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Showing 89,851 through 89,875 of 90,329 results

Yin Village: Volume 2 (Volume 2 #2)

by Fei Zei

On the surface, I am a young man with knowledge from the countryside, but the secret in my heart will never be told to you. On the day I arrived in Liujiajia, the people in the terraced fields dug up a large amount of copper coins. What I didn't expect was that it was these copper coins that brought about this terrifying disaster …

Yin-yang Incantation: Volume 9 (Volume 9 #9)

by Luo DaWei

In his dreams, Su Yue traveled to a strange place and became an ancient rich and handsome man with a concubine. However, this was a strange place. There were mysterious Taoists, Phantoms, Phantoms, and even paper men riding bicycles!He wanted to leave this strange place, but he couldn't leave no matter what. Gradually, he realized that there was something strange here. He even changed his body, but the mark was still there. It was as if the only way to leave this place was to end all the Karma in this place!Where would he go? Could he leave this place? After he left, would he still dream of teleporting to other places?Everything was unknown …

Yin-yang Incantation: Volume 8 (Volume 8 #8)

by Luo DaWei

In his dreams, Su Yue traveled to a strange place and became an ancient rich and handsome man with a concubine. However, this was a strange place. There were mysterious Taoists, Phantoms, Phantoms, and even paper men riding bicycles!He wanted to leave this strange place, but he couldn't leave no matter what. Gradually, he realized that there was something strange here. He even changed his body, but the mark was still there. It was as if the only way to leave this place was to end all the Karma in this place!Where would he go? Could he leave this place? After he left, would he still dream of teleporting to other places?Everything was unknown …

Yin-Yang Judge of Hell: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Jiang Jinjiu

Before he managed to find a job, he had somehow become the Yin Master, and it was even a written judgement, being in charge of the order within the Underworld … F * * k, do you have to be so ridiculous? He just said that he was destined to give me a bunch of paperbacks, not even giving me the chance to choose. Bro only wanted to drown in the red dust and enjoy Hua Hua's world, but from then on, he had to wander in both the Yin Yang and Yang realms, trying to find a place to talk about some strange things …

Yin-Yang Judge of Hell: Volume 2 (Volume 2 #2)

by Jiang Jinjiu

Before he managed to find a job, he had somehow become the Yin Master, and it was even a written judgement, being in charge of the order within the Underworld … F * * k, do you have to be so ridiculous? He just said that he was destined to give me a bunch of paperbacks, not even giving me the chance to choose. Bro only wanted to drown in the red dust and enjoy Hua Hua's world, but from then on, he had to wander in both the Yin Yang and Yang realms, trying to find a place to talk about some strange things …

Yo en tu lugar

by L. Ronald Hubbard

El pequeo Tom es un enano de circo con sueos de gigante. Puede que sea el rey de los enanos, pero tiene ambiciones mayores: convertirse en el jefe de pista. Ahora, recurriendo a oscuros secretos antiguos, est a punto de conseguir su deseo: un diminuto Cheech Marin que se transforma en Omar Sharif. Pero al asumir la identidad de otro hombre, Tom debe tambin enfrentarse a sus enemigos. . . que quieren hacerle pagar por los pecados del gran hombre.

Yo mato

by Giorgio Faletti

Un locutor de Radio Montercarlo recibe una noche durante su programa una llamada telefónica asombrosa: alguien revela que es un asesino. El hecho se pasa por alto, como una broma de pésimo gusto; sin embargo, al día siguiente un famoso piloto de fórmula uno y su novia aparecen en su barco, muertos y horrendamente mutilados. Se inicia así una serie de asesinatos, cada uno precedido de una llamada a Radio Montecarlo con una pista musical sobre la próxima víctima, cada uno subrayado por un mensaje escrito con sangre en el escenario del crimen, que es al mismo tiempo una firma y una provocación: «Yo mato». Para Frank Ottobre, agente del FBI, y Nicolas Hulot, comisario de la Sûreté monegasca, comienza la caza de un escurridizo fantasma que tiene aterrorizada a la opinión pública: nunca hubo un asesino en serie en el principado de Mónaco. Ahora lo hay, y de su búsqueda nadie va a salir indemne. Yo mato es un thriller pleno de acción e intriga, con un desarrollo narrativo tan maduro como absorbente. Eso ha bastado -y ha sobrado- para situar a su autor entre los nombres más importantes del género y a su obra como un auténtico fenómeno editorial.

