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Showing 54,451 through 54,475 of 54,613 results

Musikermedizin in der Physiotherapie und Ergotherapie: Befund und Behandlung spielbedingter Beschwerden

by Clemens Ziesenitz

In diesem Buch werden die theoretischen Grundlagen der Musikermedizin sowie die besonderen Anforderungen und Belastungen von professionellen Musikerinnen und Musikern praxisorientiert vermittelt. Der herausfordernde Berufsalltag kann durch die asymmetrische Haltung, der statischen Beanspruchung am Instrument oder durch langanhaltende, repetitive Bewegungsabfolgen zu muskulären Dysbalancen oder Überlastungssyndromen führen. Der Autor beschreibt anhand häufiger Störungsbilder die Befunderhebung und Behandlung in der Physiotherapie und Ergotherapie Das Praxisbuch erweitert das Wissen auf diesem spezialisierten Gebiet und hilft dabei, Musikerinnen und Musiker bestmöglich zu unterstützen, um typische Beschwerden vorzubeugen und ihre Leistungsfähigkeit zu steigern.

Parietale Osteopathie: Über 60 Übungen für Automobilisation und Kräftigung

by Clemens Ziesenitz

Dieses Praxisbuch liefert Osteopathen und Physiotherapeuten Übungen für Patienten zur Automobilisation von Gelenkdysfunktionen und ergänzende Kräftigung für die stabilisierende Muskulatur. Sie suchen nach Übungsalternativen in verschiedenen Ausgangsstellungen? Sie fragen sich, was bei der Mobilisation der ersten Rippe mit Hilfe der Mm. Scaleni zu beachten ist? Oder ob sich die Greenman-Technik zur Behandlung einer ERS der Halswirbelsäule eignet? In diesem Buch werden Sie fündig!Aus dem Inhalt:• Grundlagen der Schmerzphysiologie• Automobilisation für Dysfunktionen an Becken, Wirbelsäule und Rippengelenken• Integrierende Stabilisationsübungen• Indikationen, KontraindikationenPlus: Videos via Springer Nature MoreMedia-App und Handouts für Patienten!Erweitern Sie Ihr Behandlungsrepertoire um über 60 effektive Eigenübungen, die Ihre Patienten ohne viel Aufwand in den Alltag integrieren können!

Polyneuropathie: So überwinden Sie quälende Nervenschmerzen

by Udo Zifko

Der Ratgeber erklärt in einer zweiten aktualisierten Auflage einfach und verständlich das Krankheitsbild, deutet mögliche Frühwarnsignale oder Symptome anhand von Beispielen, und zeigt den Weg zur gesicherten Diagnose mit Vorstellung der unterschiedlichen medizinischen Verfahren. Zudem werden die therapeutischen Möglichkeiten samt Selbsthilfe der Patienten vorgestellt. Kribbeln und Stechen, brennende Schmerzen, aber auch Taubheit in bestimmten Körperteilen können erste Anzeichen für eine Polyneuropathie sein. Gerade in den letzten Jahren konnten in der Polyneuropathie-Forschung große Fortschritte erzielt werden, die in diesem Buch hautnah weitergegeben werden. Vorgestellt werden nicht nur ein breites Spektrum an erfolgsversprechenden Behandlungen, sondern auch eine Reihe von Selbsthilfemaßnahmen. Ergänzt wird das Buch mit praxisnahen Fallbeispielen, einem umfangreichen Serviceteil mit hilfreichen Adressen sowie Antworten auf häufige Patientenfragen. Die Neuauflage wurde erweitert mit aktuellen Informationen zu den Cannabinoiden, zum Schmerzpflaster sowie zu komplementären therapeutischen Methoden und Ernährungstipps. Das Buch richtet sich in erster Linie an alle Betroffene und deren Angehörigen, bietet aber auch für Allgemeinmediziner oder Vertreter anderer Gesundheitsberufen einen guten Überblick zum Krankheitsbild und den therapeutischen Ansätzen.

