focusing on capital controls, this study provides rigorous legal analysis to establish whether the mandate of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) extends to the capital account; that is, whether the IMF has the authority to control and/or regulate the use of capital controls by its member states. The book then analyses whether a country's use of capital controls is consistent with the obligations and commitments undertaken in various multilateral and bilateral trade and investment agreements. Finally, it analyses the tension within international economic law, as the IMF now encourages the use of capital controls under certain circumstances, while most trade/investment agreements prohibit or limit their use. Proposing a way forward to alleviate the tension and construct a more harmonious relationship between the norms and standards of finance, trade and investment, this study will be essential reading for policymakers.

Capital Structure, Equity Ownership and Corporate Performance: Evidence from Indian Manufacturing Firms (Routledge Studies in Development Economics)

by Krishna Dayal Pandey Tarak Nath Sahu

This book provides empirical insights into the relationship between capital and equity-ownership structure of Indian manufacturing companies and their financial performance. It discusses and analyses the basic theories and concepts associated with capital structure, debt financing, levered and unlevered firms, the various forms of ownership, agency problem and its kind and the exploitation of minority owners by the large and largest owners. The study employs a set of the most reliable and suitable econometric estimation techniques to draw meaningful inferences on the Indian manufacturing sector. The novelty of this book lies in three particular aspects: the depth and dimension with which the topic is addressed; the robust empirical evidence that it has produced and the simple and intelligible approach with which it is authored. It communicates the crucial relevance of corporate capital structure and equity-ownership to the moderation of agency relationship and shaping the internal governance mechanism, which ultimately results in increased or decreased operational efficiency and financial performance. It will enable readers to understand whether an increased amount of debt capital would bring about positive results for firms or create an extra burden on the management of their finances, preventing them from taking productive investment decisions due to the threat of liquidation. The book will find an audience among advanced students, scholars and researchers who are interested in understanding the corporate finance practices and governance mechanism of Indian organizations.

Capitalizing a Cure: How Finance Controls the Price and Value of Medicines

by Victor Roy

A free open access ebook is available upon publication. Learn more at a Cure takes readers into the struggle over a medical breakthrough to investigate the power of finance over business, biomedicine, and public health. When curative treatments for hepatitis C launched in 2013, sticker shock over their prices intensified the global debate over access to new medicines. Weaving historical research with insights from political economy and science and technology studies, Victor Roy demystifies an oft-missed dynamic in this debate: the reach of financialized capitalism into how medicines are made, priced, and valued. Roy’s account moves between public and private labs, Wall Street and corporate board rooms, and public health meetings and health centers to trace the ways in which curative medicines became financial assets dominated by strategies of speculation and extraction at the expense of access and care. Provocative and sobering, this book illuminates the harmful impact of allowing financial markets to determine who heals and who suffers and points to the necessary work of building more equitable futures.

Carceral Liberalism: Feminist Voices against State Violence (Dissident Feminisms)

by Cassandra D Little Shailza Sharma Joanna Eleftheriou Beth Matusoff Merfish Francisco Arguelles Paz y Puente Autumn Elizabeth Zarinah Agnew D Coulombe Tria Blu Wakpa Jennifer Musial Maria F Curtis Marta Romero-Delgado Alka Kurian

