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1941: The Year That Keeps Returning

by Charles Simic Michael Gable Slavko Goldstein

A New York Review Books OriginalThe distinguished Croatian journalist and publisher Slavko Goldstein says, "Writing this book about my family, I have tried not to separate what happened to us from the fates of many other people and of an entire country." 1941: The Year That Keeps Returning is Goldstein's astonishing historical memoir of that fateful year--when the Ustasha, the pro-fascist nationalists, were brought to power in Croatia by the Nazi occupiers of Yugoslavia. On April 10, when the German troops marched into Zagreb, the Croatian capital, they were greeted as liberators by the Croats. Three days later, Ante Pavelić, the future leader of the Independent State of Croatia, returned from exile in Italy and Goldstein's father, the proprietor of a leftist bookstore in Karlovac--a beautiful old city fifty miles from the capital--was arrested along with other local Serbs, communists, and Yugoslav sympathizers. Goldstein was only thirteen years old, and he would never see his father again. More than fifty years later, Goldstein seeks to piece together the facts of his father's last days. The moving narrative threads stories of family, friends, and other ordinary people who lived through those dark times together with personal memories and an impressive depth of carefully researched historic details. The other central figure in Goldstein's heartrending tale is his mother--a strong, resourceful woman who understands how to act decisively in a time of terror in order to keep her family alive. From 1941 through 1945 some 32,000 Jews, 40,000 Gypsies, and 350,000 Serbs were slaughtered in Croatia. It is a period in history that is often forgotten, purged, or erased from the history books, which makes Goldstein's vivid, carefully balanced account so important for us today--for the same atrocities returned to Croatia and Bosnia in the 1990s. And yet Goldstein's story isn't confined by geographical boundaries as it speaks to the dangers and madness of ethnic hatred all over the world and the urgent need for mutual understanding.

1942: A Novel

by Robert Conroy

December 7 is "the date which will live in infamy." But now Japan is hatching another, far greater plan to bring America to its knees. . . . The Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor was a resounding success-except for one detail: a second bombing mission, to destroy crucial oil storage facilities, was aborted that day. Now, in this gripping and stunning work of alternate history, Robert Conroy reimagines December 7, 1941, to include the attack the Japanese didn't launch, and what follows is a thrilling tale of war, resistance, sacrifice, and courage. For when Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto sees how badly the United States has been ravaged in a two-pronged strike, he devises another, more daring proposal: an all-out invasion of Hawaii to put a stranglehold on the American Pacific Fleet. Yamamoto's strategy works brilliantly-at first. But a handful of American soldiers and a determined civilian resistance fight back in the face of cruelty unknown in Western warfare. Stateside, a counterassault is planned-and the pioneering MIT-trained aviator Colonel Jimmy Doolittle is given a near-impossible mission with a fleet of seaplanes jury-rigged into bombers. From spies to ordinary heroes and those caught between two cultures at war, this is the epic saga of the Battle of Hawaii-the way it very nearly was. . . .

1942: Winston Churchill and Britain's Darkest Hour

by Taylor Downing

A revelatory new work of popular history focused on the year 1942, as the fate of Britain—and Winston Churchill&’s leadership—hangs in the balance.Eighty years ago, Britain stood at the brink of defeat. In 1942, a string of military disasters engulfed Britain in rapid succession : the collapse in Malaya; the biggest surrender in British history at Singapore; the passing of three large German warships through the Straits of Dover in broad daylight; the longest ever retreat through Burma to the gates of India; serious losses to Rommel's forces in North Africa; the siege of Malta and the surrender at Tobruk. All of this occurred against the backdrop of catastrophic sinkings in the Atlantic and the Arctic convoys. People began to claim that Churchill was not up to the job and his leadership was failing badly. Public morale reached a new low. Taylor Downing&’s 1942 explores the story of frustration and despair of that year, prompting Winston Churchill to demand of his army chief, "Have you not got a single general who can win battles?&” Using newly discovered archival material, historian Taylor Downing shows just how unpopular Churchill became in 1942, with two votes attacking his leadership in the House of Commons and the emergence of a serious political rival.Some argue that Britain's most precarious moment of the war was in 1940—when the nation stood up against the threat of German invasion during the Battle of Britain. But in 1942, Taylor Downing describes, in nail-biting detail, what was really Britain's darkest hour of World War II.

