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Showing 54,276 through 54,300 of 54,678 results

A Pound of Prevention for a Healthier Life: How and Why Avoiding Exposures to Toxic Chemicals and Other Sources of Oxidative Stress, the Cause of Most Disease, Lowers the Odds of Getting Sick

by Harold I Zeliger

A Pound of Prevention for a Healthier Life shows the connection between oxidative stress and the onset of virtually all disease and discusses the causes of oxidative stress induced disease and ways to prevent it. The book includes a unique questionnaire for predicting disease onset in seemingly healthy people, and shows how steps taken to prevent any one disease may prevent many other unrelated diseases.Dr. Harold I. Zeliger, a chemical toxicologist who has been researching the causes of non-communicable diseases for more than 40 years, demonstrates how elevated oxidative stress is responsible for attacks on virtually all body organs and systems and how it triggers the onset of numerous diseases, including ADHD, autism, heart disease, respiratory disease, diabetes, obesity, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, cancer and numerous others. The many sources of oxidative stress include not only exposures to toxic chemicals such as pesticides, air pollutants, PCBs and organic solvents, but also to radiation, tobacco smoke, eating some foods, pharmaceutical drug use, illnesses a person already has, emotional stress and others.Zeliger's research shows how elevated oxidative stress need not come from a single source, but can come from multiple sources, and that it is total oxidative stress, no matter what the source or sources, that causes disease. The Oxidative Stress Index, which can be individually arrived at from the questionnaire in the book, allows the reader to determine his or her oxidative stress level, which sources are responsible for it, and what actions can be taken to reduce it and lower the likelihood of disease onset.

Laboratory Science with Space Data

by Martin Zell Luigi Carotenuto Jack J.W.A. van Loon Daniel Beysens

For decades experiments conducted on space stations like MIR and the ISS have been gathering data in many fields of research in the natural sciences, medicine and engineering. The EU-sponsored Ulisse Internet Portal provides metadata from space experiments of all kinds and links to the data. Complementary to the portal, this book will serve as handbook listing space experiments by type of infrastructure, area of research in the life and physical sciences, data type, what their mission was, what kind of data they have collected and how one can access this data through Ulisse for further research. The book will provide an overview of the wealth of space experiment data that can be used for research, and will inspire academics (e.g. those looking for topics for their PhD thesis) and research departments in companies for their continued development.

Novel Developments in Stem Cell Mobilization

by W. Jens Zeller Stefan Fruehauf Gary Calandra

Recently the CXCR4/CXCL12-axis has been recognized as one of the pivotal adhesion pathways by which hematopoietic stem cells are retained in the bone marrow. CXCR4 antagonists with different chemical specification are being developed. Pharmacology research guides the way to the rational development effective antagonists. One antagonist, plerixafor, is clinically approved now for stem cell mobilization of lymphoma and myeloma patients. This allows patients to receive potentially life-saving treatment which could not have been administered otherwise. Through early clinical studies it was recognized that CXCR4 antagonists also mobilize malignant hematopoetic cells, i.e. leukemia cells. In preclinical studies a sensitization of mobilized leukemic cells to standard cytotoxic chemotherapy could be shown. Clinical studies are under way. CXCR4 antagonists are an exciting new class of compounds which are also employed for the mobilization of angiogenic cells or for the treatment of solid tumors. In this book a concise review of the current status of knowledge and future developments will be presented.

The Allergy Sourcebook

by Merla Zellerbach

Recipient of the Reviewer's Choice award, The Allergy Sourcebook contains the most up-to-date information available on the many types, triggers, and symptoms of allergies, as well as treatments.

