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Last Stop on Market Street

by Matt de la Peña

#1 New York Times Bestseller A USA Today Bestseller Winner of the Newbery Medal A Caldecott Honor Book A Coretta Scott King Illustrator Honor Book This award-winning modern classic—a must-have for every child&’s home library—is an inclusive ode to kindness, empathy, gratitude, and finding joy in unexpected places, and celebrates the special bond between a curious young boy and his loving grandmother. Every Sunday after church, CJ and his grandma ride the bus across town. But today, CJ wonders why they don&’t own a car like his friend Colby. Why doesn&’t he have an iPod like the boys on the bus? How come they always have to get off in the dirty part of town? Each question is met with an encouraging answer from grandma, who helps him see the beauty—and fun—in their routine and the world around them. This energetic ride through a bustling city highlights the wonderful perspective only grandparent and grandchild can share, and comes to life through Matt de la Peña&’s vibrant text and Christian Robinson&’s radiant illustrations.


by Matt de la Peña

#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER"[A] poetic reckoning of the importance of love in a child's life . . . eloquent and moving."—People "Everything that can be called love -- from shared joy to comfort in the darkness -- is gathered in the pages of this reassuring, refreshingly honest picture book."—The New York Times Book Review, Editors' Choice / Staff Picks From the Book Review&“Lyrical and sensitive, &‘Love&’ is the sort of book likely to leave readers of all ages a little tremulous, and brimming with feeling.&”—The Wall Street JournalFrom Newbery Medal-winning author Matt de la Peña and bestselling illustrator Loren Long comes a story about the strongest bond there is and the diverse and powerful ways it connects us all."In the beginning there is light and two wide-eyed figures standing near the foot of your bed and the sound of their voices is love....A cab driver plays love softly on his radiowhile you bounce in back with the bumps of the city and everything smells new, and it smells like life."In this heartfelt celebration of love, Newbery Medal-winning author Matt de la Peña and bestselling illustrator Loren Long depict the many ways we experience this universal bond, which carries us from the day we are born throughout the years of our childhood and beyond. With a lyrical text that's soothing and inspiring, this tender tale is a needed comfort and a new classic that will resonate with readers of every age.

Milo imagina el mundo

by Matt de la Peña

Milo hace un largo viaje en metro. Para pasar el tiempo, observa a la gente a su alrededor y hace dibujos de cómo se imagina que son sus vidas. Está el hombre de bigotes con un crucigrama; Milo lo dibuja jugando al solitario en un apartamento desordenado. Está la mujer vestida de novia; Milo la dibuja en una gran ceremonia en la catedral. Y luego está el chico del traje; Milo lo dibuja llegando a su hogar, que es un castillo. ¿Pero qué pasa si la vida de cada uno es diferente de lo que Milo imaginó inicialmente? De los creadores galardonados Matt de la Peña y Christian Robinson nos llega este oportuno e importante álbum ilustrado sobre cómo no se puede conocer realmente la historia de alguien con solo mirarlo.

Milo Imagines the World

by Matt de la Peña

The team behind the Newbery Medal winner and Caldecott Honor book Last Stop on Market Street and the award-winning New York Times bestseller Carmela Full of Wishes once again delivers a poignant and timely picture book that's sure to become an instant classic.Milo is on a long subway ride with his older sister. To pass the time, he studies the faces around him and makes pictures of their lives. There's the whiskered man with the crossword puzzle; Milo imagines him playing solitaire in a cluttered apartment full of pets. There's the wedding-dressed woman with a little dog peeking out of her handbag; Milo imagines her in a grand cathedral ceremony. And then there's the boy in the suit with the bright white sneakers; Milo imagines him arriving home to a castle with a drawbridge and a butler. But when the boy in the suit gets off on the same stop as Milo--walking the same path, going to the exact same place--Milo realizes that you can't really know anyone just by looking at them.


