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El verano de los juguetes muertos

by Toni Hill

Un verano sofocante Dos promesas de venganza Tres muertes inexplicables Para el visitante, Barcelona es una ciudad moderna, abierta y seductora. Pero adaptarse de verdad a sus barrios, sus costumbres y su gente le ha costado mucho al inspector argentino Héctor Salgado, quien no termina de cuajar en la policía local pese a llevar más de veinte años afincado en la capital catalana. Todo cambia un día cuando le asignan de manera extraoficial un caso delicado --el aparente suicidio de un joven de una familia de empresarios respetados que quieren entrar en política. El caso va complicándose a medida que Salgado se adentra en un mundo de privilegios, corrupción y abusos de poder. Pero Héctor tendrá que enfrentarse a otro problema aun más grave: en el peor momento y de modo inesperado, su más turbio pasado vuelve para ajustar cuentas. Una fascinante y cautivadora intriga, El verano de los juguetes muertos nos muestra la Barcelona real: una ciudad donde los sueños, el trabajo, la familia, la justicia y los ideales tienen un precio muy alto... pero donde hay mucha gente dispuesta a pagarlo.

Very Bad Men (David Loogan Series #2)

by Harry Dolan

Anthony Lark has drawn up a list of names-- Terry Dawtrey, Sutton Bell, Henry Kormoran. To his eyes, the names glow red on the page. They move. They breathe. Dawtrey is in prison; Bell has a wife and daughter and a good job; Kormoran lives alone. They have little in common except that seventeen years ago they were involved in a notorious crime: the robbery of the Great Lakes Bank. Now Anthony Lark is hunting them, and he won't stop until every one of them is dead. David Loogan is living in Ann Arbor with Detective Elizabeth Waishkey and her daughter, Sarah. He's settled into a quiet routine as editor of the mystery magazine Gray Streets-- until one day he finds an envelope outside his office door. The manuscript inside begins with a deadly hook: I killed Henry Kormoran. Soon both David and Elizabeth are drawn into Anthony Lark's violent world. As Elizabeth works to track Lark down and uncover his motives, David befriends Lucy Navarro, a tabloid reporter with a crazy theory about the case--a theory that threatens to implicate some very powerful people. And when Lucy disappears without a trace, David decides her theory may not be so crazy after all.

Very Bad Men

by Harry Dolan

From the national bestselling author of Bad Things Happen--the debut that Stephen King called a "great f***ing book"--comes a new crime novel that will blow readers away... ANTHONY LARK has a list of names--Terry Dawtrey, Sutton Bell, Henry Kormoran. To his eyes, the names glow red on the page. They move. They breathe. The men on the list were once involved in a notorious robbery. And now Lark is hunting them, and he won't stop until every one of them is dead. DAVID LOOGAN--editor of the mystery magazine Gray Streets--is living a quiet life in Ann Arbor, Michigan, with Detective ELIZABETH WAISHKEY and her daughter. But soon David and Elizabeth are drawn into Lark's violent world. As Elizabeth works to track Lark down, David befriends Lucy Navarro, a reporter with a crazy theory about the case that threatens to implicate some very powerful people. And when Lucy disappears, David decides her theory may not be so crazy after all

Los viajeros imaginarios (Serie Ulysses Moore #Volumen 12)

by Pierdomenico Baccalario

Spencer, el eterno enemigo de Ulysses Moore, está dispuesto a vengarse a toda costa. ¿Podrán impedir Jason, Julia y Rick que destruya las Puertas del Tiempo? El futuro de los viajeros imaginarios pende de un hilo: Spencer, el acérrimo enemigo de Ulysses Moore, ha logrado escapar de su destierro y está atacando Kilmore Cove desde el Mary Gray, su legendario barco de velas negras. Cañonazo a cañonazo, está destruyendo el pueblo y, con él, las Puertas del Tiempo, únicas vías de acceso a los lugares imaginarios... Esta vez, los jóvenes viajeros van a necesitar ayuda de todo el mundo para superar la amenaza, incluso de los Incendiarios. Mientras Julia y Jason resguardan a sus vecinos en un antiguo refugio construido bajo el desfiladero; Rick acudirá con un submarino desde Venecia para contraatacar; y Tommy convencerá a la tripulación del barco para que se amotine. Aun así, los chicos pronto descubrirán que sin Ulysses Moorejamás vencerán a Spencer. No en vano, él es el único que una vez logró derrotarlo...