1942: The Year That Tried Men's Souls

by Winston Groom

America’s first year in World War II, chronicled in this “page-turner” by the Pulitzer Prize–nominated author of Forrest Gump and The Generals (Publishers Weekly). On December 7, 1941, an unexpected attack on American territory pulled an unprepared country into a terrifying new brand of warfare. To the generation of Americans who lived through it, the Second World War was the defining event of the twentieth century, and the defining moments of that war were played out in the year 1942. This account covers the Allies’ relentless defeats as the Axis overran most of Europe, North Africa, and the Far East. But by midyear the tide began to turn. The United States finally went on the offensive in the Pacific. In the West, the British defeated Rommel’s panzer divisions at El Alamein while the US Army began to push the Germans out of North Africa. By the year’s end, the smell of victory was in the air. 1942, told with Winston Groom’s accomplished storyteller’s eye, allows us into the admirals’ strategy rooms, onto the battlefronts, and into the heart of a nation at war. “When not drawing in readers with the narrative, Groom is impressing them with his masterful analyses.” —The Atlanta Journal-Constitution “Groom has done an artful job of blending the many stories of 1942.” —The Anniston Star

1943 -- Operation Weihnachtsmann: Nazis in Brazil

by Jb Rosa Filho

Suspenseful novel about attempts of Nazi Abwehr agent to subvert Brazil's valiant efforts in support of the Allied war effort during World War Two -- a little known and much neglected theater of that critically important event.


by Newt Gingrich William R. Forstchen

The year is 1945, In Europe, the Third Reich reigns triumphant. The Soviet Union is a fragment of its former self, and Britain has accepted a dictated armistice. In the Pacific, after a brief, sharp war with Japan, America is the only significant military presence. Now the world's two superpowers eye each other warily across the Atlantic Ocean that grows smaller daily. The Big Show is about to start... Who will win? The Americans with their formidable industrial base and superior logistical techniques-or the Germans with their science fiction super weapons that turn out not to be fictional after all? Only one thing is certain: if America is beaten, this alternate Reich will last a thousand years...

1956 Suez Crisis And The United Nations

by Major Jean-Marc Pierre

The 1956 Suez Crisis is the first example of a pre-emptive strike after World War II. The episode provides lessons about the lengths to which nations will go to secure their interests and the limits of the United Nation's influence. How the UN uses its power is the point of contention. In 1956, Great Britain, France, and Israel believed the organization would protect their security interests through the unbiased maintenance of international law. Yet, as common in the Cold War, UN action was hampered. A war began and ended with a cease-fire in fifty-five hours. Three militarily superior armies won their tactical fights but were strategically defeated. Most notably, the influence of global authority shifted to the superpowers. Through all this, the UN changed its mission and purpose. The primary question therefore is did the UN resolve the 1956 Suez Crisis? Resolution had to include a status quo ante bellum, the return to the existing system before the war, or the recognition of a new international Regime. The UN's ability to resolve such crises directly affects its legitimacy in the international community.

The 1956 War: Collusion and Rivalry in the Middle East (Cummings Center Series #Vol. 11)

by David Tal

Recently declassified documents and new scholarship have prompted this reassessment of the collusion between Israel, France and England which drove the 1956 War. International aspects, Israeli involvement, the plot which sparked off hostilities, and the Egyptian losses and gains are analyzed.

The 1964 Election and Its Aftermath: from In Retrospect

by Robert Mcnamara

"Can anyone remember a public official with the courage to confess error and explain where he and his country went wrong? This is what Robert McNamara does in this brave, honest, honorable, and altogether compelling book."—Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. Written twenty years after the end of the Vietnam War, former Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara's controversial memoir answers the lingering questions that surround this disastrous episode in American history, and chronicles the political events and fatal misassumptions that were behind the US involvement in Vietnam.A Vintage Shorts Vietnam Selection. An ebook short.