One of Ms. Magazine's Most Anticipated Books of 2023 Carceral liberalism emerges from the confluence of neoliberalism, carcerality, and patriarchy to construct a powerful ruse disguised as freedom. It waves the feminist flag while keeping most women still at the margins. It speaks of a post-race society while one in three Black men remain incarcerated. It sings the praises of capital while the dispossessed remain mired in debt. Shreerekha Pillai edits essays on carceral liberalism that continue the trajectory of the Combahee River Collective and the many people inspired by its vision of feminist solidarity and radical liberation. Academics, activists, writers, and a formerly incarcerated social worker look at feminist resurgence and resistance within, at the threshold of, and outside state violence; observe and record direct and indirect forms of carcerality sponsored by the state and shaped by state structures, traditions, and actors; and critique carcerality. Acclaimed poets like Honorée Fanonne Jeffers and Solmaz Sharif amplify the volume’s themes in works that bookend each section. Cutting-edge yet historically grounded, Carceral Liberalism examines an American ideological creation that advances imperialism, anti-blackness, capitalism, and patriarchy. Contributors: Maria F. Curtis, Joanna Eleftheriou, Autumn Elizabeth and Zarinah Agnew and D Coulombe, Jeremy Eugene, Demita Frazier, Honorée Fanonne Jeffers, Alka Kurian, Cassandra D. Little, Beth Matusoff Merfish, Francisco Argüelles Paz y Puente, Shreerekha Pillai, Marta Romero-Delgado, Ravi Shankar, Solmaz Sharif, Shailza Sharma, Tria Blu Wakpa and Jennifer Musial, Javier Zamora

Care Aesthetics: For artful care and careful art

by James Thompson

What if the work of a nurse, physio, or homecare worker was designated an art, so that the qualities of the experiences they create became understood as aesthetic qualities? What if the interactions created by artists, directors, dancers, or workshop facilitators were understood as works of care? Care Aesthetics is the first full-length book to explore these questions and examine the work of carer artists and artist carers to make the case for the importance of valuing and supporting aesthetically caring relations across multiple aspects of our lives. Theoretically and practically, the book outlines the implications of care aesthetics for the socially engaged arts field and health and social care, and for acts of aesthetic care in the everyday. Part 1 of the book outlines the approaches to aesthetics and to care theory that are necessary to make and defend the concept of care aesthetics. Part 2 then tests this through practice, examining socially engaged arts and health and social care through its lens. It makes the case for careful art exploring the implications of care aesthetics for participatory or applied arts. Then it argues for artful care and how an aesthetic orientation to care practices might challenge some of the inadequacies of contemporary care. This is a vital, paradigm-shifting book for anyone engaged with socially engaged arts or social and health care practices on an academic or professional level.

The Case for the Legal Protection of Animals: Humanity’s Shared Destiny with the Animal Kingdom (The Palgrave Macmillan Animal Ethics Series)

by Kimberly C. Moore

This book presents the case for legal protection for animals based on humanity’s shared interests and destinies with the animal kingdom. To underscore the urgent need for legal reform, the book documents how animals are in crisis, with separate discussions on animals in entertainment, research, fashion, the food industry, and animals in our homes, as well as issues that impact wildlife and aquatic animals. In each of the foregoing areas, there is a discussion of major developments for animals across the globe, the objective being to demonstrate how the U.S. is out of step with other major countries in its legal treatment of animals. The importance of media as a driver of change is also considered. This background culminates to the heart of the book, which discusses and analyzes the link between human rights and animal rights, with nine areas explored (e.g., loss of biodiversity; environmental destruction; zoonotic diseases; world hunger; violence). Challenges to legal reforms are also explored, including issues associated with weak laws, the failure to enforce existing laws, and governmental agencies that tend to overlook the actions of industries. Finally, the book explores the development of animal law and the trajectory of current laws, with analysis of developing ‘rights of nature’ laws and ‘legal personhood’ status for animals.

The Case of the Welched Reward: Spies, the FBI and Pursuit of Peru's Most Infamous Fugitive

by Mark A. Cymrot

Reward takes the reader behind the scenes of an international manhunt and an unusual lawsuit that rattled law enforcement in three countries. The story is born out of a real-life spy thriller--the flight of Peru's notorious National Security chief,

Case Studies in the Ethics of Assisted Reproduction

by Louise P. King Isabelle C. Band

This book evaluates some of the most common ethical issues confronted by reproductive endocrinologists, embryologists, and their teams. The authors apply core ethical principles and approaches to problem solving to each of the cases raised. This work is a guide for both those on the front lines of patient care as well as for students in the field, whatever their background. By outlining sample cases, the book is an instigator for ethical discussions among ethicists, medical practitioners and students.

