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Showing 33,251 through 33,275 of 33,499 results

Safe Performance in a World of Global Networks: Case Studies, Collaborative Practices and Governance Principles (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)

by Jean-Christophe Le Coze Benoît Journé

This open access book provides an analytical and critical outlook, by leading scholars, of the impact of various trends in the quality of collaboration and resulting safety outcomes that arise from the evolution of traditional integrated production within a single firm into a complex web of partnerships and supply chains. In the face of increasing fragmentation within industrial production and the associated rise in the complexity of inter-organizational communication and transaction, this book analyses causal factors such as cost pressures, globalization of demand, increasingly flexible resource allocation and work organization, changes in legal liability and the possibilities afforded by information technology. Various case studies focus on the effects of crossing boundaries between organizations, between different trades and professions and between countries, assessing the effect of variations in regulatory structures and national cultures. Furthermore, they illustrate the wide range of organizational forms to be found in high-hazard industries today and the impact, potential or real, of the variety of forms of partnership on safety and well-being at work. The contributors assess the effect of out-sourcing and of various forms of partnership and governance on safety at work and how they can be made to support the prevention of major accident hazards.

Scaling Up: How Data Curation Can Help Address Key Issues in Qualitative Data Reuse and Big Social Research (Synthesis Lectures on Information Concepts, Retrieval, and Services)

by Sara Mannheimer

This book explores the connections between qualitative data reuse, big social research, and data curation. A review of existing literature identifies the key issues of context, data quality and trustworthiness, data comparability, informed consent, privacy and confidentiality, and intellectual property and data ownership. Through interviews of qualitative researchers, big social researchers, and data curators, the author further examines each key issue and produces new insights about how domain differences affect each community of practice’s viewpoints, different strategies that researchers and curators use to ensure responsible practice, and different perspectives on data curation. The book suggests that encouraging connections between qualitative researchers, big social researchers, and data curators can support responsible scaling up of social research, thus enhancing discoveries in social and behavioral science.

The Scene of the Crime, Grades 5 - 9 (Travel to...)

by Lisa Kurkov

A life of crime doesn't pay—and yet thousands of crimes are committed every day across the country. What crimes stand out in history and why? Learn about some of the most bizarre and famous American crimes and how their locations have become a part of the fabric of our country in Scene of the Crime, part of the Travel to… book series.Crime scenes are found all across America—from sites of unforgivable events to the locations of shocking criminal actions. In this nonfiction book, readers will learn about some of the most notable crime scenes in America, and explore how we define the idea of crime in a society.True Crime Book for Grades 5-9 Features:Before- and after-reading activitiesExtension activityMap showing where readers have traveled to in the bookAbout Rourke Educational Media:We proudly publish respectful and relevant nonfiction and fiction titles that represent our diverse readers, and are designed to support reading on a level that has no limits!

Schematic Leadership Identity Model (SLIM): Utilizing History and Memory to Help Re-define Leadership Identity

by Deatra L Neal

A workbook for leaders who desire to be more effective and deliberate in their leadership identity and for young leaders coming into their own, this book introduces a unique two-step process to understand and define your leadership identity. While some leadership frameworks operate under static concepts of what makes a good leader, the Schematic Leadership Identity Model (SLIM) offers new and seasoned leaders an opportunity to explore the anchoring of who they are and the ebbs and flows of their attitudes and behaviors through life’s changes and experiences. The SLIM framework has two main footings of its seven phases: revolution, which is the recognition of one’s identity journey, and the theoretical constructs that help frame the process and evolution, a series of assignments and journal entries that helps each leader acknowledge their current leadership identity, unravel habits and behaviors that may not align with their idealized self, and redefine their leadership identity based on their findings and whom they aspire to be. The evolutionary design is a system necessary to be revisited as a leader goes deeper into their memories and experiences. This framework helps unearth unconscious and implicit biases that can hinder a leader’s social and cultural capital. No matter the industry or discipline, SLIM offers leaders a self-guided process of discovery that can profoundly examine the root causes of behaviors and attitudes to create meaningful change within themselves that can produce significant positive changes in their teams and organizations.

