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Showing 53,601 through 53,625 of 54,690 results

Next Generation Sequencing in Cancer Research, Volume 2

by Wei Wu Hani Choudhry

Latest generation sequencing revolutionizes the fields of cancer research and oncology. This follow-up volume focuses more extensively on single cell sequencing of cancer and trials in drug resistance. Another exciting feature is the bioinformatics tools given, that can be used on cancer genome studies. Scientists around the world are attempting to find the root cause of cancer. A reasonable cancer treatment plan and potential cure is more optimistic now with the unfolding of the cancer genome. The collective knowledge of how to leverage next generation sequencing in cancer research is paving the way. The important information provided in this volume will move the field forward in developing novel targeted cancer therapies.

A Quick Guide to Pediatric Retina

by Wei-Chi Wu Wai-Ching Lam

This book is intended to provide a quick guide to the field of pediatric retina. It has been long accepted that retinal disorders in children differ from those in adults. Although there are plenty of published books on retinal diseases, most of them only cover adult retinal disorders. Therefore, information on pediatric retinal diseases is urgently needed. The book combines comprehensive information with rich illustrations to offer readers an in-depth understanding of the two main themes: retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) and other pediatric vitreoretinal disorders. World-renowned pediatric retina experts share their insights and research findings in areas such as ROP, familiar exudative vitreoretinopathy, Coats disease, retinoblastoma, congenital x-linked retinoschisis and hereditary retinal diseases. Topics concerning modern and future medicine such as tele-screening for ROP, E-learning for ROP, and deep learning for ROP are also included. Designed to help readers understand the contents as quickly as possible, the book includes many useful tips and pearls, as well as easy-to-follow figures. It covers the majority of pediatric retinal diseases and offers essential information on their diagnosis and management. In addition, relevant and up-to-date references are provided for those who want to explore the topics in more depth. As such, the book offers an excellent reference guide to caring for these young patients.

Signal Transduction in Cancer Metastasis

by Wen-Sheng Wu Chi-Tan Hu

The poor prognosis and high mortality for cancer patients are majorly ascribed to tumor metastasis, one of the most complicated pathological processes. Elucidation of molecular mechanisms for metastasis is essential for management and prevention of this lethal condition. In the book to be published, we take comprehensive review in regard with the signal mechanisms responsible for triggering a series of phenotypical changes of primary tumor which may lead to final colonization of the tumor in a second home. Specifically, the initial stage of tumor metastasis will be highlighted. The complex tumor microenvironment accumulate a lot of growth factors, inflammatory cytokines and extracellular matrix which may turn into a group of potent metastatic factors. An integrated and sustained signaling induced by these metastatic factors may trigger EMT, migration and invasion of primary tumor into surround tissue. Blokcade of these signal pathways is the most effective approach for prevention of

Knee Joint Vibroarthrographic Signal Processing and Analysis

by Yunfeng Wu

This book presents the cutting-edge technologies of knee joint vibroarthrographic signal analysis for the screening and detection of knee joint injuries. It describes a number of effective computer-aided methods for analysis of the nonlinear and nonstationary biomedical signals generated by complex physiological mechanics. This book also introduces several popular machine learning and pattern recognition algorithms for biomedical signal classifications. The book is well-suited for all researchers looking to better understand knee joint biomechanics and the advanced technology for vibration arthrometry. Dr. Yunfeng Wu is an Associate Professor at the School of Information Science and Technology, Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fujian, China.

