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Showing 33,051 through 33,075 of 34,137 results

Bodies for Sale: Ethics and Exploitation in the Human Body Trade

by Stephen Wilkinson

Bodies for Sale: Ethics and Exploitation in the Human Body Trade explores the philosophical and practical issues raised by activities such as surrogacy and organ trafficking. Stephen Wilkinson asks what is it that makes some commercial uses of the body controversial, whether the arguments against commercial exploitation stand up, and whether legislation outlawing such practices is really justified.In Part One Wilkinson explains and analyses some of the notoriously slippery concepts used in the body commodification debate, including exploitation, harm and consent. In Part Two he focuses on three controversial issues (the buying and selling of human kidneys, commercial surrogacy, and DNA patenting) outlining contemporary regulation and investigating both the moral issues and the arguments for legal prohibition.

Rogue Forces

by Mark Willacy

Rogue Forces is the explosive first insiders&’ story of how some of Australia&’s revered SAS soldiers crossed the line in Afghanistan, descending from elite warriors to unlawful killers. Mark Willacy, who won a Gold Walkley for exposing SAS war crimes, has penetrated the SAS code of silence to reveal one of the darkest chapters in our country&’s military history. Willacy&’s devastating award-winning Four Corners program, &‘Killing Fields&’ captured on film for the first time a war crime perpetrated by an Australian: the killing of a terrified, unarmed Afghan man in a field by an SAS soldier. It caused shockwaves around the world and resulted in an Australian Federal Police war crimes investigation. It also sparked a new line of investigation by the Brereton inquiry, the independent Australian Defence Force inquiry into war crimes in Afghanistan. It was a game changer. But for Willacy, it was just the beginning of a much bigger story. More SAS soldiers came forward with undeniable evidence and eyewitness testimony of other unlawful killings, and exposed a culture of brutality and impunity. Rogue Forces takes you out on the patrols where the killings happened. The result is a gripping character-driven story that embeds you on the front line in the thick of the action as those soldiers share for the first time what they witnessed. Willacy also confronts those accused about their sides of the story. At its heart, Rogue Forces is a story about the true heroes who had the courage to come forward and expose the truth. This is their story. A story that had to be told.

Regulating Deep Sea Mining: A Myriad of Legal Frameworks (SpringerBriefs in Law)

by Klaas Willaert

This book provides a comprehensive analysis and explanation of the legal regime with regard to deep sea mining. The wide array of activities which we refer to as deep sea mining are not governed by one universal framework. On the contrary, numerous legal instruments play a role, and it is important to maintain a clear overview. The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) sets out the overarching regime, but important distinctions must be made. For example, deep sea mining in the Area is subject to international regulations adopted by the International Seabed Authority (ISA), while similar activities on the continental shelf fall under national jurisdiction and are governed by domestic legislation of the coastal state. This dichotomy must be nuanced, however, taking into account that non-state actors conducting deep sea mining operations in the Area must also adhere to national laws of the sponsoring state, while mineral exploration and exploitation on the continental shelf are likewise subject to a number of international rules and principles. Moreover, separate exploration regulations were adopted by the ISA for distinct categories of mineral resources, and national legislation on deep sea mining is quite diverse. This book clearly identifies all relevant legal instruments, assesses their role, explains their interactions, and engages with some of the topical issues that surround them.

The Disappearance of Moral Knowledge

by Dallas Willard

Based on an unfinished manuscript by the late philosopher Dallas Willard, this book makes the case that the 20th century saw a massive shift in Western beliefs and attitudes concerning the possibility of moral knowledge, such that knowledge of the moral life and of its conduct is no longer routinely available from the social institutions long thought to be responsible for it. In this sense, moral knowledge—as a publicly available resource for living—has disappeared. Via a detailed survey of main developments in ethical theory from the late 19th through the late 20th centuries, Willard explains philosophy’s role in this shift. In pointing out the shortcomings of these developments, he shows that the shift was not the result of rational argument or discovery, but largely of arational social forces—in other words, there was no good reason for moral knowledge to have disappeared.The Disappearance of Moral Knowledge is a unique contribution to the literature on the history of ethics and social morality. Its review of historical work on moral knowledge covers a wide range of thinkers including T.H Green, G.E Moore, Charles L. Stevenson, John Rawls, and Alasdair MacIntyre. But, most importantly, it concludes with a novel proposal for how we might reclaim moral knowledge that is inspired by the phenomenological approach of Knud Logstrup and Emmanuel Levinas. Edited and eventually completed by three of Willard’s former graduate students, this book marks the culmination of Willard’s project to find a secure basis in knowledge for the moral life.