Cases in Health Care Management

by Sharon B. Buchbinder Nancy H. Shanks Dale Buchbinder Bobbie J Kite

The new Second Edition of Cases in Health Care Management is a collection of over 100 new and cutting-edge case studies designed to help illustrate the challenges related to managing the health care services. Organized into nine content areas, from Leadership, Management, and Quality/Patient Safety; to Health Disparities and Cultural Competence, Ethics, and more, these realistic scenarios span the full spectrum of issues that can arise in a variety of health care services settings. Appropriate for all levels of higher education, this text engages students in active learning through lively writing and storytelling techniques that pull them into the story while giving them fresh, provocative real-world scenarios to analyze and critique. Furthermore, the authors have incorporated diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and cultural competency throughout to encourage greater cultural awareness, sensitivity, and fairness.

The Cat Who Taught Zen EBP

by James Norbury

From the author and illustrator of the international bestseller Big Panda and Tiny Dragon comes a beautifully illustrated exploration into the journeys we take for self-discovery and the connections we make along the way.In a distant city, an old cat considers himself as wise as can be, until he hears of an ancient pine far away, under the boughs of which infinite wisdom can be found. Thus, the Cat embarks on a journey deep into the forest to search for the tree. Along the way, he meets new friends—the Hare, the Magpie, the Wolf Cub, the Monkey, the Tortoise, and the Tiger—and comes across the energetic young Kitten. What wisdom does the Cat have to impart to his friends, and, perhaps more importantly, what does he still have to learn?Inspired by Zen koans, with stunning illustrations and a gentle voice, The Cat Who Taught Zen has wisdom to offer all readers.

Catholic Social Teaching in Practice: Exploring Practical Wisdom and the Virtues Tradition

by Andrew M. Yuengert

Although the virtues are implicit in Catholic Social Teaching, they are too often overlooked. In this pioneering study, Andrew M. Yuengert draws on the neo-Aristotelian virtues tradition to bring the virtue of practical wisdom into an explicit and wide-ranging engagement with the Church's social doctrine. Practical wisdom and the virtues clarify the meaning of Christian personalism, highlight the irreplaceable role of the laity in social reform, and bring attention to the important task of lay formation in virtue. This form of wisdom also offers new insights into the Church's dialogue with economics and the social sciences, and reframes practical political disagreements between popes, bishops, and the laity in a way that challenges both laypersons and episcopal leadership. Yuengert's study respects the Church's social tradition, while showing how it might develop to be more practical. By proposing active engagement with practical wisdom, he demonstrates how Catholic Social Teaching can more effectively inform and inspire practical social reform.

Causa de muerte: Acoso y asesinato de periodistas en México

by Alejandra Ibarra

Con esta obra Alejandra Ibarra confirma que con la muerte de estos también activistas y defensores de los ciudadanos la libertad de expresión sufre una de las mayores vejaciones. México es uno de los lugares más peligrosos en el mundo para ejercer el periodismo. En nuestro país, a muchos periodistas ocupados en la cobertura de temas locales se les hostiga, amedrenta y asesina por tomar postura sobre las injusticias que revelan, por señalar el abuso del poder y por dar voz a las inquietudes de su comunidad. Alejandra Ibarraexpone en este libro una verdad trágica que llena de dolor e indignación: a numerosos comunicadores en México no se les mata por censura, sino como una forma de castigo por incursionar en la participación política, por señalar la impunidad y corruptelas de funcionarios, alcaldes o aspirantes a gobernadores, por invitar a los ciudadanos a tomar conciencia de los engaños de funcionarios públicos y de las atrocidades del crimen organizado. Y son estos periodistas, que no tienen la atención de los grandesmedios de comunicación, a quienes nadie defiende ni se solidariza con su causa, quienes dan su vida por una sociedad mejor. El libro habla de mujeres que son emboscadas por expresar sus opiniones en radios comunitarias o ejecutadas por denunciar abusos de empresas; de reporteros que con sus propios medios y en diversas plataformas, que van del megáfono a Facebook, alertan de malos manejos de funcionarios o de alcaldesas cegadas por el poder; de periodistas que expusieron las acciones del narco olas trampas de grupos políticos y todos, sin excepción, fueron liquidados por denunciar y exigir la justa rendición de cuentas.

