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by John Inman

Il mondo di scrittori, lettori e recensori è una famiglia unita e intrecciata di amici, appassionati e fanatici della narrativa. È questo il mondo di Milo Cook e Logan Hunter, che vivono per gli scambi creativi e la condivisione di storie e idee e vanno fieri del loro sconfinato amore per i libri e le parole che li animano. Ma certe volte le parole possono ferire. E quando succede, è inevitabile doverne pagare il prezzo. Con ogni nuova tenera scoperta romantica, l’amore tra Milo e Logan cresce. Ma prima di placarsi, ciò che accade nel loro mondo trasforma la loro vita in una folle corsa per salvare se stessi e le persone che hanno vicino. Chi avrebbe mai sospettato che qualcosa di meraviglioso come la parola scritta potesse diventare un catalizzatore di vendetta e, infine, di omicidio?

A Party to Murder

by John Inman

When Jamie Roma and Derek Lee find their blossoming love affair interrupted by dual invitations to a house party from a mysterious unnamed host, they think, Sounds like fun. The next thing they know they are caught up in a game of cat and mouse that quickly starts racking up a lot of dead mice. Yikes, they think. Not so fun. Trapped inside a spooky old house in the middle of nowhere, with the body count rising among their fellow guests, they begin to wonder if they’ll escape with their lives. As a cataclysmic storm swoops in to batter the survivors, the horror mounts. Oddly enough, even in the midst of murder and mayhem, Jamie and Derek’s love continues to thrive. While the guest list thins, so does the list of suspects. Soon it’s only them and the killer. And then the battle really begins.


by John Inman

When Tyler Powell's life is torn apart by an unspeakable crime, the need for vengeance takes over. Every moment of every day, as he tries to pull his shattered existence together again, it's all he can think about--revenge. Will he give in to his rage and become the very thing he hates most? A killer? Only with the help of Homicide Detective Christian Martin, the cop in charge of his case, does Tyler see the possibility of another life beginning--the astounding revelation of another love reaching out to him. A love he thought he would never know again. Will he let that love into his life, or is he lost already? Is payback more important to Tyler than his own happiness? And the happiness of the man who loves him? Tyler is determined to find a way to exact his revenge without sacrificing all hope for a future with Christian, but it will be difficult--if not impossible--and in the end he might be forced to make an unbearable choice.

Sunset Lake

by John Inman

Reverend Brian Lucas has a secret his congregation in the Nine Mile Methodist Church knows nothing about, and he'd really like to keep it that way. But even his earth-shattering secret takes a backseat to what else is happening in his tiny hometown. Murders usually do that. Brian's "close friend," Sam, is urging a resolution to their little problem, but Brian's brother, Boyd, the County Sheriff, is more caught up in chasing down a homicidal maniac who is slaughtering little old ladies. When Brian's secret and Boyd's mystery run into each other head on, and Boyd's fifteen-year-old son, Jesse, gets involved, all hell breaks loose. Then a fourth death comes to terrify the town, and it is Brian who begins to see what is taking place in their little corner of the Corn Belt. But even for a Methodist minister, it will take more than prayer to set it right.

Two Pet Dicks

by John Inman

Old friends and business partners, Maitland Carter and Lenny Fritz, may not be the two sharpest pickle forks in the picnic basket, but they have big hearts. And they are just now coming around to the fact that maybe their hearts are caught in a bit of turmoil. Diving headfirst into a whirlwind of animal mayhem, these two self-proclaimed pet detectives strive to earn a living, reunite a few poor lost creatures with their lonely owners, and hopefully not make complete twits of themselves in the process. When they stumble onto a confusing crime involving venomous reptiles, which is rather unnerving since they're more accustomed to dealing with misplaced puppy dogs and puddy tats, they take the plunge into becoming real-life crime stoppers. While they're plunging into that, they're also plunging into love. They just haven't admitted it to each other yet.


