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La guerra Saudi-Iraní: Los Agentes Rusos: Libro 2 (Los Agentes Rusos #2)

by Ted Halstead

¿Podrán los agentes rusos, los tanques saudíes y la tecnología estadounidense detener a tiempo al Líder Supremo de Irán? El nuevo gobernante de Irán utilizará tres armas nucleares, VX y dos fuerzas blindadas que se dirigen hacia Riad para derrocar a la monarquía saudí. ¿Podrán detenerlo antes de que mueran miles de personas y comience una guerra más amplia en Oriente Próximo? A los aficionados a la ficción militar les encantarán las detalladas descripciones de tanques, drones y ojivas. Pero los aficionados al thriller político disfrutarán con el ritmo y la historia. Se lee como una novela de Tom Clancy, en el sentido de que hay numerosos personajes y muchas partes en movimiento. Sin embargo, a diferencia de Clancy, no hay tramas secundarias que se desvíen. Todas las personas y acontecimientos descritos en el libro conducen directamente a la trama principal, lo que hace que sea una lectura bastante rápida y concisa. Recomiendo encarecidamente este libro, especialmente si sientes curiosidad por la ficción militar.

Spezialkräfte: Heldenhafte Geschichten aus aller Welt

by Steve Stone

Spezialeinheiten sind Militäreinheiten, die für unkonventionelle Einsätze ausgebildet sind. Spezialeinheiten entstanden Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts und erlebten während des Zweiten Weltkriegs mit der Gründung von Spezialeinheiten wie der SAS und den U.S. Navy SEALs einen bedeutenden Aufschwung. Diese Auswahl fesselnder Geschichten von Spezialkräften aus aller Welt. Sie umfasst vier Jahrzehnte erstaunlicher Operationen. Darunter die Operation Adlerkralle, die Operation Gothic Serpent, die Operation Neptune Spear und viele andere actiongeladene Geschichten. Special Forces sind hoch angesehen, und die Soldaten dieser Eliteeinheiten haben ein hartes Auswahl- und Trainingsprogramm durchlaufen, um es an die Front zu schaffen. Ob es sich nun um einen Delta Force-Operator, einen Navy SEAL, einen SAS-Trooper oder einen anderen Special Forces-Operator handelt. Heute ist enge Zusammenarbeit der Schlüssel zu vielen Missionen - auch wenn die Rivalität, der Beste zu sein, der Erste, der ein Ziel erreicht oder derjenige, der ein hochkarätiges Ziel ausschaltet. Die Geschichten in diesem Buch sind so ausgewählt, dass sie nicht nur den Erfolg, sondern auch das Scheitern und die Lehren aus jeder einzelnen Operation zeigen. Hochtechnologie ist nach wie vor kein Ersatz für den Einsatz vor Ort, wo hochqualifizierte Agenten immer noch Informationen sammeln können, zu denen kein Auge aus dem Himmel in der Lage ist.

El fin de la guerra de los Estados Unidos en Afganistán: Los Agentes Rusos: Libro 3 (Los Agentes Rusos #3)

by Ted Halstead

Las tropas estadounidenses abandonaron Afganistán. Pero, al igual que en Irak, pronto se vieron obligadas a regresar. Tres agentes rusos intentan detener las armas nucleares robadas a Pakistán por los talibanes. Los talibanes quieren utilizar las armas robadas para obligar a Estados Unidos a abandonar Afganistán para siempre. ¿Les permitirán los ataques nucleares en múltiples lugares de Afganistán tener éxito? ¿O podrán los agentes rusos y las fuerzas especiales estadounidenses detener a los talibanes a tiempo? "El autor se ha esforzado mucho, más que la mayoría, en justificar las acciones de cada una de las naciones implicadas, especialmente Rusia. Al menos para mí, eso le da al libro mucho más realismo y lo convierte en una historia mucho más interesante. El desarrollo de los personajes también es estupendo. Uno se involucra en la historia. Por último, como veterano de la USAF, su uso del ejército y las descripciones de las personalidades implicadas son excepcionales".

