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Showing 11,976 through 11,994 of 11,994 results

Murga: Historias, personajes y conjuntos de un canto indomable

by Hugo Brocos Enrique Filgueiras

El libro que recorre la historia de uno de los fenómenos culturales e identitarios del Uruguay: la murga. Este trabajo presentado de forma organizada, ágil y entretenida logra -con la fuerza de un coro de murga- cantarnos una historia: una historia de personajes, conjuntos y por qué no de un país. ¿Cómo se compone una murga? ¿Qué rol juega cada integrante arriba y abajo del escenario? ¿Qué compone estrictamente un espectáculo murguero? Son algunas de las preguntas que tendrán respuesta en estas páginas. También, a lo largo de este texto, se podrá recorrer la historia y la evolución de la murga desde La Gaditana que se va a principios del Siglo XX hasta la irrupción de la murga joven como fenómeno y la murga en pleno Siglo XXI; las principales figuras que ayudaron a construir la identidad del género como Tito Pastrana, Pepino, Cachela, pasando por Pepe Veneno, Catusa Silva hasta los referentes actuales, para finalmente recorrer la historia de los conjuntos más importantes y que dejaron y dejan huella en el carnaval uruguayo: Don Bochinche y Compañía, Patos Cabreros, Curtidores de Hongos, Araca la Cana, La Soberana, Los Arlequines, La Reina de la Teja, Falta y Resto entre muchas otras. Un libro fundamental para los amantes de la murga y para aquellos que quieran conocer parte de la historia y la identidad de un país.

Gerardo Nieto: La música tropical en primera persona

by Carlos Hernández Grene

Biografía de la figura de Gerardo Nieto, el exponente y referente de la música tropical uruguaya, desde diversos ángulos. Gerardo Nieto es uno de los máximos exponentes y referentes de la música tropical en nuestro país. En estas páginas se hace un repaso por la trayectoria musical del cantante, en sus treinta años de carrera, que no deja de lado aspectos de su vida personal. A través de esta biografía, conoceremos en profundidad el nacimiento de Karibe con K, la orquesta tropical récord de los noventa, pero también el mundo de la música tropical uruguaya desde sus comienzos. Este libro invita a una mirada del género tropical distinta, y en especial a uno de sus protagonistas: Gerardo Nieto.

La era del casete: Escritos del rock uruguayo 1985-1995

by Tabaré Couto

Un libro que recorre las expresiones culturales y los principales referentes de los años 80. El rock, las publicaciones, la calle y el Uruguay post dictadura en un libro donde la voz es de los protagonistas de ese movimiento. Tabaré Couto un referente de la comunicación de esa época escribe y recopila notas que pintan una década, un movimiento que hoy es mirado con nostalgia. Los lectores encontrarán en este libro una plétora de información que proviene de una gran cantidad de publicaciones (artículos, entrevistas, reseñas de discos y conciertos) sobre rock uruguayo, aparecidas durante la década que va de 1985 a 1995. Tabaré Couto, activo participante de la movida que rodeó al rock de aquella época, relee, con prosa elocuente y con la ayuda de sus recuerdos, esas fuentes. Su memoria aporta no solo datos de importancia, sino también interpretaciones personales que arrojan nueva luz sobre aquel fenómeno. Pero tal vez lo más significativo de este trabajo sea su capacidad de ver, con la perspectiva que da el tiempo, con agudeza, nostalgia y autocrítica, no solo los hechos sino también las líneas de fuerza que caracterizaron ese momento histórico. Su visión de ese proceso, que incluye esclarecedoras alusiones al panorama político y social del Uruguay de aquellos tiempos, es no solo compleja e inteligente, sino que además está aderezada por la ecuanimidad de aquel que no ha vivido en vano. Eso no quiere decir que su mirada, a fuer de serena, sea distante. Por el contrario, este es un libro escrito desde el sentimiento y la emoción, por alguien que supo vivir el rock de aquellos tiempos pasionalmente. Gracias a este libro, la historia del rock uruguayo se ha vuelto más rica e inteligible. Gustavo Verdesio

La historia de los Mockers: ¿Eres un mod o un rocker?

