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Swift Vengeance

by T. Jefferson Parker

In this incendiary new thriller from three-time Edgar Award winner and New York Times bestselling author T. Jefferson Parker, Roland Ford is hunting down a mysterious killer, jockeying for position with the FBI, and risking everything to save a friend in terrible jeopardy.Returning hero and private investigator Roland Ford is on the trail of a mysterious killer who is beheading CIA drone operators and leaving puzzling clues at each crime scene. His troubled friend Lindsay Rakes is afraid for her own life and the life of her son after a fellow flight crew member is killed in brutal fashion. Even more terrifying is the odd note the killer left behind: "Welcome to Caliphornia. This is not the last." Ford strikes an uneasy alliance with San Diego-based FBI agent Joan Taucher, who is tough as nails but haunted by what sees as the Bureau's failure to catch the 9/11 terrorists, many of whom spent their last days in her city. As the killer strikes again, Ford and Taucher dash into the fray, each desperate for their own reasons--each ready to risk it all to stop the killer from doing far more damage.

Hecha la ley, hecha la trampa (Serie Perrock Holmes #Volumen 10)

by Isaac Palmiola

Hecha la ley, hecha la trampa es la décima entrega de las aventuras de #PerrockHolmes, la nueva serie de detectives juvenil con más suspense, aventura y grandes dosis de humor. Cuando el misterio llame a tu puerta, tú llama a Perrock, Perrock Holmes. Diego y Julia tienen que descubrir qué hay detrás de esta locura llamada «política». ¿Por qué todos están obsesionados con un partido, y no precisamente de fútbol? Estos son los hechos: el líder es muy guapo, pero tiene el cerebro de una hormiga enana. Estas son las pistas: En todos los carteles de la ciudad pone «Si te gusta el pesto, vota al Partido Honesto». Aquí huele a misterio... ¿o no?

El hombre que nunca le haría daño a nadie

by Roger Rubio

Un adicto a la novela negra juega a imaginar crímenes perfectos, hasta que alguien empieza a hacerlos realidad... Una novela negra con una premisa original y rompedora. El hallazgo del cadáver de una prostituta en un céntrico piso de Barcelona es el arranque de una extraña cadena de asesinatos. Un hombre se ha entregado a la policía autoinculpándose de este y otros crímenes, pero las cosas no están tan claras: el presunto asesino, adicto a la novela negra, se entretiene imaginando crímenes perfectos y estudiando hasta los más mínimos detalles, pero lo hace como puro entretenimiento y sin la menor intención de llevar sus planes a la práctica. Lo sorprendente es que sus «víctimas», esas cuyos crímenes imagina, han empezado a aparecer efectivamente muertas del modo exacto que él había previsto...

Bajo un cielo escarlata

by Mark T. Sullivan

El chico que se convirtió en espía por amor en uno de los momentos más oscuros de la historia. La novela basada en la verdadera y épica historia de un héroe olvidado de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Pino Lella no quiere saber nada de la guerra ni de los nazis. Es un adolescente italiano obsesionado con la música y las chicas, pero, en la Milán de 1943, sus días de inocencia están contados. Cuando la casa de su familia es destruida por los bombardeos, Pino se une a una red clandestina que ayuda a los judíos a escapar a través de los Alpes, y se enamora de la bella y misteriosa Anna. Con la intención de protegerlo, sus padres lo obligan a alistarse en el ejército alemán y con solo 18 años es reclutado como chófer del general Hans Leyers, la mano derecha de Hitler en Italia y uno de los más poderosos y enigmáticos comandantes del Tercer Reich. Aunque eso le da la oportunidad de espiar para los aliados dentro del Alto Mando alemán, Pino habrá de superar los horrores de la guerra y de la ocupación nazi. Solo su amor por Anna y el sueño de la vida que compartirán algún día le darán la fuerza y el valor para seguir luchando en secreto. Los lectores que disfrutaron con La luz que no puedes ver, de Anthony Doerr, o El Ruiseñor, de Kristin Hannah, no querrán perderse esta emocionante historia de coraje, suspense y amor.