by John Inman

The world of writers, readers, and reviewers is a close-knit family of friends, fans, and fiction fanatics. That’s the world Milo Cook and Logan Hunter reside in—thriving on the give and take of creativity, the sharing of stories and ideas, and forever glorying in their boundless love of books and the words that make them breathe. But sometimes words can cut too deep. And when they do, there is inevitably a price to pay. What begins for Milo and Logan as a time of new love and gentle romantic discoveries, becomes before it’s over a race for their lives and for the lives of everyone they know. Who would ever suspect that an entity as beautiful as the written word could become a catalyst for revenge? And ultimately—murder?


by John Inman

Die Welt der Schriftsteller, Leser und Rezensenten besteht aus einer eng verbundenen Familie von Freunden, Fans und Literaturfanatikern. In dieser Welt leben Milo Cook und Logan Hunter, angetrieben durch den Austausch von Kreativität und das Teilen von Geschichten und Ideen, während sie unentwegt ihre grenzenlose Liebe zu Büchern und den Worten genießen, die ihnen die Luft zum Atmen geben. Doch manchmal treffen Worte ihr Ziel zu heftig. Und wenn das passiert, muss dafür zwangsläufig der Preis gezahlt werden. Was für Milo und Logan als eine Zeit der neuen Liebe und zärtlichen, romantischen Entdeckungen beginnt, wird zu einem Wettlauf um ihr Leben und um das Leben aller Menschen, die sie kennen. Wer hätte damit gerechnet, dass eine wunderschöne Sache wie geschriebene Worte zum Auslöser für Rache werden könnte? Und letztendlich … für Mord?

La montagne de Jasper

by John Inman Laura Brohan

Lorsqu’un petit voleur nommé Timmy Harwell « emprunte » imprudemment une Cadillac pour effectuer une virée en voiture, il ne s’attend pas à trouver 100 000 $ dans le coffre. Sa joie se transforme en terreur lorsqu’il se rend compte que le SUV et l’argent appartiennent à Manuel Garcia, alias El Poco, un trafiquant de drogue basé à Tijuana qui a mauvaise réputation. Timmy ne voit qu’un seul moyen de s’en sortir : abandonner la voiture volée derrière lui et courir aussi vite qu’il le peut. Sa fuite est écourtée lorsqu’une tempête s’abat sur lui alors qu’il se trouve près d’un chalet de montagne, isolé, appartenant à Jasper Stone. Jasper trouve Timmy dans sa cabane, inconscient et brûlant de fièvre, et décide de prendre soin du jeune homme jusqu’à ce qu’il aille mieux. Les deux hommes se rapprochent, mais Jasper, un écrivain qui se plaît dans sa vie en solitaire, est tout ce que Timmy n’est pas : franc, honnête et gentil. Timmy a besoin de l’aide de Jasper et veut gagner son respect, aussi lui cache t il ses habitudes malhonnêtes. Mais lorsqu’El Poco vient réclamer son dû, Timmy réalise qu’il n’est pas le seul à être en danger. Ses actes mettent aussi la vie de Jasper en péril. Dire la vérité maintenant pourrait lui faire perdre l’homme qu’il aime, mais ne pas la révéler pourrait mener à une issue bien plus tragique.


by John Inman Anastasiya Reznik

Lorsqu'un crime épouvantable détruit la vie de Tyler Powell, son désir de vengeance prend le dessus. Chaque jour, à chaque instant, alors qu'il tente de reconstruire sa vie brisée, il n'a plus que cela en tête... la vengeance. Cèdera-t-il à la colère pour devenir cette chose qu'il déteste par-dessus tout : un tueur ? Il n'y a qu'avec l'aide de Christian Martin, inspecteur à la brigade criminelle chargé de son affaire, que Tyler voit une nouvelle vie possible se profiler devant lui, avec la révélation inattendue d'un nouvel amour qui lui tend les bras. Un amour qu'il pensait ne jamais plus connaître. Le laissera-t-il entrer dans sa vie, ou est-ce déjà trop tard ? Sa vengeance a-t-elle plus d'importance pour lui que son propre bonheur ? Et celui de l'homme qui l'aime ? Tyler est bien déterminé à trouver un moyen d'assouvir sa vengeance sans pour autant sacrifier tout espoir d'un avenir avec Christian, mais cela s'avèrera difficile - si ce n'est impossible - et au final, il risque d'être confronté à un choix cornélien.