by Julio Montero Esteban Hirschfeld

«No alcanza con decir que Los Mockers son a los Rolling Stones lo que Los Shakers son a los Beatles: son el primer eslabón del ADN rockero del Río de la Plata y Sudamérica». Andrés Calamaro La historia de una de las bandas fundacionales y más influyentes del rock uruguayo con proyección internacional. «Los Mockers fueron banda y mito… Las historias que aquí se nos narran se repitieron e imitaron mil veces en posteriores décadas y yo mismo, humildemente, me siento identificado con su lucha y pasión». Enrique Bunbury «En Buenos Aires, años 65, 66, nos encontramos muchas veces… ¡Amigos de sueños y músicas! ¡Queridos Mockers!». Hugo Fattoruso «Celebro la aparición de este libro narrando la historia de Los Mockers. Con un solo álbum grabado en 1966, Los Mockers lograron trascender a través del tiempo». Litto Nebbia

Lunáticos viajantes: Las increíbles andanzas de Los Redondos en Uruguay

by Jorge Costigliolo

A 20 años de su último recital en Montevideo conoceremos la historia, anécdotas y protagonistas de una relación de amor, pasión y rock and roll. Desde su nacimiento a fines de los años 70 en la de La Plata Patricio Rey y sus redonditos de ricota se convirtieron en un fenómeno cultural casi exclusivo de Argentina, salvo por Uruguay. Este libro repasa a través de testimonios, historias, anécdotas, mitos, verdades y leyendas las veces de cómo, cuándo y de qué manera Los Redondos se vincularon con Uruguay.

A donde nos lleven los caminos: 45 años del dúo Larbanois & Carrero

by Martín Duarte

Una biografía exhaustiva que recorre los 45 años del dúo. Cuando Eduardo Larbanois vio por primera vez a Mario Carrero desconfió de él. Por su apariencia —llevaba un traje color habano, bigotes cortos y el pelo engominado— pensó que se trataba de un tira, un agente encubierto de la dictadura. Fue en un festival de folclore en Paysandú, en 1973. Después, los entretelones del espectáculo y el regreso en ómnibus a Montevideo, en el que, por casualidad, compartieron asiento, permitieron que los músicos conversaran en profundidad, reconocieran en el otro la misma sensibilidad artística, social, política, y entablaran una amistad que los impulsó a construir un camino musical juntos. Ese encuentro imprevisto es el primero de muchos hitos en la historia del dúo Larbanois & Carrero, emblema de la música popular uruguaya. En este libro, el periodista y músico Martín Duarte presenta una biografía exhaustiva que recorre los 45 años del dúo, desde la formación oficial en 1977 hasta la actualidad. El recorrido retrata episodios fundamentales de las infancias de Carrero y Larbanois, sus inicios artísticos, sus primeros recitales, sus peripecias en giras nacionales e internacionales, sus militancias políticas y sus intercambios con otros artistas como Alfredo Zitarrosa, Washington Benavides, Rubén Lena, Vera Sienra, Pepe Guerra, León Gieco y Emiliano Brancciari, entre tantos otros que dejaron huella en el repertorio del dúo.

Tintabrava: El hombre que quería hacer cantar al mundo

by Raúl Castro Breccia

Raúl Castro dialoga en estas páginas con su álter ego Tintabrava, y de esa charla surge un relato hermoso y poético que repasa las alternativas de una vida luminosa. <P><P>La historia de Tintabrava es también la nuestra. <P><P>Es el Uruguay de los 60, el fútbol, los Beatles, el barrio y la murga. Es la militancia estudiantil y los veranos en Solymar. Es el territorio inolvidable de la niñez, los grandes amigos y los primeros amores. Es el trabajo en la fábrica, la cara pintada arriba de un tablado y el vagabundeo por el mundo con una guitarra a cuestas. Es la emoción que surge en cada paso del camino, donde victorias y fracasos se encuentran para enseñarnos la lección más importante, la que guardamos y transmitimos. <P><P>Desde la niñez de juegos en la calle hasta un presente que plantea desafíos a cada paso, el camino de Tintabrava es el de la lucha por ideales que evolucionan con el tiempo pero siguen siendo los mismos en esencia. Es también un repaso por los hechos fundamentales de nuestra historia como país, contado desde el punto de vista del prójimo y comprometido con la cultura popular. <P><P>Recorriendo estas páginas, los lectores nos sorprendemos al encontrarnos con personajes entrañables y situaciones memorables, en un territorio donde la imaginación y la realidad se funden para dar paso a la emoción. Esa misma emoción que transmite Tintabrava, "el hombre que quería hacer cantar al mundo", en sus versos.

