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Xin Loi, Viet Nam: Thirty-one Months of War: A Soldier's Memoir

by Al Sever

All the hell, horror, and heroism of helicopter gunship combat above the jungles of Vietnam is captured in this gritty, gut-wrenching, firsthand account by a veteran of nearly all the war's major campaigns.

The XIV Corps Battle for Manila; February 1945

by Captain Kevin T. McEnery

This study is a historical analysis of the February 1945 battle to liberate Manila. It focuses on the large unit urban combat operations of the U.S. Amy XIV Corps. The XIV Corps attack was part of the larger Allied campaign to liberate Luzon in the Philippines. Manila was an important political and military objective. This month long battle was the only time in the Second World War that U.S. forces fought the Japanese inside a major city. It represented a dramatic departure from the earlier island campaigns of the Pacific Theater.The study evaluates the relationship between the strategic and operational importance of modern major cities and U.S. tactical doctrine for seizing a defended city. The analysis includes U.S. Army World War II large unit doctrine for offensive urban combat, the circumstances that determined the city of Manila would become a battlefield, and the adaptation of doctrine by XIV Corps in Manila. From this historical analysis, we can determine planning and operational considerations for likely corps and division level urban combat today.

XIX Tactical Air Command And Ultra - Patton’s Force Enhancers In The 1944 Campaign In France

by Major Bradford J. “BJ” Shwedo USAF

Gen George S. Patton Jr. remains one of the most storied commanders of World War II. Patton's spectacularly successful drive across France in August-September 1944 as commander of the US Third Army was perhaps his greatest campaign.Drawing heavily on declassified ULTRA intelligence reports, the records of XIX Tactical Air Command, and postwar interrogations of German commanders, Maj Bradford J. Shwedo's XIX Tactical Air Command and ULTRA: Patton's Force Enhancers in the 1944 Campaign in France sheds new light on Patton's generalship and suggests that Patton's penchant for risk and audacity may have been less the product of a sixth sense than of his confidence in ULTRA and tactical airpower. Timely and highly accurate ULTRA intelligence afforded Patton knowledge of German capabilities and enabled him to shape his operations to exploit mounting German weakness. Airpower provided top cover, punched through German concentrations, guarded Patton's right flank, and furnished crucial airlift support while disrupting enemy lines of communication.Whatever Patton's personal intuitive gifts, he deserves full marks for skillfully integrating the ground scheme of maneuver, airpower, and intelligence into the overall strategy of the Third Army and XIX TAC from Normandy to within 50 miles of the German border in less than 45 days.General Patton's masterful employment of armor, airpower, and intelligence in a campaign fought more than 50 years ago is a textbook example of the sophisticated fusion of airpower, ground power, and information in the planning and execution of a fast-moving military operation. It is also a case study in flexibility, innovation, and boldness at the operational level of war. For all those reasons, Patton's campaign in France merits the attention of latter-day air and ground warriors who must meet the security challenges of the twenty-first century.

Y ahora, volved a vuestras casas

by Evelyn Mesquida

La trágica y olvidada historia de los españoles que combatieron al enemigo nazi. Tras la publicación de La Nueve, Evelyn Mesquida nos brinda la heroica y trágica historia de muchos de aquellos jóvenes republicanos españoles que, tras ser derrotados en la Guerra Civil, combatieron hazañosamente al enemigo nazi en la Resistencia francesa. «Como los numerosos españoles que combatieron en el ejército francés y que lucharon en la Segunda Guerra Mundial, los refugiados que participaron en la Resistencia francesa también fueron olvidados en los libros de Historia. Allí estaban, sin embargo.» Desde que llegaron a Francia en 1939, la mayoría de ellos tuvo por hogar los barracones de los campos de concentración, las barracas de los campos de trabajo, las chozas y las cuevas en las montañas y en los bosques de todo el país. Esas eran sus moradas todavía cuando, en septiembre de 1944, desde la inquietud y la inconsciencia, el general De Gaulle les pidió que, tras las decisivas batallas que habían librado, volvieran a sus casas.

