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Showing 23,526 through 23,550 of 23,847 results

Number Systems for Deep Neural Network Architectures (Synthesis Lectures on Engineering, Science, and Technology)

by Ghada Alsuhli Vasilis Sakellariou Hani Saleh Mahmoud Al-Qutayri Baker Mohammad Thanos Stouraitis

This book provides readers a comprehensive introduction to alternative number systems for more efficient representations of Deep Neural Network (DNN) data. Various number systems (conventional/unconventional) exploited for DNNs are discussed, including Floating Point (FP), Fixed Point (FXP), Logarithmic Number System (LNS), Residue Number System (RNS), Block Floating Point Number System (BFP), Dynamic Fixed-Point Number System (DFXP) and Posit Number System (PNS). The authors explore the impact of these number systems on the performance and hardware design of DNNs, highlighting the challenges associated with each number system and various solutions that are proposed for addressing them.

A Numerical Approach to the Simplified Laminate Theory of Composite Materials: The Composite Laminate Analysis Tool—CLAT 1D (Advanced Structured Materials #202)

by Andreas Öchsner Resam Makvandi

A typical approach to treat composite materials, which are composed of layered unidirectional lamina, is the so-called classical laminate theory (CLT). This theory is based on the theory for plane elasticity elements and classical (shear-rigid) plate elements under the assumption of orthotropic constitutive equations. The solution of the fundamental equations of the classical laminate theory is connected with extensive matrix operations and many problems require in addition iteration loops.This two-dimensional approach and the underlying advanced continuum mechanical modeling might be very challenging for some students, particularly at universities of applied sciences. Thus, a reduced approach, the so-called simplified classical laminate theory (SCLT), has been recently proposed. The idea was to use solely isotropic one-dimensional elements, i.e., a superposition of bar and beam elements, to introduce the major calculation steps of the classical laminate theory. Understanding this simplified theory is much easier and the final step it to highlight the differences when moving to the general two-dimensional case.This monograph first provides a systematic and thorough introduction to the simplified laminate theory based on the theory for bars and classical beam plate elements. The focus is on stacking of isotropic layers to simplified laminates. In addition to the elastic behavior, failure is investigated based on the maximum stress, maximum strain, Tsai-Hill, and the Tsai-Wu criteria. We provide a Python-based computational tool, the so-called Composite Laminate Analysis Tool (CLAT 1D) to easily solve some standard questions from the context of fiber reinforced composites. The tool runs in any standard web browser and offers a user-friendly interface with many post-processing options. The functionality comprises stress and strain analysis of simplified lamina and laminates and the failure analysis based on different criteria.

Numerical Exploration of Fourier Transform and Fourier Series: The Power Spectrum of Driven Damped Oscillators (Synthesis Lectures on Mathematics & Statistics)

by Sujaul Chowdhury Abdullah Al Sakib

This book presents practical demonstrations of numerically calculating or obtaining Fourier Transform. In particular, the authors demonstrate how to obtain frequencies that are present in numerical data and utilizes Mathematica to illustrate the calculations. This book also contains numerical solution of differential equation of driven damped oscillator using 4th order Runge-Kutta method. Numerical solutions are compared with analytical solutions, and the behaviors of mechanical system are also depicted by plotting velocity versus displacement rather than displaying displacement as a function of time. This book is useful to physical science and engineering professionals who often need to obtain frequencies present in numerical data using the discrete Fourier transform.This book: Aids readers to numerically calculate or obtain frequencies that are present in numerical dataExplores the use of the discrete Fourier transform and demonstrates practical numerical calculationUtilizes 4th order Runge-Kutta method and Mathematica for the numerical solution of differential equation