Causation in the Law of the World Trade Organization: An Econometric Approach (Cambridge International Trade and Economic Law)

by Catherine Gascoigne

Causation in the Law of the World Trade Organization: An Econometric Approach is for both scholars and practitioners of WTO law with an interest in the causal questions that WTO law raises. Assuming no prior knowledge of causal philosophy or statistical analysis, Dr Gascoigne discusses the problems in the current approach to causation in the WTO jurisprudence and proposes an alternative methodology that draws on causal philosophy and econometric analysis. The book demonstrates how this methodology could be harnessed to make causal determinations for the purpose of implementing trade remedies and to make out claims of serious prejudice. It also argues that the methodology could be helpful for assessing the impact of domestic legislation on policy objectives under the General Exceptions and the Technical Barriers to Trade Agreement as well as for calculating the amount of retaliation permissible under the Dispute Settlement Understanding.

Censorship from Plato to Social Media: The Complexity of Social Media’s Content Regulation and Moderation Practices (Law, Governance and Technology Series #61)

by Gergely Gosztonyi

In many countries, censorship, blocking of internet access and internet content for political purposes are still part of everyday life. Will filtering, blocking, and hacking replace scissors and black ink? This book argues that only a broader understanding of censorship can effectively protect freedom of expression.For centuries, church and state controlled the content available to the public through political, moral and religious censorship. As technology evolved, the legal and political tools were refined, but the classic censorship system continued until the end of the 20th century. However, the myth of total freedom of communication and a law-free space that had been expected with the advent of the internet was soon challenged. The new rulers of the digital world, tech companies, emerged and gained enormous power over free speech and content management. All this happened alongside cautious regulation attempts on the part of various states, either by granting platforms near-total immunity (US) or by setting up new rules that were not fully developed (EU). China has established the Great Firewall and the Golden Shield as a third way. In the book, particular attention is paid to developments since the 2010s, when Internet-related problems began to multiply. The state’s solutions have mostly pointed in one direction: towards greater control of platforms and the content they host. Similarities can be found in the US debates, the Chinese and Russian positions on internet sovereignty, and the new European digital regulations (DSA-DMA). The book addresses them all. This book will be of interest to anyone who wants to understand the complexities of social media’s content regulation and moderation practices. It makes a valuable contribution to the field of freedom of expression and the internet, showing that, with different kinds of censorship, this essentially free form of communication has come – almost by default – under legal regulation and the original freedom may have been lost in too many countries in recent years.

Censorship of Literature in Post-War Poland: In Light of the Confidential Bulletins for Censors from 1945 to 1956

by Anna Wiśniewska-Grabarczyk

Censorship of Literature in Post-War Poland in the Light of Confidential Bulletins for Censors from 1945 to 1956, reconstructs and presents ways to censor literature (and, contextually, other fields of art) submitted for evaluation to the main censorship office in Poland during the first 11 years after WWII. The source material consists of confidential Bulletins – periodicals addressed to the officials of the censorship office.The book is divided into three main parts, each preceded by an introduction and concluded with an extensive bibliography.Part One: In Search of a Definition: What Were the Confidential Bulletins for Censors? Characteristics of the Source Material presents basic information about the Bulletins – their goals, structure, and material presented in them. The analysis concludes with the definition of confidential Bulletins of the censorship office.Part Two: Literature and Current Literary Phenomena Preconstructs the image of literary life presented in the Bulletins from 1945 to 1956. On numerous occasions, the Bulletins provided helpful guidelines in censorship practice. They discussed the job of dealing with literary texts and often gave examples of works published just a few months earlier or those that had not passed the scrutiny. The Bulletins published materials discussing literary phenomena and other issues. The ones previously unaccounted for (including film, radio and theatre), as well as the institutional background of control, I discuss briefly in the last part – Camera Censorica. What Else was Discussed in the Bulletins?.The materials presented in these confidential periodicals came from the Bulletins headquarters, field offices, and the work of censors. At the end of my study, Author let the censors speak. In the chapter Before the Proper Summary, or… the Censor as an Artist: The Literary Work of the Functionaries of Mysia Street and Its Environs, Author cite evidence of the literary ambitions of political functionaries – as censors had been called in the 1950s.