Knowing Christ Today: Why We Can Trust Spiritual Knowledge

by Dallas Willard

At a time when popular atheism books are talking about the irrationality of believing in God, Willard makes a rigorous intellectual case for why it makes sense to believe in God and in Jesus, the Son.

Employment Law: Cases and Materials 2nd edition

by Steven L. Willborn Stewart J. Schwab John F. Burton

Informative overview of Employment Laws.

Employment Law: Cases And Materials

by Steven Willborn Stewart Schwab John Burton Gillian Lester

The Sixth Edition of Employment Law will continue the volume¿s focus on important unifying themes in employment law, such as the struggle for authority in the workplace between employers, employees, and the government, the relationship between employment law and labor markets, and the appropriate remedies for employment law violations.

Aussage gegen Aussage in sexuellen Missbrauchsverfahren: Defizitäre Angeklagtenrechte in Deutschland und Österreich und deren Korrekturmöglichkeiten

by Florian Wille

Bei sexuellen Missbrauchsvorwürfen steht so gut wie immer die Existenz des Beschuldigten auf dem Spiel, gleich, ob die Beschuldigung zu Recht oder Unrecht erhoben wird. In den Fällen des sexuellen Missbrauchs geht es häufig um die beweisrechtlich schwierige Situation Aussage gegen Aussage. Hier sind Vorwürfe des öfteren falsch und die Fehlurteilsquote ist hoch. Die Verurteilung eines zu Unrecht Angeklagten begünstigen insbesondere Verfahrensmängel in der deutschen und österreichischen Strafrechtspraxis, obwohl es für beide Verfahrensordnungen effektive Korrekturmöglichkeiten gibt. In dem vorliegenden Werk werden Verfahrensdefizite in Missbrauchsverfahren in Deutschland herausgearbeitet und sodann mit der Verfahrenssituation in Österreich verglichen. Abschließend werden Vorschläge zur Verbesserung der verfahrensrechtlichen Vorschriften beider Länder unterbreitet mit dem Ziel, ein größeres Maß an Gerechtigkeit zu erreichen.

Litigation, Costs, Funding and Behaviour: Implications for the Law

by Willem H. van Boom

This collection explores the practical operation of the law in the area of litigation costs and funding, and confronts the issue of how exposure to cost risks affects litigation strategy. It looks at the interaction of the relevant legal regime, regulatory framework and disciplinary rules with the behaviour of litigants, courts and legislatures, examining subjects such as cost rules and funding arrangements. The book discusses a wide range of topics such as cost-shifting rules, funding and mass tort litigation, cost rules and third-party funding (TPF) rules in specific areas such as intellectual property (IP) litigation, commercial arbitration, investment arbitration, the role of legal expense insurance arrangements, fee regulation and professional ethics. The contributors include renowned scholars, experts in their respective fields and well-versed individuals in both civil procedure and the practice of litigation, arbitration and finance. Together, they present a broad approach to the issues of costs, cost-shifting rules and third-party funding. This volume adds to the existent literature in combining topics in law and practice and presents an analysis of the most recent developments in this fast developing area.

Cybergefahr: Wie wir uns gegen Cyber-Crime und Online-Terror wehren können

by Eddy Willems

Man kann online wählen, Rechnungen bezahlen und Tickets kaufen - aber wie sicher ist das? Überall lauern Viren, Spam, Hackerangriffe und sogar Cyber-Spione. Wie kann man sich schützen und wie sollte man dem Phänomen Cyber-Crime begegnen? Der bekannte Security-Experte Eddy Willems gibt einen Überblick über Online-Gefahren und Möglichkeiten, sich vor ihnen zu schützen. Er erläutert spannend die Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft des Cyber-Crime.