Numerical Exploration of Isolated GaAs-AlGaAs Quantum Well (Synthesis Lectures on Engineering, Science, and Technology)

by Sujaul Chowdhury Urmi Talukder

This book begins with the eigenvalue equation of energy and presents calculation of the energy spectrum of GaAs-AlGaAs Quantum Well using finite difference method and knowledge of potential energy profile, without using expressions for eigenfunctions, continuity of eigenfunctions, or their spatial derivatives at the two abrupt potential steps. The authors find that the results are almost the same as those obtained by solving numerically using regula falsi method, and transcendental equations that are obeyed by the energy levels, where the transcendental equations are obtained by requiring continuity of eigenfunctions and of their spatial derivatives at the two potential steps. Thus, this book confirms that it is possible to numerically calculate the energy spectrum of Quantum Well by the finite difference method when it is not correct or when it is not possible to use continuity of eigenfunctions and their spatial derivatives at the two abrupt potential steps. The authors also showthat it is possible to use the finite difference method in cases where the potential steps are non-abrupt. The book demonstrates this by calculating the energy spectrum of isolated parabolic Quantum Well of finite depth using finite difference method.

Numerical Methods: Classical and Advanced Topics

by Shanmuganathan Rajasekar

This book presents a pedagogical treatment of a wide range of numerical methods to suit the needs of undergraduate and postgraduate students, and teachers and researchers in physics, mathematics, and engineering. For each method, the derivation of the formula/algorithm, error analysis, case studies, applications in science and engineering and the special features are covered. A detailed presentation of solving time-dependent Schrödinger equation and nonlinear wave equations, along with the Monte Carlo techniques (to mention a few) will aid in students’ understanding of several physical phenomena including tunnelling, elastic collision of nonlinear waves, electronic distribution in atoms, and diffusion of neutrons through simulation study.The book covers advanced topics such as symplectic integrators and random number generators for desired distributions and Monte Carlo techniques, which are usually overlooked in other numerical methods textbooks. Interesting updates on classical topics include: curve fitting to a sigmoid and Gaussian functions and product of certain two functions, solving of differential equations in the presence of noise, and solving the time-independent Schrödinger equation.Solutions are presented in the forms of tables and graphs to provide visual aid and encourage a deeper comprehension of the topic. The step-by-step computations presented for most of the problems can be verifiable using a scientific calculator and is therefore appropriate for classroom teaching. The readers of the book will benefit from acquiring an acquittance, knowledge, experience and realization of significance of the numerical methods covered, their applicability to physical and engineering problems and the advantages of applying numerical methods over theoretical methods for specific problems.

Numerische Analyse von gewöhnlichen und retardierten Differentialgleichungen

by Taketomo Mitsui Guang-Da Hu

Dieses Buch dient als prägnantes Lehrbuch für Studenten in einem fortgeschrittenen Undergraduate- oder First-Year-Graduate-Kurs in verschiedenen Disziplinen wie angewandte Mathematik, Steuerung und Ingenieurwesen, die den modernen Standard der numerischen Methoden von gewöhnlichen und verzögerten Differentialgleichungen verstehen wollen. Experten in denselben Bereichen können sich auch über die jüngsten Entwicklungen in der numerischen Analyse solcher Differentialsysteme informieren. Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen (ODEs) sind ein starkes mathematisches Werkzeug, um eine Vielzahl von Phänomenen in Wissenschaft und Technik auszudrücken. Neben ihrer eigenen Bedeutung ist eine der mächtigen Richtungen, in die sich ODEs ausdehnen, die Einbeziehung einer unbekannten Funktion mit verzögertem Argument. Dies wird als verzögerte Differentialgleichungen (Delay differential equations, DDEs) bezeichnet, die häufig in der mathematischen Modellierung vonBiologie, Demographie, Epidemiologie und Kontrolltheorie vorkommen. In einigen Fällen kann die Lösung einer Differentialgleichung durch algebraische Kombinationen bekannter mathematischer Funktionen erhalten werden. In vielen praktischen Fällen ist eine solche Lösung jedoch recht schwierig oder nicht verfügbar, und es sind numerische Näherungen erforderlich. Die moderne Entwicklung von Computern beschleunigt die Situation und eröffnet darüber hinaus mehr Möglichkeiten der numerischen Mittel. Die Kenntnis und das Fachwissen über die numerische Lösung von Differentialgleichungen wird nun in weiten Bereichen der Wissenschaft und des Ingenieurwesens vorausgesetzt.Man könnte meinen, dass ein gut organisiertes Softwarepaket wie MATLAB in etwa die gleiche Lösung bietet. In gewisser Weise stimmt das auch, aber man muss bedenken, dass der blinde Einsatz von Softwarepaketen den Benutzer in die Irre führt. Das Wesentliche der numerischen Lösung von Differentialgleichungen muss noch gelernt werden. Das vorliegende Buch soll das Wesentliche der numerischen Lösungen von gewöhnlichen Differentialgleichungen sowie von Verzögerungsdifferentialgleichungen vermitteln. Die Autoren haben insbesondere festgestellt, dass es noch wenige prägnante Lehrbücher über Verzögerungsdifferentialgleichungen gibt, und haben sich dann daran gemacht, die Lücke durch möglichst transparente Beschreibungen zu schließen. Die wichtigsten Algorithmen zur numerischen Lösung sind in diesem Buch klar beschrieben. Auch die Stabilität von Lösungen von ODEs und DDEs ist von entscheidender Bedeutung. Das Buch führt in die asymptotische Stabilität von analytischen und numerischen Lösungen ein und bietet einen praktischen Weg zur Analyse ihrer Stabilität unter Verwendung einer Theorie komplexer Funktionen.