Creative Innovation: A Creative's Guide to Applied Creative Efficacy

by MarQo Patton

The current landscape of creative exploitation in the entertainment industry is complex and lacks foundational, agreed-upon development pedagogies for individual success. In a digitally-integrated society, it is our thinking that everyone is a student; and today's students find value in interactive, effective, and affordable strategies that are easily accessible. Through the expertise and content synthesis of Jusreall Music Group Global, LLC (JMGG), industry creatives can develop and sharpen their skills in general music production and artist business, with topics like poetic devices; vocal placement; health, lifestyle and coaching; effective sound checks; sound manipulation; branding; copyrights; registration; acting and self-taping; and more. With 50 synthesized mini-lessons and 13 explorations (applied activities), from scholar-practitioner MarQo "Jusreall" EdD--modern creative vocalists, recording artists, musicians, creative institutions, music companies and those who work with creatives have access to a wealth of knowledge that will benefit any 21st-century professional in the music business.

Get Smart About Taylor Swift: Biographies for Kids

by Adam Kent

Get ready to be inspired by the remarkable life of Taylor Swift! Discover how Taylor's passion for music transformed her from a small-town girl with a guitar into a global superstar. From her chart-topping albums to her fearless advocacy for artists' rights, her impact on the music industry and beyond is undeniable. Taylor's story is one of resilience, empowerment, and staying true to oneself. Get smart about Taylor Swift's incredible journey and how she became the unstoppable force she is today. It's time to dream big and be empowered by Taylor Swift's story!

Jerry Garcia: The Collected Artwork

by Insight Editions

More than a musician, the Grateful Dead&’s founder Jerry Garcia was also a prolific artist who created hundreds of paintings, drawings, and prints. Get to know another side of this creative legend through his paintings and drawings, and through interviews with those who knew him best.Jerry Garcia: The Collected Artwork is an intimate, playful exploration of Jerry Garcia&’s artistic legacy and creative life. The book opens with a foreword by Grateful Dead percussionist Mickey Hart and features more than 100 full-color reproductions of Jerry's paintings, drawings, and prints—from pen-and-ink drawings to acrylics, watercolors, and digital media. With archival interviews and quotes from the likes of Bob Dylan, Patti Smith, Grace Slick, and Carlos Santana, and stunning photography of Jerry and his lifelong collaborators, this is at once a beautifully crafted art book and a celebration of Jerry Garcia as an artist and human being. 100+ IMAGES: Features more than 100 full-color reproductions of Jerry's paintings, drawings, and prints—from pen-and-ink drawings to acrylics, watercolors, and digital media EXCLUSIVE ESSAYS: Edited by April Higashi, art curator and archivist of the Jerry Garcia Estate, each chapter opens with a commentary on the art presented in the context of Jerry's life and times GO BEHIND THE STAGE: Explore candid photographs, interviews, anecdotes, and remembrances by key cultural figures and those closest to Jerry COMMENTARY FROM MUSIC&’S BIGGEST NAMES: Hear from Bob Dylan, Patti Smith, Herbert Gold, Baron Wolman, Jon Carroll, Paul Pena, Victor Moscoso, Carlos Santana, and Grace Slick as they recount their memories of Jerry Garcia PERFECT FOR ALL DEADHEADS: Fans of the Grateful Dead and Jerry Garcia can enjoy this deep exploration of Jerry&’s life as an artist

The Beatles By Terry O'Neill: The Definitive Collection

by Terry O'Neill

Celebrate the 60th anniversary of Please Please Me, the Beatles&’ first studio album, with rare and never-before-seen photographs of the Fab Four by legendary British photographer Terry O&’Neill from their early days in Liverpool through their prolific solo careers. This one-of-a-kind book also features exclusive interviews and profiles of the band, as well as commentary from O&’Neill and notes and annotations from renowned art curator Terrence Pepper. The Beatles By Terry O'Neill includes hundreds of gorgeous photographs—many of them previously thought to be lost or never before seen—from their earliest recording sessions and backstage shots to portraits of the Fab Four at the height of Beatlemania. In addition, candid shots of their post-Beatles lives throughout the 70s, 80s, 90s, and 2000s give an insider&’s view into their personal lives. Whether feeling like you&’re backstage at one of their first stadium concerts to being a guest of Paul playing piano at Ringo&’s wedding or part of the photography team from a 1991 portrait session with George Harrison, this collection of spectacular photography is a treasure trove for any Beatles fan. DEFINITIVE COLLECTION: This photography collection chronicles the Beatles from their early days as local artists playing at bars in Liverpool to international superstars. NEVER BEFORE SEEN IMAGES: Includes hundreds of never-before-seen images of the Fab Four on and off the stage, from candid snapshots to portrait stills. EXCLUSIVE ACCESS: Renowned photographer Terry O&’Neill had unprecedented access to The Beatles, as one of their favorite photographers and friend. CELEBRATE THE 60TH ANNIVERSARY of the Beatles&’ first album, Please Please Me, which was documented and photographed by Terry O&’Neill. GO BEHIND THE PHOTOS: The collection includes Terry O&’Neill&’s notes and annotations that tell the stories behind the photos MASTER PHOTOGRAPHER: From presidents to pop stars, Terry O&’Neill has photographed the front line of fame for more than six decades, and is one of the most important figures in the world of celebrity photography. His work is among the most sought-after and collected and has been the subject of several books and museum exhibitions all over the world.

