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Showing 99,826 through 99,850 of 100,000 results

We Slaves of Suriname

by Anton de Kom

Anton de Kom’s We Slaves of Suriname is a literary masterpiece as well as a fierce indictment of racism and colonialism. In this classic book, published here in English for the first time, the Surinamese writer and resistance leader recounts the history of his homeland, from the first settlements by Europeans in search of gold through the era of the slave trade and the period of Dutch colonial rule, when the old slave mentality persisted, long after slavery had been formally abolished. 159 years after the abolition of slavery in Suriname and 88 years after its initial publication, We Slaves of Suriname has lost none of its brilliance and power.

The Life to Come: A Novel

by Michelle De Kretser

Winner of the Miles Franklin Literary AwardShortlisted for the Stella PrizeLonglisted for the International Dublin Literary Award“For a novel concerned with dislocation, there's a lot of grounding humor in The Life to Come. Most of it comes at the expense of Pippa and her ilk, but de Kretser's observations are so spot on, you'll forgive her even as you cringe.”—Amelia Lester, New York Times Book ReviewSet in Australia, France, and Sri Lanka, The Life to Come is about the stories we tell and don’t tell ourselves as individuals, as societies, and as nations. Driven by a vivid cast of characters, it explores necessary emigration, the art of fiction, and ethnic and class conflict.Pippa is a writer who longs for success and eventually comes to fear that she “missed everything important.” Celeste tries to convince herself that her feelings for her married lover are reciprocated. Ash makes strategic use of his childhood in Sri Lanka, but blots out the memory of a tragedy from that time. Sri Lankan Christabel endures her dull job and envisions a brighter future that “rose, glittered, and sank back,” while she neglects the love close at hand.The stand–alone yet connected worlds of The Life to Come offer meditations on intimacy, loneliness, and our flawed perception of reality. Enormously moving, gorgeously observant of physical detail, and often very funny, this new novel by Michelle de Kretser reveals how the shadows cast by both the past and the future can transform and distort the present. It is teeming with life and earned wisdom—exhilaratingly contemporary, with the feel of a classic.

On Shirley Hazzard: Writers On Writers (Writers On Writers Ser.)

by Michelle De Kretser

On Shirley Hazzard is a vibrant and personal tribute in which the Miles Franklin Award–winning novelist Michelle de Kretser offers a masterclass in writing and reading. She celebrates the precision and musicality of Hazzard’s prose and illuminates the humor and humanity in her work. This exhilarating book is both a brilliant introduction to Hazzard and a gift for her longtime readers.On Shirley Hazzard reveals Michelle de Kretser’s lively intelligence at work and her distinctive wit. This testament to her sustained engagement with Hazzard’s work is, at its core, an appreciation of the significance and joy of good fiction. Receptiveness when reading is a prerequisite for perceptive analysis, according to both de Kretser and Hazzard. And for prose, the “simple and precise,” the “transient and insignificant” are key qualities: “Not moonlight but the glitter of broken glass,” for de Kretser as for Chekhov. Selective biographical details about Hazzard are relayed, too—her leaving Australia and formal education at the age of sixteen, her working, unhappily, at the United Nations in Manhattan, her long friendship with Graham Greene. Hazzard’s morality is also invoked—“solidarity with the vulnerable” and pacifism being of prime importance.Shirley Hazzard (1931–2016) published her first short story in The New Yorker in 1961. The magazine continued to publish her work in the decades thereafter, including excerpts from her most successful and beloved novel, the bestseller and National Book Critics Circle Award winner, The Transit of Venus (1980). Michelle de Kretser’s insightful and provocative appreciation does Hazzard fine justice.