Scientia Iuris: Knowledge and Experience in Legal Education and Practice from the Late Roman Republic to Artificial Intelligence (Ius Gentium: Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice #112)

by Luca Siliquini-Cinelli

Law’s regulatory reach has grown significantly over the past few decades. Yet, at the same time, law schools and legal professions in Western and Western-oriented jurisdictions have undergone an acute crisis. How is this possible? In this insightful and wide-ranging book, Luca Siliquini-Cinelli argues that these trends are in fact complementary manifestations of a single phenomenon—namely, that law is and will always be more capable of regulating social interaction without the experiential contribution of legal experts. Siliquini-Cinelli contends that the separation of law’s regulatory function from legal experts is structurally linked to the former’s nature and operational dynamics as an intellectual artifact to be used for ordering purposes. As a product of the intellect, law is a matter of knowledge, not experience. In fact, Siliquini-Cinelli holds, law’s artifactuality voids experience, including that of legal experts, making it redundant. This explains how law can thrive as a regulatory phenomenon while the very places where future legal professionals are formed and those places where it is practised are in crisis. To show this, Siliquini-Cinelli embarks upon a historical, philosophical, and comparative analysis of law’s artifactuality, focusing on the teaching, study and practise of law as intellectual endeavours, from the advent of juristic activities in the Late Roman Republic to current legal pedagogies, practices, and reforms in Civil and Common law jurisdictions. In so doing, Siliquini-Cinelli employs the Latin phrase ‘scientia iuris’ to explain why and how legal education and practice pursue knowledge at the expense of experience, and the serious implications this has for lawyering activities. Moving beyond established narratives, Siliquini-Cinelli argues that ‘scientia iuris’ ought not be reduced to dogmatic analysis (scientia iuris as doctrina iuris). Rather, ‘scientia iuris’ denotes the knowledge of the law sought by all those who teach, study, and practise it, and which is actualised through a form of legal thinking and argumentation that moves along reason’s metaphysical, constructivist lines (scientia iuris as cognitio iuris). Thus, scientia iuris is not the prerogative of a few legal scholars; rather, it lies at the very core of Western legal education and practice, broadly understood. The relevance of Siliquini-Cinelli’s original and interdisciplinary analysis is profound and far-reaching: the crisis that legal education and practice are undergoing is not an isolated, or accidental, event; it is a consequence of the very ways in which law has been taught, studied, and practised since Rome. Endorsements ‘This richly researched book on the history of scientia iuris is a work on epistemology which argues that the legal model is highly problematic and will eventually be able to function without the intervention of jurists and lawyers. Such a thesis is based upon a very detailed knowledge both of philosophy and of the legal primary and secondary sources from Roman to modern times. The author is at home with Ancient Greek, Latin, French, German and Italian texts and this means that the research basis for the thesis not only is unusually profound – encompassing both the civil and the common law – but will make a major contribution to historical jurisprudence, to comparative legal history, to comparative law in general and to legal theory. This is legal scholarship of the highest order.’ Geoffrey Samuel, Emeritus Professor of Law, Kent Law School ‘In this exceptionally robust and expertly-researched new book, Luca Siliquini-Cinelli presents a provocative thesis. He proposes that the experience of legal experts is redundant when it comes to the success of law as a regulatory framework. Oscillating between historical, material, philosophical and literary frames, Siliquini-Cinelli introduces what he terms ‘law’s artifactuality’. Law’s artifac

The Scientific Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth

by John R. Helliwell

There is a limited understanding amongst scientists, students, and the public about realizing trust in scientific findings. This should be a paramount objective. Scientists and the public need to know more about the link between the philosophy of science and science research methods. There is a limited understanding of why accuracy is important and that it is not the same as precision. Also, there is often the need to be pragmatic and so measure an approximation of a real system, and the classic case is reductionism in biology versus whole organism biology. The author brings these topics together in terms of trusting in science.Features Covers how scientific truth is perceived and increases the preparedness of early career scientists. Examines the relatively new field of machine learning and artificial intelligence as applied to crystallography databases in biology and chemistry for new discoveries. Describes the major changes in digital data archiving and how vast “raw data” archives are being increasingly developed for machine learning and artificial intelligence as well as complete truth. This unique volume will be of interest to pre-university and university undergraduate students, principally in science. Presents scientific research examples from physics, chemistry, and biology together with their methodologies.