Urologische Rehabilitation: Praxisbuch für die interdisziplinäre Behandlung

by Michael Zellner Thomas Seyrich

Obwohl sich zahlreiche Fachgruppen als auch die Deutsche Rentenversicherung und die Krankenkassen an der Rehabilitation von Patienten mit urologischen und uro-onkologischen Erkrankungen beteiligen, existiert für diese Patienten kein standardisiertes Rehabilitationsprogramm. Zurzeit ist es den Rehakliniken noch weitgehend selbst überlassen, welche Beratungsangebote und Leistungen sie zur Behandlung von charakteristischen postinterventionellen Beschwerden und sozialen Situationen unabhängig von vorgehaltener fachspezifischer personeller und apparativer Infrastruktur und Kompetenz anbieten.Dieses Buch verbindet Praxis- und Fachwissen aus der Rehabilitation von urologisch Erkrankten und stellt es interessierten Kollegen zur Verfügung.Dazu zählt sowohl die Rehabilitation von Störungen der Blasenfunktion als auch von Störungen der Sexualfunktion. Weiterhin werden die Maßnahmen aufgrund der spezifischen Veränderungen nach einer Zystektomie mit den verschiedenen Formen der Harnableitung besprochen. Auch Komplikationen und Folgeschäden nach invasiver Intervention, z.B. einer Operation wie z.B. Lymphödeme im Bein- und unteren Rumpfbereich sollten mit behandelt werden. Für die uro-onkologische Rehabilitation werden sowohl bewegungstherapeutische Maßnahmen als auch psychooonkologische Angebote erläutert. Aber auch flankierende Themen wie Ernährung und eine gesunde Lebensweise sind wichtige Bausteine für eine interdisziplinäre Rehabilitation dieser Patientengruppe. Ein kompaktes Praxisbuch für Ärzte aller Fachrichtungen, die Patienten mit urologischen Erkrankungen in der Rehabilitation bestmöglich versorgen möchten.

Financial Management of Health Care Organizations: An Introduction to Fundamental Tools, Concepts and Applications

by William N. Zelman Michael J. McCue Noah D. Glick Marci S. Thomas

This thoroughly revised and updated Fifth Edition of Financial Management of Health Care Organizations offers an introduction to the tools and techniques of health care financial management. The book covers a wide range of topics, including information on the health care system and evolving reimbursement methodologies; health care accounting and financial statements; managing cash, billings, and collections; the time value of money and analyzing and financing major capital investments; determining cost and using cost information in decision-making; budgeting and performance measurement; and pricing. The revised edition covers new accounting changes for nonprofit hospitals with respect to net asset accounts, and includes an array of new financial statement problem sets for nonprofit hospitals. These changes also required major changes to the recording of financial transactions and implementing the latest financial ratio benchmarks. With the newest payment developments in the health care landscape, this new edition updates changes to Medicare and commercial payment systems. The passage of the new tax law also impacted hospital capital markets and for-profit hospital tax rates. This latest edition explains the impact of this tax law change on tax-exempt hospital bonds purchased by banks, as well as presenting problem sets featuring the new taxes law. Finally, changes in lease financing reporting are also addressed in this edition.

A Community of Mortals

by Alexandra Zelman-Doring

What is it like to have someone die in your arms? Can we return from the dead? And why has nobody heard of therapeutic hypothermia? Forced to come to terms with doctors pronouncing her husband ‘clinically dead’, Alexandra Zelman-Doring embarks on an exploration of what death means to us and how we might face it. Initally she is overwhelmed by the difficulty of accepting the loss of a loved one, and the anger, sadness and sense of isolation that it brings. But her suffering pushes her towards a life-store of reading, and here she finds words with which to contemplate death; from Turgenev on death as an ‘unanswerable reproach’ to Norbert Elias on the extraordinary collective will to endure it.Equally inspiring are the true stories of unlikely survivors: from a species of frog whose organs stop, frozen, throughout the winter, only to stir back to life in the spring, to Anna Bagenholm whose iced brain and body held out against all odds after a fatal accident. These incidents inform a development in medical science where cardiac arrest is treated with ‘therapeutic hypothermia’, in some cases allowing the body to last without oxygen just long enough for doctors to return the near-dead to life.

