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The Future of Long COVID: A Threatcasting Approach (Synthesis Lectures on Threatcasting)

by Melissa Smallwood

This book provides an overview of Long COVID, the chronic illness and disability that can result from COVID-19 infection in 20–30% of survivors. It approaches the topic through its larger social, political, and historical context utilizing the Threatcasting methodology for scenario-based foresight. The book brings together multiple perspectives on Long COVID, such as patient experiences, healthcare system impacts, historical frameworks, and the information ecosystem surrounding COVID to explore the long-term structural implications of Long COVID beyond the current acute crisis. It is intended to be a guide for policy makers, healthcare providers, researchers, and anyone whose work will play a role in mitigating the long tail of COVID-19. Framing the pandemic within a historical and political framework while approaching Long COVID from the future-casting perspective, this book seeks to disentangle the issues posed by Long COVID from the current moment and is intended to establish new ways of thinking about and preparing for similar complex, over-the-horizon potential threats. The first book to apply the Threatcasting framework to a public-health issue like COVID-19Draws together multiple perspectives of Long COVID that were previously discussed independently within their fieldsComprehensively examines the history and future of Long COVID

The Future of Mental Health, Disability and Criminal Law

by Kay Wilson Yvette Maker Piers Gooding Jamie Walvisch

This book brings together contributions from twenty-three world-leading scholars and commentators that address a range of contemporary and pressing international themes in mental health, disability and criminal law. The authors use the work of internationally renowned academic, Emeritus Professor Bernadette McSherry, as a springboard to reflect on recent developments in these areas of law and to anticipate the future directions they may take. In doing so, they aim to inform and inspire a new generation of mental health, disability and criminal law scholars, advocates and reformers. The book is divided into four substantive sections: reforming mental health and disability law; regulating coercion and restrictive practices; improving access to justice and the criminal law; and transforming mental health law. It also includes an introduction from the editors and an afterword from Emeritus Professor McSherry. The book is aimed at regulators, policymakers, lawyers, clinicians, consumer advocates and academics who are interested in the urgent and contentious issues surrounding the reform and development of mental health, disability and criminal law. It will help them understand the key issues and problems and presents suggestions for reform. The book is interdisciplinary and international in its focus.

Ganoderma: Cultivation, Chemistry and Medicinal Applications, Volume 1

by Krishnendu Acharya Somanjana Khatua

Ganoderma holds significant traditional importance in various ethnic cultures around the world, particularly in China, Japan, and Korea. Many indigenous traditions have incorporated Ganoderma into medicinal practices, being considered a symbol of longevity, vitality, and good health. At present, the taxon is believed to possess various health benefits and is used to treat ailments and promote overall well-being. In this context, the first volume of the book, titled Ganoderma: Cultivation, Chemistry and Medicinal Applications, aims to comprehensively cover the taxonomy, morphological features, domestication strategies, structures of secondary metabolites, and therapeutic prospects of Ganoderma. It may serve as a definite resource for students, researchers, healthcare professionals, traditional medicine practitioners, and enthusiasts.FEATURES Provides a comprehensive classification system for Ganoderma species, highlighting their taxonomy and distinguishing characteristics Delves into the techniques and practices involved in cultivating Ganoderma, offering detailed guidance for individuals interested in growing this valuable fungus Explores the cultural and traditional significance of Ganoderma in various ethnic cultures intertwined with customs, beliefs, rituals, myths, and folklore around the world Investigates the secondary metabolites of Ganoderma, highlighting their implications Examines diverse bioactivities associated with Ganoderma, including antioxidant, hepatoprotective, antidiabetic, prebiotic, anti-inflammatory, anti-arthritis, anticancer, hypolipidemic, and cholesterol-lowering effects This book includes relevant illustrations, diagrams, and images to enhance the understanding of concepts associated with Ganoderma.

Ganzheitliches Training für die Augen: Übungen zur Entspannung und Regeneration

by Ingrid Kollak

Augenübungen mit vielen Variationen – individuell oder in GruppenDie Augen sind durch lange Bildschirmarbeit besonders beansprucht. In diesem Buch werden vielfältige Augenübungen gezeigt, die ein möglichst langes, klares und schmerzfreies Sehen sowie die Regenerationsfähigkeit der Augen fördern. Dabei steht die Ganzheitlichkeit im Mittelpunkt – die Augenübungen werden als Teil einer umfassenden Gesundheitsvorsorge verstanden.Die Übungen stammen aus der Augenheilkunde sowie aus anerkannten komplementären Verfahren der Gesundheitsförderung, Prävention und Rehabilitation. Jede Übung wird Schritt für Schritt erklärt. Zahlreiche Abbildungen verdeutlichen den genauen Ablauf.Die Übungen können als Anleitung an den Patienten weitergegeben werden, so dass der Patient aktiv in den Heilungsprozess involviert wird bzw. vorbeugen kann. Mithilfe der Übungen lassen sich Übungsprogramme individuell für Patienten und für Gesundheitskurse erstellen.Schritt für Schritt und mit Fotos wird durch die Übungen geführt, so dass das Wiederholen zu Hause für den Patienten möglich ist. Plus zum Buch: Die Übungsanleitungen sind als Download verfügbar.Das Buch richtet sich an Augenärzte, Optiker, Heilpraktiker, Physiotherapeuten und Trainer für Yoga, Tai Chi und Gesundheitskurse. Auch für interessierte Laien ist es gut verständlich.

