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La città sotto l'albero di Natale

by Jr Wirth

Il Natale è un giorno da dedicare alla famiglia, in particolare ai bambini che mantengono viva la magia del Natale. Il Natale è un giorno da dedicare alla famiglia, in particolare ai bambini che mantengono viva la magia del Natale. Cosa succede quando i più piccoli diventano antipatici e litigano vicino ai regali incartati sotto l’albero? Sei cuginetti lo scopriranno nella città sotto l’albero di Natale. Seguendo lo stile di Charles Dickens, i cugini si trovano in un mondo parallelo sconosciuto, dove sono costretti ad avere a che fare, ma anche a fidarsi, l’uno dell’altro. Il viaggio inizia con l’eroina di nove anni di nome Hailey Jade, proiettata in una città delle meraviglie natalizia dove però presto realizzerà di essere sola e sarà così sopraffatta dal panico. Presto, Hailey viene raggiunta dal suo cuginetto più grande, Isaiah. Insieme si renderanno conto che anche i bambini più piccoli sono stati catapultati attraverso lo spazio e il tempo, essendo scomparsi e probabilmente in pericolo. La corsa per trovare i più piccoli si concluderà nella città sotto l’albero di Natale del loro nonno, dove riscopriranno il vero significato del Natale e dell’amore reciproco.

La Lezione del Suo Dom

by A. D. Justice

Sophia Vasco Mi perdonerà mai? Questa domanda mi tormenta giorno e notte. Mi ha reclamata col suo tocco al punto che nessun uomo potrà mai competere. Dominic ha divorato la mia vita. Fino al giorno in cui ha scoperto la verità su di me e tutto è cambiato. Niente è come sembra ed è andato tutto fuori controllo. Adesso ho il peso del mondo sulle spalle. Devo sistemare le cose. Dominic Powers Alcuni dicono che il Karma sia una stronza. Io posso dire per esperienza che un Dom tradito è molto peggio di quanto un bastardo possa mai pensare. Pensano di essersi presi gioco di me. Ho negato all'uomo dentro di me il suo legittimo posto ed è stato preso per un sciocco. Quando avrò finito con loro, sentiranno la frusta della lezione del suo Dom. Non è finita.

The Death of Philip Wires

by Diego Juffe Bignoli

At the height of his career, the richest man on Earth, Philip Wires, decides to commit suicide in a grand farewell. Quentin Duncan, an insurance specialist going through a hard time, must find proof to prevent the astronomical life insurance policy taken out by the deceased tycoon from being implemented – something seemingly impossible in light of the facts. A detective novel that unfolds in an extravagant future. Frenzied, fun and covertly critical, it transports you through a succession of events in which the characters are comically on the verge of madness and misfortune. In the vein of classics like ‘Bill, the Galactic Hero’, the narrative leaps like the rapids of a river between the stones towards a surprising final cascade.

Unperfekt Kriminell

by Mary Frame

Als sich Freya Morgan an ihrem schrecklichen Ex-Freund rächen wollte, hielt sie es für eine grandiose Idee, den Bad Boy des Campus‘ anzuheuern, damit er ihm eine Heidenangst einjagt. Und das war sie auch…anfangs. Danach begannen jedoch auf dem gesamten Campus erzürnte Freundinnen besagten Bad Boy anzuheuern, damit er Rache an ihren Ex-Freunden verübte. Aber jetzt werden plötzlich ein paar dieser Ex-Freunde tot aufgefunden und er ist die einzige Verbindung. Dean Collins steckt in Schwierigkeiten und das ist allein Freyas Schuld. Sie ist diejenige, durch die er überhaupt erst in das Rache-Geschäft gerutscht ist. Deswegen soll sie ihm auch aus diesem Schlamassel helfen. Als Freya zustimmt, Dean dabei zu helfen, den echten Mörder zu finden, bemerkt sie, dass dieser Bad Boy doch nicht so schlimm ist. Und sich auf ihn einzulassen, bedeutet mehr als nur einen Mordfall zu lösen, es bedeutet, dass sie möglicherweise ihr Leben…und ihr Herz verliert.