CSR und Lebensmittelwirtschaft: Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften entlang der Food Value Chain (Management-Reihe Corporate Social Responsibility)

by Christoph Willers

Das vorliegende Buch erläutert die Bedeutung des CSR-Ansatzes als Differenzierungskriterium im Wettbewerb für die Lebensmittelwirtschaft. Versierte Fachautoren legen dar, wie Nachhaltigkeit in der Unternehmensstrategie verankert werden kann und Erfolgspotentiale in der Food Value Chain gehoben werden können. Zahlreiche Best Practice Beispiele aus unterschiedlichen Unternehmen machen dieses Buch für Verantwortliche in der Lebensmittelwirtschaft und einzelner Teilbranchen (Agrar, Tierische Erzeugnisse, Süß-/Backwaren, Getränke, Convenience, Handel) spannend und interessant.

Fairness in Consumer Contracts: The Case of Unfair Terms (Markets and the Law)

by Chris Willett

This book focuses on unfair contract terms in consumer contracts, in particular the existing legislation and the proposals by the Law Commissions for a new unified regime. In this context it considers, in particular, what we mean by fairness (both procedurally and in substance); the tools used; the European dimension; the move from general principles from the more piecemeal approach typical in UK legal tradition; and the further move in this direction as a result of the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive.

Interspecies Ethics (Critical Perspectives on Animals: Theory, Culture, Science, and Law)

by Cynthia Willett

Interspecies Ethics explores animals' vast capacity for agency, justice, solidarity, humor, and communication across species. The social bonds diverse animals form provide a remarkable model for communitarian justice and cosmopolitan peace, challenging the human exceptionalism that drives modern moral theory. Situating biosocial ethics firmly within coevolutionary processes, this volume has profound implications for work in social and political thought, contemporary pragmatism, Africana thought, and continental philosophy.Interspecies Ethics develops a communitarian model for multispecies ethics, rebalancing the overemphasis on competition in the original Darwinian paradigm by drawing out and stressing the cooperationist aspects of evolutionary theory through mutual aid. The book's ethical vision offers an alternative to utilitarian, deontological, and virtue ethics, building its argument through rich anecdotes and clear explanations of recent scientific discoveries regarding animals and their agency. Geared toward a general as well as a philosophical audience, the text illuminates a variety of theories and contrasting approaches, tracing the contours of a postmoral ethics.

Interspecies Ethics

by Cynthia Willett

Interspecies Ethics explores animals' vast capacity for agency, justice, solidarity, humor, and communication across species.

Interspecies Ethics

by Cynthia Willett

Interspecies Ethics explores animals' vast capacity for agency, justice, solidarity, humor, and communication across species.

Interspecies Ethics

by Cynthia Willett

Interspecies Ethics explores animals' vast capacity for agency, justice, solidarity, humor, and communication across species.

The Betrayal: A Novel

by Sabin Willett

Sabin Willett made a powerful debut with his legal thriller, The Deal. Now he's made the leap from the courthouse to the White House in an even more accomplished international thriller involving political corruption, multibillion-dollar deal making, kidnapping, and assassination. At the center of this fast-paced novel is a fascinating heroine: Louisa Shidler, a thirty-seven-year-old U.S. ambassador, mother, and convicted traitor. Betrayed by her husband, her government, and her powerful boss and mentor, she is abandoned by everyone except her daughter, Isabel. But when the girl is kidnapped, Louisa learns that there is no limit to betrayal's reach--and no limit to what one woman will do to survive it.As the action moves relentlessly from Washington, D.C., to Geneva, Switzerland, from Dubai to Paris to Cody, Wyoming, it becomes evident that Louisa and her daughter are mere pawns in an international bribery scheme of unprecedented proportions. But when the pawns refuse to fall, the bigger pieces begin to topple.Charged with political savvy, shrewd characterizations, and a tense, tightly constructed plot, The Betrayal is a thriller of the highest caliber that will further enhance Sabin Willett's growing reputation.