by Matt de la Peña

From a Newbery Medal-winning author and a New York Times bestselling illustrator comes a deeply moving ode to the complexity and uniqueness of every child.In profound, uplifting verse and sumptuous artwork, beloved creators Matt de la Peña and Corinna Luyken explore the endless possibilities each child contains: A young dancer may grow into a computer coder; a basketball player might become a poet; a class clown may one day serve as an inspiring teacher; and today&’s quiet empath might be tomorrow&’s great leader. Here's a profound and uplifting new classic with an empowering message for readers of all ages: Your story is still being written.


by Matt de la Peña

Pocho es una historia de amistad, aceptación y la lucha por encontrar tu identidad en el mundo.Danny es alto y delgado. A pesar de no ser fuerte, sus brazos son lo suficientemente largos como para lanzar un balón de fútbol americano con tanta fuerza, que cualquier cazatalentos lo contrataría sin pensarlo dos veces. Pero Danny ni siquiera es parte de un equipo. Cada vez que se entra en el campo, es como si perdiera sus poderes.Pero eso no tiene importancia. No es como si en la escuela privada a la que va esperen mucho de el. Danny es morenito. Y crecer en San Diego, una ciudad tan cercana a la frontera, significa que todo el mundo sabe exactamente quien es, incluso antes de pronunciar una palabra. Antes de saber que Danny no habla español y que su mamá es rubia y de ojos azules, ya todos han formado una impresión de el. Incluso el mismo. De hecho, Danny está convencido de que las discrepancias entre su piel y su cultura han sido la causa de que su padre haya regresado a México.Por eso pasará el verano con la familia de su papá. Pero para encontrarse a sí mismo, primero tendrá que enfrentarse a los demonios que tanto ha evadido, y tendrá que aceptar abrirse a una amistad jamás imagino que formaría.


by Matt De la Peña

Pocho es una historia de amistad, aceptación y la lucha por encontrar tu identidad en el mundo. Danny es alto y delgado. A pesar de no ser fuerte, sus brazos son lo suficientemente largos como para lanzar un balón de fútbol americano con tanta fuerza, que cualquier cazatalentos lo contrataría sin pensarlo dos veces. Pero Danny ni siquiera es parte de un equipo. Cada vez que se entra en el campo, es como si perdiera sus poderes. Pero eso no tiene importancia. No es como si en la escuela privada a la que va esperen mucho de el. Danny es morenito. Y crecer en San Diego, una ciudad tan cercana a la frontera, significa que todo el mundo sabe exactamente quien es, incluso antes de pronunciar una palabra. Antes de saber que Danny no habla español y que su mamá es rubia y de ojos azules, ya todos han formado una impresión de el. Incluso el mismo. De hecho, Danny está convencido de que las discrepancias entre su piel y su cultura han sido la causa de que su padre haya regresado a México. Por eso pasará el verano con la familia de su papá. Pero para encontrarse a sí mismo, primero tendrá que enfrentarse a los demonios que tanto ha evadido, y tendrá que aceptar abrirse a una amistad jamás imagino que formaría.


by Matt de la Peña

Del autor ganador de la Medalla Newbery, Matt de la Peña, y de la ilustradora bestseller del New York Times, Corinna Luyken, llega esta profundamente conmovedora oda a las infinitas posibilidades que cada niño promete: Una joven bailarina podría convertirse un día en programadora. Un jugador de baloncesto podría convertirse en poeta. La chistosa de la clase podría llegar a ser una maestra inspiradora. Y la niña silenciosa y solidaria de hoy podría ser la gran líder del mañana. Un clásico nuevo, profundo y edificante, con un mensaje de empoderamiento para lectores de todas las edades: tu historia aún se está escribiendo.

Superman: Superman: Dawnbreaker (DC ICONS #Volumen 3)

by Matt de la Pena

Cuando cae la noche, aparece el héroe. Clark Kent siempre ha sido más rápido, más fuerte y mejor que la gente que lo rodea. Pero no fue educado para demostrarlo, y llamar la atención podría ser peligroso. Además, tal vez todavía no haya desarrollado sus poderes... Sus cualidades van más allá de la imaginación. Pero todo poder tiene un precio.