Applied Multivariate Statistics with R (Statistics for Biology and Health)

by Daniel Zelterman

Now in its second edition, this book brings multivariate statistics to graduate-level practitioners, making these analytical methods accessible without lengthy mathematical derivations. Using the open source shareware program R, Dr. Zelterman demonstrates the process and outcomes for a wide array of multivariate statistical applications. Chapters cover graphical displays; linear algebra; univariate, bivariate and multivariate normal distributions; factor methods; linear regression; discrimination and classification; clustering; time series models; and additional methods. He uses practical examples from diverse disciplines, to welcome readers from a variety of academic specialties. Each chapter includes exercises, real data sets, and R implementations. The book avoids theoretical derivations beyond those needed to fully appreciate the methods. Prior experience with R is not necessary.New to this edition are chapters devoted to longitudinal studies and the clustering of large data. It is an excellent resource for students of multivariate statistics, as well as practitioners in the health and life sciences who are looking to integrate statistics into their work.

Conquering Your Child's Chronic Pain: A Pediatrician's Guide for Reclaiming a Normal Childhood

by Lonnie K. Zeltzer

“An important, compassionate book.” — Deepak Chopra“Parents! If you hava child in pain, read this book. There is hope.” — James Campbell, M.D., Professor of Jeurological Surgery and Director, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine; Founder and President, American Pain Foundation“An outstanding book for parents of children and adolescents with chronic pain. I recommend it highly.” — Charles Berde, M.D., Ph.D., Chief, Division of Pain Medicine, Department of Anesthesiology, Children's Hospital, Boston; Professor of Anaesthesia and Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School“A valuable and important book that will be appreciated by every family struggling with a child in pain.” — Neil L. Schechter, M.D., Professor of Pediatrics, University of Connecticut School of Medicine; Director, Pain Relief Program, Connecticut Children's Medical Center“Reassuring and informative. Parents will gain hope when they discover the many available treatment options.” — Kenneth R. Goldschneider, M.D., F.A.A.P., Director, Division of Pain Management, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center and Susmita Kashikar-Zuck, Ph.D, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center“I hope Dr. Zeltzer continues to do subjective research on yoga so that the young generation regains freedom from pain...” — B.K.S. Iyengar“A wonderful book! Dr. Zeltzer’s approach is loving, respectful, upbeat, and best of all - successful.” — Laura Schanberg, M.D., Associate Professor, Pediatric Rheumatology, Duke University Medical Center“A must-read for any patient with chronic pain.” — Steven J. Weisman, M.D., Jane B. Pettit Chair in Pain Management, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin; Professor of Anesthesiology and Pediatrics, Medical College of Wisconsin“Now [Dr. Zeltzer’s] wisdom is available to all.” — Patrick J. McGrath, O.C., Ph.D., F.R.S.C., Canadian Institutes of Health Research Distinguished Scientist; Killam Professor of Psychology and Professor of Pediatrics and Psychiatry, Dalhousie University“This is an amazingly caring, competent, and useful book. It opens your mind but also your heart...” — Vanna Axia, Ph.D., Professor of Developmental Psychology, Child Neuro-psychiatry Specialization School, School of Medicine; Director“All [Dr. Zeltzer’s] work has resulted in real solutions for children and their parents.” — David Geffen“One of the few [books] for laypeople on chronic pain in children.” — Washington Post“Informative, practical, and well written.” — Pediatric Pain Letter

Microfiltration and Ultrafiltration: Principles and Applications

by Zeman

Integrates knowledge on microfiltration and ultrification, membrane chemistry, and characterization methods with the engineering and economic aspects of device performance, device and module design, processes, and applications. The text provides a discussion of membrane fundamentals and an analytical framework for designing and developing new filtrations systems for a broad range of technologically important functions. It offers information on membrane liquid precursors, fractal and stochastic pore space analysis, novel and advanced module designs, and original process design calculations.