Una vida de lujo (Trilogía negra de Estocolmo #Volumen 3)

by Jens Lapidus

Tras Dinero fácil y Nunca la jodas, llega Una vida de lujo, la última entrega de la Trilogía Negra de Estocolmo, un acerado retrato de la sociedad en que vivimos. El legado se ha transmitido. De padre a hija. De hermana a hermano.La actitud, el honor, el poder. El dinero sucio -no importa de dónde proceda- se pasará a efectivo cuando lo haya blanqueado la persona correcta: JW no ha malgastado el tiempo que ha pasado en la cárcel. Está preparando una reaparición por todo lo alto. Jorge está cansado de su rígida existencia vendiendo cafés y capuchinos. Una vida llena de lujos surge en el horizonte cuando planea su último golpe. Esta vez se trata de mucho dinero, de algo grande. Un cerebro en la sombra se encarga de la planificación. Pero la policía le pisa los talones. Un policía de incógnito se ha infiltrado en los círculos criminales de Estocolmo. Mientras, alguien quiere llegar al mismo Padrino, Radovan Kranjic. Varias personas comienzan a preguntarse ¿quién será el nuevo rey de Estocolmo cuando Radovan no esté? Las técnicas varían; protección, robo, coca, proxenetismo abren paso a nuevos negocios: la construcción, las empresas de trabajo temporal marcan los nuevos tiempos. La búsqueda de dinero, poder y una vida sin preocupaciones en un lugar al sol continúa. La meta es el dinero fácil, y una vida de lujo. Reseñas:«Por fin: un thriller épico europeo que compite con los libros de Stieg Larsson. Es un mundo criminal completamente nuevo, presentado a la perfección, y una novela frenética y apasionante.»James Ellroy «Una nueva voz que aporta solvencia narrativa, inteligencia en la creación de personajes y una inquietante verosimilitud. Otra instantánea perturbadora, acaso la más realista hasta la fecha, del antiguo paraíso nórdico zarandeado por la globalización criminal.»Lorenzo Silva «Estejoven abogado sueco es un verdadero niño prodigio de la literatura. Extraña mezcla de Bret Easton Ellis y James Ellroy, lo suyo huele a éxito seguro.»La Voz de Galicia «El mejor de la nueva hornada sueca. A diferencia de sus colegas, Lapidus no hace thriller: hace novela negra pura y dura. [...] Trilogía Negra de Estocolmo promete subvertir para siempre las bases de una novela policial suecaque esta vez no hace concesiones a lo políticamentecorrecto.»David Barba «También hay suecos que no lo parecen. Jens Lapidus, abogado defensor de notorios delincuentes de Estocolmo, se sitúa más cerca del implacable James Ellroy.»El Periódico de Catalunya «Lapidus lo que persigue es dejar al lector más perturbado al cerrar el libro que cuando empezó.»El Mundo

La vidente (Inspector Joona Linna #Volumen 3)

by Lars Kepler

La vidente es la tercera entrega de la célebre serie de novelas policíacas protagonizada por el detective Joona Linna. Flora Hansen se considera a sí misma una médium capaz de comunicarse con los muertos. Tras el terrible asesinato perpetrado en una casa para chicas problemáticas, empieza a tener visiones demasiado reales. Asustada, llama a la policía, arguyendo haber visto un fantasma. Solo un detective dejará a un lado su escepticismo para escuchar lo que Hansen tiene que contar: Joona Linna. La explicación del homicidio parece obvia: una de las muchachas escapó en mitad de la noche, dejando tras de sí una cama ensangrentada y un hacha bajo la almohada. Pero, entonces, ¿por qué Hansen insiste en que el arma del crimen fue una piedra y no el hacha? ¿Y cómo se explica la presencia de un rojo y oscuro grano de arena, casi como la astilla de un rubí, en la uña de la víctima? La investigación de Linna, cuyo instinto le dice que no acepte respuestas fáciles, lo llevará a un fatal encuentro con una figura de su pasado. La crítica ha dicho...«Cualquiera que se disponga a leer un capítulo antes de irse a dormir se sorprenderá al alba con el libro aún ente las manos. Una novela que no se puede dejar.»New York Journal of Books «Kepler da una clase magistral de literatura policíaca.»The Boston Globe «Kepler sabe conectar con la parte más oscura de la mete humana.»Time «Uno de los mejores, si no el mejor, escritor escandinavo que haya leído.»RED «El sucesor natural de Larsson.»Parade «Más enérgico que Mankell, tan socialmente implicado como Larsson y mucho mejor escritor, Kepler está al nivel de Jo Nesbø.»The Australian

