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Showing 13,776 through 13,800 of 23,823 results

Management Game Theory

by Na Sun Shaorong Sun

This book primarily addresses various game theory phenomena in the context of management practice. As such, it helps readers identify the profound game theory principles behind these phenomena. At the same time, the game theory principles in the book can also provide a degree of guidance for solving practical problems.As one of the main areas in management research, there is already an extensive body of literature on game theory. However, it remains mainly theoretical, focusing on abstract arguments and purely numerical examples purely. This book addresses that gap, helping readers apply game theory in their actual management or research work.

Manufacturing the Mathematical Child: A Deconstruction of Dominant Spaces of Production and Governance (Routledge Research in Education)

by Anna Llewellyn

Mathematics is a subject held in high esteem around the world, yet the teaching and learning of mathematics is rarely viewed as good enough and many find the subject difficult to comprehend, or engage with. In Manufacturing the Mathematical Child, Anna Llewellyn asks some difficult questions in order to determine why this is the case and to question who it is that we allow to succeed at mathematics, particularly within the context of neoliberalism, where education is a product of the market. By looking at the various sites of production, Llewellyn examines the ways that key discursive spaces produce very different expectations of what it means to do mathematics and demonstrates that these place various homogenised expectations upon children. Arguing that these are not natural, but instead a reproduction of discursive norms, the book demonstrates why some people fit these standardized ways of being and others do not. Using England as a case study and referring to other international contexts, Llewellyn argues that there is a functionality found within certain educational policy discourses, and a romantic attachment to the natural child found within educational research, neither of which can match what happens in the messy classroom. As a result, it becomes evident that exclusion from mathematics is inevitable for many children. Original and exciting, this book will be of great interest to academics, researchers and postgraduate students within the fields of mathematics education, childhood studies, policy studies, and Foucauldian or post-structural analysis.

Many-body Approaches at Different Scales: A Tribute To N. H. March On The Occasion Of His 90th Birthday

by C. Amovilli G.G.N Angilella

This book presents a collection of invited research and review contributions on recent advances in (mainly) theoretical condensed matter physics, theoretical chemistry, and theoretical physics. The volume celebrates the 90th birthday of N.H. March (Emeritus Professor, Oxford University, UK), a prominent figure in all of these fields. Given the broad range of interests in the research activity of Professor March, who collaborated with a number of eminent scientists in physics and chemistry, the volume embraces quite diverse topics in physics and chemistry, at various dimensions and energy scales. One thread connecting all these topics is correlation in aggregated states of matter, ranging from nuclear physics to molecules, clusters, disordered condensed phases such as the liquid state, and solid state physics, and the various phase transitions, both structural and electronic, occurring therein. A final chapter leaps to an even larger scale of matter aggregation, namely the universe and gravitation. A further no less important common thread is methodological, with the application of theoretical physics and chemistry, particularly density functional theory and statistical field theory, to both nuclear and condensed matter.

Many-Body Methods for Atoms, Molecules and Clusters (Lecture Notes In Chemistry Ser. #94)

by Jochen Schirmer

This book provides an introduction to many-body methods for applications in quantum chemistry. These methods, originating in field-theory, offer an alternative to conventional quantum-chemical approaches to the treatment of the many-electron problem in molecules. Starting with a general introduction to the atomic and molecular many-electron problem, the book then develops a stringent formalism of field-theoretical many-body theory, culminating in the diagrammatic perturbation expansions of many-body Green's functions or propagators in terms of Feynman diagrams. It also introduces and analyzes practical computational methods, such as the field-tested algebraic-diagrammatic construction (ADC) schemes. The ADC concept can also be established via a wave-function based procedure, referred to as intermediate state representation (ISR), which bridges the gap between propagator and wave-function formulations. Based on the current rapid increase in computer power and the development of efficient computational methods, quantum chemistry has emerged as a potent theoretical tool for treating ever-larger molecules and problems of chemical and physical interest. Offering an introduction to many-body methods, this book appeals to advanced students interested in an alternative approach to the many-electron problem in molecules, and is suitable for any courses dealing with computational methods in quantum chemistry.