Neue Medien und kindliche Entwicklung: Ein Überblick für Therapeuten, Pädagogen und Pädiater (essentials)

by Martina Zemp Guy Bodenmann

Dieses Essential zeigt, welche Konsequenzen die Nutzung von Fernseher, Computer und Internet für Kinder und Jugendliche hat - und was Fachleute Eltern raten können. Aus wissenschaftlicher Perspektive wird deutlich, dass die Nutzung von gewaltbetonten Medien ein Prädiktor für aggressives Verhalten bei Heranwachsenden ist, neuen Medien ein Suchtpotenzial innewohnt und exzessive Mediennutzung den kindlichen Schulleistungen abträglich sein kann. Entscheidend sind jedoch die Häufigkeit der Nutzung und der Medieninhalt. Vor diesem Hintergrund stehen Eltern in der Pflicht, klare Strukturen bezüglich Form, Inhalt und Dauer der Mediennutzung ihrer Kinder durchzusetzen.

Partnerschaftsqualität und kindliche Entwicklung: Ein Überblick für Therapeuten, Pädagogen und Pädiater (essentials)

by Martina Zemp Guy Bodenmann

Internationale Befunde haben konsistent dargelegt, dass destruktive Paarkonflikte und Scheidungen zu den wichtigsten Risikofaktoren für eine ungünstige kindliche Entwicklung gehören. Für Kinder sind Störungen in der Partnerschaft der Eltern in hohem Maße bedrohlich und gehen im Falle einer Trennung der Eltern mit dem schmerzvollen Bruch des bisherigen Lebensentwurfs einher. Dies bedeutet in aller Regel ein hoch destabilisierendes Ereignis, welches von Kindern vielgestaltige Anpassungsleistungen abverlangt. Ermutigenderweise hat die gegenwärtige Paar- und Familienforschung Bedingungen identifiziert, wie Paarkonflikte und Scheidungen möglichst konstruktiv verlaufen - um der Partnerschaft und des Kindeswohls willen.

Außerfamiliäre Betreuung von Kleinkindern: Bindungstheoretische Hinweise für Therapeuten, Pädagogen und Pädiater (essentials)

by Martina Zemp Guy Bodenmann Peter Zimmermann

Dieses essential beleuchtet den aktuellen Kenntnisstand zur Inanspruchnahme öffentlicher Kindertagesbetreuung aus bindungstheoretischer Sicht. Es gibt Fachpersonen, die mit Familien arbeiten, einen Überblick und praktische Hinweise zum Thema. Die wissenschaftlichen Befunde zur Frage, ob die Betreuung in Kinderkrippen/Kitas negative Auswirkungen auf die kindliche Entwicklung hätte, sind inkonsistent. Die Folgen hängen von diversen Faktoren ab, u.a. von der Quantität und Qualität der außerfamiliären Betreuung und insbesondere von der Fürsorge und Feinfühligkeit der Eltern zu Hause. Bei guter Fürsorge kann die Eltern-Kind-Bindung aufrechterhalten werden. Dennoch ist die familienexterne Betreuung von Kleinkindern bindungstheoretisch nicht immer unproblematisch. Die Grundannahmen der Bindungstheorie bleiben in diesem Diskurs unumstritten und weiterhin hoch relevant.

Infectious Disease Informatics: Syndromic Surveillance for Public Health and Bio-Defense (Integrated Series in Information Systems #21)

by Daniel Zeng Hsinchun Chen Ping Yan

Computer-based infectious disease surveillance systems are capable of real-time or near real-time detection of serious illnesses and potential bioterrorism agent exposures and represent a major step forward in disease surveillance. Infectious Disease Informatics: Syndromic Surveillance for Public Health and Bio-Defense is an in-depth monograph that analyzes and evaluates the outbreak modeling and detection capabilities of existing surveillance systems under a unified framework, and presents the first book-length coverage of the subject from an informatics-driven perspective. Individual chapters consider the state of the art, including the facilitation of data collection, sharing and transmission; a focus on various outbreak detection methods; data visualization and information dissemination issues; and system assessment and other policy issues. Eight chapters then report on several real-world case studies, summarizing and comparing eight syndromic surveillance systems, including those that have been adopted by many public health agencies (e.g., RODS and BioSense). The book concludes with a discussion of critical issues and challenges, with a look to future directions. This book is an excellent source of current information for researchers in public health and IT. Government public health officials and private-sector practitioners in both public health and IT will find the most up-to-date information available, and students from a variety of disciplines, including public health, biostatistics, information systems, computer science, and public administration and policy will get a comprehensive look at the concepts, techniques, and practices of syndromic surveillance.