Screening by International Aid Organizations Operating in the Global South: Mitigating Risks of Generosity

by Beata Paragi

Aid organizations usually embrace the idea of digitalization, both in terms of using diverse technologies and processing data digitally for improving their services, making their operations more efficient and even mitigating various risks. While digital fundraising, the use of biometric ID systems or digitalized cash and voucher assistance enjoys widespread attention both in academic and practitioner circles, it is less known how aid organizations navigate between counterterrorism legislations and data protection laws in technical terms. Limiting the discussion to the EU General Data Protection Regulation and by conceptualizing screening — commonly used to prevent the use of donor money for illicit purposes, money-laundering, terrorism finance or corruption — as a data processing operation conducted by larger international aid organizations operating in the Global South, this book focuses on the matter of ‘transparency’ and ‘right to information’ being at the nexus ofsurveillance studies and privacy studies. By means of legal and social science methods, it simultaneously explores screening in light of classic surveillance and analyses whether opacity around screening by NGOs (data controllers) is in line with the spirit of European Union data protection regime from the perspective of individuals (data subjects). In so doing, Paragi also contributes to the discussion on the politics of transparency and highlights the dilemmas and challenges aid organizations operating in authoritarian regimes or conflict settings may face.

SDGs im Mittelstand: Nachhaltigkeit in Unternehmen ganzheitlich umsetzen (SDG - Forschung, Konzepte, Lösungsansätze zur Nachhaltigkeit)

by Patricia Moock

Nachhaltigkeit hat in den letzten Jahren an Relevanz stark zugenommen und ist längst auch für kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen ein wichtiges Thema. Häufig kommt die Frage auf, wie Nachhaltigkeit ganzheitlich im Unternehmen umgesetzt werden kann – hier unterstützen die Sustainable Development Goals der UN (kurz: SDGs). Als globales Rahmenwerk bieten sie einen Orientierungsrahmen sowie einen ganzheitlichen Blick auf Nachhaltigkeit und leisten für Mittelständler einen wertvollen Beitrag zur strategischen Ausrichtung, zu Innovationsvorhaben, für die Umsetzung, für die interne und externe Kommunikation und für die Entwicklung einer nachhaltigen Kultur. Die Arbeit mit den SDGs bietet den Vorteil, dass nun Mittelständler ihre jahrelangen Bemühungen der lokalen Nachhaltigkeitsarbeit mit einem global anerkannten Rahmenwerk verbinden können. Dieser Praxisleitfaden unterstützt Sie dabei, Nachhaltigkeit mit den SDGs in Ihrem Unternehmen zu verankern. Zahlreiche Checklisten, Praxisbeispiele, Workshopabläufe und Tipps geben Ihnen Orientierung und helfen bei der konkreten Umsetzung.

Sedition: Macaulay to Modi

by Rijul Singh Uppal

The liberal use of the sedition law in recent years, mainly by state governments intolerant of dissenting opinion, has provoked justified controversy. After some prominent individuals fell afoul of the law, activists, journalists, lawyers, and jurists took up cudgels on behalf of the victims, and demanded that the law be scrapped, as it belongs to the colonial era. The Supreme Court of India, in May 2022, admitted a host of petitions challenging the law as upheld in Kedar Nath Singh vs Union of India, 1961.The author believes that the fundamental right to free speech is a non-negotiable right in a democratic country, but the law is relevant for countering threats to national security and sovereignty. Examining the trajectory of the sedition law from its introduction by the British colonial power and its subsequent rejection by the Constituent Assembly of India, the author observes that the statute had to be hastily restored by the Provisional Parliament to cope with the challenges posed by communal rioting in many parts of the country, several years after independence. As such, it is pertinent in times of crisis. The current law undeniably needs safeguards against political misuse, but deserves a place on the statute.Print edition not for sale in South Asia (India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Bhutan)