¿Culpable? Florence Cassez, el juicio del siglo

by Luis de la Barreda

El libro definitivo sobre lo que considera el juicio del siglo: el caso Florence Cassez. Un texto que se lee como novela, una crónica accesible para todos los lectores, acerca del juicio de la ciudadana francesa acusada de secuestro en el 2005. Expone sin prejuicios los huecos en el sistema judicial mexicano que permitieron que Cassez fuera condenada a cadena perpetua y, siete años después, absuelta de todos los cargos. En México, en el presente siglo, ningún otro juicio ha provocado tanta atención y desatado tantas pasiones como el de Florence Cassez, la ciudadana francesa a quien se acusó de la comisión reiterada de uno de los delitos más crueles y devastadores: el secuestro. El asunto enfrentó a los gobiernos de Francia y México, y en los dos países fue seguido asiduamente y con exaltación. Tres tribunales condenaron a la acusada prácticamente a cadena perpetua antes de que la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación dictara la sentencia definitiva, que provocó reacciones que oscilaron entre la ira y el júbilo. Luis de la Barreda, uno de nuestros mejores especialistas en derechos humanos, ha escrito el libro definitivo sobre el juicio de Florence Cassez: realiza la crónica del caso, incluyendo su entorno pasional, explica con asombrosa sencillez, al alcance de todos los lectores, las aristas jurídicas, y analiza con rigor la acusación y las sentencias, buscando el descubrimiento de la verdad. Lo hace ejerciendo virtudes siempre apreciables: la brevedad, la claridad, la intensidad y la lucidez.

Crush: An Erotic Novel (Books That Changed the World)

by Cécile de La Baume

This debut novel of a Frenchwoman&’s obsessive affair is &“a little book that astonishes, by the fierceness of its outlook, the rawness of its tone&” (Magazine Littéraire). Amélie is a thirty-year-old haute bourgeoisie wife of a distant husband and mother of two picture-perfect daughters. One evening at a service station on the outskirts of the Bois de Boulogne, she meets a man named David and immediately steps into a new life of erotic sensuality. Twenty years her senior, darkly handsome, and almost embarrassingly virile, he is a suave filmmaker, a confirmed bachelor, and the perfect match for the perfect affair—but one with a twist. Amélie is not the typical lonely wife, starving for affection. Capricious, snobbish, and sometimes deceitful, she is ravenously hungry for pleasure. Written with cool-headed intensity and sexual heat, Crush is an unforgettable odyssey through the wilds of desire into the badlands of erotic obsession.

Desfiladeros del amor

by Óscar de la Borbolla

Cuatro geniales cuentos que reflexionan sobre el amor y su complejidad, recopilados digitalmente para dar a conocer a uno de los mejores narradores mexicanos en la actualidad: Óscar de la Borbolla. ¿Qué pasa cuando el azar obliga a dos personas a enamorarse; qué cuando a una de ellas le sobreviene el hastío y la otra, en cambio, no sabe que las relaciones actualmente tienen una fecha de caducidad muy próxima; qué ocurre cuando un desaire lo lanza a uno a los brazos de un asesino y puede fumar un cigarrillo acompañado nada menos que por Dios, y qué, cuando por más esfuerzos que se hagan una persona queda estacionada, al parecer, para siempre en una misma edad? El amor se palpa en estos cuentos; sin embargo, como suele ocurrir en la vida real, tampoco aquí puede mantenerse. Desfiladeros del amor está compuesto por cuatro cuentos en los que Óscar de la Borbolla pone nuevamente en escena su talento y humor negro narrativos, así como esa vetade escritor experimental que lo caracteriza.

Filosofía para inconformes

by Óscar de la Borbolla

Un gran libro de Filosofía, apto para todo público interesado en expandir su conocimiento sobre el pensamiento moderno. En otros tiempos este libro habría sido quemado. Filosofía para inconformes es un libro rebelde, escrito con humor y corrosiva amenidad donde las ideas fluyen en forma de ensayo, fábula, monólogo, aforismo, diatriba, manifiesto... hasta formar un mosaico multigenérico donde el lector podrá reírse de todo y, principalmente, de sí mismo. No se trata de un pensamiento amargo que desemboque en la tristeza y la abulia, sino de un desencanto festivo que hace del pensamiento un carnaval. En esta obra, Óscar de la Borbolla -pensador agudo y amargo- reflexiona con implacable humor negro a propósito del sentido de la vida y la muerte; de la locura y la demagogia; de la corrupción política, del amor y, en general, de los asuntos que han preocupado siempre a los filósofos, y que hoy resulta indispensable abordar sin complacencias. Filosofía para inconformes propone un entramado de conceptos que dan expresión a la inconformidad actual.