La Gran Conspiración; Un Misterio de la Biblioteca de Nueva York

by David Richard Beasley

Rudyard Mack, detective de la Biblioteca de Nueva York, debe determinar si su novia, Arbuthnot Vine, presidente del Sindicato de Bibliotecas, fue la víctima intencional de un apuñalamiento. Arbie puede haber sido atacada porque encabezará una marcha en el Ayuntamiento para protestar por los despidos. Cuando es secuestrada, Mack es llevado al mundo turbio de la política de Nueva York, al corazón de una misteriosa conspiración.

The Alien Conspiracy: An Unofficial Fortnite Novel (Battle Royale #2)

by Cara J. Stevens

On an island where everyone is a warrior, only the strong survive. The Impossibles, a squadron of inexperienced soldiers, have been recruited from across the globe, tasked with the directive to train, fight, and win the ultimate victory in Fortnite’s Battle Royale. In this series of Fortnite novelizations, follow Zane, Jax, Asha, Jin, and Blaze as they seek out adventure, uncover mysteries, and battle to become the ultimate winners of the Battle Royale. The second book in this exciting new series, The Alien Conspiracy, leaps into their second thrilling adventure: Jin has always had his theories about what is happening on the island, but now it turns out they may not be that far-fetched after all: the mysteries from outer space and the comet, the rocket, and The Visitor—alien or impostor?

Battle Storm: An Unofficial Fortnite Novel (Battle Royale)

by Cara J. Stevens

On an island where everyone is a warrior, only the strong survive. The Impossibles, a squadron of inexperienced soldiers, have been recruited from across the globe, tasked with the directive to train, fight, and win the ultimate victory in Fortnite’s Battle Royale. In this series of Fortnite novelizations, follow Zane, Jax, Asha, Jin, and Blaze as they seek out adventure, uncover mysteries, and battle to become the ultimate winners of the Battle Royale. The first book in this exciting new series, Battle Storm leaps into their first exciting adventure: No one had been down to the island in person since the storm first hit, but shortly after the air turned toxic, the army began using it as a virtual training ground, building squads and pitting them against each other to see who would rise up and who would fail miserably. Some came to explore. Others came for glory. But whatever their reasons, once they were on the battlefield, it was every squad for themselves. The Impossibles, the latest recruits, have everything to lose and even more to gain by moving up the ranks, but first they will need to come together as a squad and prove themselves on the battlefield. Do they have what it takes to be the next champions, or will they risk everything only to fail and lose it all?

Betrayal at Salty Springs: An Unofficial Fortnite Novel (Trapped In Battle Royale #3)

by Devin Hunter

Grey has improved a ton with the help of his friends, and he’s closing in on the top tier of players. But then his closest friend announces that he’s been asked to join a new squad on the top tier and leaves them in hopes of making the top five with his new squad. Grey is devastated, and their play struggles. He falls back several ranks and begins to wonder if it’s even possible to escape the game this season. Some players have been there for many seasons…some aren’t even trying to leave because they like it so much. Maybe he should just accept it as his life. A former rival tells him to snap out of it—he’s too good to slide back so far. They end up in a squad and do well enough to scale the ranks again. Grey has a chance to screw over his old Ally/Friend by taking his place on the Top Tier team, but will he?

Mr. Samuel's Penny: An Elizabeth Parrot Landers Mystery (Elizabeth Parrot Landers Mysteries #1)

