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Showing 53,751 through 53,775 of 55,557 results

Die Intensivmedizin (Springer Reference Medizin)

by Gernot Marx Elke Muhl Kai Zacharowski Stefan Zeuzem

Der Klassiker der Intensivmedizin in 13. Auflage!In diesem großen Standardwerk für die Intensivmedizin finden Sie alle Themen der modernen, interdisziplinären Intensivmedizin zusammengetragen. Es bietet höchsten Standard für die ärztliche Weiterbildung und ist gleichzeitig ein wertvolles Nachschlagewerk im klinischen Alltag für Ärztinnen und Ärzte auf Intensivstationen aller Fachrichtungen, u.a. aus Anästhesiologie, Innere Medizin, Chirurgie und Neurologie. Dargestellt werden u.a. moderne Diagnostik, Monitoring - und Therapieverfahren, intensivmedizinisch relevante Krankheitsbilder und Notfälle, Intensivtherapie nach neurochirurgischen, herzchirurgischen, thoraxchirurgischen und abdominalchirurgischen Eingriffen sowie ethische, psychosoziale und pflegerische Aspekte. Weitere Themen sind: Teleintensivmedizin, Weiterbildung und Kompetenzvermittlung in der Intensivmedizin, Langzeitfolgen nach Intensivtherapie, Akut- und Frührehabilitation, Palliativmedizin in der Intensivmedizin, Risikomanagement und Fehlerkultur. Die 13. Auflage erscheint komplett überarbeitet und aktualisiert.

Die neue Neurootologie: Ein umfassender klinischer Leitfaden

by Sergio Carmona Guillermo Zalazar Pedro Luiz Albernaz Francisco Zuma e Maia Renato Valério Cal

Die Neurotologie ist ein Teilgebiet der Medizin, das sich mit der Diagnose und Behandlung neurologischer Erkrankungen des Innenohrs und der damit verbundenen Strukturen befasst. In jüngster Zeit wurden zahlreiche Fortschritte in der Neurotologie erzielt, die in Fachzeitschriften für Allgemeinmedizin, HNO-Heilkunde und Neurologie veröffentlicht wurden. Dieses umfassende Buch fasst diese Informationen zusammen, um ein vollständigeres Bild vom Stand des Fachgebiets zu vermitteln, und bezieht die eigenen klinischen Erfahrungen der Autoren ein. In letzter Zeit hat das Interesse an der Neurotologie deutlich zugenommen, was sich in den klinischen Erfahrungen und den Forschungsarbeiten und Veröffentlichungen von HNO-Ärzten, Neurologen, Neuro-Ophtalmologen, Audiologen und Physiotherapeuten zeigt. Es handelt sich also um ein Werk auf dem neuesten Stand der Technik, das alle aktuellen neurophysiologischen Daten über das vestibuläre System enthält.Man schätzt, dass 10 % der Patienten, die sich in einer Notfallklinik vorstellen, vestibuläre Störungen, einschließlich Schwindel, haben, und diese Störungen sind häufig eine Ursache für Stürze bei älteren Patienten. Andererseits behandeln viele Ärzte ihre Schwindelpatienten mit Vestibularisblockern, die zwar die Symptome behandeln, aber die Störungen nicht heilen. Wir halten es für wichtig, eine Informationsquelle zum Gleichgewichtssystem und zu Gleichgewichtsstörungen bereitzustellen, und dieser Titel wird dies auf umfassende Weise tun. Dieser Titel ist ein ideales Nachschlagewerk für HNO-Ärzte, Neurologen, Neuroophtalmologen, Audiologen und Physiotherapeuten für die Diagnose und Behandlung von Gleichgewichtsstörungen.

Die Praxis-Website: Ein Einstieg für Mediziner und Therapeuten

by Jörg Naumann

In der digitalen Welt ist eine Website für Praxen unverzichtbar geworden. Aber wie gestalten Sie Ihren Online-Auftritt so, dass er gleichzeitig die Bedürfnisse Ihrer Patienten erfüllt und Sie mit ihm die Ziele Ihrer Praxis erreichen? Der Leitfaden „Die Praxis-Website: Eine Einführung für Mediziner und Therapeuten“ führt Sie ein in die Kunst des patientenzentrierten Webdesigns. Zahnarzt und Webdesigner Dr. Jörg Naumann begleitet Sie durch alle wichtigen Schritte von der inhaltlichen Konzeption über Fragen des passenden Designs bis zur Lesbarkeit und Verständlichkeit Ihrer Texte. Für Websites aus dem medizinischen und therapeutischen Bereich ist Barrierefreiheit wichtig. Besonderes Augenmerk liegt in diesem Ratgeber daher auf Maßnahmen, mit denen Sie Ihren Online-Auftritt für alle zugänglich machen.