Vienna Waltz (The Rannoch Fraser Mysteries #3)

by Teresa Grant

With Napoleon Bonaparte exiled to Elba, the elite of Europe have gathered at the glittering Congress of Vienna--princes, ambassadors, the Russian tsar--negotiating the fate of the Continent by day and flirting and waltzing by night. But on one of those candle-warmed evenings, Princess Tatiana, the most beautiful and talked about woman in Vienna, is found murdered during an ill-timed rendezvous with three of her most powerful conquests. . . Suzanne Rannoch has tried to ignore rumors that her new husband, Malcolm, is also one of Tatiana's lovers. As a protégé of France's Prince Talleyrand and an attaché for Britain's Lord Castlereagh, Malcolm sets out to investigate the murder. He needs Suzanne's unique skills and knowledge if he is to succeed. The complex dance between husband and wife in the search for the truth tests their marriage, their liberty, and their very lives. No one's secrets are safe, and the future of Europe may hang in the balance. . . "Glittering balls, deadly intrigue, sexual scandals. . .the next best thing to actually being there!" —Lauren Willig "A perfect blend of history, mystery, romance, and suspense." --Deborah Crombie

The Villa of Death: A Mystery Featuring Daphne Du Maurier (Daphne du Maurier Mysteries #3)

by Joanna Challis

Young Daphne du Maurier must defend a friend who has been accused of murder in the next installment in the beguiling mystery series that readers of Rebecca will love.It's the summer of 1927 and aspiring novelist Daphne du Maurier is headed to Cornwall for the wedding of her dear friend Ellen Hamilton to American millionaire Teddy Grimshaw. Having met during the chaos of the Great War, the lovers were cruelly separated for nearly a decade by circumstance and family interference. Now the wedding ceremony—held at Thornleigh Manor, a grand estate that has been in the Hamilton family for five centuries—marks a renewed hope for the future.But joy quickly turns to devastation when Teddy is found murdered right after the wedding. Wealth, jealousy, and buried secrets provide no shortage of suspects—or danger to everyone at Thornleigh, including Daphne herself. When Ellen is suspected of being the murderess, the independent-minded Daphne, along with the dashing Major Browning, is inspired to uncover the truth, and to write her next novel.

Village of the Ghost Bears: A Nathan Active Mystery Set in Alaska (A Nathan Active Mystery #4)

by Stan Jones

Alaska State Trooper Nathan Active must figure out what connects a dead hunter on a remote Arctic lake with a year-old fatal plane crash in the Brooks Range and a fire that killed eight people.

Villainy Victorious (Mission Earth #9)

by L. Ron Hubbard

Earth is rising in the House of Voltar...<P> And there'll be hell to pay!<P> That's right. The invasion is on... and it's coming soon to a galaxy near you. The action couldn't be hotter, and the plot couldn't be more diabolical. Earth is coming to Voltar--and the Voltarians won't know what hit them.<P> Murder, blackmail, drugs, psychoanalysis, PR firms, sex-crazed teenyboppers, riots in the streets, women in chains. These are the powerful secret weapons of war--perfected on Earth and imported to Voltar--which are now being exploited by the ruthless Lombar Hisst, chief of the Coordinated Information Apparatus (the infamous CIA). His obsession: total domination of the Voltarian Confederacy.<P> Can anyone stop the madness? Does anyone have the courage and charisma to crash this party?<P> Enter Royal Officer of the Fleet, Jettero Heller. Dodging Death Battalions and death warrants, he's racing from Earth to face the challenge. But Hisst has taken Heller's beautiful sister hostage, and she may be the one who has to pay the ultimate price of VILLAINY VICTORIOUS.

