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Stranglehold (Detective Ari Greene Ser. #4)

by Robert Rotenberg

Fact or fiction? Current events in the City of Toronto echo the plot of Robert Rotenberg's latest legal thriller Stranglehold. Everyone is saying he predicted the future for Toronto's mayor. Read it and find out!Ripped from the headlines, Stranglehold is bestselling author Robert Rotenberg's most shocking book yet, featuring Detective Ari Greene in the fight of his life. It is just after Labour Day and the city is kicking into gear. All eyes are on the hotly contested election for Toronto's next mayor and crime is the big issue. Greene is no stranger to the worst of what the city has to offer, but even he is unprepared for what happens next when he stumbles upon a horrific homicide. In one nightmare moment his world is flipped upside down. Soon Greene is pitted against his young protégé, Daniel Kennicott, who arrests him for first-degree murder. Tied down on house arrest as he awaits his trial, Greene has to find a way to clear his name, and also must face some very hard truths: that he didn't really know the people he believed in most; that there are unseen forces at work prepared to see him take the fall; and most of all, that he should never underestimate the price people will pay for love. Eerily reminiscent of the scandal surrounding the current Toronto mayor, Stranglehold is Rotenberg's fourth gripping mystery set on the streets and in the courtrooms of the city, capturing audiences with his masterful knowledge of the intricacies of the criminal justice system and feel for the emotions that make people tick.

Baltimore Blues: The First Tess Monaghan Novel (Tess Monaghan #1)

by Laura Lippman

Until her paper, the Baltimore Star, crashed and burned, Tess Monaghan was a damn good reporter who knew her hometown intimately -- from historic Fort McHenry to the crumbling projects of Cherry Hill. Now gainfully unemployed at twenty-nine, she's willing to take any freelance job to pay the rent -- including a bit of unorthodox snooping for her rowing buddy, Darryl "Rock" Paxton. In a city where someone is murdered almost everyday, attorney Michael Abramowitz's death should be just another statistic. But the slain lawyer's notoriety -- and his noontime trysts with Rock's fiancee -- make the case front page news...and points to Rock as the likely murderer. But trying to prove her friend's innocence couls prove costly to Tess -- and add her name to that infamous ever-growing list.

La carta olvidada

by Lucinda Riley

Los secretos son peligrosos. La nueva novela de la autora superventas internacional Lucinda Riley. Londres, 1995. Cuando sir James Harrison, uno de los grandes actores de su generación, muere a los noventa y cinco años, deja una familia rota y un secreto asombroso que podría poner en peligro a la clase dirigente inglesa. Johanna Haslam, la joven y ambiciosa periodista encargada de cubrir el funeral, al que asiste la flor y nata de la sociedad londinense, se aleja del glamour del evento y descubre algo que los demás parecen no haber notado: una carta que el actor ha dejado y cuyo contenido ha permanecido oculto durante setenta años. Johanna intenta desvelar el misterio, pero se encuentra con la firme oposición de las personas interesadas en que nada cambie. Una novela llena de secretos, mentiras y giros inolvidables de la autora superventas internacional Lucinda Riley. Reseñas:«Adictivo y brillante.»Daily Mail «Evocador, de múltiples lecturas, suspense hasta el final.»Grazia «Una historia rápida y plena de suspense.»Red

Breaking Bad: Bad Boys Of The Bay (Bad Boys of the Bay #2)

