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At Suvla Bay: Being The Notes And Sketches Of Scenes, Characters And Adventures Of The Dardanelles Campaign - Primary Source Edition (The World At War)

by John Hargrave

John Gordon Hargrave (6 June 1894 - 21 November 1982), (woodcraft name 'White Fox'), was described in his obituary as an 'author, cartoonist, inventor, lexicographer, artist and psychic healer'. As Head Man of the Kibbo Kift, he was a prominent youth leader in Britain during the 1920s and 1930s. He was a Utopian thinker, a believer in both science and magic, and a figure-head for the Social Credit movement in British politics. "At Suvla Bay"; Being the notes and sketches of scenes, characters and adventures of the Dardanelles campaign. (Excerpt from Wikipedia)

Hell / Warm Words on the Cheerful and Comforting Doctrine of Eternal Damnation (The World At War)

by Robert Ingersoll

Robert Green "Bob" Ingersoll (August 11, 1833 – July 21, 1899) was an American lawyer, a Civil War veteran, political leader, and orator of United States during the Golden Age of Free Thought, noted for his broad range of culture and his defence of agnosticism. He was nicknamed "The Great Agnostic". His radical views on religion, slavery, woman's suffrage, and other issues of the day effectively prevented him from ever pursuing or holding political offices higher than that of state attorney general. Illinois Republicans tried to pressure him into running for governor on the condition that Ingersoll conceal his agnosticism during the campaign, which he refused to do on the basis that concealing information from the public was immoral. (Excerpt from Wikipedia)

War Letters of a Public-School Boy (The World At War)

by Henry Paul Mainwaring Jones

War letters from the battlefield at the Somme in WW I

Attack An Infantry Subaltern's Impression of July 1st, 1916: An Infantry Subaltern's Impression Of July 1st, 1916 (The World At War)

by Edward Liveing

Edward George Downing Liveing (1895-1963) was an author and historian. His works include: Attack: An Infantry Subaltern's Impression of July 1st, 1916 (1918), The House of Harrild, 1801-1948 (1949), Adventure in Publishing (1949), Pioneers of Petrol (1959) and A Century of Insurance (1961). "The attack on the fortified village of Gommecourt, which Mr. Liveing describes in these pages with such power and colour, was a part of the first great allied attack on July 1, 1916, which began the battle of the Somme. That battle, so far as it concerns our own troops, may be divided into two sectors: one, to the south of the Ancre River, a sector of advance, the other, to the north of the Ancre River, a containing sector, in which no advance was possible. Gommecourt itself, which made a slight but important salient in the enemy line in the containing sector, was the most northern point attacked in that first day's fighting. " (Excerpt from Goodreads)

Andersonville A Story of Rebel Military Prisons (The World At War)

by John McElroy

This is the story of Andersonville. Considered one of the most horrific prisons in the Civil War

The Fifth Battalion Highland Light Infantry in the War 1914-1918 (The World At War)

by F. L. Morrison

Excerpt from contents of book: ”Within a week our Brigade found itself at Dunfermline, and a few days later we were at Leven, with two companies on duty at the docks at Methil. The Leven companies did uninterrupted training, the Methil companies uninterrupted guards, and to the credit of the latter no one was drowned on these inky nights in the docks. It was there one night a small but gallant officer was going his rounds. One sentry was posted in mid-air on a coal chute, and to challenge persons approaching his post was one of his duties. On the approach of the officer there was no challenge, so to find the reason of this the officer climbed up the ladder and found the sentry, who explained he had seen something "right enuff, " but thought it was "one of them things they tie ships to"-in other words a bollard."

The Wonder of War on Land (The World At War)

by Francis Rolt-Wheeler

Francis Rolt-Wheeler (1876 - 1960) was born Francis William Wheeler in Forest Hills, England. He lived with his family, in England, until some time before 1901. He crossed the Atlantic where he became a naturalised US citizen in 1903, working as a journalist. Starting around 1906, Wheeler made a name for himself -- as Francis Rolt-Wheeler -- as a writer of books, mostly for boys, like The Boy with the United States Survey and The Boy with the US Trappers. He also published a 10 volume Science-History of the Universe, books for children with topics ranging from Aztecs to dinosaurs to Thomas Alva Edison, a series of books on aspects of the first world war, and some poetry and drama. Francis Rolt-Wheeler remained in the US until the late 1920, and his reputation as a writer of popular boy's material continued to wax through the 1920s. He was traveling globally quite a bit during this period and left the US for the Middle East, where he began his second career as an occultist. The Rolt-Wheeler handle was used by both Francis and his sister Ethel, a poet, writer, reincarnationist and Fellow of the Theosophical Society.