Vince Flynn Collectors' Edition #3: Consent to Kill, Act of Treason and Protect and Defend

by Vince Flynn

In this special collectors’ edition, relive the action in Vince Flynn's #1 New York Times bestselling political thrillers: Consent to Kill, Act of Treason, and Protect and Defend. Consent to Kill: An eye for an eye: that's what the powerful father of a dead terrorist demands in retribution--and with his hate-filled plea, Mitch Rapp becomes the target of an explosive international conspiracy. The fearless operative has both killed with impunity and tortured to avert disaster, all in a battle to preserve freedom. But even among America's allies, some believe the time has come to bring Rapp down. Now the hunter is the hunted, and Rapp must rely on his razor-sharp instincts for survival—and justice—as he unleashes his fury on those who have betrayed him. Act of Treason: In the final weeks of a fierce presidential campaign, a motorcade carrying candidate Josh Alexander is shattered by a car bomb. Soon after the attack, Alexander is carried to victory by a sympathy vote, but his assailants have not been found. When CIA director Irene Kennedy and Special Agent Skip McMahon receive damaging intelligence on Washington's most powerful players, they call on Mitch Rapp—the one man reckless enough to unravel a global network of contract killers on an explosive mission that leads back to the heart of our nation's capital... and the inner sanctum of the Oval Office. Protect and Defend: No longer willing to wait for the international community to stop its neighboring enemy, Israel brings down Iran's billion-dollar nuclear program in an ingeniously conceived operation. The attack leaves a radioactive tomb and environmental disaster in its wake, and has Iranian president Amatullah calling for blood—American blood. Seeing opportunity where others fear reprisals, Mitch Rapp devises a brilliant plan to humiliate Iran's government and push the nation to the brink of revolution. But when a back-channel meeting between CIA director Irene Kennedy and her Iranian counterpart goes disastrously wrong, Rapp is locked in a showdown with a Hezbollah mastermind in league with Amatullah—and he is given twenty-four hours to do whatever it takes to stop unthinkable catastrophe.

Vince Flynn Collectors' Edition #4: Extreme Measures, Pursuit of Honor and American Assassin

by Vince Flynn

In this special collectors’ edition, relive the action in Vince Flynn’s #1 New York Times bestselling political thrillers: Extreme Measures, Pursuit of Honor, and American Assassin. Extreme Measures: In the secretive world where fearless men and women wage a daily covert war, the CIA has intercepted two terrorist cells--but a third, led by a dangerous mastermind, is feared to be on the loose. Counterterrorist agent Mitch Rapp joins forces with a warrior as dedicated—and lethal—as they come: ex-Marine and elite operative Mike Nash. Both Rapp and Nash have stared down the jihadist culture of death. Both have saved thousands of lives without accolades or acknowledgment of their personal sacrifices. But the political winds have changed on Capitol Hill, and certain leaders want Mitch Rapp put back on a short leash. And when a nightmare scenario descends on Washington, D.C., Rapp and Nash will follow new rules of engagement: their own. Pursuit of Honor: When Washington, D.C.'s National Counterterrorism Center is struck by a series of devastating explosions, the results are catastrophic—185 killed, including public officials and CIA employees. Such an act of extreme violence calls for extreme measures—and elite counterterrorism operative Mitch Rapp, joining forces with trusted team member Mike Nash, finds himself in the frustrating position of having to illustrate the realities of national security to government officials up in arms over the agents who rushed in to save countless American lives. Meanwhile, with three al-Qaeda terrorists still at large and Nash traumatized by the horrors he witnessed during the attack, Rapp must help his friend while threading his way through the naysayers on Capitol Hill—and silently, swiftly, do what he must for the sake of his country and the pursuit of honor. American Assassin: Before he was considered a CIA superagent, before he was thought of as a terrorist’s worst nightmare, and before he was both loathed and admired by the politicians on Capitol Hill, Mitch Rapp was a gifted college athlete without a care in the world... and then tragedy struck. Two-hundred and seventy souls perished that cold December night of the Pan Am Lockerbie terrorist attack, and thousands of family and friends were left searching for comfort. Mitch Rapp was one of them, but he was not interested in comfort. He wanted retribution.