Yo no quería, pero...: Diario de Desmund Sasse

by Danü Danquigny

Cuando el lector se zambulle sin vuelta atrás en esta historia, se dice, al término de la obra, que el área metropolitana de Rennes se revela decididamente como un marco ideal para el género novelesco. Las persecuciones por pasillos mugrientos del hospital Pontchaillou y por las inmediaciones del parque Thabor no tienen nada que envidiar a la novela negra del asfalto parisino. Al margen de su brevedad, uno se engancha sin remedio a la opacidad de los protagonistas principales: a Corynthe, a Louise e incluso a crápulas como Baloo. Lo que revela, de todos modos, cuando se tiene la suerte de conocer un poco al autor, es que el afamado Desmund Sasse se le parece en muchos sentidos. No es descabellado pensar que Danquigny, al igual que su doble, no haya ido dando tumbos por las calles, por las azoteas de la universidad de esta misma ciudad. Hablando más en serio, entre una cierta trama policiaca rural que imposibilita la crítica social inherente al género y la novela policiaca de la gran urbe, esta obra se hace un hueco en el mundo de las novelas urbanas que nos traen un poco de aire fresco.

Yo nunca

by Eduardo Trillo

En un apacible valle gallego, lleno de silencios y suspicacias, surge un triángulo amoroso que irá difuminando los límites entre la pasión y la locura. <P><P>Luis es un eterno opositor a judicatura que decide aislarse en ese entorno rural para preparar el examen definitivo. <P><P>Allí conocerá a Carmen, una mujer madura que trabaja como fisioterapeuta, y a Laura, una joven dedicada a restaurar las pinturas de la ermita. <P><P>Pero las cosas no siempre son lo que parecen, y el lector se verá pronto arrastrado a una oscura espiral en la que todos guardan secretos sobre su pasado.

Yo soy el Araña

by Carlos René Padilla

Pedro Pérez, un joven policía del norte del país, pierde la memoria tras un accidente. Su antigua afición a los cómics lo lleva a creer que es Espáiderman, y que bajo ésta identidad habrá de enfrentar a los criminales y corruptos de la ciudad. Esa mañana Pedro Pérez, agente de la Policía Estatal, pensó que lo único grave que ocurriría en su día sería discutir con su esposa, María Juana, por su afición a los cómics. Un par de horas después, sin embargo, Pedro sufre un accidente que distorsiona su sentido de la realidad, convenciéndolo de tener superpoderes. El joven policía buscará convertirse en héroe por un día, y eso tal vez sea lo que necesite una ciudad comandada por criminales. Yo soy el Araña, ganadora del Premio Nacional de Novela Negra, es un recordatorio de que la vida, en efecto, a veces parece sacada de un descolorido e hiperviolento libro de historietas. ¿Qué puede salir mal cuando un hombre pierde la razón y decide enfrentar, no a molinos de viento, sino a sicarios y políticos corruptos, enfundado en un traje de licra azul y rojo? Quizá todo.

Yo soy el invierno

by Ricardo Romero

Un joven policía, inexperto y tímido, tiene que resolver un crimen en el pequeño pueblo donde está destinado. «¿El frío es una cualidad del aire o el aire es una cualidad del frío? Incrédulo, el Pampa ve los primeros copos caer. Livianos, deshilachados, pero copos al fin. Está nevando». El joven suboficial ayudante Pampa Asiain, recién salido de la escuela de policía, es destinado a un pequeño pueblo de provincia llamado Monge, un lugar aislado, con pocas casas y apenas algunos pobladores. El suboficial Parra, su compañero, le asigna tareas de patrulla cotidianas, como verificar las denuncias sobre pescadores furtivos en la zona de la laguna. Una tarde de invierno muy fría, a partir de una llamada, Pampa explora la zona y se encuentra con la escena de un crimen. Contrariamente a lo que se espera de él, no lo comunica y decide investigar por su cuenta. Pero ¿es eso lo que hace? ¿Investiga? ¿Y qué es lo que investiga? El suboficial ayudante Pampa Asiain espera, acecha, se deja llevar por sus intuiciones. Y lo que descubre es el lado más oscuro del azar, la versión más inhumana de la llanura. En Yo soy el invierno, Ricardo Romero nos ofrece un relato hipnótico y desgarrado sobre los fantasmas del miedo, la soledad y el abandono que nos rondan y a los que nunca es fácil ignorar. La crítica dijo: «En su monumental y experimental novela Big Rip […] Romero se lanza con todo a explorar la potencia de la novela fractal para tratar de capturar todos los planos posibles de un mundo que se desmorona, pero que todavía se merece un relato que trate de entenderlo».Fernando Krapp, Página/12 «Big Rip es una apuesta extrema, de esas que la literatura siempre pide a gritos».José María Brindisi, La Nación «Ambiciosa pero no total, Big Rip es una gesta ante tanta inmediatez; un conjuro contra la ansiedad».Juan F. Comperatore, Otra Parte «Romero, tras los pasos del Cortázar más ominoso, nos obsequia una historia o una metáfora tan redonda como singular».J. Ernesto Ayala-Dip, "Babelia", El País, sobre La habitación del Presidente «En la inquietante novela El conserje y la eternidad, Ricardo Romero hilvana versiones de una criatura condenada a una existencia infinita, sin saber el abismo que hay entre una palabra y otra».Silvina Friera, Página/12