La Repubblica Bianca (Il portatore di morte cremisi - Libro 5 #5)

by Sean Robins

Cosa accadrebbe se gli Akakie si trasformassero in Klingon in un universo parallelo? Aiutati dalla loro tecnologia di gran lunga superiore, conquisteranno la loro galassia e poi verranno a prendere la nostra. La marina della Repubblica Bianca decima le forze della Federazione con un attacco a sorpresa. Ora Jim e i suoi amici devono unirsi ancora una volta per cacciare gli invasori e liberare i loro mondi, ma restano solo poche migliaia di astronavi. A peggiorare le cose, il conto alla rovescia scorre e il tempo stringe. I fan della serie bestseller "il portatore di morte cremisi" sanno cosa aspettarsi: posta in gioco alta, battaglie spaziali emozionanti e personaggi indimenticabili. Aggiungete a quell'umorismo campy e abbastanza colpi di scena da far vergognare Alfred Hitchcock, e otterrete "la Repubblica Bianca" in tutta la sua gloria. Leggi oggi un'altra delle epiche avventure di Jim!

El fin de la guerra rusa en Ucrania: Los Agentes Rusos: Libro 4 (Los Agentes Rusos #4)

by Ted Halstead

Agentes rusos buscan en Ucrania una ojiva nuclear desaparecida. Estados Unidos sospecha que la ojiva no ha sido robada y que su detonación es un pretexto para que Rusia se apodere de Ucrania. ¿Encontrarán los agentes la cabeza nuclear antes de que sea utilizada y dé comienzo la Tercera Guerra Mundial? Publishers Weekly: "El impresionante cuarto thriller de los Agentes Rusos de Halstead evita las convenciones trilladas del género... Los fans de las novelas de espionaje se deleitarán".

La Guerra Indo-Pakistani: Los Agentes Rusos: Libro 7 (Los Agentes Rusos #7)

by Ted Halstead

Descripción del libro: Rusia se ha enterado de que el robo de dos misiles nucleares tácticos paquistaníes se utilizará para provocar una guerra nuclear entre India y Pakistán. Eso es un problema. Porque la invasión rusa de Ucrania la ha dejado con sólo dos amigos entre los países líderes del mundo. China e India. Y Rusia ha hecho promesas secretas de respaldar a ambos en una guerra nuclear. ¿Podrán los agentes rusos, ayudados por una de las pocas mujeres agentes de la India, impedir una guerra nuclear en el subcontinente? ¿O el conflicto crecerá hasta incluir a Rusia y China, y finalmente comenzará la Tercera Guerra Mundial? “Nunca me pierdo uno de los libros de Ted. Historias muy divertidas. Esta es simplemente una serie de primera clase, excelente escritura. Muy recomendable." ​

Survival: June-July 2024

by The International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS)

Survival, the IISS’s bimonthly journal, challenges conventional wisdom and brings fresh, often controversial, perspectives on strategic issues of the moment.In this issue: François Heisbourg considers how Europeans might prepare for a disrupted US security commitment if Donald Trump becomes president again – free to read Lanxin Xiang warns that the Biden administration’s democracy-versus-autocracy framework increases the risk of conflict between the United States and China Daniel Byman argues that the Gaza war will leave both Israel and Hamas worse off – free to read Hanna Notte assesses the impact of the Russia–Ukraine war on multilateral nuclear forums and on the broader nuclear order And ten more thought-provoking pieces, as well as our regular Book Reviews and Noteworthy column. Editor: Dr Dana AllinManaging Editor: Jonathan StevensonAssociate Editor: Carolyn WestEditorial Assistant: Conor Hodges

Threats of Force and International Law: Practice, Responses and Consequences

by Agata Kleczkowska

Threats of force are an inherent part of communication between some States. One prominent example is the 2017–2018 crisis in relations between the United States and North Korea, marked by multiple threats issued by both sides. Yet, despite the fact that States seem to use threats of force with unlimited freedom, they are prohibited by international law. This book presents threats of force from the perspective of the practice of States. Thus, the book is based on an examination of multiple cases when States reported threats of force. It describes what threats of force are, examines the status of the prohibition of threats of force as a legal norm, presents examples and describes the mechanisms that are available for States in case threats occur, as well as their legal consequences. The book will be an invaluable resource for academics and researchers in the areas of international security law, public international law, law of armed conflict and international relations.

