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El corredor nocturno

by Hugo Burel

Una novela intensa, misteriosa, recrea el mito fáustico por medio de una trama jalonada de hechos que son, al mismo tiempo triviales y siniestros. El corredor nocturno es la historia de una obsesión: la de correr sin tregua para llegar a ninguna parte. Su protagonista, gerente de una compañía de seguros en Montevideo, lo hace para librarse de las tensiones de su trabajo. En la sala de espera de un aeropuerto conoce a un hombre misterioso y perturbador que se presenta como un benefactor. A partir de entonces, su vida empezará a deslizarse hacia un ambiguo territorio donde las certezas de lo cotidiano se desvanecen y correr es inútil. Esta novela intensa, misteriosa, recrea el mito fáustico por medio de una trama jalonada de hechos que son, al mismo tiempo, triviales y siniestros: todo depende del cristal con el que se los mire, de la conciencia desde la que se lo juzgue. Hugo Burel ha concebido esta historia apasionante que plantea la lucha por el poder, la hipocresía y la crisis moral, pero que va más allá al demostrar que, fortuitamente, nuestro mundo familiar, nuestra vida cotidiana, pueden agrietarse y desmoronarse obedeciendo a ese juego de reglas inciertas que denominamos, tan resignadamente, azar.

Noches de Bonanza

by Hugo Burel

En Noches de Bonanza, Hugo Burel concluye con maestría la primera trilogía de novela negra montevideana. Una historia apasionante que ha atrapado a miles de lectores, con un protagonista que ya se ha convertido en leyenda. Desde su fulgurante aparición en Montevideo noir, que inaugura la saga, Gabriel Keller ha recorrido un largo y arduo camino. En su intento por proteger a su joven vecina Beatriz de los obstáculos que se oponían a su felicidad, asesinó, ocultó y engañó. Por ella cambió el curso de su vida y se convirtió en otra persona. Pero, ¿quién es realmente Keller? En esta novela, el protagonista se verá envuelto en una sórdida trama de venganza y traición que involucra a una hermosa modelo y a un poderoso hombre de negocios que se aprovecha de ella. El implacable instinto asesino de Keller y su capacidad para la impostura encontrarán, esta vez, un sentido de justicia. No obstante, lo que Keller necesita es dar cierre a su historia con Beatriz, entender las razones que lo han llevado a hacer todo lo que ha hecho y poner una tregua a la irresistible pulsión de matar.

El ladrón de mapas: El saqueo a las bibliotecas de Uruguay, Argentina, España e Italia

by Andrés López Reilly

Una crónica real sobre un hecho que parece ficción: un ladrón uruguayo que robó mapas de inestimable valor, perteneciente a una organización especializada en el tráfico de obras de arte. Una trincheta escondida en un estuche de lentes, un falso carné de investigador y una cara de piedra fueron los artilugios para concretar un robo de mapas incunables -impresos entre 1453 y 1500- de inestimable valor. El monto del atropello en la Biblioteca Nacional de España en 2007 y el modo sin precedentes en que se concretó destaparon una red delictiva con ramificaciones en varios continentes y vinculación con la mafia que se extiende al día de hoy. ¿El ladrón? Un uruguayo que perpetró sus artes también en su tierra y, pese a todo, sigue descansando en un country bonaerense. La trama parece de novela, pero es tan real como vertiginosa, y la cuenta magistralmente el periodista Andrés López Reilly. La investigación, que le llevó años de labor, comenzó con la visita de un misterioso informante. De allí en más, el cronista persiguió las huellas del usurpador de mapas por el Río de la Plata, se encontró con que los cerebros de la organización habían desfilado por Montevideo incluso con acreditaciones del Vaticano, se topó con inescrupulosos libreros y falsos directores de museos, para comprobar finalmente la escasa protección de ese acervo tan rico y que en parte se perdió para siempre.

Así habló el cambista

by Juan E. Gruber

Esta es la historia de un cambista que vive y actúa en el ajetreado Montevideo de los años 70. Publicada originalmente en 1979, esta novela ha sido llevada al cine en 2019 por Federico Veiroj. Esta es la historia de un cambista que vive y actúa en el ajetreado Montevideo durante la década del setenta. Desde sus oficinas en la Ciudad Vieja, amparado por el caos político y económico de la región, obtiene ganancias al administrar el dinero depositado clandestinamente por empresarios extranjeros. Narrada en primera persona, la trama va desvelando un complejo submundo de hampones, asesinos a sueldo, especuladores, terroristas, empresarios y políticos, configurando un escenario peligroso y por momentos asfixiante. En este contexto, el protagonista enfrentará los desafíos que se le presentan a cada paso, al tiempo que luchará contra sus propios demonios y la enrevesada relación sentimental que lo une con Gudrun, su enigmática esposa. Esta novela, publicada con enorme éxito en 1979, ha sido llevada al cine en el 2019 por Federico Veiroj. Por su parte, Editorial Sudamericana recupera este texto que da cuenta del pulso literario de Juan E. Gruber, y su vigencia como descripción de la compleja sociedad rioplatense.