Polyneuropathie: So überwinden Sie quälende Nervenschmerzen

by Udo Zifko

Kribbeln und Stechen, brennende Schmerzen, aber auch Taubheit in bestimmten Körperteilen können erste Anzeichen für eine Polyneuropathie sein. Der Ratgeber erklärt in einer dritten aktualisierten Auflage einfach und verständlich das Krankheitsbild, deutet mögliche Frühwarnsignale oder Symptome anhand von Beispielen, und zeigt den Weg zur gesicherten Diagnose mit Vorstellung der unterschiedlichen medizinischen Verfahren. Zudem werden die therapeutischen Möglichkeiten samt Selbsthilfe der Patienten beschrieben. Vorgestellt werden nicht nur ein breites Spektrum an erfolgsversprechenden Behandlungen, sondern auch eine Reihe von Selbsthilfemaßnahmen. Ergänzt wird das Buch mit praxisnahen Fallbeispielen, einem umfangreichen Serviceteil mit hilfreichen Adressen sowie Antworten auf häufige Patientenfragen. Die Neuauflage wurde erweitert mit aktuellen Informationen zu Covid-19, Long Covid und hilfreichen Bewegungsübungen. Das Buch richtet sich in erster Linie an alle Betroffene und deren Angehörigen, bietet aber auch für Allgemeinmediziner oder Vertreter anderer Gesundheitsberufen einen guten Überblick zum Krankheitsbild und den therapeutischen Ansätzen.

The First Three Years and Beyond: Brain Development and Social Policy

by Edward F. Zigler Matia Finn-Stevenson Nancy W. Hall

Drawing on the latest research from the social sciences and studies on the brain to answer questions and exploring what they mean for social policy and child and family development, this book offers recommendations for child care and development based on current brain research and its implications. A must-read for parents and policy makers alike.

A Clinician's Brief Guide to the Mental Health Act (A Clinician's Brief Guide)

by Tony Zigmond Nick Brindle

A 'how to' book guiding clinicians through the mental health legislation that they need to understand and use in their daily practice, covering the Mental Health Act 1983 and subsequent amendments. This revised and updated edition incorporates new acts, such as the Policing and Crime Act 2017 and Mental Capacity (Amendment) Act 2019. It also covers the findings and implications from Professor Sir Simon Wessely's 2018 review of the Mental Health Act in a new chapter. Written by two leading psychiatrists with many years of experience in using the mental health legislation and in running mental health law courses, this book outlines how changes to statutes and case law have a direct bearing on day-to-day psychiatric practice and why it is important that clinicians of all disciplines have access to and understand the legislation. This is the go-to guide for all clinicians, doctors and nurses working in mental health services.

Neural Stem Cells

by Tanja Zigova Juan R. Sanchez-Ramos Paul R. Sanberg

In Neural Stem Cells: Methods and Protocols, internationally recognized experts from academic, clinical, and pharmaceutical laboratories describe in great detail the most frequently used cellular, molecular, and electrophysiological methods to isolate, characterize, and utilize neural stem cells. These readily reproducible techniques introduce the various sources of stem/progenitor cells, provide a wide range of conditions for their culture, and make it possible to define their properties in culture. Additional techniques are designed to help researchers identify endogenous stem cells as well as exogenous stem cells after transplantation in the brain. The protocols range from the simplest methods of isolation and characterization of neural cell properties to such very sophisticated methods as characterizing gene expression, telomerase assays, and cell cycle kinetics.

Rehabilitation of Visual Disorders After Brain Injury: 2nd Edition (Neuropsychological Rehabilitation: A Modular Handbook Ser.)

by Josef Zihl

Despite a long research tradition in visual neuroscience, the rehabilitation of cerebral visual deficits has, until recently, been neglected. This book is the first to report systematic observations on spontaneous recovery of cerebral visual deficits after acquired brain injury, and the outcome of treating these deficits. The whole range of human visual functions and capacities is covered: visual field, visual acuity and contrast sensitivity, visual adaptation, colour vision, visual space perception, and visual cognition. Additionally, there is a special section devoted to patients with central scotoma. All treatment procedures described are empirically founded.