by Karin Tabke

"Tabke's edgy and delicious tales hold a top spot on my must-read list!" --Sylvia Day"No one writes hot cops better than Karin Tabke!" ~ Bella Andre, New York Times bestselling author of The Sullivans seriesDetective Stevie Cavanaugh is one tough cookie...with a sexy but vulnerable secret...Law enforcement royalty, Stevie Cavanaugh's fate was determined before she was born: follow her father's lead, retiring only after becoming Sheriff. But as capable and strong as she is, one man dared to awaken her dark sensuality, only to leave her aching for more. Now he's back, the baddest cop in the whole damn town, distracting her from the most important case of her career--capturing the Cain killer. For Special Agent Jack Thornton, like Stevie, police work is in his blood. So is Stevie, the woman he left behind after just one perfect night. Now he's forced to work with her to catch a killer. Only he wants more of Stevie, too. According to Stevie, she's not interested. But Jack knows her deepest darkest sexual secret--that while she's a woman used to giving command, she also takes great pleasure in submitting--to him. Despite how things ended seven years prior, Jack is determined to take Stevie to the next level.When the fire between them becomes an inferno, they'll both savor the burn...

In a Bad Way: Bad Boys Of The Bay 2 (Bad Boys of the Bay #4)

by Karin Tabke

Special Agent Flynn Ryker meets his match when Wild Style, a sexy little stripper with a big secret lands in his lap, literally.

¿Quién necesita un ángel?

by Maya Moon

Ella no necesitaba un guardaespaldas pero él debía cumplir con su trabajo. ¿O quizás sí que lo necesita? Amor y misterio se unen en esta nueva novela de Maya Moon. Ángel es un joven expolicía que ha trabajado como guardaespaldas en más de una ocasión. Necesita un trabajo urgentemente, pero este llega de la manera más inesperada y con un jefe para quien no se le hubiera ocurrido trabajar jamás. Una mañana, mientras pasea por la ciudad, dos hombres lo obligan a subir con ellos en un vehículo y lo llevan a la mansión de Salvador Salgado, un conocido mafioso millonario de la zona. Salvador le propone trabajar como guardaespaldas de su hija, Susana, una joven independiente que ha logrado desvincularse de la reputación de su padre y de su influencia y trabaja como abogada en un famoso bufete. Salvador Salgado está siendo amenazado por una banda chinade mafiosos que saben que su debilidad es Susana, su hija, lo único que tiene en el mundo, y que harán todo lo posible por demostrarle que son ellos quienes lideran ahora los negocios turbios en la ciudad. Lo último que Susana desea es una «niñera» y no duda en hacérselo saber a Ángel, que pronto descubrirá que no es fácil trabajar para ella. La joven tiene su vida y sus amigos, y pretende a toda costa mantener la independencia que tanto le ha costado conseguir. Sin embargo, tendrá que aceptar la presencia de Ángel a su alrededor y descubrirá, llegado el momento, que el joven es mucho más que un simple guardardaespaldas.

Cari Mora (edició en català): A Novel

by Thomas Harris

L'Hannibal Lecter té un successor. Després de més d'una dècada, l'autor d'El silenci dels anyells torna amb un thriller imparable. Un grup d'homes sense escrúpols fa anys que busca vint-i-cinc milions de dòlars en or que s'amaguen sota una antiga mansió d'en Pablo Escobar a la costa de Miami. El seu líder és en Hans-Peter Schneider, que, impulsat per desitjos inconfessables, es guanya la vida fent realitat les fantasies violentes dels rics i poderosos. La Cari Mora va escapar de la brutalitat de la seva Colòmbia natal i ara treballa, entre altres feines, tenint cura de la mansió. Quan posa els seus ulls en ella, en Hans-Peter se n'encapritxa al moment. Però la Cari Mora és una supervivent. I no és la primera vegada que ha de lluitar per demostrar-ho. Cap altre escriptor ha conjurat els monstres que ens aguaiten amb la perfecció de Thomas Harris. El mestre del thriller americà torna, després de més d'una dècada, amb una història sobre el mal, l'avarícia i les conseqüències d'una obscura obsessió. La crítica ha dit...«El millor de l'obra de Harris, i això inclou la seva última i esperada novel·la, Cari Mora, retrata la realitat de forma inqüestionable... Ningú ha aconseguit transmetre la part obscura de l'ésser humà de manera tan efectiva com ell. I sembla que ningú no el superarà mai.»The Washington Post «Aquesta novel·la addictiva comença amb intensitat i el suspens augmenta fins arribar a un final ple d'acció... L'escriptura de Harris fa pensar en escenes cinematogràfiques, i no hi sobra cap paraula. Una excel·lent lectura diabòlica.»USA Today «Conan Doyle i el seu Sherlock Holmes van dominar la literatura de ficció en les dues últimes dècades del segle XIX. Un segle més tard, el thriller té el seu equivalent en Thomas Harris.»The Guardian «La ploma de Harris té la marca de la perfecció.»The Times «Tan bo com sempre. Llegir els seus llibres és com acariciar la fredor de la seda lentament amb la mà.»Stephen King «Un thriller intens, el millor de Harris des d'El silenci dels anyells.»New Statesman «La bona notícia per als lectors de Cari Mora és que l'Hannibal ha tornat en esperit, però no en persona.»The Spectator «Un esdeveniment literari. Thomas Harris és un escriptor excepcional de thriller, no només perquè crea traïdors memorables i monstruosos, sinó perquè també ens ofereix protagonistes femenines formidables.»Daily Mail «Els directors de Hollywood ja deuen estar somiant en portar a la pantalla aquest thriller addictiu. Harris és un narrador superlatiu.»Daily Express «Thomas Harris, el creador de l'Hannibal Lecter, és l'escriptor de thrillers més gran del nostre temps.»Evening Standard