Numerische Mathematik: Eine anschauliche modulare Einführung

by Markus Neher

Dieses Lehrbuch bietet einen breit aufgestellten und dennoch kompakten Überblick zu den gängigen Verfahren der Numerik. Durch zahlreiche Beispiele und erläuternde Bemerkungen ist es besonders anschaulich und eignet sich auch – aber keinesfalls ausschließlich! – gut für Lehramtsstudierende.Behandelt werden numerische Verfahren zur Lösung linearer und nichtlinearer Gleichungssysteme, zur Eigenwertberechnung bei Matrizen, zur Approximation univariater Funktionen sowie zur näherungsweisen Integration bezüglich einer Veränderlichen. Ein einführendes erstes Kapitel schafft insbesondere das nötige Grundverständnis für die zentralen Begriffe Kondition und Stabilität, die aber erst im letzten Kapitel rigoros diskutiert werden um den Einstieg in die Numerik nicht durch aufwändige Stabilitätsanalysen zu erschweren.Die einzelnen Kapitel sind größtenteils unabhängig voneinander, teilweise können auch einzelne Abschnitte separat gelesen werden. Punktuelles Lernen und Nachschlagen ist damit problemlos möglich.

On the Emergence of Time and Space in Closed Quantum Systems (Springer Theses)

by Tommaso Favalli

Time, space and entanglement are the main characters in this book. Their nature is still a great mystery in physics and we study here the possibility that these three phenomena are closely connected, showing how entanglement can be at the basis of the emergence of time and space within closed quantum systems. We revisit and extend the Page and Wootters theory that was originally introduced in order to describe the emergence of time through entanglement between subsystems in a globally static, quantum Universe. In the book, after providing a complete review of the salient aspects of the theory, we establish a connection with recent research on the foundations of statistical mechanics and we provide a new understanding of the thermalization process. Furthermore, we generalize the framework in order describe the spatial degree of freedom and we provide a model of 3+1 dimensional, quantum spacetime emerging from entanglement among different subsystems in a globally "timeless" and "positionless" Universe. Finally, via the Page and Wootters theory, the evolution of quantum clocks within a gravitational field is treated and a time dilation effect is obtained in agreement with the Schwarzschild solution.