The 1967 Arab-Israeli War: Origins and Consequences

by Avi Shlaim W. Roger Louis

The June 1967 war was a watershed in the history of the modern Middle East. In six days, the Israelis defeated the Egyptian, Syrian and Jordanian armies, seizing large portions of their territories. Two veteran scholars of the Middle East bring together some of the most knowledgeable experts in their fields to reassess the origins and the legacies of the war. Each chapter takes a different perspective from the vantage point of a different participant, those that actually took part in the war and also the world powers that played important roles behind the scenes. Their conclusions make for sober reading. At the heart of the story was the incompetence of the Egyptian leadership and the rivalry between various Arab players who were deeply suspicious of each other's motives. Israel, on the other side, gained a resounding victory for which, despite previous assessments to the contrary, there was no master plan.

1968: A Novel

by Joe Haldeman

&“So many tensions and so much emotion . . . A powerful novel&” of the Vietnam era by the award-winning author of The Forever War (Booklist). John &“Spider&” Spiedel is a college dropout who is drafted into the war as a combat engineer. Scared, he tries to keep his head down and stay safe, a plan that works until the Tet Offensive, when he is wounded and sent stateside—and receives a devastating diagnosis. And while he&’s been away fighting, his girlfriend, Beverly, has fallen in with the hippie movement in an attempt to rebel against the repressive values of American society and the injustice of the war that took her boyfriend overseas. Vietnam was the conflict that changed America&’s relationship with war forever, and this novel by Nebula and Hugo Award–winning author Joe Haldeman, inspired by his own experience in the military, is a look at this turbulent time in US history as seen through the eyes of the people most affected: the soldiers and their loved ones. 1968 is not just a story of two young people attempting to find themselves in a tumultuous world—it&’s the account of a country trying to find itself as well.This ebook features an illustrated biography of Joe Haldeman including rare images from the author&’s personal collection.


by Michael T. Kaufman

1968, THE YEAR AMERICA GREW UP. From racial and gender equality fights to the struggle against the draft and the Vietnam war, in 1968 Americans asked questions and fought for their rights. Now, 30 years later, we look back on that seminal year--from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s assassination to the Columbia University riots to our changing role among other nations--in this gripping introduction to the events home and abroad. The year we first took steps in space, the year we shaped the present, 1968, presented by a former New York Times writer who lived through it all, shares the story with detail and passion.

The 1968 Tet Offensive Battles Of Quang Tri City And Hue [Illustrated Edition]

by Erik Villard

[Includes 10 maps, 5 illustrations]“This monograph focuses on the battles of Quang Tri City and Hue that took place during the 1968 Tet offensive. The offensive itself, an all-out effort by Viet Cong and North Vietnamese forces to overrun the major cities of South Vietnam, marked the turning point of the Vietnam War. Although the attacks were costly failures in military terms, they set the United States on a path of disengagement from the war that ultimately led to the fall of Saigon some seven years later.The battles for the two northernmost provincial capitals in South Vietnam, Quang Tri City and Hue, are particularly worth examining because the enemy regarded them as key objectives, second only to Saigon, the national capital. To a large extent, the success or failure of the offensive depended on what happened there. The battles tell us much about how the enemy prepared for the offensive, why he achieved a high degree of surprise and initial success, and why his attacks ultimately failed. The battle for Quang Tri City, a textbook example of a vertical envelopment, resulted in a quick allied victory. The fight for Hue turned into a slow, grinding campaign of attrition that lasted nearly a month before the enemy was finally defeated. Together, they offer instruction on the strengths and limitations of airmobile warfare and a primer on urban fighting in a counterinsurgency environment, subjects that continue to be a major Army interest throughout the world.”