Una partida adictiva (Serie Perrock Holmes #Volumen 12)

by Isaac Palmiola

Una partida adictiva es la doceava entrega de las aventuras de #PerrockHolmes, la mejor serie de detectives, con más suspense, aventura y grandes dosis de humor. Un misterioso juego de mesa tiene a todo el mundo enganchado. ¡Es tan adictivo que Julia y Diego no pueden apartarse del tablero! Y ahora van a enfrentarse en un campeonato a nivel mundial. ¿Será esta la partida definitiva? Estas son los hechos: Ya nadie juega a Fortnite... ¡e incluso los abuelos se han olvidado de la petanca y del dominó para viciarse al nuevo juego! Estas son las pistas: Para acabar la partida definitiva tendrás que meterte dentro del tablero. Aquí huele a misterio... ¿o no?

Dama de humo (Princesa de cenizas #Volumen 2)

by Laura Sebastian

Princesa. Prisionera. Huérfana. Rebelde. Un trono arrebatado. Ella deberá luchar para devolvérselo a su pueblo. Llega la segunda parte de «Princesa de cenizas». Theo ya no lleva la corona de cenizas, ha recuperado su título y con él, un rehén: Prinz Soren. El pueblo sigue bajo la terrible dictadura del Kaiser, y ella está a miles de kilómetros de distancia de su trono. Theo sabe que la libertad tiene un precio, pero está decidida a encontrar un camino para salvar al pueblo sin perderse a sí misma.

El misterio del circo (Trío Beta #9)

by Roberto Pavanello

¡Únete al Trío Beta!¡Todas para una... y una para todas!¡Samantha, Lenticchia y el Trío Beta van al circo! Allí, entre tigres, orangutanes y leones, ven a una fascinante mujer bala que sale disparada de un cañón. Cuando desaparece, Samantha y sus amigos empezarán su búsqueda, pero su investigación se verá complicada con la fuga de animales del circo. ¿Quién está robando los animales? ¿Tendrá algo que ver con la enigmática artista desaparecida?