Between the Lines / Secret Service Stories Told Fifty Years After: Secret Service Stories Told Fifty Years After (The World At War)

by Henry Smith

For those interested in the nitty gritty of the Civil War. It is hard to imagine living at a time and in a place where you were not sure where you and your friends stood. (Excerpt from Goodreads)

Destruction and Reconstruction: Personal Experiences Of The Late War (The World At War)

by Richard Taylor

In this unique series, the Civil War comes vividly to life, as those who were there give eye-witness accounts from both sides of the bloody conflict. A sugar farmer and gentleman politician with no military training before the war, General Richard Taylor--son of President Zachary Taylor--plays a major role in the Red River campaign. Out of print since 1879. (Excerpt from Goodreads)

What is Coming? A Forecast of Things after the War (The World At War)

by H. G. Wells

Prophecy may vary between being an intellectual amusement and a serious occupation; serious not only in its intentions, but in its consequences. For it is the lot of prophets who frighten or disappoint to be stoned. But for some of us moderns, who have been touched with the spirit of science, prophesying is almost a habit of mind. (Excerpt from book)

Colonel Chabert (The World At War)

by Honoré Balzac

Le Colonel Chabert (English: Colonel Chabert) is an 1832 novella by French novelist and playwright Honoré de Balzac (1799–1850). It is included in his series of novels (or Roman-fleuve) known as La Comédie humaine (The Human Comedy), which depicts and parodies French society in the period of the Restoration (1815–1830) and the July Monarchy (1830–1848). This novella, originally published in Le Constitutionnel, was adapted for six different motion pictures, including two silent films. (Excerpt from Wikipedia)

The Citizen-Soldier: Or; Memoirs Of A Volunteer (The World At War)

by John Beatty

John Beatty (December 16, 1828 – December 4, 1914) was an American banker and statesman from Sandusky, Ohio. He served as a brigadier general in the Union Army during the American Civil War. (Excerpt from Wikipedia)

Face to Face with Kaiserism (The World At War)

by James Gerard

James Watson Gerard (August 25, 1867 – September 6, 1951) was a United States lawyer and diplomat. At the outbreak of World War I in 1914, Gerard assumed the care of British interests in Germany, later visiting the camps where British prisoners were confined and doing much to alleviate their condition. His responsibilities were further increased by the fact that German interests in France, Great Britain, and Russia were placed in the care of the American embassies in those countries, the American embassy in Berlin thus becoming a sort of clearing house. From first-hand knowledge he was able to settle the question, much disputed among the Germans themselves, as to the official attitude of the German government toward the violation of Belgian neutrality. Gerard published two books on his experiences, titled “My Four Years in Germany”, released in 1917 and the following year, “Face to Face with Kaiserism”. (Excerpt from Wikipedia)

Geronimo's Story of His Life (The World At War)

by Geronimo

Geronimo's Story of His Life is the oral life history of a legendary Apache warrior. Composed in 1905, while Geronimo was being held as a U.S. prisoner of war at Fort Sill, Oklahoma.

The Two Great Retreats of History: 1. The Retreat Of The Ten Thousand. 2. Napoleon's Retreat From Moscow (Classics To Go)

by George Grote

The Two Great Retreats of History: 1. the Retreat of the Ten Thousand. 2. Napoleon's Retreat from Moscow...

Army Life in a Black Regiment (The World At War)

by Thomas Wentworth Higginson

Thomas Wentworth Higginson (December 22, 1823 – May 9, 1911) was an American Unitarian minister, author, abolitionist, and soldier. He was active in the American Abolitionism movement during the 1840s and 1850s, identifying himself with disunion and militant abolitionism. He was a member of the Secret Six who supported John Brown. During the Civil War, he served as colonel of the 1st South Carolina Volunteers, the first federally authorised black regiment, from 1862–1864. Following the war, Higginson devoted much of the rest of his life to fighting for the rights of freed slaves, women and other disfranchised peoples. (Excerpt from Wikipedia)

Die neuesten Geschichtslügen (The World At War)

by Heinrich Kanner

Heinrich Kanner (* 9. November 1864 in Galați; † 15. Februar 1930 in Wien) war ein österreichischer Politiker, Journalist und Zeitungsherausgeber. Noch während des Weltkrieges begann Heinrich Kanner seine Recherche nach der Kriegsschuldfrage. Zu diesem Zwecke interviewte er während des Krieges eine Reihe von prominenten Vertretern des öffentlichen Lebens darunter auch mehrfach Leon von Bilinski, der von 1912 bis 1915 gemeinsamer Finanzminister der Donaumonarchie war und an den entscheidenden Sitzungen und Besprechungen über die Außenpolitik in dieser Zeit teilgenommen hat. Bilinski bezeugte in den Gesprächen mit Kanner, dass Kaiser Franz Joseph seit dem Frühjahr 1913 fest entschlossen war, nötigenfalls eine Aktion am Balkan zu genehmigen und zwar unbeschadet des Risikos eines Zusammenstoßes mit Russland. (Auszug aus Wikipedia)