Payback (Deutsch)

by John Inman Teresa Simons

Als Tyler Powells Leben von einem furchtbaren Verbrechen erschüttert wird, sehnt er sich nach Rache. Während er sich bemüht, die Trümmer seiner Existenz zusammenzusetzen, kann er kaum an etwas anderes denken. Rache. Wird er diesem Verlangen nachgeben und zu dem werden, was er am meisten hasst? Zu einem Mörder? Erst mithilfe von Detective Christian Martin, der in Tylers Fall ermittelt, sieht er die Möglichkeit eines neuen Lebens – durch die verblüffende Enthüllung einer Liebe, mit der Tyler niemals wieder gerechnet hatte. Wird es ihm gelingen, diese Liebe in sein Leben zu lassen, oder ist es bereits zu spät? Ist Rache ihm wichtiger als sein Glück – und das Glück des Mannes, der ihn liebt? Auch wenn Tyler entschlossen ist, seinen Rachedurst zu stillen, ohne dabei jede Hoffnung auf eine Zukunft mit Christian zu opfern, weiß er, dass es sich um ein schweres oder gar unmögliches Unterfangen handelt. Möglicherweise wird er am Ende gezwungen sein, eine unerträgliche Entscheidung zu treffen.

America 2040

by Evan Innes

It stretches out beyond the planets to the vastness of infinite space. The time has come for America's best and brightest men and women to again become pioneers, to carry freedom's precious message to a new wilderness more dangerous, more lawless, and more exciting than any traveled before. It will determine America's destiny. Locked in a final deadly struggle with the Soviets, the free world trembles on the brink of nuclear holocaust. But whatever the Earth's fate, the spirit Of America must not be allowed to die. The dauntless courage of those who first challenged the uncharted regions of the Old West now returns to blaze a new trail into the unknown. Led by Captain Duncan Rodrick, a man of strength and daring, the most advanced spaceship ever designed prepares for an incredible journey across the universe. But on board the ship itself is an enemy willing to die to destroy them all, a woman whose beauty may ignite a lethal fire of passion, and a stowaway whose bravery embodies the intrepid spirit of America's past. Their mission will determine the fate of a nation.

Air Bridge: Isvik, Air Bridge, Atlantic Fury, And Levkas Man

by Hammond Innes

A daredevil pilot joins the Berlin Airlift to fight for democracy in this Cold War adventure from "a whale of a writer" (The New York Times). When his plane goes down over Germany, Neil Fraser vows not to die in a POW camp. He tunnels out beneath the barbed wire, commandeers a Messerschmitt fighter plane, and flies it home to England. He's been stealing planes ever since. After the war, Fraser falls in with an international ring of thieves, lifting planes from England and flying them to the land that will soon be known as Israel. But his luck doesn't last. The owner of a charter company catches Fraser in the act and gives him a simple choice: Work for him, or rot in jail. His new boss, Bill Saeton, a ruthless tycoon with dreams of conquering the sky, has a contract that could make his fortune--if only he can get his newest plane into the air. Together, Saeton and Fraser embark on the most astonishing adventure of the Cold War: flying in the skyborne armada of the Berlin Airlift, to live or die in the skies above a divided Germany. Authored by Hammond Innes, who witnessed the Berlin Airlift firsthand, Air Bridge is the incredible story of the men who fought impossible odds to win one of the most crucial battles of the Cold War.