A Vine in the Blood (A Chief Inspector Mario Silva Investigation #5)

by Leighton Gage

It is the eve of the FIFA World Cup, the globe's premier sporting event. The host country is Brazil. A victory for the home team is inextricably linked to the skills of the country's principal striker, Tico "The Artist" Santos, the greatest player in the history of the sport. All the politicians in Brasilia, from the President of the Republic on down, have their seats squared-away for the finale, when they hope to see Argentina, Brazil's bitterest rival, humbled by the Brazilian eleven. But then, just three weeks before the first game, Juraci Santos, Tico's mother, is kidnapped. The star is distraught. The public is appalled. The politicians are outraged. And the pressure is on Chief Inspector Mario Silva to get her back.Suspects aren't lacking. Among them, are a cabal of Argentineans, suspected of having spirited the lady away to put Tico off his game, the star's gold-digging, top-model girlfriend, whom his mother dislikes and has been trying to get out of his life, his principal rival, who wants to play in the World Cup in Tico's place, and the man whose leg Tico broke during a match, thereby destroying his career. In the end, Silva and his crew discover that the solution to the mystery is less complex - but entirely unexpected.

Violette Nozière: A Story of Murder in 1930s Paris

by Sarah Maza

On an August evening in 1933, in a quiet, working-class neighborhood in Paris, eighteen-year-old Violette Nozière gave her mother and father glasses of barbiturate-laced "medication," which she told them had been prescribed by the family doctor; one of her parents died, the other barely survived. Almost immediately Violette's act of "double parricide" became the most sensational private crime of the French interwar era--discussed and debated so passionately that it was compared to the Dreyfus Affair. Why would the beloved only child of respectable parents do such a thing? To understand the motives behind this crime and the reasons for its extraordinary impact, Sarah Maza delves into the abundant case records, re-creating the daily existence of Parisians whose lives were touched by the affair. This compulsively readable book brilliantly evokes the texture of life in 1930s Paris. It also makes an important argument about French society and culture while proposing new understandings of crime and social class in the years before World War II.

Viper's Kiss

by Shannon Curtis

Librarian Maggie Kincaid yearns for excitement--but being accused of espionage is not what she had in mind. Wanted by the police, the FBI and the criminal element, Maggie goes on the run--and runs straight into sexy Luke Fletcher. Unfortunately, when Luke pulls out the handcuffs, it's not because he has something kinky in mind... Security expert Luke is intent on seeing the murderous spy known only as Viper brought to justice. The un-spy-like behavior of his fugitive makes him suspect he's apprehended the wrong woman. Just as they give in to lust, new evidence convinces Luke that Maggie's not as innocent as she claims to be. Devastated by Luke's inability to trust her, Maggie runs again. She's determined to clear her name, and if that means tracking down a notorious spy even Interpol can't seem to locate, then that's exactly what she'll do.

Vision Impossible

by Victoria Laurie

Abby Cooper, the FBI's newest Civilian Profiler, is adding `Spy' to her C. V. For this mission Abby must go from psychic eye to psychic spy. The military have developed a new drone with digital photography software that can capture anyone's aura and thereby identify them. When it goes missing it could have devastating implications for national security. To get the drone back, Abby and her fiance, FBI agent Dutch Rivers, must go deep undercover and smoke out the drone and its thief before they become prime targets themselves.

A Voice in the Night (Tom and Ricky Mystery Series - Set #2)

by Bob Wright

A high-interest, low vocabulary reader. Everyone has strange dreams sometimes. But why are people all over town having the same strange dream night after night?

The Voice of the Night

by Dean Koontz

No one could understand why Colin and Roy were best friends. Colin was so shy; Roy was so popular. Colin was nervous around girls; Roy was a ladies' man. Colin was fascinated by Roy--and Roy was fascinated with death. Then one day Roy asked his timid friend, "You ever killed anything?" And from that moment on, the two were bound together in a game too terrifying to imagine... and too irresistible to stop.