by Fan-Gang Zeng Jos J. Eggermont Richard R. Fay Arthur N. Popper

Tinnitus is a prevalent hearing disease, affecting 15% of the population, particularly hearing impaired, veterans and even young people who grow up with mp3 players and iPods. The mechanisms underlying tinnitus remain controversial. At present there is no cure for tinnitus, and treatment options are limited. Different from previous tinnitus books, including A. R. Moller's book [in press at Springer], which typically have a strong clinical flavor, the present volume focuses on neural mechanisms of tinnitus and its behavioral consequences. The proposed book starts with a general summary of the field and a short introduction on the selection and content of the remaining chapters. Chapter 2 overviews tinnitus prevalence and etiologies to set the tone for significance and complexity of this neurological disorder spectrum. Chapters 3-8 cover neuroscience of tinnitus in animal models from molecular mechanisms to cortical manifestation. Chapters 9-12 cover human brain responses to tinnitus and it clinical management.

Flexible Ureteroscopy

by Guohua Zeng Kandarp Parikh Kemal Sarica

This book describes basic information and current applications of flexible ureteroscopy in diagnosis and treatment of renal stones, covering topics on history, anatomy, preoperative preparation, clinical operation, and training for beginners. Basic as well as advanced techniques of flexible ureteroscopy for large renal stones, pediatric patients, and in special situations are presented in details with representative cases and high-resolution illustrations. In addition, disposable, wireless, and robotic flexible ureteroscopy are introduced in details to help readers to learn advanced techniques. It will be a useful reference for urologists, especially for those who are interested in improving their flexible ureteroscopy skills in clinical practice.

Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy

by Guohua Zeng Kemal Sarica

This book provides a comprehensive overview of percutaneous nephrolithotomy, covering topics including its history, anatomy, preoperative preparation, clinical operation, and postoperative treatment. It presents both basic and advanced techniques, such as micro-PNL, mini-PNL, ultra-mini-PNL, and super mini-PNL, together with representative clinical cases. In addition, the book describes potential technical issues, complications, indications and contraindications in detail, making it a valuable reference guide for urologists, especially those who wish to improve their PCNL skills in clinical practice.

Graphics-sequenced interpretation of ECG

by Rui Zeng

This book is intended for medical students unfamiliar with electrocardiograms (ECG); anyone just getting started with ECG can use this book to start from scratch. After familiarizing themselves with this simple and practical method for interpreting ECG, readers will discover how to quickly and easily read ECG strips without overlooking potentially abnormal conditions. Based on the authors' substantial experience, which is compared with other ECG interpretation methods and combined with traditional guidelines, the book equips readers with the fundamental knowledge and skills needed to rapidly and accurately read and interpret ECG.

Particulate Interactions in Dry Powder Formulation for Inhalation

by Xian Ming Zeng Gary Peter Martin Christopher Marriott

Interactions between drug particulates are crucial in determining drug dispersion and deaggregation, and ultimately delivery efficiency. This book combines principles and factors in pharmaceutical powder technology, critically reviews some of the studies carried out in dry powder formulation development, and proposes possible strategies for improvi

Principles of Epidemiology for Advanced Nursing Practice: A Population Health Perspective

by Mary Beth Zeni

Principles of Epidemiology for Advanced Practice Nurses provides students and practitioners with an overview of epidemiology concepts as well as the history, models and frameworks in use today.

Cell-Extracellular Matrix Interactions in Cancer

by Roy Zent Ambra Pozzi

Cancer was thought to originate from alterations in intercellular signaling that resulted in the transformation of cells, their uncontrolled proliferation and metastasis. There is now an increasing body of evidence demonstrating that the surrounding matrix and cell-matrix interactions are also major players in this process. Cells adhere and receive signals from various extracellular matrices via transmembrane receptors, the best known of which are the heterodimeric glycoproteins, integrins.