Inherited Neurological Disorders

by Zhi-Ying Wu

This book provides up-to-date information on various inherited neurological disorders, presenting 40 cases of inherited neurological disorders with genetic diagnosis and/or pathological confirming. These disorders include cerebellar ataxia (SCA1, SCA2, SCA3, etc. ), epileptic attacks related disorders (MELAS, MERRF, TSC, etc. ), motor neuron related disorders (ALS, HSP, CMT, etc. ), movement disorders (PD, PKD, DRD, etc. ), ion channel diseases (hypokalemic periodic paralysis, normal potassium periodic paralysis), muscle diseases (DMD, FSHD, LSM, etc. ), and dementia and psychiatric disorders (HD, CADASIL, CARASIL, etc. ). With the format of case study, one type of diseases is discussed on each chapter, basically consisted of 5 sections. Section 1 focuses on the detailed clinical features, physical examination and hematological examination, while Section 2 addresses questions regarding diagnosis and differential diagnosis. Additional information such as imaging material and genetic/pathological results are provided in Section 3, followed by the final diagnosis in Section 4. Section 5 presents a systemic review for each specific disease. The book will benefit clinicians especially neurologists, medical students, researchers and healthcare professionals facing difficult cases, particularly those involving fundamental research and diagnostic methods.

Schistosomiasis Control in China: The successful example of Jiangxi province (Parasitology Research Monographs #11)

by Zhongdao Wu Yiwen Liu Heinz Mehlhorn

This book covers all details for a successful control and elimination strategy against propagation of deadly liver and intestinal flukes of the genus Schistosoma in China. Cancer due to schistosomiasis is still common in subtropical countries and affords hundred thousands of human and animal deaths per year. Expert authors play close attention to the biology and morphologic aspects of Schistosoma species as well as the history and status quo of schistosomiasis epidemiology. In a unique way, the present work illustrates the need to involve strategic measurements, and to control both adult worms and larval parasite stages. With a special focus on Jiangxi Province, the authors present an effective management plan, ranging from intermediate host snail control to diagnostic tools, medical aid, as well as public health education. This approach from China can be used as blueprint in other countries hit by the same worm infections. The contents of this book will thus be meaningful for academics and practitioners in the fields of parasitology, public health, as well as human and veterinary medicine.

Chinese Shamanic Cosmic Orbit Qigong: Esoteric Talismans, Mantras, and Mudras in Healing and Inner Cultivation

by Zhongxian Wu

Chinese Shamanic Cosmic Orbit Qigong is an advanced form of Qigong from one of China's esoteric traditions. Never before written about in the West, this form offers great cumulative benefits from regular daily practice. Master Wu describes the practice in detail, including the meaning and significance of the Chinese names for each movement, with its shamanic roots, and provides the mantra, visualization, and mudra for each as well as explaining the therapeutic benefits and talismanic aspects. The book is fully illustrated, and there is a handy reference quick guide at the end showing the entire orbit. This unique book will be essential reading for advanced students and practitioners of Qigong and anyone interested in Daoism, or the ancient wisdom traditions of China.

Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches - TianGan DiZhi: The Keys to the Sublime

by Zhongxian Wu Karin Taylor Taylor Wu

TianGan (Heavenly Stems) and DiZhi (Earthly Branches), commonly abbreviated to GanZhi, originated in the ancient Chinese cosmological sciences and is a complex calendrical system which was created to codify the patterns of life and of the universe itself. The ten symbols of Gan express the Yin or Yang perspective of Five Elements and embody the Way of Heaven. The 12 symbols of Zhi, made manifest in the 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac, hold the root of each Element and embrace the Way of Earth.This set of study cards beautifully presents the key characteristics of each of the 22 GanZhi symbols, making it a unique learning tool and reference guide. The Chinese character of each Stem or Branch is shown, and for calligraphers and those who want to draw the characters correctly the stroke order is clearly illustrated on separate cards. This accessible learning tool offers essential information on the fundamental building blocks upon which Chinese classical texts, classical Chinese medicine, Fengshui, Chinese astrology, traditional Chinese cosmology, Qigong, Neigong, Taiji, and other inner cultivation practices are built. These cards provide a key starting point for the beginning student and offer invaluable information for the seasoned practitioner to deepen their practice.A companion book (9781848191518), also published by Singing Dragon, is available.