Voices of the Dead

by Peter Leonard Elmore Leonard

Praise for Peter Leonard's Quiver:"A spectacular will be holding your breath until the final page."- The New York Sun"Memorable characters and dialogue - come to think of it not unlike what Leonard's father, Elmore Leonard, creates."- Seattle Times"Peter Leonard has a good ear for voices, a good eye for detail, and a talent for bringing together elements that can't do anything but explode."- Thomas Perry, New York Times bestselling authorAnd for Trust Me:"Packed with unexpected twists, improbable entanglements and wry, paint-fresh dialogue you could read all day without getting bored."- The Guardian"Breathtaking is a reviewer's cliché. But it is simply the best way to describe the pace of Peter Leonard's latest offering."- The Washington Times"Trust Me is fast, sly and full of twists."- Carl Hiaasen, New York Times bestselling authorPeter Leonard has already begun to establish himself as a distinctive, must-have voice in suspense fiction. Now he delivers his most compelling, most jaw-dropping novel yet, introducing us to a character you're not likely to forget anytime soon.The year is 1971. The place is Detroit. Harry Levin, a scrap metal dealer and Holocaust survivor, has just learned that his daughter was killed in a car accident. Traveling to Washington, DC to claim the body, he learns that the accident was caused by a German diplomat who was driving drunk. This is only the beginning of the horror for Harry, though, as he discovers that the diplomat will never face charges - he has already been released and granted immunity. Enraged and aggrieved, Harry discovers the identity of his daughter's killer, follows him to Munich, and hunts him down. What Harry finds out about the diplomat and his plans will explode his life and the lives of everyone around him.Brimming with action and dark humor, Voices of the Dead, firmly positions Peter Leonard as a writer ever suspense fan needs to read.SPECIAL INTRODUCTION BY ELMORE LEONARD


by Toni Morrison

El cuerpo de un amigo destrozado por la metralla, la voz de un hombre que pide clemencia, la mano de una niña que asoma escarbando entre la basura para encontrar algo de comer...Hay imágenes que vuelven una y otra vez a la mente de Frank Money, un veterano de la guerra de Corea que ahora vuelve a Estados Unidos en busca de olvido y afecto.Corren los años cincuenta del siglo pasado y las heridas de Frank no son solo físicas: su patria es racista, su familia ha acumulado mucho odio, y el regreso parece más un camino hacia el infierno que una vuelta al hogar. Su destino es Georgia porque Frank quiere rescatar y devolver a casa a su hermana Cee, casada con un chulo que la abandonó a los pocos días de la boda, y empleada en casa de un médico sin escrúpulos.Es la determinación por salvar a esa mujer frágil lo que llevará a Frank a asumir sus culpas y saldar cuentas con lo que fue su vida. Ahí, en ese ir y venir de emociones hondas , brilla el talento de Toni Morrison, una mujer que lleva el dolor en la punta de los dedos y lo gobierna con pocas y buenas palabras.«A mis ochenta y un años, me siento atenta, vital, yo diría que espléndida... cuando escribo.»Toni Morrison

Volver a Morir

by Rosana Ubanell

Tras la muerte de un prestigioso veterinario de Miami, su viuda descubre que no es la única que llora al difunto y que hay muchas lagunas que desconocía en el pasado de su marido. Las dudas la llevarán a contratar a Nelson Montero, un detective privado de origen cubano para que investigue lo que cada vez tiene menos sentido. Nelson y su amigo el hacker Teo Osorio irán descubriendo una serie de sospechosas pistas de origen incierto regadas por todo Miami. Una trepidante aventura que revelará, poco a poco, uno de los secretos mejor guardados de la historia contemporánea, manteniendo al lector en suspense desde la primera a la última página. “Una novela exquisita, llena de misterio, suspense y humor. ¡Rosana Ubanell es una revelación!” --Andrés Oppenheimer, autor del best seller Basta de historias y columnista del Miami Herald. Volver a morir (Dead Again) After the death of a prestigious Miami veterinarian, the widow discovers that she is not the only one crying the deceased and that there are many gaps in her husband past that she did not know. She decides to hire Cuban-American private detective Nelson Montero to investigate. Nelson and his friend the hacker Teo Osorio will discover a series of suspicious clues scattered throughout Miami. The colorful world of Cuban Americans in Miami takes shape within a seasoned stage on which the plot unfolds dotted with international ramifications not only in Florida but also in Mexico, Argentina and implications of the U. S. and Cuban governments. A thrilling adventure that will reveal, little by little, one of the best kept secrets in modern history, keeping the reader in suspense from the first to the last page. “An exquisite novel, full of mystery, suspense and humor. Rosana Ubanell is a revelation!” – Andres Oppenheimer, author of the bestseller “Basta de historias” and columnist for The Miami Herald. .