Cari Mora: A Novel

by Thomas Harris

Hannibal Lecter tiene un sucesor. Tras más de una década, el autor de El silencio de los corderos vuelve con un thriller arrollador. Bajo una antigua mansión de Pablo Escobar en la costa de Miami se ocultan veinticinco millones de dólares en oro. Un grupo de hombres sin escrúpulos lleva años buscándolos. Su líder es Hans-Peter Schneider, quien, impulsado por inconfesables apetitos, se gana la vida haciendo realidad las crueles fantasías de ricos y poderosos. Cari Mora escapó de la violencia de su Colombia natal y el cuidado de la mansión es ahora uno de sus variados trabajos. En cuanto pone sus ojos en Cari, Hans-Peter se encapricha de ella. Pero Cari Mora es una superviviente. Y no es la primera vez que tiene que luchar para demostrarlo. Ningún otro escritor ha conjurado los monstruos que nos acechan con la brillantez de Thomas Harris. El maestro del thriller americano regresa tras más de una década con una historia sobre el mal, la avaricia y las consecuencias de una oscura obsesión. La crítica ha dicho...«Lo mejor de la obra de Harris, y eso incluye su última y esperada novela, Cari Mora, retrata lo real de forma incuestionable... Nadie ha conseguido transmitir la parte oscura del ser humano de manera tan efectiva como él. Y parece que nadie va a superarlo nunca.»The Washington Post «Esta adictiva novela comienza con intensidad y va aumentando el suspense hasta un final lleno de acción... Harris escribe mediante escenas cinematográficas y no sobra ni una palabra. Una lectura diabólica.»USA Today «Dos figuras dominaron la literatura popular en las dos últimas décadas del siglo XIX: Conan Doyle y Sherlock Holmes. Un siglo más tarde su equivalente es Thomas Harris.»The Guardian «La pluma de Harris tiene la marca de la perfección.»The Times «Tan bueno como siempre. Leer sus libros es como recorrer seda fría lentamente con la mano.»Stephen King «Un thriller intenso, el mejor de Harris desde El silencio de los corderos.»New Statesman «La buena noticia para los lectores de Cari Mora es que Hannibal ha vuelto en espíritu pero no en persona.»Spectator «Un acontecimiento literario. Thomas Harris es un escritor excepcional de thriller, no solo por crear villanos memorables y monstruosos sino porque también nos ofrece protagonistas femeninas formidables.»Daily Mail «Los directores de Hollywood estarán ya soñando con llevar a la pantalla este adictivo thriller. Harris es un narrador superlativo.»Daily Express «Thomas Harris, el creador de Hannibal Lecter, es el mayor escritor de thrillers de nuestro tiempo.»Evening Standard

The Perfect Nanny: A Novel

by Leila Slimani

She has the keys to their apartment. She knows everything. She has embedded herself so deeply in their lives that it now seems impossible to remove her. <p><p> When Myriam, a French-Moroccan lawyer, decides to return to work after having children, she and her husband look for the perfect nanny for their two young children. They never dreamed they would find Louise: a quiet, polite, devoted woman who sings to the children, cleans the family’s chic apartment in Paris’s upscale tenth arrondissement, stays late without complaint, and hosts enviable kiddie parties. But as the couple and the nanny become more dependent on one another, jealousy, resentment, and suspicions mount, shattering the idyllic tableau. <p> Building tension with every page, The Perfect Nanny is a compulsive, riveting, bravely observed exploration of power, class, race, domesticity, and motherhood—and the American debut of an immensely talented writer.

The Mirror Thief

by Martin Seay

A globetrotting, time-bending, wildly entertaining masterpiece in the tradition of Cloud Atlas.Publishers Weekly raved that "with near-universal appeal . . . Seay's debut novel is a true delight, a big, beautiful cabinet of wonders that is by turns an ominous modern thriller, a supernatural mystery, and an enchanting historical adventure story." Set in three cities in three eras, The Mirror Thief calls to mind David Mitchell and Umberto Eco in its mix of entertainment and literary bravado.The core story is set in Venice in the sixteenth century, when the famed makers of Venetian glass were perfecting one of the old world's most wondrous inventions: the mirror. An object of glittering yet fearful fascination--was it reflecting simple reality, or something more spiritually revealing?--the Venetian mirrors were state of the art technology, and subject to industrial espionage by desirous sultans and royals world-wide. But for any of the development team to leave the island was a crime punishable by death. One man, however--a world-weary war hero with nothing to lose--has a scheme he thinks will allow him to outwit the city's terrifying enforcers of the edict, the ominous Council of Ten . . .Meanwhile, in two other Venices--Venice Beach, California, circa 1958, and the Venice casino in Las Vegas, circa today--two other schemers launch similarly dangerous plans to get away with a secret . . .All three stories will weave together into a spell-binding tour-de-force that is impossible to put down--an old-fashioned, stay-up-all-night novel that, in the end, returns the reader to a stunning conclusion in the original Venice . . . and the bedazzled sense of having read a truly original and thrilling work of art.From the Hardcover edition.