The Map and the Territory

by Shyam Wuppuluri Francisco Antonio Doria

This volume presents essays by pioneering thinkers including Tyler Burge, Gregory Chaitin, Daniel Dennett, Barry Mazur, Nicholas Humphrey, John Searle and Ian Stewart. Together they illuminate the Map/Territory Distinction that underlies at the foundation of the scientific method, thought and the very reality itself. It is imperative to distinguish Map from the Territory while analyzing any subject but we often mistake map for the territory. Meaning for the Reference. Computational tool for what it computes. Representations are handy and tempting that we often end up committing the category error of over-marrying the representation with what is represented, so much so that the distinction between the former and the latter is lost. This error that has its roots in the pedagogy often generates a plethora of paradoxes/confusions which hinder the proper understanding of the subject. What are wave functions? Fields? Forces? Numbers? Sets? Classes? Operators? Functions? Alphabets and Sentences? Are they a part of our map (theory/representation)? Or do they actually belong to the territory (Reality)? Researcher, like a cartographer, clothes (or creates?) the reality by stitching multitudes of maps that simultaneously co-exist. A simple apple, for example, can be analyzed from several viewpoints beginning with evolution and biology, all the way down its microscopic quantum mechanical components. Is there a reality (or a real apple) out there apart from these maps? How do these various maps interact/intermingle with each other to produce a coherent reality that we interact with? Or do they not?Does our brain uses its own internal maps to facilitate “physicist/mathematician” in us to construct the maps about the external territories in turn? If so, what is the nature of these internal maps? Are there meta-maps? Evolution definitely fences our perception and thereby our ability to construct maps, revealing to us only those aspects beneficial for our survival. But the question is, to what extent? Is there a way out of the metaphorical Platonic cave erected around us by the nature? While “Map is not the territory” as Alfred Korzybski remarked, join us in this journey to know more, while we inquire on the nature and the reality of the maps which try to map the reality out there. The book also includes a foreword by Sir Roger Penrose and an afterword by Dagfinn Follesdal.

Marcel Grossmann: For the Love of Mathematics (Springer Biographies)

by William D. Brewer Claudia Graf-Grossmann

Zurich, summer 1912. Albert Einstein has just returned from Prague to the city on the Limmat. He sends a plea for help to his former fellow student, the mathematician Marcel Grossmann (1878-1936), for he is in need of assistance with the mathematical calculations of his general theory of relativity. What then follows is one of the most fascinating chapters of science history, with far-reaching consequences for the lives of the two friends. Marcel Grossmann’s granddaughter paints here a picture of a fiery and many-talented scientist and patriot. She traces the influence of an entrepreneurial family during Germany’s rapid industrial expansion in the late 19th century. The family’s fluctuating fortunes take the story to the vibrant city of Budapest on the Danube; they enable readers to sense the pioneering spirit at Zurich’s young Polytechnic Institute (now ETH Zurich) – but also reflect the worries and hardships of the First World War and interwar years. The Foreword is written by Prof. Remo Ruffini, founder and president of the International Center for Relativistic Astrophysics and the Marcel Grossmann Meetings. Last but not least, an extensive contribution by Dr. Tilman Sauer offers a scientific-historical appreciation of Marcel Grossmann’s enduring contributions.

Market Design: Auctions and Matching (The\mit Press Ser.)

by Guillaume Haeringer

A broad overview of market mechanisms, with an emphasis on the interplay between theory and real-life applications; examples range from eBay auctions to school choice.This book offers an introduction to market design, providing students with a broad overview of issues related to the design and analysis of market mechanisms. It defines a market as a demand and a supply, without specifying a price system or mechanism. This allows the text to analyze a broad set of situations—including such unconventional markets as college admissions and organ donation—and forces readers to pay attention to details that might otherwise be overlooked. Students often complain that microeconomics is too abstract and disconnected from reality; the study of market design shows how theory can help solve existing, real-life problems. The book focuses on the interplay between theory and applications. To keep the text as accessible as possible, special effort has been made to minimize formal description of the models while emphasizing the intuitive, with detailed explanations and resolution of examples. Appendixes offer general reviews of elements of game theory and mechanism design that are related to the themes explored in the book, presenting the basic concepts with as many explanations and illustrations as possible.The book covers topics including the basics of simple auctions; eBay auctions; Vickrey–Clarke–Groves auctions; keyword auctions, with examples from Google and Facebook; spectrum auctions; financial markets, with discussions of treasury auctions and IPOs; trading on the stock market; the basic matching model; medical match; assignment problems; probabilistic assignments; school choice; course allocation, with examples from Harvard and Wharton; and kidney exchange.