Segregated Soldiers: Military Training at Historically Black Colleges in the Jim Crow South

by Marcus S. Cox

In Segregated Soldiers, Marcus S. Cox investigates military training programs at historically black colleges and universities, and demonstrates their importance to the struggle for civil rights. Examining African Americans' attitudes toward service in the armed forces, Cox focuses on the ways in which black higher education and Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) programs worked together to advance full citizenship rights for African Americans. Educators at black colleges supported military training as early as the late nineteenth century in hopes of improving the social, economic, and political state of black citizens. Their attitudes reflected the long-held belief of many African Americans who viewed military service as a path to equal rights.Cox begins his narrative in the decades following the Civil War, when the movement to educate blacks became an essential element in the effort to offer equality to all African Americans. ROTC training emerged as a fundamental component of black higher education, as African American educators encouraged military activities to promote discipline, upright behavior, and patriotism. These virtues, they believed, would hasten African Americans' quest for civil rights and social progress. Using Southern University -- one of the largest African American institutions of higher learning during the post--World War II era -- as a case study, Cox shows how blacks' interest in military training and service continued to rise steadily throughout the 1950s. Even in the 1960s and early 1970s, despite the growing unpopularity of the Vietnam War, the rise of black nationalism, and an expanding economy that offered African Americans enhanced economic opportunities, support for the military persisted among blacks because many believed that service in the armed forces represented the best way to advance themselves in a society in which racial discrimination flourished. Unlike recent scholarship on historically black colleges and universities, Cox's study moves beyond institutional histories to provide a detailed examination of broader social, political, and economic issues, and demonstrates why military training programs remained a vital part of the schools' missions.

Footprints in the Snow (He's a Mystery #1)

by Cassie Miles

A beautiful scientist in the Rocky Mountains is rescued by a WWII-era soldier in the USA Today–bestselling author’s suspenseful time travel romance.Geologist Shana Parisi is enjoying the natural wonders of the Rocky Mountains when a powerful blizzard catches her off guard—and thrusts her back in time to the 1940s. Sergeant Luke Rawlins of the 10th Mountain Division rescues her from danger, but it’s the mesmerizing look in his eyes that captures her heart . . . and forges their destiny.Luke knows bringing the beautiful Shana back to his cabin poses a threat to his secrets, but a foreign enemy is hot on their trail and Shana’s snowy footprints are all they need to track her down. Once entrenched in his world, Luke urges her to remain silent about what she saw. Because the alternative could be deadly. . . .

Code Conspiracy (Red, White and Built: Delta Force Deliverance #3)

by Carol Ericson

Top find his missing commander, a Delta Force agent must rely on the one woman he swore to never trust again in this military romantic thriller.Hacker Jerrica West has never been one to follow the rules. So she’s shocked to learn that her by-the-book ex-boyfriend wants her help to locate his missing Delta Force leader. Gray Prescott is a hard man to refuse, but this assignment is more dangerous than either of them could have guessed. When the cybertrail exposes a terrorist plot, Jerrica must put her faith in the man she might be forced to walk away from all over again . . .