Yo te cuidaré

by Marta Estrada

Un thriller psicológico. Cómo un padre se enfrenta a un miedo aniquilador para salvar a su hija adolescente, mientras la locura le pisa los talones. Aunque ha transcurrido un año, la existencia de Javier Almazán sigue sometida al miedo que un angustioso accidente provocado por su ceguera le dejó como herencia. Incapaz de superarlo, ve como la estabilidad familiar peligra de forma alarmante, empantanada en una vorágine de incomprensiones, tensiones y desencuentros que no consigue detener. La emergencia clínica que de pronto amenaza la vida de Nerea, su hija adolescente, lo obligará a enfrentar la fobia que arrasa su integridad y sus principios. Javier tendrá que lanzarse fuera de casa en busca de la muchacha cuyo paradero desconoce, con la ayuda de su fiel perro guía. Pero no solo el miedo acecha en cada esquina. El pasado de Javier se vuelve presente en la persona de Olga Vera, una enfermera que jamás perdonó lo que para ella fue el peor de los agravios. Obsesionada por un deseo paranoico de posesión, perseguirá a Javier hasta conseguir su propósito más anhelado: hacerlo suyo. Una historia trepidante que conducirá a los personajes a lo largo de un escabroso camino de miedo, oscuridad y perversión. Una trama de realidades entrelazadas que acaban convergiendo en el estallido final. Solo las horas de margen que la locura concede, decidirán de qué lado se inclinará la victoria. Quizá del de la fuerza de voluntad y el amor quizá del de la más absoluta depravación mental. El lector podrá acompañar a los personajes durante poco más de un día plagado de sobresaltos y situaciones inesperadas que le mantendrán pendiente de cada minuto.

Yo veo en la oscuridad

by Karin Fossum

«¿Los thrillers no te parecen tan emocionantes últimamente? ¿Los asesinos en serie son demasiado tontos? ¿Los detectives demasiado sensibles? ¿Te preguntas dónde fueron a parar los tipos duros? Solo hay que proponer el nombre de la autora noruega Karin Fossum, cuya nueva novela es una de las historias de crímenes más oscuras y más inquietantes que probablemente leerás este año.» The New York Times «Todo el mundo tiene cualidades, todo el mundo tiene algún talento, todo el mundo tiene derecho a que se le respete por lo que es. Eso es lo que nos gusta pensar a los humanos. Pero hay individuos podridos, y yo soy uno de ellos, lo admito.» Sin siquiera llamar a la puerta, la policía entra en casa de Riktor y empieza a inspeccionar cada rincón. El protagonista, un hombre solitario de 49 años que trabaja como enfermero en una residencia de ancianos, se queda quieto mientras registran su hogar: es culpable de un terrible crimen y espera con resignación el momento en que lo descubran. La sorpresa de Riktor llega cuando es arrestado por un delito que él no ha cometido. Encarcelado, deberá encontrar la manera de defenderse sin revelar lo sucedido dentro de las paredes del geriátrico, cuando se encerraba con aquellos pacientes que ya no podían hablar. ¿Podrá limpiar su nombre sin incriminarse a sí mismo? La crítica ha dicho...«Una gran escritora y exploradora de la mente humana.»Jo Nesbø «Espero con ganas cada nueva novela de Karin Fossum.»Ruth Rendell «Un tremendo suspense... un tesoro para los fans.»Kirkus Reviews «Karin Fossum escribe novelas de intriga desde un silencio desconcertante.»Marilyn Stasio «Como Patricia Highsmith y Ruth Rendell, Fossum es una maestra en el arte del terror psicológico.»The New York Times «Una de las mejores escritoras de novela negra de todos los tiempos.»The Times «Un thriller psicológico inolvidable escrito desde la perspectiva de un enfermero sádico.»Library Journal «Fossum se adentra dentro de la mente de Riktor para crear una exquisita novela de suspense psicológico.»More Magazine «La autora que nos encandiló con uno de los mejores personajes policíacos nórdicos, el inspector Konrad Sejer, vuelve a deslumbrar con una historia de una crudelísima humanidad, que hace de esta novela negra, pero que muy negra, uno de los mejores libros del género publicado en los últimos año [...]»José María Sánchez Pardo, Revista Prótesis