Ontology-Based Development of Industry 4.0 and 5.0 Solutions for Smart Manufacturing and Production: Knowledge Graph and Semantic Based Modeling and Optimization of Complex Systems (Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing)

by János Abonyi László Nagy Tamás Ruppert

This book presents a comprehensive framework for developing Industry 4.0 and 5.0 solutions through the use of ontology modeling and graph-based optimization techniques. With effective information management being critical to successful manufacturing processes, this book emphasizes the importance of adequate modeling and systematic analysis of interacting elements in the era of smart manufacturing. The book provides an extensive overview of semantic technologies and their potential to integrate with existing industrial standards, planning, and execution systems to provide efficient data processing and analysis. It also investigates the design of Industry 5.0 solutions and the need for problem-specific descriptions of production processes, operator skills and states, and sensor monitoring in intelligent spaces. The book proposes that ontology-based data can efficiently represent enterprise and manufacturing datasets. The book is divided into two parts: modeling and optimization. The semantic modeling part provides an overview of ontologies and knowledge graphs that can be used to create Industry 4.0 and 5.0 applications, with two detailed applications presented on a reproducible industrial case study. The optimization part of the book focuses on network science-based process optimization and presents various detailed applications, such as graph-based analytics, assembly line balancing, and community detection. The book is based on six key points: the need for horizontal and vertical integration in modern industry; the potential benefits of integrating semantic technologies into ERP and MES systems; the importance of optimization methods in Industry 4.0 and 5.0 concepts; the need to process large amounts of data while ensuring interoperability and re-usability factors; the potential for digital twin models to model smart factories, including big data access; and the need to integrate human factors in CPSs and provide adequate methods to facilitate collaboration and support shop floor workers.

The Open Dynamics of Braitenberg Vehicles

by Jeff Yoshimi Scott Hotton

An introduction to dynamical systems theory, a detailed mathematical analysis of pairs of Braitenberg vehicles, and a look at how these results apply to the study of physical and biological organisms.Powering the concept of a Braitenberg vehicle, developed in 1984 by the Italian-Austrian cyberneticist Valentino Braitenberg, is the idea that simple systems can produce complex behaviors. A pair of interacting Braitenberg vehicles is simple, but they can meander, wind around, and follow each another in a number of ways. In this book, Scott Hotton and Jeff Yoshimi show how dynamical systems theory—in particular the theory of open dynamic systems—can be used to analyze pairs of these vehicles in great detail. The result of the authors&’ long-standing collaboration at the intersection of mathematics, philosophy, cognitive science, and biology, The Open Dynamics of Braitenberg Vehicles offers a rigorous mathematical foundation for embodied cognition, especially when it comes to two-way interactions between an agent and its environment.Following an introduction to dynamical systems theory, and the most detailed mathematical analysis of Braitenberg vehicles to date, Hotton and Yoshimi discuss how their results can be applied to the study of physical and biological systems. They also describe their work's relevance to debates in the philosophy of embodied cognitive science. Combining the best features of embodied and representational approaches to cognitive science, complete with code and simulations, The Open Dynamics of Braitenberg Vehicles provides an extremely accessible and visually rich look into the workings and applications of open dynamical systems.

Open-Set Text Recognition: Concepts, Framework, and Algorithms (SpringerBriefs in Computer Science)

by Xu-Cheng Yin Chun Yang Chang Liu

In real-world applications, new data, patterns, and categories that were not covered by the training data can frequently emerge, necessitating the capability to detect and adapt to novel characters incrementally. Researchers refer to these challenges as the Open-Set Text Recognition (OSTR) task, which has, in recent years, emerged as one of the prominent issues in the field of text recognition. This book begins by providing an introduction to the background of the OSTR task, covering essential aspects such as open-set identification and recognition, conventional OCR methods, and their applications. Subsequently, the concept and definition of the OSTR task are presented encompassing its objectives, use cases, performance metrics, datasets, and protocols. A general framework for OSTR is then detailed, composed of four key components: The Aligned Represented Space, the Label-to-Representation Mapping, the Sample-to-Representation Mapping, and the Open-set Predictor. In addition,possible implementations of each module within the framework are discussed. Following this, two specific open-set text recognition methods, OSOCR and OpenCCD, are introduced. The book concludes by delving into applications and future directions of Open-set text recognition tasks.This book presents a comprehensive overview of the open-set text recognition task, including concepts, framework, and algorithms. It is suitable for graduated students and young researchers who are majoring in pattern recognition and computer science, especially interdisciplinary research.