Last to Die (Jack Swyteck #3)

by James Grippando

<P>In an exciting new series that critics have called "John Grisham meets Robert Ludlum," Miami criminal defense lawyer Jack Swyteck faces his biggest challenge yet. <P>Tatum Knight is a former contract killer. Ruthless. Conniving. And he's Jack's newest client. Tatum is the older brother of Jack's best friend, Theo. Theo himself spent time on death row until Jack found the evidence to prove him innocent. Jack isn't so sure about Tatum. <P>A gorgeous young woman has been shot dead in her Mercedes on a Miami street. Tatum denies that he had anything to do with it, but he admits to Jack that he did meet with her in Theo's bar, where she tried to hire him.Sally Fenning was worth forty-eight million dollars when she died. Money had never made her happy, so she left it all to her enemies--left it for them to fight over, that is. She named six heirs in her will, but there's a catch: No one gets a penny until all but one of the heirs are dead. It's survival of the greediest. <P>Quickly the lawyers gear up for a bitter legal battle, but Jack braces himself for much worse. He alone knows that heir number six--Tatum Knight--is a professional killer. As the heirs begin to fall, Jack and his unforgettable sidekick, Theo, are in a race against time to discover if Tatum is behind all the killing. Or is someone even more frightening, more dangerous, the odds-on favorite to be the last to die? <P>From the harrowing first scene through its shocking climax, Last to Die delivers nonstop action and chilling suspense that fans around the world have come to expect from bestselling author James Grippando.

La maniobra de la tortuga

by Benito Olmo

Benito Olmo compone una novela policial ambientada en Cádiz en la que los distintos hilos narrativos tejen una red de la que te resultará imposible escapar. Conoce al nuevo talento del género negro y criminal. Empujado por el infortunio, el irreverente inspector Manuel Bianquetti se ve obligado a aceptar un traslado forzoso a la comisaría de Cádiz, un destino previsiblemente tranquilo que se verá alterado con el hallazgo del cadáver de una joven de dieciséis años. Una muerte violenta que le traerá reminiscencias de un pasado del que no logra desprenderse. A pesar de la oposición de sus superiores, el inspector Bianquetti emprenderá una cruzada solitaria para atrapar al culpable siguiendo el rastro de unas evidencias que podrían no existir más allá de su imaginación. La realidad se va oscureciendo en la medida en la que el lector va devorando páginas al tiempo que participa junto al protagonista en la investigación de un caso cada vez más turbio y escabroso. La opinión de otros autores:«Benito Olmo es un arquitecto de la narrativa que conoce los cimientos sobre los que se asienta la novela negra y lo demuestra edificando esta de dimensiones colosales.»César Pérez Gellida «Una novela negra apretada y penetrante, un claroscuro desgarrador. No se la pierda.»Juan Gómez-Jurado «Manuel Bianquetti es uno de esos héroes solitarios con olor a cenicero: insolente, indisciplinado, duro como una piedra pero con un código ético que es la última frontera contra el mal.»Alexis Ravelo «Pura adrenalina de una novela negra en el luminoso Cádiz.»Jesús Maeso «Benito Olmo conduce al lector a través de una intriga contra reloj que se torna más compleja a medida que aboceta rincones oscuros del pasado de sus personajes. Una narración sólida que evidencia las capacidades de su autor.»Óscar Lobato