Atlantic Fury: Isvik, Air Bridge, Atlantic Fury, And Levkas Man

by Hammond Innes

Two brothers fight to save a group of soldiers on a rocky island in the Hebrides in this haunting adventure by an "exceptional" thriller master (TheGuardian). The island of Laerg towers over the North Atlantic, a forbidding black rock with cliffs impossible to climb, its farthest heights wreathed in fog. It's an inhospitable place, whose last residents were forcibly evacuated in the 1930s, but Donald Ross, the artist son of an islander, has spent his life imagining its rugged beauty. When he finally comes home, however, the isle of his dreams may become his tomb. Donald is searching for his brother, Iain, believed lost at sea many years ago. He finds him living under an assumed identity at the British army outpost that now dominates Laerg. The weather soon turns sour, and the moment to evacuate draws near, but Iain delays. He's seeking something on the rocky cliffs, and to find it he will sacrifice his sanity, his men, and his soul. Based on the Hebridean island of Hirta, Laerg is a truly unique creation--a place so real, so tantalizing, so utterly dangerous that readers will feel they have traveled there, to feel the salt wind at their backs and the bloody sand beneath their feet.

The Blue Ice: The Lonely Skier, Campbell's Kingdom, And The Blue Ice

by Hammond Innes

A ruthless fortune hunter sails to Norway to unlock the mystery of the Blue Ice in this sweeping adventure at the edge of the world. Bill Gansert thrived during World War II. An industrial genius, he mobilized millions of men and machines for the fight against fascism, but when the war is through, he's cut adrift. Unmoored in a country that doesn't need him anymore, Gansert takes to the sea, embarking on an adventure that will take him to the ends of the earth--and show him the desperate treachery that lies within man's soul. It's been ten years since adventurer George Farnell disappeared after setting out to make his fortune in the frozen wilds of Norway. Two lines of poetry and a shard of rock are all that remain of him, and only Gansert has the wit to understand Farnell's final discovery--and the daring to seize it for his own. With a small crew, he sets out for the Arctic Circle to a whaling station in the icy shadows of the mountain known as Blue Ice, where he will make his fortune anew--or be destroyed by his own poisonous ambition. Inspired by author Hammond Innes's travels among the whalers of Norway, The Blue Ice is a story of hard-driving adventure as only the acclaimed writer of Atlantic Fury, The Wreck of the Mary Deare, and other classics could tell it.

Campbell's Kingdom: The Lonely Skier, Campbell's Kingdom, And The Blue Ice

by Hammond Innes

A daring young man heads to the oil fields of Canada for a last crack at making his fortune in this tale from "Great Britain's leading adventure novelist" (Financial Times). Adrift since the end of World War II, Bruce Weatherall has wasted years of his life pretending he's an ordinary man. But beneath his mild-mannered exterior lurks the soul of an adventurer who would sacrifice everything to make his fortune. So when the chance of a lifetime comes along, Weatherall doesn't even bother quitting his day job. He simply disappears. When he learns he's his grandfather's sole heir--though he hardly knew him--Weatherall's life is forever changed. The supposedly mad old man died in Canada, frozen to death in a shack on the edge of a mountain, where he lived his final years in a feverish hunt for oil. Everyone thought he was crazy, but his grandson believes he may have been on to something. So the intrepid young man travels to the far reaches of Alberta to take the oil industry by the throat--and live or die in pursuit of his grandfather's impossible dream. A rollicking adventure in the tradition of Robert Louis Stevenson and Jack London, Campbell's Kingdom is thrilling, "guaranteed entertainment" (Kirkus Reviews).

The Doomed Oasis: The Golden Soak, Maddon's Rock, And The Doomed Oasis

by Hammond Innes

A sweeping adventure set in the Arabian Desert, where the shadow of British colonialism threatens to destroy a father and son. Three years ago, nineteen-year-old David Thomas beat his father to death. Actually, David only punched the old man, but it was hard enough to cause him to have a fatal stroke. And the man wasn&’t really David&’s father at all: The fight started because David learned that his true father was Col. Charles Stanley Whitaker, a legendary figure who made his fortune in the oil fields of the Arabian Desert. With the help of George Grant, a lawyer he&’d just met, David escaped the police and set out to find his real father. But like so many travelers before him, he was swallowed by the desert and never seen again . . . Now, Grant is working for Colonel Whitaker, helping him negotiate the tangled politics of the turbulent Middle East. When he begins asking questions about the circumstances of David&’s disappearance, he will be forced to confront the nightmare at the heart of the British Empire. A globe-trotting adventure with the sweep of Lawrence of Arabia, The Doomed Oasis is a thrilling political novel, one of the finest ever written by the legendary Hammond Innes.