Y tú no regresaste

by Marceline Loridan-Ivens

Un libro breve y conmovedor. Una carta abrierta al padre que no sobrevivió a la deportación a Auschwitz-Birkenau. El dolor de la pérdida y en el terrible sentimiento de culpa que acompaña siempre a quienes consiguen salir con vida del infierno, pero dejan atrás a los que aman. Hay libros imprescindibles que dejan una marca indeleble, que aun después de haberlos terminado permanecen vívidos en nuestro recuerdo. Este libro breve e intenso es uno de ellos. Marceline Loridan-Ivens, que ha tenido una larga y reconocida carrera como realizadora cinematográfica, fue deportada a Auschwitz-Birkenau en el mismo convoy que su padre el 13 de abril de 1943, cuando contaba apenas quince años. «Tú podrás regresar, porque eres joven, pero yo ya no volveré», le dijo su padre a la joven Marceline cuando fueron deportados. Y ella nunca olvidó esas palabras. Después del horror, de vuelta en París, atenazada por la ausencia de aquel padre benevolente y protector, se quedó sin palabras para explicar lo que había vivido. Con el paso del tiempo, logró adaptarse y se labró una carrera fecunda como documentalista y realizadora cinematográfica junto con su marido, Joris Ivens. Ahora, a los ochenta y seis años de edad, ha plasmado su evocación del dolor en un documento impresionante, escrito a cuatro manos con Judith Perrignon, que ha cautivado a los lectores y a la opinión pública, y que demuestra que hay historias que no pueden dejar de ser contadas y que los libros como éste, lejos de haber perdido vigencia, han adquirido en el presente una gran relevancia. Y tú no regresaste se publicó en Francia a principios de 2015 y obtuvo de inmediato el interés de la crítica y del público lector, que reconocieron en este libro breve y conmovedor un coraje, una lucidez y una coherencia ejemplares, con lo que entró de forma fulgurante en la lista de los más vendidos. Reseñas:«Un libro de rara intensidad.»Mohammed Aïssaoui, Le Figaro «Un testimonio que sin duda golpea con más dureza que otros. Difícil de olvidar.»Nicolas Ungemuth, Le Figaro Magazine «Breve, densa, punzante y conmovedora.»Pierre Vavasseur, Le Parisien «Una fuerza excepcional.»Patrice Trapier, Le JDD «Un libro escrito con el coraje de quien, tanto tiempo después, ni tiene miedo ni se hace ilusiones.»Cordélia Bonal, Libération «Un valiosísimo relato. Un testimonio que, más que nunca, merece ser leído y comprendido.»Elisabeth Philippe, Les Inrockuptibles «Los libros importantes, los que nunca olvidaremos, no necesitan ser voluminosos. He aquí otra prueba.»Maurice Sazafran

Yakovlev Aces of World War 2

by George Mellinger

Osprey's Aircraft of the Aces series combines full colour artwork, the best archival contemporary photography, and first hand accounts from aces to bring history's greatest airborne conflicts to life.


by Elias Khoury Peter Theroux

Yalo propels us into a skewed universe of brutal misunderstanding, of love and alienation, of self-discovery and luminous transcendence. At the center of the vortex stands Yalo, a young man drifting between worlds like a stray dog on the streets of Beirut during the Lebanese civil war. Living with his mother who "lost her face in the mirror," he falls in with a dangerous circle whose violent escapades he treats as a game. The game becomes a horrifying reality, however, when Yalo is accused of rape and armed robbery, and is imprisoned. Tortured and interrogated at length, he is forced to confess to crimes of which he has little or no recollection. As he writes, and rewrites his testimony, he begins to grasp his family's past, and the true Yalo begins to emerge. Ha'aretz calls Yalo "a heartbreaking book . . . hypnotic in beauty."

Yalta: The Price of Peace

by S. M. Plokhy

A major new history of the eight days in February 1945 when FDR, Churchill, and Stalin decided the fate of the world Imagine you could eavesdrop on a dinner party with three of the most fascinating historical figures of all time. <P><P>In this landmark book, a gifted Harvard historian puts you in the room with Churchill, Stalin, and Roosevelt as they meet at a climactic turning point in the war to hash out the terms of the peace. The ink wasn't dry when the recriminations began. The conservatives who hated Roosevelt's New Deal accused him of selling out. Was he too sick? Did he give too much in exchange for Stalin's promise to join the war against Japan? Could he have done better in Eastern Europe? Both Left and Right would blame Yalta for beginning the Cold War. <P>Plokhy's conclusions, based on unprecedented archival research, are surprising. He goes against conventional wisdom-cemented during the Cold War- and argues that an ailing Roosevelt did better than we think. Much has been made of FDR's handling of the Depression; here we see him as wartime chief. Yalta is authoritative, original, vividly- written narrative history, and is sure to appeal to fans of Margaret MacMillan's bestseller Paris 1919.