The 1973 Arab-Israeli War: The Albatross Of Decisive Victory [Illustrated Edition]

by Dr George W. Gawrych

Includes 8 maps and more than 20 illustrationsArmies appear to learn more from defeat than victory. In this regard, armed forces that win quickly, decisively, and with relative ease face a unique challenge in attempting to learn from victory. The Israel Defense Forces certainly fell into this category after their dramatic victory over the combined armies of Egypt, Jordan, and Syria in the Six Day War of June 1967.This study analyzes the problems that beset Israel in the aftermath of its decisive victory in the Six Day War over the Arabs. In the 1973 War, Anwar Sadat, Egypt's president, was able to exploit Israeli vulnerabilities to achieve political success through a limited war. An important lesson emerges from this conflict. A weaker adversary can match his strengths against the weaknesses of a superior foe in a conventional conflict to attain strategic success. Such a strategic triumph for the weaker adversary can occur despite serious difficulties in operational and tactical performance.The author suggests a striking parallel between the military triumphs of Israel in 1967 and the United States in 1991. In both cases, success led to high expectations. The public and the armed forces came to expect a quick and decisive victory with few casualties. In this environment, a politically astute opponent can exploit military vulnerabilities to his strategic advantage. Sadat offers a compelling example of how this can be done.

1978. El año que marchamos a la guerra

by Guillermo Parvex

El mismo autor del exitoso Un veterano de tres guerras entrega este relato que cobra actualidad a 40 años de una guerra que no fue Mientras estudiaba Periodismo en la Universidad de Chile, Guillermo Parvex fue llamado por el Ejército para recibir instrucción militar específica y ser parte de las milicias chilenas que se dirigirían a la frontera con Argentina. Era 1978, Parvex tenía 24 años y la guerra con el país vecino era inminente. Este libro reconstruye la historia personal del autor durante los meses que estuvo en la frontera y el contexto histórico de esos difíciles años, un relato inédito en primera persona que nos habla de aquellos años convulsos en que se ocultaba la movilización de tropas hasta las regiones limítrofes que nos separan del país vecino. Reseña: "Un libro que reconstruye por primera vez la instrucción militar que recibieron en secreto miles de jóvenes chilenos."

1979 And The Re-Emergence Of The Islamic Empire

by Major Thomas M. Hough

In 1979 the age old struggle for the control of Islam between the Shiite and Sunni sects re-emerged in the Middle East. Four events occurred in 1979 that defined the context of contemporary Middle Eastern politics: the Islamic revolution in Iran, the signing of the Egyptian-Israeli peace accords, the siege of the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. This monograph directly addresses the roots of current Middle Eastern actors such as HAMAS, FATA, Hezbollah, Al-Qaida, and the Taliban in the aftermath of these four critical events that occurred in 1979.The methodology for this monograph consists of analyzing each of these four events and then synthesizing this information in order to determine how 1979 shaped the modern Middle East. Since the seventeenth century the Sunni sect dominated Islam. The Iranian revolution reenergized the Shiite sect throughout the Middle East while Sunni power simultaneously eroded throughout the region. While the Shiites were inspiring the Islamic community in 1979, the Sunni suffered significant blows to their legitimacy as the leaders of Islam.This monograph asserts that the prevailing conflict within the Middle East is first and foremost a contest between the Shiites and the Sunni for preeminence within the Islamic world. The conflict between Islam and the outside world remains secondary in importance. The contemporary Middle Eastern actors that dominate the western consciousness such as HAMMAS, FATA, Hezbollah, Al-Qaida, and the Taliban constitute proxy armies created by the Shiite and Sunni leadership to wage a war for influence within the Islamic world. The events of 1979 have resulted in a leveling of power in the Middle East and the emergence of the Shiites as an ideological peer competitor to the traditionally dominant Sunni.