Timberwolf: Book One In The Spy-fi 'timberwolf' Series (The Spy-fi 'Timberwolf' Series)

by Tom Julian

Once a top black ops agent, Timberwolf Velez's world shatters when he encounters Kizik, a malevolent psychic alien spider that leaves a lasting mark on his psyche. Haunted by his past, Timberwolf now faces an ominous threat as a religious fanatic unearths a hidden cache of unimaginably destructive weapons. Will Timberwolf rise above his shattered mind and prevent the galaxy from descending into irreversible chaos? With an ensemble of captivating characters and exhilarating twists at every turn, TIMBERWOLF: Book One in the Spy-Fi ‘Timberwolf’ Series will keep you on the edge of your seat. Brace yourself for a heart-pounding, action-packed page-turner that refuses to release its grip.

Vanishing Act: The Enduring Mystery Behind the Legendary Doolittle Raid over Tokyo

by Dan Hampton

From New York Times bestselling author Dan Hampton comes the gripping, untold story of a vital secret mission set during the darkest days of the Second World War.In the dark days after the devastating Pearl Harbor attacks during the spring of 1942, the United States was determined to show the world that the Axis was not invincible. Their bold plan? Bomb Tokyo. On April 18, 1942, sixteen B-25s, known as the Doolittle Raiders, hit targets across Japan before escaping to China.The eighth plane, however, did not follow the other raiders. Instead, Plane 8’s pilots, Captain Edward “Ski” York and Lieutenant Bob Emmens, never attacked Tokyo, but headed across Japan to the Soviet Union, supposedly due to low fuel. Yet, this bomber was the only plane on the mission with maps of the Soviet Union aboard. And why did Plane 8’s route, recently discovered in the Japanese Imperial Archives, show them nowhere near their target? Uncovered facts reveal that bombing Tokyo was merely a cover for Plane 8’s real mission, but what was their secret objective? No one, aside from the two pilots and whomever sent them on this mission, truly knew why they were there, nor has the reason ever been revealed.Until now.In Vanishing Act, for the first time, New York Times bestselling author and former fighter pilot Dan Hampton definitively solves the final mystery of the Doolittle Raid with never-before-published documents and photographs in exclusive collaboration with Japanese researchers and the Raiders’ descendants.

The Notebook: The love story to end all love stories (Calhoun Family Saga)

by Nicholas Sparks

Celebrating 25 years of The Notebook - the classic novel which became the heart-wrenching film. *Once again, just as I do every day, I begin to read the notebook aloud...Noah Calhoun has returned from war and, in an attempt to escape the ghosts of battle, he sets his mind and his body to restoring an old plantation home to its former beauty.But he is haunted by memories of the beautiful girl he met there years before. A girl who stole his heart at the funfair, whose parents didn't approve, a girl he wrote to every day for a year.When Allie Hamilton shows up on his doorstep, exactly as he has held her in his memory for all these years, Noah has one last chance to win her back. Only this time, it's not just her parents in the way - Allie is engaged and she's not a woman to go back on her promises. The Notebook is the love story to end all love stories - it will break your heart, heal it back up and break it all over again.Praise for Nicholas Sparks:'A fiercely romantic and touching tale' Heat'An A-grade romantic read' OK!'Pulls at the heartstrings' Sunday Times'An absorbing page-turner' Daily Mail'This one won't leave a dry eye' Daily Mirror

The Lucky One

by Nicholas Sparks

Do you believe in lucky charms?While in Iraq, U.S. Marine Logan Thibault finds a photo, half-buried in the dirt, of a woman. He carries it in his pocket, and from then on his luck begins to change.Back home, Logan is haunted by thoughts of war. Over time, he becomes convinced that the woman in the photo holds the key to his destiny. So he finds the vulnerable and loving Beth and a passionate romance begins.But Logan battles with the one secret he has kept from Beth: how he found her in the first place. And it is a secret that could utterly destroy everything they love . . .