Yamamoto: The Man Who Planned Pearl Harbor

by Edwin P. Hoyt

The first major biography of the Japanese admiral who was the architect of the Pacific War and of the Pearl Harbor attack.

Yamamoto Isoroku

by Mark Stille Adam Hook

Admiral Yamamoto Isoroku was the defining Japanese naval commander of World War II. Although by no means part of the militarist clique that dominated Japanese politics in the 1930s, when war came Yamamoto was completely committed to his country's cause and planned and executed the daring pre-emptive strike on Pearl Harbor that so damaged the US Pacific Fleet and ushered in the Pacific War.Yamamoto's career in the Imperial Japanese Navy started in the early years of the 20th century and he saw service in the Russo-Japanese War, being wounded in the battle of Tsushima in 1904, before going on to study at Harvard University and serve as a naval attaché in the inter-war years, an experience that was supposed to give him a unique insight into the American psyche. Despite his opposition to the Japanese invasion of Manchuria in 1931 and war with China in 1937, as well as the tripartite pact with Germany and Italy, he retained his position as commander-in-chief of the combined fleet in the warlike Tojo administration and was it was in this position that he led the IJN to war in 1941.Despite the success of the Pearl Harbor operation, Yamamoto's subsequent handling of the Japanese combined fleet can be called into question. Seeking a 'decisive battle' against the US Pacific Fleet, Yamamoto took up an aggressive position in the Pacific and fought the US Navy at the battle of the Coral Sea in May 1942 and the battle of Midway. Midway can be said to be Yamamoto's 'hour of destiny' as he planned and executed the battle. Though unaware that the Japanese Naval code had been broken, he fatally divided his forces, leaving them vulnerable to piecemeal destruction. The final campaign commanded by Yamamoto was that around Guadalcanal, where Yamamoto's myth of excellence will be totally laid bare. Despite a considerable numerical advantage over the Americans, Yamamoto never brought this advantage to bear. The result was a devastating defeat for the IJN and, eventually, the death of Yamamoto himself.This title will use these key campaigns to analyze Yamamoto's command style and strategies, and assess how these impacted upon the course of the war in the Pacific and Japan's chances for success.

Yamato Class Battleships: Ijn Yamato Class Battleships (ShipCraft)

by Steve Wiper

The Japanese Imperial Navy&’s impressive but ill-fated WWII battleships are examined in detail in this fully illustrated modeling guide. The volume in the ShipCraft series offers in-depth information about building and modifying model kits of WWII Japan&’s Yamato-class battleships. These were the largest warships of the Second World War and the largest battleships ever constructed. They also carried the largest naval artillery ever fitted to a warship. And yet, neither Yamato nor her sistership Musashi made much impact on the War. Musashi was sunk during the battle of Leyte Gulf while Yamato, deployed in a deliberate suicide attack on Allied forces at the battle of Okinawa, was finally sunk by US carrier-based aircraft. This lavishly illustrated volume takes the modeler through a brief history of the Yamato class, then provides step-by-step instruction for building a highly accurate model. Also included are hints on modifying and improving the basic kits and information on paint schemes. The strengths and weaknesses of available kits of the ships are reviewed, and the book concludes with a section on further research references.

Yangtze Patrol

by Kemp Tolley

In this entertaining history of the Yangtze Patrol, Tolley gives a lively presentation of the Chinese political situation over the past century and describes the bombing of the Panay, the siege of Shanghai, the battle of Wanhsien, and the Nanking incident. He also offers a liberal serving of colorful anecdotes and numerous period photographs.

Yangtze River Gunboats 1900-49

by Tony Bryan Angus Konstam

From the end of the 19th century through the first half of the 20th, most Western powers maintained a naval presence in China. These gunboats protected traders and missionaries, safeguarded national interests, and patrolled Chinese rivers in search of pirates. It was a wild, lawless time in China as ruthless warlords fought numerous small wars to increase their power and influence. This book covers the gunboats of all the major nations that stationed naval forces in China, including America, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, and Japan, and looks at such famous incidents as the Japanese bombing of the USS Patay and the dramatic escape of the HMS Amethyst from Communist forces in 1947, which marked the end of the gunboat era.