1982: Los documentos secretos de la guerra de Malvinas/Falklands y el derrumbe del pro

by Juan B. Yofre

A través del análisis de documentos reservados, Yofre elabora una seriede conclusiones que cambian la perspectiva que se tenía acerca de laguerra de Malvinas, sus causas y sus consecuencias. El libro revela la guerra y sus laberintos políticos y diplomáticos comojamás se habían mostrado, a través del análisis de la totalidad de lospapeles de la Cancillería y la "Memoria" realizada por la Junta Militar.Su relato se basa en una tarea de investigación notable, para la que elautor no contó con ayuda oficial de ninguna índole.«Conozco a la Señora Thatcher y sé que es muy decidida, contestará todoacto de fuerza con más fuerza. (...) Le pediría a mi vicepresidente queviaje y trate de arreglar esta situación, pero por favor eviten elconflicto». Ronald Reagan«Le agradezco pero es tarde, los hechos están lanzados». LeopoldoFortunato GaltieriGaltieri jamás imaginó que 1982 iba a convertirse, por la vía de laaventura de Malvinas, en el año que cambiaría para siempre la historiade las últimas décadas. Pensaba que los ingleses jamás iban a mandar suflota, que los norteamericanos se alinearían con Buenos Aires, que las islas volverían a tener por siempre la bandera celeste y blanca y, básicamente, que la guerra de Malvinas le iba a garantizar a los militares gobernar el país hasta 1989. Se equivocó en todo.

The 1989 Coup d'Étát in Paraguay: The End of a Long Dictatorship, 1954–1989 (Latin America at War #11)

by Antonio Luis Sapienza

The year 1989 was crucial for Paraguay. After a long period of 35 years of dictatorship, General Alfredo Stroessner was finally overthrown by a violent coup d’état. In a sort of prophetic way, he once said, "I came to power by arms and I will only leave by arms,” and that came true on 2 February of that year. The 1989 Coup d’état in Paraguay discusses Stroessner’s climb to power during a coup of 1954, fraudulent elections that got him reelected seven times, and the ways Stroessner kept himself afloat through cooperation with the armed forces, a right-wing political party, and the USA. Arguably, longing to maintain his popularity, the dictator launched a large number of major development projects, including construction of roads, water and sewage facilities, three big hydroelectric power stations, and a buildup of an airline. At the same time, abuse of human rights and oppression of any kind of political opposition became a norm: dozens of political prisoners were tortured and even executed, and thousands driven into exile. As could be expected from a dictator with a military background, Stroessner prompted a major expansion and a buildup of the armed forces and the police, too. Nevertheless, it was the armed forces of Paraguay that brought about his demise: the coup that finally ended Stroessner’s rule was planned by General Andres Rodriguez, the Commander of the I Army Corps – and then with full support of large segments of the Army, Air Force and the Navy of Paraguay. A detailed description of the coup in question, and how Stroessner was driven into exile in Brazil, is the centerpiece of this narrative. Thirty years since the fall of Stroessner’s regime, many things have changed in Paraguay: still, many remain the same. Containing over 100 photographs, color profiles, maps and extensive tables, The 1989 Coup d’etat in Paraguay is a unique study and a source of reference about an important episode in Latin American history.

1st Air Division 8th Air Force USAAF 1942-45: Flying Fortress Squadrons in Cambridgeshire, Bedfordshire, Essex, Hertfordshire and Northamptonshire (Aviation Heritage Trail Ser.)

by Martin W. Bowman

As part of the AHT series, the airfields and interest in this book are concentrated in a particular area—in this case Cambridgeshire, Bedfordshire and Northamptonshire. Constituted as the lst Bombardment Division on 30 August 1943 the unit was activated at Brampton Grange, Huntingdon on 13 September 1943. It was assigned to the Eighth Air Force and redesignated lst Air Division in December 1944. The division served in combat in the European theater of Operations from September 1943 until April 1945. All squadrons within the division flew the long-distance Boeing B–17 Flying Fortress heavy bomber on raids into occupied Europe and Germany. There were forty-eight squadrons in the division based at Bassingbourn, Ridgewell, Nuthamstead, Podington, Chelveston, Thurleigh, Molesworth, Kimbolten, Grafton Underwood, Polebrook, Deenethorpe and Glatton.As part of the AHT series, the airfields and interest in this book are concentrated in a particular area—in this case Cambridgeshire, Bedfordshire and Northamptonshire. Constituted as the lst Bombardment Division on 30 August 1943 the unit was activated at Brampton Grange, Huntingdon on 13 September 1943. It was assigned to the Eighth Air Force and redesignated lst Air Division in December 1944. The division served in combat in the European theater of Operations from September 1943 until April 1945. All squadrons within the division flew the long-distance Boeing B–17 Flying Fortress heavy bomber on raids into occupied Europe and Germany. There were forty-eight squadrons in the division based at Bassingbourn, Ridgewell, Nuthamstead, Podington, Chelveston, Thurleigh, Molesworth, Kimbolten, Grafton Underwood, Polebrook, Deenethorpe and Glatton.