Gardening Behind Bars: Clinical Sociology and Food Justice in Incarcerated Settings (Clinical Sociology: Research and Practice)

by Sharon Lindhorst Everhardt Daniela Jauk-Ajamie Stephen B. Carmody Brenda I. Gill

This book connects clinical sociology to the food justice movement through gardens in incarcerated settings. Situated within the larger food justice movement, the authors highlight the shortcomings of the global food system and the inequalities produced by the lack of adequate nutrition, particularly in the context of marginalized populations, such as those in carceral institutions. The book provides an up-to-date overview of horticulture programs in different incarcerated settings in the US, including prisons and community correction units, and provides in-depth discussion on innovative best-practice models. It also features a detailed analysis of an ongoing multi-site research project on gardening in incarcerated settings for women at local, state, and federal levels. Unlike other literature on prison and jail horticulture, this book contextualizes gardening in incarcerated settings with critical historical analysis, presenting the theoretical background to sociological action research projects. Serving as a starting point for establishing gardening as an evidence-based practice in prisons and jails, it is essential reading for researchers and practitioners of clinical sociology and social work, criminologists, prison and corrective institution administrators, and citizen groups interested in therapeutic gardening and alternatives to industrial prison food.

Gasotransmitters in Organ Transplantation: A New Era in Transplant Medicine

by George J. Dugbartey

This book covers recent pre-clinical and clinical developments in gasotransmitters (nitric oxide, carbon monoxide and hydrogen sulfide) in all transplantable solid organs – kidney, heart, lung, liver, pancreas and intestine. Gasotransmitters are a class of small endogenously produced gaseous signaling molecules that play important roles in cellular homeostasis and impact physiological and pathophysiological situations. Recently, these gasotransmitters have emerged as potent cytoprotective mediators, possessing therapeutic properties that enable them exhibit their intracellular signaling functions. Hence, alterations in their physiological levels have been associated with various pathologies including cold ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI) in organ transplantation. In the context of organ transplantation, a novel therapeutic strategy that is being investigated involves administration of these gasotransmitters to the organ donor or recipient before or after transplantation, or supplementation of standard preservation solution with gasotransmitters during organ graft preservation to mitigate transplant-induced IRI. The book is divided into three parts for easier access: Hydrogen Sulfide in Organ Transplantation, Carbon Monoxide in Organ Transplantation, and Nitric Oxide in Organ Transplantation. The proposed book presents recent advances in organ graft protection mediated by gasotransmitters against warm and cold IRI in preclinical models of organ transplantation and some selected clinical cases, and seeks to lay the foundation for future clinical applications of these gases. The book is topical and timely, and will serve as a good resource for both educational and didactic purposes in transplant patient care and other aspects of clinical medicine.

Gastroenterology and Hepatology: Bench to Bedside

by Gourdas Choudhuri Anil C Anand P Piramanayagam

The book aims to be a handy compendium to the very voluminous texts of gastroenterology and hepatology existing in the knowledge market and provides the reader with an easy understanding of the bench knowledge (basic sciences) as they apply to bedside practice (clinical gastroenterology). With introduction and contributions from Prof Eamon Quigley, Former president of World Gastroenterology Organization and American College of Gastroenterology, the book covers the recent advances in the basic sciences that form an important pillar of the knowledge, thereby linking basic sciences such as anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, molecular medicine, etc. to clinical conditions, diseases and new therapeutic approaches in gastroenterology and hepatology. The book is written in a simple easy to read format, with a lot of diagrams and flowcharts, making it a handy guide. It also discusses in-depth about very common clinical conditions encountered in hospital settings such as ulcerative colitis, pseudomembranous colitis, colonic cancer, amebiasis, and various other syndromes and diseases. This book is a useful read for fellows and trainees in Gastroenterology and Hepatology, as well as gastroenterologists, hepatologists and physicians interested in digestive disorders.