El futuro no será de nadie

by Óscar de la Borbolla

Novela sobre el amor y las utopías y desgracias de una pareja que no se encuentra a sí misma. A partir de una historia sobre la monotonía, el autor despliega una red de ideas sobre el amor y sus vericuetos. El futuro no será de nadie es la mejor novela de Óscar de la Borbolla, quien desde Las vocales malditas -su primera obra- ha despertado la admiración inteligente de miles de jóvenes. Profunda, emblemática, llena de imaginación y creada con una narrativa sorprendente, esta novela es la radiografía de la crisis de los amantes posmodernos; del modo en que se vive el amor en nuestro tiempo. El fracaso del arte, de la ciencia, de las últimas ínsulas del Paraíso, así como de las nuevas reglas que hoy rigen el amor, sirven para mostrar, sin patetismo y con humor corrosivo, un mundo que ha perdido los horizontes. El futuro no será de nadie es el canto del cisne de nuestro tiempo. Una novela de gran profundidad que está llamada a ser una nueva educación sentimental.

La libertad de ser distinto

by Óscar de la Borbolla

Un volumen de minirrelatos, con espíritu de diccionario de temas trascendentales, a tono con la velocidad y el desenfado de nuestro tiempo; cada uno de los textos invita a reírse con inteligencia de todo: del amor y la muerte, del deseo y las mentiras, de las coartadas y las adicciones; también del destino y la vida. Reivindicar la mentira: su importancia social y biológica... Aprender a leer los jeroglíficos del cuerpo femenino... Admitir que todos los infinitos humanos están truncos... Tener un doble tan parecido a uno que sea posible vacacionar una semana en su vida... Descubrir que la desmemoria se ha tragado los años y que salvo unos pocos recuerdos lo demás se ha perdido... Toparse con un laberinto que no es más que un túnel recto pero tan largo que no hay modo de alcanzar la salida... Comprender que por más estruendoso que sean los gritos no logran oírse porque forman parte de un coro... Determinar la edad de cada persona por el número de sus muertos significativos... Entender la razón metafísica que explica por qué rueda la rueda... Encararse al espejo sin decirle: ¡Mientes!... Asomarse por la ventana y darse cuenta de que es uno quien huye calle abajo... Agenciarse unas coartadas útiles, buenas en cualquier ocasión... Estos y otros asuntos reales o imaginarios en una narrativa elegante, compacta, divertida y profunda. Óscar de la Borbolla pasea libremente en estos relatos, por los temas esenciales de nuestra vida cotidiana como la duda, la mentira o el deseo. Su lectura es ejercicio de gozosa reflexión.

Las vocales malditas

by Óscar de la Borbolla

Uno de los libros más inusuales de la literatura mexicana contemporánea. Se trata de cinco cuentos, en los que sólo se utiliza una sola vocal, por cada uno, en su redacción. "Las vocales malditas es el libro más sorprendente de la Lengua Española. Un libro de culto." Vox Populi Las vocales malditas es un verdadero tour de force: cada relato está escrito con palabras que sólo tienen la misma vocal. "Los locos somos otro cosmos", por ejemplo, excluye todas las vocales salvo la o; y son así, cinco relatos. Estos textos prueban el talento de su autor para un juego cargado: la arbitrariedad del juego formal sólo es aparente. La vocal dominante resta del lenguaje su habla casual y la vuelve otra versión de las cosas. Se trata de otra manera de nombrar dentro del mismo lenguaje, citando, en su fonética arbitraria, un propósito obsesivo y sistemático, que asedia a los significados con su ironía y su burla. Así, los significantes son la parte ligeramente perversa de la significación; no solamente su vía expresiva. Julio Ortega.

La inverosímil muerte de Hércules Pretorius

by Humberto De La Calle

"En esta sátira magnífica e implacable, que retrata a la perfección un mundo malogrado por el fanatismo, sólo el autor sabe bien qué está haciendo: su voz, un bello vaivén de lo testimonial a lo poético, que es la prueba de un talento de verdad, guía por la alucinación que ha sido esta guerra nuestra y acompaña a aquellos muchachos cómicos que se volvieron personajes trágicos a punta de comerse el cuento". Ricardo Silva Romero Hércules Pretorius era un joven abogado de la Universidad de Caldas, de buena familia, a quien siempre le había atraído la idea de hacer una revolución social pacífica. El M-19 surgió en la Colombia convulsionada de los años setenta y le dio a Hércules -como a tantos otros- una opción y una esperanza para luchar por sus ideales. Esta novela, inspirada en hechos reales, narra las desventuras de Pretorius desde que era estudiante de Derecho hasta su muerte, en la selva chocoana, donde terminó a pesar de su aversión a la violencia. Con una narración trepidante, De la Calle retrata una época clave de la historia de Colombia y plantea un importante debate sobre la guerra, la justicia social y la paz.