Marvel Iron Man: Mutually Assured Destruction

by Pat Shand

Tony Stark isn't a man who enjoys relaxing, but a weekend getaway with Pepper Potts is too appealing to say no to. The downtime is short lived, though, as Maria Hill, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D, crashes the party, bringing with her information about a twenty-foot tall alien robot unlike anything scientists have ever seen. Having learned of the alien technology, Count Luchino Nefaria sees the potential to turn the robot into a weapon that serves Nefaria's own purposes. He recruits the Ghost to steal the robot, but when the alien technology is brought out of its dormant mode, it turns out to be too much for even one of Earth's most skilled hackers. Iron Man is overwhelmed, the Ghost is under the robot's control, and Nefaria is in over his head. With little time and even less help, Iron Man calls on War Machine and Rescue to prepare one last stand against an alien technology focused on one simple mission: the complete destruction of mankind. Penned by veteran comic book and fantasy writer Pat Shand, Iron Man: Mutually Assured Destruction sends Iron Man on one of his most dangerous and important missions to date, and is sure to thrill Marvel fans to the very end.

When Lava Strikes: An Unofficial Minecrafters Novel (Secrets of an Overworld Survivor #2)

by Greyson Mann Grace Sandford

When Will and Mina discover an abandoned mine shaft, they quickly plan a treasure hunt. The two friends dream of the riches they’ll unearth together and can’t wait to get started, but they quickly discover that they very different ideas about what treasure is! Torn between searching for mobs and potion supplies and seeking out the chest at the heart of the mine, the duo is on the verge of splitting up.But then a trio of treasure hunters challenge Will and Mina, and a poorly aimed pickaxe puts everyone in the mine in danger. As the chambers around them fill with lava and their hunt for treasure becomes a fight for survival, can Will and Mina put their differences aside and work together to escape with their lives?Every chapter of this second installment in the Secrets of an Overworld Survivor chapter book series is packed with adventure-perfect for introducing young gamers to reading!Sky Pony Press, with our Good Books, Racehorse and Arcade imprints, is proud to publish a broad range of books for young readers-picture books for small children, chapter books, books for middle grade readers, and novels for young adults. Our list includes bestsellers for children who love to play Minecraft; stories told with LEGO bricks; books that teach lessons about tolerance, patience, and the environment, and much more. While not every title we publish becomes a New York Times bestseller or a national bestseller, we are committed to books on subjects that are sometimes overlooked and to authors whose work might not otherwise find a home.

Wolves vs. Zombies: An Unofficial Minecrafter's Novel (Secrets of an Overworld Survivor #3)

by Greyson Mann Grace Sandford

With zombie attacks threatening their town, Will’s older brother urges him to act responsible by staying home to protect the villagers. But Will, ever the explorer, is already dreaming of his next destination: the snow-covered forests of the Taiga biome.Despite the danger facing his home, Will sneaks off on his adventure, and he soon finds that the wintery region is everything he hoped it would be-right down to the pack of wild wolves he could try to tame as pets.But when an urgent message from home tells him his brother’s in trouble, Will has to choose: stay in the Taiga biome and tame the wolf he’s always wanted, or return home and rescue his brother?The third book in the Secrets of an Overworld Survivor chapter book series, Wolves vs. Zombies is an epic adventure-perfect for introducing young gamers to reading!

Never Say Nether: An Unofficial Minecrafter's Novel (Secrets of an Overworld Survivor #4)

by Greyson Mann Grace Sandford

Will can hardly wait to explore the Nether with his best friend, Mina. But when his perfect older brother insists on coming along, Will’s excitement fades—he is sure he doesn’t need Seth’s protection!To prove it, Will challenges every mob they meet along the way to a fight. Will’s battle skills are improving, but when the trio reaches the Nether, they’re quickly in over their heads—and Will’s showing off puts everyone in danger! Can he learn to work together with his brother in order to survive?Beginning readers and young gamers alike will root for Will and Seth in this fourth installment in the Secrets of an Overworld Survivor series!

Snow Fight: An Unofficial Terrarian Warrior Novel (Tales of a Terrarian Warrior #2)

by Winter Morgan

As Miles’s quest to become Terraria’s greatest hero continues, he finds himself in a new biome where even the slightest attack could be lethal. He befriends a wizard and quickly begins to master the art of magic.But when he picks up an innocent-looking snow globe and accidentally sets the Frost Legion loose, Miles may just have met his match. While sinister snowmen attack and plummeting temperatures threaten to bring Miles’s adventures to an end, he must summon all his strength to fight.As this action-packed series develops, unlikely enemies appear, allies are tested, and Miles’s world is changed forever.

Dos espías en Caracas

by Moisés Naím

Una historia casi ficticia de amor y espionaje en tiempos de Hugo Chávez. <P><P>En una Venezuela convulsionada por la revolución de Hugo Chávez, Moisés Naím teje una novela de espionaje y amor que nace de dos décadas de minucioso trabajo de documentación. <P><P>A través de las historias de Eva, espía de la CIA, y Mauricio, agente del servicio de inteligencia cubano, el lector se sumerge en una adictiva trama de thriller que es, al mismo tiempo, la crónica de una realidad que, a veces, supera a la ficción.