Gastrointestinal Oncology: A Critical Multidisciplinary Team Approach

by Professor Janusz A. Z. Jankowski JP

GASTROINTESTINAL ONCOLOGY Blends quality research findings with advanced educational techniques in a uniquely comprehensive approach Written and edited by leading international experts in the field, Gastrointestinal Oncology: A Critical Multidisciplinary Team Approach is an indispensable reference for clinicians, medical practitioners, and trainees involved in the investigation, diagnosis, and treatment of esophageal, gastric, intestinal, colonic, hepatobiliary, pancreatic, and other gastrointestinal tumors. Drawing on the most current evidence-based knowledge, this comprehensive resource reflects the current care of GI cancer patients, enabling effective clinical decision making and patient management. Setting the standard in clinical practice, Gastrointestinal Oncology remains the only truly multidisciplinary reference designed for the diverse team of clinicians responsible for different stages of cancer treatment. Specially structured clinical chapters, each representing a different role in the multidisciplinary team (MDT), allow clear presentation and quick reference of the contents. This is supported by a wealth of high-quality color photographs, line drawings, and diagrams. Now in its second edition, this authoritative reference is fully updated to reflect groundbreaking research in multiple medical fields, including the explorative use of A.I. New sections on palliative care and nutrition are accompanied by new sub-sections on molecular characterization, new targeted small molecule, receptor options, and immunological therapies for each cancer. This edition places renewed emphasis on the most ubiquitous conditions, such as colon cancer, liver cancer, and gastro-esophageal cancer. Covering the oncology of the entire gastrointestinal tract, Gastrointestinal Oncology: A Critical Multidisciplinary Team Approach is a must-have reference for the entire MDT, including gastroenterologists, hepatologists, GI surgeons, medical oncologists, radiation therapists, interventional radiologists, pathologists, nutritionists, palliative care and specialist nurses, as well as clinical scientists.

Gedragsverandering: Doen en blijven doen

by Marieke van der Burgt Frank Verhulst

Dit boek beschrijft een stappenmodel voor begeleiding van gedragsverandering. Het helpt (toekomstige) zorgverleners om hun patiënten te coachen naar gezond gedrag en zelfmanagement. Daarvoor reikt het boek concrete handvatten aan. Op basis van persoonsgebonden factoren kunnen zorgverleners hun gedragsgerichte begeleiding vervolgens nog meer persoonsgericht maken. Gedragsverandering. Doen en blijven doen gaat in op de analyse en interventies bij gedragsverandering; de bijdrage van leefstijl aan gezondheid; positieve gezondheid; gezondheidsvaardigheden, waaronder (laag)geletterdheid en preventie. Het boek presenteert actuele kennis over gedragsverandering. Praktijkvoorbeelden maken de theorie herkenbaar. De koppeling van gedragsfactoren aan effectieve interventies maakt de stappenreeks van Doen en blijven doen gemakkelijk toepasbaar in de zorgpraktijk. Nieuw in deze uitgave zijn de wetenschappelijke onderbouwing van de interventies en de integratie van samen beslissen in de gedragsgerichte begeleiding. Om toepassing in de praktijk te bevorderen zijn aan deze uitgave leerdoelen per hoofdstuk, studieopdrachten bij video's en handvatten voor het werken aan gedragsverandering toegevoegd, zie het nieuwe hoofdstuk 12 Studiemateriaal. De online toetsen per hoofdstuk zijn geactualiseerd.Dit boek is de geheel herziene druk van Doen en blijven doen. Zelfmanagement en persoonsgerichte multidisciplinaire zorg uit 2018. Het boek is bedoeld voor studenten van paramedische opleidingen en (para)medische zorgprofessionals. Marieke van der Burgt is opgeleid als arts en voorlichtingsdeskundige in de gezondheidszorg. Zij werkte als docent in het hbo en mbo. Zij is auteur van boeken voor paramedici en verpleegkundigen.Frank Verhulst werkt als eerstelijns gz-psycholoog. Hij werkte als docent in het hbo en doet onderzoek naar de persoonsgebonden factoren in samenwerking met Fontys, Avans, Hogeschool Utrecht en het Catharinaziekenhuis Eindhoven.

General and Comparative Endocrinology: An Integrative Approach

by A.M. Schreiber

General and Comparative Endocrinology: An Integrative Approach, takes a holistic approach to endocrinology, introducing students to the diverse facets of this interdisciplinary science ranging from the medical to comparative domains, while also exploring evolutionary, environmental, and conservation specializations within the field. The textbook is founded on the principle that students interested in the health sciences will benefit from understanding how proficiency in endocrine function among a diversity of organisms contributes to advances in modern medicine. Likewise, students intrigued by comparative physiology will benefit from the wealth of knowledge derived from medical/clinical endocrinology, the historical bedrock of the field. This textbook represents the modern field of endocrinology in its totality by addressing topics and recent advances not currently discussed in other introductory endocrinology textbooks. Key Features Introduces the broad and interdisciplinary scope of endocrinology. Provides clear chapter objectives and key concepts. Includes summary and synthesis questions for each chapter that are suitable for exams and quizzes. Includes a chapter devoted to endocrine-disrupting chemicals. Describes the roles played by the endocrine system in important health challenges related to appetite regulation, obesity, diabetes, and other diseases stemming from ‘mismatches to modernity’. Integrates evolutionary and comparative approaches to hormones and health.