David Bowie: Mixing Memory & Desire

by Kevin Cummins

David Bowie: Mixing Memory & Desire includes some of the best images of Bowie ever taken, the majority of which have never been published until now. A then 19-year old photography student from Manchester, Kevin Cummins, who photographed Bowie as Ziggy Stardust in 1973, caught the singer's attention with his impressive images that soon became iconic. Bowie allowed him personal access and they made history together, spanning four decades. The photographs capture the amazing metamorphosis of Bowie through his various personas such as Ziggy Stardust, Aladdin Sane, and The Thin White Duke. This collection illuminates the singer's brilliance, creativity, and personality, capturing him in rare and intimate moments. David Bowie: Mixing Memory & Desire is a remarkable opportunity to see Bowie's contribution to music, fashion, and culture, making it a keepsake for fans everywhere. Kevin Cummins went on to photograph some of the best acts in the U.K. music scene and has had photos displayed in museums, on many album covers, and on book jackets. AN INTIMATE LOOK AT DAVID BOWIE: A special photographic journey capturing the iconic singer on stage, outside, and in more quiet, personal moments. 200 PHOTOS, SOME NEVER BEFORE SEEN: Kevin Cummins' incomparable collection of images shows Bowie and his alter egos in exciting ways. PERFECT GIFT FOR MUSIC FANS: Just in time for the holidays, a great gift for the music lover and a wonderful package to behold. BEHIND THE SCENES STORIES: Photographer Kevin Cummins shares moments from his time with Bowie, including the photo of Bowie that launched Kevin's career at just 19 years old.

Rocky Mountain Highway: Stories and Photos of My 25 Years Traveling with John Denver

by Lowell Norman

A powerful personal journey with multi-platinum country star John Denver, featuring intimate stories and never-before-seen photographs. This memoir from Lowell Norman, a close friend and videographer of the late star, offers a rare and fascinating look inside Denver&’s successful but turbulent life.The award-winning country star, John Denver was once described as a complicated man who wrote simple songs. In Rocky Mountain Highway, close friend and videographer, Lowell Norman reveals rare stories and never-before-seen photos of a John Denver that is at turns familiar and shockingly unexpected. He recounts the emotional live performances and the challenges of shooting such a big star. He describes in harrowing detail the frightening experience of being harassed by gun wielding soldiers with Denver on his tours of Africa for The Hunger Project. He tells the riveting story of dangling from a helicopter with a video camera while the intrepid singer tried to swim with humpback whales in the Pacific Ocean. Rocky Mountain Highway is a celebration of a young man following the dreams of a talented artist who was misunderstood by many and gone before his time.

Queen Uncovered: Unseen Photographs, Rarities and Insights From Life With A Rock 'n' Roll Band

by Peter Hince

Peter Hince spent 13 years as head roadie for Queen. His collection of photographs and ephemera from the band&’s personal and public moments will finally see the light of day for the first time. It&’s a unique photographic record of one of the most celebrated rock bands of all time. From concerts in Munich to Japan, Hince follows Queen from studio to street to stage. Facsimiles of handwritten notes from recording sessions, photos of the band in the studio, images of cassettes given to Hince to debut at clubs, Freddie Mercury with and without a mustache . . . the list goes on. Along with many candid moments are great photos of the various items collected from more than a decade of tours: backstage passes, matchbooks, set lists, and more.