The Deal

by Sabin Willett

At 7:00 am in a Boston boardroom, there's a disaster in the making. High in an office tower in the heart of the financial district, lawyers and bankers are fighting a deadline to close an $840,000,000 leveraged buyout. Under the pressure of the crowded agenda, no one notices that a zero has been dropped from the mortgage document. The papers are signed, cheers and applause roar from the boardroom--and the fuse of a time bomb is lit. When it explodes, there will be hell to pay. As the partners of Freer, Motley, the presiding law firm, will discover, they are collectively and personally liable to their client to make up the multimillion-dollar shortfall.And so begins an accelerating and dire chain of events. Freer, Motley's senior partner is found dead, and its brightest young associate is charged with murder. The firm needs a fall guy, and John Shepard, brilliant but arrogant--and recently passed over for partner--fills the role to perfection. Defending John Shepard in a Boston court is going to be a career buster. No one wants the job, and no one understands why Ed Mulcahy accepts the case, even if he is Shepard's friend--but they don't know that he's already in way too deep to walk away.On a par with Scott Turow's Presumed Innocent, The Deal is the most exciting new legal thriller from a first-time author to be published in years. Written by a young partner with one of Boston's prestigious old firms, it is an utterly authentic view of the city's judicial system, from the ex-con informants, paid for their evidence, to the district attorney who needs a conviction for the sake of his political career. It is also the compelling story of two young lawyers--a defendant and his attorney--realizing too late that they are up against an old-guard establishment more powerful than they could ever imagined.

Stock Market Short-Termism: Law, Regulation, and Reform

by Kim M. Willey

Consideration of harmful short-termism in capital markets is prevalent amongst legal and business academics. It is also garnering increased attention in corporate board rooms and executive suites, and from the investing public. As a result, correcting perceived short-termism in capital markets has become a rationale for reform used by regulators across the globe. Despite the considerable attention given to this phenomenon, there has not yet been a comprehensive book analyzing the perceived short-termism problem, its sources and causes, and reform efforts undertaken to date. This book fills this gap by documenting the rise of the short-termism discussion, analyzing the significance of the problem, and considering the proposed legal remedies. Based on this analysis, a framework for effective short-termism reform is offered.

Female Child Soldiering, Gender Violence, and Feminist Theologies

by Susan Willhauck

This book examines the phenomenon of female child soldiering from various theological perspectives. It is an interdisciplinary work that brings Christian feminist theologies into dialogue to analyze the complex ethical, geopolitical, social, and theological issues involved in the militarization of girls and women and gender-based violence. With contributions from a range of interdisciplinary and multicultural authors, this book offers reflections and perspectives that coalesce as a comprehensive overview of feminist theological insights into child soldiering.

A Primer on American Labor Law

by William B. Gould IV

Since its publication more than a decade ago, A Primer on American Labor Law has served as an easily accessible guide to the development, principles, and characteristics of American labor law. The third edition incorporates a number of significant developments that have taken place since 1986. These include new precedent under the Railway Labor Act (covering both railroads and airlines), the expansion of wrongful discharge litigation (which has become increasingly important as the unorganized sector of the work force continues to expand), new forms of protection against discrimination afforded by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and the Civil Rights Act of 1991, the consent decree between the U. S. Department of justice and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, and the continued success of unions representing professional athletes. William B. Gould IV is Charles A. Beardsley Professor of Law at Stanford Law School. An impartial arbitrator of labor disputes since 1965, he is a member of the Clinton Administration's Committee on the Future of Worker-Management Relations. He is the author of Agenda for Reform: The Future of Employment Relationships and the Law.