The Johns Hopkins High-Yield Review for Orthopaedic Surgery

by Bashir Zikria

The Johns Hopkins High-Yield Review for Orthopaedic Surgery is a compact, concise study tool to help residents prepare for Part 1 of the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery (ABOS) examination and the Orthopaedic In-Training Examination (OITE). The book is also ideal for seasoned clinicians studying for the ABOS recertification exams and motivated medical students preparing for orthopaedic surgery rotations. With its numerous illustrations, streamlined structure and heavily bulleted text, the book is designed as a ‘memory-jogger’ to supplement basic knowledge of fundamental orthopaedic surgery principles and procedures.

Active Implants and Scaffolds for Tissue Regeneration (Studies in Mechanobiology, Tissue Engineering and Biomaterials #8)

by Meital Zilberman

Active implants are actually drug or protein-eluting implants that induce healing effects, in addition to their regular task, such as support. This effect is achieved by controlled release of the active agent to the surrounding tissue. This book will give a broad overview of biomaterial platforms used as basic elements of drug-eluting implants. It will include mainly coatings for vascular stents with controlled release of antiproliferative agents, wound dressings with controlled release of antibacterial agents, drug-eluting vascular grafts, protein-eluting scaffolds for tissue regeneration, drug-eluting platforms for dental and other applications. Thus, both internal and external implants are described. The drug-eluting implants will be described in terms of matrix formats and polymers, incorporated drugs and their release profiles from the implants, as well as implant functioning. Smart polymeric systems, such as crosslinked poly-lactones, thermo and pH-sensitive hydrogels and poly(amido-amines), as well as novel basic structural elements, such as composite fibers and films, and nanostructures will be thoroughly described. The effect of the processing parameters on the microstructure and on the resulting drug release profiles, mechanical and physical properties, and other relevant properties, will be emphasized. The described new biomaterials approaches for active implants enhance the tools available for creating clinically important biomedical applications.

The Language of Trauma: War and Technology in Hoffmann, Freud, and Kafka

by John Zilcosky

From the Napoleonic Wars to the invention of the railway to the shell shock of World War I, writers tried to give voice to the suffering that war and industrial technology had wrought all around them. Yet they, like the doctors who treated these victims, repeatedly ran up against the incapacity of language to describe such anguish; those who suffered trauma, those who tried to heal it, and those who represented it were all unable to find the appropriate words. In The Language of Trauma, John Zilcosky uncovers the reactions of three major central European writers – E.T.A. Hoffmann, Sigmund Freud, and Franz Kafka – to the birth of modern trauma in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Zilcosky makes the case that Hoffmann, Freud, and Kafka managed to find the language of trauma precisely by not attempting to name the trauma conclusively and instead allowing their writing to mimic the experience itself. Just as the victims’ symptoms seemed not to correspond to a physical cause, the writers’ words did not connect directly to the objects of the world. While doctors attempted to overcome this indeterminacy, these writers embraced and investigated it; they sought a language that described language’s tragic limits and that, in so doing, exemplified the wider literary and philosophical crisis of their time. Zilcosky boldly argues that this linguistic scepticism emerged together with the medical inability to name the experience of trauma. He thereby places trauma where it belongs: at the heart of both medicine’s diagnostic predicament and modern literature’s most daring experiments.