The Paris Deception: A Novel

by Bryn Turnbull

&“Unforgettable . . . a powerful, page-turning tale of two extraordinary heroines who risk their lives rescuing stolen masterpieces during the Nazi occupation of Paris. A stunning read!&” —Chanel Cleeton, New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of Our Last Days in BarcelonaFrom internationally bestselling author Bryn Turnbull comes a breathtaking novel about art theft and forgery in Nazi-occupied Paris, and two brave women who risk their lives rescuing looted masterpieces from Nazi destruction.Sophie Dix fled Stuttgart with her brother as the Nazi regime gained power in Germany. Now, with her brother gone and her adopted home city of Paris conquered by the Reich, Sophie reluctantly accepts a position restoring damaged art at the Jeu de Paume museum under the supervision of the ERR—a German art commission using the museum as a repository for art they&’ve looted from Jewish families. Fabienne Brandt was a rising star in the Parisian bohemian arts movement until the Nazis put a stop to so-called &“degenerate&” modern art. Still mourning the loss of her firebrand husband, she&’s resolved to muddle her way through the occupation in whatever way she can—until her estranged sister-in-law, Sophie, arrives at her door with a stolen painting in hand.Soon the two women embark upon a plan to save Paris&’s &“degenerates,&” working beneath the noses of Germany&’s top art connoisseurs to replace the paintings in the Jeu de Paume with skillful forgeries—but how long can Sophie and Fabienne sustain their masterful illusion?

When the Sea Came Alive: An Oral History of D-Day

by Garrett M. Graff

Real men fought for our freedoms. It’s time we fought for theirs. <P><P> Pete Hegseth joined the Army to fight extremists. Then that same Army called him one. The military Pete joined twenty years ago was fiercely focused on lethality, competency, and color blindness. Today our brass are following the rest of our country off the cliff of cultural chaos and weakness. <P><P> Americans with common sense are fighting this on many fronts, but if we can’t save the meritocracy of our military, we’re definitely going to lose everywhere else. <P><P> The War on Warriors uncovers the deep roots of our dysfunction—a society that has forgotten the men who take risks, cut through red tape, and get their hands dirty. The only kind of men prepared to face the dangers that the Left pretends don’t exist. Unlike issues of education or taxes or crime, this problem doesn’t have a zip code solution. We can’t move away from it. We can’t avoid it. We have only one Pentagon. Either we take it back or surrender it altogether. <P><P> Combining his own war experiences, tales of outrage, and an incisive look at how the chain of command got so kinked, this book is the key to saving our warriors—and winning future wars. The War on Warriors must be won by the good guys, because when the shooting really starts, they’re the only ones who can save us. <p> <b>New York Times Bestseller</b>

When the Summer Was Ours: A Novel

by Roxanne Veletzos

&“This compulsively readable tale of loss and love during and after the Second World War is a masterpiece.&” —Kristin Harmel, New York Times bestselling author &“A gorgeously written, impeccably researched historical novel, spanning decades and continents, and filled with a richly drawn cast of characters.&” —Jillian Cantor, USA TODAY bestselling author This epic World War II tale of star-crossed lovers separated by class, circumstance, and ​tragedy—from the international bestselling author of the &“gripping…filled with passion and hope&” (Kate Quinn, New York Timesbestselling author) The Girl They Left Behind—explores the impact of war on civilian life and the indestructible resilience of first love.Hungary, 1943: As war encroaches on the country&’s borders, willful young Eva César arrives in the idyllic town of Sopron to spend her last summer as a single woman on her aristocratic family&’s estate. Longing for freedom from her domineering father, she counts the days to her upcoming nuptials to a kind and dedicated Red Cross doctor whom she greatly admires. But Eva&’s life changes when she meets Aleandro, a charming and passionate Romani fiddler and artist. With time and profound class differences against them, Eva and Aleandro still fall deeply in love—only to be separated by a brutal act of hatred. As each are swept into the tides of war, they try to forget their romance. Yet, the haunting memory of that summer will reshape their destinies and lead to decisions which are felt through generations. From the horrors of the Second World War to the tensions of the 1956 Hungarian uprising and beyond, When the Summer Was Ours is a sweeping story about the toll of secrets, the blurred lines between sacrifice and obsession, and the endurance of the human spirit.