The Golden Soak: The Golden Soak, Maddon's Rock, And The Doomed Oasis

by Hammond Innes

An unscrupulous miner lies, cheats, and steals to survive in this rollicking adventure set in Western Australia. Alec Falls is a mining man, and on his honeymoon, he made the strike of his dreams: a long, beautiful seam of tin, just waiting to be ripped out of the ground. For two years, Falls and his wife lived high on the find, spending every penny they made, certain there would always be more. But one day the tin ran out, and so did Falls's wife. Broke, alone, and ruined, he starts a fire and burns his house to the ground. As far as the world is concerned, Alec Falls is dead. He travels to the forbidding desert of Western Australia in search of the legendary abandoned gold mine known as Golden Soak. But the mine is empty, the land is dry, and the people of the desert feed on men like Falls. To make a second fortune, he must pull water from the sand--and gold from thin air. Inspired by Hammond Innes's own extensive travels in Western Australia, Golden Soak is a classic story of adventure, daring, and greed at civilization's edge.

The Hammond Innes Collection Volume Four: The Golden Soak, Maddon's Rock, and The Doomed Oasis

by Hammond Innes

Three hard-hitting thrillers from the author of The Wreck of the Mary Deare and “Great Britain’s leading adventure novelist” (Financial Times). British novelist Hammond Innes was perhaps best known for his nautical mystery, The Wreck of the Mary Deare, which was made into a film starring Gary Cooper and Charlton Heston. But the prolific writer, World War II veteran, and dedicated yachtsman wrote over thirty novels of adventure and suspense during his long career. The collected fiction gathered here follows three very different quests and spans the locales of Western Australia, the North Sea, and the Arabian Desert. As always, “for sheer excitement Hammond Innes will be hard to beat” (Daphne du Maurier). Golden Soak: In this “tenacious adventure,” Alec Falls, a ruined and unscrupulous tin miner, travels to the forbidding desert of Western Australia in search of the legendary abandoned gold mine known as Golden Soak (Kirkus Reviews). But the mine is empty, the land is dry, and the people of the desert feed on men like Falls. To make the fortune he craves, he must pull water from the sand—and gold from thin air. “As good as any story can be.” —The Times (London) Maddon’s Rock: Stranded in a Russian port for weeks during World War II, Corporal James Vardy finally boards the Trikkala, hoping to return to England. But quickly he senses the vessel is doomed. Her officers are drunk, her lifeboats are leaky, and the mysterious crates supposedly carrying machine parts actually contain a fortune in silver bullion. On the North Sea, he realizes the ship is peeling away from its convoy, a suicidal decision that takes the Trikkala—and Vardy—directly into troubled waters. Also published in the United States as Gale Warnings. “Exciting . . . [a] new high in action adventure—in a story of modern piracy, treasure raising, of false charges of mutiny, and a fighting finish.” —Kirkus Reviews The Doomed Oasis: Col. Charles Stanley Whitaker is a legendary figure who made his fortune in the oil fields of the Arabian Desert, becoming more Bedouin than British. Three years ago, his illegitimate nineteen-year-old son, David Thomas, embarked on a quest to find him. Now, David has seemingly vanished into the desert. Unraveling the mystery of his disappearance will culminate in the oasis town of Saraifa, where water is as valuable as oil, and life can be cheap. “The writing shines as vivid and sharp as the desert sun.” —Gavin Lyall