Connections Between Sexuality and Aggression

by Dolf Zillmann

This is the only available comprehensive monograph on interrelations and interdependencies between agonistic and sexual behaviors. Integrating theory and research from biology, anthropology, neurophysiology, endocrinology, psychophysiology, and psychology, this book focuses on the mechanisms that govern the mutual influences between sexuality and aggression in behavior sequences and especially in admixtures of aggressive-sexual behaviors. This book places human agonistic and sexual behaviors into an evolutionary context. It offers a Weltbild of human aggressive-sexual behaviors by tracing their biological and developmental origins and examines the plasticity and manipulability of connections between agonistic and sexual behaviors. Strategies for the maximization of sexual pleasures are elaborated , and intervention treatments--aiming at the control of violent behaviors--are considered. Coercive sexuality is given special attention. Prevalent motive ascriptions to rape are called into question and the motivation that dominates rape is reinterpreted in the context of pleasure maximization. This second edition brings the coverage of pertinent research up to date. It advances the exploration of aggressive-sexual behaviors by further integrating the research contributions from various disciplines, and by refining and unifying theory capable of explaining the behavioral phenomena under consideration. COPY FOR ZILLMANN MAILER Zillmann examines issues such as sexual access through aggression, the involvement of agonistic behavior within sexuality, sex-aggression fusion, the consequences of anticipatory imagination concerning sexuality, and aspects of libido loss due to excitatory habituation. This book also: * traces connection between sexuality and aggression in nonhuman species, especially in nonhuman primates, * subjects human behavior to comparative and evolutionary analysis, * examines connectedness in neurological and endocrinological terms, * details both central and autonomic commonalities between sexual and aggressive behaviors, * outlines sexual dimorphism and chromosomal-endocrine aberrations, * pays special attention to adrenal commonalities in sexual and aggressive behaviors and the fusion of these behaviors, and * examines aggressive-sexual connectedness in the analysis of motivation and emotion. Zillmann finally proposes new explanations for the numerous documented associations between sexuality and aggression. These proposals combine biological, neuroendocrine, autonomic, and cognitive aspects of aggressive and sexual behaviors. A trichotomy of excitatory interdependencies is developed for fight, flight, and coition. In the nomenclature of emotion, this trichotomy concerns the interdependencies between aggressiveness, fear, and sexual impulsion. A considerable amount of research evidence is aggregated in support of these interdependencies. The author ultimately examines the exploitation of the existing connections between sexual and aggressive behaviors, especially the exploitation that serves the enhancement of sexual pleasure. In this context he arrives at novel, and perhaps distressing, characterizations of sexual coercion. However, he also explores sexual boredom and discusses remedies in the framework of his theorizing. Last but not least, sexual aggression, and sexual and aggressive behaviors independently, are placed into an evolutionary context. Recognition and acknowledgment of the archaic nature of many aspects of sexual and aggressive behaviors, in contrast to the comparatively vernal development of behavior-guiding contemplation, leads him to a unique and provocative proposal of the function of aggression in the realm of sexuality.

Military Psychology, Second Edition

by Eric A. Zillmer Carrie Kennedy

Widely regarded as the authoritative reference in the field, this book comprehensively explores the psychological needs of today's service members and how to meet them effectively. Expert contributors review best practices for conducting fitness-for-duty evaluations and other types of assessments, treating frequently encountered clinical problems, responding to disasters, and promoting the health and well-being of all personnel. The book also examines the role of mental health professionals in enhancing operational readiness, with chapters on crisis and hostage negotiation, understanding terrorists, and more. New to This Edition The latest scientific knowledge, clinical interventions, and training recommendations. Chapter on acute combat stress. Chapter on post-deployment problems, including PTSD and depression. Chapter on military psychology ethics. Coverage of blast concussion screening and evaluation.

Einmal Vollgas, immer Vollgas?

by Andreas Zimber

Dieses Buch zeigt mit dem PsyGeMa-Präventionsprogramm leitenden Führungskräften, wie sie mit Stress und Belastung möglichst gesund umgehen können – und zwar vor der Entstehung psychischer Erkrankungen. Psychische Probleme im Management? Viele reden davon, aber in den Firmen und bei vielen Betroffenen ist das Thema noch immer tabu. Symptome werden aus Schamgefühl verdrängt oder verschwiegen. Das PsyGeMa-Präventionsprogramm beschreibt den Prozess der Entstehung psychischer Erkrankungen bei Führungskräften anhand typischer Belastungskonstellationen. Der Leser kann die individuell passende Situation auswählen und findet dazu die jeweils geeigneten Werkzeuge. Der Ratgeber bietet die - für eine ständig gegen Zeitnot kämpfende Lesergruppe unverzichtbare - Möglichkeit, einzelne Kapitel herauszugreifen, andere zu überspringen oder quer zu lesen. Aus dem Inhalt: Augen zu und durch? – Warum Leistung anmacht und wo Stoppsignale sinnvolle Botschaften sind – „Mir passiert das nicht“? – Strategien für nachhaltige Lösungen: für sich selbst, für den Mitarbeiter, für das Unternehmen.Der Autor: Andreas Zimber ist Diplom-Psychologe, Personalentwickler (M. A.), Dr. phil. und Professor für Wirtschaftspsychologie. Er lebt in Heidelberg und arbeitet als Hochschuldozent, Unternehmensberater, Referent und Autor.