Generationenübergreifende Analyse von Straftätern und die Rolle der emotionalen Intelligenz im Strafjustizsystem (essentials)

by Otilia Gudana Sabrina Stamborski

Im Jahr 1996 wurde Gewalt weltweit zum Gesundheitsproblem erklärt und identifiziert. Das Risiko von Mord und Selbstmord erreichte epidemische Ausmaße und betraf bestimmte Bevölkerungsgruppen, darunter Jugendliche und Angehörige von Minderheitengruppen. Die Selbstmordraten bei Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen (15 bis 24 Jahre) haben sich zwischen 1950 und 1990 fast verdreifacht. Ebenso haben sich die Mordraten bei 15- bis 19-jährigen Männern von 1985 bis 1991 fast verdoppelt. Diese Trends löste weltweit Alarm aus und verlangten nach neuen Lösungen.Die Motivation dieses Buches bestand darin, das Niveau der emotionalen Intelligenz von Kriminellen in Gefängnissen und in forensischen psychiatrischen Einrichtungen zu vergleichen. Das Hauptziel dieser Analyse besteht darin, sich auf Empfehlungen zum Training emotionaler Intelligenz zu konzentrieren, um die epidemische Gewaltraten von Insassen auf globaler Ebene zu senken.

Genetics For Dummies

by Rene Fester Kratz Lisa Spock

Evolve your knowledge of the fast-moving world of genetic research Genetics For Dummies shines a light on the fascinating field of genetics, helping you gain a greater understanding of how genetics factors into everyday life. Perfect as a supplement to a genetics course or as an intro for the curious, this book is packed with easy-to-understand explanations of the key concepts, including an overview of cell biology. You’ll also find tons of coverage of recent discoveries in the field, plus info on how genetics can affect your health and wellbeing. Whole-genome sequencing, genetic disease treatments, exploring your ancestry, non-invasive prenatal testing—it’s all here, in the friendly and relatable Dummies style you love. Grasp the basics of cell biology and get a primer on the field of genetic research Discover what you can learn about yourself, thanks to advances in genetic testing Learn how your genes influence your health and wellbeing, today and as you age Follow along with your college-level genetics course—or refresh your knowledge—with clear explanations of complex ideasGenetics For Dummies is great for students of the biological sciences, and for the genetically curious everywhere.

Geotechnical Slope Analysis

by Robin Chowdhury Gautam Bhattacharya Subhadeep Metya

This second edition of Geotechnical Slope Analysis is an updated version of the original scholarly book. In this edition, concepts and applications have been thoroughly revised. In particular, the ‘Initial Stress Approach’ has been extended to 2D problems in a more rigorous manner. Additional solved numerical examples have been added in several chapters. More importantly, the meaning of the results is explored through interpretation. The influence of initial stresses, pore water pressures and seismic forces has been explored not only on performance indicators such as the ‘Factor of Safety’ but also on the location of critical slip surfaces. In addition to these factors, it is shown that the chosen method of analysis may also have a significant influence on the location of the critical slip surface. Student exercises have been included in some chapters with a view to encouraging further study and research, and reference is often made to case studies of particular importance. The best features of the book have been retained with continued emphasis on both deterministic and probabilistic approaches for quantifying slope performance. The traditional performance indicator such as ‘Factor of Safety’ can be complemented by the calculation of the ‘Reliability Index’ and the ‘Probability of Failure’. This book focuses on research studies concerning slope behaviour, the occurrence of landslides and the use of alternative methods of analysis and interpretation. The importance of uncertainties in slope performance and, more broadly, in geotechnical engineering is emphasised. This book will be valuable to undergraduate and senior students of civil, mining and geological engineering as well as to academic teachers and instructors and also to researchers, practising geotechnical engineers and consultants.

Geriatric Medicine: A Person Centered Evidence Based Approach

by Michael R. Wasserman Debra Bakerjian Sunny Linnebur Sharon Brangman Matteo Cesari Sonja Rosen

