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Showing 251 through 275 of 90,627 results

Swamp Kill (Special Operations Command #6)

by James N. Pruitt

The world's deadliest terrorist organizations join forces to annihilate the Special Ops force. To achieve their goal, the ruthless terror cartel takes Special Ops family members hostage to lure the team into the Florida Everglades. Mortimer and his men have just 72 hours to rescue the hostages in a deadly game where there are no rules.

Singing the Sadness: A P.I. Joe Sixsmith Mystery

by Reginald Hill

Reginald Hill's offbeat private eye Joe Sixsmith is off by bus to Wales with his church choir group to compete in the Llanffugiol Choral Festival. On the way, and possibly lost, they come upon a summer cottage in flames, and Joe surprises everyone (including himself) by dashing in to save a woman trapped inside. Joe escapes with minor injuries. The woman, whose identity is unknown, is not quite as lucky. The owner of the cottage secretly engages Joe to discover who the woman is. Unbeknownst to her husband, the man's wife also hires Joe to find out if the young woman is actually her husband's lover, as she suspects. Adding to the confusion are a multitude of curious individuals - a suspicious policeman, a patronizing headmaster, a drug dealing student, and a gang of disaffected locals bent on sabotaging the festival. Joe is intent on uncovering the truth during his weekend stay, and his investigation reveals crimes that have remained buried for years. Written with both humor and verve by the author of the Dalziel and Pascoe series, readers will enjoy this next installment of Joe Sixsmith's adventures as much as they did its predecessors.

Special Operations

by Frank Camper

THE SNIPER: Private Joseph Pate. Men were his targets and killing them was his favorite game.

State of the Union

by David Callahan

A decorated Gulf War veteran receives his dream assignment: the Pentagon. Working under the capitol's two most powerful men--a hardened admiral and a ruthless politician--he discovers their real agenda--a conspiracy of dark secrets and a pursuit of limitless power dating back three decades. With an ex-Green Beret who kills for pleasure on his trail, and a beautiful woman he's unsure he can trust by his side, the veteran embarks on a dangerous mission to expose the conspiracy before it's too late.

Stealing Faces

by Michael Prescott

John Cray is being hunted. For him, this is a shock, for normally he is the hunter. Thus begins another cat and mouse game with John Cray chasing his stalker. Imagine his surprise when he discovers that his hunter is a face from the past. One that he thought was long gone.

Storming Heaven (Independent #4)

by Dale Brown

Abused by American soldiers during an incarceration in Europe, Henri Cazaux has waited years to exact revenge on the U.S. He uses commercial aircraft to deploy bombs on major U.S. airports--killing thousands, halting air traffic, and creating national panic. Rear Admiral Ian Hardcastle and It. Col. Al Vincenti are ordered to reestablish security in the skies.

The Empty Eye of the Sea

by Justin Scott

From the author of The Shipkiller, Nine Dragons and The Cossack's Bride comes a multi-layered seafaring odyssey combining action, drama and adventure amid turbulent Atlantic tides.

Terror Intent

by Don Pendleton

A terrorist organization calling itself

The Genesis Code

by John Case

A phone call in the dead of night brings Joe Lassiter shattering news. His sister and young nephew have died in a fire in their home near Washington, D.C. Yet Lassiter soon learns a chilling fact: His loved ones were brutally murdered before the blaze was set... The mysterious suspect's identity only raises more questions. Then Lassiter uncovers another crime--another innocent mother and child murdered. The more he unearths, the larger the web of conspiracy grows, as his search for answers leads him on a dangerous international chase toward a truth that will shock him--and the world--to the very bone...

The Center

by David Shobin

Surgeon Chad Dunston helped create The Center, a revolutionary medical facility where computers, not humans, treat patients. It's cure rate is unequaled, it's medical successes un rival... until a child named Christine Lassiter mysteriously dies. The girl's older sister Maxine can't get Christine's records, her body, or even her death certificate. Maxine wants Chad Dunston to find out what happened. But the more questions Chad asks, the more dead - end answers he receives. He has only one option left: check into The Center as a patient... and enter a machine - made nightmare, where the only way out maybe death.