Yo te salvaré

by Matt De la Peña

“Yo te salvaré de Matt de la Peña, obra ganadora de la medalla Newbery, es una “novela conmovedora que hace alentar y apoyar a los más débiles y desamparados.” -SLJ Kidd huye de su pasado y su futuro. No tiene ni mamá ni papá, siente que no le beneficia de nada estar en el hogar de acogida para jóvenes donde vive, más que las terapias que recibe ahí. Tampoco siente que forma parte de la comunidad de la playa donde trabaja, a menos que encuentre una razón para quedarse. Olivia es rubia, tiene ojos azules y un padre adinerado. Es la chica más guapa de Cardiff. Ella le oculta algo a Kidd, pero ¿podrían alguna vez estar juntos de todos modos? Devon trata mal a las personas, es misterioso e impulsado por un deseo de muerte. Es un mejor amigo y un peor enemigo a la vez. Siguió a Kidd hasta la playa y no se irá hasta que le enseñe algunas lecciones de vida. Y a Olivia. “Una novela psicológicamente tensa [...] con personajes intrigantes y bien desarrollados ... [que] permanecerán en las mentes de los lectores.” -Booklist “De la Peña captura hábilmente los lados resbaladizos de una personalidad esquizofrénica en esta novela conmovedora que hace alentar y apoyar a los más débiles y desamparados.” -SLJ Finalista al Premio Amelia Elizabeth Nombrado “Mejor libro para jóvenes” por el ALA-YALSA Seleccionado como “Quick Pick” por el ALA-YALSA Selección del Junior Library Guild

Aerosmith es una mierda y otros cuentos sin música

by Eduardo De La Puente

Este es el tercer libro de cuentos de Eduardo de la Puente. Comoconductor de radio, televisión e integrante de la banda «Tristementecélebres», la música, el humor y el periodismo son parte de sus relatos. En «Aerosmith es una mierda», cuento que da título al libro, los miembrode una banda protagonizan una discusión bizantina sobre música; en «Lacucha de la colina embrujada» un periodista se ocupa de casos ocultos yparanormales, mientras que «Una historia durísima» cuenta lasdesventuras de un polista que sufre un accidente por el acoso de mujeresen celo; en «La verdadera historia...» otro periodista es sometido a laspeores torturas en un spa sadomasoquista.«Eduardo de la Puente no nos da tregua. Sus historias son siempreirreverentes porque su imaginación no conoce de límites ni tabúes. Suspersonajes sufren, padecen y son sometidos por su propio creador asituaciones desopilantes de las cuales casi nunca salen airosos, perosus cuentos triunfan».

No soy Lizzy Bennet

by J. de la Rosa

X Premio Vergara a la mejor novela romántica No soy Lizzy Bennet es una invitación a ser uno mismo, a sobreponerse ante las adversidades, y a aceptar que la vida, si se observa atentamente, siempre tiene algo de magia con que sorprendernos Llamarse Lizzy apellidándose Bennet fue una casualidad, pero esta anécdota ha marcado su vida desde niña, desde el momento en que decidió guiar su conducta por el código moral de la protagonista de Orgullo y prejuicio, la otra Lizzy Bennet: honor, libertad, coherencia. Pero algo tuvo que salir muy mal, porque con treinta años recién cumplidos, esos tres principios se han volatilizado: la prensa la considera un monstruo, la policía la persigue, y ella no cree en nada que no sea atravesar el país y llegar a San Cayetano, la capital del sur, donde debe llevar a cabo su última misión antes de acabar entre rejas. En medio de esta huida, un accidente de tráfico la hace coincidir con John, un tipo que le desagrada al instante, y a quien solo quiere quitarse de encima. Aunque esa tarea no será fácil. John está decidido a recuperar lo que es suyo, y para conseguirlo la perseguirá, si hace falta, hasta el final del mundo. Así, Lizzy se embarca en una travesía por carretera a lo largo de un país mágico, con la policía pisándoles los talones y unos extraños compañeros de viaje: Eve, enamorada de un hombre al que no conoce; Giacomo, que como cada año desde hace cincuenta y tres va en busca de su amada para pasar juntos una sola noche a la luz de la luna; y Ana, que ha decidido retomar su vida donde la dejó casi cuatro décadas atrás. Y por supuesto John, pues lo que empieza siendo una cuestión de orgullo, derriba todos sus prejuicios hasta hacerla comprender qué es de verdad el amor. Moteles de carretera, comunas nudistas, grupos de terapia, serrerías perdidas en el bosque y un destino incierto los aunará a todos bajo la magia de una canción, justo cuando sus vidas deben enfrentarse a su destino. .