Yolks on You Box Set (Yolks on You #6)

by Jessica Payseur

Mount Angus is a small Wisconsin town that would be boring if not for its many over-the-top holiday festivals. Kiko Cooper is a local owner of the niche egg-themed store Yolks on You. Dominic Grady is a tourist who finds himself suddenly single while on vacation. What starts with a bad break up quickly spirals into new romance, intrigue, and murder.Neither Kiko nor Dom can resist the pull of a good mystery any more than they can resist the attraction they feel for each other. Surprising everyone in town, they make a cute couple, and a decent investigative team, too. Which is a good thing, because Mount Angus appears to have a small murder problem ...Contains the stories:Shell Shocked: When Dominic agreed to join his boyfriend for a weekend away at the annual Eggstravaganza in small town Wisconsin, he was expecting a boring experience. He was not expecting to discover his boyfriend had been cheating on him. He was not expecting to fall for Kiko, owner of the niche shop Yolks on You. And he certainly wasn’t expecting an exploding cow to drop him in the middle of a deadly mystery.Egg Whites and Blue: Kiko and Dom are still getting used to each other, and with Mount Angus’ Knee High 4th of July Festival approaching, they anticipate spending quality time together, if only for a weekend. But with the arrival of Kiko’s ex and the discovery of a murdered body, they are drawn into another small-town mystery where dark secrets and a generous serving of danger could very well get them killed.Deal with the Deviled Eggs: After a chaos-filled summer, Kiko and Dom are ready to ease into a more laid back autumn and really put in some quality time together. But with an old friend of Dom's crashing with them and causing tension and a sudden spree of murders, this could either be a Halloween for Kiko and Dom to remember, or their very last.Egg the Halls: When local artist Cat asks Kiko and Dom to solve her vandalism problem, the two are only too happy for the distraction from holiday visitors. But when the property damage escalates to threats on Kiko's life, things get more serious than they'd hoped, and if they can't get to the bottom of the family drama fast, Kiko might never be home for the holidays again.Eggs and Kisses: The annual Be Mount Valentine Heartstival has the whole town of Mount Angus on the lookout for relationship drama, and this year it seems everyone's most interested in whether Kiko and Dom are going to tie the knot. When a body is found rolled in a rug, though, it's up to the couple to unravel a deadly mystery before the celebration ends in more than just bruised egos and broken hearts.

The Yom Kippur Murder (Christine Bennett Mystery #2)

by Lee Harris

When ex-nun Christine Bennett can't get into her friend Mr. Herskovitz's apartment to accompany him to Yom Kippur services, she discovers that he's been murdered. The police arrest someone almost immediately, but Chris isn't ready to end her own investigation . . .From the Paperback edition.

Yonder Stands Your Orphan

by Barry Hannah

"Yonder Stands Your Orphan" opens with the establishment of an orphans' camp and the discovery of an abandoned car with two skeletons in the trunk. Hannah's novel paints a searing picture of the American South and establishes him as one of the most important voices in America.

York: The Clockwork Ghost (York #2)

by Laura Ruby

National Book Award finalist Laura Ruby returns with the middle chapter in her epic alternate-history adventure—a journey that will test Tess, Theo, and Jaime and change their lives forever. It was only a few weeks ago that the Biedermann twins, Tess and Theo, along with their friend Jaime Cruz, followed the secrets of the Morningstarrs’ cipher further than anyone had in its century-and a-half history—and destroyed their beloved home in the process.But the Old York Cipher still isn’t solved. The demolition of 354 W. 73rd Street only revealed the next clue in the greatest mystery of the modern world, and if Tess, Theo, and Jaime want to discover what lies at the end of the puzzle laid into the buildings of New York by its brilliant, enigmatic architects, they will need to press on.But doing so could prove even more dangerous than they know. It is clear that the Morningstarr twins marshaled all the strange technology they had spent their lives creating in the construction of the Cipher, and that technology has its own plans for those who pursue it.It's also clear that Tess, Theo, and Jaime are not the only ones on the trail of the treasure. As enemies both known and unknown close in on them from all sides and the very foundations of the city seem to crumble around them, they will have to ask themselves how far they will go to change the unchangeable—and whether the price of knowing the secrets of the Morningstarrs is one they are willing to pay.