Older adults represent the most rapidly growing demographic in the U.S. and in many developed countries around the world. The field of geriatric medicine is still relatively young, and is only recently seeing a significant increase in peer reviewed literature. Medicare and Medicaid expenditures related to older adults are nearly a trillion dollars/year in the US. How our healthcare system cares for older adults, and how those older adults navigate an increasingly complex system, is of the utmost importance. According to the Institute of Medicine, physicians and other healthcare professionals receive an inadequate amount of training in geriatric medicine. Geriatric medicine is based on the concept of delivering person centered care with a focus on function and quality of life. It is essential that physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, pharmacists, social workers and other health care professionals all be knowledgeable about the geriatric approach to care.Geriatric medicine varies from most other fields in medicine. While many specialties function on the basis of evidence-based literature, geriatricians and other clinicians caring for older adults must integrate relatively limited evidence with variable physiological changes and complex psychosocial determinants. Geriatricians are used to caring for 90 year olds with multiple chronic illnesses. Their variable physiology leads to uncertain responses to pharmacotherapy, and their personal goals and wishes need to be incorporated into any plan of care. Practicing geriatric medicine requires the ability to see patterns. But it goes one step further, as the rules are constantly in flux. Every patient is an individual with particular needs and goals. In order to provide true person centered care to older adults, one has to incorporate these factors into the decision making process. The proposed handbook is designed to present a comprehensive and state-of the-art update that incorporates existing literature with clinical experience. Basic science and the physiology of aging create a background, but are not the main focus. This is because every chapter has been written through the lens of “person centered care.” This book is about focusing on what matters to the person, and how that is not always about pathology and physiology. The reader generally will not find simple solutions to symptoms, diseases and syndromes. In fact, the key to caring for geriatric patients is the ability to think both critically and divergently at the same time. Geriatrics encompasses multiple disciplines and spans all of the subspecialties. It requires knowledge of working within an interdisciplinary team. It requires an appreciation of how quality of life varies with each individual and creates treatment and care plans that also vary. And most of all, it requires a firm commitment to first learning who the person is so that all of the necessary data can be analyzed and integrated into a true person centered plan of care. This book aims to serve as an unparalleled resource for meeting these challenges. Updated and revised from the previous edition, this text features over 40 new peer-reviewed chapters, new references, and a wide array of useful new tools that are updated on a regular basis by interdisciplinary and interprofessional experts in geriatric medicine.

Geriatric Psychiatry: A Case-Based Textbook

by Ana Hategan James A. Bourgeois Calvin H. Hirsch Caroline Giroux

This textbook presents real-world cases and discussions that introduce the various psychiatric syndromes found in the aging population before delving into the core concepts covered by geriatric psychiatry curricula. The text follows each case study with the vital information necessary for physicians in training, including key features of each disorder and its presentation, practical guidelines for diagnosis and treatment, clinical pearls, and other devices that are essential to trainees in geriatric psychiatry. With the latest DSM-5-TR guidelines and with rich learning tools that include key points, review questions, tables, and illustrations, this text is the only resource that is specifically designed to train both US and Canadian candidates for specialty and subspecialty certification or recertification in geriatric psychiatry. It will also appeal to audiences worldwide as a state-of-the-art resource for practice guidance. The text meets the needs of the future head on with its straightforward coverage of the most frequently encountered challenges, including neuropsychiatric syndromes, psychopharmacology, elder care and the law, substance use disorders, psychiatric comorbidities in systemic medical illness, consultation-liaison psychiatry, palliative care, climate change and health, and equity/diversity/inclusion matters in the care of older adults. Written by experts in the field, Geriatric Psychiatry: A Case-Based Textbook, 2nd edition will be the ultimate resource for graduate and undergraduate medical students and certificate candidates providing mental health care for aging adults, including psychiatrists, psychologists, geriatricians, primary care and family practice doctors, neurologists, social workers, nurses, and others.

Geriatrics Models of Care: Bringing 'Best Practice' to an Aging America

by Heidi White Marie Boltz Michael L. Malone Jonny Macias Tejada

Following the success of the previous edition, the second edition of Geriatrics Models of Care is the definitive resource for systems-based practice improvement for the care of older adults. Several new models of care have been published in the last eight years, new outcomes have emerged to better understand the impact of existing models, and with the rise of the Age-Friendly Health Systems movement, promoting organized efforts to prepare our health care settings for older individuals is of more importance than ever. The second edition is organized based on the practice setting along a continuum of care: hospital, transitions from hospital to home, outpatient settings, and the emergency department. This book also highlights long-term care models, which is an important part of the continuum of care for older Americans. Further, this edition features models that address the needs of vulnerable populations. This new section will describe a spectrum of programs for older adults who have Alzheimer’s disease or Parkinson’s disease. Other models describe best practices for older adults undergoing surgery or those who want to remain functioning independently in their home. A defining feature of this book is that each chapter follows a standard template: 1) the challenge which led to the model; 2) the patient population served; 3) core components of the intervention; 4) the role of interdisciplinary health professionals; 5) evidence to support the intervention; 6) lessons learned in the implementation and dissemination of the model; 7) implications for family caregivers, and communities (particularly underserved and diverse communities); and 8) how each model will provide care across the continuum during an entire episode of care. In addition, each chapter features a “call out” box with practical tips for implementing the model.