The Hammond Innes Collection Volume One: The Wreck of the Mary Deare, Wreckers Must Breathe, and The Land God Gave to Cain

by Hammond Innes

A trio of compelling classics of adventure and suspense—featuring The Wreck of the Mary Deare—from “Great Britain’s leading adventure novelist” (Financial Times). British novelist Hammond Innes was perhaps best known for his nautical mystery, The Wreck of the Mary Deare, which was made into a film starring Gary Cooper and Charlton Heston. But the prolific writer, World War II veteran, and dedicated yachtsman wrote over thirty novels of adventure and suspense over his long career. The two novels collected here tell the tales of a World War II plot and a rescue on the frozen Labrador Peninsula. As always, “the art of writing thoroughly well-documented and ably-written thrillers is perfectly understood by Innes, whose work stands in a class by itself” (V. S. Pritchett). The Wreck of the Mary Deare: Capt. John Sands has only moments to steer his sailboat clear of a freighter coming out of nowhere on a foggy night. He catches a glimpse of the ship as it passes by: Her name is Mary Deare, and her crew is nowhere to be seen. A salvage expert, Sands boards the drifting hulk and finds only one man aboard: the first officer, Gideon Patch, half-mad from trying to sail the freighter on his own. Getting the ship safely to port and unraveling the mystery of why it was abandoned will reveal an incredible story of greed and betrayal on the high seas. “Original in its plot and extraordinarily clever in its constant succession of mysterious twists and surprising revelations, it is an utterly engrossing tale.” —The New York Times Wreckers Must Breathe: This prescient World War II adventure, written early on in the war in 1940, concerns a German U-boat hiding off the coast of Cornwall. Journalist Walter Craig is on a seaside vacation as reports come in of German mobilization, and England finds herself on the brink of war. Cruising in a small fishing vessel, Craig and charter boat captain Big Logan nearly collide with a shadowy black shape. Along this rocky stretch of the English Channel, these two men just found themselves on the front lines . . . “An uncommonly good story, capitally written.” —LondonEvening Standard The Land God Gave to Cain: In this “literate and exciting adventure story,” a young man risks his life to respond to a distress call on Canada’s Labrador Peninsula (Kirkus Reviews). After Ian Ferguson’s father was wounded in World War II, his ham radio was all he had left to communicate with. When Ian finds his father’s last transmission—a call for help from a survivor of a lost expedition—he journeys across a frozen landscape to save the man’s life . . . and honor his father. “Innes makes one shiver with cold. . . . Original plot, plenty of action, spectacular scenery.” —The New York Times

The Hammond Innes Collection Volume Three: Isvik, Air Bridge, Atlantic Fury, and Levkas Man

by Hammond Innes

Four action-packed thrillers from the author of The Wreck of the Mary Deareand “Great Britain’s leading adventure novelist” (Financial Times). British novelist Hammond Innes was perhaps best known for his nautical mystery, The Wreck of the Mary Deare, which was made into a film starring Gary Cooper and Charlton Heston. But the prolific writer, World War II veteran, and dedicated yachtsman wrote over thirty novels of adventure and suspense during his long career. The collected fiction here spans the globe—from Antarctica to the Hebrides, Cold War Germany to sun-soaked Greece. As always, “for sheer excitement Hammond Innes will be hard to beat” (Daphne du Maurier). Isvik: Isvik is a legend—a ghost ship that sits on the lip of Antarctica, two hundred years old at least, swallowed by the ice with severed masts and helmsman frozen to the wheel. Or so a glaciologist reported before his plane crashed on the ice shelf. Now, wealthy Scotsman Iain Ward is determined to find the frozen frigate—and he’s bringing along Peter Kettil, a wood preservation specialist and seasoned sailor himself. But Ward and Kettil are not the only ones willing to go to any lengths to discover the ship’s secrets . . . “[A] dramatic adventure that will keep readers guessing until its startling climax.” —Publishers Weekly Air Bridge: After his heroic service in World War II, pilot and aircraft engineer Neil Fraser must steal planes in order to make a living, flying them from England to the land that will soon become Israel. But when he’s caught by a ruthless tycoon, he’s forced to build the wealthy man a new aircraft engine. With dreams of conquering the sky, Bill Saeton wants Fraser to fly the plane over a divided Germany as part of the Berlin Airlift. But as Saeton’s ambition becomes a dangerous obsession, Fraser begins to look for a way to bail out. “Authentic and excellent . . . His plot, characters and suspense live up to the setting.” —San Francisco Chronicle Atlantic Fury: When a British army unit is ordered to evacuate from the remote, rocky island of Laerg in the Hebrides during a violent storm, it’s up to a pair of reunited brothers to save the group of soldiers—and each other. “Nothing short of superb.” —The New York Times Levkas Man: When his parents died, Paul was sent to Amsterdam to live with his mother’s old lover, the eccentric archaeologist Pieter Van der Voort, who was obsessed with the origins of man. After eight years at sea, Paul discovers Van der Voort is in Greece on an archaeological expedition that’s spiraling out of control. To reach Greece, Paul takes a job working for a smuggler, embarking on a journey that will carry him across the globe—and into the blackest depths of man’s most primal instinct. “Quick-action adventure—a particularly interesting background.” —The Daily Telegraph