Death of an Innocent (Richard Patton #6)

by Roger Ormerod

When Richard Patton is asked by his wife's old college girlfriend to investigate the apparent burglary of her home, the retired Detective Inspector reluctantly complies. Although the successful novelist's lavish house overlooking the Norfolk Broads is full of treasures, nothing has been stolen. There are no fingerprints and no signs of foul play--just a broken roof tile and, curiously, three telltale bags of Earl Grey tea. As Patton digs a bit deeper, however, he unexpectedly stumbles upon evidence of a possible murder and subsequent cover- up. A young woman's drowning has been made to look like an accident. But who is responsible--and why? Though a nasty history of family feuding provides the convenient roundup of suspects and motives, Patton believes the real solution may be a bit more complicated--and distressing to his wife. Unwilling to pursue his disturbing hunch any further, the detective returns to his early retirement, only to learn that another death has occurred. Realizing he might have prevented this second murder, Detective Inspector Richard Patton is back on the trail for good. Only now he must put aside deeply personal feelings in order to come to terms with the unsettling truth.


by Pamela King Cable

Andie Oliver is a faithful woman-to God, to her handsome husband Joe, and to televangelist Reverend Calvin Artury, a Godfather in a Mafia of holy men. Raised in the 1970's to be subservient and submissive in the tradition of the Bible-belt South, she becomes a prisoner of that tradition. As a reluctant member of Artury's evangelical megachurch, the House of Praise in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Andie's dream of children, home, and marriage falls apart when Joe is hired by the ministry team. Joe had been a gentle lover, a kind man, and a hard-working and faithful husband. Only lately had Andie felt him turn his attention more to church than her. The charismatic Reverend conducts faith-healing crusades, creating the largest religious television audience in the world, surpassing the income and followers of Oral Roberts and Billy Graham. Working limitless hours, Joe is sucked deeper into the ministry while Andie attempts to free him from the Reverend's control and far-reaching influence. But it is Mavis Dumass, Andie's best friend since birth, a sassy, gorgeous African-American woman and aspiring recording star, who holds the secrets to Reverend Artury's carefully veiled debauchery. Mavis is fiercely protective of Andie (and just as fiercely disdainful of both Joe and Reverend Artury). What happens to Mavis leaves Andie near mental collapse and struggling for freedom from the cult's grip. Andie is still unaware of the extreme danger their pastor wields until she witnesses the murder of a church member. Fearing for her life, she plummets from a dreadful existence into a horrific one as she uncovers Reverend Artury's long-hidden truths, and loses everything, including her children. But she strikes back, threatening to expose the Reverend to the world. Raised by two psychopathic aunts, Reverend Artury reverts to the twisted cleansings of his childhood. As his mental stability declines, Andie quickly realizes she must go into hiding. Fighting for redemption for her family and herself, Andie confronts the very definition of evil personified. Evading ruthless adversaries who will go to any lengths to protect Reverend Artury, Andie battles the darkest side of televangelism. Vivid and tragic, Televenge exposes chaos in the megachurch, and embraces those who discover their destiny in unconditional love in a world fraught with fear and intimidation. With more twists and turns than the Blue Ridge Parkway, Televengetakes you from the Piedmont South to the Hawaiian Islands, to Nigeria, Africa, and back to the high country of North Carolina. In pitch-perfect voices, Pamela King Cable's emotionally rich debut novel creates four extraordinary characters who will stay with the reader long after they finish the book. Suspensful and deeply moving, Televenge will be one of the most talked about books of the year.