Ana María and The Fox (The Luna Sisters #1)

by Liana De la Rosa

A forbidden love between a Mexican heiress and a shrewd British politician makes for a tantalizing Victorian season. Ana María Luna Valdés has strived to be the perfect daughter, the perfect niece, and the perfect representative of the powerful Luna family. So when Ana María is secretly sent to London with her sisters to seek refuge from the French occupation of Mexico, she experiences her first taste of freedom far from the judgmental eyes of her domineering father. If only she could ignore the piercing looks she receives across ballroom floors from the austere Mr. Fox. Gideon Fox elevated himself from the London gutters by chasing his burning desire for more: more opportunities, more choices. For everyone. Now, as a member of Parliament, Gideon is on the cusp of securing the votes he needs to put forth a measure to abolish the Atlantic slave trade once and for all—a cause that is close to his heart as the grandson of a formerly enslaved woman. The charmingly vexing Ana María is a distraction he must ignore. But when Ana María finds herself in the crosshairs of a nefarious nobleman with his own political agenda, Gideon knows he must offer his hand as protection . . . but will this Mexican heiress win his heart as well?

Isabel and The Rogue (The Luna Sisters #2)

by Liana De la Rosa

When a Mexican heiress defies Victorian society to protect her country a British war hero makes it his new mission to protect her… Isabel Luna Valdés has long since resigned herself to being the &“forgotten&” Luna sister. But thanks to familial connections to the Mexican ambassador in London, wallflower Isabel is poised to unearth any British intelligence hidden by the ton that might aid Mexico during the French Occupation. Though she slips easily from crowded ballrooms into libraries and private studies, Isabel&’s search is hampered by trysting couples and prowling rogues—including the rakish Captain Sirius Dawson. As a covert agent for the British Home Office, Sirius makes a game of earning the aristocracy&’s confidence. He spends his days befriending foolish politicians and seducing well-born ladies in order to learn their secrets. But after he spies a certain sharp-tongued Luna sister lurking in the shadows where no proper debutante should venture, it&’s clear Sirius is outmatched, outwitted, and soon to be outmaneuvered by the one woman he can&’t resist. Their mutual attraction is undeniable, but when Isabel discovers private correspondence that could turn the tide of political turmoil in Mexico, she&’s willing to do whatever it takes to protect her country—even if this means ignoring her heart and courting danger...

The Exploits of Dr. Sam Johnson, Detector (The Dr. Sam Johnson Mysteries #4)

by Lillian de la Torre

Literary legend Samuel Johnson and his biographer, James Boswell, solve mysteries in eighteenth-century London in this delightful story collection. A brilliant thinker and his trusted assistant sit in their drawing room, pondering a story in the newspaper, when the door opens and the subject of the article enters, begging for help. It&’s a classic scene from English detective fiction, set not at 221B Baker Street, but 1 Inner Temple Lane—the home of Dr. Samuel Johnson and his biographer, James Boswell. This mystery, concerning a disputed title, a kidnapped earl, and one of the greatest fortunes in England, will be no match for Dr. Johnson. Based on true criminal cases of the era and inspired by Boswell&’s legendary Life of Johnson, the seven stories in this volume touch on witchcraft, murder, theft, and the scientific breakthroughs of the Enlightenment. &“I am lost without my Boswell,&” said Sherlock Holmes—and Dr. Johnson was no different. Lillian de la Torre&’s delightful stories of Boswell and Johnson show the original Watson and Holmes in action.