Operator and Matrix Theory, Function Spaces, and Applications: International Workshop on Operator Theory and its Applications 2022, Kraków, Poland (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications #295)

by Marek Ptak Hugo J. Woerdeman Michał Wojtylak

This volume features presentations from the International Workshop on Operator Theory and its Applications that was held in Kraków, Poland, September 6-10, 2022. The volume reflects the wide interests of the participants and contains original research papers in the active areas of Operator Theory. These interests include weighted Hardy spaces, geometry of Banach spaces, dilations of the tetrablock contractions, Toeplitz and Hankel operators, symplectic Dirac operator, pseudodifferential and differential operators, singular integral operators, non-commutative probability, quasi multipliers, Hilbert transform, small rank perturbations, spectral constants, Banach-Lie groupoids, reproducing kernels, and the Kippenhahn curve. The volume includes contributions by a number of the world's leading experts and can therefore be used as an introduction to the currently active research areas in operator theory.

Optimization in Green Sustainability and Ecological Transition: ODS, Ischia, Italy, September 4–7, 2023 (AIRO Springer Series #12)

by Maurizio Bruglieri Paola Festa Giusy Macrina Ornella Pisacane

This book collects selected contributions of the “Optimization and Decision Science - ODS2023” international conference on the theme of optimization in green sustainability and ecological transition. ODS2023 was held in Ischia, 4–7 September 2023, and was organized by AIRO, the Italian Operations Research Society. The book offers new and original contributions on operations research, optimization, decision science, and prescriptive analytics from both a methodological and applied perspectives with a special focus on SDG related topics.It provides a state-of-the art on problem models and solving methods to address a widely class of real-world problems, arising in different application areas such as logistics, transportation, manufacturing, health, ICT and mobile networks, and emergency/disaster management. In addition, the scientific works collected in this book aim at providing significant contributions in the themes of sustainability, traffic and pollution reductions, and energy management.This book is aimed primarily at researchers and Ph.D. students in the Operations Research community. However, due to its interdisciplinary contents, this book is of high interest also for students and researchers from other disciplines, including artificial intelligence, computer sciences, finance, mathematics, and engineering as well as for practitioners facing complex decision-making problems in logistics, manufacturing production, and services.

Optimization of Chemical Processes: A Sustainable Perspective

by José María Ponce-Ortega Rogelio Ochoa-Barragán César Ramírez-Márquez

This textbook introduces readers to a comprehensive framework for the application of deterministic optimization strategies in the field of chemical processes, with a strong emphasis on sustainability.The book establishes a vital connection between fundamental deterministic optimization principles, optimization tools, and real-world application instances, all within the context of environmentally responsible practices. The approach put forth in this book is exceptionally versatile, allowing for the use of many optimization software and deterministic techniques.Contained in the book are many fundamental optimization concepts, encompassing linear programming, nonlinear programming, integer programming, and multi-objective optimization, all tailored to promote sustainable decision-making. Furthermore, the book provides practical examples illustrating the application of these techniques within sustainable chemical processes as tutorials.The textbook also explores the utilization of popular optimization software platforms such as GAMS, MATLAB, and Python, demonstrating how these tools can be leveraged for eco-friendly process optimization. Through this comprehensive framework, readers can not only acquire the skills needed to optimize a wide range of processes but also learn how to do so with sustainability at the forefront of their considerations. This approach streamlines the optimization process, eliminating unnecessary complications along the way and ensuring that environmental and ethical considerations are integral to the decision-making process.