See Justice Done: The Problem of Law in the African American Literary Tradition (Margaret Walker Alexander Series in African American Studies)

by Christopher Michael Brown

In See Justice Done: The Problem of Law in the African American Literary Tradition, author Christopher Michael Brown argues that African American literature has profound and deliberate legal roots. Tracing this throughline from the eighteenth century to the present, Brown demonstrates that engaging with legal culture in its many forms—including its conventions, paradoxes, and contradictions—is paramount to understanding Black writing.Brown begins by examining petitions submitted by free and enslaved Blacks to colonial and early republic legislatures. A virtually unexplored archive, these petitions aimed to demonstrate the autonomy and competence of their authors. Brown also examines early slave autobiographies such as Olaudah Equiano’s Interesting Narrative and Mary Prince’s History, which were both written in the form of legal petitions. These works invoke scenes of Black competence and of Black madness, repeatedly and simultaneously.Early Black writings reflect how a Black Atlantic world, organized by slavery, refused to acknowledge Black competence. By including scenes of Black madness, these narratives critique the violence of the law and predict the failure of future legal counterparts, such as Plessy v. Ferguson, to remedy injustice. Later chapters examine the works of more contemporary writers, such as Sutton E. Griggs, George Schuyler, Toni Morrison, and Edward P. Jones, and explore varied topics from American exceptionalism to the legal trope of "colorblindness." In chronicling these interactions with jurisprudential logics, See Justice Done reveals the tensions between US law and Black experiences of both its possibilities and its perils.

Selected Chinese Cases on the UN Sales Convention (Selected Chinese Cases on the CISG)

by Peng Guo Haicong Zuo Shu Zhang

This book focuses on Chinese cases on the CISG decided by Chinese courts of all levels, focusing on 2011 to 2012. During this period, the number of cases grew fast compared to 2006 to 2010. The total number of cases remained relatively low, the reasons of which might be the following: parties were not familiar with the CISG and therefore decided to opt out of it; in addition, the case collection and report systems in China at that time were not as developed as now, rendering many cases inaccessible. This book provides a comprehensive and detailed analysis of selected cases. The analysis of those cases is on a case-by-case basis. For each case, an English summary of the judgment is provided. In the comment, the People’s Courts’ approach to the interpretation and application of the CISG is emphasized. Comments of the individual case are written either by scholars or judges or lawyers from international and comparative perspective to discuss the successes and pitfalls of the interpretation and application of the CISG.

Selected Discourses - The Wisdom of Epictetus: The Stoic Classic (Capstone Classics)

by Epictetus Tom Butler-Bowdon

Explore the ancient Stoic way of thinking and the valuable lessons it holds for contemporary life This new volume contains the Enchiridion and selected Discourses of the great Stoic philosopher Epictetus, who believed that moral philosophy should be a practical guide to leading a better life. His works offer timeless instruction on how to live authentically, “in accordance with nature”. Like other prominent Stoic thinkers Seneca and Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus teaches us to attain self-mastery through the use of reason and virtuous living. In this striking addition to the Capstone Classics series, you can discover—or rediscover—the renowned Greek philosopher's guide to living the best life possible. Epictetus teaches that personal power and peace of mind are your birthright. Epictetus focused on maintaining discipline in matters that are under our control, and letting go of matters that are not. The key to improving oneself is to learn what is ‘in one's power’, not judging as good or bad anything over which we have no sway. In this remarkably simple yet transformative worldview, we gain peace of mind and have a greater impact on the world. Discover the practical moral philosophy of Epictetus, renowned Greek philosopher in the Stoic tradition Gain solace and peace of mind from the Stoic message of letting go of what we cannot control Learn the key messages of Epictetus in a new edition introduced by personal development author Tom Butler-Bowdon Gain the keys to a virtuous, productive, and happy life Whether you are formally studying philosophy or pursuing your own personal development, Selected Discourses - The Wisdom of Epictetus will make an excellent addition to your library.