José Martí’s Liberative Political Theology

by Miguel A. De La Torre

José Martí's Liberative Political Theology argues that Martí's religious views, which at first glance might appear outdated and irrelevant, are actually critical to understanding his social vision. During a time in which the predominant philosophical view was materialistic (e.g., Darwin, Marx), Martí sought to reconcile social and political trends with the metaphysical, believing that ignoring the spiritual would create a soulless approach toward achieving a liberative society. As such, Martí used religious concepts and ideas as tools that could bring forth a more just social order. In short, this book argues Martí could be considered a precursor to what would come to be called liberation theology. Miguel De La Torre has authored the most comprehensive text written thus far concerning Martí's religious views and how they affected his political thought. The few similar texts that exist are written in Spanish, and most of them romanticize Martí's spirituality in an attempt to portray him as a &“Christian believer.&” Only a handful provide an academic investigation of Martí's theological thought based solely on his writings, and those concentrate on just one aspect of Martí's religious influences. José Martí's Liberative Political Theology allows for mutual influence between Martí's political and religious views, rather than assuming one had precedence over the other.

Garcilaso de la Vega y Juan Boscán

by Garcilaso De la Vega Juan Boscán

Juan Boscán introdujo las formas y los temas de la lírica que habían triunfado en Italia, lo que señala el final de nuestra poesía medieval y el inicio de la renacentista. Garcilaso continúa ese camino con genialidad, por lo que ha sido admirado por los poetas de todos los tiempos. Su poesía es culta y refinada, pero al tiempo sencilla y musical: #Coged de vuestra alegre primavera / el dulce fruto, antes que el tiempo airado / cubra de nieve la hermosa cumbre#.

I, Q: Star Trek The Next Generation (Star Trek: The Next Generation)

by John de Lancie Peter David

The enigmatic entity known as Q remains one of the greatest mysteries in the universe, yet no one, perhaps, understands Q as well as actor John de Lancie, who has played Q on television for more than a decade—now de Lancie and Peter David, bestselling author of acclaimed novels Q-in-Law and Q-Squared, have joined forces to send Q on an unforgettable cosmic odyssey, told from the mischievous trickster's own unique point of view.The Maelstrom, a metaphysical whirlpool of apocalyptic proportions, is pulling all of reality into its maw, devouring the totality of time and space while bringing together people and places from throughout the universe. The Q Continuum pronounces that the end of everything has come, but Q refuses to meekly accept the end of all he has known. Defying the judgement of the Continuum, he sets out to derail doomsday—at whatever the cost.Q has been everywhere and done everything, but now he's in for a cosmic thrill ride beyond even his own astonishingly unlimited imagination. Old friends and adversaries wait in unexpected places, transcendent hazards abound, and the multiverse's most unlikely savior encounters wonders and dangers enough to render Q himself speechless. Almost.Can even Q, reluctantly assisted by Jean Luc Picard, prevent the Universe As We Know It from literally going down the drain? I, Q is a wild and witty voyage through the secret soul of creation—as only Q can tell it!

La nochebuena en 1836

by Mariano José de Larra

«Yo estoy ebrio de vino, es verdad; pero tú lo estás de deseos y de impotencia.» Durante los saturnales los romanos tornaban los papeles y dejaban a los esclavos decir la verdad a sus amos sin consecuencias, como si fuera un regalo de libertad de expresión. Siguiendo el ejemplo, en este artículo el criado muestra la verdad incómoda de la esclavitud que sufren los amos despojándolos así de la pompa superflua de dignidad en la que viven.

Era inevitable

by Mario de las Sagras

Era inevitablees el nuevo libro de Mario de las Sagras, más conocido como @soloeme,el poeta que ha conquistado a cientos de miles de personas con sus mensajes y su lenguaje fresco y directo en TikTok.Resulta que el mundoeras tú,lo demás solo decorado.Ir contracorriente es un modo de vida; sentirte distinto al resto, una parte necesaria de la juventud; y darte cuenta de que eres ese tipo al que en otros momentos tanto criticaste, un capítulo obligatorio para hacerse adulto.Era inevitable es una lección de humildad, un golpe en la mesa que nos derrota y a la vez nos atrapa, es una rendición, una bandera blanca a las canciones de amor y la historia del caos que deja la tormenta del deseo al pasar por uno. Aunque no queramos. Es el proceso de desangrado, lento pero constante, del que ve venir y no logra parar el desastre del amor.Mario de las Sagras hace un ejercicio de valentía en este libro poniendo en negro sobre blanco los alegatos y poemas que lo han hecho tan popular en las redes, especialmente en TikTok. En sus páginas están presentes algunos de sus textos más virales y otros muchos que son totalmente inéditos, que se mueven entre lo emocional y lo social y que son verdaderos dardos directos al pecho del lector.Apunten... Fuego.