Las herederas: La gran novela de la aclamada autora de «Cambiar de idea»

by Aixa de la Cruz

La gran novela de una autora con la voz de miles Por la autora de Cambiar de idea, Premio Librotea y Premio Euskadi 2020. «Parece que un suicidio en la familia constata lo que siempre se sospecha, que la locura corre en los genes, que estamos bíblicamente perdidas». Hace seis meses que la abuela Carmen se abrió las venas en la bañera, y nadie ha sabido aún por qué. Ahora, sus cuatro nietas vuelven a la casa del pueblo en la que murió y que han heredado. Lis se está recuperando de una crisis que sufrió allí mismo y solo quiere vender la casa y pasar página. Su hermana Erica sueña con organizar retiros espirituales y paseos botánicos. Olivia, prima de Erica y Lis y la mayor de las nietas, es cardióloga y busca en cada cajón alguna pista que ayude a explicar el final de la abuela. Por su parte, Nora, la hermana desastre, se plantea dejar que su camello utilice la casa como almacén para su mercancía. Cuatro mujeres jóvenes y un legado común por descifrar: ¿una casa o una maldición que corre en los genes? «Una gran narradora que además es una gran pensadora».Javier Rodríguez Marcos, El País Sobre Cambiar de idea:«Cambiar de idea es la obra de una gran narradora que además es una gran pensadora. En tiempos en los que el lector siempre tiene razón, Aixa de la Cruz nos saca de nuestras casillas porque ella misma lleva tiempo fuera. Su libro es la mejor demostración de que no hace falta estar de acuerdo con la teoría para estarlo con la práctica.»Javier Rodríguez Marcos, El País «Un brillante ensayo feminista para el perdón de los pecados o una oración millennial que nos invita a celebrar la vida como conflicto y como cambio.»Begoña Méndez, El Cultural «Un libro lúcido, lleno de fuerza y rabia, doloroso en su sinceridad.»Laura Freixas, La Vanguardia «El diálogo metaliterario es, de por sí, formalmente fascinante.»Adrián Véitez, Zenda «Un recorrido personal de distintas situaciones vitales para terminar hablando de cómo el feminismo ha llegado a influir en los últimos años.»Europa Press «Una de las voces que más va a dar que hablar.»Rosa Martí, Esquire «Un ensayo memorístico que escuece como la sal en una herida mal cerrada.»Mónica Zas Marcos, elDiario «Funciona todo, brilla, te lleva hasta el final como un tren en marcha que no se para.»Elizabeth Duval «De lo mejor que he leído de feminismo en primera persona. Quizás exagero, pero yo creo que está al nivel de Teoría King Kong.»Ernesto Castro

Finjamos que soy feliz

by Juana Inés de la Cruz

Una selección de la mejor sor Juana Inés de la Cruz a cargo de Luna Miguel. Pero valor, corazón: porque en tan dulce tormento, en medio de cualquier suerte no dejar de amar protesto. Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz es una de las poetas más importantes de la lengua española. Cerró con broche de oro el Barroco hispánico y es, además, una figura muy seductora: mujer, monja, sabia, defensora de la capacidad intelectual de las mujeres. Sin embargo, como toda autora célebre, Sor Juana ha sido víctima de su fama: todo el mundo la conoce, pero muy pocos la leen. Esta selección a cargo de la también poeta Luna Miguel pone al alcance de todos los lectores la brillantez de los mejores poemas de aquella que fue perseguida por dedicarse en cuerpo y alma no a la religión, sino a la intelectualidad y la escritura. El lector actual descubrirá en estos versos la perspicacia y el desafío que su poesía imperecedera alberga.

29 Dates

by Melissa de la Cruz

“A heartwarming, sparkling romantic comedy about what happens when what your heart wants and what your parents want don’t match…Melissa de la Cruz enchants and delights in her usual style. Completely unputdownable!” —Sandhya Menon, New York Times bestselling author of When Dimple Met Rishi“A refreshingly modern love story, 29 Dates serves up a funny and heartfelt rom-com about finding love and figuring out life on your own terms.” —Maurene Goo, author of I Believe in a Thing Called Love and The Way You Make Me FeelHow many dates will it take to find The One?Jisu’s traditional South Korean parents are concerned by what they see as her lack of attention to her schoolwork and her future. Working with Seoul’s premiere matchmaker to find the right boyfriend is one step toward ensuring Jisu’s success, and going on the recommended dates is Jisu’s compromise to please her parents while finding space to figure out her own dreams. But when she flubs a test then skips out on a date to spend time with friends, her fed-up parents shock her by shipping her off to a private school in San Francisco. Where she’ll have the opportunity to shine academically—and be set up on more dates!Navigating her host family, her new city and school, and more dates, Jisu finds comfort in taking the photographs that populate her ever-growing social media account. Soon attention from two very different boys sends Jisu into a tailspin of soul-searching. As her passion for photography lights her on fire, does she even want to find The One? And what if her One isn’t parent and matchmaker approved?