by Treva Melvin

It's 1972 and fourteen-year-old New Yorker Lizbeth Landers is sent to the sleepy town of Ahoskie, North Carolina to spend the summer with relatives. Her expectation of boredom is quickly dispelled when police sirens and flashing lights draw her to a horrible scene at the Danbury Bridge. Mr. Samuel, owner of Samuel's Lumber Yard, has driven his car off the bridge and into the river, drowning himself and his daughter. Curiously, Mr. Samuel died clutching a unique 1909 wheat penny - a penny that is then stolen from the Sheriff's office. Lizbeth witnesses Miss Violet's grief upon learning that her husband and child are dead, and decides she will help by finding the penny. Her search involves Lizbeth in the lives of many Ahoskie residents, including mean old Mr. Jake, Ms. Melanie Neely, otherwise known as "Ms. McMeanie," and Mr. Samuel's handsome brother Ben, who struggles to keep the business afloat after his brother's death. Lizbeth searches through the collection plates at church and in the coin jars of crazy Aunt Ode, a strange old woman missing one eye and most of her teeth, who keeps a flask in her apron pocket and a secret in her soul.

Riverwatcher: A Fly-Fishing Mystery

by Ronald Weber

Lottery winner and ex-journalist Donal Fitzgerald joins forces with his girlfriend, DNR conservation officer Mercy Virdon, to solve the mysterious death of a beloved angler, Charlie, who was murdered in his tent in a state campground and who was known by all—and who may have known too much. Set in the engaging small town of Ossning on the Borchard River in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula—an angler’s dream, filled with eccentric, believable, sympathetic, and unforgettable characters—Riverwatcher is a classic whodunit. Fitzgerald and Mercy’s investigation to discover the deadly secret among the locals leads to dead ends until a surprisingly bookish theory surfaces. Weber expertly weaves this character-driven novel with a strong sense of place, creating a great yarn for anglers and mystery lovers and, as it turns out, a literally literary mystery.

The Squad of Lucky Landing: An Unofficial Fortnite Novel (Trapped In Battle Royale)

by Devin Hunter

Grey never expected his best friend, Finn, to end up trapped in Battle Royale as well, but now they both have to fight to get out. And there are only a few more weeks to do it. If Ben and Tristan hadn’t left Grey’s squad, he would have been a lot closer to the top five. But with the help of his new squad members, Grey is determined to climb back to the top. It won’t be easy when Grey’s old squad mates use his own tactics against him. He must use his creativity to find new ways to lead his squad back to the top twenty.


by Tia Fielding

Even after a decade, the life that journalist Brent Walsh and Milwaukee homicide detective Shawn Mackey have made together is far from boring. But when a new case cuts a weekend getaway short, they aren't quite prepared for how it will impact their personal lives. Suddenly there's too much to juggle: Shawn will be working the case of the sharpshooter who is trying to infect random people with HIV, Brent needs to cover the story but fears a conflict of interest, one of Shawn's colleagues is attracted to him, and Brent sincerely needs to mend the painful break with his childhood best friend, Ollie, and heal their broken hearts. Though the case comes to a close, it's not the end of their troubles. Shawn and Brent still face a past of old white lies, a present possibility of inviting another man to their bed, and a future with children, not to mention health issues and national fallout from the case. It's enough to make them want to run away--until they realize they have to face those challenges head-on so they can get on with the life of love they're hoping for.

Jasper's Mountain

by John Inman

When small-time thief Timmy Harwell recklessly "borrows" a Cadillac for a joyride, he doesn't expect to find a cool $100,000 in the trunk. His elation turns to terror when he realizes the SUV and the dough belong to Miguel Garcia, aka El Poco, a Tijuana drug dealer with a nasty reputation. Timmy sees only one way out: leave the stolen car behind and run as fast as he can. His getaway is cut short when a storm strands him outside Jasper Stone's secluded mountain cabin. Jasper finds Timmy in his shed, unconscious and burning up with fever, and takes care of the younger man, nursing him back to health. The two begin to grow close, but Jasper, a writer who seeks only solitude, is everything Timmy isn't. Straightforward, honest, and kind. Timmy needs Jasper's help--and wants his respect--so he hides his dishonest habits. But when El Poco comes after him, Timmy realizes he's not the only one at risk. His actions have also put Jasper in harm's way. Honesty now could mean Timmy loses the man he's come to love, but not being honest could mean far worse.