A Second Collection

by William F.J. Ryan Bernard J. Tyrrell Bernard Lonergan

This collection of essays, addresses, and one interview come from the years 1966-73, a period during most of which Bernard Lonergan was at work completing his Method in Theology. The eighteen chapters cover a wide spectrum of interest, dealing with such general topics as 'The Absence of God in Modern Culture' and 'The Future of Christianity,' narrowing down through items such as 'Belief: Today's Issue' and more specialized theological and philosophical studies, to one on his own community in the church ('The Response of the Jesuit ...') and the illuminating comment on his great work Insight ('Insight Revisited').This book is a reprint of the first edition published in 1974, edited by William F.J. Ryan and Bernard J. Tyrrell of Gonzaga University, Spokane. The editors contribute an important introduction in which they emphasize that Lonergan's central concern is intentionality analysis, and that two major themes run through the papers: first, the clear emergence of the primacy of the fourth level of human consciousness, the existential level, the level of evaluation and love; secondly, the significance of historical consciousness. These papers, then, besides the unity they possess by appearing within the same seven year period, share a specific unity of theme.Bernard Lonergan (1904-1984), a professor of theology, taught at Regis College, Harvard University, and Boston College. An established author known for his Insight and Method in Theology, Lonergan received numerous honorary doctorates, was a Companion of the Order of Canada in 1971 and was named as an original members of the International Theological Commission by Pope Paul VI.

The Antideficiency Act Answer Book

by William G. Arnold CCFM-A, CCA

Avoid Violations of the Antideficiency Act!Antideficiency Act (ADA) violations within both the financial and audit communities are now at an all-time high. Violations often result from a lack of knowledge about what is and what is not permissible under the law. The Antideficiency Act Answer Book is an easy-to-understand question-and-answer tool that guides you through all the rules associated with the Antideficiency Act and helps you detect and report violations in a timely manner.• Covers all aspects of the Antideficiency Act, from its history to common violations, penalties for violation, and reporting requirements• Includes the tools you need to help avoid Antideficiency Act violations• Plus! Includes an analysis of all the ADA reports collected by the Government Accountability Office, summarized by agency, appropriation, amount, and type of violation.

The Making of Law: The Supreme Court and Labor Legislation in Mexico, 1875-1931

by William J. Suarez-Potts

Despite Porfirio Díaz's authoritarian rule (1877-1911) and the fifteen years of violent conflict typifying much of Mexican politics after 1917, law and judicial decision-making were important for the country's political and economic organization. Influenced by French theories of jurisprudence in addition to domestic events, progressive Mexican legal thinkers concluded that the liberal view of law—as existing primarily to guarantee the rights of individuals and of private property—was inadequate for solving the "social question"; the aim of the legal regime should instead be one of harmoniously regulating relations between interdependent groups of social actors. This book argues that the federal judiciary's adjudication of labor disputes and its elaboration of new legal principles played a significant part in the evolution of Mexican labor law and the nation's political and social compact. Indeed, this conclusion might seem paradoxical in a country with a civil law tradition, weak judiciary, authoritarian government, and endemic corruption. Suarez-Potts shows how and why judge-made law mattered, and why contemporaries paid close attention to the rulings of Supreme Court justices in labor cases as the nation's system of industrial relations was established.

Reinsurance and the Law of Aggregation: Event, Occurrence, Cause (Contemporary Commercial Law)

by Oliver D. William

In excess of loss reinsurance, the reinsurer covers the amount of a loss exceeding the policy’s deductible but not piercing its cover limit. Accordingly, a policy’s quantitative scope of cover is significantly affected by the parties’ agreement of a deductible and a cover limit. Yet, the examination of whether a loss has exceeded deductible or cover limit necessitates an educated understanding of what constitutes one loss. In so-called aggregation clauses, the parties to (re-)insurance contracts regularly provide that multiple individual losses are to be added together for presenting one loss to the reinsurer when they arise from the same event, occurrence, catastrophe, cause or accident. Aggregation mechanisms are one of the core instruments for structuring reinsurance contracts. This book systematically examines each element of an aggregation mechanism, tracing the inconsistent usage of aggregation language in the markets and scrutinizing the tests developed by courts and arbitral tribunals. In doing so, it seeks to support insurers, reinsurers, brokers and lawyers in drafting aggregation clauses and in settling claims. Focusing on an analysis of primary sources, particularly judicial decisions, the book interprets each judicial decision to describe a system of inter-related rules, collating, organising and describing the English law of aggregation as applied by the courts and arbitral tribunals. It further draws a comparison between the English position and the corresponding rules in the Principles of Reinsurance Contract Law (PRICL).

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