Die Prodromalphase der Parkinson-Krankheit: Chancen und Risiken der frühen Diagnosestellung (essentials)

by Eva Schäffer

Dieses essential klärt darüber auf, wie von der Parkinson-Krankheit Betroffene bereits vor der klinischen Diagnose, in der Prodromalphase, identifiziert werden können und welche ethischen Aspekte dabei zu beachten sind. Bereits vor Manifestation der typischen motorischen Kardinalsymptome breitet sich die α-Synucleinopathie schon einige Jahre im Körper aus und eine Reihe von Symptomen kann auftreten, insbesondere die isolierte REM-Schlaf-Verhaltensstörung. Das Buch für Neurologen in Weiterbildung, Klinik und Praxis beschreibt die jüngsten Fortschritte insbesondere auf dem Gebiet der Biomarker und zeigt die besondere Relevanz eines frühzeitigen individuellen symptomatischen Therapieangebots sowie die Bedeutung präventiver nicht-medikamentöser Maßnahmen auf.

Die Welt im Wandel: Gesellschaft – Gesundheit – Pflege

by Verena Breitbach

Die Welt befindet sich in einem rasanten Wandel. Multiple Krisen wie Klimawandel, Pandemie, Ukraine-Krieg, Energiekrise, Inflation und Nahostkonflikt überlagern sich, Megatrends, wie die rasch fortschreitende Digitalisierung und Themen rund um die Gesundheit, manifestieren sich. Wir befinden uns in einer „Zeitenwende“.Was dies alles für gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen, Gesundheitsfragen und eine Pflege der Zukunft bedeuten kann, beleuchten Autor*innen verschiedener Disziplinen, analysieren Fragen unserer Zeit und diskutieren Lösungsansätze.Welche Rolle spielen Medien bei der Erschaffung einer „Wirklichkeit“ und was braucht es, um das Vertrauen der Rezipienten in Medien und ihre Macher wieder zurückzuerlangen? Kritische Analysen und konstruktive Beispiele aus multiperspektivischer Sicht für Wissenschaftler*innen und Berufspraktiker*innen.

Die Wissenschaft vom Leben nach dem Tod

by Alexander Moreira-Almeida Marianna de Costa Humberto Schubert Coelho

Dieses Buch untersucht die besten verfügbaren empirischen Beweise für eine der schwierigsten und allgegenwärtigsten Fragen in allen Zeitaltern, Kulturen und Religionen: das Überleben des menschlichen Bewusstseins nach dem Tod. Es beginnt mit einem kontextuellen Überblick über den Glauben an ein persönliches Überleben und widerlegt fehlgeleitete historische und erkenntnistheoretische Argumente gegen die Vorstellung eines Überlebens nach dem Tod (z. B. irrational, rein religiös, wissenschaftlich unmöglich, von der Neurowissenschaft als falsch erwiesen). Das Buch gibt einen Überblick über die wissenschaftlichen Beweise für das Fortleben des menschlichen Bewusstseins nach dem Tod und konzentriert sich dabei auf Studien über Medialität, Nahtoderfahrungen, außerkörperliche Erfahrungen und Reinkarnation.Zu den behandelten Themen gehören:Der Glaube an ein Leben nach dem Tod in der heutigen Welt sowie in der Geschichte der Religionen und der Philosophie.Die wichtigsten fehlgeleiteten Argumente und Vorurteile gegen die wissenschaftliche Erforschung des Überlebens nach dem Tod.Was sind empirische Beweise für ein Überleben nach dem Tod?Die wichtigsten alternativen Erklärungshypothesen für das Überleben nach dem Tod.Die wichtigsten kulturellen Hindernisse für eine faire Untersuchung der verfügbaren Beweise für das Weiterleben des Bewusstseins nach dem Tod.Science of Life After Death ist ein unverzichtbares Hilfsmittel für Forscher, Professoren und Doktoranden sowie für Kliniker, Therapeuten und andere Fachleute in den Bereichen Entwicklungs- und klinische Psychologie, Spiritualität, Religions- und Bewusstseinsforschung, Psychiatrie, Neurowissenschaft/Neurologie, Phänomenologie/Philosophie, Komplementär- und Alternativmedizin und allen damit verbundenen Disziplinen.