HIV/AIDS in China: Epidemiology, Prevention and Treatment (Public Health In China Ser. #1)

by Zunyou Wu Yu Wang Roger Detels Marc Bulterys Jennifer M. McGoogan

With HIV becoming the leading cause of infectious-disease mortality in Mainland China, this book focuses on tackling HIV/AIDS in the face of rapid political and economic change in China. Featuring contributions by over a dozen leading figures in the field, this book is the go-to text for any student or reader interested in how national and international organizations’ are attempting to control this epidemic. The book includes chapters on the epidemiology, treatment, and prevention of HIV, as well as several chapters that discuss in detail specific provincial- and national-level programs to control and treat HIV. It chronicles the Chinese government’s amazing about-face, as it replaced underfunded, non-evidence based policy decisions with successful, science-based approaches to disease control and prevention, including the adoption of once controversial needle-exchange programs and the establishment of a national HIV/AIDS data registry. It measures the success of national policy decisions, the implementation of treatment policies, and discusses the difficulty of accessing high-risk communities, including people who inject drugs, sex workers, and men who have sex with men – groups not easy to reach, study, engage in prevention programs, or treatment, for fear of stigmatization and loss of social status. Further, it documents the spread of HIV to other provinces, and the tragedy that befell repeat plasma donors in Henan and other poor provinces, where reused or improperly sterilized lab equipment caused some villages to have epidemic-level incidence rates. This book represents a positive contribution to the field of AIDS research, making vital, new information available to an interested readership.

Clinical Small Animal Care: Promoting Patient Health through Preventative Nursing

by Kimm Wuestenberg

Clinical Small Animal Care: Promoting Patient Health through Preventative Nursing is an introduction to the principles of day-to-day veterinary practice, with coverage ranging from the initial assessment, fluid therapy monitoring, and perioperative management to care of animals with specific diseases. The book offers concrete guidance on best practices for promoting patient health in veterinary care, emphasizing specific techniques to prevent complications before they happen. A practical, clinically relevant resource for veterinary technicians, Clinical Small Animal Care provides step-by-step descriptions of the core tasks associated with examining, nursing, and monitoring small animal patients. Taking a hands-on approach to the fundamentals of clinical practice, the book gives specific advice for how to perform tasks associated with patient care. Chapters begin with basic information on topics such as husbandry and nutrition, then move into more specialized information on applied nursing and the care of tubes and catheters. The final section presents information on caring for animals with a variety of conditions organized by body system. Clinical Small Animal Care: Promoting Patient Health through Preventative Nursing offers veterinary technicians and nurses with achievable steps for improving health in their small animal patients.

The Roots of Ayurveda: Selections from Sanskrit Medical Writings

by Dominik Wujastyk

Ayurveda, the ancient art of healing, has been practiced in India for more than two thousand years and survives today as a living medical tradition whose principles are at the heart of many "alternative" therapies now used in the West. This "science of longevity" has parallels with Buddhist thought, and advocates a life of moderation through which the three humors of the body will be brought into balance. The writings selected for this volume are taken from Sanskrit medical texts written by the first Ayurvedic physicians, who lived between the fifth century b. c. and the fourteenth century a. d. Here readers will find wide-ranging and fascinating advice on the benefits of garlic therapy, prayers for protection against malevolent disease deities, surgical techniques, exercise regimens, the treatment of poisons, the interpretation of dreams, and more.

The Addiction Battle: Three Tools to End It Now

by Timothy J Wulff Timothy J. Wulff, M.S.W.