Queen of Urban Prophecy

by Aya de León

Stardom crashed like an avalanche onto this female rap artist. Now getting justice, real power, and true respect will be the hardest fight of her life . . . 20-year-old Deza was supposed to be just another hot girl emcee, but when a bonus track strikes a surprising social chord, it rockets her album to the top of the charts—and her record label promotes her to headline their first-ever all-female national tour. As Deza attempts to live up to her new reputation, her inexperience generates tour drama. And when her female DJ quits, the label replaces her with the last thing Deza needs: the sexy guy DJ she flirted with at a club. But in battling to prove she deserves her success and embracing her power as an activist for Black Lives, Deza starts to feel she can face anything that comes her way—until her label prepares to undermine the all-female lineup in the name of mega-profits. Now, up against brutal industry misogyny and corporate big money, Deza will need the drive of that scrappy emcee from the South Side of Chicago and the bulletproof cool of a seasoned music professional if she wants to claim a space of respect in hip hop, not just for herself, but for everyone and everything she believes in . . .Praise for Aya de León and her novels &“Gripping feminist heist fiction about turning the tables on the disaster capitalists in the jaws of climate apocalypse? Improbably and thrillingly, Aya de León has pulled off exactly that with Side Chick Nation. I couldn't put it down.&”—Naomi Klein, author of The Shock Doctrine &“Staking out space for women of color in the heist-fiction genre, Aya de Leon's smart, sly writing is a knockout.&” —Andi Zeisler, Bitch Magazine

Side Chick Nation (Justice Hustlers #4)

by Aya de Leon

A Justice Hustlers Novel She’s beautiful, unpredictable—and on the run from dangerous men. But this ex-side chick is ready to risk everything to help others in trouble . . . Fed up with her married Miami boyfriend, savvy Dulce has no problem stealing his drug-dealer stash and fleeing to her family in the Caribbean. But when she gets bored in rural Santo Domingo, she escapes on a sugar daddy adventure to Puerto Rico. Her new life is one endless party, until she's caught in Hurricane Maria—and witnesses the brutal collision of colonization and climate change, as well as the international vultures who plunder the tragedy for a financial killing, making shady use of relief funds to devastate the island even more. Broke, traumatized, and stranded, Dulce’s only chance to get back to New York may be a sexy, crusading journalist who’s been pursuing her. But is she hustling him or falling for him? Meanwhile, New York-based mastermind thief Marisol already has her hands full fleecing a ruthless CEO who’s stealing her family’s land in Puerto Rico, while trying to get her relatives out alive after the hurricane. An extra member in her crew could be game-changing, but she’s wary of Dulce’s unpredictability and reputation for drama. Still, Dulce’s determination to get justice draws Marisol in, along with her formidable Lower East Side Women’s Health Clinic’s heist squad. But their race-against-the-clock plan is soon complicated by powerful men who turn deadly when ex-side chicks step out of the shadows and demand to call the shots . . . Praise for Aya de León and her novels “Staking out space for women of color in the heist-fiction genre, Aya de León’s smart, sly writing is a knockout.”—Andi Zeisler, Bitch magazine “This well-written and enjoyable installment in de León’s unique, feminist, urban crime-fiction series . . . infuses satisfying power in both plot and character.” —Booklist on The Boss, STARRED review