Terminal Option

by Don Pendleton

The slaughter of three feds by foreign terrorists in Washington, D.C., reveals a deadly conspiracy. Rogue Company agents are trying to create a new world order in a project of ethnic cleansing. Mack Bolan's investigation leads to the Himalayan ice fields, which erupt into a free-for-all killground. The Stony warrior and a clandestine U.S. strike force must face an unholy alliance of terror. In the final showdown Bolan confronts the shifting faces of evil. But the Executioner knows that evil doesn't really change. Right. Change this. Violence. 228th novel in the "Executioner" series, 1997.

The Big Nowhere

by James Ellroy

Los Angeles, 1950 Red crosscurrents: the Commie Scare and a string of brutal mutilation killings. Gangland intrigue and Hollywood sleaze. Three cops caught in a hellish web of ambition, perversion, and deceit. Danny Upshaw is a Sheriff's deputy stuck with a bunch of snuffs nobody cares about; they're his chance to make his name as a cop...and to sate his darkest curiosities. Mal Considine is D.A.'s Bureau brass. He's climbing on the Red Scare bandwagon to advance his career and to gain custody of his adopted son, a child he saved from the horror of postwar Europe. Buzz Meeks-bagman, ex-Narco goon, and pimp for Howard Hughes-is fighting communism for the money. All three men have purchased tickets to a nightmare.

The Line

by Bob Mcguire

For more than half a century, a secret organization of Army officers known as The Line has been covertly manipulating U.S. policy. Now, in a political climate rife with dissent and unrest, The Line has ordered a pivotal top-secret operation that will let the world know who is really in charge--take out the president on Pearl Harbor Day. But The Line didn't count on a run in with Boomer Watson, a member of the elite Special Ops Delta Force.

Tiger Stalk

by Don Pendleton

Mack Bolan is in Sri Lanka, trying to discover the whereabouts of an American diplomat who was trying to negotiate a peace among several terrorist organizations who are fighting for control of the country. But, almost upon setting foot in the country, he becomes a target and he must defend himself before he can help the diplomat. Violence. 220th novel in the "Executioner" series, 1997.

The Mailman

by Bentley Little

Once upon a time, waiting for the mail was filled with warm, tingling anticipation. But now there is a new mailman in town. And a new kind of mail. Now everyone in town, especially the Albin family, waits for the mail in a different way. With Icy fear. Because no one and nothing- not the most proper citizens, the most shocking desires, the most hidden shames, the most secret weaknesses- are safe from the eyes and hands and steadily growing power of THE MAIL MAN.


by Don Pendleton

A group of terrorists is planning to set fire to hundreds of oil wells in southern Oklahoma and northern Texas. Mack Bolan infiltrates the group and learns that the fires are only a diversion for a much more devastating blow against the United States. Violence. 189th novel in the "Executioner" series, 1994.

Top Ten

by Ryne Douglas Pearson

Ten, Nine, eight ... he calls himself Michaelangelo. Tortured by the horrific events of his childhood, he is mesmerized by a gruesome artistic vision that only he can create - and his victims can complete.

The Kremlin Device

by Chris Ryan

For the first time in its history the SAS is assigned a task in Russia. The aim of Operation Nimrod is to train leaders and instructors of Tiger One, a new Spetznaz unit created to combat the ever-increasing threat of the criminal gangs known collectively as the Mafiya.

Target Command: the Power Trilogy, Book 1

by Don Pendleton

Mack Bolan follows a trail of terror from Berlin to Moscow, playing hunches in a strange game in which stolen nuclear materials have upped the ante to mass destruction. A preemptive strike in London against an army of IRA and Libyan terrorists halts an atrocity of massive proportion. But when the dust settles, it's clear that behind the operation is an unknown power with connections that span the globe. Destabilizing Europe is phase one of a shocking agenda of new world domination. The true enemy is faceless, and the next battlefront is unknown. But the Executioner knows the war is just beginning. Violence. 234th novel in the "Executioner" series, Book One in the "Power" trilogy, 1998.