Flores sobre el infierno

by Ilaria Tuti

Tras Dicker, D'Andrea y Lemaitre, Alfaguara Negra presenta el debut del año: Flores sobre el infierno de Ilaria Tuti, el thriller tiene nombre de mujer. El primer cadáver es el de un hombre desnudo, con la cara desfigurada y los ojos arrancados. <P><P>Algo aterrador está ocurriendo en las montañas: un recién nacido ha desaparecido y una sombra misteriosa vaga por los bosques. El caso requiere de todas las habilidades de Teresa Battaglia, comisaria de policía especializada en perfiles criminales que, todos los días, camina sobre el infierno. Su mejor arma es la mente, pero últimamente la está engañando; su lucidez está en riesgo y la investigación, por tanto, también. <P><P>Por primera vez en su vida, tiene miedo. Teresa y el joven inspector Massimo Marini, llegado desde hace poco de la ciudad a este enclave montañoso, deberán llevar a cabo la investigación más difícil a la que se han enfrentado jamás: un caso que hunde sus raíces en los episodios más oscuros y estremecedores de la historia de este rincón milenario del norte de Italia: un infierno que aún sigue latiendo.

Flors sobre l'infern

by Ilaria Tuti

El debut de novel·la negra més impactant de l'any per a les grans editorials. El nou gran thriller europeu té nom de dona. Es produeixen un seguit de fets aterridors a les muntanyes. Troben el primer cadàver. <P><P>És un home que està despullat, li han desfigurat la cara i li han arrencat els ulls. Desapareix un nadó i una ombra misteriosa es mou pels boscos. El cas requereix tota l'habilitat de la Teresa Battaglia, comissària de policia especialitzada en perfils criminals que camina sobre l'infern cada dia. <P><P>Té una arma molt poderosa, la seva ment, però de sobte comença a fer-li males passades, li entela la lucidesa i això fa perillar la investigació. Per primera vegada a la vida té por. El jove inspector Massimo Marini acaba de deixar la ciutat per traslladar-se a aquest racó mil·lennari del nord d'Itàlia. La Teresa i ell s'enfronten a una investigació molt complicada, amb orígens que es remunten a un dels episodis més obscurs i esgarrifosos de la història d'aquestes muntanyes. És un infern que encara batega.

Judy Moody, M. D.: The Doctor is In! (Fountas & Pinnell LLI Blue #Level M)

by Peter Reynolds Megan McDonald

<p>Judy gets a taste of her own medicine in a hilarious new episode sure to tickle your humerus (aka funny bone) and put you in a very Judy Moody mood! <p>She took her own temperature. With the fancy thermometer that beeped. It was not normal. It was not 98.6. Judy's temperature was 188.8! Judy's temperature was 00.0! Judy's temperature was beep-beep-beep-beep-beep. She, Judy Moody, had the temperature of an outer-space alien! <p>Judy Moody has a mood for every occasion, and now, she, Judy Moody, is in a medical mood! It's no secret that Judy wants to be like Elizabeth Blackwell, first woman doctor, when she grows up. So when Class 3T starts to study the Amazing Human Body, Judy can hardly wait to begin her better-than-best-ever third-grade projects: show-and-tell with something way rarer than a scab, a real-live ooey-gooey operation, and a cloning experiment that may create double trouble for Judy and her friends. RARE!</p>

When Falcons Fall (Sebastian St. Cyr Mystery Ser. #No. 11)

by C. S. Harris

The much-anticipated new entrée in the Sebastian St. Cyr “simply elegant”* historical mystery series, from the national bestselling author of Who Buries the Dead and Why Kings Confess .Ayleswick-on-Teme, 1813. Sebastian St. Cyr, Viscount Devlin, has come to this seemingly peaceful Shropshire village to honor a slain friend and on a quest to learn more about his own ancestry. But when the body of a lovely widow is found on the banks of the River Teme, a bottle of laudanum at her side, the village’s inexperienced new magistrate turns to St. Cyr for help. Almost immediately, Sebastian realizes that Emma Chance did not, in truth, take her own life. Less easy to discern is exactly how she died, and why. For as Sebastian and Hero soon discover, Emma was hiding both her true identity and her real reasons for traveling to Ayleswick. Also troubling are the machinations of Lucien Bonaparte, the estranged brother of the megalomaniac French Emperor Napoleon. Held captive under the British government’s watchful eye, the younger Bonaparte is restless, ambitious, and treacherous. Sebastian’s investigation takes on new urgency when he discovers that Emma was not the first, or even the second, beautiful young woman in the village to die under suspicious circumstances. Home to the eerie ruins of an ancient monastery, Ayleswick reveals itself to be a dark and dangerous place of secrets that have festered among the villagers for decades—and a violent past that may be connected to Sebastian’s own unsettling origins. And as he faces his most diabolical opponent ever, he is forced to consider what malevolence he’s willing to embrace in order to destroy a killer.*Lisa Gardner