1st Airborne: Market Garden 1944 (Past & Present Series)

by Simon Forty Tom Timmermans

<p>While the 6th Airborne Division had landed in France on D-Day and covered itself in glory, its counterpart, the 1st Airborne Division, had last seen action during an amphibious assault at Taranto on September 9, 1943, as part of the invasion of Italy. Returned to the UK in December 1943, it was held in reserve during the battle of Normandy and spent three months waiting for action, as plan after plan was proposed and then discarded, such was the speed of the Allied pursuit of the Germans. In September 1944, however, 1st Airborne played a leading role in Operation Market—the air component of Operation Market Garden, an audacious attempt by the Allies to bypass the Siegfried Line and advance into the Ruhr. It was to be 1st Airborne’s last action of the war. Encountering more resistance than expected, including II SS Panzer Corps, the division landed too far from Arnhem bridge, and fought bravely but in vain. Held up en route, particularly at Nijmegen, XXX Corps’ advance to Arnhem stuttered and ran late. After nine days of fighting, 1st Airborne had lost 8,000 men around Arnhem when the survivors retreated across the Lower Rhine to safety. During those nine days, however, they had created a legend: first as the small unit under Lt-Col John Frost held the “bridge too far” and then as the Oosterbeek perimeter came under sustained attack waiting for XXX Corps to arrive.<p> <p>The Past & Present Series reconstructs historical battles by using photography, juxtaposing modern views with those of the past together with concise explanatory text. It shows how much infrastructure has remained and how much such as outfits, uniforms, and ephemera has changed, providing a coherent link between now and then.<p>

2/ Auckland, 1918;: Being A Partial Record Of The War Service In France Of The 2/ Auckland Regiment During The Great War [Illustrated Edition]

by Colonel Sir Stephen Shepherd Allen KBE CMG DSO

Includes the First World War Illustrations Pack - 73 battle plans and diagrams and 198 photosColonel Sir Stephen Allen recounts, with justified pride the history of the 2nd Battalion of the Auckland Regiment, 2/Auckland for short, during the last year of the war. The 2nd Battalion formed part of the New Zealand Division and had seen much action since arriving in France in 1916; at the Battles of the Somme, Fleubaix, Messines and at Third Ypres. However the signal services of the 2/Auckland in 1918 are fully deserving of this separate tome; during the German Spring Offensives they were thrown into the line to stem the enemy advance and were the first troops to make a morale raising counterattack at La Signy Farm. As the German Army started to crack in the summer of 1918, 2/Auckland where among the foremost pursuers; at Welsh Ridge, Le Quesnoy.

2 Heroes in 1

by Suzanne Brockmann

Troubleshooters: They Never Let You Down. The first and second addictive romantic suspense novels in New York Times bestselling author Suzanne Brockmann's Troubleshooters series, brought together in this special omnibus edition for the very first time. Twice the thrilling adventure, twice the excitement, twice the passion and 2 HEROES IN 1...In THE UNSUNG HERO, Navy SEAL Lieutenant Tom Paoletti catches a terrifying glimpse of an international terrorist in his hometown. The Navy dismisses the danger, but Tom's childhood sweetheart Kelly Ashton never doubts him. Creating his own makeshift counterterrorist team from his most loyal officers and the town's residents, Tom knows they must save the day if he is to have one last chance for happiness with Kelly...In THE DEFIANT HERO, Meg Moore is forced to take extreme action when her daughter and grandmother are kidnapped. When Navy SEAL Lieutenant John Nilsson is summoned to Washington, D.C., by the FBI, to help negotiate a hostage situation, the last person he expects to see holding a foreign ambassador at gunpoint is Meg. He hasn't seen her in years, but he's never forgotten her. John could lose his career if he helps her escape. She will lose her life if he doesn't...