Diet Culture and Counterculture: Self and Society in the Anti-Diet Movement

by Natalie Jovanovski

This book is the first of its kind to explore how women challenge the powerful sociocultural and gendered phenomenon of diet culture across the broad anti-diet movement and beyond. Showcasing the voices of over 150 everyday women, activists, and health professionals across Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom, the author provides new insight into anti-diet practices while giving agency for women who remain main targets of diet culture. Using Pierre Bourdieu’s concept of habitus as a novel starting point to develop a concept of the diet habitus, the author explores the possibility of a fragmented but unified diet counterculture. Drawing on feminist perspectives from women’s and fat liberation movements, the author demonstrates that women’s anti-diet practices are grounded in a combination of self and society; one that has the power to significantly re-shape the broad landscape of food and eating for women. This international book appeals to scholars, students, activists and health professionals interested in the intersections of the sociology of the body, fat studies, sociology of food and nutrition, social movements, health sociology, and women's studies.

Difference, Sameness and DNA: Investigations in Critical Art and Science (Palgrave BioArt)

by Paul Vanouse

This book chronicles over two decades of critical, artistic investigations by Paul Vanouse. His bio-media artwork utilizes the tools of the life sciences reflexively, to challenge tropes and cultural politics surrounding DNA, biotechnology, and life itself. DNA has been called a “Truth Machine”, “God’s Blueprint”, the “Code of Codes” and the “Book of Life”. Vanouse’s work explores questions at the heart of such evocative metaphor and hyperbole: how does DNA link us together, how does it differentiate us and how are the grand metaphors, which grant DNA complete centrality, misconstruing the complexity of life. Furthermore, how do technologies of genetic typing and identification fit within a broader cultural and political history of difference making, particularly the construction of race. Melding critical theory, artist’s manifesto, participatory observation and histories of the sciences, this book offers insight into both an artistic practice and the bio-techno-sciences it interrogates.

Differential Diagnoses in Surgical Pathology: Non-Neoplastic Dermatopathology

by Deborah Cook

Offering expert, practical guidance through the decision-making process, Differential Diagnoses in Surgical Pathology: Non-Neoplastic Dermatopathology, by Dr. Deborah L. Cook, helps you systematically solve tough diagnostic challenges in skin pathology and arrive at a correct diagnosis between commonly confused entities. In this all-new title, lesions are presented side by side for easy comparison, with clinical and pathological findings in short outline format followed by several full-color images. In addition to illustrating and discussing the classical features of these entities, the author emphasizes atypical features that can complicate diagnoses.

Digenetic Trematodes (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology #1454)

by Rafael Toledo Bernard Fried

Although digenetic trematodes have been largely neglected, they constitute a major group of helminths that parasitize human and animals causing significant morbidity and mortality. This is of special importance today, since the geographical limits and the populations at risk, traditionally limited to developing or low-income countries, are currently expanding and changing in relation to factors such as growing international markets, improved transportation systems, and demographic changes. This has led to a growing international interest in trematode infections, although factors such as the difficulties entailed in the diagnosis, the complexity of human and agricultural practices, the lack of assessments of economic costs, or the limited number of effective drugs are preventing the development of control measures of these diseases in humans and livestock. In-depth studies are needed to clarify the current epidemiology of these helminth infections and to identify new and specific targets for both effective diagnosis and treatments. The main goal of the third edition of this book is to present the major trematodes and their corresponding diseases in the framework of modern parasitology, considering matters such as the application of novel techniques and analysis of data in the context of host-parasite interactions and also with the resident microbiota, showing the application of modern techniques and concepts to the studies on digenetic trematodes. This is an ideal book for parasitologists, microbiologists, zoologists, immunologists, public health professionals, clinicians and graduate and post-graduate students.

Digital Dentistry: An Overview and Future Prospects

by Kaan Orhan Antigoni Delantoni

This book focuses on recent technological advances in digital dentistry. It provides information on digital aspects in all dental fields including digital caries detection systems, digital color matching, and digital applications in periodontology, surgical implant placement, oral histopathology and pediatric dentistry. Training in emerging and new digital techniques is inevitable in the dental profession. This book contains detailed digital procedures, their basics and their applications. It is divided into three parts: Basic Digital Systems in Dentistry, Novelties and Advances in Digital Dentistry, The Future of Digital Dentistry and Applications. Readers will learn about Artificial Intelligence in dentistry, tissue engineering applications and dental education tools in digital dentistry. The book is a must have for all dental practitioners who would like to deepen their knowledge and understanding of digital systems in dentistry.