Abby Cooper, Psychic Eye: A Psychic Eye Mystery (Abby Cooper #1)

by Victoria Laurie

Abby Cooper is a P.I., psychic intuitive. But her insight failed her when she didn't foresee the death of one of her clients-or that the lead investigator for the case is the gorgeous blind date she just met. Now, with the police suspicious of her abilities and a killer on the loose, Abby's future looks more uncertain than ever.

A Royal Pain (A Royal Spyness Mystery #2)

by Rhys Bowen

Lady Georgiana finds herself in a heap of royal trouble in the second novel in the New York Times bestselling Royal Spyness Mystery series. London, 1932. Poor Lady Georgiana--thirty-fourth in line to the throne--has nothing to serve her Bavarian princess houseguest, even though the Queen of England has requested that she entertain her. Then there's the matter of the body in the bookshop and the princess's unwitting involvement with the Communist party. It's enough to drive a girl mad...

Dissolution: A Matthew Shardlake Tudor Mystery (A Matthew Shardlake Tudor Mystery #1)

by C. J. Sansom

From the bestselling author of Winter in Madrid and Dominion comes the exciting and elegantly written first novel in the Matthew Shardlake Tudor Mystery seriesDissolution is an utterly riveting portrayal of Tudor England. The year is 1537, and the country is divided between those faithful to the Catholic Church and those loyal to the king and the newly established Church of England. When a royal commissioner is brutally murdered in a monastery on the south coast of England, Thomas Cromwell, Henry VIII's feared vicar general, summons fellow reformer Matthew Shardlake to lead the inquiry. Shardlake and his young protégé uncover evidence of sexual misconduct, embezzlement, and treason, and when two other murders are revealed, they must move quickly to prevent the killer from striking again.A "remarkable debut" (P. D. James), Dissolution introduces a thrilling historical series that is not to be missed by fans of Wolf Hall and Bring Up the Bodies.

Highland Fling Murders (Murder She Wrote Ser. #7)

by Jessica Fletcher Donald Bain

Jessica Flecther and a group of her friends from Cabot Cove, Maine, take off for the British Isles and end up at a castle in Scotland. it would be a great vacation--except for the ghost. And the murders.

The Turquoise Lament: A Travis McGee Novel (Travis McGee #15)

by John D. Macdonald

"One of the most enduring and unusual heroes in detective fiction."THE BALTIMORE SUNNow that Linda "Pidge" Lewellen is grown up, she tells Travis McGee, once her girlhood idol, that either she's going crazy or Howie, her affable ex-jock of a husband is trying to kill her. McGee checks things out, and gives Pidge the all clear. But when Pidge and Howie sail away to kiss and make up, McGee has second thoughts. If only he can get to Pidge before he has time for any more thinking....

Ballpark Mysteries Super Special #3: Subway Series Surprise (Ballpark Mysteries #3)

by Mark Meyers David A. Kelly

Batter up! It's an NYC-themed Super Special! Ballpark Mysteries are fun, accessible early chapter books that cross baseball action with puzzling whodunits!Catch a baseball mystery--in New York City! Mike and Kate are in for an extra special treat! Two hometown baseball teams in one city! A Subway Series is when the New York Mets play the New York Yankees, and Mike and Kate can't wait to watch all the action! But someone is playing pranks at both ballparks! And when Mike and Kate hear mysterious mumblings at the famous Whispering Gallery at Grand Central Terminal, they just might be able to catch the culprit before the series ends. A longer story, plus bonus backmatter with activities and NYC trivia, makes Subway Series Surprise a truly Super Special addition to the Ballpark Mysteries.