Is every day a challenge as you wage your personal battle against addiction? If you've fallen into the addiction trap, you are not alone. It is estimated that one out of ten Americans is struggling with addiction. Author Timothy Wulff, M.S.W., is an addiction therapist who has spent more than a decade successfully treating individuals addicted to drugs and alcohol. To identify the source of addiction, Wulff focuses on beliefs about one's self that develop early in life and that eventually obscure the strong and positive true self, increasing susceptibility to addiction. In The Addiction Battle, Wulff will help you discover where your greatest strengths are buried and teach you how to use their hidden power to overcome addiction. Wulff will teach you how to redefine the terms anger, selfishness, and troublemaking, and make them key tools in shaping your actions from a new healthy perspective:•• Anger—It's a powerful emotion that can be used constructively to protect yourself.•• Selfishness—Healthy selfishness is good self-care. Without it, addiction continues.•• Troublemaking—the opposite of pleasing others, troublemaking helps you stand up for your own feelings, needs, and desires.Learning to use these tools, which are already part of you, will enable you to reclaim these inner strengths. Through the book's practical and sensitive pages, Wulff gives you a way to begin your life anew and triumph over addiction.

Digital Health Entrepreneurship (Health Informatics)

by Sharon Wulfovich Arlen Meyers

This book presents a hands on approach to the digital health innovation and entrepreneurship roadmap for digital health entrepreneurs and medical professionals who are dissatisfied with the existing literature on or are contemplating getting involved in digital health entrepreneurship. Topics covered include regulatory affairs featuring detailed guidance on the legal environment, protecting digital health intellectual property in software, hardware and business processes, financing a digital health start up, cybersecurity best practice, and digital health business model testing for desirability, feasibility, and viability.Digital Health Entrepreneurship is directed to clinicians and other digital health entrepreneurs and stresses an interdisciplinary approach to product development, deployment, dissemination and implementation. It therefore provides an ideal resource for medical professionals across a broad range of disciplines seeking a greater understanding of digital health innovation and entrepreneurship.

Psychiatry and Heart Disease

by Lawson Wulsin Divy Ravindranath Michelle Riba Melvyn Rubenfire

This unique book will help psychiatrists to understand better the risks of cardiovascular illness and cardiologists to appreciate possible pathophysiological links with psychiatric conditions. It describes the common psychiatric conditions, their key features and how they may influence cardiovascular disease, outcomes, and quality of life. It also considers the cardiovascular complications that may arise as a result of mental illness. In an exciting, collaborative approach, psychiatrists and cardiologists combine their expertise throughout the book to provide guidance on the best way to manage such patients, considering the patient as a whole, not the individual conditions.

Handboek spoedeisende geneeskunde

by Th. W. Wulterkens R.A.M. Verbeek R.G. van Kesteren

In Handboek spoedeisende geneeskunde wordt de ABCDE-systematiek van de spoedeisende geneeskunde nader uitgewerkt. Als enige in zijn soort biedt deze uitgave een uiteenzetting van alle aspecten per letter. Dat het boek niet alleen de ABCDE-systematiek bespreekt, maar ook in de volgorde ABCDE, is wat het boek zo uniek maakt.

Genetic Engineering: Reading, Writing and Editing Genes (essentials)

by Röbbe Wünschiers

This essential should serve as an introduction for a contemporary public discussion on genetic engineering. Genetic engineering affects us all in many areas and we must dare to think more colorful and further. In fact, the complete genetic material of viruses and bacteria can already be chemically produced and "brought to life". With genetic surgery, medicine is at a crossroads: do we want to treat hereditary diseases or "repair" them genetically? And the analysis of thousands of human genetic material reveals information that is related to complex diseases, but also to characteristics such as intelligence. How should we use this knowledge? The question is hardly whether we want genetic engineering, but rather how we use it.This Springer essential is a translation of the original German 1st edition essentials, Gentechnik by Röbbe Wünschiers, published by The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH, part of Springer Nature in 2019. The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence (machine translation by the service A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content, so that the book will read stylistically differently from a conventional translation. Springer Nature works continuously to further the development of tools for the production of books and on the related technologies to support the authors.