La misteriosa muerte de Eleanor Rigby

by Hugo Burel

Con un final sorprendente que se revela en las últimas páginas, este libro combina los recursos de la novela policial con una serie de guiños a los beatlemaníacos más exigentes. «Horatio Pinkerton pensó muy bien en lo que iba a decir cuando estuvieron de nuevo junto al Bentley. #Si Eleanor Rigby fue asesinada, ¿qué hará usted si yo descubro al culpable? El capitán Whitehead lanzó un suspiro y aclaró su garganta. #Matarlo, por supuesto #dijo, con toda naturalidad.» Protagonista de una de las más bellas y famosas canciones de los Beatles, Eleanor Rigby es también el primer personaje literario que crearon. Su muerte descrita en la letra deja zonas abiertas a la especulación, de la que en su momento sus autores también participaron. Ese misterio que late en la historia de la solterona Eleanor y su vínculo con el solitario padre McKenzie ambienta esta novela, que completa los vacíos sugeridos por la canción y construye una trama enriquecida por la mejor tradición de la novela inglesa detectivesca. Con un final sorprendente que se revela en las últimas páginas, La misteriosa muerte de Eleanor Rigby combina los recursos de la novela policial con una serie de guiños a los beatlemaníacos más exigentes. Con la precisión de un mecanismo de relojería y un aceitado juego de ambigüedades y sorpresas, esta atrapante historia confirma una vez más la versatilidad y el talento narrativo de Hugo Burel.

The Crime Book

by Mary Roberts Rinehart

Mary Roberts Rinehart presents 3 criminal mysteries: The Door, The Confession, and the Red Lamp.

Death in the Air

by Agatha Christie

(from the book) Twenty-one passengers are winging their way across the English Channel. Twenty are alive. One passenger, Madame Gisefle- blackmailer, money-lender, woman with a past-is dead. Murdered. How? Why? By whom? Hercule Poirot, detective supreme, is off on a new and engrossing mystery by AGATHA CHRISTIE

The Other Side of the Door

by Lillian O'Donnell

[Back of Dust Jacket] Gary's first concern was to stop the phone ringing so it wouldn't disturb Lurene. He did that by picking it up right away. "Reissig," he whispered as she stirred beside him. "This is Alyssa Hanriot, Detective Reissig. I'm sorry to disturb you but..." "What is it, Miss Hanriot? What's happened?" Suddenly, Alyssa was embarrassed. Nothing had happened to warrant waking this man in the middle of the night. "I got a phone call a few minutes ago." "You mean like the other one?" "Yes. Except this time I know who it was." He had been clinging to sleep, but now he cast off the last warm tendrils and, swinging his legs over the side of the bed, sat up. Behind him, Lurene muttered, "Can't you take your conversation into another room?" And turned over. "Sh ..." He motioned for silence as he continued. "You recognized his voice?" "No, he told me who he was. He's out after only twenty months. The sentence was from five to fifteen years. How could he get out in such a short time? How is that possible?" "You mean out of jail?" Gary clenched the receiver so hard his knuckles whitened. "Who are you talking about? Who just got out of jail?" "Will you please go and conduct your interrogation somewhere else?" his wife asked him. "In a minute." He patted her shoulder, but his attention was with the woman on the phone. "Miss Hanriot, you're not in the hospital now; you're home, right? Okay, you stay there. I'm on my way." He hung up, jumped to his feet, and headed for his closet. "Now what?" Lurene demanded. "Where are you going?" "To work. ..."

Home Is Where the Bodies Are

by Jeneva Rose

The Ritual: A Dark College Romance

by Shantel Tessier

Barrington University is home of the Lords, a secret society that requires their blood in payment. They are above all—the most powerful men in the world. They devote their lives to violence in exchange for power. And during their senior year, they are offered a chosen one. People think growing up with money is freeing, but I promise you, it’s not. My entire life has been planned out for me. I never got the chance to do what I wanted until Ryat Alexander Archer came along and gave me an option for a better life. He offered me what no one else ever had—freedom. I chose to be his. He made me believe that anyway, but it was just another lie. A way that the Lords manipulate you into doing what they want. After being sucked into the dark, twisted world of the Lords, I embraced my new role and allowed Ryat to parade me around like the trophy I was to him. But like all things, what started out as a game soon became a fight for survival. And the only way out was death.