The Doomsday Key: A Sigma Force Novel (Sigma Force Series #6)

by James Rollins

James Rollins, the New York Times bestselling master of nail-biting suspense and historical mystery, combines cutting-edge biotechnology with a centuries-old secret in an apocalyptic story that reveals where humankind is truly headed. At Princeton University, a famed geneticist dies inside a biohazard lab. In Rome, a Vatican archaeologist is found dead in St. Peter's Basilica. In Africa, a U.S. senator's son is slain outside a Red Cross camp. The three murders on three continents bear a horrifying connection: all the victims are marked by a Druidic pagan cross burned into their flesh. The bizarre murders thrust Commander Gray Pierce and Sigma Force into a race against time to solve a riddle going back centuries, to a ghastly crime against humanity hidden within a cryptic medieval codex. The first clue is discovered inside a mummified corpse buried in an English peat bog--a gruesome secret that threatens America and the world. Aided by two women from his past--one his ex-lover, the other his new partner--Gray must piece together the horrifying truth. But the revelations come at a high cost, and to save the future, Gray will have to sacrifice one of the women at his side. That alone might not be enough, as the true path to salvation is revealed in a dark prophecy of doom. Sigma Force confronts humankind's greatest threat in an adventure that races from the Roman Coliseum to the icy peaks of Norway, from the ruins of medieval abbeys to the lost tombs of Celtic kings. The ultimate nightmare is locked within a talisman buried by a dead saint--an ancient artifact known as the Doomsday Key.

A Long Shadow: An Inspector Ian Rutledge Mystery (Inspector Ian Rutledge Mysteries #8)

by Charles Todd

“Seamless in its storytelling and enthralling in its plotting.”—Ft. Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel“Dark and remarkable….Once [Todd] grabs you, there’s no putting the novel down.” —Detroit Free PressThe Winston-Salem Journal declares that, “like P. D. James and Ruth Rendell, Charles Todd writes novels that transcend genre.” A Long Shadow proves that statement true beyond the shadow of a doubt. Once again featuring Todd’s extraordinary protagonist, Scotland Yard investigator and shell-shocked World War One veteran, Inspector Ian Rutledge, A Long Shadow immerses readers in the sights and sounds of post-war Great Britain, as the damaged policeman pursues answers to a constable’s slaying and the three-year-old mystery of a young girl’s disappearance in a tiny Northamptonshire village. Read Todd’s A Long Shadow and see why the Washington Post calls the Rutledge crime novels, “one of the best historical series being written today.”

Killing Season Part 1: A Thriller (A Serial Thriller in Three Parts #1)

by Faye Kellerman

In the first installment of New York Times bestselling author Faye Kellerman’s three-part series, she spins the electrifying story of a teenaged boy on a quest to find the twisted serial killer who murdered his sister…Ben Vicksburg’s world was shattered forever when his sister Ellen went missing four years ago in the small town of River Remez, New Mexico. Ben was the one to discover her body in a shallow grave by the river’s edge on the first anniversary of her disappearance. On that day, he made a promise to Ellen that he would do whatever it took to find the monster who kidnapped and strangled her. Several years later, the police believe Ellen was the victim of a serial killer known as the Demon, but Ben isn’t convinced. As a math whiz, Ben is able to see patterns that don’t match. And when he researches other similar unsolved murders, he’s convinced the killer is still out there stalking more young girls. Though Detective Sam Shanks, the lead cop on the case, thinks Ben’s obsession has gone too far and warns him to back off, he refuses to give up. But when Ro Majors, the most popular girl in school, offers to help him, Ben not only finds an ally in the beautiful cheerleader he’s quickly falling hard for, but he also learns they share a bizarre coincidence that brings them closer together. As their search leads to the grisly discovery of the corpse of Katie Doogan, Ben becomes more desperate than ever to find this cunning, methodical killer before he strikes again. Find out what happens in Killing Season, Part 2, as the danger intensifies when Ben and Ro travel to California in their search to uncover a serial killer's identity.