Racism and Antisemitism in Fascist Italy: The Politics, Ideology, and Imagery of ‘La Difesa della razza’ (Routledge Studies in the Modern History of Italy)

by Francesco Cassata

The racism and antisemitism of Fascist Italy have often been described as ‘mild’, ‘cultural’, ‘spiritual’, and essentially non-violent, especially in comparison with the racial ideology of Nazi Germany. This book challenges this simplistic interpretation with a thorough analysis of the texts and images of the magazine La Difesa della razza (Defence of the race), the principal public voice of Fascist biological racism, which appeared fortnightly between 1938 and 1943 under the editorship of Telesio Interlandi, Mussolini’s ‘unofficial mouthpiece’, with governmental financial support.A negative icon of the propaganda of Fascist racism, La Difesa della razza first appeared in August 1938 shortly before the passing of Italy’s Racial Laws, but had a long gestation. It was the expression of a Fascist cultural milieu – journalists, writers, artists, and architects – headed by Interlandi, whose racism and antisemitism dated back to the end of the First World War.By placing the magazine’s emergence in this longer timescale, and exploring the interrelationships of political action, ideological discourse, and imagery, this book also demonstrates how the project of ‘anthropological revolution’ – building the New Man – was a central element of Italian Fascism, from the very beginning to the deportation of Italian Jews.This new English edition has been thoroughly revised and updated.

Öffentliche Kontrolle der Streitkräfte in der Russischen Föderation

by Nadja Douglas

Der Band befasst sich mit den Grundlagen der gegenwärtigen Beziehungen zwischen zivilen Akteuren und staatlichen Machtstrukturen. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf dem Themenfeld der öffentlichen Kontrolle von Streitkräften und der Frage, warum zivile Akteure ein wachsames Auge auf die militärische Institution sowie zivile Behörden, die den Einsatz von Gewalt legitimieren, haben sollten. Am Beispiel von Wehrpflicht und Rekrutierung als Schnittstelle zwischen Militär und Gesellschaft analysiert die Studie den institutionellen Wandel im politisch-militärischen Bereich im postsowjetischen Russland. In kritischer Auseinandersetzung mit der konventionellen Militärsoziologie verlagert das Buch den Fokus weg von der exklusiven Machtbeziehung zwischen politischen und militärischen Eliten im Kontext der nationalen Sicherheit. Stattdessen berücksichtigt es die menschliche und gesellschaftliche Sicherheit, d.h. die Bedürfnisse und Forderungen von Individuen und Gruppen an der Basis, die vom Militär und der herrschenden Sicherheitslage in Russland betroffen sind. Das Buch richtet sich an Leser mit Interesse an zivil-militärischen Beziehungen, gegenwärtiger russischer Gesellschaftspolitik und Theorien sozialer Bewegungen.

Nuclear War: A Scenario

by Annie Jacobsen

The INSTANT New York Times bestseller Instant Los Angeles Times bestseller&“In Nuclear War: A Scenario, Annie Jacobsen gives us a vivid picture of what could happen if our nuclear guardians fail…Terrifying.&”—Wall Street Journal There is only one scenario other than an asteroid strike that could end the world as we know it in a matter of hours: nuclear war. And one of the triggers for that war would be a nuclear missile inbound toward the United States. Every generation, a journalist has looked deep into the heart of the nuclear military establishment: the technologies, the safeguards, the plans, and the risks. These investigations are vital to how we understand the world we really live in—where one nuclear missile will beget one in return, and where the choreography of the world&’s end requires massive decisions made on seconds&’ notice with information that is only as good as the intelligence we have. Pulitzer Prize finalist Annie Jacobsen&’s Nuclear War: A Scenario explores this ticking-clock scenario, based on dozens of exclusive new interviews with military and civilian experts who have built the weapons, have been privy to the response plans, and have been responsible for those decisions should they have needed to be made. Nuclear War: A Scenario examines the handful of minutes after a nuclear missile launch. It is essential reading, and unlike any other book in its depth and urgency.