Central Bank Digital Currency: A Technical, Legal and Economic Analysis

by Leo Kriese

This book offers a deeper understanding of digitisation and innovative technologies in the financial sector. It focuses on a digital version of sovereignly created money that is accessible to the broad public. This central bank digital currency (CBDC) raises several questions. Will CBDC lead to public surveillance of the citizens? What is digital money in the legal sense? And what is the difference to already existing forms of digital money? This book addresses main questions associated with central bank digital currency by providing background information as well as in-depth analyses. The book introduces a basic understanding of innovative technologies such as the distributed ledger technology. It shows how a system of money can be created and what roles each participant has. Taking an economic point of view, the book demonstrates the monetary policy in the euro area and examines how a digital version of public money could affect the transmission mechanism as well as the financial stability. Could CBDC lead to a "digital bank run"? Could it replace the established financial intermediaries such as banks? What would that mean to the economy?Mainly, the book focuses on the legal issues of CBDC. Which is the competent institution for establishing digital public money? Will digital money change the way of how we handle financial data? Also, the book examines the legal usability of CBDC in the economy. How can digital money based on innovative technologies be transferred in accordance with the law? Can a debtor of a monetary claim flee into the digital currency? This book addresses the public and private sector participants as well as the legislators on how to handle CBDC. Most important, the book addresses everyone interested in digitisation and innovative financial technology who wants to gain a deeper understanding of the next big evolvement of money.

Central Park West: A Crime Novel

by James Comey

A Newsweek and Reader's Digest most-anticipated read of 2023. In the thrilling first crime novel from the former director of the FBI, a murder investigation reveals deadly connections between high-ranking politicians and the mafia. The gripping crime fiction debut from former FBI director James Comey takes readers deep inside the world of lawyers and investigators working to solve a murder while navigating the treacherous currents of modern politics and the mob. When a years-long case against a powerful mobster finally cracks and an unimpeachable witness takes the stand, federal prosecutor Nora Carleton is looking forward to putting the defendant away for good. The mobster, though, has other plans. As the witness’s testimony concludes, a note is passed to the prosecution offering up information into the assassination of a disgraced former New York governor, murdered in his penthouse apartment just days before. It’s enough to blow the case wide open, and to send Nora into a high-stakes investigation of conspiracy, corruption, and danger. Drawing from the author’s decades in federal law enforcement, including his years in Manhattan as a mob prosecutor and later the chief federal prosecutor, Central Park West is a fast-paced legal thriller with an intriguing plot enriched by real-life details and experiences. That unique perspective gives the novel much of its allure, but it’s the unforgettable characters, shocking twists, and courtroom scenes as authentic as they are dramatic that will leave readers looking forward to more from this bold new talent in the genre.