Gentechnik: Gene lesen, schreiben und editieren (essentials)

by Röbbe Wünschiers

Dieses essential soll als Einführung für eine zeitgemäße öffentliche Diskussion zur Gentechnologie dienen. Die Gentechnik betrifft uns alle in vielen Bereichen und wir müssen uns trauen, bunter und weiter zu denken. Tatsächlich kann bereits das komplette Erbgut von Viren und Bakterien chemisch erzeugt und „zum Leben erweckt“ werden. Mit der Genchirurgie ist die Medizin an einem Scheidepunkt: Wollen wir Erbkrankheiten therapieren oder genetisch „reparieren“? Und die Analyse tausender menschlicher Erbgute fördert Informationen zutage, die mit komplexen Krankheiten, aber auch Merkmalen wie Intelligenz in Verbindung stehen. Wie sollen wir dieses Wissen nutzen? Es stellt sich kaum noch die Frage, ob wir Gentechnik wollen, sondern vielmehr, wie wir sie anwenden.

Wiley-Schnellkurs Bioinformatik für Anwender (Wiley Schnellkurs)

by Röbbe Wünschiers

Die digitale Datenverarbeitung wird auch für Lebenswissenschaftler immer wichtiger. Hier setzt dieser Schnellkurs an. Röbbe Wünschiers erklärt Ihnen, wie Sie mit Sequenz-, Struktur- und anderen Daten umgehen sollten. Er erläutert, wie Sie Linux als virtuelle Maschine installieren und wie Ihnen Linuxtools wie Sed oder die einfache Programmiersprache AWK bei der Datenanalyse helfen können. Außerdem führt er Sie knapp in weitere Bereiche ein, die Ihnen das digitale Leben erleichtern können: das Datenbanksystem MariaDB/MySQL, die Programmierumgebung R für statistisches Rechnen und Datenvisualisierung, die Textsatzsprache LaTeX und einiges mehr. Ausgearbeitete Beispiele aus den Lebenswissenschaften und Übungsaufgaben samt Lösungen helfen Ihnen Ihr Wissen zu festigen und zu überprüfen. Auf der Webseite finden sich alle Daten und Abbildungen zum Download.

Get Through DRCOG: SBAs, EMQs and McQs (Get Through Ser.)

by Rekha Wuntakal Madhavi Kalidindi

The book provides advice on how to prepare for the examination and how questions should be approached to obtain the highest marks. With more than 350 questions, preparation tips and extensive answer explanations, it is the definitive resource for those attempting the DRCOG. The book is comprehensive and authoritative: written by an experienced author and overseen by a well-respected expert in the field. It is the essential revision guide for those preparing for this examination.

Get Through MRCOG Part 2: SBAs (Get Through)

by Rekha Wuntakal Madhavi Kalidindi Tony Hollingworth

Get Through MRCOG Part 2: SBAs provides 3 exams' worth of questions mapped to the RCOG syllabus in the newly introduced SBA style. With detailed explanations and relevant references to guidelines, this is the definitive resource for those taking the MRCOG Part 2 examination.

From Electrons to Elephants and Elections: Exploring the Role of Content and Context (The Frontiers Collection)

by Shyam Wuppuluri Ian Stewart

This highly interdisciplinary book, covering more than six fields, from philosophy and sciences all the way up to the humanities and with contributions from eminent authors, addresses the interplay between content and context, reductionism and holism and their meeting point: the notion of emergence. Much of today’s science is reductionist (bottom-up); in other words, behaviour on one level is explained by reducing it to components on a lower level. Chemistry is reduced to atoms, ecosystems are explained in terms of DNA and proteins, etc. This approach fails quickly since we can’t cannot extrapolate to the properties of atoms solely from Schrödinger's equation, nor figure out protein folding from an amino acid sequence or obtain the phenotype of an organism from its genotype. An alternative approach to this is holism (top-down). Consider an ecosystem or an organism as a whole: seek patterns on the same scale. Model a galaxy not as 400 billion-point masses (stars) but as an object in its own right with its own properties (spiral, elliptic). Or a hurricane as a structured form of moist air and water vapour. Reductionism is largely about content, whereas holistic models are more attuned to context. Reductionism (content) and holism (context) are not opposing philosophies — in fact, they work best in tandem. Join us on a journey to understand the multifaceted dialectic concerning this duo and how they shape the foundations of sciences and humanities, our thoughts and, the very nature of reality itself.