Digital Health: A Primer (Analytics and AI for Healthcare)

by Nilmini Wickramasinghe

Healthcare systems globally are grappling with how best to implement effective and efficient patient-centred care while simultaneously trying to contain runaway costs and provide high quality. This book explores the essential enabling role of digital health, taking a socio-technical perspective and looking at the key facets of technology, people and process in turn.This book examines the opportunities of key digital health components, demystifying digital health and demonstrating how to use its key precepts effectively. The book presents evidence and anecdotes from stakeholders around the world, demonstrating the global relevance and the ability of digital health to uplift and upskill care delivery as it is applied commercially. Bridging academic theory and practice, this is a functional and accessible text for all digital health stakeholders.The text introduces critical issues and is suitable reading for students, practitioners and researchers in digital health and all healthcare-related domains.

Digital Health and Wireless Solutions: First Nordic Conference​, NCDHWS 2024, Oulu, Finland, May 7–8, 2024, Proceedings, Part II (Communications in Computer and Information Science #2084)

by Daljeet Singh Miia Jansson Mariella Särestöniemi Pantea Keikhosrokiani Erkki Harjula Aleksei Tiulpin Minna Isomursu Mark Van Gils Simo Saarakkala Jarmo Reponen

This two-volume set constitutes the refereed proceedings of the First Nordic Conference on , Digital Health and Wireless Solutions, NCDHWS 2024, held in Oulu, Finland, during May 7–8, 2024. The 51 full papers included in this book together with 7 short papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 100 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows: Part I: Remote Care and Health Connectivity Architectures in 6G Era.- User Experience and Citizen Data.- Digitalization in Health Education.- Digital Health Innovations.- Digital Care Pathways. Part II: Clinical Decision Support and Medical AI.- Digital Care Pathways.- Novel Sensors and Bioinformatics.- Health Technology Assessment and Impact Evaluation.- Wireless Technologies and Medical Devices. This book is open access.

Digital Health and Wireless Solutions: First Nordic Conference​, NCDHWS 2024, Oulu, Finland, May 7–8, 2024, Proceedings, Part I (Communications in Computer and Information Science #2083)

by Daljeet Singh Miia Jansson Mariella Särestöniemi Pantea Keikhosrokiani Erkki Harjula Aleksei Tiulpin Minna Isomursu Mark Van Gils Simo Saarakkala Jarmo Reponen

This two-volume set constitutes the refereed proceedings of the First Nordic Conference on , Digital Health and Wireless Solutions, NCDHWS 2024, held in Oulu, Finland, during May 7–8, 2024. The 51 full papers included in this book together with 7 short papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 100 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows: Part I: Remote Care and Health Connectivity Architectures in 6G Era.- User Experience and Citizen Data.- Digitalization in Health Education.- Digital Health Innovations.- Digital Care Pathways. Part II: Clinical Decision Support and Medical AI.- Digital Care Pathways.- Novel Sensors and Bioinformatics.- Health Technology Assessment and Impact Evaluation.- Wireless Technologies and Medical Devices. This book is open access.

Digital Media as Ambient Therapy: The Ecological Self between Resonance and Alienation (Routledge Studies in New Media and Cyberculture)

by Francis Russell

Digital Media as Ambient Therapy explores the ways “mental illness” can emerge from our relationships (with ourselves, others, and the world), to address the concern around what kind of relationality is conducive for “mental health” and what role digital technologies can play in fostering such relationality.Exploring the rise of ambient—that is to say, ubiquitous, surrounding, and environmental—technologies and their impact on our understanding of “mental health,” sanity, and therapy, this book critically examines the work of influential contemporary social theorists such as Hartmut Rosa and investigates case studies that reveal new modes of digitally mediated intimacy and attention, such as ASMR and QAnon. It also poses the question of what “mental health” and “mental illness” mean for subjects increasingly faced with a maddening sense of interconnectedness.This book offers new perspectives for academics and postgraduates interested in critical discussions of alienation, digital technology, and contemporary social theory.