The Challenges of Illegal Trafficking in the Mediterranean Area (Legal Studies in International, European and Comparative Criminal Law #9)

by Vincenzo Militello Alessandro Spena

The book deals with illicit trafficking in the Mediterranean, seen as a borderline issue between mobility and security under a strongly interdisciplinary approach. The opening part is dedicated to issues that transversally concern illegal trafficking: criminological, criminal law, criminal procedure, but also international law issues. This part presents a kind of general theory of illegal trafficking, showing its recurring aspects and identifying the legal and criminal-political issues that would be best addressed by a unified approach to the matter. The other parts are devoted to presenting, instead, a special part overview of illegal trafficking. The second and the third section are devoted, in particular, to illegal traffics having human beings as their objects. More specifically, the second part examines smuggling of migrants, which has a central - criminological and criminal-political - relevance among the illegal traffics taking place in the Mediterranean. The third part deals with the neighbouring theme of human trafficking, especially in its connection with the problem of labour exploitation. Finally, the fourth part focuses on some trafficking in goods, offering a selected and representative overview of some of the most significant forms that such trafficking can take: tobacco trafficking, drug trafficking and trafficking in cultural goods.

Challenges to EU Values in Hungary: How the European Union Misunderstood the Government of Viktor Orbán (Comparative Constitutional Change)

by Beáta Bakó

The national-conservative government of Hungary has been heavily criticised for its violation of EU values, primarily, the rule of law in recent years. This book looks to the bigger picture in examining the rule-of-law debate between Hungary and the EU. It explores how certain elements of various Hungarian constitutional reforms are interrelated and how the EU has failed to address the situation properly. It is argued here that the reason the EU has been unable to enforce its values effectively in Hungary stems from the misunderstanding that Hungary kept the institutional design of liberal democracy but made it dysfunctional. The debate with the EU is characterised as a dialogue of the deaf as the EU insists on advancing the rule-of-law agenda, while the Hungarian government defends itself by alluding to its democratic legitimacy. The author contents that the Hungarian government is in fact playing a charade, while the actions of the EU maintain this drama. The book will be of interest to students, academics, and policymakers working in the areas of constitutional law and politics, EU law, and populism.

Chances and Challenges of Digital Management: Proceedings of the International Scientific-Practical Conference (ISPC 2022) (Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics)

by Richard C. Geibel Shalva Machavariani

This book presents selected contributions to the International Scientific-Practical Conference 2022 (ISCP 2022) organized by East European University (Georgia) and E-Commerce Institute (Germany). It discusses the possibilities of digital management under current conditions, highlights recent technological advances, and addresses further marketing perspectives. The topics covered include digitalization, digital transformation, e-commerce, artificial intelligence, big data, blockchain, online marketing, the transformation of small and medium-sized businesses, digital law, digital social innovation, and digital ethics.

The Changing Role of National Development Banks in Africa: Business Models, Governance and Sustainability

by Joshua Yindenaba Abor

This book examines the changing role of national development banks (NDBs) in Africa. It presents a comprehensive overview of NDBs in Africa, examining their key characteristics, theoretical underpinnings, and growing importance to African economies.The book fully examines the role of NDBs and their potential to support development goals, address gaps in finance left by underdeveloped capital markets, and mobilize resources from the public and private sectors to encourage new long-term investments. Chapters cover the historical background and theoretical rationale for NDBs; the contemporary role of NDBs including their role in sustainable development, climate finance initiatives, and infrastructure development; funding sources, business models, monitoring and impact evaluation; and corporate governance, risk management and regulation. Case studies are also included to demonstrate the individual contributions of NDBs to several national economies.The book contributes to the limited literature in this area by providing a detailed resource on NDBs for scholars, students, policymakers and regulators working in the areas of development finance and banking.

Chasing Shadows: A true story of drugs, war and the secret world of international crime