The Hammond Innes Collection Volume Two: The Lonely Skier, Campbell’s Kingdom, and The Blue Ice

by Hammond Innes

Three thrilling treasure hunts—from the author of The Wreck of the Mary Deare and “Great Britain’s leading adventure novelist” (Financial Times). British novelist Hammond Innes was perhaps best known for his nautical mystery, The Wreck of the Mary Deare, which was made into a film starring Gary Cooper and Charlton Heston. But the prolific writer, World War II veteran, and dedicated yachtsman wrote over thirty novels of adventure and suspense over his long career. The three novels collected here offer death-defying adventure set against harsh and exotic landscapes, from the Italian Alps to the Canadian Rockies and the Norwegian glaciers. As always, “the art of writing thoroughly well-documented and ably-written thrillers is perfectly understood by Innes, whose work stands in a class by itself” (V. S. Pritchett). The Lonely Skier: High among the Dolomite Mountains, a film crew led by half–con man half-genius director Derek Engles is ostensibly making a skiing picture. But beneath the mountain ice is a fortune in Nazi gold, which the filmmaker will find—or die trying. Only Neil Blair, an old army buddy hired on as a scriptwriter for the fake film, can stop things from going downhill fast, in Innes’s literal cliffhanger, made into the 1948 film Snowbound. “A superbly constructed and atmospheric thriller.” —The Independent Campbell’s Kingdom: A London insurance clerk who’s just received a devastating diagnosis, Bruce Wetheral learns he’s the sole heir to his grandfather’s land in the Canadian Rockies. Stuart Campbell froze to death in a shack on the edge of a mountain, where he lived his final years in a feverish hunt for oil. Everyone thought he was crazy, but his grandson believes he may have been on to something. The intrepid young man travels to the far reaches of Alberta to take the oil industry by the throat—and live or die in pursuit of his grandfather’s impossible dream. “Guaranteed entertainment.” —Kirkus Reviews The Blue Ice: It’s been ten years since metallurgist George Farnell disappeared after setting out to make his fortune in the frozen wilds of Norway. Two lines of poetry and a shard of mineral ore are all that remain of him, and only industrialist and adventurer Bill Gansert has the wit to understand Farnell’s final discovery—and the daring to seize it for his own. With a small crew, he sets out for the Arctic Circle to a whaling station in the shadows of the mountain known as Blue Ice, where he will make his fortune anew—or be destroyed by his own ambition. “Action adventure with [a] maximum of suspense and tension, aided by the background atmosphere of a Norwegian glacier . . . Assured and accomplished adventure.” — Kirkus Reviews

Isvik: Isvik, Air Bridge, Atlantic Fury, And Levkas Man

by Hammond Innes

A Scotsman and his crew search the ice for a ghost ship off the frozen coast of Antarctica in this chilling adventure novel.Isvik has been swallowed by the ice. It sits on the lip of Antarctica, its masts severed, its helmsman frozen to the wheel. Two hundred years old--at least--it's an impossible vessel, a ghost ship, and before its secrets are revealed, it will cause more men to die . . . The description of Isvik is found in the pocket of a scientist whose plane crashed on the Antarctic ice shelf. No one can be sure of the ship's location--or if it even exists--but wealthy Scotsman Iain Ward is determined to find it. So desperate for adventure he's willing to die for it, Ward funds an expedition to search for the craft. When Peter Kettil joins the trek to test his mettle against the terrors of Antarctica, the sailor and expert in the preservation of wood will see firsthand just how deadly obsession can be. A high-seas adventure story in the tradition of Ice Station Zebra, Isvik explores the horrible mysteries that lie beneath Antarctica's eternal ice.