Digital Platforms and Transformation of Healthcare Organizations: Integrating Digital Platforms with Advanced IT Systems and Work Transformation

by Rajiv Kapur

COVID-19 accelerated healthcare’s transition towards digital technology since it helped expand the capacity of healthcare organizations (HCOs) through extended patient access and isolation. In addition to HCOs, this transition was adopted by other participants in the healthcare ecosystem, such as independent digital health platform (DHP) vendors, self-insured employers, drug chains/pharmacy benefit managers, and insurance companies. It was not long before independent DHPs, payers, and self-insured employers realized the value of digital technology, so they increased their commitment towards this transition. The goal of this book is to help HCOs understand, prepare, implement, and leverage digital transformation. The book opines that, to be successful, digital transformation must be led and supported by senior management. Equally important is the cultural transformation of HCOs towards successful change management, which requires an evolutionary approach to continuous process improvements of increasing scope and complexity. Next, HCOs must generate a comprehensive digital transformation roadmap that aligns with their strategic plan for enhancing clinical and related capabilities while improving patient engagement. To accomplish their digital transformation, HCO management and key stakeholders must comprehend and meet prerequisite requirements for: digital health platforms, advanced information technology, and work transformation methodologies. DHPs, and associated hardware and software complements, form the foundation of digital health technologies prevalent in modern-day healthcare and have gained increasing importance since COVID-19. Advanced information technology includes concepts vital to healthcare transformation such as EHRs, interoperability, big data, artificial intelligence, natural language processing, data security, and privacy. Lastly, work transformation methodologies address work redesign that incorporates different levels of process improvements and phases of digital transformation, lean/six sigma, agile methodologies, and human factors engineering to ensure well-designed interfaces for care providers and patients. The overarching goal of this book is to provide a roadmap for US healthcare towards an organized digital transformation which will lead to improved outcomes, reduced costs, and improved patient satisfaction.

Digital Transformation in Healthcare: An Ecosystem Approach

by Panos Constantinides

In an era of digital transformation within healthcare management, this important book outlines an ecosystem perspective to illustrate how a range of actors can use digital technologies to offer better value within the provision of healthcare services. From mobile applications to point-of-care diagnostic devices, from AI-enabled applications for data analysis to cloud models for service delivery and blockchain infrastructures, it provides a roadmap for how healthcare organizations can leverage these digital technologies. The book is also illustrated with case studies from different areas, including software for medical diagnostics, blockchain infrastructures for use in pharmaceutical supply chains and clinical trials, and federated learning platforms for genomics. Covering key issues such as patients’ rights to data and written in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, the book will be essential reading for researchers, postgraduate students, and professionals interested in how technology can support and enable healthcare service provision.

The Digital Transformation of the Healthcare System: Healthcare 5.0

by Katarzyna Kolasa

This book examines how the digital revolution has reorganized the model of healthcare during the COVID-19 pandemic and argues for a continued paradigm shift to digital healthcare. Katarzyna Kolasa sets the vision of healthcare 5.0 that relieves the burden on limited healthcare resources and creates better health outcomes by switching the focus from treatment to prediction and prevention. She advocates for a patient-centric ecosystem that empowers patients to take control of their health via new knowledge-based technologies such as next-generation sequencing (NGS), nanotechnology, artificial intelligence and digital therapeutics. Highlighting the mindset shift needed to transform healthcare and outlining in detail a futuristic vision of healthcare 5.0, this book will be of interest to academics and professionals of health policy, health economics and digital health.

Digitale Innovationen in der Pflege

by Walter Swoboda Nadine Seifert

Technische Unterstützung für kompetente Fürsorge und Pflege!Dieses Buch zeigt den aktuellen Stand digitaler Innovation in der Pflege und richtet sich an diejenigen, die sich mit ihr auseinandersetzten und die Entwicklung vorantreiben. Prozessmanagement und Prozessoptimierung werden durch digitale Systeme vereinfacht, zusätzlich können technische Lösungen Pflegefachpersonen entlasten. Das ist wichtig, um Ressourcen zu erhalten und Personal richtig einzusetzen. Ziel ist es, die Attraktivität des Pflegeberufs zu erhöhen und gleichzeitig eine hohe Qualität der Pflege sicherzustellen.Welche Angebote und Erfahrungen wurden bisher gemacht und wie werden Produkte erfolgreich eingeführt? Warum sind valide Daten Grundlage einer guten Pflege? Welche ethischen Anforderungen sind zu erfüllen? Zu diesen relevanten und sensiblen Themen bieten die Autoren wissenschaftliche fundiertes und praxisnahes Wissen.