Why I Don't Sleep on Feather Beds (Frightland #2)

by R. H. Grimly

Gavin and his sister Torrie aren't thrilled to be staying at Great Aunt Ethel's farm. It's in the middle of nowhere, Aunt Ethel is a little weird, and Gavin is forced to sleep on an old, lumpy feather bed. Then Gavin discovers something worse: the lumps are moving. Torrie thinks he's just crazy--there's no way something's alive inside the mattress--until the lumps begin to hatch... Why I Don't Sleep On Feather Beds is the second book in the Frightland series, chilling tales of terror for kids of all ages.

The Bones at the Bottom of the Lake (Frightland #3)

by R. H. Grimly

Fiery lights at night and a ghostly figure at the end of the dock are making Jacie's stay at a summer cabin on the lake eerie enough. But when her younger brother Cal pulls bones from the water with his fishing pole and a strange girl named Chloe warns them to put it all back, Jacie starts to wonder what's really hidden at the bottom of the lake. The Bones at the Bottom of the Lake is the third book in the Frightland series, chilling tales of terror for kids of all ages.

Donut Shop of Doom (Frightland #4)

by R. H. Grimly

Something about the new donut shop and its seriously weird baker doesn't sit right with Bridger. When people start disappearing and a mysterious green light is seen in the back of the shop at night, it's up to Bridger and his friend Sage to figure out what's really going on before everyone is consumed by the deadly donut craze! Donut Shop of Doom is the fourth book in the Frightland series, chilling tales of terror for kids of all ages. Visit to learn more about the series and join the official fan club!

The Wildman of Shaggy Creek (Frightland #1)

by R. H. Grimly

Something lives in the woods behind Scott's new house. It's big, it's hairy, and it smells worse than a dead skunk in the rain. When Scott accepts a dare to camp in the woods all night, Hailey is the only friend who will help him. But Scott doesn't really believe in the creature lurking along Shaggy Creek—it's just a story, right? The Wildman of Shaggy Creek is the first book in the Frightland series, chilling tales of terror for kids of all ages.

No Inclination: Inspired by the Chris Watts Case

by Tania Hagan

Inspired by a true crime. Handsome, reliable Charlie Spencer is a loving husband and father. His wife is a beautiful, self-made businesswoman who’s found success in online cosmetic sales. Together, the Spencer’s are raising two precious little girls, with their first boy on the way. To the rest of the world, Charlie and Cassandra have everything, including a tidy McMansion in Southern California’s Inland Empire. And their relationship appears perfect until the day Charlie’s wife and children disappear without a trace. As his cover story begins to unravel, local law enforcement, along with the California Bureau of Investigation, turn up the heat on Charlie. Told through the voices of the victims and the killer, this story explores questions, and provides answers, that are truly stranger than fiction. What really happened that fateful night? Did Charlie act alone? And what were the victims thinking as he snuffed out their lives methodically, one-by-one?

Ratings Game: Talk Show Queen (Tracy Gayle Mysteries)

by Trish Hubschman

The Danny Tide story continues. <P><P> Somebody’s trying to kill the rock star’s second wife, talk show hostess Blair Nelson. Danny and Tracy, now a couple expecting a baby, get pulled into it because Danny finally agrees to do an interview with his ex–wife. She’s been bugging him for a while. <P><P> That evening, after a draining day at Blair’s studio, when Danny and Tracy are home in bed, Danny’s phone goes off. It’s his and Blair’s daughter, Liz, announcing that she found her mother unconscious on her bathroom floor. Blair ingested a drug overdose. <P><P> Who would want to eliminate the talk show queen, and why? Could the perpetrator be Blair’s housekeeper? Her personal assistant? The owner of the television station? The show’s producer? Even Danny and Liz are on the suspect list. <P><P> Everyone had opportunity, but no one has a motive. They’re all devoted to Blair. <P><P> They need Blair to wake up and give them some answers.