Gesunder Umgang mit Narzissmus für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Laura L. Smith

Großartig – leider oft auf Kosten anderer Narzissten erscheinen anfangs oft charmant, doch Partner, Freunde, Arbeitskollegen oder Familienmitglieder leiden oft unter diesen sehr speziellen Persönlichkeiten. Vermuten Sie, dass Sie selbst oder jemand in Ihrem Leben ein Narzisst ist, und möchten mehr darüber erfahren, wie Narzissten ticken? Laura L. Smith stellt typische Verhaltensweisen von Narzissten vor und erläutert die Warnzeichen, auf die Sie achten sollten. Sie bekommen Tipps, wie Sie sich vor narzisstischer Manipulation schützen können. Das Buch hilft Ihnen, sich aus narzisstischen Verstrickungen zu lösen, und erklärt die Möglichkeiten, wie Narzissmus behandelt werden kann. Sie erfahren Wie ein Mensch zum Narzissten wird Wie Sie im Umgang mit Narzissten Ihren eigenen Selbstwert bewahren können Wie Sie sich aus den Fängen von Narzissten befreien können Wie Psychotherapie bei Narzissmus hilft

Gesundheitsökonomie, Gesundheitssystem, Gesundheitswesen: Kompendium zum QB 3 des Studiums Humanmedizin

by Julius Wiemschulte

Im Humanmedizinstudium ist der Querschnittsbereich 3 "Gesundheitsökonomie, Gesundheitssystem und Öffentliches Gesundheitswesen" ein verpflichtender Kurs im klinischen Studienabschnitt, der an allen medizinischen Fakultäten in Deutschland angeboten wird. In diesem Kurs erlernen die Studentinnen und Studenten die Systematik des Gesundheitswesens. Dieses Buch bietet in prägnanter Form die wichtigsten Informationen zum erfolgreichen Absolvieren des QB 3 und deckt die Themenfelder Gesundheitssystem, Öffentliches Gesundheitswesen, Gesundheitsökonomie und Qualitätsmanagement ab. Die klar strukturierten Inhalte werden durch praktische Bezüge zum ärztlichen Arbeitsalltag greifbar, so dass die große Relevanz des Stoffes als Rückgrat der ärztlichen Tätigkeit ersichtlich wird. Verständnisfragen zur Wissensreflektion und Fallbeispiele runden das Kompendium ab. Das Buch richtet sich an Studentinnen und Studenten der Humanmedizin und ist auch empfehlenswert für fachnahe Berufsgruppen (Sozialversicherungsfachangestellte, Gesundheits- und Pflegefachberufe).

Get Through Radiology for the MRCS and the FRCS (Get Through)

by Zaynab Jawad Susan Jawad

An essential handbook that covers the radiological findings of all the common surgical conditions. Candidates preparing for the MRCS or FRCS (in General Surgery) exams will find this indispensable guide will prepare them for a wide range of questions, including rare and obscure examples that are not found elsewhere. Radiological findings are presented according to systems such as colorectal, upper GI and HPB, urology, emergency surgery and others. Each chapter describes the use of radiological modalities in different clinical scenarios and includes figures illustrating the defining characteristics of common clinical scenarios. The clear and illustrated content provides the knowledge required to answer what would otherwise be some of the most difficult questions in postgraduate surgical examinations. It is also a practical reference book that can be kept at hand to inform ward rounds and multidisciplinary team meetings. MRCS and FRCS exam candidates are expected to have a knowledge of radiological findings for all surgical conditions, and this concise guide will ensure that candidates are well prepared to answer questions accurately and with confidence.

The Glass House: A novel of mental health

by Graeme Simsion Anne Buist

A compelling, addictive novel for readers of Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine told with heart, humour and insight by Anne Buist and The Rosie Project's Graeme SimsionPsychiatry registrar Doctor Hannah Wright, a country girl with a chaotic history, thought she had seen it all in the emergency room. But that was nothing compared to the psychiatric ward at Menzies Hospital. Hannah must learn on the job in a strained medical system, as she and her fellow trainees deal with the common and the bizarre, the hilarious and the tragic, the treatable and the confronting. Every day brings new patients: Chloe, who has a life-threatening eating disorder; Sian, suffering postpartum psychosis and fighting to keep her baby; and Xavier, the MP whose suicide attempt has an explosive story behind it. All the while, Hannah is trying to figure out herself.With intelligence, frankness and humour, eminent psychiatrist Anne Buist tells it like it is, while co-writer Graeme Simsion brings the light touch that made The Rosie Project an international bestseller and a respected contribution to the autism conversation.'Highly engaging. Brings alive the frontline of mental health care' PROFESSOR PATRICK MCGORRY AO, AUSTRALIAN OF THE YEAR 2010 'Embraces a standout cast of characters - patients, clinicians and family members are so beautifully individuated and the story overflows with compassion, insight and humour. Entertaining, enlightening, it embraces the complexity of what it means to be human' MEREDITH JAFFÉ'A remarkable exposé about mental illness and its treatment . . . told with an engaging, light touch reminiscent of Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine and Simsion's The Rosie Project. The Glass House is a timely, innovative book' BOOKS + PUBLISHING'Gripping, rich and insightful, and brimming with compassion. Shines a light on the grit and dedication of frontline workers, while giving a voice to everyone impacted by mental illness' ARIANE BEESTON, author of Because I'm Not Myself, You See'A great read that combines laugh-out-loud moments with those that bring tears to your eyes. Anne Buist skilfully writes from her own experiences and co-author Graeme Simsion adds his inimitable Rosie Project style. An honest, sensitive look into mental health care in Australia' PROFESSOR JAYASHRI KULKARNI AM, Psychiatrist, Monash University'A racy, pacy ride through heartbreak and the occasional breathtaking miracle' COUNTRY STYLE