Beach Lane (Beach Lane Ser. #1)

by Melissa de la Cruz

Three girls with three agendas and the ultimate destination: the Hamptons. Summer in the city? Way overrated. Everybody who's anybody in New York City summers in the Hamptons. Mara, Eliza, and Jacqui all want a piece of the action, all for different reasons. So the girls answer a classified ad to become au pairs. How bad can it be, watching a couple of kids on the beach all day? They've got the swank address, the sweet ride, and an all-access pass to the hottest social scene on the East Coast. It's shaping up to be the summer of their lives.

The Birthday Girl: A Novel

by Melissa de la Cruz

In the thrilling, suspenseful new novel from the #1 New York Times bestselling author Melissa de la Cruz, all of Ellie de Florent-Stinson’s secrets come to light in one eventful evening full of twists, turns, and surprises. Before she became a glamorous fashion designer, Ellie de Florent-Stinson was a trailer-park teen about to turn sixteen. But a night of birthday celebration doesn’t go exactly as planned and descends into a night she’ll never be able to forget. Now, on the cusp of her fortieth birthday, it appears Ellie has everything she ever wanted: a handsome husband; an accomplished, college-age stepdaughter; a beautiful ten-year-old girl; adorable and rambunctious six-year-old twin boys; lush, well-appointed homes in Los Angeles, Park City, and Palm Springs; a thriving career; and a dazzling circle of friends. Except everything is not quite as perfect as it looks on the outside—Ellie is keeping many secrets. And hiding those skeletons has a cost, and it all comes to a head the night of her fabulous birthday party in the desert—where everyone who matters in her life shows up, invited or not. Old and new friends and frenemies, stepdaughters and business partners, ex-wives and ex-husbands congregate, and the glittering facade of Ellie’s life begins to crumble. Beautifully paced and full of surprises, The Birthday Girl is an enthralling tale of a life lived in shadow and its unavoidable consequences.

Birthday Vicious (The Ashley Project #3)

by Melissa de la Cruz

Ashley Spencer’s birthday is an occasion for serious scheming in the third book in The Ashley Project series from bestselling author Melissa de la Cruz.Ashley Spencer, Ashley “Lili” Li, Ashley “A. A.” Alioto, and the honorary Ashley—Lauren Page—are preparing to set a social scene: Ashley Spencer considers her birthday to be the most important event next to…well, actually the most important event ever, period.So when the invite list is drawn up and the custom embossed invitations are sent, the guest list is a who’s-who of San Francisco’s elite. If people don’t yet know whether they are in or out, this party is sure to draw the lines of coolness in the most permanent of inks.Ashley intends to prove that there’s a reason she’s been at the top of the social food chain her entire life, and she’s not about to be unseated by some lame website ranking. She’d also like to solve that pesky problem of losing her boyfriend. Will all her birthday wishes come true? Or is her party going to be totally vicious?

Cinder & Glass

by Melissa de la Cruz

New York Times bestselling author Melissa de la Cruz pens a lush, swoon-worthy retelling of "Cinderella" set in lavish Versailles. Perfect for fans of Bridgerton and The Selection!1682. The king sends out an invitation to all the maidens in France: their presence is requested at a number of balls and events that will be held in honor of the dashing Prince Louis, who must choose a bride. - - -Cendrillon de Louvois has more grace, beauty, and charm than anyone else in France. While she was once the darling child of the king's favorite adviser, her father's death has turned her into the servant of her stepmother and cruel stepsisters--and at her own chateau, too! Cendrillon--now called Cinder--manages to evade her stepmother and attend the ball, where she catches the eye of the handsome Prince Louis and his younger brother Auguste. Even though Cendrillon has an immediate aversion to Louis, and a connection with Auguste, the only way to escape her stepmother is to compete with the other women at court for the Prince's hand. Soon, as Cendrillon glows closer to Auguste and dislikes the prince more and more, she will have to decide if she can bear losing the boy she loves in order to leave a life she hates.