Voodoo Eyes

by Nick Stone

Meet the man with the voodoo eyes:Solomon Boukman. He'd used voodoo, black magic, and extreme violence to control his people, and to keep anyone who ever heard his name in a state of fear. He'd zombified his enemies with potions and hypnosis and used them as his very own suicide killers. Some said he was the earthly incarnation of Baron Samedi, the voodoo god of death; others said he was The Devil incarnate...Meet his nemesis:For private eye Max Mingus, Boukman has been the cause of unthinkable personal tragedy and professional torment. And when he uncovers a labyrinthine web of death and deceit stretching from the Miami jetset to sinister Cuban slums, the voodoo eyes of Boukman are never far from his mind. But how can Mingus stop him without losing his life, and the lives of those he loves?Meet a thriller that will haunt your dreams.

Voodoo Eyes

by Nick Stone

Meet the man with the voodoo eyes:Solomon Boukman. He'd used voodoo, black magic, and extreme violence to control his people, and to keep anyone who ever heard his name in a state of fear. He'd zombified his enemies with potions and hypnosis and used them as his very own suicide killers. Some said he was the earthly incarnation of Baron Samedi, the voodoo god of death; others said he was The Devil incarnate...Meet his nemesis:For private eye Max Mingus, Boukman has been the cause of unthinkable personal tragedy and professional torment. And when he uncovers a labyrinthine web of death and deceit stretching from the Miami jetset to sinister Cuban slums, the voodoo eyes of Boukman are never far from his mind. But how can Mingus stop him without losing his life, and the lives of those he loves?Meet a thriller that will haunt your dreams.

Voyage of Vengeance (Mission Earth #7)

by L. Ron Hubbard

The end is near!<P> The Voltarian terrorists have won!<P> Earth is history!<P> But don't believe everything you read. Or hear. Or see. Because the road to victory is paved with bad intentions--and lies, betrayal and deception are all in play. So who are the players in this treacherous game... ?<P> Countess Krak: victim of a spectacular kidnapping, she is bound for a distant dungeon where she faces a venomous fate... <P> Royal Officer Jettero Heller: convinced the Countess is dead and overcome by grief, he is holed up in a Connecticut roadhouse--and standing square in an assassin's crosshairs...<P> Soltan Gris: together with a young temptress named Teenie Whopper, he undertakes a drug-fueled voyage across the Atlantic. But the journey's about to be cut short, as he goes from getting stoned with Teenie to nearly getting stoned to death in Turkey...<P> So who is in command? Who is the puppet master pulling the strings? And, finally, is there any hope for planet Earth? The answers lie at the end of an extraordinary VOYAGE OF VENGEANCE.<P>

Wake Up and Dream

by Ian R. Macleod

Winner of the Sidewise Award for Alternate History: Nineteen-forties Hollywood is dazzlingly transformed and recreated in this alternate history fantasy noir about former screen actor-turned-private eye Clark Gable who investigates a deadly conspiracy in a neo-fascist Tinsel TownIn a different 1940, with Europe in flames and an anti-Semitic America creeping towards fascism, movie making has been revolutionized: A wondrous technological advancement made possible by the discovery of the Bechmeir field now transmits actors' emotions directly into the minds of the audience--effectively ending the acting career of a cynical loner named Clark Gable. No longer a handsome screen idol, Clark now makes his living as an unlicensed matrimonial private eye. When gorgeous April Lamotte contacts the low-rent gumshoe, he sees a golden opportunity to make some quick and easy cash. All he has to do is impersonate April's wealthy,reclusive screenwriter husband, sign a contract for a new biopic, and then slip back into the shadows. But when someone tries to assassinate Clark and pass it off as a suicide, he realizes he's gotten too deep into something deadly. And as more and more of the Hollywood elite start turning up dead, Clark must race to uncover the shocking truth behind the Bechmeir field's origins, and expose a terrible secret that someone's all too willing to kill for.

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