Selected Proceedings of the 6th Space Resources Conference: KGK 2023 (Springer Aerospace Technology)

by Katarzyna Malinowska Agata Kołodziejczyk Joanna Pyrkosz-Pacyna Krzysztof Grabowski Olga Sergijenko

This book collects advances, innovations, and applications in the field of space resources and exploration, as presented by international researchers at the 6th Space Resources Conference (KGK), held in Kraków, Poland on May 15-16, 2023. The conference serves as a forum for discussion on the state-of-the-art technologies applicable to current challenges of space exploration, the use of space resources to improve the living conditions of humans and protect Earth’s natural environment, and the latest research results on space resource extraction, transportation, manufacturing in space, and how to develop settlements on the Moon and Mars. Topics include bioastronautics and life support systems, Earth observation and sensors issues, space law, subspace missions, space industry, society and space, space education, and space structures design and operations. The book, which was selected by means of a rigorous peer-review process, presents a wealth of exciting ideas that will open novel research directions and foster multidisciplinary collaboration among different specialists.

The Self, Civic Virtue, and Public Life: Interdisciplinary Perspectives (Routledge Studies in Ethics and Moral Theory)

by Nancy E. Snow

This volume showcases new and interesting ways in which the possession of civic virtues can contribute to people’s abilities to engage in public life in meaningful ways.What is the role of civic virtues in public life? How does possessing civic virtues affect persons and their capacities for participation in the public order? The chapters in this volume combine philosophical and empirically informed work to show how civic virtues can be informed by larger virtue ethical perspectives. The first two chapters discuss virtues of individuals that have not received significant empirical attention—authenticity and wisdom and psychological resilience. The next two chapters address education and the ways in which civic virtues can help us to better serve schoolchildren who are socially and economically disadvantaged, as well as to broaden students’ horizons with respect to character and sustainability education. The final four chapters explore the roles for virtues within various political and public realms. They offer perspectives on how virtues affect contentious politics in democratic societies, and study virtues in contexts in which democracy has been stifled or torn apart by war. Together, the chapters highlight the ever-widening impact of the virtues on our lives and in society.The Self, Civic Virtue, and Public Life will be of interest to scholars and graduate students working in ethics, political philosophy, psychology, and philosophy of education.The Open Access version of this book, available at, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) 4.0 International license.

Sentencing without Guidelines

by Rhys Hester

Sentencing matters. Reform initiatives hope to impart more uniformity and fairness in sentencing. Tough-on-crime laws like “three strikes” and mandatory minimum provisions deprive judges of sentencing discretion. While sentencing guidelines have been adopted by approximately 20 states since the early 1980s, many judges operate without guidelines. Sentencing without Guidelines is Rhys Hester’s deep dive into how South Carolina, which never passed sentencing guideline legislation, nonetheless created meaningful punishment reform. It achieved uniformity in sentencing with a traveling circuit of judges, informal norms among judges, and the unique phenomenon of the “Plea Judge” to manage cases. Hester examines how prior convictions, race, and geographical differences impact sentences to explain why individuals get the criminal sentences they do. He also explores how legal reform mechanisms can influence punishment goals and policy. Sentencing without Guidelines shows the benefits and drawbacks South Carolina experienced as it met sentencing reform goals. These lessons can be translated into policy for other jurisdictions.

Seven Days: a gripping, high-octane crime thriller for 2024 - can Alice save her father from death row?

by Robert Rutherford

'Wow! An absolutely fantastic edge of your seat thriller. I could not turn the pages fast enough... Would be an amazing film or tv series. The ending was perfect... Highly recommended' Reader review⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Your father is on death row. You have seven days to save him. But do you want to?Alice knows her father is guilty of many things. He's guilty of abandoning her.He's guilty of being unfaithful to her mother.But is he guilty of murder?Now on Death Row, he has seven days to live.Some people want him released.Others will kill to keep him just where he is.Alice has only one chance to save him. But should she?Readers are loving Seven Days:'This was wild! Really enjoyed this. Good characters, good story line and it kept me guessing' Reader review⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'Compulsive and page turning read... lots of surprises' Reader review⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'A dark and atmospheric thriller that explores the complexities of family, trauma, and life, with a shocking ending, fantastic novel'⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'Twisty, tense and superbly characterised, this global race against time and across the world is a top read'⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'Kept me hooked from start to finish!'⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'A high-octane, high-stakes thriller about family dynamics, guilt and responsibility'⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Seven Days: a gripping, high-octane crime thriller for 2024 - can Alice save her father from death row?