Killing Season Part 3: A Thriller (A Serial Thriller in Three Parts #3)

by Faye Kellerman

In the final installment of New York Times bestselling author Faye Kellerman’s three-part series, the serial killer whom Ben has been searching for targets once again someone he loves…After Ro’s stint working part time at a hotel where scientists frequently stay, she manages to hack into their computer and retrieve a list of scientists’ and other lab employees’ names. When she gives the data to Ben, he’s floored that she’s gone to such lengths for him. Though the ice between them has melted, he knows he can’t get involved with Ro or anyone else again until he finds Ellen’s killer. He can’t afford the distractions. But he doesn’t realize just how close he’s come to the killer—or that the killer knows Ben is on to him—until he finds all of the tires on his car slashed after leaving the prom. Now Ben knows no one he loves is safe—not Ro, not his parents, not his teenage sister Hayley, or her best friend Lily who has a huge crush on him. With the stakes dangerously high, Ben knows he’s running out of time—and that his next chance at apprehending the killer may very well be his last…

Killing Season Part 2: A Thriller (A Serial Thriller in Three Parts #2)

by Faye Kellerman

In the second installment of New York Times bestselling author Faye Kellerman’s three-part series, she continues the harrowing story of Ben Vicksburg’s relentless search to find the diabolical serial killer who murdered his sister and three other teenage girls…After Ben and Ro find the remains of Katie Doogan, they travel to Berkeley, California, to look into the abduction and murder of Julia Rehnquist and to see if they can discover any clues that link her homicide to that of his sister’s. In California, Ben discovers undeniable patterns used by the killer and starts to home in on his identity. But knowing what he does is not enough to bring a murderer to justice, The man is a government agent, hidden and well-protected, making it that much more difficult for Ben and Ro to find him. But just as the investigation stalls so does Ben’s love life when Ro makes an unforgivable mistake.Though Ro messed up, she’s convinced deep down Ben still loves her. Now the only way she knows how to prove to him that she still loves him is by continuing to search for the killer—on her own…Discover what happens in the conclusion of Killing Season, Part 3, as Ben and Ro finally come face to face with the killer.

The Sentence Is Death: A Novel

by Anthony Horowitz

Death, deception, and a detective with quite a lot to hide stalk the pages of Anthony Horowitz’s brilliant murder mystery, the second in the bestselling series starring Private Investigator Daniel Hawthorne. <P><P>New York Times–bestselling author Anthony Horowitz and eccentric detective Daniel Hawthorne team up again in a new mystery, the sequel to the brilliantly inventive The Word Is Murder, to delve deep into the killing of a high-profile divorce lawyer and the death, only a day earlier, of his one-time friend. <P><P>“You shouldn’t be here. It’s too late . . ." <P><P>These, heard over the phone, were the last recorded words of successful celebrity-divorce lawyer Richard Pryce, found bludgeoned to death in his bachelor pad with a bottle of wine—a 1982 Chateau Lafite worth £3,000, to be precise. <P><P>Odd, considering he didn’t drink. Why this bottle? And why those words? And why was a three-digit number painted on the wall by the killer? And, most importantly, which of the man’s many, many enemies did the deed? <P><P>Baffled, the police are forced to bring in Private Investigator Daniel Hawthorne and his sidekick, the author Anthony, who’s really getting rather good at this murder investigation business. <P><P>But as Hawthorne takes on the case with characteristic relish, it becomes clear that he, too, has secrets to hide. As our reluctant narrator becomes ever more embroiled in the case, he realizes that these secrets must be exposed—even at the risk of death . . . <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

The Secret World of Christoval Alvarez (The Chronicles of Christoval Alvarez #1)

by Ann Swinfen

It is the year 1586. England is awash with traitors, plotting to assassinate the Queen and bring about a foreign invasion. The young physician Christoval Alvarez, a refugee from the horrors of the Portuguese Inquisition, is coerced into becoming a code-breaker and agent in Sir Francis Walsingham’s secret service. In the race to thwart the plot, who will triumph – the ruthless conspirators or the equally ruthless State?

The Secret of the Marshbanks

by Kathleen Norris

Cherry Rawlings, a shy girl raised in a convent, is brought into the home of wealthy Judge Marshbanks, where she becomes involved with mystery and murder. A Gothic romance novel from 1940, set in San Francisco.

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