Surgical Treatment of Epilepsies: Diagnosis, Surgical Strategies, Results

by Josef Zentner

This book fills the gap between the increasing demand for epilepsy surgical experience and limited training facilities in this area. It comprehensively describes surgical techniques, including tricks and pitfalls, based on the author’s 30 years of experience, providing optimal and effective training for young neurosurgeons by avoiding learning by trial and error. Moreover, it also includes useful information for epileptologists and other professionals involved in the epilepsy surgical program to allow them to gain a better understanding of possibilities and limitations of epilepsy surgery.

Intraoperative Neuromonitoring: Fundamentals, Possibilities, Limitations (Issn Ser.)

by Josef Zentner David B. MacDonald Celine Wegner

Intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring (IONM) has gained increasing interest during the past decades and is now an integral part of various surgical disciplines, especially in neurosurgery, but also in otolaryngology, orthopedics, vascular surgery and general surgery. With expanding applications and evolving techniques, the monitoring team is faced with increasingly complex tasks and responsibilities. Despite its importance and significance in modern surgical medicine and the expectations associated with it, IONM is still not a regular part of the training program of medical professionals. Although knowledge on monitoring is imparted in basic courses offered by a few professional societies, systematic training of medical and non-medical staff according to a standardized curriculum is still lacking.This book aims to contribute to closing this gap. It provides a practical guide to help medical, nursing, and technical personnel get familiar with intraoperative neuromonitoring. The basic tenor is to combine theoretical and practical knowledge and thus to systematically convey essential skills about fundamentals, possibilities, but also limitations of IONM to a broad circle of readers. In order to achieve this goal, the text has been reduced to the absolutely necessary length in favor of numerous illustrations and tables.After an introduction to the tasks, the significance, and the historical development of IONM, the anatomical, physiological and physical basics are presented. This is followed by a presentation of various modalities as well as stimulation and recording techniques. The intraoperative part begins with some information on the organizational processes in the operating room, the presentation of safety aspects, and a description of the influences of anesthesia on monitoring, including the special aspects of awake surgery. This is followed by some basic remarks on the interpretation of monitoring results and a rough overview of the application fields of IONM in various disciplines including representative case examples. The manual concludes with an evaluation of the efficiency of monitoring and practical recommendations for the detection and elimination of intraoperative sources of error. Self-tests in individual chapters are intended to give readers the opportunity to determine their level of knowledge.

Obamacare Simplified: A Clear Guide to Making Obamacare Work for You

by Zephyros Press

ObamaCare is a complex law that will affect every single American. Everyone has an opinion about ObamaCare, but few people actually understand how the Affordable Care Act works. ObamaCare Simplified navigates you through the intricacies of the health care law and explains what it means for you. Whether you are satisfied with your present insurance or seeking to get insured, ObamaCare Simplified informs you of your rights, presents the facts, and will help you make well-informed decisions when it comes to your health care plan. ObamaCare Simplified provides an easy-to-follow guide to the Affordable Care Act and what you need to know, offering: An overview of the goals and structure of ObamaCare, and how it changes the current health care system A "how it works" section that explains the individual mandate, insurance exchanges, and ObamaCare funding An ObamaCare timeline that provides a year-by-year breakdown of the law's implementation and what you need to know Spotlights on "what ObamaCare means for you," which explore the different impact of the law on various groups, including: senior citizens, immigrants, small-business employers, employees, uninsured individuals, and more Information on how ObamaCare affects individuals, depending on age, income, and employment status Taking care of your health should be your most vital priority. ObamaCare Simplified is your complete guide to understanding how ObamaCare works and what it means for your health care.

Palliative Care in Clinical Practice

by Giovambattista Zeppetella

When a person suffers from advanced, progressive illness, palliative care - treatments that improve the physical and psychological quality of life of patients and their families - can be just as important as treatments that aim to slow or prevent disease progression. Aimed at GPs and trainees, Palliative Care in Clinical Practice offers an accessible and practical introduction to palliative medicine, including a chapter devoted to each of the key areas of symptom management. Clearly and concisely written and fully illustrated throughout, it will be a useful resource for all healthcare professionals who wish to gain an understanding of this important aspect of medicine.

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