Memory Kick

by C. M. Torrens

Lost and missing his memory, Qusay Drazi turns to the drug kick to ease his pain while warming beds to feed his addiction. His years on the space station have taught him nothing is free. Meeting Cameron, who seems to have no ulterior motives, leaves Qusay confused but hopeful that Cameron is different. When Qusay finds the courage to ask for help, he discovers a price on his head for the locked away memories. Cameron Miles believes people can turn their lives around, but his attempt to help Qusay unravels a slew of trouble, and they find themselves on the run from the CompCore corporation. When CompCore captures Qusay, Cameron realizes how much his feelings for Qusay have grown. Then he discovers what CompCore is after and how deeply it is buried inside Qusay's mind. Cameron must decide how far he's willing to go before the memory "treatments" leave Qusay a tattered and empty shell.

Gumption & Gumshoes

by Alex Kidwell

August Adahy Mendez would rather be buried in the world of his detective novels or a good film noir movie than in real life. He's overweight, undermotivated, and stuck in a dead-end job. As a Chincha, he's part of a long line of chinchilla shifters, but the greatest accomplishment in his life so far has been moving an hour away from his close-knit herd. That all changes when August's grandfather leaves him enough cash to pursue his dream: becoming a detective himself. Sam Ewing is a bitter divorcé who enjoys watching football and being alone. It's easier when his only interaction with people is when he collects rent from his office building tenants. Then August rents space from him to set up his new detective agency, and Sam is drawn to him despite his misgivings. Sam soon finds himself involved with one of August's cases, and the men join forces to catch their criminal. The greater challenges they face, however, are how August makes Sam want to give love a second try and how Sam makes August believe that real life might be even better than fiction.

The Trouble With Tony (Sex in Seattle #1)

by Eli Easton

Sex in Seattle: Book OneAs part of the investigation into the murder of a young woman, Seattle PI Tony DeMarco poses as a patient of Dr. Jack Halloran, the therapist who treated the victim at a Seattle sex clinic. This isn't the first time Tony has gone undercover, but it's the first time he's wanted to go under cover with one of his suspects. He can't help it--Jack Halloran is just the kind of steely-eyed hero Tony goes for. But he'll have to prove Halloran's innocence and keep the doctor from finding out about his ruse before he can play Romeo. Dr. Halloran has his own issues, including a damaged right arm sustained in the line of duty as a combat surgeon in Iraq and the PTSD that followed. He's confused to find himself attracted to a new patient, the big, funny Italian with the puppy-dog eyes, and Tony's humor slips right past Jack's defenses, making him feel things he thought long buried. But can the doctor and the PI find a path to romance despite the secrets between them?

Master's Blood (The Shifters #6)

by M. D. Grimm

The Shifters: Book SixThree days after the Agency infiltrated the headquarters of the Knights, an organization that killed, tortured, and experimented on shifters, Chief Anu sends Agent Poe on assignment: find Nordik, the powerful bear shifter who controls Sanctuary, and offer alliance. Agent Poe already has his hands full with shifters who need help and a kidnapped agent who needs rescue. Poe has never failed a mission, but he finds members of the Knights who escaped the raid inside Sanctuary, raising suspicions about Chief Anu. Poe's goals change once more when he discovers he and Nordik have a mutual attraction they can't resist. Keeping shifters safe becomes more complicated, and more important, than ever.