Market Research

by Erik Mooi Marko Sarstedt Irma Mooi-Reci

This book is an easily accessible and comprehensive guide which helps make sound statistical decisions, perform analyses, and interpret the results quickly using Stata. It includes advanced coverage of ANOVA, factor, and cluster analyses in Stata, as well as essential regression and descriptive statistics. It is aimed at those wishing to know more about the process, data management, and most commonly used methods in market research using Stata. The book offers readers an overview of the entire market research process from asking market research questions to collecting and analyzing data by means of quantitative methods. It is engaging, hands-on, and includes many practical examples, tips, and suggestions that help readers apply and interpret quantitative methods, such as regression, factor, and cluster analysis. These methods help researchers provide companies with useful insights.

Market Segmentation Analysis: Understanding It, Doing It, and Making It Useful (Management for Professionals)

by Sara Dolnicar Bettina Grün Friedrich Leisch

This book is published open access under a CC BY 4.0 license.This open access book offers something for everyone working with market segmentation: practical guidance for users of market segmentation solutions; organisational guidance on implementation issues; guidance for market researchers in charge of collecting suitable data; and guidance for data analysts with respect to the technical and statistical aspects of market segmentation analysis. Even market segmentation experts will find something new, including an approach to exploring data structure and choosing a suitable number of market segments, and a vast array of useful visualisation techniques that make interpretation of market segments and selection of target segments easier. The book talks the reader through every single step, every single potential pitfall, and every single decision that needs to be made to ensure market segmentation analysis is conducted as well as possible. All calculations are accompanied not only with a detailed explanation, but also with R code that allows readers to replicate any aspect of what is being covered in the book using R, the open-source environment for statistical computing and graphics.

Markov Chains: Solved Exercises And Elements Of Theory (Springer Series in Operations Research and Financial Engineering)

by Randal Douc Eric Moulines Pierre Priouret Philippe Soulier

This book covers the classical theory of Markov chains on general state-spaces as well as many recent developments. The theoretical results are illustrated by simple examples, many of which are taken from Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods. The book is self-contained, while all the results are carefully and concisely proven. Bibliographical notes are added at the end of each chapter to provide an overview of the literature. Part I lays the foundations of the theory of Markov chain on general states-space. Part II covers the basic theory of irreducible Markov chains on general states-space, relying heavily on regeneration techniques. These two parts can serve as a text on general state-space applied Markov chain theory. Although the choice of topics is quite different from what is usually covered, where most of the emphasis is put on countable state space, a graduate student should be able to read almost all these developments without any mathematical background deeper than that needed to study countable state space (very little measure theory is required). Part III covers advanced topics on the theory of irreducible Markov chains. The emphasis is on geometric and subgeometric convergence rates and also on computable bounds. Some results appeared for a first time in a book and others are original. Part IV are selected topics on Markov chains, covering mostly hot recent developments.