Führen und gesund bleiben: Ein Präventionsprogramm für Führungskräfte in Sandwich-Positionen

by Andreas Zimber

Führungskräfte in Sandwich-Positionen erfahren in diesem Buch in 5 Schritten mit dem PsyGeMa-Präventionsprogramm, wie sie mit Stress und Belastung möglichst gesund umgehen können. Untersuchungen zeigen, dass Menschen in Sandwich-Positionen mit wenig Entscheidungsspielraum hoch gefährdet sind, psychische Probleme zu entwickeln. Wer darum weiß, kann zeitig gegensteuern und einen für sich angemessenen Umgang mit Rolle und Herausforderung finden. Die fünf Schritte: (1) Belastungen reduzieren, (2) mit Belastungssituationen konstruktiv umgehen, (3) gesundheitsgefährdende Einstellungen erkennen und ändern, (4) sich gesundheitsbewusst verhalten, (5) aus dem Teufelskreis austreten.Geschrieben für ... (1) Menschen in Führungspositionen, die Selbsthilfe im Umgang mit arbeitsbedingten psychischen Belastungen suchen, Stressfolgen und Erkrankungen langfristig vorbeugen möchten, (2) Therapeuten und Coaches, die nach geeigneten Beratungs- und Therapiewerkzeugen für psychisch belastete Führungskräfte suchen.Der Autor: Andreas Zimber ist Diplom-Psychologe, Personalentwickler (M. A.), Dr. phil. und Professor für Wirtschaftspsychologie. Er lebt in Heidelberg und arbeitet als Hochschuldozent, Unternehmensberater, Referent und Autor.

Perioperative Psychiatry: A Guide To Behavioral Healthcare For The Surgical Patient

by Paula C. Zimbrean Mark A. Oldham Hochang Benjamin Lee

This book provides a comprehensive review of mental health topics for pre- and postsurgical patients. The book discusses general aspects of psychiatric care during the immediate pre- and postsurgical phase, such as pain management, psychopharmacological management or legal aspects of informed consent. The volume dedicates one section to specific subspecialties, including cardiac surgery, neurosurgery, organ transplantation, plastic surgery, bariatric surgery, and many others. Each of these chapters address preoperative psychiatric risk factors, evaluations, impact, and management recommendations for prevention and treatment of the most common psychiatric complications. The final section reviews the current dilemmas and questions for future research in this field, including delirium and capacity evaluation. The text concludes with commentary written by experts in the fields of consultation-liaison psychiatry and surgery on future directions and considerations. Perioperative Psychiatry is a valuable resource for psychiatrists, psychologists, surgeons, trainees, nurses, social workers, and all medical professionals concerned with the behavioral health of surgical patients.

Transplant Psychiatry: A Case-Based Approach to Clinical Challenges

by Paula C. Zimbrean Yelizaveta Sher Catherine Crone Andrea F. DiMartini

This book addresses the challenges clinicians face when working with patients facing complicated medical diagnosis for which transplantation is considered. Written by experts in transplant psychiatry, each chapter approaches a common psychiatric challenge faced by transplant candidates and recipients. Chapters meticulously share clinical expertise that provides a framework for future discussions without neglecting the fact that each transplant patient is unique in the complexity of their medical diagnosis. Additionally, the book examines complex issues including transplant-related posttraumatic stress disorder, post-transplant cognitive impairment, the collaboration between mental health and transplant clinicians, substance use and a wide range of other complicated topics.Transplant Psychiatry is an excellent case-based guide to mental healthcare delivery for all clinicians who may work with transplant patients, including psychiatrists, psychologists and mental health professionals, transplant surgeons, internal medicine specialists, hematologists, transplant social workers and transplant coordinators.