West of the Pecos: A Western Story

by Zane Grey

From one of the bestselling western novelists of all time, comes another classic story.Templeton Lambeth had so desperately wanted a son- an heir to ride by his side through the vast, wild ranges just west of the Pecos River. But to his disappointment, his wife bore a girl. His hopes crushed and in denial, he decides to raise his daughter as if she were a boy. In honor of Lambeth’s more successful brother, they named her: Terrill.Upon the arrival of the Civil War, Lambeth enlists in Lee’s army, leaving behind his wife and tomboy daughter, with hopes to reconcile living in the shadow of his brother. By the time the war ends, Lambeth returns a colonel and his wife has passed. Tired of his old life as a cotton planter, he packs up with his tomboy daughter, Rill, and heads for the alluring western frontier to start anew.After they arrive in the West, the Colonel is brutally murdered. Rill, disguised as a youth of eighteen who rode with the toughest, is left to fend for herself in the Wild West swarming with outlaws. Enter the one they called Pecos Smith-a rugged desperado with a mysterious past and one bad reputation. Though, he may not be what he seems. Filled with adventure, bandits, and the beautiful landscape of America in its formative years, West of the Pecos is a classic tale by one of the greatest novelists of the American west.Skyhorse Publishing is proud to publish a broad range of books for readers interested in fiction that takes place in the old West. Westerns-books about outlaws, sheriffs, chiefs and warriors, cowboys and Indians-are a genre in which we publish regularly. Our list includes international bestselling authors like Zane Gray and Louis L’Amour, and many more. While not every title we publish becomes a New York Times bestseller or a national bestseller, we are committed to books on subjects that are sometimes overlooked and to authors whose work might not otherwise find a home.

Wandering Wild

by Jessica Taylor

"I believe in possibility. Of magic, of omens, of compasses, of love. Some of it's a little bit true."Sixteen-year-old Tal is a Wanderer-a grifter whose life is built around the sound of wheels on the road, the customs of her camp, and the artful scams that keep her fed. With her brother, Wen, by her side, it's the only life she's ever known. It's the only one she's ever needed.Then, in a sleepy Southern town, the queen of cons picks the wrong mark when she meets Spencer Sway-the clean-cut Socially Secured boy who ends up hustling her instead of the other way around. For the first time, she sees a reason to stay. As her obligations to the camp begin to feel like a prison sentence, the pull to leave tradition behind has never been so strong.But the Wanderers live by signs, and all the signs all say that Tal and Spencer will end disaster and grief. Is a chance at freedom worth almost certain destruction?Wandering Wild is an achingly romantic journey of tradition and self-discovery-a magical debut.


by Mike A. Lancaster

"There’s something in that sound. Something bad. Something dangerous.”Fifteen-year-old Ani Lee is a skilled hacker researching a strange .wav file that she’s downloaded when it behaves as no file ever should.Joe Dyson is a seventeen-year-old American transplant recruited into a secret teen division of the British intelligence service who’s looking into the disappearance of a friend caught up in an underground music scene that might be more than it appears.When Ani and Joe’s investigations intertwine, they discover that the .wav file and the music are linked-someone’s embedding the file into tracks to create a mind-controlled teen army.But who’s behind it? And why? And how do you stop a sound?An exhilarating sci-fi techno-thriller that blends music, mind control, and conspiracy perfect for fans of Little Brother, Brain Jack, and Proxy.Sky Pony Press, with our Good Books, Racehorse and Arcade imprints, is proud to publish a broad range of books for young readers-picture books for small children, chapter books, books for middle grade readers, and novels for young adults. Our list includes bestsellers for children who love to play Minecraft; stories told with LEGO bricks; books that teach lessons about tolerance, patience, and the environment, and much more. While not every title we publish becomes a New York Times bestseller or a national bestseller, we are committed to books on subjects that are sometimes overlooked and to authors whose work might not otherwise find a home.

The Ministry of Ghosts

by Alex Shearer

When they ring the bell at the house with the dusty windows and tarnished nameplate to inquire about the advertised "Saturday Person,” Thruppence and Tim don’t know what they’re getting themselves into. A Saturday job sounds ideal! But had that nameplate been properly cleaned, Thruppence and Tim might not have been so keen to enter . . .Pressured by the stern Minister Beeston from the Department of Economies, the Ministry of Ghosts has been given three months to prove the existence or nonexistence of ghosts, or else it will be shut down! As it seems that children are particularly magnetic to ghosts and supernatural beings, Thruppence and Tim are hired to join the ministry’s ghost-catching team. And although neither of them is scared by talk of ghosts or monsters, they are unprepared for what they’re about discover!Filled with fun, humor, and twists and turns, this is the perfect book for anyone who loved Harry Potter and who is looking for something similar to Neil Gaiman’s The Graveyard Book-just not quite as scary.