Chinatown Beat (A Detective Jack Yu Investigation #1)

by Henry Chang

"Here's a dark slice of New York's Chinatown that most of us...have probably never seen. Henry Chang takes us on an unforgettable guided tour of its lower depths. In a field awash with pallid noir thrillers, this one is the real thing. A genuine winner."--Herbert H. Lieberman, author of City of the Dead and Shadow Dancers "A dramatic evocation of the exotic. . . . More rewarding than a trip to Chinatown."--Qin Xiaolong, author of Death of a Red Herione Detective Jack Yu grew up in Chinatown. Some of his friends are criminals now; some are dead. Jack has just been transferred to his old neighborhood, where 99 percent of the cops are white. Unlike the others, confused by the residents who speak another language even when they're speaking English, Jack knows what's going on. He is confronted with a serial rapist who preys on young Chinese girls. Then Uncle Four, an elderly and respected leader of the charitable Hip Ching Society and member of the Hong Kong-based Red Circle Triad, is gunned down. Jack learns that benevolent Uncle Four had a gorgeous young mistress imported from Hong Kong. And she is missing. To solve these crimes, Jack turns to an elderly fortune teller, an old friend of his, in addition to employing modern police methods. This debut mystery power-fully conveys the sights, sounds, and smells of Chinatown, as well as the attitudes of its inhabitants.From the Hardcover edition.

Year of the Dog: A Detective Jack Yu Investigation (A Detective Jack Yu Investigation #2)

by Henry Chang

He's been transferred to a different precinct, but Detective Jack Yu cannot get away from Chinatown's criminals--his old friends--who have hooked up with the Hong Kong-based triads in an elaborate nationwide credit card fraud. He also cannot escape the Chinese victims whose stories cry out for justice, like the teenage Chinese take-out delivery boy brutally murdered in the projects. Henry Chang was born and raised in New York City's Chinatown, where he still lives. His debut novel, Chinatown Beat, was hailed in several best of 2006 lists.

Man in the Empty Suit

by Sean Ferrell

Say you're a time traveler and you've already toured the entirety of human history. After a while, the outside world might lose a little of its luster. That's why this time traveler celebrates his birthday partying with himself. Every year, he travels to an abandoned hotel in New York City in 2071, the hundredth anniversary of his birth, and drinks twelve-year-old Scotch (lots of it) with all the other versions of who he has been and who he will be. Sure, the party is the same year after year, but at least it's one party where he can really, well, be himself.The year he turns 39, though, the party takes a stressful turn for the worse. Before he even makes it into the grand ballroom for a drink he encounters the body of his forty-year-old self, dead of a gunshot wound to the head. As the older versions of himself at the party point out, the onus is on him to figure out what went wrong--he has one year to stop himself from being murdered, or they're all goners. As he follows clues that he may or may not have willingly left for himself, he discovers rampant paranoia and suspicion among his younger selves, and a frightening conspiracy among the Elders. Most complicated of all is a haunting woman possibly named Lily who turns up at the party this year, the first person besides himself he's ever seen at the party. For the first time, he has something to lose. Here's hoping he can save some version of his own life

The Crims (Crims #1)

by Kate Davies

The Addams Family meets Despicable Me in the first book of this new trilogy, perfect for fans of Lemony Snicket and Pseudonymous Bosch!The Crim family is full of notorious criminals. Notoriously inept, that is. Uncle Knuckles once tried to steal a carnival. Great-Uncle Bernard held himself hostage by accident. Aunt Drusilla died slipping on a banana peel. But Imogen is different. She was born with a skill for scandal. A knack for the nefarious. A mastery of misdemeanors.Despite her natural talent for all things unlawful, Imogen got out of the family business years ago. But when the rest of the Crims are accused of pulling off a major heist—which seems doubtful, to say the least—Imogen is forced to step in to clear their names. Because only a truly skilled criminal can prove the bumbling family’s innocence….

All Jacked Up

by Penny Mccall

An action-packed debut that pits a scholarly beauty against a cocky and sexier-than-sin FBI agent. When brains meets brawn, the bad guys don't stand a chance FBI agent Jack Mitchell's arrogance and take-charge attitude usually garner him the best assignments in the field--and the most compliant assets. But Aubrey Sullivan, a brilliant librarian with a photographic memory, is no ordinary asset...without realizing it, she's managed to piss off the biggest mobster in North America. And somewhere in her picture-perfect memory is a secret that many would kill to keep quiet... But since Jack barged into her life, librarian Aubrey Sullivan has been abducted at gunpoint, taken on a death-defying car chase, and kissed to within an inch of madness--and she's starting to think it may be smarter to ditch Mr. Sexy FBI. Jack has never met a more infuriating (or alluring) asset in the field. If she would just do what he says, they may have a chance of getting out of this mess alive. "McCall knows how to deliver!" - New York Times bestselling author Suzanne Enoch "Snappy dialogue, nonstop action, and sexy writing. A terrific new voice in romantic suspense!" -New York Times bestselling author Lori Foster

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