Yangtze Showdown: China and the Ordeal of HMS Amethyst

by Brian Izzard

Tells the &“epic tale of the entrapment of HMS Amethyst by the Chinese Communists . . . a good sea story and a look inside the early days of the Cold War&” (Strategy Page). The attack on the British frigate Amethyst on the Yangtze River by Chinese Communists in 1949 made world headlines. There was even more publicity when the ship made a dramatic escape after being trapped for 101 days. Eulogized by the British as an example of outstanding courage and fortitude, the &“Yangtze Incident&” was even made into a feature film, which depicted the ship and her crew as innocent victims of Communist aggression. The truth was more complex, and so sensitive that the government intended that the files should be closed until 2030. However, these have now been released and in making use of these documents this book is the first to tell the full story. What emerges is an intriguing tale of intelligence failure, military over-confidence and a hero with feet of clay—it is by no means as heroic as the well-publicized official version, but every bit as entertaining. While the reputations of diplomatic and naval top brass take a knock, the bravery and ingenuity of those actively involved shines even more brightly. Written with verve and including much new and surprising information, this book is both enjoyable and informative. &“[A] masterly work . . . gripped with tension and it is hard to put down . . . the feat of legends which will forever be celebrated throughout the endless history of the Royal Navy.&”—Australian Naval Institute &“A classic piece of post war naval adventure in a highly readable and well researched manner.&”—Scuttlebutt

Yank: Memoir of a World War II Soldier (1941-1945) - From the Desert War of North Africa to the Allied Inv

by Ted Ellsworth

Ted Ellsworth was a young Dartmouth grad in 1941. In the years before the U. S. joined the Second World War effort, American men who wished to fight against Hitler were granted permission from President Roosevelt and the U. S. Congress to join the British army. <P><P>In normal circumstance, fighting for another nation's army would be an automatic forfeiture of U. S. citizenship (as noted on U. S. passports). Yank begins with goodbyes to Ellworth's young wife and family. It covers his crossing to Britain, initial stay in London, assignment to a North African tank regiment and the campaign there, participation in the invasion of Italy and the second wave of D-Day, accounts of fierce battles, being taken prisoner by the Germans and shipped to a POW camp, the camp deprivations, liberation by the Russians, and finally, the year Ellsworth spent wandering eastern Europe with no dog-tags, after the war had ended, trying to reach a city from which he could ship back home. Ellsworth had been officially MIA for over two years, and everyone assumed he was dead. The final pages detail Ellsworth's homecoming when his wife hand-delivers the beautiful and intimate note that she'd written him when he was first reported missing.

Yank and Rebel Rangers: Special Operations in the American Civil War

by Robert W. Black

This Civil War history reveals the tactics and covert operations of both Union and Confederate rangers, guerilla forces, and volunteer units. The major battles of the American Civil War are well recorded. But while much has been written about the action at Shiloh and Gettysburg, far less is known about the cover operations and irregular warfare that were equally consequential. Both the Union and Confederate armies employed small forces of highly trained soldiers for special operations behind enemy lines. In Yank and Rebel Rangers, historian Robert W. Black tells this untold story of the war between the states. Skilled in infiltration, often crossing enemy lines in disguise, these warriors went deep into enemy territory, captured important personnel, disrupted lines of communication, and sowed confusion and fear. Often wearing the uniform of the enemy, they faced execution as spies if captured. Despite these risks, and in part because of them, these warriors fought and died as American rangers.

Yankee Fighter: The Story of an American in the Free French Legion

by Cpt. John F. Hasey Joseph F. Dinneen

This is the true story of Jack Hasey, an American captain in the Free French Foreign Legion during the Second World War, who was critically wounded during the Battle of Damascus in June 1941.His bravery earned him the Order of the Cross of Liberty, the Croix de guerre 39-45 with four citations, and the Insignia for the Military Wounded. He became a Knight of the Légion d’honneur and received France’s highest World War II honour of all when he was named Companion of the Ordre de la Libération.