by Jürgen Kremer

In diesem Buch werden Konzepte zur Quantifizierung von Marktrisiken dargestellt. Im Rahmen der im ersten Kapitel vorgestellten Portfoliotheorie werden Kapitalanlagen charakterisiert, die nach Vorgabe eines Risikos eine möglichst hohe erwartete Rendite versprechen. Risiko wird hier definiert als die Standardabweichung der Portfoliorendite.Für arbitragefreie Ein-Perioden-Modelle lassen sich optimale Portfolios auch mithilfe von Wahrscheinlichkeitsdichten explizit angeben, und die Martingalmaße vollständiger arbitragefreier Marktmodelle lassen sich umgekehrt mithilfe des Marktportfolios und der Kovarianzmatrix der klassischen Portfoliotheorie darstellen, was im zweiten Kapitel ausgeführt wird.Im dritten Kapitel wird das wichtige Risikomaß Value at Risk vorgestellt, das den größten Verlust eines Portfolios quantifiziert, der mit einer vorgegebenen Wahrscheinlichkeit in einem vorgegebenen Zeitraum nicht überschritten wird. Neben der Delta-Normal-Methode zur näherungsweisen Berechnung des Value at Risk werden auch auf dieser Methode basierende Zerlegungen des Gesamtrisikos in Teilrisiken und Sensitivitäten des Value at Risk gegenüber Änderungen der Risikofaktoren behandelt.Der Value at Risk macht keine Aussagen über die Verteilung der hohen Verluste und er ist nicht subadditiv. Die Formulierung von Eigenschaften, die ein gutes Risikomaß haben sollte, führt zum Konzept der kohärenten Risikomaße, die im vierten Kapitel zusammen mit ihrem wichtigsten Vertreter, dem Expected Shortfall, vorgestellt werden. Der Expected Shortfall wird als kohärent nachgewiesen, und seine Berechnung wird für normalverteilte und lognormalverteilte Auszahlungen explizit angegeben.Jedes Kapitel endet mit einer Reihe von Aufgaben, für die sich im letzten Kapitel vollständige Lösungen finden.

Mastering Modern Linux (Second Edition)

by Paul S. Wang

<p>Mastering Modern Linux, Second Edition retains much of the good material from the previous edition, with extensive updates and new topics added. The book provides a comprehensive and up-to-date guide to Linux concepts, usage, and programming. The text helps the reader master Linux with a well-selected set of topics, and encourages hands-on practice. <p>The first part of the textbook covers interactive use of Linux via the Graphical User Interface (GUI) and the Command-Line Interface (CLI), including comprehensive treatment of the Gnome desktop and the Bash Shell. Using different apps, commands and filters, building pipelines, and matching patterns with regular expressions are major focuses. <p>Next comes Bash scripting, file system structure, organization, and usage. The following chapters present networking, the Internet and the Web, data encryption, basic system admin, as well as Web hosting. The Linux Apache MySQL/MariaDB PHP (LAMP) Web hosting combination is also presented in depth. <p>In the last part of the book, attention is turned to C-level programming. Topics covered include the C compiler, preprocessor, debugger, I/O, file manipulation, process control, inter-process communication, and networking. <p>The book includes many examples and complete programs ready to download and run. A summary and exercises of varying degrees of difficulty can be found at the end of each chapter. A companion website ( provides appendices, information updates, an example code package, and other resources for instructors, as well as students.</p>

MasteryKeys: Applied Math Student Workbook

by MasteryPrep

From this book you will learn addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. You will learn how to convert numbers between fractions, decimals, and percentages. Lastly, you will learn how to solve problems dealing with negative numbers, money, and time.

¡Un matemático ahí, por favor!

by Adrián Paenza

Aunque no la veamos, la matemática está en todos lados y al alcance de quien quiera encontrarla. Adrián Paenza invita a descubrir cada uno de los rincones donde se esconde. Aunque no la veamos, la matemática está en todos lados y al alcance de quien quiera encontrarla. Cuando nos sacamos una selfie y al instante está guardada en la nube, cada vez que compramos un pasaje aéreo o incluso cuando cocinamos una torta. En este libro, Adrián Paenza invita a descubrir cada uno de los rincones donde se esconde la matemática en la vida cotidiana. Problemas donde el amor se mezcla con la tecnología, cómo deducir qué cartas eligieron Messi y Ronaldo, de qué modo darnos cuenta cuando alguien miente, por qué dos más dos puede sumar tres, cómo atrapar mil peces amarillos, un viaje de egresados muy particular y muchos desafíos más. Acróbatas y venenos, huevos y pollitos, Twitter y Snapchat, y los más extraordinarios problemas irresueltos de la historia. Porque no todo tiene una única solución.