The Women of Troy: A Novel

by Pat Barker

A daring and timely feminist retelling of The Iliad from the perspective of the women of Troy who endured it—an extraordinary follow up to The Silence of the Girls from the Booker Prize-winning author of The Regeneration Trilogy and &“one of contemporary literature&’s most thoughtful and compelling writers" (The Washington Post).Troy has fallen and the victorious Greeks are eager to return home with the spoils of an endless war—including the women of Troy themselves. They await a fair wind for the Aegean.It does not come, because the gods are offended. The body of King Priam lies unburied and desecrated, and so the victors remain in suspension, camped in the shadows of the city they destroyed as the coalition that held them together begins to unravel. Old feuds resurface and new suspicions and rivalries begin to fester.Largely unnoticed by her captors, the one time Trojan queen Briseis, formerly Achilles's slave, now belonging to his companion Alcimus, quietly takes in these developments. She forges alliances when she can, with Priam's aged wife the defiant Hecuba and with the disgraced soothsayer Calchas, all the while shrewdly seeking her path to revenge.

The Silence of the Girls: A Novel

by Pat Barker

A Washington Post Notable Book One of the Best Books of the Year: NPR, The Economist, Financial Times Shortlisted for the Costa Novel Award Finalist for the Women&’s Prize for FictionHere is the story of the Iliad as we&’ve never heard it before: in the words of Briseis, Trojan queen and captive of Achilles. Given only a few words in Homer&’s epic and largely erased by history, she is nonetheless a pivotal figure in the Trojan War. In these pages she comes fully to life: wry, watchful, forging connections among her fellow female prisoners even as she is caught between Greece&’s two most powerful warriors. Her story pulls back the veil on the thousands of women who lived behind the scenes of the Greek army camp—concubines, nurses, prostitutes, the women who lay out the dead—as gods and mortals spar, and as a legendary war hurtles toward its inevitable conclusion. Brilliantly written, filled with moments of terror and beauty, The Silence of the Girls gives voice to an extraordinary woman—and makes an ancient story new again.

How to Lose a War: The Story of America's Intervention in Afghanistan

by Amin Saikal

An incisive, authoritative account of the West&’s failures in Afghanistan, from 9/11 to the fall of Kabul In 1958, Richard Nixon described Afghanistan as &“unconquerable.&” On 15 August 2021, he was proven right. After twenty years of intervention, US and NATO forces retreated, enabling the Taliban to return to power. Tens of thousands were killed in the long, unwinnable war, and millions more were displaced—leaving the future of Afghanistan hanging in the balance. Leading expert Amin Saikal traces the full story of America&’s intervention, from 9/11 to the present crisis. After an initial swift military strike, the US became embroiled in a drawn-out struggle to change Afghanistan but failed to achieve its aims. Saikal shows how this failure was underlined by protracted attempts to capture Osama bin Laden, an inability to secure a viable government via &“democracy promotion&” efforts, and lack of wider strategy in the &“war on terror.&” How to Lose a War offers an insightful account of one of the US&’s most significant foreign policy failures—and considers its dire consequences for the people of Afghanistan.

Sentinel: The relentlessly thrilling Armored series from the author of The Gray Man (Armored)

by Mark Greaney

An African coup may force Josh Duffy to choose between his mission and his family in this intense thriller from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Gray Man series. Josh Duffy and his wife Nikki are both working for the State Department's Diplomatic Security Service providing protection for diplomats in the field. They've been sent to Ghana with a team of US embassy personnel who are there to highlight American commitment to the construction of a new dam. Since Ghana is a stable democracy, the Duffy children have come along for a short vacation. But stability proves to be fleeting when a Chinese plan to embarrass the US means the destruction of the dam. Now Josh and his protectees are on the run caught between a Chinese hit squad and a rebel army.

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