Optimizing Play: Why Theorycrafting Breaks Games and How to Fix It

by Christopher A. Paul

An unexpected take on how games work, what the stakes are for them, and how game designers can avoid the traps of optimization.The process of optimization in games seems like a good thing—who wouldn&’t want to find the most efficient way to play and win? As Christopher Paul argues in Optimizing Play, however, optimization can sometimes risk a tragedy of the commons, where actions that are good for individuals jeopardize the overall state of the game for everyone else. As he explains, players inadvertently limit play as they theorycraft, seeking optimal choices. The process of developing a meta, or the most effective tactic available, structures decision making, causing play to stagnate. A &“stale&” meta then creates a perception that a game is solved and may lead players to turn away from the game.Drawing on insights from game studies, rhetoric, the history of science, ecology, and game theory literature, Paul explores the problem of optimization in a range of video games, including Overwatch, FIFA/EA Sports FC, NBA 2K, Clash Royale, World of Warcraft, and League of Legends. He also pulls extensively from data analytics in sports, where the problem has progressed further and is even more intractable than it is in video games, given the money sports teams invest to find an edge. Finally, Paul offers concrete and specific suggestions for how games can be developed to avoid the trap set by optimization run amok.

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) GoldenGate: Real-world Examples

by Y V Ravi Kumar Raghavendra S Ankur Goel

This book focuses on the utilization of GoldenGate Services (GGS) in conjunction with a microservices architecture on the Oracle cloud (OCI), primarily for data migration and integration across various data sources and targets.The book begins with a practical example of utilizing GGS on a Marketplace VM, progressively advancing to in-depth discussions on implementing GoldenGate as a Service on OCI. The book offers illustrative guides for data replication between RDBMSs (such as Oracle, Postgres, and big data targets such as Kafka). Additionally, it explores monitoring techniques using Enterprise Manager and Grafana dashboards. A comparative analysis is presented between traditional VM-based GoldenGate installations and the OCI service model. Special attention is given to Zero Downtime Migration (ZDM) and leveraging GGS for database migration from on-premises to OCI. Some chapters address multi-cloud replication using OCI GGS and include real-life case studies.By the end of this book you will have gained comprehensive insights into the architectural design of GoldenGate Services and will be adept at replicating data using GGS, enabling you to replicate setups in your own environments.What You Will LearnSet up GoldenGate Services for high availability (HA), disaster recovery (DR), migration of data to cloud, and moving data into the data lake or lakehousePerform logical migration of data to the cloud using the ZDM tool (ZDM uses GoldenGate internally).Replicate data to big data targetsMonitor GGS using Enterprise Manager and GrafanaReplicate data in a multi-cloud environment Who This Book Is ForOracle database administrators who want to replicate data or use Oracle GoldenGate Services for migration and setup of high availability (HA) and disaster recovery (DR); and data engineers who want tobuild the data warehouse, data lake, data lakehouse to push data in near real-time

Ordinary Differential Equations with Applications (Texts in Applied Mathematics #34)

by Carmen Chicone

This book, developed during 20 years of the author teaching differential equations courses at his home university, is designed to serve as a text for a graduate level course focused on the central theory of the subject with attention paid to applications and connections to other advanced topics in mathematics. Core theory includes local existence and uniqueness, the phase plane, Poincaré-Bendixson theory, Lyapunov and linearized stability, linear systems, Floquet theory, the Grobman–Hartman theorem, persistence of rest points and periodic orbits, the stable and center manifold theorems, and bifurcation theory. This edition includes expanded treatment of deterministic chaos, perturbation theory for periodic solutions, boundary value problems, optimization, and a wide range of their applications. In addition, it contains a formulation and new proof of a theorem on instability of rest points in the presence of an eigenvalue with positive real part, and new proofs of differential inequalities and Lyapunov’s center theorem. New sections present discussions of global bifurcation, the Crandall–Rabinowitz theorem, and Alekseev’s formula. Of particular note is a new chapter on basic control theory, a discussion of optimal control, and a proof of a useful special case of the maximum principle. A key feature of earlier editions, a wide selection of original exercises, is respected in this edition with the inclusion of a wealth of new exercises. Reviews of the first edition:“As an applied mathematics text on linear and nonlinear equations, the book by Chicone is written with stimulating enthusiasm. It will certainly appeal to many students and researchers.”—F. Verhulst, SIAM Review “The author writes lucidly and in an engaging conversational style. His book is wide-ranging in its subject matter, thorough in its presentation, and written at a generally high level of generality, detail, and rigor.”—D. S. Shafer, Mathematical Reviews