by Miles Johnson

'As breathless, complex and on-the-edge suspenseful as the finest thriller fiction - but it's all real, which makes it truly extraordinary' Lee Child'McMafia for the new age' Catherine Belton, author of Putin's People: How the KGB Took Back Russia and then took on the West'Compelling, visceral and highly readable' Oliver Bullough, bestselling author of Moneyland'This astonishing and cinematic rollercoaster of a debut will bring Miles Johnson's talent into the brilliant light. Delivered with trademark verve and precision, it achieves that rare and precious thing that is the goal of all great reporting: it reveals the world to itself' Alex Perry, author of The Good Mothers'Miles has used his extensive Italian contacts to get a fully-fleshed out story in the Mafia section; likewise with the Hezbollah characters. He has interviewed over 100 people for the book, including many hours with Jack Kelly, the DEA investigator and hero of the book, which gives us an intimate look at a man dedicated to catching bad guys at the expense of his personal life' Dan McCrum, author of Money MenA compulsive true crime thriller about modern-day international drugs trafficking, terrorism and geopolitical intrigue following an investigation driven by one DEA agent, Jack Kelly. Three very different men battle to control their destinies as they hurtle through the hall of mirrors of the global shadow economy.Jack Kelly, a veteran US Drug Enforcement Administration agent, tasked with following a trail of dirty money across continents from a top-secret investigative unit based in Virginia.Salvatore Pititto is an ambitious Mafia capo working on a vast cocaine shipment who becomes unexpectedly pulled into an arms-smuggling conspiracy. Mustafa Badreddine is a ghost-like master terrorist wanted by governments across the world who has been secretly dispatched to Syria for his final mission. Each man, born in radically different circumstances in the 1960s, is in his own way grappling with the powerful and unstoppable forces that shape the world around us; forces which topple governments, send refugees fleeing across borders, and put guns in the hands of mercenaries and militias. Each has devoted his whole life to an institution-the DEA, the Mafia and the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah-and each will eventually be destroyed or betrayed by the thing they believe in the most.Set during 2015 and 2016, as the global order began to implode under the pressures of the Syrian civil war and the European refugee crisis, CHASING SHADOWS looks back over the historical conflicts, events and personal histories that have shaped the lives of these three men. It's a book that shows the betrayals, the disillusionment and the violence as Jack Kelly hunts down his targets.

Chasing Shadows: A true story of drugs, war and the secret world of international crime

by Miles Johnson

'As breathless, complex and on-the-edge suspenseful as the finest thriller fiction - but it's all real, which makes it truly extraordinary' Lee Child'McMafia for the new age' Catherine Belton, author of Putin's People: How the KGB Took Back Russia and then took on the West'Compelling, visceral and highly readable' Oliver Bullough, bestselling author of Moneyland'This astonishing and cinematic rollercoaster of a debut will bring Miles Johnson's talent into the brilliant light. Delivered with trademark verve and precision, it achieves that rare and precious thing that is the goal of all great reporting: it reveals the world to itself' Alex Perry, author of The Good Mothers'Miles has used his extensive Italian contacts to get a fully-fleshed out story in the Mafia section; likewise with the Hezbollah characters. He has interviewed over 100 people for the book, including many hours with Jack Kelly, the DEA investigator and hero of the book, which gives us an intimate look at a man dedicated to catching bad guys at the expense of his personal life' Dan McCrum, author of Money MenA compulsive true crime thriller about modern-day international drugs trafficking, terrorism and geopolitical intrigue following an investigation driven by one DEA agent, Jack Kelly. Three very different men battle to control their destinies as they hurtle through the hall of mirrors of the global shadow economy.Jack Kelly, a veteran US Drug Enforcement Administration agent, tasked with following a trail of dirty money across continents from a top-secret investigative unit based in Virginia.Salvatore Pititto is an ambitious Mafia capo working on a vast cocaine shipment who becomes unexpectedly pulled into an arms-smuggling conspiracy. Mustafa Badreddine is a ghost-like master terrorist wanted by governments across the world who has been secretly dispatched to Syria for his final mission. Each man, born in radically different circumstances in the 1960s, is in his own way grappling with the powerful and unstoppable forces that shape the world around us; forces which topple governments, send refugees fleeing across borders, and put guns in the hands of mercenaries and militias. Each has devoted his whole life to an institution-the DEA, the Mafia and the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah-and each will eventually be destroyed or betrayed by the thing they believe in the most.Set during 2015 and 2016, as the global order began to implode under the pressures of the Syrian civil war and the European refugee crisis, CHASING SHADOWS looks back over the historical conflicts, events and personal histories that have shaped the lives of these three men. It's a book that shows the betrayals, the disillusionment and the violence as Jack Kelly hunts down his targets.