York: The Shadow Cipher (York #1)

by Dave Stevenson Laura Ruby

<P><P>From National Book Award finalist and Printz Award winner Laura Ruby comes an epic alternate history series about three kids who try to solve the greatest mystery of the modern world: a puzzle and treasure hunt laid into the very streets and buildings of New York City. <P><P> It was 1798 when the Morningstarr twins arrived in New York with a vision for a magnificent city: towering skyscrapers, dazzling machines, and winding train lines, all running on technology no one had ever seen before. <P><P> Fifty-seven years later, the enigmatic architects disappeared, leaving behind for the people of New York the Old York Cipher—a puzzle laid into the shining city they constructed, at the end of which was promised a treasure beyond all imagining. <P><P>By the present day, however, the puzzle has never been solved, and the greatest mystery of the modern world is little more than a tourist attraction. <P><P>Tess and Theo Biedermann and their friend Jaime Cruz live in a Morningstarr apartment—until a real estate developer announces that the city has agreed to sell him the five remaining Morningstarr buildings. Their likely destruction means the end of a dream long held by the people of New York. And if Tess, Theo, and Jaime want to save their home, they have to prove that the Old York Cipher is real. Which means they have to solve it.

York: The Map of Stars (York #3)

by Laura Ruby

The thrilling conclusion to two-time National Book Award finalist Laura Ruby’s epic adventure through the streets of an alternate New York City. It was only a few days ago that Tess Biedermann, Theo Biedermann, and Jaime Cruz, along with a mysterious figure from the past, managed to survive an assault on the location of the latest clue in the Morningstarr cipher—and, in the process, made a shocking discovery about their own connection to this one-hundred-sixty-year-old enigma. Now the friends are divided. Tess and Theo have no idea what the photo they found in Greenwood Cemetery means, but Jaime is convinced that they do, and that they’ve been keeping their own secrets from him. As the city continues to break around them, suddenly solving the greatest mystery of the modern world seems less important than saving their own friendship. The stakes of completing the cipher, however, have never been higher. Darnell Slant, real estate developer and owner of all the Morningstarr buildings, knows that they hold one last secret: a power that even the Morningstarrs themselves never revealed. The world has rested on a precarious balance of power for generations; now Slant and his shadowy business partners aim to unbalance it. It’s up to Tess, Theo, and Jaime to uncover the Morningstarrs’ final mystery in a desperate attempt to set things right. The world—theirs, and possibly others—depends on it.

The Yorkshire Murder Thrillers: Dead Cold, Cold Blood, and Cold Heart (The Yorkshire Murder Thrillers)

by Jane Heafield

Three gritty police procedurals following determined detectives in the north of England, now in one volume. The hard-hitting crime thrillers in this collection include:Dead Cold When an anonymous call sends police to a house in Sheffield, two corpses are discovered, their bodies battered beyond recognition. DI Liz Miller is thrilled to be assigned the high-profile case—and insists on sticking with it even after it&’s taken away from her and she&’s warned to leave it alone. When it turns out the victims aren&’t who the police think they are, the mystery is blown wide open. Will Miller be able to solve the case and save her career, or is this investigation going to be her undoing?Cold Blood DCI Liam Bennet&’s ex is part of a film crew looking into a cold case in her home village of Lampton, and she requests that Bennet access police files. He wants no part of it. But then their son asks that he track her down, and Bennet finds that the Lampton locals want him gone—while the film crew are nowhere to be found. Soon, a grim discovery in a nearby lake plunges him into a race against time . . .Cold Heart Liam Bennet has just quit the force to become a private detective, and to his frustration, his first case is a weird petty crime. Meanwhile, his old colleague is working on two murders with pictures of dice found at the scenes. When the detective is attacked on the job, it soon becomes clear that there&’s an odd connection between their cases, even though they appear utterly random. Will they be able to identify a pattern—or is their luck about to run out?