The Palgrave Handbook of South–South Migration and Inequality

by Heaven Crawley Joseph Kofi Teye

This open access handbook examines the phenomenon of South-South migration and its relationship to inequality in the Global South, where at least a third of all international migration takes place. Drawing on contributions from nearly 70 leading migration scholars, mainly from the Global South, the handbook challenges dominant conceptualisations of migration, offering new perspectives and insights that can inform theoretical and policy understandings and unlock migration’s development potential. The handbook is divided into four parts, each highlighting often overlooked mobility patterns within and between regions of the Global South, as well as the inequalities faced by those who move. Key cross-cutting themes include gender, race, poverty and income inequality, migration decision making, intermediaries, remittances, technology, climate change, food security and migration governance. The handbook is an indispensable resource on South-South migration and inequality for academics, researchers, postgraduates and development practitioners.

Pan-African Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Second Conference, PanAfriCon AI 2023, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, October 5–6, 2023, Revised Selected Papers, Part I (Communications in Computer and Information Science #2068)

by Taye Girma Debelee Achim Ibenthal Friedhelm Schwenker Yehualashet Megersa Ayano

This two-volume set, CCIS 2068 and 2069, constitutes selected papers presented during the Second Pan-African Conference on Artificial Intelligence, PanAfriCon AI 2023, held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in October 2023. The set goal of the conference is to exchange the best practices of joint Pan-African efforts to provide solutions for Africa’s key 21st century challenges in the social, economic and ecologic domains. The 29 papers were thoroughly reviewed and selected from 134 submissions. The papers are organized in the following topical sections: Medical AI; Natural Language Processing, Text and Speech Processing; AI in Finance and Cyber Security; Autonomous Vehicles; AI Ethics and Life Sciences.

Pan-African Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Second Conference, PanAfriCon AI 2023, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, October 5–6, 2023, Revised Selected Papers, Part II (Communications in Computer and Information Science #2069)

by Taye Girma Debelee Achim Ibenthal Friedhelm Schwenker Yehualashet Megersa Ayano

This two-volume set, CCIS 2068 and 2069, constitutes selected papers presented during the Second Pan-African Conference on Artificial Intelligence, PanAfriCon AI 2023, held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in October 2023. The set goal of the conference is to exchange the best practices of joint Pan-African efforts to provide solutions for Africa’s key 21st century challenges in the social, economic and ecologic domains. The 29 papers were thoroughly reviewed and selected from 134 submissions. The papers are organized in the following topical sections: Medical AI; Natural Language Processing, Text and Speech Processing; AI in Finance and Cyber Security; Autonomous Vehicles; AI Ethics and Life Sciences.

Parabolic Problems: 60 Years of Mathematical Puzzles in Parabola (AK Peters/CRC Recreational Mathematics Series)

by David Angell Thomas Britz

Parabola is a mathematics magazine published by UNSW, Sydney. Among other things, each issue of Parabola has contained a collection of puzzles/problems, on various mathematical topics and at a suitable level for younger (but mathematically sophisticated) readers.Parabolic Problems: 60 Years of Mathematical Puzzles in Parabola collects the very best of almost 1800 problems and puzzles into a single volume. Many of the problems have been re-mastered, and new illustrations have been added. Topics covered range across geometry, number theory, combinatorics, logic, and algebra. Solutions are provided to all problems, and a chapter has been included detailing some frequently useful problem-solving techniques, making this a fabulous resource for education and, most importantly, fun!Features Hundreds of diverting and mathematically interesting problems and puzzles. Accessible for anyone with a high school-level mathematics education. Wonderful resource for teachers and students of mathematics from high school to undergraduate level, and beyond.