The Wuhan Mission

by Irving Waters

The top virologist in the country has been given a dark directive that may have horrific consequences, not only for him and his own daughter, but for the global population. The CIA have caught wind of a plot, but they need to send in one of their own. Nobody can be trusted. A young recruit has caught the CIA’s attention. She was born in Beijing, but spent most of her life in the States. Her life will be thrown into the deadly game of cat and mouse, pitting operative against a double agent to either save the world or to bring down the global economy. From Langley to Wuhan, Beijing to New York and finally in Milan, how will it end?

The Killing of Orphism (Gretel #6)

by Christopher Coleman

It has been two years since The Book of the Crippling was destroyed, and the quest to find the last remaining copies of Orphism is nearing an end. But the journey has not been without cost, both physically and financially, and the quartet of hunters--Gretel, Anika, Hansel and Petr--now find themselves on the last continent of the Village of the Elders' list. <p><p>And it is here where the real danger begins. This final land of darkness presents a new type of Orphic magic, volatile and coveted, more powerful and perilous than Gretel ever could have imagined. But Gretel is committed to erase from the planet the scourge of her dark heritage, and despite the evils in front of her, nothing will stop her from that goal, even if it costs her the lives of her family.

The Accidental Joe: The Top-Secret Life of a Celebrity Chef

by Tom Straw

A maverick celebrity chef reluctantly agrees to let the CIA use his hugely popular international food, culture, and travel TV series as cover for a dangerous espionage mission.When the CIA approaches celebrity chef Sebastian Pike about using his award-winning food and culture travel show as cover for espionage, the outspoken bad-boy host says no. When they point out how roaming the globe interviewing foodies, heads of state, rock stars, journalists-in-exile, poets, subversives, supermodels—even the pope—gives him perfect cover, Pike smiles and says, &“F@#! no.&” They push. Promising it&’s only one mission. Vowing he won&’t be in danger. Calling him the MVB: Most Valuable Bystander. They&’d embed their top agent in his crew to do the spy work. It&’s still no. But when they hit him with the patriotism card, he weakens. And when romantic sparks crackle between him and the female agent, Pike&’s all in, kicking off a romantic spy thriller in which the globetrotting celebrity chef uses his TV series to help sneak Putin&’s accountant out of Russia before he&’s exposed as a mole for US intelligence. The high-stakes mission quickly puts Pike in harm&’s way. So much for MVB. There&’s danger, there&’s double dealing, there&’s torture, there&’s shooting with real bullets. Plus, a minefield of complications from the hot romance that grows between Pike and his gutsy CIA handler-producer, Cammie Nova. From Paris to Provence, this chef is no bystander. Beyond their attraction, Pike and Nova become an operational team, not only to survive the perils they face but to pull off an operation fraught with one twist after another, capped by a shocking, emotional climax.

Enemies Among Us: A Nick Reagan Thriller

by Jeffrey S. Stephens

As Nick Reagan hunts down the terrorist mastermind, The Handler, he uncovers corruption at the highest levels of government—perhaps even within his own CIA.Nick Reagan and his team of talented CIA operatives have managed to prevent three horrific attacks planned by the ruthless terrorist known worldwide as The Handler. Cunning and resourceful, The Handler has eluded capture, and now Reagan is determined to track him down. As he assembles clues to the possible whereabouts of his prey, Reagan&’s superiors in the CIA inexplicably order him to stand down. Accustomed to flouting authority, Reagan ignores the directive while seeking to identify the source of this obstruction. As he probes, it becomes increasingly evident that the evil he faces is corruption from within. His suspicions growing, Reagan expands his efforts beyond the dangerous hunt for The Handler to an active investigation of both his own government and those who possess the real influence in Washington. Collectively, these are the most formidable adversaries Reagan has ever faced: the rich and powerful who control our energy resources, including oil and lithium; Big Pharma; the media; and the funding of politicians for their personal beliefs and gains. Charting an unfamiliar course amidst the pervasive treachery and deadly secrets inside the nation&’s capital, Reagan is not sure who he can trust as he works to expose the worst of America&’s elite—those who believe in a New World Order. Violent confrontations intensify with each new act of treason he unearths, leaving Reagan to rely on his patriotic instincts as he and his team risk their lives to bring down these traitors and restore safety and freedom.