Watching Our Weights: The Contradictions of Televising Fatness in the “Obesity Epidemic”

by Melissa Zimdars

Watching Our Weights explores the competing and contradictory fat representations on television that are related to weight-loss and health, medicalization and disease, and body positivity and fat acceptance. While television—especially reality television—is typically understood to promote individual self-discipline and expert interventions as necessary for transforming fat bodies into thin bodies, fat representations and narratives on television also create space for alternative as well as resistant discourses of the body. Melissa Zimdars thus examines the resistance inherent within TV representations and narratives of fatness as a global health issue, the inherent and overt resistance found across stories of medicalized fatness, and programs that actively avoid dieting narratives in favor of less oppressive ways of thinking about the fat body. Watching Our Weights weaves together analyses of media industry lore and decisions, communication and health policies, medical research, activist projects, popular culture, and media texts to establish both how television shapes our knowledge of fatness and how fatness helps us better understand contemporary television.

Practical Clinical Electrophysiology

by Peter J. Zimetbaum Mark E. Josephson

Now completely revised and in brilliant full color, Practical Clinical Electrophysiology, 2nd Edition, provides a clinically focused, highly readable approach to the diagnosis and management of arrhythmias. Co-authored by Dr. Peter Zimetbaum, Dr. Alfred Buxton and Dr. Mark Josephson, all affiliated with Harvard University, this practical reference offers concise coverage of the major arrhythmia disorders encountered in the clinic as well as the electrophysiology lab, including pharmacologic treatments. It’s an ideal resource for internists, cardiologists, cardiology fellows, and physician extenders who need a complete understanding of electrophysiology but who do not specialize in this area.

Prehypertension and Cardiometabolic Syndrome (Updates in Hypertension and Cardiovascular Protection)

by Reuven Zimlichman Stevo Julius Giuseppe Mancia

This book sheds new light on the management of patients with borderline cardiovascular risk factors in order to prevent their progression to end organ damage. The book stimulates discussion of this poorly understood condition and lays the groundwork for developing recommendations and guidelines.While the diagnostic and therapeutic approach to full-blown diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia and obesity is well defined, there is still a lack of clear understanding and guidelines as far as patients with borderline conditions – especially when multiple – are concerned. Moreover, end-organ damage depends on several factors, including genetic factors, making it difficult to predict its extent. As such, the gradual transition from a healthy subject to one with functional hemodynamic changes, and then one with structurally asymptomatic changes and lastly to overt disease needs further investigation.In order to address these knowledge gaps, the book covers a broad variety of topics, making it a valuable tool for identifying which asymptomatic subjects could profit from being appropriately screened and at what stage. Furthermore it offers insights into better treating these patients to prevent their progression to overt disease. The book appeals to cardiologists, primary care physicians and all those healthcare professional looking to optimize the management of these complex and often undiagnosed cases.

Soul Made Flesh: The Discovery of the Brain--and How it Changed the World

by Carl Zimmer

In this unprecedented history of a scientific revolution, award-winning author and journalist Carl Zimmer tells the definitive story of the dawn of the age of the brain and modern consciousness. Told here for the first time, the dramatic tale of how the secrets of the brain were discovered in seventeenth-century England unfolds against a turbulent backdrop of civil war, the Great Fire of London, and plague. At the beginning of that chaotic century, no one knew how the brain worked or even what it looked like intact. But by the century's close, even the most common conceptions and dominant philosophies had been completely overturned, supplanted by a radical new vision of man, God, and the universe. Presiding over the rise of this new scientific paradigm was the founder of modern neurology, Thomas Willis, a fascinating, sympathetic, even heroic figure at the center of an extraordinary group of scientists and philosophers known as the Oxford circle. Chronicled here in vivid detail are their groundbreaking revelations and the often gory experiments that first enshrined the brain as the physical seat of intelligence -- and the seat of the human soul. Soul Made Flesh conveys a contagious appreciation for the brain, its structure, and its many marvelous functions, and the implications for human identity, mind, and morality.