Global COVID-19 Research and Modeling: A Historical Record (Data Analytics)

by Longbing Cao

This book provides answers to fundamental and challenging questions regarding the global response to COVID-19. It creates a historical record of COVID-19 research conducted over the four years of the pandemic, with a focus on how researchers have responded, quantified, and modeled COVID-19 problems. Since mid-2021, we have diligently monitored and analyzed global scientific efforts in tackling COVID-19. Our comprehensive global endeavor involves collecting, processing, analyzing, and discovering COVID-19 related scientific literature in English since January 2020. This provides insights into how scientists across disciplines and almost every country and regions have fought against COVID-19. Additionally, we explore the quantification of COVID-19 problems and impacts through mathematics, AI, machine learning, data science, epidemiology, and domain knowledge. The book reports findings on publication quantities, impacts, collaborations, and correlations with the economy and infectionsglobally, regionally, and country-wide. These results represent the first and only holistic and systematic studies aimed at scientifically understanding, quantifying, and containing the pandemic. We hope this comprehensive analysis will contribute to better preparedness, response, and management of future emergencies and inspire further research in infectious diseases. The book also serves as a valuable resource for research policy, funding management authorities, researchers, policy makers, and funding bodies involved in infectious disease management, public health, and emergency resilience.

Global LGBTQ Health: Research, Policy, Practice, and Pathways (Global LGBTQ Health)

by Sel J. Hwahng Michelle R. Kaufman

This open access book is a groundbreaking volume that creates a new field within the intersection of “global health” and “LGBTQ health” delineating specific health challenges and resiliencies. There has been increasing awareness of the importance in recognizing LGBTQ health issues and disparities. However, there is a dearth of research and scholarship that examines LGBTQ health through global and comparative perspectives. This book addresses this gap.In the pursuit of scientific inquiry, the disciplines in public health have often emphasized reductionist perspectives that are particularized to a specific locale, municipality, or country. This book's provision of broader perspectives, cross-cutting disparities and issues, and socio-political-cultural contextualization inform the development of new research, policies, interventions, and programs. Students benefit by learning about LGBTQ health research, policies, and programs in various countries and regions. Public health researchers benefit by learning about research conducted in various countries and regions, along with understanding how research has been linked to and impacted by various policies and programs. Policymakers benefit from learning about overarching and comparative perspectives that could inform more effective policies, including those connected to multiple locations. Practitioners learn about various public health practices in multiple countries and regions that could contribute to novel and creative solutions and approaches within the respective contexts. The nine chapters of this volume facilitate greater socio-political-cultural awareness, sensitivity, and competence; undertake an in-depth literature review of health factors and outcomes; and provide recommendations for increasing health-related capacity through development and collaborations between agencies, organizations, and institutions across countries and/or regions. Global LGBTQ Health: Research, Policy, Practice, and Pathways is primarily intended for students and instructors in public health, medicine, nursing, other health professions, psychology, social work, LGBTQ or gender/sexuality studies, human rights, and the social sciences. The book is also a useful resource for public health researchers and practitioners, policymakers, and healthcare and social service providers.

Global Pandemics and International Law: An Analysis in the Age of Covid-19

by Ilja Pavone

This book reviews the efficacy of Global Health Law, assessing why its legal framework based on the International Health Regulations did not represent a valid tool in the containment of modern global pandemics such as COVID-19. The book provides an introduction to the international legal framework surrounding epidemics and pandemics and the main global governance issues that have been generated by the COVID-19 outbreak. It highlights the main shortcomings of Global Health Law, while also including practical proposals to improve the WHO’s mechanism to prevent and respond to future disease outbreaks, such as the New Pandemic Treaty. Emphasis is placed on what has not worked in the international, regional and national responses to COVID-19. It is argued that the pandemic has shed light on the weaknesses of global and domestic health law. By identifying legal gaps and providing legal arguments, the book contributes to the historical and conceptual foundation as well as the practical development of international law in the new age of COVID-19, with the ultimate goal of stimulating legal reform in this vital new era. The work will be essential reading for academics, researchers and policy-makers working in International Law, Health Law, Environmental Law, Human Rights Law, Biolaw, and the Law of International Organizations.