Digitalisierung in der Physiotherapie

by Beate Kranz-Opgen-Rhein

In diesem Praxisbuch finden Sie die notwendigen Informationen rund um das Thema Digitalisierung in der Physiotherapie. Wie kann die ePA meinen Praxisalltag erleichtern? Welche Datenschutzrichtlinien muss ich bei der Videotherapie beachten? Wer übernimmt die Kosten für die Online-Beratung ohne Rezept? Die Experten liefern Ihnen die Antworten!Aus dem Inhalt:Chancen, Grenzen und Gefahren der Digitalisierung in der PhysiotherapieDigitale PraxisorganisationDigitale Therapieangebote wie z. B. Physiocoaching und VideotherapieRechtliche Rahmenbedingungen, Datenschutz und MarketingPlus: Videos via MoreMedia-App veranschaulichen die Umsetzung in die Praxis optimal!Erweitern Sie Ihre Praxis um zeitgemäße Therapieangebote und profitieren Sie von den Vorteilen der Digitalisierung!

Digitalization and Innovation in Health: European and US Perspectives

by Weresa Anna Marzenna Christina Ciecierski Lidia Filus

Providing a comparison between context in Europe and the US, this volume investigates the digital transformation of health systems, comparing strategies for digital development while identifying both key innovations and future challenges.The book covers a wide spectrum of topics, from explaining the nature of individual innovations to an analysis of demand-side and supply-side barriers, including funding issues and technological access. It also explores where digitalization is already playing an important role, for example, in clinical trials and disease modeling.Concluding with guidance for policy recommendations, this important book will interest students, scholars, and practitioners across health and social care, medicine, and beyond.

Dimensions of Intelligent Analytics for Smart Digital Health Solutions (Analytics and AI for Healthcare)

by Nilmini Wickramasinghe Freimut Bodendorf Mathias Kraus

This title demystifies artificial intelligence (AI) and analytics, upskilling individuals (healthcare professionals, hospital managers, consultants, researchers, students, and the population at large) around analytics and AI as it applies to healthcare. This book shows how the tools, techniques, technologies, and tactics around analytics and AI can be best leveraged and utilised to realise a healthcare value proposition of better quality, better access and high value for everyone every day, everywhere. The book presents a triumvirate approach including technical, business and medical aspects of data and analytics and by so doing takes a responsible approach to this key area. This work serves to introduce the critical issues in AI and analytics for healthcare to students, practitioners, and researchers.

Direct Restorations: Clinical Steps for Working Protocols

by Marius Bud

This book is a practical guide to direct restorative treatments, offering multiple examples of alternative techniques for the quick and predictable resolution of cases. It gives an overview of all stages of patient management including technical support, ergonomics, working technique, and workflow of the treatment stages. Up-to-date guidance is provided on tools, materials, diagnosis, and planning protocols as well as on pre-restorative procedures. Layering and morphology modelling techniques of the anterior and posterior teeth are covered in detail and methods for direct proximal wall restoration are explained. Readers will find guidance on restorative techniques for cervical lesions, injection moulding, occlusal adaptation, and the management of failures. The book is a valuable companion explaining all the stages needed to achieving good, predictable, and long-term prognostic results in an efficient manner with respect to clinical principles proven and validated by academic studies.

Disability Practice: Safeguarding Quality Service Delivery

by Christine Bigby Alan Hough

This open access book critically engages with the social, political and ethical implications of support for people with disability to be fully included in society. The authors examine contemporary issues of quality and safeguarding in disability services, translating research and practice wisdom into foundational knowledge. Written by leading researchers, the book provides a comprehensive overview of knowledge and practice necessary to prepare readers to deliver enabling support.

Disability, Sexuality, and Gender in Asia: Intersectionality, Human Rights, and the Law

by Wanhong Zhang, Elisabeth Perioli Bjørnstøl, Peng Ding, Wei Gao, Hanxu Liu and Yijun Liu

This book introduces experiential knowledge of the intersectionality of disability, sexuality, and gender equality issues. Scholars and disabled persons’ organizations in different Asian countries such as China, Vietnam, Myanmar, Nepal, and Japan have contributed to the book. It is a preliminary introduction of the frontline practice of Asian disability activism and the experience of women and LGBTIQ people with disabilities. It presents the direct participation of disability advocates in mapping how both women with disabilities and LGBTIQ individuals with disabilities realize their rights such as identity, work rights, personal safety, and sexual rights. Studies presented here explore the experience of empowering diverse disability groups and advocating for equality and non-discrimination. It explains how to use the leverage of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) for further human rights campaigns in a broader context for disadvantaged groups. This collection is the product of a participatory research project, which aims to increase the capabilities of local disabled persons’ organizations and NGOs in utilizing human rights laws and encourage dialogue and collaboration between academia, people with disabilities, and human rights advocates. It will be essential reading for academics, researchers, policy-makers, and campaign groups.

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