Terror on a Treasure Hunt: An Unofficial Minetrapped Adventure, #3 (The Unofficial Minetrapped Adventure #3)

by Winter Morgan

After trapping Mr. Anarchy, the evil master griefer who’s been tormenting them, Lily, Simon, and Michael can finally concentrate on trying to escape the Overworld and getting to know their new friends on the server. So when one of their friends invites them along on a treasure hunt, they couldn’t be more thrilled!But when the gang’s absence from Lisimi Village gives Mr. Anarchy a chance to escape, their hunt for treasure is cut short and Lily, Simon, and Michael must make a hard decision: do they continue their much-anticipated treasure hunt, or do they band together with their new friends to find and recapture Mr. Anarchy, and whatever team of griefers he might be working with?Nothing is as it seems-and no one can be trusted-in this thrilling third book in bestselling author Winter Morgan’s Unofficial Minetrapped Adventure series.Sky Pony Press, with our Good Books, Racehorse and Arcade imprints, is proud to publish a broad range of books for young readers-picture books for small children, chapter books, books for middle grade readers, and novels for young adults. Our list includes bestsellers for children who love to play Minecraft; stories told with LEGO bricks; books that teach lessons about tolerance, patience, and the environment, and much more. In particular, this adventure series is created especially for readers who love the fight of good vs. evil, magical academies like Hogwarts in the Harry Potter saga, and games like Minecraft, Terraria, and Pokemon GO. While not every title we publish becomes a New York Times bestseller or a national bestseller, we are committed to books on subjects that are sometimes overlooked and to authors whose work might not otherwise find a home.

It's a Mystery, Pig Face!

by Wendy McLeod MacKnight

When anyone in town could be the culprit in a crime, summer will be anything but boring.Eleven-year-old Tracy Munroe and her family have just gotten back from their family vacation-why did no one realize that her little brother, Lester a.k.a. Pig Face, was allergic to sand, salt air, and the ocean before they decided to go to the beach?-and now she has three big goals to accomplish before she goes back to school:Figure out a fantastic end of summer adventure with her best friend, Ralph, budding Michelin-star chef. (And no, Ralph, perfecting a soufflé does not count.)Make sure Pig Face does not tag along.Get the gorgeous new boy next door, Zach, to even know she exists.But when Tracy and Ralph discover an envelope stuffed with money in the dugout at baseball field (and Lester forces them to let him help), they have a mystery on their hands. Did someone lose the cash? Or, did someone steal it? St. Stephens has always seemed like a quiet place to live, but soon the town is brimming with suspects.Now they’re on a hunt to discover the truth, before the trio is accused of the crime themselves.McLeod MacKnight’s debut middle grade novel is a funny, charming window into small-town life, with a focus on the importance of friendship and family and the struggle to figure out where you fit in, perfect for fans of Polly Horvath and Sarah Weeks.

Suspicion: A Private Novel

by Kate Brian

Forbidden fruit... Reed, Noelle, and former Billings Girls Kiran and Taylor have been living it up on St. Barths over winter break. The tropical sun has melted away all the tensions of last semester, and for the first time in months, Reed is happy. She's got her best friends by her side, she has a palatial suite with an ocean view, and she's landed Upton, the most sought-after guy on the island. Reed is falling in love. But dating Upton makes Reed St. Barths' highest-profile guest -- and not in a good way. Upton has a dark past, and he's broken a lot of hearts. One of his exes still wants him. And she'll do whatever it takes to get Reed out of the picture.

Scandal: A Private Novel

by Kate Brian

After her harrowing kidnapping, Reed returns to Easton to find the worst thing she can think of—Billings has been torn down. Finally, after years of controversy, the school’s wealthiest female alumni have been overruled, and the historical dorm is gone from Easton Academy. How will Reed and the rest of the Billings Girls handle it? Will they still be as powerful, as popular, and as wicked—with literally no ground to stand on?

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