Materials Discovery and Design: By Means of Data Science and Optimal Learning (Springer Series in Materials Science #280)

by Turab Lookman Stephan Eidenbenz Frank Alexander Cris Barnes

This book addresses the current status, challenges and future directions of data-driven materials discovery and design. It presents the analysis and learning from data as a key theme in many science and cyber related applications. The challenging open questions as well as future directions in the application of data science to materials problems are sketched. Computational and experimental facilities today generate vast amounts of data at an unprecedented rate. The book gives guidance to discover new knowledge that enables materials innovation to address grand challenges in energy, environment and security, the clearer link needed between the data from these facilities and the theory and underlying science. The role of inference and optimization methods in distilling the data and constraining predictions using insights and results from theory is key to achieving the desired goals of real time analysis and feedback. Thus, the importance of this book lies in emphasizing that the full value of knowledge driven discovery using data can only be realized by integrating statistical and information sciences with materials science, which is increasingly dependent on high throughput and large scale computational and experimental data gathering efforts. This is especially the case as we enter a new era of big data in materials science with the planning of future experimental facilities such as the Linac Coherent Light Source at Stanford (LCLS-II), the European X-ray Free Electron Laser (EXFEL) and MaRIE (Matter Radiation in Extremes), the signature concept facility from Los Alamos National Laboratory. These facilities are expected to generate hundreds of terabytes to several petabytes of in situ spatially and temporally resolved data per sample. The questions that then arise include how we can learn from the data to accelerate the processing and analysis of reconstructed microstructure, rapidly map spatially resolved properties from high throughput data, devise diagnostics for pattern detection, and guide experiments towards desired targeted properties. The authors are an interdisciplinary group of leading experts who bring the excitement of the nascent and rapidly emerging field of materials informatics to the reader.

Math 3 Worktext

by Bju Press

Math 3 (4th Edition) Student Worktext is a consumable resource that solidifies knowledge by encouraging students to picture and explain answers with written responses. Students will develop a competency in working with place values, multiplication, division, and fractions. The adventures of Hailey and Horatio encourage learning and reinforce biblical worldview teaching, while Serve with Math pages create a touchpoint for math application. Teaching place value, multiplication, division, and fractions, this 4th edition is built on biblical themes showing math’s design and limitations, and how math is used in work and in helping people. The Home School Kit includes the consumable Student worktext, teacher’s edition, student reviews and answer key, paper manipulatives packet, tests and answer key.

Math 6

by Bju Press

Math 6 Student Text, 3rd edition, will help students through the transition between elementary and secondary math, reviewing previously taught concepts and introducing new ones. <p><p>A handbook section contains a glossary of terms and definitions along with illustration of math concepts for student reference, and a daily review section provides exercises for the reviewing of previously taught concepts. <p><p>Grade 6 continues to develop understanding of multiplication and division of fractions, proportions, percents, statistics, ratios, measurement and geometry along with further development of problem-solving and estimation skills. It includes a pre-algebra chapter introducing multiplication and division of integers using manipulatives and real-life pre-algebra word problems.

Math Expressions: Student Activity Book (Grade 4)

by Karen C. Fuson Josh Brill

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Math Expressions, Common Core, Grade 3, Volume 1 [Student Activity Book] (Math Expressions)

by Karen Fuson Josh Brill

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Math Expressions, Grade 1, Volume 1 [Student Activity Book]

by Karen C. Fuson

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Math Expressions, Grade 1, Volume 2 [Student Activity Book]

by Karen C. Fuson

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Math Expressions, Grade 3, Volume 1 [Student Activity Book]

by Karen C. Fuson

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Math Expressions, Grade 3, Volume 2 [Student Activity Book]

by Karen C. Fuson

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Math Expressions, Grade K, Volume 1 [Student Activity Book]

by Karen C. Fuson Josh Brill

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Math Expressions, Grade K, Volume 2 [Student Activity Book]

by Karen C. Fuson Josh Brill

NIMAC-sourced textbook

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