Goed verplegen: Leerboek ethiek voor verpleegkundigen

by Hans van Dartel Ankana Spekkink

Dit leerboek ethiek helpt verpleegkundigen en verpleegkundigen in opleiding om reflectieve professionals te worden. Met als doel: antwoord te kunnen geven op de vraag wat goed verplegen betekent voor een concrete patiënt in een concrete situatie. Het boek doet dat met inzichten uit de filosofie, praktische vakgerichte kennis over normen en waarden, en handvatten voor methoden voor moreel beraad.Goed verplegen - Leerboek ethiek voor verpleegkundigen is opgebouwd uit drie delen. Het eerste deel behandelt de kernwaarden van verplegen, het tweede de beroepsnormen van de verpleegkunde. Het derde deel bespreekt ethiek en dilemma’s in de dagelijkse praktijk . Het boek beschrijft daarbij ook welke veranderingen in de Nederlandse verpleegkunde van invloed zijn op het denken over goede verpleegkundige zorg. De theorie wordt geïllustreerd met casuïstiek, en het boek staat vol vragen en opdrachten die de lezer helpen om zich de theorie eigen te maken, en om de reflectieve professionaliteit te versterken. In deze herziene versie is het boek door toegevoegde leervragen en opdrachten naast een theoretisch basisboek verpleegethiek ook een praktisch leer- en werkboek geworden. Het herziene boek biedt daarmee goede aanknopingspunten voor het vormgeven van ethiekonderwijs. Ook heeft besluitvorming in de dagelijkse praktijk een meer prominente plaats gekregen door aandacht voor intuïties en emoties en het gebruik van methoden van moreel beraad.Hans van Dartel is ethicus en verpleegkundige. Hij werkte als universitair docent ethiek in Leiden, was jarenlang voorzitter van Commissie Ethiek van V&VN, en is actief betrokken bij het Netwerk Ethiek Ondersteuning Nederland (NEON). Als adviseur en externe ethicus begeleidt hij commissies ethiek en ondersteunt hij bij moreel beraad. Hij publiceerde over ethiekbeleid, moreel beraad, morele vragen in de gehandicaptenzorg, verpleegkundige beroepsethiek en professionaliteit. Ankana Spekkink is ethicus, docent/trainer en heeft als onderzoeker binnen diverse projecten onderzoek gedaan naar goede zorg. Op verschillende manieren zet ze zich in om mensen aan het denken te zetten over zichzelf en de wereld om hen heen. Ze heeft meerdere jaren ervaring in het verzorgen van ethiekonderwijs en het begeleiden van studenten verpleegkunde bij hun professionele en persoonlijke ontwikkeling. 

Goethe als Naturforscher im Urteil der Naturwissenschaft und Medizin des 19. Jahrhunderts: Themen, Texte, Titel

by Dietrich von Engelhardt

Goethe als Naturforscher findet bei deutschen und ausländischen Naturforschern und Medizinern des 19. Jahrhunderts durchgängig Beachtung und führt zu einer Fülle spezifischer Goethe in dieser Hinsicht gewidmeten Studien mit Interpretationen und Beurteilungen – neben wiederholt vorkommenden knapperen Ausführungen oder kurzen Hinweisen in naturwissenschaftlichen und medizinischen Publikationen der Zeit. Übergreifende Veröffentlichungen über Goethe und die Romantik, über seine Stellung in Europa, über seine Beziehungen zu England, Frankreich, Italien, Spanien, den skandinavischen und slavischen Ländern behandeln meist nur seine literarischen und geisteswissenschaftlichen Werke und gehen allenfalls begrenzt auf seine naturwissenschaftlichen Beiträge und ihre Aufnahme in den Naturwissenschaften und Medizin ein. Diese fachspezifische Zurückhaltung gilt auch für Bibliographien der Übersetzungen deutscher Veröffentlichungen des 19. Jahrhunderts in europäische Sprachen; naturwissenschaftliche und medizinische Publikationen kommen in ihnen nicht oder nur sporadisch vor. Der vorliegende Band schließt diese Lücke. Neben einer umfassenden Bibliographie von 260 Titeln von Naturwissenschaftlern und Medizinern über Goethe als Naturforscher steht eine Wiedergabe von 48 entsprechenden nicht nur deutschen, sondern vor allem auch internationalen und oft an entlegenen Orten erschienenen Arbeiten.

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