Warum wir sterben (The World At War)

by Alejandro Lipschütz

Eine philosophische Abhandlung über das Sterben

Ein Mann: Des Seefahrers Und Aufrechten Bürgers Joachim Nettelbeck Wundersame Lebensgeschichte (The World At War)

by Joachim Nettelbeck

Joachim Christian Nettelbeck (* 20. September 1738 in Kolberg; 29. Januar 1824 ebenda) war ein durch seine Rolle bei der Verteidigung Kolbergs im Jahre 1807 und seine Autobiographie bekannter deutscher Volksheld. Als Elfjähriger durfte Nettelbeck auf dem Schiff seines Onkels ausnahmsweise nach Amsterdam mitreisen. Dort schlich er sich im Hafen an Bord eines holländischen Ozeanseglers und kam erst auf offener See wieder zum Vorschein. Das Schiff war ein Sklavenhändler und befuhr das Dreieck Westeuropa - Westafrika - Westindien - Westeuropa. Nach neunmonatiger Reise besuchte Nettelbeck bis zur Konfirmation wieder die Schule in Kolberg. Danach begann er eine Seemannsausbildung, zunächst als Schiffsjunge auf Ost- und Nordseefahrern. (Auszug aus Wikipedia)

Battle-Pieces and Aspects of the War: Civil War Poems (The World At War)

by Herman Melville

Battle-Pieces and Aspects of the War (1866) is the first book of poetry published by American author Herman Melville. The volume is dedicated "To the Memory of the Three Hundred Thousand Who in the War For the Maintenance of the Union Fell Devotedly Under the Flag of Their Country" and its 72 poems deal with the battles and personalities of the American Civil War and their aftermath. (Excerpt from Wikipedia)

The Dynasts

by Thomas Hardy

"The Dynasts" is an English-language drama in verse by Thomas Hardy. Hardy himself described this work as "an epic-drama of the war with Napoleon, in three parts, nineteen acts and one hundred and thirty scenes". Not counting the Forescene and the Afterscene, the exact total number of scenes is 131. The three parts were published in 1904, 1906 and 1908. Because of the ambition and scale of the work, Hardy acknowledged that The Dynasts was not a work that could be conventionally staged in the theatre, and described the work as "the longest English drama in existence". Scholars have noted that Hardy remembered war stories of the veterans of the Napoleonic wars in his youth, and used them as partial inspiration for writing The Dynasts many years later in his own old age. In addition, Hardy was a distant relative of Captain Thomas Hardy, who had served with Admiral Horatio Nelson at Trafalgar. Hardy consulted a number of histories and also visited Waterloo, Belgium, as part of his research. George Orwell wrote that Hardy had "set free his genius" by writing this drama and thought its main appeal was "in the grandiose and rather evil vision of armies marching and counter-marching through the mists, and men dying by hundreds of thousands in the Russian snows, and all for absolutely nothing."

Woodrow Wilson and the World War: A Chronicle Of Our Own Times (The World At War)

by Charles Seymour

This book was written right after the "Great War" it is a fantastic historical image of how contemporaries viewed the war, its causes, results, and how Woodrow Wilson managed and used it to further his ideological goal of Collective Security. It really is a great contemporary look of the situations surrounding the United States and World War I. It also has some previews of future prominent Americans such as Herbert Hoover and Franklin Roosevelt, before they were Presidents. (Excerpt from Goodreads)

With the British Army in The Holy Land (The World At War)

by H. O. Lock

The Holy Land has been the scene of war since the dawn of History. Long before Belgium became the cock-pit of Europe, Palestine was the cock-pit of the known world. Here, on the high road between Asia and Africa, were fought the great wars of Egyptians and Assyrians, Israelites and Canaanites, Greeks and Romans, Saracens and Crusaders. With these few square miles are associated the names of the world's greatest soldiers no less than that of the Prince of Peace. None can fail to be interested in the latest campaign in this Land of Armageddon. (Goodreads)

The Case of Edith Cavell: A Study Of The Rights Of Non-combatants (The World At War)

by James Beck

A Study of the Rights of Non-Combatants. A title by James Montgomery Beck who was a United States Solicitor General, author, and member of the United States House of Representatives from Pennsylvania. In 1900 he was appointed Assistant to the Attorney General and served until 1903. In 1914 he was elected a bencher of Gray's Inn, to argue a case for the U.S. before the Privy Council. No foreign barrister in 600 years had been permitted to do so before. In 1921 he was nominated by Warren G. Harding to be the Solicitor General. Beck served until his resignation in 1925. He was elected in 1927 as Congressional Representative from Pennsylvania, filling the vacancy caused by the resignation of James M. Hazlett. (Excerpt from Google)

Above the Battle (The World At War)

by Romain Rolland

Above the Battle is an anti-world war I treatise by Romain Rolland written in 1916. (Excerpt) "A great nation assailed by war has not only its frontiers to protect: it must also protect its good sense. It must protect itself from the hallucinations, injustices, and follies which the plague lets loose. To each his part: to the armies the protection of the soil of their native land; to the thinkers the defence of its thought. If they subordinate that thought to the passions of their people they may well be useful instruments of passion; but they are in danger of betraying the spirit, which is not the least part of a people's patrimony. One day History will pass judgment on each of the nations at war; she will weigh their measure of errors, lies, and heinous follies. Let us try and make ours light before her!"

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