Yankee In Gray: The Civil War Memoirs Of Henry E. Handerson

by Captain Henry E. Handerson

Henry E. Handerson, a tutor from the Western Reserve of Ohio, fifteen miles east of Cleveland, enlisted in the Confederate army on June 17, 1861...Handerson was not an ordinary soldier. His memoir is the account of a Northerner--who after only two years of residency in antebellum Louisiana decided to cast his lot with the Confederacy. ...Already a member of a local home guard company, the twenty-four-year-old Ohio-born Handerson was quickly enrolled as a private in the Stafford Guards, later Company B, of the Ninth Louisiana Infantry. The Ninth was first bloodied at the Battle of Front Royal, Virginia, on May 23, 1862, in a brisk fight with the Union First Maryland Infantry. As part of Stonewall Jackson's command, the regiment and Handerson marched and fought up and down the length of the Shenandoah Valley before moving down to Richmond to participate in the bloody Seven Days Battle. Handerson took part in the Fredericksburg battle, and later in the spring of 1863, was wounded in the neck at Chancellorsville. Lieutenant Handerson recovered from his wound just in time to reach Gettysburg on the last day of the battle there. In the Battle of the Wilderness, while carrying a dispatch, Handerson ran into an advancing battle line and was taken prisoner...and confined under poor living conditions, in a stockade in the direct line of fire from the Confederates at Charleston. Surviving this ordeal, Handerson wound up the war at Fort Pulaski, Georgia.Handerson's memoirs and his letters give a sympathetic picture of war and life in the Confederate army as seen through the eyes of a Northerner who lacked the emotional involvement of the native-born Southerners. His account of service with the army of Northern Virginia and as a prisoner of war is of particular value regarding the everyday details and incidents of a soldier's life. Important figures and Confederate heroes are treated fairly but objectively by this keen-eyed observer.-Edward Cunningham

Yankee Invasion

by Ignacio Solares Carlos Fuentes Timothy G. Compton

Yankee Invasion centers on one of the most traumatic periods of Mexican history: the 1847 invasion of Mexico City by American armed forces and the ultimate loss of almost half its territory to the United States. Abelardo, who as a young man witnessed the events, narrates the novel and in its very first pages commits an act of resistance that will haunt him the rest of his life. In his old age, he begins to reflect on the history of Mexico, as well as his complicated love affairs with both his fiancée and her mother, which play out against the tumultuous backdrop of the invasion and occupation. Told with humor and pathos, Yankee Invasion paints a riveting portrait of an event that, though little known in America, still reverberates in Mexico today. Vivid descriptions capture the streets, cafés, cantinas, and drawing rooms of 19th-century Mexico City.

The Yankee Marlborough (Routledge Library Editions: WW2 #48)

by R.W. Thompson

This book, first published in 1963, is an early biography of Winston Churchill, examining his personality and character that was woven so closely through the texture of Britain’s story in the first half of the twentieth century. In attempting to discover a complete and complex Churchill, in his character, ambitions and personal experiences, the book seeks to present a clearer insight into the events of Churchill’s life.

The Yankee Plague: Escaped Union Prisoners and the Collapse of the Confederacy (Civil War America)

by Lorien Foote

During the winter of 1864, more than 3,000 Federal prisoners of war escaped from Confederate prison camps into South Carolina and North Carolina, often with the aid of local slaves. Their flight created, in the words of contemporary observers, a "Yankee plague," heralding a grim end to the Confederate cause. In this fascinating look at Union soldiers' flight for freedom in the last months of the Civil War, Lorien Foote reveals new connections between the collapse of the Confederate prison system, the large-scale escape of Union soldiers, and the full unraveling of the Confederate States of America. By this point in the war, the Confederacy was reeling from prison overpopulation, a crumbling military, violence from internal enemies, and slavery's breakdown. The fugitive Federals moving across the countryside in mass numbers, Foote argues, accelerated the collapse as slaves and deserters decided the presence of these men presented an opportune moment for escalated resistance. Blending rich analysis with an engaging narrative, Foote uses these ragged Union escapees as a lens with which to assess the dying Confederate States, providing a new window into the South's ultimate defeat.

A Yankee Saint: John Humphrey Noyes And The Oneida Community

by Robert Allerton Parker

Considered to be one of the definitive biographies on John Humphrey Noyes, an American preacher, radical religious philosopher, and utopian socialist who founded the Putney, Oneida, and Wallingford Communities and is credited for having coined the term "free love".