A Spy in the Struggle: A Riveting Must-Read Novel of Suspense

by Aya de León

The Washington Post Featured Thriller That Will Have You On The Edge Of Your SeatBustle&’s Most Anticipated Reads for DecemberBook Riot Featured Hispanic Heritage Month BookCrimeReads Most Anticipated Crime Books of Fall 2020Novel Suspects Featured December New Release "A passionately felt stand-alone with an affecting personal story at its center." —The Washington Post Winner of the International Latino Book Award, Aya de Leon, returns with a thrilling and timely story of feminism, climate, and corporate justice—as one successful lawyer must decide whether to put everything on the line to right the deep inequities faced in one under-served Bay Area, California community. Since childhood, Yolanda Vance has forged her desire to escape poverty into a laser-like focus that took her through prep school and Harvard Law. So when her prestigious New York law firm is raided by the FBI, Yolanda turns in her corrupt bosses to save her career—and goes to work for the Bureau. Soon she's sent undercover at Red, Black, and Green—an African-American &“extremist&” activist group back in her California college town. They claim a biotech corporation fueled by Pentagon funding is exploiting the neighborhood. But Yolanda is determined to put this assignment in her win column, head back to corporate law, and regain her comfortable life... Until an unexpected romance opens her heart—and a suspicious death opens her eyes. Menacing dark money forces will do anything to bury Yolanda and the movement. Fueled by memories of who she once was—and what once really mattered most—how can she tell those who&’ve come to trust her that she&’s been spying? As the stakes escalate, and one misstep could cost her life, Yolanda will have to choose between betraying the cause of her people or invoking the wrath of the country&’s most powerful law enforcement agency. &“Part of a new wave of espionage fiction from authors of color and women, many of whom place emphasis on the disturbing nature of being forced to spy on one&’s own.&”—Crime Reads, Most Anticipated Books of Fall

That Dangerous Energy

by Aya de León

Author of the award-winning Justice Hustler series, Aya de León continues her unique blend of commercial fiction, timely social commentary, and sexy, page-turning storytelling in a novel of climate change in which the personal and the political collide for one woman torn between her own survival and the survival of the planet.Marrying a billionaire will fulfill this struggling artist's dreams—and enable her to make a difference. But exposing the truth will put all her convictions on one dangerous line . . . Coming from a troubled youth, Morgan Faraday grabs every opportunity to up-level her life. So she definitely plans to keep oil company heir Sebastian Reid interested . . . all the way to the altar. He&’s brilliant, supportive, and is turning his billion-dollar company green to make up for his ancestors&’ exploitation. With him, Morgan can have love, money, and the power to make the world better. And securing her future is far more important than the attractive environmental activist she suddenly has unexpected feelings for . . . But once Morgan gets a glimpse of Sebastian&’s secret allies and confidential emails, she&’s stunned to find he&’s only talking a good game. His company is responsible for several ecological disasters, and a chance encounter makes it clear to Morgan the lengths he&’ll go to stay on top. To gather enough evidence to expose him, Morgan will have to rely on her quick wits and new friends to stay one step ahead of a corporate conspiracy. But as the danger comes closer, will Morgan put herself first and run—or face down the risk, even at her cost of her life? Praise for Aya de León and her novels: &“Gripping feminist heist fiction about turning the tables on the disaster capitalists in the jaws of climate apocalypse? Improbably and thrillingly, Aya de León has pulled off exactly that with Side Chick Nation. I couldn't put it down.&” —Naomi Klein, author of The Shock Doctrine &“Staking out space for women of color in the heist-fiction genre, Aya de Leon's smart, sly writing is a knockout.&” –Andi Zeisler, Bitch magazine


by Jennifer De Leon

Caught in the crosshairs of gang violence, a teen girl and her mother set off on a perilous journey from Guatemala City to the US border in this heart-wrenching young adult novel from the author of Don&’t Ask Me Where I&’m From.For seventeen-year-old Maya, trashion is her passion, and her talent for making clothing out of unusual objects landed her a scholarship to Guatemala City&’s most prestigious art school and a finalist spot in the school&’s fashion show. Mamá is her biggest supporter, taking on extra jobs to pay for what the scholarship doesn&’t cover, and she might be even more excited than Maya about what the fashion show could do for her future career. So when Mamá doesn&’t come to the show, Maya doesn&’t know what to think. But the truth is worse than she could have imagined. The gang threats in their neighborhood have walked in their front door—with a boy Maya considered a friend, or maybe more, among them. After barely making their escape, Maya and her mom have no choice but to continue their desperate flight all the way through Guatemala and Mexico in hopes of crossing the US border. They have to cross. They must cross! Can they?

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