The Accidental Queen

by L.R. Jackson

Coming to America meets Bridgerton in this enthralling, contemporary debut novel by L.R. Jackson which blurs the lines of forbidden romance and showers hopeless romantics with a second-chance love reunion.Unlike fairy tales of old, sometimes a woman must fight to save her king. Ebony Rose desires the freedom to love without limits—but that&’s for people who aren&’t harboring the kind of skeletons that could threaten their very existence. Desperately running from her past and a broken heart, Ebony refuses to allow anyone to get close to her—until she crosses paths once more with Dafari, the knight in shining armor she lost long ago. The last thing King Dafari expects to find in New York is the girl who got away—although he had hoped. Marrying a woman outside of his culture is strictly forbidden, and the clock is ticking for him to choose a queen. However, Ebony Rose embodies all the qualities he seeks in a mate and a matriarch for his country, and Dafari is determined to make Ebony his, despite the laws and traditions that stand between them. Then he makes a grave discovery that causes his world to spiral and leave him questioning everyone he loves. Secrets buried under betrayal emerge, threatening to destroy the bond between Ebony and Dafari. Will they survive the sinister conspiracy surrounding them, or will royal misdeeds and scandal topple their chance at redemption and true happiness?&“The Accidental Queen will be your new obsession! Its diversely crafted world and wicked-sharp detail speaks to why L.R. Jackson is the multifaceted author we all need.&” —Shanora Williams, New York Times bestselling author of The Perfect Ruin

American Gunner (Gunner)

by Eddy Clark D. Andrea Whitfield

Imaginatively rendered and a gripping debut, a young man&’s dance with the criminal underworld lands him in international hot water and left vying for his life in this crime thriller mash-up of American Gangster and The Bourne Identity. Raphael Waters grew up accustomed to being in a constant state of survival. When he becomes the muscle for known street figure, Rah, he believes his life has taken a turn for the better. That is until a string of unfortunate circumstances leave Rah missing and Raphael grasping for answers in the streets of the concrete jungle—once again. A chance encounter with the intriguing Alex Gatts promises to be the life-changing turnaround he needs. Alex Gatts is the perfect mixture of beauty and brawn. She rules the nightlife of South Bend with every click of her sky-high stilettos. When she hires Raphael as her bodyguard, an unexpected friendship develops, sparking a lucrative business proposition that could give Alex the edge she desires. Raphael lets his guard down and breaks his cardinal rule: Never trust a woman. Together they embark on a series of real estate deals that solidifies their standing amongst the country&’s elite and most powerful syndicate. When an international business deal of a lifetime goes awry, Raphael is left holding the bag in enemy territory. &“This story hooked me from the very first page . . . all the twists and turns you need in a suspense story, including a romance you never expected to happen! I highly recommend it for fans of crime thrillers. You won&’t be disappointed.&” —Shakir Rashaan, bestselling author of Neverwraith

Blaque Pearle

by Tarris Marie

Tarris Marie&’s debut novel intertwines crime, romance, and the &‘90s era. A refreshing new voice for urban romance lovers and women&’s crime thriller connoisseurs. Before her Hollywood dreams were shattered, Pearle Monalise Brown was the tenacious aspiring actress from Compton's unforgiving, scarred streets. Never broken, Pearle switches gears to a fallback plan—resorting to her beauty and acting skills to swindle money and expensive jewels. When she's hired by the Colombian cartel to steal a priceless Basquiat from the debonair kingpin and art collector, Blaque, her talents might not be enough to keep her from falling into a trap she never saw coming. Blaque is sagacious and handsome—not to mention the legacy of two powerful organized crime families: the Laurent&’s—known dons hailing from Kingston, Jamaica, and the Savage&’s—a sophisticated syndicate with criminal enterprises across the U.S. As Blaque and Pearle become passionately entangled, Pearle falls prey to a darker underworld. Time is ticking. Lives are at stake. Will these love outlaws be able to outsmart their enemies, or will they wage an all-out war, leaving the bodies to fall wherever they may? &“Both inspirational and a delight to watch, Tarris Marie is proof that limits and barriers exist only in our minds.&” —N&’TYSE, national bestselling author and film producer of Trap Soldiers

No Rules: an enemies to lovers

by Anita Rigins

How to win a game where you know neither the rules nor the codes? Barely arrived on her new campus, Iris witnesses a wave of hysteria in the college corridors. The most select group on campus has issued an invitation. Who wants to try to join? The Pack members rule the university: everyone knows them, and everyone wants to be part of it... Except Iris, who has very different priorities! But it was without considering Tucker, the leader of the group who is as horrifying as he is attractive, who has other plans for the young girl... And while the bad boy takes her into his sulfurous and disturbing world, the rules of which are unfamiliar, Iris will quickly realize that resisting temptation is no mean feat. Will she be ready to push the gates of hell alongside Tucker… at the risk of getting too caught up in the game?

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