Doña Esmeralda, Who Ate Everything

by Melissa de la Cruz

A silly, laugh-out-loud read-aloud picture book debut from #1 New York Times bestselling author Melissa de la Cruz!Once upon a time, in the middle of a group of seven thousand happy islands named after King Philip of Spain, there lived a lady named Doña Esmeralda.She had a big bouffant hairdo and was much smaller than you.And she was always hungry...And so begins the wickedly hilarious tale of one very old, but very stylish little lady who loves to eat, but can only find the ooey, gooey, mushy, smelly leftovers of naughty children to nosh on. But what happens when Doña Esmeralda finds out about all the tasty treats that children do eat? Hold on to your hairdos as Esmeralda eats everything in sight in a cumulative read-aloud inspired by stories from author Melissa de la Cruz's childhood in the Philippines!

The Encanto's Daughter (The Encanto's Daughter #1)

by Melissa de la Cruz

A young woman claims the throne of a realm inspired by Filipino mythology in this YA romantic fantasy, the first in an enchanting new duet by #1 New York Times bestselling author Melissa de la Cruz.MJ Rodriguez has spent her life hiding in the human world, keeping a heavy secret: She&’s half-encanto. As the only child of King Vivencio of the Sirena Court, she&’s also next in line for the throne. And now, upon her estranged father&’s sudden death, MJ must claim her place as rightful heir.In wondrous Biringan, the road to the throne is paved with thorns. Without a reigning monarch, the realm has spiraled into disarray. MJ has to win over a backstabbing council that objects to a half-human ruler. And when it looks like her father&’s passing wasn&’t natural but possibly inflicted by a curse, she must hunt down the sorceress behind this merciless magic.In a bind, MJ forges an unlikely alliance with the striking Sir Lucas of the feared Sigbin Court, and soon, she loses her heart to the mysterious knight. But with peril looming over Biringan, the princess must decide if she can both open herself to love and carry the weight of the crown.

The Headmaster's List

by Melissa de la Cruz

One of Us Is Lying meets Gossip Girl in The Headmaster's List, an edge-of-your-seat YA thriller about a fatal car crash and the dangerous lengths one teen will go to uncover the truth about what really happened.Friday night. The party of the summer. Four teens ride home together. Only one never makes it. When high school sophomore Chris Moore is tragically killed in a car crash, Armstrong Prep is full of questions. Who was at the wheel? And more importantly, who was at fault?Eighteen-year-old Spencer Sandoval wishes she knew. As rumors swirl that her ex, Ethan, was the reckless driver, she can’t bring herself to defend him. And their messy breakup has nothing to do with it – she can’t remember anything from that night, not even what put her in that car with Ethan, Chris, and Tabby Hill, the new loner in school.The hunt for answers intensifies when a local true crime podcast takes an interest in the case, pushing Spencer further into the depths of this sinister mystery. Was it all just a night out that went very wrong? And is it a coincidence that all but Chris is on Armstrong's esteemed honor roll, the Headmaster’s List? In a place ruled by pedigree and privilege, the truth can only come at a deadly price.Set against the glitz and glamour of an elite LA private school, Melissa de la Cruz's explosive YA thriller is an addictive mystery perfect for fans of Only Murders in the Building and A Good Girl's Guide to Murder."There's nothing Melissa de la Cruz can't write, and she continues to prove it with this razor-sharp, glitteringly mysterious thriller! Put The Headmaster's List at the top of your TBR." —Kiersten White, #1 New York Times bestselling author of the And I Darken trilogy"Melissa de la Cruz will keep you guessing - all the way up to the last page even when you think you’ve figured it out! Everything you want in a thriller - a complicated heroine, snarky outsiders, cute boys, and a surprising and insightful story about status, race, class and tragedy in Los Angeles." —Sara Shepard, New York Times bestselling author of Pretty Little Liars