by Robert Rutherford

'Wow! An absolutely fantastic edge of your seat thriller. I could not turn the pages fast enough... Would be an amazing film or tv series. The ending was perfect... Highly recommended' Reader review⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Your father is on death row. You have seven days to save him. But do you want to?Alice knows her father is guilty of many things. He's guilty of abandoning her.He's guilty of being unfaithful to her mother.But is he guilty of murder?Now on Death Row, he has seven days to live.Some people want him released.Others will kill to keep him just where he is.Alice has only one chance to save him. But should she?Readers are loving Seven Days:'This was wild! Really enjoyed this. Good characters, good story line and it kept me guessing' Reader review⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'Compulsive and page turning read... lots of surprises' Reader review⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'A dark and atmospheric thriller that explores the complexities of family, trauma, and life, with a shocking ending, fantastic novel'⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'Twisty, tense and superbly characterised, this global race against time and across the world is a top read'⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'Kept me hooked from start to finish!'⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'A high-octane, high-stakes thriller about family dynamics, guilt and responsibility'⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Seven Days: a gripping, high-octane crime thriller for 2024 - can Alice save her father from death row?

by Robert Rutherford

'Wow! An absolutely fantastic edge of your seat thriller. I could not turn the pages fast enough... Would be an amazing film or tv series. The ending was perfect... Highly recommended' Reader review⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Your father is on death row. You have seven days to save him. But do you want to?Alice knows her father is guilty of many things. He's guilty of abandoning her.He's guilty of being unfaithful to her mother.But is he guilty of murder?Now on Death Row, he has seven days to live.Some people want him released.Others will kill to keep him just where he is.Alice has only one chance to save him. But should she?Readers are loving Seven Days:'This was wild! Really enjoyed this. Good characters, good story line and it kept me guessing' Reader review⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'Compulsive and page turning read... lots of surprises' Reader review⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'A dark and atmospheric thriller that explores the complexities of family, trauma, and life, with a shocking ending, fantastic novel'⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'Twisty, tense and superbly characterised, this global race against time and across the world is a top read'⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'Kept me hooked from start to finish!'⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'A high-octane, high-stakes thriller about family dynamics, guilt and responsibility'⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Seven Deadly Sins of Organizational Culture: Lessons From Some of The Most Infamous Corporate Failures (Security, Audit and Leadership Series)

by L. T. San

This book is about the primary symptoms present in a dysfunctional culture that could have devastating outcomes for any organization. The book outlines each of the seven sins in each chapter. Each of the first seven chapters (Chapters 1–7) starts with a famous quote related to each of the sins and then immediately recounts stories ripped from the headlines describing well-known corporate failures but with a personal touch from former employees who experienced those stories from inside the company. (The sources for these stories are all cited in their Bibliographies.) The seven sins of organizational culture are linked with seven different corporate scandals that serve as a "lesson learned" as well as seven stories of organizations that have been successful with each respective organizational attribute as follows: Flawed Mission and Misaligned Values uses WorldCom as the lesson learned and Patagonia as the success case. Flawed Incentives uses Wells Fargo as the lesson learned and Bridgeport Financial as the success case. Lack of Accountability uses HSBC as the lesson learned and McDonald’s as the success case. Ineffective Talent Management uses Enron as the lesson learned and Southwest Airlines as the success case. Lack of Transparency uses Theranos as the lesson learned and Zappos as the success case. Ineffective Risk Management uses the 2008 mortgage industry collapse as the lesson learned and Michael Burry as the success case. Ineffective Leadership summarizes all of the foregoing sins as failures of Leadership. In each chapter and for each organizational sin, the author offers seven attributes of a healthy culture to counter the cultural dysfunction. The seven healthy attributes for each of the seven sins are all original content. In Chapter 8, the author offers an approach for assessing an organization’s culture by providing seven ways to measure the different drivers of organizational culture. The ideas for how to measure corporate culture is original content, with some references to existing frameworks (all cited in the Bibliography.) Finally, in Chapter 9, the author offers a step-by-step outline for transforming the culture. The chapter starts with a story about how Korean Air suffered multiple crashes due to their corporate culture but were able to successfully transform their culture. (The source for the Korean Air story is cited in the Bibliography.) There are seven appendices, most of which are by the author except for the maturity of risk management, which references an OECD (government entity) risk management maturity framework.