Trial and Retribution

by Lynda La Plante

It is every mother's nightmare. Her child is missing, found murdered. Her lover is the prime suspect. It is every police officer's dread. A child murdered in a circumstantial case. It is every lawyer's dream. Twelve men and women will decide the verdict. But will justice be done?

The Trickster

by Muriel Gray

In a remote ski resort high in the Canadian Rockies, something is going terribly wrong. A young police officer is found murdered and strangely mutilated. A truck driver is found frozen solid in his truck, doors and windows closed, with snow drifts inside the cab. A hotshot skier is found dead and bloody in deep snow, with no human footprints anywhere near the body. Fear begins to spread that a bizarre and ingenious serial killer is on the loose. But for Sam Hunt, who turned his back on his Indian roots to live in white society, the fear is especially strong: He's been having blackouts, waking up miles away from where he started, with blood on his face and absolutely no recollection of what he's done. The Trickster is relentless and terrifying suspense -the most talked-about debut thriller of the year, by a writer of unique and startling gifts.

The Silent Cradle

by Margaret Cuthbert

Just the thought of a thriller/murder mystery based in an obstetrics ward is enough to make most readers squirm, and Margaret Cuthbert follows through on the premise in this entertaining first work.

A Twist At the End: a Novel of O. Henry

by Steven Saylor

Austin, Texas, 1885. Manhattan, 1906. Twenty-year-old ghosts haunt Will Porter, a.k.a. famous writer O. Henry, who may have changed names and cities but hasn't outrun the memory of a series of murders that cast a chilling shadow over a sunny and bustling town. In A Twist at the End, Steven Saylor riffs on reality: brutal and sadistic, the "Servant Girl Annihilator" killed seven Austin women in 1885, but the murders were never solved. Saylor weaves together murder mystery and love story, historical exploration and fictional creation, combining careful research with artistic license to hazard a potential solution to the now-obscure mystery. Will is summoned back to Austin by a mysterious stranger bearing a letter whose author claims to have discovered the perpetrator of the hideous crimes; Saylor cleverly frames the story as a series of flashbacks during Will's trip to Texas.

Under Siege (Jake Grafton #4)

by Stephen Coonts

In a stunning explosion of terror, America's worst nightmares come true when Colombian suicide squads hit the streets of Washington. They have gone to war, and will destroy everything and everybody in their path. With its power and communications systems blown apart, the city is plunged into turmoil. In the Pentagon, Captain Jake Grafton and the Joint Chiefs of Staff face the most deadly challenge ever to threaten America. But while confusion and chaos rule the streets, a ruthless hunter, serving an unknown master, has his own catastrophic mission. He will not rest until he has wiped out the whole cabinet, starting with the President himself . .


by R. J. Pineiro

Saddam Hussein is on the move again, but this time he is armed with nuclear-tipped missiles. Purchased from a former Soviet republic, hidden beneath the Iraqi sands, Saddam's new atomic arsenal points toward Tel Aviv and Tehran. To say nothing of the additional war heads he is smuggling into New York city and Washington, D.C. The tension is pushed to the boiling point when Saddam's guns begin shooting down American planes in the middle east. Aimed at provoking the second Gulf war, he leaves President Clinton no choice but to respond. For Navy Lieutenant Kevin "Crackers" Dalton, the conflict has become personal. Shot down over Iraq while trying to avenge the death of his commander at the hands of an Iraqi ace, he finds himself coupled with Khalela, a beautiful and mysterious Mossad agent, and the band of Kurdish rebels she leads. Together they will face death as they try to uncover Saddam's hidden nuclear facility before the United States finds itself facing a deadly ULTIMATUM.

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