Eddie Cochran: The Lost Treasures of a Rock 'n' Roll Legend

by Lee Bullman

In the golden era of rock 'n' roll, there was one name who rivaled Elvis Presley, both in style and talent: Eddie Cochran. In his short 21 years, Eddie Cochran changed the face of music forever—despite his life being cut tragically cut short when he died in a car crash on his 1960 tour of England. Born in a small town in Minnesota to humble beginnings, Eddie unleashed a wave of raw talent and energy that defied the norms of the era, becoming a trailblazer of the rockabilly sound and look. His smash hits &“Summertime Blues,&” &“C&’mon Everybody,&” and &“Three Steps to Heaven&” are still entertaining audiences and being covered by musicians today, some sixty years after they were first recorded. Cochran&’s guitar style and songwriting not only landed him in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, it has influenced nearly every major rock &‘n&’ roll musician, from Paul McCartney and Marc Bolan, to Bruce Springsteen and Joan Jett. Eddie Cochran: In Person! not only details the life and career of a rock 'n' roll icon, it tells the extraordinary story of how a collector came into possession of the contents of Eddie&’s childhood bedroom, which had remained undisturbed and unseen by anyone outside of the Cochran family since his death. Cochran&’s fascinating story, lavishly illustrated with personal mementos, scrapbooks, and even a mockup of his never-released second album, all thought lost for more than sixty years, as well as exquisite performance and portrait photography, paints a picture of what it was like to be a rock &‘n&’ roll superstar on a meteoric rise. NEVER-BEFORE-SEEN COLLECTOR&’S PIECES: All the images and ephemera collected in this book are being published for the first time. ONE OF A KIND: Eddie Cochran: In Person! is the first photographic biography to chronicle the life and times of Eddie Cochran, immortalizing the artist in stunning high-resolution photos and ephemera. BEST-SELLING AUTHOR Lee Bullman (Blowback, Twenty Sixteen) provides expert insight into the life and times of Eddie Cochran, giving an intimate glimpse into the man behind the music.

Triggers: A Life In Music

by Glen Matlock

The life and career of Sex Pistols legend Glen Matlock through the lens of thirty of his most formative songs: a one-of-a-kind insight into the ultimate icons of punk.Courting controversy wherever they went, the Sex Pistols embraced shock value and pushed boundaries, generating headlines and public outrage. Sharing insider tales of the Sex Pistols' earliest gigs and stormiest reunions, as well as their most idiosyncratic inter-band dynamics, Glen Matlock tells his story through the impact 30 songs made in his life, including how &“Starman&” by David Bowie reminded him of his love for Anthony Newley or &“Three Button Hand Me Down&” by The Faces spoke to his hardscrabble early life in London. Matlock&’s story is the pioneering story of punk rock yet, having performed and recorded with so many musical luminaries over the decades, Glen also reflects on his time with the likes of Iggy Pop, David Bowie, the Faces, Blondie, Primal Scream, and many more.

My Music, My Life

by Ravi Shankar

With stunning new photographs and a new final chapter detailing Ravi Shankar&’s hope for the preservation of Indian classical music, this updated edition of My Music, My Life profiles an extraordinary man. In his own words, Shankar describes his transformation from a young traveling dancer to a Grammy Award-winning, internationally known musician. An autobiography, a history of Indian classical music, and a manual on how to play the sitar, this book is about music as a both a lifestyle and an art. It embodies Ravi Shankar&’s unique approach to his craft.

Laughter In The Dark: Egypt To The Tune Of Change

by Yasmine El Rashidi

A decade ago, millions of Egyptians took to the streets in a people-led revolution that captivated the world’s attention and sent ripples across the Middle East. But the so-called “Arab Spring” quickly faded, and a return to the status quo—of authoritarian rule—was cemented. What happened to the energy and desire for change? In Egypt, the answer lies in its youth, who comprise the bulk of the country’s fast-growing 106 million citizens. Sixty percent of the population is under the age of twenty-five, and their world views are very much influenced by social media: TikTok is their primary language and medium of choice. Music is their means of expression—in particular, a thriving hip-hop scene known as mahraganat. This music has given voice to deep dissatisfaction with the Egyptian state and the overall conditions of Egyptian society and culture. Could this be the start of a force for change? Laughter in the Dark is a riveting portrait of a country that is being transformed, for good or bad, by the rise of a fresh youth culture.

La magie de Manie (French Edition)

by Michelle J. Fournier

This novice high/intermediate low reader focuses on three high school French students from Maine participating in Manie Musicale, an international bracket-style competition of sixteen contemporary French songs. Julie is a shy basketball star who struggles in French but loves music. She is bullied by Gabi, a popular girl with Canadian roots who is misunderstood by her friends. Mohamed is a new Mainer from Sénégal whose English is poor but who is not afraid to stand up to bullies. Tension mounts as the competition comes to a close and the students have to navigate complex social interactions while confronting their fears and hoping to win the grand prize - concert tickets in Boston to see a famous Manie Musicale singer. Can the magic of music bring them all together?

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