Path Integrals in Stochastic Engineering Dynamics

by Ioannis A. Kougioumtzoglou Pol D. Spanos Apostolos F. Psaros

This book organizes and explains, in a systematic and pedagogically effective manner, recent advances in path integral solution techniques with applications in stochastic engineering dynamics. It fills a gap in the literature by introducing to the engineering mechanics community, for the first time in the form of a book, the Wiener path integral as a potent uncertainty quantification tool. Since the path integral flourished within the realm of quantum mechanics and theoretical physics applications, most books on the topic have focused on the complex-valued Feynman integral with only few exceptions, which present path integrals from a stochastic processes perspective. Remarkably, there are only few papers, and no books, dedicated to path integral as a solution technique in stochastic engineering dynamics. Summarizing recently developed techniques, this volume is ideal for engineering analysts interested in further establishing path integrals as an alternative potent conceptual and computational vehicle in stochastic engineering dynamics.

A Pen and Paper Introduction to Statistics

by Antonio Marco

Statistics is central in the biosciences, social sciences and other disciplines, yet many students often struggle to learn how to perform statistical tests, and to understand how and why statistical tests work. Although there are many approaches to teaching statistics, a common framework exists between them: starting with probability and distributions, then sampling from distribution and descriptive statistics and later introducing both simple and complex statistical tests, typically ending with regression analysis (linear models). This book proposes to reverse the way statistics is taught, by starting with the introduction of linear models. Today, many statisticians know that the one unifying principle of statistical tests is that most of them are instances of linear models. This teaching method has two advantages: all statistical tests in a course can be presented under the same unifying framework, simplifying things; second, linear models can be expressed as lines over squared paper, replacing any equation with a drawing. This book explains how and why statistics works without using a single equation, just lines and squares over grid paper. The reader will have the opportunity to work through the examples and compute sums of squares by just drawing and counting, and finally evaluating whether observed differences are statistically significant by using the tables provided. Intended for students, scientists and those with little prior knowledge of statistics, this book is for all with simple and clear examples, computations and drawings helping the reader to not only do statistical tests but also understand statistics.

Perplexing Paradoxes: Unraveling Enigmas in the World Around Us

by George G. Szpiro

Why does it always seem like the elevator is going down when you need to go up? Is it really true that 0.99999 . . . with an infinite number of 9s after the decimal point, is equal to 1? What do tea leaves and river erosion have in common, per Albert Einstein? Does seeing a bed of red flowers help prove that all ravens are black? Can we make sense of a phrase like “this statement is unprovable”?Exploring these questions and many more, George G. Szpiro guides readers through the puzzling world of paradoxes, from Socratic dialogues to the Monty Hall problem. Perplexing Paradoxes presents sixty counterintuitive conundrums drawn from diverse areas of thought—not only mathematics, statistics, logic, and philosophy but also social science, physics, politics, and religion. Szpiro offers a brisk history of each paradox, unpacks its inner workings, and considers where one might encounter it in daily life. Ultimately, he argues, paradoxes are not simple brain teasers or abstruse word games—they challenge us to hone our reasoning and become more alert to the flaws in received wisdom and common habits of thought.Lighthearted, witty, and conversational, Perplexing Paradoxes presents sophisticated material in an accessible way for all readers interested in the world’s boundless possibilities—and impossibilities.

Perspectives on Deduction: Contemporary Studies in the Philosophy, History and Formal Theories of Deduction (Synthese Library #481)

by Antonio Piccolomini D'Aragona

This book provides philosophers and logicians with a broad spectrum of views on contemporary research on the problem of deduction, its justification and explanation. The variety of distinct approaches exemplified by the single chapters allows for a dialogue between perspectives that, usually, barely communicate with each other.The contributions concern (in a possibly intertwined way) three major perspectives in logic: philosophical, historical, formal. The philosophical perspective has to do with the relationship between deductive validity and truth, and questions the alleged conclusiveness of deduction and its epistemic contribution. It also discusses the role of linguistic acts in deductive practice, and provides a cognitive-didactic contribution on how we may learn through deduction. In the historical perspective, the contributions discuss the ideas of some major historical figures, such as Bolzano, Girard, Gödel, and Peano. Finally, in the formal perspective, the mathematics of deduction is dealt with mainly from an intuitionistic-constructivist or proof-theoretic point of view, with focus on “ecumenic” or internalistic approaches to logical validity, on the nature and identity of proofs, and on dialogical setups.Chapter [14] is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via

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