by Wolfgang Würfel

Das Buch beschreibt die immunologischen Regulationsmechanismen, angefangen von der Implantation bis hin zur Schwangerschaft in Theorie und Praxis und gibt einen Ausblick zur Immunonkologie. Bisher hat sich die Reproduktionsmedizin stark auf die Herbeiführung der extrakorporalen Fertilisation fokussiert, doch werden Einnistungsprobleme immer evidenter.Expertinnen und Experten auf diesem Gebiet der Reproduktionsmedizin beantworten umfassend Fragen zu Implantationsproblemen, rezidivierenden Aborten, Schwangerschaftskomplikationen und Autoimmunerkrankungen auf der Basis von immunologischen Fehlregulationen.Kennen Sie die wichtigsten Grundlagen zu immunologischen Regulationsmechanismen bei Implantation und Schwangerschaft und deren Auswirkungen auf das immunologische Milieu, dann behandeln Sie Ihre Patientinnen optimal. Das Buch richtet sich an Reproduktionsmediziner, Pränatalmediziner, Geburtshelfer sowie interessierte Onkologen.

Sex in Cetaceans: Morphology, Behavior, and the Evolution of Sexual Strategies

by Bernd Würsig Dara N. Orbach

Sex in Cetaceans provides an up-to-date review of multi-faceted aspects related to mating and reproduction in toothed and baleen whales. This open access book begins with discussions of sexual selection and anatomical traits related to mating and diversity between the sexes. The functions of non-conceptive copulations are reviewed as are different research techniques applied to explore sex in cetaceans. Authors and editors build knowledge of female and male social, mating, and parental strategies and tactics for several specific toothed dolphin/porpoise/whale species and baleen whale species. It concludes with a discussion of potential conservation efforts and ways to help especially beleaguered species and populations the world over. The volume is intended as a major primer of cetacean sex for undergraduate and graduate students, new and established researchers in the field, and the public wishing to learn more.

The Serotonin Power Diet

by Judith J. Wurtman Nina Frusztajer

Food plan with various stages to it. Its intent is to keep serotonin levels in the body high. Contains recipes.

Endokrinologie und Osteologie in der Hausarztpraxis: Leitfaden für die tägliche Patienten-Versorgung

by Christian Wüster

Klinik, Diagnostik, Therapie. Das Buch erfasst alle Erkrankungen der Endokrinologie, die in der Arztpraxis klinisch relevant sind: Erkrankungen der Schilddrüse, Nebenschilddrüsen, Hypophyse, Nebennieren, Gonaden, Pankreas und Diabetes mellitus. Auch alle Erkrankungen der Osteologie werden thematisiert, insbesondere die Osteoporosen, aber auch seltene Osteopathien wie den M. Paget, Phosphatdiabetes oder HPP sowie eine Übersicht zu Knochentumoren. Differentialdiagnostische Überlegungen bei endokrinologischen und osteologischen Symptomen: Alopecien, Müdigkeitssyndrome, Übergewicht, Frakturen. Praktisches Vorgehen bei transidenten Patienten oder bei Patienten mit Kinderwunsch. Mit Algorithmen und Praxistipps. Alles, was häufig und wichtig ist. Für Internisten, Allgemeinmediziner, Gynäkologen, Urologen, Orthopäden, Rheumatologen, Pädiater aber auch Studenten, erfahrene MFAs oder Physiotherapeuten das Praxis-Wissen für die tägliche Versorgung Ihrer Patienten.

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Showing 53,601 through 53,625 of 54,690 results