Natural Killer Cells

by Jacques Zimmer

Natural killer (NK) cells have been at the forefront of immunology for two decades. During that time, a great amount of information about these cells has been obtained. They are important in antiinfectious and antitumoral defense and shape the adaptive immune response. In addition, they can act as immunoregulatory cells. In recent years, the therapeutic potential of NK cells in cancer immunotherapy has become increasingly evident. This book describes in detail current knowledge about NK cells and covers a broad range of NK cell-related topics, including those that are not frequently reviewed, e.g. NK cells and allergy or NK cells and skin diseases.

The Conversation on Biotechnology (Critical Conversations)

by Marc Zimmer

From the contributors to The Conversation, this collection of essays by leading experts in biotechnology provides foundational knowledge on a range of topics, from CRISPR gene sequencing to the ethics of GMOs and "designer babies."In The Conversation on Biotechnology, editor Marc Zimmer collects essays from The Conversation U.S. by top scholars and experts in the field, who present a primer on the latest biotechnology research, the overwhelming possibilities it offers, and the risks of its abuse. From an overview of CRISPR technology and gene editing in GMOs to the ethical questions surrounding "designer babies" and other applications of biotechnology in humans, it highlights the major implications biotechnology will bring for health and society. Topics range from the spectacular use of light to fire individual neurons in the brain to making plant-based meats; from curbing diseases with genetically modified mosquitoes to looking back on 40 years of opinions on IVF babies.The Critical Conversations series collects essays from top scholars on timely topics, including water, biotechnology, gender diversity, gun culture, and more, originally published on the independent news site The Conversation U.S.Contributors: Nathan Ahlgren, Ivan Anishchenko, Trine Antonsen, Jennifer Barfield, Pedro Belda-Ferre, Ari Berkowitz, Adeline Boettcher, Jason Delbourne, Kevin Doxzen, Mo Ebrahimkhani, Eleanor Feingold, J. Benjamin Hurlbut, Cecile Janssens, Samira Kiani, Amanda Kowalczyk, Mariana Lamas, Andrew Lapworth, Rebecca Mackelprang, Kathleen Merrigan, Saman Naghieh, Sean Nee, Dimitri Perrin, Christopher Preston, Jason Rasgon, Penny Riggs, Jason Robert, Oliver Rogoyski, Gary Samore, Sahotra Sarkar, George E. Seidel, Patricia A. Stapleton, Craig W. Stevens, Paul B. Thompson, Christopher Tuggle, Vikramaditya G. Yadav, Marc Zimmer

Lighting Up the Brain: The Science of Optogenetics

by Marc Zimmer

What if neuroscientists could look inside the human brain and watch individual brain cells send signals to one another? What if they could then control these brain cells to direct thoughts and actions? This may sound like science fiction, but it's actually a scientific revolution called optogenetics. Neuroscientists would like to use this new technology on human brains to uncover secrets about how the brain processes information and drives human behavior. Doctors hope to use optogenetics to restore sight and to treat Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, depression, and other debilitating or deadly health problems. Discover how the innovative work of leaders in the field is poised to radically transform science, medicine, and human health.

Funktionelle Anatomie: Grundlagen sportlicher Leistung und Bewegung

by Philipp Zimmer Hans-Joachim Appell

Wie funktioniert der menschliche aufrechte Gang? Welche Muskeln sind beteiligt? Wie werden die auf den Fuß einwirkenden Kräfte beim Lauf abgefedert? Experten erläutern hier alle grundlegenden und wichtigen Details zu Aufbau und Funktion des menschlichen Körpers: das Zusammenspiel der Bestandteile des Bewegungsapparates – Knochen, Sehnen und Muskeln, die Bewegungssteuerung und -kontrolle durch das Zentrale Nervensystem sowie alle für sportliche Leistung und Bewegung notwendigen Körpersysteme.Die 5. Auflage wurde komplett überarbeitet und enthält Prüfungsfragen, die über die App Springer Nature Flashcards abgerufen werden können. Der eigene Wissenstand zu einem Thema kann mittels Fragen und Antworten einfach und spielerisch abgefragt werden.

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