Yosemite Firestorm

by Tanya Stowe

A raging forest fire isn&’t the only threat… When an act of arson claims the life of a hiker, Yosemite Park Ranger Livy Chatham is the only witness—putting her right into the path of determined criminals. Only rock climber Hayden Bryant can protect her from the killers destroying all evidence of their crimes. But can Livy and Hayden outrun the danger that&’s as hot on their heels as the fires blazing through Yosemite?From Love Inspired Suspense: Courage. Danger. Faith.


by Zoran Drvenkar

Take one man traveling down the highway. Imagine him without mercy. Call him the Traveler and fear him. Take five girls who open the door to chaos and watch them run. Put five kilos of heroin and a gun in their luggage. Call them the Sweet Nightmares and fear them. Take a father haunted by his past who never forgets a grudge. Call him the Kingpin and don't go near him. All hurtle toward each other. Full of revenge, they have no idea that YOU are watching them. It's a late-summer night in Berlin and notorious criminal Ragnar Desche isn't too happy. He's just found his brother, Oskar, dead, frozen stiff and sitting in his home next to a swimming pool full of marijuana plants. Someone's flooded the pool and stolen a Range Rover, but what's worse is that Ragnar's huge cache of drugs is missing--and he's going to want it back. Meanwhile, nearby, a group of teenage girls are out at the movies. Thinking about boys and worrying about acne, they notice that the prettiest member of their clique is missing. She hasn't been seen for days, and the trouble she's found herself in is about to set all of the girls on a collision course with the Desche gang and drag them into a fight for their lives--a fight that might turn out to be more evenly matched than it first appears. A gritty, pulsating, psychological thriller told through the eyes of an enormous cast of characters, You is an audacious and unpredictable combination of pulp, pluck, and revenge. From the Hardcover edition.


by Austin Grossman

YOU determine the story! YOU choose your own destiny! When Russell gets a job at Black Arts games, he reunites with the people who were once his closest friends: the people who he spent hours designing, playing and discussing games with. He soon realises that all is not well at Black Arts. There's a software glitch threatening the next revolutionary product launch - and in order to find it and save his job Russell has to follow it back through twenty years of real and virtual worlds, boardrooms, computer camps, rivalry and loss. You is a story of facing dangers, realising that the most obvious path isn't always the best one to follow, and learning that playing a game can sometimes save your life.


by Austin Grossman

A NOVEL OF MYSTERY, VIDEOGAMES, AND THE PEOPLE WHO CREATE THEM, BY THE BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF SOON I WILL BE INVINCIBLE.When Russell joins Black Arts games, brainchild of two visionary designers who were once his closest friends, he reunites with an eccentric crew of nerds hacking the frontiers of both technology and entertainment. In part, he's finally given up chasing the conventional path that has always seemed just out of reach. But mostly, he needs to know what happened to Simon, the strangest and most gifted friend he ever lost, who died under mysterious circumstances soon after Black Arts' breakout hit.Then Black Arts' revolutionary next-gen game is threatened by a mysterious software glitch, and Russell finds himself in a race to save his job, Black Arts' legacy, and the people he has grown to care about. The bug is the first clue in a mystery leading back twenty years, through real and virtual worlds, corporate boardrooms and high school computer camp, to a secret that changed a friendship and the history of gaming. The deeper Russell digs, the more dangerous the glitch appears--and soon, Russell comes to realize there's much more is at stake than just one software company's bottom line.Austin Grossman's debut novel Soon I Will Invincible announced the arrival of a singular, genre-defying talent "sure to please fans of Lethem and Chabon" (Playboy). With YOU, Grossman offers his most daring and most personal novel yet-a thrilling, hilarious, authentic portrait of the world of professional game makers; and the story of how learning to play can save your life.

You: A Novel (The You Series #1)

by Caroline Kepnes

Love hurts...When aspiring writer Guinevere Beck strides into the East Village bookstore where Joe works, he's instantly smitten. Beck is everything Joe has ever wanted: She's gorgeous, tough, razor-smart, and as sexy as his wildest dreams. Beck doesn't know it yet, but she's perfect for him, and soon she can't resist her feelings for a guy who seems custom made for her. But there's more to Joe than Beck realizes, and much more to Beck than her oh-so-perfect façade. Their mutual obsession quickly spirals into a whirlwind of deadly consequences . . . A chilling account of unrelenting passion, Caroline Kepnes's You is a perversely romantic thriller that's more dangerously clever than any you've read before.

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