Sex and the Planet: What Opt-In Reproduction Could Do for the Globe (Basic Bioethics)

by Margaret Pabst Battin

What if human reproduction was always elective? A prominent bioethicist speculates about the possibilities—and the likely consequences.What would the world be like if all pregnancy was intended, not unintended as it is nearly half the time now? Considerably better, Margaret Pabst Battin suggests in Sex and the Planet, a provocative thought experiment with far-reaching real-world implications. Many of the world&’s most vexing and seemingly intractable issues begin with sex—when sperm meets egg, as Battin puts it—abortion, adolescent pregnancy, high-risk pregnancy, sexual violence, population growth and decline. Rethinking reproductive rights and exposing our many mistaken assumptions about sex, Sex and the Planet offers an optimistic picture of how we might solve these problems—by drastically curtailing unintended pregnancies using currently available methods.How we see this picture—as recommendation, prediction, utopian fantasy, totalitarian plot, hypothetical conjecture, or realistic solution—depends to a great degree on which of thirteen problematic assumptions we maintain, assumptions Battin works to identify and challenge. Taking on sensitive topics like abortion and rape and religious issues around contraception, she shows how a fully informed, nonideological approach could defuse much of the friction such issues tend to generate. Also, in her attention to male contraception and the asymmetry of female and male reproductive control, she pulls in the 50 percent of the human race—those with Y chromosomes—largely left out of discussions of reproductive health. Sex and the Planet, finally, takes a global view, inviting us to consider a possible—even plausible—reproductive future.

Sex, Gender and International Human Rights Law: Contesting Binaries (Feminist and Queer International Law)

by Giovanna Gilleri

This book investigates the relationship between sex and gender under international human rights law, and how this influences the formation of individual subjects. Combining feminist, queer, and psychoanalytical perspectives, the author scrutinises the sexed/gendered human rights discourse, starting from the assumptions underpinning interpretations of sex, gender, and the related notions of gender identity, sex characteristics, and sexual orientation. Human rights law has so far offered only a limited account of the diversity of sexed/ gendered subjectivities, being based on a series of simplistic assumptions. Namely, that there are only two sexes and two genders; sex is a natural fact and gender is a social construct; gender is the metonymic signifier for women; and gender power relations take the asymmetrical shape of male domination versus female oppression. Against these assumptions, dominative and subordinate postures interchangeably attach to femininities and masculinities, depending on the subjects’ roles, their positionalities, and the situational meanings of their acts. The limits of an approach to gender which is based on rigid binaries are evident in two case studies, on the UN human rights treaty bodies’ vocabulary on medically unnecessary interventions upon intersex children and on the European Court of Human Rights’ narrative on sadomasochism. This examination of the impact of human rights on gendered subjectivities will be of interest to scholars, students, and researchers in international law, gender studies, queer studies, cultural studies, critical race theory, and psychoanalysis.