The 20 Most Significant Events of the Civil War: A Ranking

by Alan Axelrod

This is the first book to not only select the events that most influenced the causes and outcome of America’s Civil War, but also to rank them in order of significance. In each of the book’s 20 detailed essays, author/historian/speaker Alan Axelrod presents an engaging narrative about the event, and also explains how the event shaped the course of the war, and ultimately the future of the country.The author’s selection and ranking criteria include:Effect as cause or trigger of the warDecisiveness: whether it was a war-winning or war-losing event (both in military terms and in terms of public opinion, morale, and support)Magnitude and scope: size and cost of a battleEnduring postwar significance in American history, politics, society, culture and/or in military history and technologyFrom Lincoln’s Inauguration, Antietam, and John Brown’s raid, to the New York draft riots and Stonewall Jackson dying as a result of friendly fire ? never before has the Civil War been explored quite this way. The Civil War was a violent argument between the North and the South. The purpose of this book is to start another argument about its history.

2000 Assessment of the Office of Naval Research's Marine Corps Science and Technology Program

by Commission on Physical Sciences, Mathematics, and Applications Naval Studies Board National Research Council Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences Committee for the Review of ONR's Marine Corps Science and Technology Program

This review of the Science and Technology (S&T) program of the Office of Naval Research's (ONR's) Expeditionary Warfare Operations Technology Division, Code 353, comes at a time of considerable change in the Marine Corps and in ONR, which are currently in the midst of significant transitions. The Marine Corps is making plans to equip and train for engaging in a new style of warfare known as Operational Maneuver From the Sea (OMFTS) and for performing a wide variety of missions in urban settings, ranging from humanitarian assistance to combat and mixes of these suggested by the term three-block war. During 1999, ONR assumed management of that portion of the Marine Corps S&T program that had not been assigned several years earlier to the Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory (MCWL). In 2002, control of most of ONR's advanced development funding (6.3), and of much of its exploratory development funding (6.2), will move from ONR's line divisions, of which Code 353 is one of many, to 12 new program offices, each dedicated to demonstrating technologies for future naval capabilities (FNCs). Given these changes, it is not surprising that some of the projects inherited recently by ONR, and assessed by the Committee for the Review of ONR's Marine Corps Science and Technology Program under the auspices of the Naval Studies Board of the National Research Council, differed from the customary ONR project and were more akin to preacquisition or acquisition support than to S&T. It is also not surprising that Code 353 could not articulate its plans for future investments clearly and concisely, given the current uncertainty about the content of and funding level for FNCs. The Marine Corps S&T program supports the five imperatives for technology advancement that the Marine Corps Combat Development Command (MCCDC) has identified as prerequisites for the transition to OMFTS: maneuver, firepower, logistics, training and education, and command and control. The committee supports investment in these areas and, in the report's discussions and recommendations, follows the five imperatives.

2003 Assessment of the Office of Naval Research's Marine Corps Science and Technology Program

by Committee for the Review of ONR's Marine Corps Science Technology Program

The Office of Naval Research (ONR) funds research across a broad range of scientific and engineering disciplines in support of the Navy and Marine Corps. To ensure that its investments are serving those ends and are of high quality, ONR requires each of its departments to undergo annual review. Since 1999, the Naval Expeditionary Warfare Department of ONR has requested that the NRC conduct these reviews. This report presents the results of the second review of the Marine Corps Science and Technology program. The first review was conducted in 2000. The 2003 assessment examines the overall Marine Corps S&amp;T program, the littoral combat future naval capability, the core thrusts of the program, and basic research activities.

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