Yankee Stranger (The\williamsburg Novels Ser. #2)

by Elswyth Thane

LOVE AND WARCabot Murray first came to Williamsburg, Virginia, in the tense autumn of 1860. He was looked upon with suspicion because he was a Yankee. Then Cabot met redheaded Eden Day.Theirs was a wild, blind young love at first sight. Whispering in her hair, what did it matter that he was a Northerner and she from the South…But then came the Civil War. With the tide of battle Cabot returned as an enemy spy. In Eden he found the hatred of a woman who has learned desire.Could the bitterness of war be softened in the arms of lovers?

The Yankees are Coming! The Yankees are Coming!: A Comparison Between The American Revolution And Vietnam’s War For National Unification

by Major Jeffrey M. Dunn USMC

This paper compares British involvement in America's struggle for independence in the late eighteenth century with the United States' immersion in North Vietnam's struggle for national unification in the twentieth.Many similarities exist between the American Revolution and the Vietnam War. Five of the most apparent similarities are examined. First, Great Britain and the United States made similar fundamental assumptions, in their respective conflicts, which proved equally flawed. Second, the distances between the combatants in both conflicts were vast. The lines of communication were extremely long. Third, similarities abound between the people involved, both generally and specifically. Fourth, both wars have a single campaign that can be described as the turning point. Though Saratoga and Tet occurred at relatively early stages in the respective conflicts, the outcomes of the wars were arguably decided after those campaigns. Fifth, the southern strategies in both wars are remarkably analogous. Both Great Britain and the United States succeeded in alienating the undecided, and arousing animosity among the common people.1. The United States became the oppressor in Vietnam, and closely emulated its enemy, Great Britain, in the Revolutionary War.2. Many patterns repeat themselves through history and within those patterns are keys to success in the future.3. The United States needs to become more proficient at searching for patterns in history (not just its own). By learning from the mistakes made by itself and others, the U.S. will make fewer mistakes in the future.


by John Eisenhower

Fought far from home, World War I was nonetheless a stirring American adventure. The achievements of the United States during that war, often underrated by military historians, were in fact remarkable, and they turned the tide of the conflict. So says John S. D. Eisenhower, one of today's most acclaimed military historians, in his sweeping history of the Great War and the men who won it: the Yanks of the American Expeditionary Force. Their men dying in droves on the stalemated Western Front, British and French generals complained that America was giving too little, too late. John Eisenhower shows why they were wrong. The European Allies wished to plug the much-needed U.S. troops into their armies in order to fill the gaps in the line. But General John J. "Black Jack" Pershing, the indomitable commander of the AEF, determined that its troops would fight together, as a whole, in a truly American army. Only this force, he argued -- not bolstered French or British units -- could convince Germany that it was hopeless to fight on. Pershing's often-criticized decision led to the beginning of the end of World War I -- and the beginning of the U.S. Army as it is known today. The United States started the war with 200,000 troops, including the National Guard as well as regulars. They were men principally trained to fight Indians and Mexicans. Just nineteen months later the Army had mobilized, trained, and equipped four million men and shipped two million of them to France. It was the greatest mobilization of military forces the New World had yet seen. For the men it was a baptism of fire. Throughout Yanks Eisenhower focuses on the small but expert cadre of officers who directed our effort: not only Pershing, but also the men who would win their lasting fame in a later war -- MacArthur, Patton, and Marshall. But the author has mined diaries, memoirs, and after-action reports to resurrect as well the doughboys in the trenches, the unknown soldiers who made every advance possible and suffered most for every defeat. He brings vividly to life those men who achieved prominence as the AEF and its allies drove the Germans back into their homeland -- the irreverent diarist Maury Maverick, Charles W. Whittlesey and his famous "lost battalion," the colorful Colonel Ulysses Grant McAlexander, and Sergeant Alvin C. York, who became an instant celebrity by singlehandedly taking 132 Germans as prisoners. From outposts in dusty, inglorious American backwaters to the final bloody drive across Europe, Yanks illuminates America's Great War as though for the first time. In the AEF, General John J. Pershing created the Army that would make ours the American age; in Yanks that Army has at last found a storyteller worthy of its deeds.

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