Never After: The Broken Mirror (The Chronicles of Never After #3)

by Melissa de la Cruz

Real life and fairy tales collide in Never After: The Broken Mirror, book three of the thrilling middle-grade saga perfect for fans of The Land of Stories series from the #1 New York Times bestselling creator of the Descendants, Melissa de la Cruz.The Never After crew is back for another twisted adventure. This time, they’re off to Snow Country—that is, after they rescue the beleaguered Lord Sharif of Nottingham from the evil Robin Hood, who has been plaguing the land with his thievery and mischief.But Robin’s antics aren’t the only dangers afoot in the Kingdom of Never After. At the behest of her daughter, the evil Cinderella, Queen Olga has turned Prince Charming into a Frog after his wedding to the beautiful Hortense. And how could we forget the ominous Prophecy, which still looms large over Filomena and her friends?Along with Jack, Alistair, Gretel, Beatrice, Byron Bessley, and some new Snow Country pals like Rose Red and a chatty magic mirror, Filomena sets off to find the only ones who can save the kingdom once and for all: The League of the Seven – a group of fearless warriors devoted to fighting the ogres at any cost.Still, new threats lurk around every corner, both in Never After and back home in North Pasadena . . . Even with the League of the Seven’s help, can Filomena and her friends rescue the land from Olga’s clutches? Or will the ogres finally prevail?

Never After: The Missing Sword (The Chronicles of Never After #4)

by Melissa de la Cruz

Return to the land of Never After, where real life and fairy tales collide, in book four of #1 New York Times-bestselling author Melissa de la Cruz's hit middle grade fantasy saga perfect for fans of The Land of Stories series.To save her mother from Olga's evil clutches, Filomena and her friends will set off for new lands and new adventures. Without a moment to lose, Filomena must travel to the legendary land of Camelot to find the sword of Excalibur - the only thing that can save Fil's mother from Olga's mysterious illness.But Camelot is not all that it seems. Fil and the crew quickly realize that there is another fairy tale that has taken hold in the land of Arthurian Legend. . . that of the Wizard of Oz! With the help (and hindrance) of the Wicked Witches of the East and West, lions and tigers and bears will surely be the least of Fil and the crew's troubles. As the League of Seven follows the yellow brick road to retrieve the enchanted sword and complete their most important quest yet, they find nothing will thwart the ogres and their mission to destroy Never After. In a land where nothing is truly as it seems, will Fil and the League of the Seven survive the witch's tests? Or will Olga's perilous plans rip Fil's mother away from her forever?

Never After: The Stolen Slippers (The Chronicles of Never After #2)

by Melissa de la Cruz

Discover a new middle-grade fantasy saga from Melissa de la Cruz, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Descendants series, with Never After: The Stolen Slippers, where real life and fairy tales collide!Tossed back into the not-so-familiar fairy-tale world of Never After, Filomena Jefferson-Cho and her friends set off on another adventure . . . this time in search of Cinderella’s glass slipper. Or rather, glass slippers. It turns out the classic story of Cinderella is full of lies—starting with how Cinderella herself is far from the innocent heroine everyone thinks she is. She is manipulative and cunning—willing to do anything to be the princess of Eastphalia. The real heroines of her story are her “wicked” stepsisters, Hortense and Beatrice, who aren’t actually wicked at all! With the help of the dashing Jack Stalker, adorable Alastair, and glamorous Gretel, Filomena must track down the slippers, which may be the key to a certain mysterious prophecy . . . And when Filomena and Beatrice get tossed into the Beast’s dungeon, all hope seems to be lost. Will the conniving Cinderella shatter everyone’s hopes for a true un-twisted ending? Or will Filomena and her friends secure the happily ever after Cinderella’s stepsisters deserve?

Never After: The Thirteenth Fairy (The Chronicles of Never After #1)

by Melissa de la Cruz

Real life and fairy tales collide in Never After: The Thirteenth Fairy, book one in the new middle-grade Never After series from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Descendants series, Melissa de la Cruz. Nothing ever happens in Filomena Jefferson-Cho’s sleepy little suburban town of North Pasadena. The sun shines every day, the grass is always a perfect green, and while her progressive school swears there’s no such thing as bullying, she still feels bummed out. But one day, when Filomena is walking home on her own, something strange happens. Filomena is being followed by Jack Stalker, one of the heroes in the Thirteenth Fairy, a series of books she loves about a brave girl and her ragtag group of friends who save their world from an evil enchantress. She must be dreaming, or still reading a book. But Jack is insistent—he’s real, the stories are real, and Filomena must come with him at once!Soon, Filomena is thrust into the world of evil fairies and beautiful princesses, sorcerers and slayers, where an evil queen drives her ruthless armies to destroy what is left of the Fairy tribes. To save herself and the kingdom of Westphalia, Filomena must find the truth behind the fairytales and set the world back to rights before the cycle of sleep and destruction begins once more.

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