The Land God Gave to Cain: The Wreck Of The Mary Deare, Wreckers Must Breathe, And The Land God Gave To Cain (Bull's-eye Ser.)

by Hammond Innes

A young man battles the odds to rescue a lost explorer on Canada's remote Labrador Peninsula in this "literate and exciting adventure story" (Kirkus Reviews). Radio operator James Ferguson was seriously wounded in a bombing mission during World War II. A piece of shrapnel buried in his spine, Ferguson was paralyzed, his brain damaged, and his voice silenced forever. But he never gave up fighting. For the rest of his life, Ferguson devoted himself to ham radio, tapping out messages to strangers in Canada, a passion no one in his family understood. But when he dies without ever connecting to his son, Ian, his final message will change the boy's life forever. Beside the radio, Ian finds his father's last transmission: a distress call received from the isolated Labrador Peninsula, where the survivor of a lost expedition still cries out for rescue. The authorities dismiss the story as impossible, so Ian must journey to Labrador himself. In the endless frozen landscape, he will risk his life to save another--and prove his father right. To research The Land God Gave to Cain, author Hammond Innes trekked across rough country, hearing the stories of the men who risked their lives to tame the exotic land. Innes was a master at weaving research, landscape, and heart-pounding action into some of the greatest thrillers of all time.

Levkas Man: Isvik, Air Bridge, Atlantic Fury, And Levkas Man

by Hammond Innes

The tale of an archaeological dig gone terribly wrong from "Great Britain's leading adventure novelist" (Financial Times). When his parents died, Paul was sent to Amsterdam to live with his mother's old lover, the eccentric archaeologist Pieter Van der Voort. Paul became a man in that cramped, strange house, cooped up with skeletons, fossils, and his increasingly mad guardian, who was obsessed with the search for the origins of man. Finally, Paul can take no more. He hops a freighter and spends eight years at sea before returning home to find Van der Voort gone--and a mystery waiting in his place. Van der Voort is in Greece on an archaeological expedition that's spiraling out of control. The last place Paul wants to be is at the old man's side, but he feels something drawing him toward the dig site. To reach Greece, he takes a job working for a smuggler, embarking on a journey that will carry him across the globe--and into the blackest depths of history. A rip-roaring archaeological adventure in the spirit of Indiana Jones, Levkas Man is a story about the fundamental desire that has defined all human history: the irresistible urge to kill.

The Lonely Skier: The Lonely Skier, Campbell's Kingdom, And The Blue Ice

by Hammond Innes

High among the Dolomite Mountains, a film crew led by a madman will risk their lives for Nazi gold, in this death-defying thriller. Out of work, out of money, and out of time, Neil Blair is wandering through Piccadilly Circus when he stumbles upon the chance of a lifetime. He meets an old army buddy, a half-con man half-genius film producer, who offers him a job. Suddenly, Blair is off to the Dolomites for three months to work on the script for a film that will be unlike anything the cinema has ever seen: a thriller entirely based in truth, every word steeped in blood. Ostensibly, the film is to be a skiing picture, but Blair soon learns there's much more at stake than a bit of sport. Beneath the mountain ice is a fortune in Nazi gold, which the producer will find--or die trying. Blair's task is to document that hunt on the page, but he's about to be trapped in a battle of wits that could destroy him before he types a single word. Shot through with the atmospheric tension that was Hammond Innes's trademark, The Lonely Skier is a terrifying story of murder and deception at the edge of the world.

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