Chasing Shadows: A true story of drugs, war and the secret world of international crime

by Miles Johnson

*** CONTAINS AN EXLUSIVE INTERVIEW WITH THE AUTHOR ***'As breathless, complex and on-the-edge suspenseful as the finest thriller fiction - but it's all real, which makes it truly extraordinary' Lee Child'McMafia for the new age' Catherine Belton, author of Putin's People: How the KGB Took Back Russia and then took on the West'Compelling, visceral and highly readable' Oliver Bullough, bestselling author of Moneyland'This astonishing and cinematic rollercoaster of a debut will bring Miles Johnson's talent into the brilliant light. Delivered with trademark verve and precision, it achieves that rare and precious thing that is the goal of all great reporting: it reveals the world to itself' Alex Perry, author of The Good Mothers'Miles has used his extensive Italian contacts to get a fully-fleshed out story in the Mafia section; likewise with the Hezbollah characters. He has interviewed over 100 people for the book, including many hours with Jack Kelly, the DEA investigator and hero of the book, which gives us an intimate look at a man dedicated to catching bad guys at the expense of his personal life' Dan McCrum, author of Money MenA compulsive true crime thriller about modern-day international drugs trafficking, terrorism and geopolitical intrigue following an investigation driven by one DEA agent, Jack Kelly. Three very different men battle to control their destinies as they hurtle through the hall of mirrors of the global shadow economy.Jack Kelly, a veteran US Drug Enforcement Administration agent, tasked with following a trail of dirty money across continents from a top-secret investigative unit based in Virginia.Salvatore Pititto is an ambitious Mafia capo working on a vast cocaine shipment who becomes unexpectedly pulled into an arms-smuggling conspiracy. Mustafa Badreddine is a ghost-like master terrorist wanted by governments across the world who has been secretly dispatched to Syria for his final mission. Each man, born in radically different circumstances in the 1960s, is in his own way grappling with the powerful and unstoppable forces that shape the world around us; forces which topple governments, send refugees fleeing across borders, and put guns in the hands of mercenaries and militias. Each has devoted his whole life to an institution-the DEA, the Mafia and the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah-and each will eventually be destroyed or betrayed by the thing they believe in the most.Set during 2015 and 2016, as the global order began to implode under the pressures of the Syrian civil war and the European refugee crisis, CHASING SHADOWS looks back over the historical conflicts, events and personal histories that have shaped the lives of these three men. It's a book that shows the betrayals, the disillusionment and the violence as Jack Kelly hunts down his targets.

Chasing Tourette’s: Time, Freedom, and the Missing Self (Philosophy and Medicine #145)

by Lisa Curtis-Wendlandt

This book offers a philosophical perspective on contemporary Tourette Syndrome scholarship, a field which has exploded over the last thirty years. Despite intense research efforts on this common neurodevelopmental condition in the age of the brain sciences, the syndrome’s causes and potential cures remain intriguingly elusive. How does this lack of progress relate to the tacitly operating philosophical concepts that shape our current thinking about Tourette Syndrome? This book foregrounds these tacit concepts and shows how they relate to “big topics” in philosophy such as time, volition, and the self. By tracing how these topics relate to current research on Tourette’s, it invites us to re-think our approach to research and care. Such re-thinking is urgently needed: individuals and families living with Tourette Syndrome remain under-serviced as pharmacological and behavioural therapies provide relief for some but not all who need support. This book highlights what questions we ask and do not ask in contemporary scholarship, thereby surfacing invisible constraints and opportunities in the field. It is of interest to scholars, health professionals, students, and affected families who want to better understand this burgeoning field of research with its conceptual controversies, approaches to aetiology, and directions for new research and improved clinical care.

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