Sexual Harassment and the Law in Africa: Country and Regional Perspectives

by Furaha-Joy Sekai Saungweme Carol Chi Ngang Graham Towl

Written by a team of experts from legal, forensic, and policy backgrounds, this book presents new research into sexual violence and harassment across Africa.This first of it's kind book foregrounds the work of African scholars and presents careful research analysis and case studies that consider sexual harassment from legal, socio-economic, and cultural realities. It highlights the importance of laws around sexual harassment in Africa, the intersectional challenges it poses to women in the workplace, and the role of the feminist movement in Africa to hold perpetrators accountable and give voice to survivors of sexual harassment. The book forms part of a broader African-driven research initiative on sexual harassment and the law and is written in partnership with the Africa End Sexual Harassment Initiative (AESHI). It also explores the need to focus on best-practice benchmarks for Africa and also learning from developments in Africa.Timely and relevant, the book will be of great interest to legal and policy academic scholars, professionals, and activists working in the fields of gender policy, forensic psychology, and NGOs. It will also be useful reading for postgraduate students of law, gender studies, political science, and African studies.

Sexual Offences Against Children in India: Understanding the Criminal Justice Responses (Routledge Frontiers of Criminal Justice)

by Sonali Swetapadma Paromita Chattoraj

Sexual Offences Against Children in India examines the evolution of the law pertaining to sexual violence against children, the judicial decisions since the inception of the POCSO Act till date with respect to aspects of the POCSO Act and the best practices from other developed jurisdictions for handling cases and victims of child abuse.Despite being prevalent, violence against children is often hidden or underreported, though its impact is widely acknowledged. In a country like India the vocabulary to communicate around sexuality and sexual abuse is almost non-existent. India has seen its journey from having no law on sexual abuse of children to having a “special” law in the form of the Protection of Children against Sexual Offences Act 2012 (POCSO Act). This book demystifies the problem of sexual violence against children in India pre- and post-POCSO Act. There is also a novel attempt to examine the implementation of the POCSO Act in the eastern Indian states of Odisha, Jharkhand and West Bengal, and if its objectives were being attained – in content, in implementation, and in impact.This book will be useful for police, judiciary and government officials, scholars, and researchers studying comparative aspects of dealing with sexual offence cases against children.

Shackled: 92 Refugees Imprisoned on ICE Air

by Rebecca A. Sharpless

A rare look at the brute-force mechanics of deportation in the United States. In December 2017, U.S. immigration authorities shackled and abused 92 African refugees for two days while attempting to deport them by plane to Somalia. When national media broke the story, government officials lied about what happened. Shackled tells the story of this harrowing failed deportation, the resulting class action litigation, and two men's search for safety in the United States over the course of three long years. Through Abdulahi's and Sa'id's firsthand accounts, immigration lawyer Rebecca A. Sharpless brings to life the harsh consequences of the U.S. deportation system and how racism and anti-Blackness operate within it. Sharpless follows the money that ICE funnels into local jails, private contractors, and charter jets, exposing a sprawling system of immigration enforcement that detains and abuses noncitizens at scale. Woven with the wider context of Abdulahi's and Sa'id's stories, this immigration odyssey reveals disturbing truths about Somalia, asylum, and the U.S. court system. Shackled will galvanize readers—attorneys, activists, policymakers, and scholars alike—to call out and dismantle this brutal infrastructure.

Shackled: A Tale of Wronged Kids, Rogue Judges, and a Town that Looked Away

by Candy J. Cooper

Here is the explosive story of the Kids for Cash scandal in Pennsylvania, a judicial justice miscarriage that sent more than 2,500 children and teens to a for-profit detention center while two judges lined their pockets with cash, as told by Candy J. Cooper, an award-winning journalist and Pulitzer Prize finalist.In the early 2000s, Judge Mark Ciavarella and Judge Michael Conahan of Luzerne County, Pennsylvania were known as no-nonsense judges. Juveniles who showed up in their courtrooms faced harsh words and even harsher sentencing. In the post-Columbine era, many people believed that was just what the county needed to ensure its children and teens stayed on the straight and narrow path. But as more and more children faced shocking sentences for seemingly benign crimes, and a newly built for-profit detention center filled up further and further, a sinister pattern of abuses and bribery emerged. Through extensive research and original reporting leading into contemporary times, award-winning journalist Candy J. Cooper tells the story of a scandal that the Juvenile Law Center calls &“one of the largest and most serious violations of children&’s rights in the history of the American legal system.&”

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